Digging Through a Truckload of Paper Products

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good morning ish it's 11:30 resale rabbit Here I am at a local antique shop but he might owns it I had him look at that cuckoo clock I got yesterday he said in working conditions about 50-60 box he says really cool it has the box but it's not worth a whole lot yeah I was thinking about 50 to 100 so kind of on par with what he's saying so I'm gonna send it to a local auction company because I want no part of shipping this thing for a 50 $60 item it's not worth it sin-shoo a local auction company I'll probably get around that but right now well I'm still at the antique shop next I'm going to go to a vacant storefront it used to be a hardware store they sold leg fasteners and some holy crap I don't need the heat on it is hot out anyways it's 7,000 square feet I'm gonna see if I can rent it for three weeks because I'm starting to think about the next warehouse sale and I would love to have more space for it it's I don't wanna say it's out of the way it is in town but it's on the edge like on one end of town where's my warehouse is right centrally located in the middle so it's not as convenient location but if we can get more items out we can make more money we're gonna have to I know it's only been a few weeks since we had our last sale but we got to have another one I've got another fourth truckload coming its shipping out from Georgia tomorrow so probably Friday or so Thursday Friday we'll be here I don't even have place to put it so I'm gonna have to figure that out so it's time to sell some of this stuff additionally those razors I had a pallet of razors that would not sell so I started selling them by the case I still 10 cases already I've got three left so my case I mean like six cases in one box I was making smaller Lots that I can ship out they were definitely a hit around the jail and distributing Facebook group so let's go take a look at this space I don't have access to it but we can look in the windows and then I'm gonna discuss it with the landlord shortly so this is it here you can see we're on a pretty busy road inside is basically completely empty a couple of offices and then there's some windows on the front of the building around the back there is it's like this is a service door here that we're not going to use this is decent parking not great I would have liked to see more but my parking actually may end up being a big issue I mean we won't take this space because on our street see here's the other thing we've got an overhead door in the back so we can haul stuff winget pallets in this way I see you kind of see in there it's pretty open but one thing that's gonna be an issue is parking on my street we can park on the street here I mean a staff park back here we're gonna have one two three four five six seven eight nine and I think those so nine regular spots a handicapped spot and then two more there so 11 regular spots and then people are gonna start parking up there which is gonna upset the other tenants so it's actually less parking than I have because I've got ten spots that are designated for me but then I've also got the my neighbor it's only him there so we can kind of use some of his spots so probably about 15 in my parking lot and then the street we have none of that here so that could be a problem maybe this place won't work what's of course on the weekend it wouldn't be that big of a deal because a lot of these offices here look like places that would probably be closed on the weekend there's a space for rent and there's a thrift store here what they're gonna be they're definitely gonna be hoping on the weekend so I honestly don't know that might not be a good space it's nice that the building itself is financed just parking is gonna be a huge problem I'm gonna look around for something else so I came to the warehouse it's like 11:30 what time is it right now 11:09 p.m. and I'm still here and I'm not leaving anytime soon so I've got a truckload coming tomorrow I was anticipating it you know or on noon one o'clock that's usually when they show up so this place is a mess I have no room for a truckload the plan was to get it all come in in the morning get it all cleared out so we can unload the truck get a full load in here well I didn't work out I came here at 8:30 to uh I met a buddy of mine here he need he's moving he needs some moving boxes so when he got off work I met him over here to give him a stack of boxes that I've been saving for him well well I was here the truck pulled in now we're not gonna unload it tonight that's wasn't a consideration but that means we're gonna the first thing when I get in tomorrow I'm gonna be unloading I will have no time to clean or straighten up let me show you what this place looks like I've been working for a few hours now so we got a few boxes of trash here oh this is a new purchase today a trailer dolly someone posted brand-new in-the-box 60 bucks so I bought it it was like a hundred hundred and fifty something like that this area anyways this area was full I emptied a dough I did not put it on those shelves it was full and the shelves were full I put a couple of things on the shelves but that's it this area here there was a bunch of stuff I still only get this pallet of boxes out and some loose cardboard is getting thrown away but what we cleared I cleared out this area these finally sold 200 bucks there picking them up at 8 a.m. tomorrow I would just leave them outside