The Holiday 2020 Warehouse Sale was our Best Yet!

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good morning everybody resale rabbit here a little late this morning than normal it's 6 a.m oh by the way it's time for a warehouse sale it is december 3rd the reason you know normally i'm here between 4 and 5 a.m i don't know if you can hear that one of those toys every time we turn on and off the light it likes to talk uh so the reason is because i'm pretty much set up there's not a lot left to do so here's 10 a day i have to get these boxes out but we've got a whole bunch of christmas stuff this came out of target last year we're doing these one last time i had these out of shopko i've got about six cents into each we're selling for a buck the wholesale get three boxes there a lot of this stuff came out of target last year these actually came on the target pallets these i had on ebay for a year and they didn't sell so these will be sold off we got some wrapping paper all this stuff came out of target last year i believe these came on the recent target pallets as well same with this stuff under the table here this where did i get that now i think it was on a pat those melissa and doug pallets maybe or maybe something else that was just randomly on top of a truckload that i bought um so that's ready to sell more christmas stuff we've got these animated santas my cost on this stuff from target is ten percent so three dollars and fifty cents on these uh we've got some projectors some christmas lights all that stuff some tree stands down here the wreaths those came on the recent target load more lights and then ornaments here and we've got a lot more christmas stuff up top that we'll be putting out also christmas sweaters all of these sweaters and some of them are like game of thrones um stranger things i believe these are coca-cola uh these are going to be or these came from target last year i've got about three bucks each in them these came from the target pallets not the recent truckload but the target pallets that i got a few months ago and then some more stuff here the save ferris shirts mouse rat if you're parks and rec fan that's one of the guys his band on the show some jackets and we i didn't find three of these blankets left over from the last sale i remembered i opened a box in the other warehouse to show them on a video and forgot to bring them uh we've got these clocks here they are 54.99 at target so 10 here i did save 15 weighted blankets that i was going to sell at consignment stores and stuff never got around to it so we'll sell them in the sale they'll be gone the first hour uh some melissa and doug activity mats some patio furniture i didn't realize they still made them like this anymore but these just came out of target we got some toys over here uh what else i have to bring the carts out by the way i pulled up at 6am there are two cars waiting outside two hours before we open uh so odds and ends we get a lot of this perfume this and then some ariana grande out of walgreens some heating pads mugs hair dryers curlers these were selling in a four pack for 10 bucks some electronics a lot of the electronics came out of office depot but then we've got some like this and that came out of target on the most recent load markers these excuse me these are 1679 at office depot when we bought them out so my cost is three percent of that they should sell some at 10 but the i've got like four boxes like that some toner this is not the same toner from the last sale this is from the second office max that we got as well as some odds and is down there from that store other stuff a lot of this came out of target and then we've got some walgreens over here i have to get a sign on this we're doing these two for a buck um i got these out of office max i don't know what retail was i paid three percent of retail but for reference i got 168 of them for eight dollars and some change and then there's another transaction with another box of them so i mean that's a two for a buck that's 40 or that's 80 bucks right there for my eight dollar purchase uh more oznins here's some of the other cologne adidas uh ariana grande elizabeth taylor uh moving over here we've got more toys these i found these are from the melissa and doug pals and i saved these for when i had my store forgot about them so they're gonna sell today more random toys most of these toys are from walgreens there's a little bit like these spirit dolls from walmart um these things came from walmart they sold well last time i don't know if it was because of halloween or not or as as we get some on the floor for kids to dig through and beg their parents for some poopy head games of these i think it's like a blanket that turns into a stuffed animal super bowl hat that came out of walgreens we've got some purses i do have extra boxes of these two but i don't think i have any extra of those um these actually came from amazon the amazon palettes i don't know why it was supposed to all be returns that's not returns that's gonna be like overstock but i'm not complaining some shoes i've got about a pallet of these backpacks they're 40 bucks at target so we're gonna try and move as many as we can today this is two cases of these shirts i've got two more in the back uh and then some more oz and ends up here backpacks with a little poof poof on it and then some avengers backpacks down here we've got some weights i don't know if these will sell at 10 bucks i honestly don't know what they're worth but i know weights are not easy to find in stores right now i've got a pallet of them that came in from target surprisingly some more oz nines a little bit of amazon stuff here trays these lamps will sell very fast so i need to make a decision quick if i want to keep this one or not because i like that one uh anchor lamps some curtains these are nice light filtering curtains and then some just regulars and blackout curtains picture frames i've got about a pallet of these bath rugs too i don't think i'm gonna sell many of them until the end some underwear some of this you recognize uh and then we got this and this from target and i keep forgetting i've got some base layers i want to put in there here we got a brand new pair of levi's i guess i need to fill in that spot too some sweaters i had these on ebay for a little over a year and they're just not moving so we're throwing them in the sale they came on amazon pal a while ago i've got six cases of these six per case so 36 units left and then one case of those they came into with target yarn i've got so much yarn we're selling by the three packs we can start early later in the sale we might do them individually i haven't decided yet depends on how well they sell some swiffers cat tunnels bed sheets we've got full twin and california king and i've got a lot more california king left um so here's some more that ariana grande uh perfume and whatever that is 25 bucks on price tag on it from walgreens we're selling for 10. and then i already showed you the christmas on the back wall we've got toys here this looks really nice and i think it's going to get cleared out pretty fast so we're going to need to figure out what we're going to put in place on it but all sorts of tim flip this one around this is the one that's always talking when you walk past it or when you turn the lights on uh so different toys and stuff and i think that's about it i don't think there's anything else left to show uh this stuff we'll be restocking from we've also got a little bit in the back yet um and that's pretty much it so that's the sale so i'm going to get started i have to get these carts outside i need to get some of this stuff cleared out a couple of gaps on the tables to fill up we'll be ready to open a couple of quick additions i'm about to do the video i put these pillows out sorta i don't know what they retailed but they might be worth 10. uh put signs up for those to try and move these backpacks put a sign on here what else oh i still need to fill that section of table up um put a bunch of lol surprise stuff out that came from walgreens and over here these desktop hutches i just want them gone they're in the way ten bucks each that's quite a deal my costume is actually seven so i'm still not losing money and then i put this palette out i believe that's oh poly bags ten bucks a case and tabletops again came from office depot 119 retail so that means i've got like three dollars and six cents i