when I get here in the morning but it's gonna be raining I cleared this out this wasn't much it was just the last of the racers I put them up there this pallet was all of those which I'm not getting any bites on it so I'm gonna put them in the next warehouse sale what else I need to clear off these shelves over here because I've got stuff going on there tomorrow I put the green carts small ones in here so we cleared out most of this corner it doesn't look too bad I still need to I'm gonna get rid of these empty pallets I'm just gonna stack them up and I'll bring them outside in the morning and you break down these boxes I need to find a place for these carts and I need to find a place for that and then of course this and then this areas don't oh I'm gonna clear this pile out which won't be too bad now let's take a walk over here look at that all of these carries these came on a pallet or on account on those pallets so you saw I posted them I know I don't I hate doing Facebook marketplace but I post them on facebook marketplace for 45 each see if we can do something with that so I got to move these because I can't fit a pallet through here so all of these have to move be moved or this one could probably stay and then this all needs to be cleared out because the rest of the truckload is going here now we're going to leave some of these pallets here's the plan is that one that one that one and that one I'm going to break down I'm going to put these three pallets there I'm gonna shove those in front of it we'll be able to get three rows of pallets here I got wood do something with that it's all going on shelves I guess so then we'll have three rows here of space or a few here and then one right where that cart sitting and then the rest here and hopefully they'll all fit it's gonna be raining it's all paper goods coming so I can't wheel them outside and leave them there until the truck leaves and then pull them in down there that is not an option another thing a lot of people have been asking about the other unit with the fireplace on the other side of that wall I really want to make it work I'm struggling to make it work so it's gonna be 1,300 a month landlord will not do any of the work at least not at that price this is what he offered me he said 1,300 month I take it as is and I can do all the work myself or 2,500 a month he wants me to reopen an additional three years of my lease that'd be four and a half years it'll be 2,500 a month I did the math four years an extra 1,200 a month on top of the 1,300 will be 57,000 I'm not paying 57 grand for it and he goes 57 it was a few days ago I did the math so I had some contractors come and give me a bid I'm told it's gonna be about 12 grand to do the work which I'm considering here's the thing so I've got a business here you know we've customers and whatnot that's one of the big reasons I want to take that so we have front entrance so we don't have customers coming in this nightmare that's not gonna be as I'm running the numbers everything it's not gonna be enough space the space that we're gonna be building out it's not gonna be enough it's just not possible I'm trying to look at every possible way and it's not and there's no more room to build out any further further than I am I want to move this wall to basically be in line here I could move it to the bathrooms but it's gonna be more cost and I'm still gonna need to leave this area clear to get through there so that's not an option and I can't go further that way because I need the fire door well what's currently a fire door but we use that door for warehouse sales so that's not an option either so I don't know one thought is to remove that fancy showroom altogether just complete make it this warehouse and then just have an opening another nice office but there's no idea because you're going from a nice office area into a warehouse it's wide open so I don't know what I want to do what I'm really hoping is my neighbor moves out he doesn't want to but if you can see there that line there and then right there that sheetrock there used to be an overhead door connecting my space to his that would cost like nothing to remove I'd pay my guy I could do it myself but I'd rather just pay so I'm gonna do it he'd probably charge me like a hundred two hundred bucks to remove it and now I've got you know three thousand square feet of space there but I have a neighbor there there's another space further down on the other side of this wall that is opened up it's about the same it's a little bit bigger than his space would cost me about 2,500 months but I'd spend 10 grand blowing a hole in this wall how do I know it's 10 grand because that's what I paid our 8 grand is what I paid to put that hole in for the door when I moved in because I installed why I didn't install it but I had that done if you remember the video that entry door was in the middle there's no overhead door that's not ideal 8 grand to blow into there not ideal so I asked him I asked him if he wants to move into there and then I would take that space I told them my plan and everything he says why I have zero interest in moving which I don't blame him because moving sucks plus it would be more expensive for him so my thought is to try and negotiate that a little bit cheaper and then pay for a portion of his or basically pay more here and then I take this space and then I'm gonna offer him $5,000 for him to move maybe that'll entice them maybe not maybe it's worth paying 10,000 but at that point I might as well just open up that wall although this would be more ideal because it's right across from the loading dock so I've got a lot to think about if I did that my total cost for his space the space I'm in now and the one in the front will be about six grand a month right now I'm paying fifty nine hundred a month for this warehouse and my other warehouse so be nice it would be a hundred bucks more but it'd all be under one roof which is well well worth it but I really don't know what I want to do about that I don't like my options so that's kind of my thought process right now what I'm thinking that's why it's been held up so long the contractor said he's ready to start next week which is awesome but it's not gonna be enough space for me if we do that plan so I don't know perfect world or perfect scenario as he moves so you can take his space and then we do something with that then I don't need to worry too much about space there because we can still use that one of my main thoughts reasons why I wanted to do this in addition having the front door was to be able to have that entire space for storing pallets well if the neighbor moves out then I'll have his space to store pallets if I can put some racking in there and actually get a forklift you can't do that here because well good lucky and a forklift over on that corner with a pallet on it regularly without knocking stuff over so anyways that's kind of the update on there so I'm gonna keep working on getting this cleaned out it is now 11 19 I'm tired if I get too tired where I'm not being productive I'm just gonna go home and go to bed because you know 4 hours of sleep is 4 hours of sleep whether I go to bed now and wake up in four hours or stay here for another 3 hours and wake up in 7 hours it's the same but I'm gonna be tired in the morning I want to be more productive if I'm awake tonight so I'm gonna try and get this as much done as I can tonight to limit what needs to be done tomorrow the reason we're so I couldn't do this earlier today is because I had someone call in sick and there's so much going around right now so I had to kind of cover for him and get this done the joys of being a business owner but we have a date set for our next set warehouse sale it's going to be and I gotta get back to work so I'm only gonna give you so much but it is important my calendar here it's going to be Thursday March 26 through Sunday March 29th and a couple days off again and we pick up again Thursday April 2nd through Sunday April 5th that's gonna be our next warehouse sale I'm getting pretty close to being caught up on these videos but I don't know if you're gonna see this before before I have the sale if not I'm gonna do another quick update video like I did last time it might be cutting it close I don't know we'll find out so anyways I'm gonna get this cleaned up I'll show you my progress and I'll show you that truck tomorrow morning so got a little progress done stacked up some pallets some of these were in the loading dock to get this area clear I can put two pallets here got my pallet of boxes out and it's about it so far all right this is looking pretty nice here I move the pallet of tools over there I got rid of the two carts that we're sitting here the reason I'm over the pallet of tools over there is so we don't need to try and guess how they'll fit so these two will be outside that's gonna be picked up tomorrow so I should be able fit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 we'll put the leave the last pallet on here there'd be 12 so that's almost half the truck I believe there are 28 pallets on this truck so with 12 down that's 16 more we have to fit back over here also this happens which just makes my day miserable I look like I got in a fight I washed my hands a lot you know my hands get dirty and dusty loose I wash my hands probably five minutes ago they're already dusty this happens when I wash my hands they just get so dry and cracked I use good hand soap I use good hand lotion multiple times a day and yet still happens it's really only in the winter but it absolutely sucks it's terrible all right at 7:00 a.m. I basically went home shortly after I showed you that so these are not getting picked up at 8:00 a.m. they had to push it back because freezing rain the guy who's picking it up I am running on four hours of sleep right now I'm really tired let's get this place ready for a truck once this truck is unloaded I very well might go home and take a nap okay so we started we got two pallets off the floor and some of the boxes out what I need to do though just get this pallet emptied it's only six boxes under this stuff get that pallet emptied and get those two pallets emptied I don't know if I'm enough time for that once I get all this stuff off the floor man it's gonna be close maybe some of these pallets are double stacked it won't take as my pallet spaces because this one I really don't want to take down but I also just wheeling empty pallets through here yeah this is really tight so I need to get at the very least those three moved before we start loading the truck in all right got some stuff off the floor and eliminated this pallet stacked it all up there so we have this area cleared out we're pretty clear over here I decided not to take this one apart but the other two I did and the reason is because I think we can go two rows here so that might help I have to just move these three things and we're ready to go so we're ready to unload looks like they