think in them so we're just about ready also gonna be one person short today tim isn't gonna be here so tim started feeling sick yesterday uh he went and got tested for covid his wife also got tested she was able to get rapid tests because of her job she was negative she did not have it but he still felt sick this morning he woke up he has a temperature so i told him don't come in today we're fine staff wise today and tomorrow um the weekend though the people that i've got helping out they're only doing thursdays and fridays so the weekend if tim doesn't come in i'm gonna either need to find something or it's just gonna be me and eli eli if you don't remember is the 15 year old kid he does a great job but first off two people is hard enough and then he's um not really able to make decisions on what should go out when because he doesn't know what stuff is worth um whereas pretty much everyone else does so basically he would be on the register the whole time and i'd be running around like crazy on the most busy days the weekend filling up tables but nonetheless um you know don't want tim here if he does have it and giving it to other staff or other customers from a business standpoint uh if other staff gets it suddenly we have to cancel the sale from a human standpoint we don't want to spread this virus to other people so i told him stay home he got tested yesterday like i said he didn't get the rapid test so we're waiting on the results obviously if he has a temperature even if it's negative he's not coming in but um you know if he just feels the you know without a temperature and it is a negative test then we'll just play by ear i guess how he feels if he wants to come in or not he was really bummed out that he couldn't be here but i told him not to come in because he enjoys these sales and he gets a very solid bonus for it obviously if he's only missing the first day or two i'm not going to deduct from his bonus but if he misses the whole sale i'm not giving him a bonus but anyways he'll get sick pay at least so i'm gonna get ready to do the video we'll be ready to open and 10 a day is in the books we did 11 451 in sales today we got slammed from the start we have a 25 person limit we hit that right we had six people waiting outside this morning and it's been pretty steady all day we've been trying to keep up all day so let's take a look at well how it looks toys cleared out pretty well we would probably condense it down and lose a table i mean we'll put more stuff there we didn't sell many of these i think we only sold six dollars worth here but that's fine um actually that pays for probably a third of them uh what else the clocks i found out halfway through there are two different styles of clock the other style we sold out this one we've got this and maybe half a pallet left not a lot i don't know if we sold any of these binders or folders we're selling them by the case but obviously you have to see the sign to recognize it so that's one thing that makes it difficult um looks like we sold most of the strollers i can put more of those out tomorrow uh we've got more toys here i don't know how full this one was if we cleared anything out there uh what else well just a few things here and there so this was the hair dryers and curling irons basically sold all of those we had a few couple left here we put these out and one actually sold q-tips we sold out this is the second box it looks like unless somewhere moved we sold two out of the second box eight total um i'm trying to remember what all was here we sold two of those uh the forks looks like the spoons are all that's left sold two of these what else where where else are we the winter coats the big green ones sold out we do still have some of the leather ones and these put a few more different things out uh what do these look like i believe i had four of each one so we sold one of these maybe i had five of each one because i've got five of this here uh two of that so we do have most of them here um looks like a decent amount of sweaters sold now christmas stuff i refilled in the past 30 minutes or so with the eight dollar day stuff so you can kind of see how that looks i put some more wrapping paper i put these trees out um what else did i put out the little campers uh you know some of these are 10 bucks retail so i want to wait till eight dollar day i'm a little surprised this didn't sell twenty twenty dollars retail i had multiple people say they really wanted it um i don't know what we sold for pams i think we only sold one of those i think the rest are all still here a lot of the projectors sold but we do still have a few left here um and then a lot of the ornaments sold this i think is the stupidest thing ever it's ten bucks retail that's what it was at target i paid a buck each i figured you know at least sell by two dollar day baskets we went through almost the whole pallet this is all that's left there were two per box there were probably 20 boxes or so so maybe 40 units we sold a good deal of those uh what else i don't think we sold anything off of this rack pillows we went through a case of pillows and looks like a couple extras toys are pretty cleared out you can see how empty this is i did put this up because these really don't seem to be moving uh but we cleared out of toys those annoying singing dinosaurs sold out very quickly and then we restocked and they sold out quickly sold some of these surprisingly i don't know what retail is but it seems like it should be less than that um where are the rc cars these i actually had reserved for five dollar day but i figured well since it's christmas time we put a couple out and they actually sell really well we put a whole bunch of them out uh over here we got two of those left it looks like all of the blue bags did end up selling some of those hung around for a little while the gray ones sold right away um these we've got six seven eight nine ten and there were 12 so we sold two of them and then one two three four five and one of those uh what else i put some of these out i might i'm not gonna put any more out i think i'll let these sell at eight but i'm not going to put any more out because i think these will do really well at 10 in the summertime over here pretty much all the underwear sold except for this stuff some of it sold um these these rugs are actually doing surprisingly well this is the third case we put out these chip and joanna gaines ugly rugs but um i mean we've got a pallet of those we'll probably have those until the end curtains um a case a case of both of these sold this is from the second case and it looks like we had some sales off of those all the lamps are gone i didn't end up keeping the wicker one i don't know how that happened uh let's see two four six eight looks like we did not sell any of the weights i think that's pretty much it i believe that's all i've got left to show you i don't know if i showed you the beginning um like exactly what it looked like right before we opened but i had a cart full of furniture here and then there were some table tops over there i just wanted to get rid of them and i did make a little i think i did mention that because i said i had like seven bucks in them sold all of those sold all the activity mats um these poly bags i put out a ton of these i was gonna throw them on a pallet and sell them but i figured i'd throw them in the sale just to get them out of here looks like we sold through most of them uh only six boxes left that's pretty much where we sit looks like we did sell uh maybe three toner cartridges not bad for ten dollar day so we did all right now restocking tomorrow's gonna be tough because we don't have a lot for eight dollar day uh we kind of started 10 and then five so we'll see what we can do we'll figure it out i have no idea how it's gonna look and i don't know if tim's coming back tomorrow he went to the doctor he said uh he called the doctor doctor said it might be lyme disease uh because he said he did get bit by a couple of ticks when he was hunting so that could be what it is i don't know this actually has a christmas gift several years ago that's why that's here and the reason everyone tries to get me a new wallet this old grubby wallet was actually my dad's he passed away about 16 years ago and i've been carrying it ever since and i plan on using it until it's not usable anymore so i figure if i can get 10 or 8 bucks for it so yeah it's about oh we put these out i guess one didn't so we put these out at two and a dollar because we've got so many of them i think we sold two of these and four or five of those this is it for the bed sheets we sold probably about eight ten cases of them uh what do we have left for these i think i've got one or two cases left and they're six in a case so there's six out that's pretty much all i have to show you so i'm gonna get a little bit more done tonight and then i'm going home and i don't know if we're gonna have tim tomorrow um at the very least tomorrow again we'll have justin and holly it's saturday that is gonna be tough if we don't have tim so we'll see what happens didn't sell a single one of these not surprising um maybe by the end of six dollar day i'll pull them for summer these are moving but not amazing i did put that on there we went through a case and maybe a half so anyways that's what the sale looks like i'm going to get a little bit more done and then probably call it a night it's 7 30 spent the morning setting up let me show you the highlight reel we put the last of those out over here oh i still need to do the base layers yet we move some of the soccer balls and stuff over here this is some amazon stuff um put those there a couple things just to kind of fill out this space over here we put the we're starting to sell this kleenex now we're gonna do a dollar each the wholesale uh we might do two for a dollar if they're not moving just because we've got a pallet of it uh organized everything else here filled in the toys i mean nothing to pretty much the same stuff as yesterday just kind of filled it out a little bit um same here with the toys and then we got rid of this pallet and i put this here so that is pretty much it and we're just about ready to go i just need to put cash in the register and uh we'll be good to go the back area looks much better than previous sales since we have through that door the back warehouse i've got a pallet of trolls here the last of the clocks and here's the exciting part we never had to fill up the dock i need to get rid of all this crap at some point i just keep the sign in here hence the cinder block and that's it so tim messaged me last night he said probably not going to be coming today he said he's feeling better he's kind of on and off yesterday uh waiting on test results for a couple of things the big one being that virus so he says odds are he'll probably be here saturday as long as that virus test is negative so that's a good sign because i don't know what we're gonna do saturday otherwise i'll be very understaffed this will just be me and eli so oh it's been a stressful week i haven't even been filming much it is saturday six dollar day yesterday we did about 6 500. um yesterday was bad we had nothing to put we were pulling up five dollar stuff i had multiple comments on facebook about how stuff wasn't worthwhile a lot of it was but a lot of it also wasn't and i keep hearing there's not a lot of stuff here we really need to figure out a better way to do this this target stuff was it was great inventory but we have too much of each item now i plan on buying more but the plan is i'll bring it in sort out so we don't have too much of it and sell off the volume and then the walgreens too at this point we're pretty much down to small toys and health and beauty type items and every time i hear there's not a lot here i take that as a personal failure because there's absolutely no reason there should be not a lot here but i'm trying to push out as much as i can solid start to the day numbers wise i don't know where we're at now it's about 10 o'clock at 9 30 we're at like 2 500. we're probably sitting around 33 3500 for the day so far so it's about two it's about two o'clock i don't need to wear this back here because i'm the only one back here um it's about two o'clock noon was the halfway point we were at 7 100 i haven't checked since but the reason that's noteworthy is at the halfway point we had beat yesterday's total day's sales we are sold out of those orange backpacks kind of i brought some back here this morning i pulled six boxes for back to school time i decided i'm saving them for back to school we sold out of the rest i think we've sold through i don't know six eight boxes today trolls dolls are sold out pillows just sold out the pillows i thought were gonna be just a crappy palette you know i've got like 520 bucks into each pallet i figured the pillows wasn't gonna make money but i think i actually profited a few hundred bucks on that palette i think i did pretty well on it just because of how many sold at at ten uh here's a fun thing i wish i would have thought had the foresight to show you to film it when i opened the box tim is the whitest person ever and here's why he was back here sorting walgreens over the past few weeks and i just opened a box that he sorted it was all um skincare hair care lotion shampoo stuff like that and in with all of these skin care and hair care was this yeah whitest person ever uh on a side note i'm taking this home because we actually need mayonnaise right now um so we're getting pretty empty over here i am reaching out to every liquidator i know within 500 miles to see if we can get some product because you're good it's facing me um you're in witness protection there now everybody knows that's tim hi everyone so anyways um where was i trying to get pallets within like 500 miles because it's saturday it's not going to be able to ship out until monday i like it here tuesday i don't want to sell my truck here i don't want to be unloading when we have customers here so anyways that's where we're at right now so it's like 6 p.m uh sale ended a couple hours ago let me show you how good i am at stacking carts ah front-facing camera i uh and this one is full of stuff that is how i stack carts you see i don't think about the consequences until after they've happened that's when i get angry when this all topples down so let's go get this set up hopefully it stays on the cart so we did about 9 500 today oh made it through 9 500 today here's the the funny part don't worry just one box of muffs uh 9 500 today at noon the halfway point we were at 7 100. it means we did like 2 300 the second half of the day inventory issues so here's what i did so far i loaded this area up with health and beauty type items and there's some office max over here kind of did the same over here office max on the end and the office max stuff i put out during the sale and then load it up with health and beauty type items i tried these unless one got moved it looks like we might have sold one but i've got a whole bunch of these and they're the copper compression so they might be good toys loaded up over here we're almost out of all of the target toys uh as a matter of fact i think this is this and these are all that we have other than a couple of low dollar ones that we haven't put out yet moved through a whole bunch sold the pallet of these got someone paying me five bucks a piece we've got some apparel here i went through that earlier today uh rather than trying to hang it just keeping the bags right in here we oh excuse me i did hang some these we actually sold out i had a bunch of these both this one and sonic and i came out this closed rack was emptied i couldn't remember what was on it i wish i would have checked the video because i would have restocked those today it wasn't until the very end of the sale where i caught it so i've got a little bit of a gap to fill in here looks like we've sold one pair of shoes so far i'm kind of tempted to pull these and just wait for summer um a little gap here i don't know where these keep coming from we've had these in like the last three or four sales i every time i think i've sold them all i find more weights still aren't moving we sold some i'd say maybe we sold four before today so for ten and eight for six maybe we sold ten weights at six bucks each we'll see how they go for five bucks um otherwise i mean if i'm stuck with them i don't even know what these go for in the store but it's gonna reach a point where i'm going to stop because i could probably liquidate the palette for more uh given that new year's resolutions are coming up i'm not sure if i showed this or not i opened one of these up to display these and they're actually selling fairly well um i suspect we're gonna get through quite a bit of them uh tomorrow we've got a few movies left i don't know if i showed you that