double stacked a lot of them so we're gonna have plenty of space so about halfway through and we're side loaded so I get the neighbor coming with a forklift to pull them off for us and we are all empty it out just looks like something left behind in here [Music] doilies alright alright so this load here's my guy spent thirty five hundred I'm told paper goods he didn't know how many pallets it was gonna be but looks like we got some neck folded napkins so I think those are the same more folded napkins some toilet paper or this might be paper towel this stuff sells really well I don't know what this is Oh kick tricks like you would get a cake at the grocery store in we've got some towel dispensers bags these will make good use this looks like a shoe box [Music] get it off yeah for some reason shoes I'm not gonna complain and a coffee maker here this looks like an entire pallet of these wipes these will do so well in the sale get a whole pallet of them here we've got more paper towel toilet paper where we have here see fold towel and I don't even know it's in that box we've got some dispensers poster are these doilies some sort of floor matting it's weird I thought it would be rubber it's like a hard plastic we have here gloves I guess more bags perforated foodservice wrap a roll I have no idea cellophane maybe product oh one roll sheets per row nice one of these was open so I can look at it all right let me grab a knife so it is yeah cellophane and then we've got spoons they're plastic but they look like metal so they're fancy looks like more bags this one's collapsing but we've got toilet paper or paper towel that's probably paper towel this is I think takeout containers these are napkins maybe all themes napkins your printer stands for some reason on here this box of - sand weighted base I'm not I think you can see one here I think it's basically bags of sand to be a weights for something and that's it up here that's the tools that have been in here over here you get a full pallet of something and then we've got a small pallet of looks like paper plates okay van Gogh's garden 16 count three plied dinner paper art I'm gonna guess napkins maybe more toilet paper paper cups or you have paper cups over here we've got just a whole bunch of different things it's a lot of volume on this pallet start your day school tray Oh feel like tag or the cardboard like a paper plate would be made of um I have no idea what this is then over here more cups we've got a Gaylord of something in there there's a whole palette of this latex paint additive don't know if that's worth anything yeah whatever this is lithium batteries Oh Ryobi string trimmer for some reason this isn't even this isn't even wrapped with it so I'm gonna guess they just set it on there by mistake we've got more cups and whatnot here I think these are cups yeah these are those weird cone cups all right don't know what's up in here you can see whatever that is oh you're more stuff here then this blue palette is Meyer HBA you got a palette of cups here there's another blue palette of Meyer HBA right there and let's see if I can get back here this looks like a good one this is part of the paper products so we got say Kleenex yep Kleenex a heating pad looks like this came out of CVS we got shaver those wall boxes we saw are these popcorn shapers first aid kits another heat on it's the same game pad hot and cold pack so this one looks how like it's heavy and HBA some of this stuff might actually go pretty well on eBay another shaver down here here's that Meyer pallet again it's supposed to be Maier HBA can't see much in there but I'm not sure let me climb up top so we can get an upper view so here's more HBA that box right there is full of Cologne so we're gonna throw that on eBay we've got another pallet of something there and then that last pallet right there is all underwear and thermal pants so I paid 3500 for all the paper products I paid I want to say 950 each on these blue pallets I paid I think 900 on that and then 1500 on that they're 500 pairs there so 3 bucks apiece so I'm starting to go through this this is all paper plates each box contains 6 12 packs of these I sure doesn't look like twelve there's 12 packages to a case of twelve eight counts I don't know where I got six so each one has 12 of these eight count packages and there are let's say five by six so 33 boxes of them so this looks like it's mostly cases of napkins some of these are like this is a van Gogh painting all right their van gogh's garden it's actually written out on there more but then we've also got boxes of plates cups but most of this is napkins of different styles and whatnot sort of Valentine probably more plates like these what else know what these little boxes are shades of autumn three-ply beverage to make some sort of cups no cocktail napkins this might be a bit of a tough sell individual I might end up just selling them by the pallet Oh what else these are the school trees we looked at wonder what these are are these the same thing I think so I think you've got some cups on top here so this box is a little heavy I kind of open but I haven't looked at it yet napkins looks like pull the napkins for dispensers oh that's dusty well let's come over here with these these are worth anything they're not there's one listed for 1395 free shipping on ebay done sold looks like they were manufactured about seven years ago though that would be what November oh oh one three one thirteen so about seven years ago someone to make sure this stuff is still any good and doesn't go bad this stuff that's been sitting in a warehouse for a while we've got a whole pallet of it here I don't even know what this stuff does Oh see helps eliminate brush and roller marks oh I don't see anything it says how long it should last so I might need to look up on their website I mean it's not dried or anything it's still liquid inside is that we've got now this Ryobi trimmer let's see what this looks like inside I don't even think I was supposed to get this I have a feeling they sell a lot of lawn tools I have a feeling this was just set on top of this pallet and forgotten about sure looks new to me I'm gonna actually test it out but here's the nice thing we've got a battery and a charge oh maybe that's not new but I've got a battery and charger here so that means I can test more of those if I don't find any batteries all right so we have takeout containers chicken salad something little foam containers I think that's the same thing as these or the six count donut surprise donut boxes this is one that intrigues me so this is blue wrap on so this might be turns out this isn't my er the banana boxes there are my er this all he knows is major retailer he doesn't know where so I'm curious about these popcorn shapers if these are worth anything none sold by should have no problem get a buck apiece for these from the warehouse sale people see that and get ideas you gotta get this in left hand Koby all right let's see what else this is the palette that I'm curious about because I know I paid up for these the top is gonna be these popcorn shapers so also on top as seen on tv simply fit before oh that's got some weight to it hello these things okay they'll sell so we've got one two three four looks like five cases of these and then this what I paid for it I hope this isn't junk I need a night you get this plastic off all right I don't know what it is okay these are just mixed items because we've got a cookie press here on these blue bits WM right oh that's oz Wilson so I should get something for those but I don't think that's what was originally in this box because look at the extra space although this is the same company so let's open another one this one's already open this looks like it might be basically a pallet full of Wilton stuff we've got beads see it's not Wilton so more these knitting needles those I didn't realize they sold these in such small quantities little water bottle okay so I was expecting more health and beauty type stuff which obviously this isn't the case it looks like it should be some good sellable items a little bummed out that we're getting paper products since you know I've got wanting something pallets of paper products let's go to another box so here's the palette of underwear I'm gonna crack a couple of these open should be 500 pairs at three bucks per pair and it's gonna be a mix of underwear and thermal pants so these are the pants base layer pants and they're all different sizes let's get this one open [Music] is hanging champion Brenda this is the champion brand 1199 and then I'm assuming I paid three books before if I paid three each or three for the 2-pack here's another type of box here [Music] just a little bit not a big deal most of this is going in the sale the champion this is a 2-pack these like 21 bucks sit on here no I mean you can't see what I'm looking at these are like 21 bucks at Target I got him for three per box so there are 500 total on here looks like they labeled them as that we're counting them so 500 total what world is this alright I'm going to try to pull one of these out and hope I don't have a big collapse won't come out easy it's like taking down a load-bearing wall all right so serving or Irving paper products I don't know if that's a brand or if it's supposed to say serving it's not easy to open these with one hand it's like paper tablecloths maybe cuz I got a whole pallet of these so I'm seeing why I paid 3500 for these paper products but overall it's still a lot of volume and decent stuff it'll be good for the sale I'm gonna try and get this back in there though you never know it came off this is a whole pallet of cups of paper 16 ounce cups I'll see what's up there let me see if I can safely it's kind of collapsing all right Dooney table covers so basically the same thing is what was below it I already looked at those balance boards they're different colors I wonder I'd like to be able to get to that one there I don't really see a good way I'm gonna step there but then not so much yeah this is what I do so this pallet all right I'm good this is what excited me about this one is this box here and it's pretty small but it's clone nonetheless these are bigger $10.99 I'm guessing that's per bottle it does for all three this is probably just how they're ship so an original price of 1099 so not a crazy value maybe some of this there's adidas down here maybe some of this can go on eBay otherwise it'll be pretty good a hit during the sale we've got protein powder and that's good it's currently March like 5th or something so that'll last for a while deodorant that one was open oh let's see you know stuff like this but this will possibly go on there here is the other blue rat palette I'm gonna give it over here don't try this at home folks Trey's alright so we've got this this is another this probably just fell off of that pallet that we're probably next to each other on the truck so you got some sort of piece of furniture there