i had movies or not um found one of these last one left underwear the skivvies the unmentionables uh we're at like i think 80 bucks or so in these keychains so i'm happy with that these are actually selling well no pads six bucks each which seems crazy high to me uh but it was eight bucks at hallmark yarn now the pink was moving a little bit i put one new box out honestly i'm not sure we sold a single gray yarn yet um this was another one i put out this morning and then at some point they sold didn't notice it i should have put the other box out and then kind of run the middle we're doing really well on these two um pillows you can see are gone we sold out i actually did really well on that i think i mentioned that earlier in the video uh what else we're like 140 bucks on these i was planning on keeping them for bag day because i've had them for over a year now but honestly i might save these for next christmas whatever doesn't sell we're doing them with dollar each the wholesale not wholesale but the entirety of the sale we're doing about a dollar each these have been saving since summer came on the hansen's pallets i just put this out to fill space um most of it's five dollars retail other than the multi-packs are more but here's a fun thing let me pull this out see that cardboard down there that's how they do it at target they have these little risers those have so many layers of cardboard folded over they'll hold some weight uh but anyways i took a couple of those you know so that's how they do it so it's tiered like this on the shelves so i took a couple of those and we cleared that target out the wrapping paper was all from an actual local store they cut me a deal if i buy out all their christmas um got some lights most of the a lot of the christmas stuff sold through i'm very surprised these are still here i don't know if we sold any of these retail of 15 didn't sell really any at six dollar day but the funny thing is they were up there for the longest time and that's why those are up there those peg boards because every single warehouse cell people ask are you selling those can i buy those maybe i should have sold them because they're not moving um but anyways so that is oh and then over here i'll show you this um binders moving slowly folders moving slowly not as well really surprising because these look at this 6.99 in the store i don't know if you can see that we were selling a case which is most of them look like 12 for six 12 for the price of one and they weren't moving kleenex is doing really well a dollar each i think we sold 140 give or take of those uh good call putting that out early because i've got a lot of it this is another one that i've got a lot of the brand is actually hearth and hand with magnolia whatever the heck that means but as these guys those annoying house flippers i really don't know anything about them i just know that they're annoying because look at this this is ugly it's terrible anyways i figured if i put their name on it because they're the ones uh they're the ones with this brand i think it says on there multiple people told me that that's their brand though so i'm certain that that's their brand uh but anyways i figured that might help move it a little bit and that's about all i got hand sanitizer we're at uh 79 dollars in sales so far two for a buck and you know what i need to do something about that sign because people can't see that they're two for a dollar um i guess from when i refilled it but uh i bought these in two batches these came out of office depot and they closed or office max the first batch was maybe a little less than this maybe a little more maybe about this much but it was eight bucks so i'm assuming i've got about 15 to 20 in all of these and we're at 79 so far so that's definitely a high marginal item so anyways that's about all i've got here this is going to be a long video so i don't want to ramble too much so it's about 8 p.m i'm getting ready for bed and i got some great news one of my suppliers um based out of georgia told me that he has a load for me and i've been reaching out to every local supplier like i said to try and find something they can ship same day uh he reached out to me said he had a load for me um dollar general full truckload ships out of wisconsin what are the odds so we're going back and forth it's 8 000 plus freight wisconsin should be a same day ship they pick it up and drop it off the same day so i said can we get it out the door monday can we get it here monday he um did a little research and found out is not going to be ready at dollar general's warehouse until tuesday so basically you know i told them my situation we're in the middle of a sale we're having inventory issues i told them if you can have it landed in my hands monday i'll throw in an extra 500 bucks for you i said i'll take it either way because if it ships tuesday we're gonna get a tuesday we're just not gonna have much time to sort it or get it on the tables but it's still worth buying i still need it so i said i'll take it uh it's 8 000 plus freight i said if you can have it landed monday i'll throw in an extra 500 for you and one of the nice part things about working with regular suppliers is i'm not gonna be able to pay him monday especially if we're getting it out trying to get out first thing in the morning it takes a couple hours for a wire to go through but i don't really have time to get to a bank or anything i'm busy with this sale so odds are i'm not gonna pay him until after the sale is over and he's okay with that because i have i've probably spent seventy five thousand dollars with him and obviously you know when you're talking liquidation that's pretty small potatoes but it definitely helps give you a little bit of clout this youtube channel also kind of helps this is really shaky i hope this image stabilization is working anyways maybe i'll be able to get the payment to them monday who knows it really just depends if i have time um but nonetheless uh it's it's nice to have that in my back pocket so anyways sounds like we're gonna have some dollar general it's shelf pulls it's not case pack so it's gonna be it's gonna take longer to go through and sort but it's gonna be a wider array of stuff dollar general does have some nice stuff stuff that would make sense to go on five six eight and ten dollar day some of it i might save for a future sale um especially the stuff that makes sense for 10 a day but the bulk of it should be able to go out wednesday we open up at four so wednesday through the following sunday four and under i'm excited that really is a weight lifted off my shoulder so we're at i think around twenty seven thousand three hundred or twenty seven thousand five hundred three days in that will give us a very strong finish maybe we'll be able to hit those six figures a lot of it's going to come down to how tomorrow works out and i think i really stocked up those tables i just have a little bit more to do in the morning but i don't want to be here too late i think we should be i think we're in line have a strong day tomorrow as long as the packer game doesn't interfere with it because the packers are gospel in this town one thing is nice is there's no in-person seating at the game traffic you know remember green bay is a very small town hundred thousand people streets back down to nothing to a standstill they become a parking lot during packer games especially before and after and we're right down the road from like you exit my warehouse parking lot make a right make another make a right out of the warehouse parking lot onto our road and then make a right and you're at lambeau field so you know traffic would be a problem i used to plan these sales around packer games so we didn't have to deal with the traffic so that's the nice thing this year if covet is worth anything at least those 200 000 some odd 300 000 however many i haven't been keeping track anymore all those people died so at the very least we don't have traffic at our warehouse sales because there's no in-person seating i am probably going to lose some subscribers for that joke but i think i'm going to keep it in anyway so anyways uh is my bedtime i got a bit before i am it's like 8 p.m so i'll show you what it looks like in the morning all right it is morning i finished filling up the tables i added some printer paper some tampons some pokemon cards other odds and ends last night i don't remember really where what