California pure minerals some was this essential oils a facial hydrator that might be worth something money bear all right let me I can kind of stand there with there's not a lot of space let me cut some of this open I cut a bit open but I see a price tag up here I'm curious what store this came out of can you see that does anyone know where that stores from bargains in a box I've never heard that that could also be the brand maybe try me button does nothing that was like a thrift store tag no if this came from a major retailer none alright let's duck down here we have here cups I guess bowled cups we got scuba set we've got some martini glasses more of this Halloween decor I'm not getting a great look at it I'm kind of crunched down in here I don't know how much more I'm gonna be able to see on this one this was a good palette I already showed you about it as much as I can show you on that right now let's see what's in there below the cups I gotta get out of here first though what if I can climb over this way maybe all right how do I get these cups off first then we can get to the pallet this is interesting these aren't just paper cups they're branded from something Kona ice I have no idea so that's what these are look where this palette once lived so I'm in a hidden Facebook group I don't know how well hidden it is but it's only for Toys R Us former employees I managed to weasel myself in when they were closing so I just posted it there this looks like boxes but if you look under there there's more stuff down there this stuff is so dusty looks like you've got a lot of school supplies in here blue sky that's a relatively big brand I've gotten this on Walgreens and Office Depot mm see if there's a brand in here no I'm looking for branding Thanks stores LED lights that looks like Lowe's I think obviously it wants this stuff holy gosh we can come from blows that I don't know if that's a Walgreens brand or not yet Walgreens so this might all be out of Walgreens oh no focus these planners are from 2016 to 2017 this stuff sat in a warehouse for a long time I mean I only paid 3540 forth so I'm not too upset with it now I see why it was only 3,500 ose some exciting yeah just a little notebook it's a lot of this is gonna go on the trash or recycling I should say this looks like it's gonna be mostly notebooks and these little dry erase things so what I might do with this palette is just put it out on the sale day and let people dig just in deeper oh oh so you make it look like you're hanging out with the Beiber I'm trying to get this on camera so it looks like I'm there all right all right this is not fun this is probably gonna be the best one of the best palettes in here because a lot of this stuff might go on eBay this is CBS anti-aging therapy but any of this type of stuff is probably going to be expired just based on what I'm seeing and all the other things doesn't look like a lot of medicine it's a first aid kit you don't see a date on here what about this and try to find an expiration date on something I don't see a day up eight oh you can't see that eight of 1987 so this is probably manufacturer date and that's probably the expiration date expires 2018 but you know we got stuff like this that doesn't expire this that's just a case and blades and that's probably going to be expired more blades blade is the brand we have over here hot and cold pads a water bottle these are electric toothbrushes the little one-time use of ones well one time used until the battery is dead given the fact how old it looks like this stuff has been sitting I don't see a date on here I'm gonna say pretty much any consumable like this it's probably the expired band-aids mayonnaise never mind is healing ointment well technically so is mayonnaise um you don't see any dates we've got gentle tape that's the tape that soothes you and takes care of you tampons deodorant want to get rid of your otters you get the deodorant another razor I don't know if these CVS brand razors are worth anything if it'll definitely sell in the warehouse so Oh wonderful NYX that's a good brand but again I'm gonna need to look up I'm assuming that's the batch code you look that up before I sell it if I'm a saw online that is almost guaranteed gonna be passed date though you kind of get an idea of what's in here more hand sanitizer put this stuff on ebay not gonna do that this funny that people are doing that or maybe it's not funny I don't know more funny people are buying it anti-aging therapy let's get a lot number on it with no expiration they'd have to look that this was neat it's a spray there's no bottle in it well it's a spray applicator so you can get to your back more usually I wonder if it'll work it's probably got to work without fits most standard continuous spray cans you can't read that so I might have to keep this you get the idea on this one more champions that's only as a damaged template that's probably a lady stuff all right I'm going home that's all I got for today is first I thought was one of those balance boards but it doesn't look like it yeah let's just glance through and seat there any more interesting pallets worth digging on right now let's take a walk over here seriously this stuff has been sitting forever these sandbags I almost wonder if there's like a full heavy bag attached to it or if it's just the base I'm not sure these I pull there we go the plastic gloves made for food service I could probably I'm in debated for myself up by the pallet or individually it's