i showed you all that i had but then the table formerly known as toys is now just all sorts of stuff we've got a little bit of toys on it some food products household these these are um 11 bucks at target i'm surprised they haven't been selling but now they're front and center should be pretty easy to notice we've got i went to the toothpaste i don't think the single rolls other than some weird ones might be worth it but all these two packs this one was a two pack but turns it was missing one all these two packs went out the white strips um what else these towels i figured would give these a try today dry erase markers and whatnot uh so that is where we sit i get signs up the only other thing that i'm going to do i want to get rid of rid of these darn fireplace grates so i'm gonna put a sign change the price on two bucks a piece just to get them out of here i changed my mind i looked them up on lowe's website we're at 90 off i'm gonna try selling them this way first i wonder how many people notice that these folders are going really well we're selling them by the case especially today five bucks a case they're flying out the door that's all we've got left those are pencil cases and then this we're putting out and they're only a couple boxes left on the tables so i have a feeling we'll be out of folders today it is wednesday a little after 5 a.m we're getting ready to open for the next day i've got a lot to do yet this morning we did get the dollar general truckload it came late yesterday so we weren't able to do much with it so i'm gonna be in the back most of the day sorting while they're running the front but it was actually really good look how tall these pallets are these pallets are all taller than me there were there must've been 30 of them on there there's a lot of halloween though there's some christmas surprisingly these are shelf poles so ignore what the boxes say what the box is saying the outside is not what's in them but there is a ton of just halloween stuff so we're gonna be well stocked for next halloween i guess but then we've got stuff like this uh they all have these clearance price tags which kind of sucks but um this is going to be a nice one we're holding this bad these hoses back for the summer sale we've got prepaid phones this was probably one of my favorite boxes these hamilton beach spiralizers and some food storage containers let's take a walk over here now i can't really just walk between the warehouse in these videos now because it's such a long walk and it is a bit of a mess back here i suppose i gotta turn these lights on too so you can see so the sail area is kind of a mess so first thing i'm gonna do is clear this stuff off the floor we've got like dog toys that came on here more of these just a different brand um some of these little motion lights beef jerky stuff like that a couple of basketballs you know some of this we could save for a higher dollar day later these retail 10 you can see right on there we can save these for five six dollar day in the next sale but four dollars today isn't gonna be that big of a difference i set this table up this is all dollar general stuff knocked over a box um all dollar general stuff some decent stuff here um this is the exciting part for look how nice this looks and look how much stuff there is this is all from the walgreens palettes this is never going to look this nice again it is going to get so trashed today but i have a feeling we're going to have good sales just because the volume of stuff out on these tables this is gonna be i think a lot of people are gonna be hanging out around this a lot today so anyways what i need to do is get this floor cleared off all of these boxes carts all of this stuff i need to get off the floor first i need to replace the signs because we still have the five dollar signs up and get the carts outside i don't know what this is doing in here i don't know if we have more of these well actually probably not because that's the dollar general thing um put it right there so i'm gonna get the floor cleaned signs done and then we can start refilling tables there is a little bit yet that i need to fill not a lot i mean a lot of this stuff is filled in um in a couple little spots here christmas stuff i redid the other day oh clothing i condensed and i pulled some uh i pulled the maternity jeans we're getting those on ebay and i pulled there were some swimsuit bottoms just because there wasn't a lot of room after i got rid of a couple of racks um all of this i've been sitting on these for a while i grabbed these after the 2018 christmas season so about two years ago um but my plan was running through a consignment store last christmas i just had too much so now we're getting rid of all of that um we've got some of these ornament sets these actually came on the dollar general load um what else we've got gift tags like this and the paint cans blue lights i put these out we had the red lights at 11.99 retail blue lights five bucks retail so my cost is 50 cents and a dollar and 12 or a dollar and 20 cents so we're still going to do well on those today and i'm sure today is the day that those are going to start moving just because we're at four bucks that stuff is gonna fly uh bows i put these out today there's also some bigger ones look at how many of these burst logs sold they were selling at eight bucks for three of them i can't believe it i'm half tempted to go outside and cut down some more those came from target but i'm sure there's birch trees around here somewhere i put a little bit of gift wrap out that came on the target pallets but beyond that it's pretty much the same these stationary sets put out what i don't these actually went out a couple days or yesterday not yesterday five dollar day which was sunday but i'm not sure we sold any um what else along here we've been moving a lot of this stuff uh we've got these i don't know if i showed you that fireplace grates uh binders we've got quite a bit left but they are moving they really started moving a lot faster on five dollar day uh i think we might be able to sell through most of them today folders this is pretty much all that's left i've got a few boxes of these yet that need to go out and that's pretty much it so let's get to work so i think i am done buying dollar general it's just because most of it's halloween the stuff that isn't it's stuff like this that's a dollar in the store we get some good stuff but very little um i decided it's not even worth the time to sort these i was sorting them for the past couple of hours it's not worth the time what we're going to do today i'm putting halloween stuff out five items for a buck and then when we get down to dollar day we're just going to drop all the boxes we can fit out there and everything's a dollar each without even going through it now obviously if we find a box like this we're gonna hold it back but for the most part you know we're not really gonna dig through it much just everything's a buck you know boxes like this oh there goes something the thing that was the last straw for me on this let me show you every single box i'd open i go oh nothing was exciting finally found one that i liked right here this stuff expired two years ago 2018 april may of 2018 and most recently i found january of 19. so yeah not buying dollar general anymore now you get a lot of volume of product so depending on your business model could be worth it still i mean if you're getting each pallet maybe 3 000 items times 10 pallets is 30 000 items times three because there were 30 pounds would be what 90 000 items for like 8 grand it's worth it if you have the market for cheap stuff like that i don't so it's not for me so i'm considering changing the price structure for the rest of this sale given how much dollar general we have i'm considering we're supposed to be three tomorrow two on friday one on saturday i'm considering doing dollar day just dropping everything to a buck i would not sell the weights i'd pull those i would like to sell the underwear and the creatable dolls it more as well as a lot of the hba but we've got so much stuff that's got to be dollar so i'm considering it i'm thinking it over so i went through pulled numbers from previous three sales there's not a lot of data because we've only done three of sales like this beyond that's always been dollar sales i think what we're gonna do is go two dollars tomorrow instead of three and the last two days will be