a pretty light box clears of straws but it also says clear zombie let's find out hopefully it doesn't fight me just literally just clear straws okay don't know why it says zombie Oh a lot of Dixie spoons this one intrigued me because there's other stuff in here so let's oh this is like a rubber it's just a really hard rubber it almost feels like a plastic is this it looks like coffee but based on how old this stuff is its best before 2019 or 1:23 so expired about a year ago I'm sure it's still fine I'm gonna take that but you can't see that I might take that home I better have two drinks a lot of coffee what is this so yeah heavy cast-iron something or other big tray or something bluestar interchangeable griddle charbroiler system right well the rest of this looks like dispensers oh did we look at this I don't remember see full tile yeah I think we did we looked at this as whole pallet as these gonna figure out what that was changing table path scissors three of them so that might be something worth throwing up on eBay Oh what else son here that I think it's just another dispenser yep so you got an old coffee maker and a pair of shoes I've never heard of the brand but never know get something for it size 10 this is all looks like Halloween multifold towels napkins Kleenex roll towel and then this is all those those cake dishes and you can see what they look like and that's everything I forgot I can't go home I have all of this not that all of that and all of this that needs to be hauled to the post office I have to do that I'm really dreading that I forgot to go yesterday so this is two days worth of stuff a lot of people on a previous video mentioned that they thought I was just cutting and pasting these labels these are actual labels I'm not cutting sheets of paper but a lot of the boxes are really dusty in here so we throw a piece of tape over it just for good measure we don't do that on the the mailers here just on the boxes so I started going through these cake things on eBay one sold a 10 pack for 37 there are a hundred packs or 160 packs listed for like 200 bucks if I remember right I just looked up g23 cake dome and these came up I'm gonna do a little more research but there's 1600 of them here and I looked at these damaged boxes they're perfectly fine inside is just because there's extra space you know they don't go right to the edge of the box that's why they got damaged I didn't check every single one but it's just the damaged boxes that I was more concerned about my main reason was because I figured well if this is damaged I can't sell it let me grab a couple that I can bring the bakery's as samples but they're all still sealed so not gonna do that but I did find stock photos so almost people can find a bakery that would take them I can move them for I might try to get 50 cents apiece I'm gonna really look to see what wholesale is on these with other brands and whatnot 50 cents apiece this is 800 bucks for this powe remember I paid 3,500 for all of it plus shipping everyone always gets mad because I don't mention the shipping so 3,500 plus give or take 1500 shipping but that shipping also covered the other pallets so let's just say a thousand shipping going towards this stuff so 4500 bucks if I can get any 100 for this one pallet that's a good step in the right direction I'm really excited about these this might be the best of it all other stuff that I could try you know a lot of restaurants use these so I might try to sell those but as a pallet as well see if I can get anything for that well I don't know what I'm gonna do with these I'm hoping some of these boxes because it's box 2 of 2 I'm hoping some of these boxes are one of two mucks two of two these might all be the basis so I don't know what I'm gonna do with those but I mean sentry that's a good brand in this stuff right let me look it up on eBay so no listings on eBay but that could just be because if they're sand weighted these might be 50 75 pounds maybe even a hundred pounds so I wasn't quite thinking there I don't see the weight on any of these that's not to say he's not on the box I just don't see it but I've got there's six seven there's probably another hey looks like another seven here so get 14 of them that's one where I have no clue what I'll do with it I might just put him in the sail let him go for one two five bucks just to get rid of them but that's kind of a plan even like this stuff let me look this up so I couldn't find anything on eBay but I did find another website selling this for it was like 14 bucks a roll but these are perforated sheets in the picture they showed cookie is wrapped up in it so again restaurants maybe maybe whoever whatever bakery buys those will buy these as well and maybe the gloves I'm gonna sum these dispensers maybe some napkins but I mean if I give them a good enough price and they have room to store it they'll definitely want it oh what's this what's this what's this spoons um those are fat straws but they're zombies okay okay I got to get out of here I'm actually back this is my second trip I got all that dropped off except for the big boxes and was leaving these behind cuz I figured I'd fill up the drop box I didn't they had just emptied it out so I'm gonna bring the rest
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 30,679
Rating: 4.8674464 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: P2y7PBnLfLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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