dollar that'll help us get rid of a lot of this stuff there's so much garbage out here putting one of these old people grabbers on a pallet it's really coming in handy wait wait wait i'm not gonna keep this one for myself but i will keep it for picking up trash i need to get one so i don't need to reach for things anymore like the remote or my snacks yeah i definitely got to get me one of these i think i saw some more on the pallets right it is thursday morning officially two dollar day i don't know if i showed you this this is posted online yesterday and throughout the place we changed the prices so instead of three dollar a day it's two we load it up on food here uh unfortunately we're not gonna be able to get to that until enough of this sells to clear it out but um not much else has changed i put these out dropping prices on the christmas stuff isn't going to hurt me too much these are three dollars retail so i've got 30 cents in each one the most expensive wrapping paper i have is the three packs i've got 60 cents in it all the other ones i've got between 25 cents and 50 cents per roll um if these don't sell today i'm taking a loss tomorrow because tomorrow's a dollar i've got a dollar and 20 cents in each one but i'm sure they will sell today this went up the the team did this yesterday earlier in the day it's all dollar general apparel and then we've got the underwear and or the lady products and the diapers and stuff up there but um all sorts of stuff along here it actually looks pretty nice it's not organized by is it organized by size wow they even organized it by size kinda awesome they must have taken the other size cards out for this stuff but it is still somewhat organized uh we got stuff up here i literally just put these out today um like i just walked in the door and grabbed them i had them sitting out waiting we've got these from dollar general the dollar general pallets aren't great but there is some nicer displays like that and the clothes seem decent i do like that all the clothes are on hangers but it's all really low dollar stuff you know there's nothing exceptionally special um this fill in that little gap actually still looks pretty nice we did about 4 000 yesterday we are 700 bucks short of 40 000 today so i'm thinking we might be able to hit 60 to 65 through the wholesale so the underwear i would love to sell out today at two bucks i told myself i'm selling out in this sale i'm getting rid of all the underwear but i really don't want to sell i've got like two pallets of it in the back for a buck a piece so hopefully that sells out today i will keep uh these are doing really well on ebay so i will keep a handful of cases for that uh the other thing that i would really like to sell out of or sell through a lot of are these creatable dolls let me show you how many i have all stacked up right here that's not so many oh wait i've got a whole palette of them in the back this is 210 units here plus the i don't know 15 or so that i've got up front so i've got a lot of those so my goal today is to go through all of this dollar general during the sale and i'm going to separate it by a couple of things number one halloween i'm going gonna separate out most of that's just gonna go out on bag day we are doing halloween five items for a buck right now i've got a table full of full of it um but beyond that i would like to wait till bag day definitely not putting anything out at two dollars today the next thing separated out is pretty much everything else we're gonna separate out stuff that like this that we could probably put out today at two and it would sell and then um we'll also separate out larger items for instance i think here's a good example like this grills that will save for a future sale uh you know like this the cereal can go out and whatnot so some of it's gonna be separated for a future sale someone's gonna be separated for halloween and then we're gonna try and pull stuff that we can put out today at two bucks everything else we're gonna try and go get through as much as we can as we can the next couple of days at a buck so i'm wondering if facebook's having issues i don't text i usually use facebook message messenger to talk to people simply because for storage you know i've got all these videos on my phone for storage purposes i've got my phone deleting messages every 30 days and uh so after the message hits 30 days old it deletes i would rather just facebook messenger then i've got them all if i ever need to go back to uh get the memes um so anyways i sent my other half a message this morning and she responded but neither of us got each other's messages obviously i leave long before she wakes up when i'm doing the sale neither of us got each other's messages so that seemed odd i just thought maybe i had a poor signal but i just did the live video and normally i've got between 70 and 100 people watching it there was nobody watching it until maybe two thirds of the way through the highest i saw it get to was four so i i can't imagine that i don't think i've ever had a live video for these sales go have that few viewers so it makes me wonder if facebook's having issues which is sad to say that facebook having issues could actually cost us a lot of money in this in these sales because that's our primary form of advertising isn't it fun that facebook owns us now so we're sold out of nearly everything instantly two grand in the first hour we've been running around like crazy [Music] so the first few hours we were maintaining about 2 000 per hour um we slowed down on the fourth hour we're 7 400 at the halfway point of the day we are a little bit further in it's we have a clock around here no that one's not right it's probably about 12 40 so 40 minutes past the halfway point we're at last i saw 8 400 which is exciting because we should have hit 10 grand our highest two dollar day ever was 9140 our highest sales day ever was 11 000 something we've broken 11 000 a couple of times uh never this late in the sale though usually on like five or ten dollar day we might have a record day today also you know i'm not constantly checking facebook because people are asking questions and whatnot and i've now had two people in the past hour giving me a hard time because we're not a charity or something it's a snarky question like does the money go to anything special or go to any cause or organization or is it just lining some guys pockets i don't know why people would even think we're a charity and i'm very straightforward i say we are not a charity we're a for-profit company and then i go on saying we're a liquidation company and every few months we open our doors to the public to sell things that at um our wholesale rates but if anything we're helping the community a lot by selling stuff cheap we're selling you know 25 toys today for two bucks you know barbie dolls not barbie but same company mattel people are saving a lot of money at these sales and then we do donate you know decent amount of stuff we actually have um at our other warehouse toys for tots stores their uh product there before they distribute it um so we give them some stuff and whatnot but anyways i don't understand why you would be angry that what is essentially a retail store isn't giving money giving all the proceeds to a cause yeah i don't i don't know what the logic is there it is 205 pm we're at 10 000 four dollars we're on track for a record sales day the best day we've ever had was somewhere 11 000 something like i said we've done that a couple of times we're on track to do 12 to 13 grand today we've got two hours left we're averaging the second half a day about 12 1300 bucks an hour first half of the day was about 2 000 an hour i'm in disbelief how much product is leaving this building i'm very happy it is friday morning we made some changes last night before we went home we brought this out so this is it for the underwear i am going to save a few cases um for ebay because they do sell decently on ebay but it's just too much volume for ebay so we've got two pallets of underwear um all this is all the plates this is it for the creatable world dolls um i've got maybe 10 more that i couldn't fit here but i suspect these are going to be gone at a dollar each probably in the first hour um i believe this is the last of the base layers tim put the last of them out so separated by size what else corner is loaded with tables um i think we put these out about midday yesterday and started loading up i need to do something about this this is what was underneath the tables that were along here what else we have hula hoops still some halloween a little bit of apparel and there goes that i'll fix that later um this table just filled with stuff surprised these mops didn't sell yesterday clothing we got hammered on clothing what's really weird is this dollar general clothing seems to sell much better than the target stuff and then health and beauty so i've got about an hour before i need to do my video in that hour oh we're almost out of hand sanitizer in that hour i need to get these tables condensed the toys are looking pretty good um really it's this that needs to be condensed the back table and then i need to fill in some gaps like right there um we're gonna try and get through as much dollar general as we can everything's a buck today and and tomorrow we still have this huh that's been here for quite a while so everything's a buck today and tomorrow and then our bag day is sunday the last of the wrapping paper is out now the most expensive wrapping paper that i paid for is oh looks like the multi-pack did sell i don't see it in here there was a four pack that i paid 60 cents for but the package was kind of busted open so it took a while to sell but it looks like it must have sold now so i guess that means the most expensive i paid was 50 cents and some are 40 cents and a lot of them are 25 cents that's what i paid and we're selling them for a buck each very surprised these star wars stockings are still here i'm taking a loss on these i paid a dollar and 30 cents i don't regret buying them i'd buy them again same with this i paid a dollar and 50 cents again don't regret buying them these i paid a buck for we just forgot to put them out i'm gonna let them go today rather than sit on them until next year um i think that's about it for christmas we do it looks like we need to organize these tables a little bit we've got bows uh these that needs to be flipped around these containers i guess actually came with the bows what is this i wonder if this was a freebie because i don't recall seeing this on the target palace it might have been a freebie so in the store at target sometimes stuff gets mixed in with the bows or these wrapping paper boxes and when me and i this stuff comes right out of the store i work with uh one of the local stores with the manager and what we do is we literally just stack all this stuff on a pallet in the store and count it out um so in doing so if any merchandise falls into one of these boxes nobody checks it i realized i think a year ago august of 2019 when i went through some of the wrapping paper i got then there was some baby clothes that uh i guess i got for free because they had fallen or been dropped by a customer in one of those so i wonder if that's the same with this thing maybe it fell into one of these bow containers anyways um it happens i'm sure we do it when we sell stuff too on occasion so it's nice to get free stuff anyways uh so that's what we we're looking like we've got a pallet of clothing as well a pallet of food as well as some in the corner over there i think today's gonna be a good day yesterday blew my expectations yesterday at two dollar day was our best day ever we did over thirteen thousand dollars it's like thirteen thousand five hundred selling items for two bucks each in one day that was amazing it was absolutely amazing um yeah i was very happy with that it's not the most items we've ever sold we had an eight thousand dollar and some change dollar day once back in august so uh maybe we can do eight or ten thousand today we definitely got enough stuff for it so moments ago literally moments ago i've been refreshing the page while i was for a couple minutes while i was sitting out here we had 60 000 in total sales for this warehouse sale another 10 000 which i think could happen with the amount of product we have left we've still got a full day plus two hours and 10 minutes today and we've got bag day at the end i'd honestly be surprised if we don't hit 10 000 between the last two days and the rest of today this might be a record sale over 70. so we're pushing as much product as we can we've got a line out the door we've had a line all day people are saying an hour wait give or take so um we're struggling to keep up tables but we're trying it's uh probably not going to be easy to keep stable table stock tomorrow either considering we're gonna have eli which he's running register and the main tim stocking stuff we'll see boy do i have my work cut out for me justin can't stay late tim can't stay very late and all of the tables are empty it might be on an all-nighter for me we are just getting hammered this area is an absolute mess i filled up a z-rack with clothing to bring it out because all the clothes racks were completely empty so we get some clothes out and they just swarmed me they were grabbing stuff literally right out of my hands where it looks so messy because we're still not putting halloween stuff out we're trying to get that on halloween but um this box can go out it's just at this point i'm doing some grabbing a box like this cutting the flaps off and putting it on a table and we still can't stay stuck the tables are still empty it is just madness so we did 9850. it was our best day ever as far as number of items sold here's what's looking like we're almost saw the size large underwear maybe a third of the way down on small wrapping paper is gone we did have a small table here once it started selling out uh what else the food palette is just about empty there was a little bit left that i put over there you know it's looking really nice because i spent the past hour making it look nice but we still got so much empty table space to fill in i got my work cut out for me we had this was completely emptied off nothing but empty hangers at one point and i brought a z rack of clothes out and got swarmed um and not much else to say we emptied out though there were times where there was virtually nothing on the tables so i'm going to try and fix that i want to get as much done as i can tonight it's five o'clock i don't think i'm gonna stay much longer than maybe 30 minutes and um my goal tonight is just getting this looking nice condensing um yes it's not all spread out pushing it together condensing boxes if we have any i think i already did these we have any that look like i have no good examples i think we might have hit all the boxes there i haven't done this we haven't looked like this condensing them um or even some stuff where we can turn two boxes into one or three boxes into one that's the goal for tonight that way tomorrow all i have to do is start bringing stuff out in the morning but looking pretty good we are probably around 63 000 for the sale so far total i'm working on filling this trash bin up we have been selling them if they're loose in the bag like this but this one is cut somewhere on it i don't know what i saw there was a cut like someone cut a box open and the knife went through it all these empty boxes i have to get out of here too we're moving a lot of product right now though it is absolutely insane the amount of product we're moving i did not like those dollar general loads but having the tables constantly full or as best as we can and product is flying out the door might be worth it to buy them again all right i think i'm gonna call it a night we've got pretty much nothing on here this is trash the two mops that's it pretty much nothing on here i haven't even touched these really so this will be a probably well maybe let's get this done at least over here basically ready to go other than empty space over here we've actually only got this a little bit of empty space and then over here we've got quite a bit and then so we've got one pallet space here initially was the creatables and the paper plates then those sold and it became the yarn all that's gone so i've got that empty space this pallet's emptied off this pallet is emptied off so i've got a galore full of flip-flops i don't know what the next one maybe caleb or halloween i might go that route this is i already showed you this is it for the large underwear making some good progress uh mostly what it is i just cleared off the floor all the boxes of stuff that were was on the floor i'm leaving this one because some of the seeds are leaking i don't wanna just dump it with other stuff so i'm gonna tackle this and then i'm going home all right calling it a night we cleared off the end here it's not a perfect job but it does look a lot better so we've got space for boxes here and we'll put that one up there and we get space for boxes and stuff there as well this is all trash so all of the empty packages and something that could have been from theft some of it could have been like this where it just got separated and i didn't realize it and threw away the package it actually happened here i pulled the empty box back out of here to put it in we couldn't find a second one stuff like that uh we could have got some empty packages they were just mixing the box or someone took it out of the package and then they or someone else bought it just like this or it was stolen nonetheless all the empty packages that got thrown away when we have boxes like this one thing i learned is we really need to keep up on them and keep going i thought that was ripped keep going through these to pull out all of the trash because what happens is someone goes through a box they pick up two or three items that are trash and they stop going through that box and that box ends up sitting here the whole time so that's something we need to do boy we've got so how many tables do we have to fill up two remember that's just garbage i'm gonna call that a third because it's basically empty this plus that will be four this four and a half little gap here a little gap there um five and a half six and so six seven tables something like that and then two to three pallets then we need to make this look nicer and we've got a lot of stuff like the can openers we didn't even stock today not because we didn't want to sell them for a buck but because it just takes so much time to unbox them all so much this stuff is just really over packaged you open up a brown box to see three brown boxes you open up those three brown boxes and then the item is packaged in plastic i don't understand why they do do this it's not environmentally friendly and from a business standpoint it's not efficient but nonetheless so anyways 9850 total for the month it's loading i don't know why this thing gets really slow at night sixty two thousand five hundred and eighty seven i'm going home all right 7 42 people should we start becoming soon is blistery out snowed overnight i just brought the sign out the wind is blowing like crazy winter weather advisory it's frigid cold out i think we've got about an inch of snow so far we're supposed to get up to five whether or not that'll happen i don't know but the wind is what kills you heavy wind gusts we're under a weather advisory or whatever we still have a line of probably 20 people outside people are committed makes me feel good so let me show you how it looks so we i did the best i could tim said he might come in early today he didn't i got a palace sandals out cool thing about buying pallets in state is it's got local related stuff in them put that out yesterday and just kind of filled up with stuff put the last of these out some food candy the big empty areas where this table and those tables all filled up with office depot stuff i actually pulled these two boxes last week to make room for other stuff now they're back out and then we've got office depot stuff over here stuff that should do pretty well i was also i hope that didn't make you dizzy i was also able to refill clothes a little bit um we've got so much of this paper so we get these all those are full we've got a box over there full and two more down there full up three we got a lot of that paper hopefully we sell a decent amount of it because it will go stay out for bag day in fact at this point i'm not sure i even have anything that i want to pull for bag day i'm thinking we're gonna let it all go i'm looking around and i don't see anything that makes me just say i don't want this out on bag day oh here we go these personalized ornaments we did so well with them i'm saving for next year i don't like recycling inventory but we keep it in the sale for a year although it's a lot of weird i should say uncommon names oh austin's not uncommon but i found this probably was sold yesterday it was buried under other stuff nonetheless i'm hoping we can keep up stock better today so we can keep filling tables unfortunately i've got nothing to go here and i did have two pallets there i've got nothing to go there i may try and figure out a way to get a table or a couple of tables in here i don't know we'll play it by ear but i'm exhausted because i was here later yesterday and then back here early today there was a lot of a lot of empty space i need to restock these before we open [Music] [Music] so there goes my battery i want to give you guys a time lapse and forgot my phone for an hour and six minutes up there so probably gonna be cutting that down a little bit it is 5 38 am and there's somebody parked outside waiting all right sunday last day i'm gonna pull some items like these um personalized christmas ornaments probably a couple other odds and ends and we're gonna do bag day so i'm not going to be stocking a lot i'm going to pretty the place up make it look nice and uh let's sell some product you know a lot of these boxes are getting pretty empty so we're going to condense them down spread the stuff out a little bit i expect as we go throughout the day we did pull these close racks as we go throughout the day we're gonna start pulling tables in the back and shifting everything forward so that's kind of the plan today um i don't know how long this underwear is gonna last this is it uh the clothes will probably this palette will probably be gone fairly early this here is all stuff that didn't sell in the last sale um normally we get rid of it but they didn't do a great job on bag day see one thing that happens is these boxes fill up with trash um you know just product packaging and you know stuff like this ends up in there um and it just stuff like this and it covers them up so what people do is they see you know they go through the box and just see trash and they move on to the next box meanwhile there's good inventory underneath it so we're gonna try to uh resolve that a little bit display the stuff better throughout the day i saw this i thought a mouse had chewed through it it's just the display so that is the plan for today i'm not pulling a lot i'm pulling the christmas ornaments um i was thinking about maybe pulling some of this paper for back to school but i decided against it because it's gonna be dollar day for back to school anyways i am pulling the pencil ed though uh we're selling all the lucky brand keychains hopefully we get rid of them and that might be all that i pull i don't think i'm gonna take away much uh and then i've also got all that halloween stuff in the back i'll probably put out a few more boxes of that to try and you know get rid of some of it these i'm probably gonna pull i don't know i haven't decided yet but we did about 7 300 yesterday i think it's funny we were selling these this one's broken the hand was broken off so i'm gonna throw it out but we were selling these in they were bagged 12 per bag we were selling them by the bag but a couple of them got opened up just by customers and we've sold quite a few of those individually for a buck each yesterday and the day before so oh we've got cotton balls left not many but some so it should be a fun day clear some of this stuff out so i'm going to the back to get some halloween stuff now i just put carts out there's probably 15 people outside we are like an hour and 20 minutes before we open and they're just sitting out in lawn chairs hanging out they were all really excited when i opened the door an hour early only to be saddened when i told them they can't come in so we're all emptied out this is all that's left after bag day by the way it's the next morning this and then these two boxes um we cleared out fast we ended up closing a couple hours earlier than planned yesterday just because we didn't have a whole lot but nice and empty again
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 46,355
Rating: 4.92555 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop, Storage Auction, Storage Unit, Liquidation, Pallets, Overstock, Customer Returns, Liquidation Pallets
Id: 0q0r-sp4Rzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 9sec (4929 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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