This May Be The Best Storage Unit I've Ever Bought! Part 1

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what's going on everybody resale Rabbit Here I am at a storage facility out in the country I've got the truck in the trailer and I'm gonna show you the storage unit that I just bought right here I got about half cleared out man this is gonna be a great one get a bike hanging up some other Oz ends some collectibles here we're gonna start pulling all this stuff out I found a guitar right there Native American spear so this give me some awesome stuff now if you don't remember I also bought that unit right there but that'll be another video so I got a bunch of this stuff cleared out we are going to try and finish clearing this out and I'll show you what I found I want to show you a couple things I notice here first Mouse poison was in both units I saw that when I bought them which was something that I liked and then over here you see this stuff is on pallets up front there were boards underneath it that means they take good care of their stuff they don't want to get all water damaged and whatnot they don't want mice to get in here so that's a really good sign when they're taking good care of their stuff like that so one thing I'm noticing here it's a good thing I bought both units I was told after the fact after I'd already bought both of them but they were both owned by the same person I'm very glad because I'm seeing furniture parts in here that do not complete pieces of furniture and his furniture across the way so they probably go together prime example there is a bed frame over there like a rough sawn log bed frame it looks like this it's in that unit over there this piece is in here this is the only piece that I see in here for it but it's probably worthless without this piece it's probably worth at least a hundred bucks completely so that is why they probably should have mentioned ahead of time that they're both owned by the same person but I'm glad they didn't because I wanted to buy both of them either way and had I had they mentioned that the other bidders over there may have been that one higher thinking that I need that one or maybe thinking they can sell me parts and pieces of things so definitely glad I bought both of home oh this is after two trips Oh get the trailer loaded up a couple of things in the bed of the truck not much bite get a couple of end tables this I'm leaving out here this is actually in this unit when I bought it I'm gonna leave it out here because there's a lot of furniture over there so we're gonna leave that here for now all this stuff I need to get some boxes because most of this was just tossed in here we still have some nice collectibles including you see back there Pepsi clock which will show you later on I saw some collectibles in here as well some cars this one has some buildings although those do look open few odds and ends cowboys crock-pot that's still sealed but for the most part this is empty we will not fill up the trailer again what I'm gonna do when I come back and start working on that one so we can have some good boxes to stack all this loose stuff on top of so maybe a third of a trailer load left in here alright we are back at the warehouse I've got all this stuff that I brought in the first load in here I also have a trailer full if you can see out there now you can't see out there cuz it's too bright but I've got a trailer full of stuff out there that I just hauled here let's take a quick glance at it seriously this is really good stuff so he got that we've got some stuff here over here I've got two carts over here and my kool-aid two carts full of stuff now over here are the bikes let's see we've got this Magna bike here a little BMX or kids bike I think this is just a Walmart brand so I don't think it's worth too much we've got a mongoose here also nothing too special it is missing a wheel but there were like 10 different wheels so we're good to go there this bike here now I know nothing about bikes I don't think this is gonna be worth much looks like an old Mojave maybe but you get that one we get this kids Star Wars bike that's kind of neat I think it's relatively recent probably the last couple years we've got this one here which i think is good to go nicer looking bike also a huffy now this one I got excited I thought this was gonna be a really expensive bike the frame is narrow like those lightweight ones get this weird shock in the middle here I thought this is gonna be a really expensive bike it's not I looked this up genesis v 2100 it's like $250 brand new and this one does need some work for example the handlebars are loose might just be able to tighten that and I think oh maybe we get breaks one of these bikes the brake lines were cut maybe that's not this one also one of these bikes is missing a pedal that is going to be this one right here this one is the one missing a pedal I think this person repaired bikes there is one more bike in this unit I don't remember any bikes in the other units there is one more bike that I hold over here today but let me know if you see anything of value here because I don't know bikes I'm guessing these are gonna be 10 to 20 dollars each next over here we've gotten was that five bike wheels some are front with some are back wheels so we'll have one to go with that bike missing a wheel there are also three or four more still in the unit that I found and there goes my heater this I can't tell if it's new or not the zippers don't have that zip tie on them but it does look nicely folded in here so this could be new and there's just a whole bunch of bedding and some jackets here we've got some coolers this one has a radio built in there's another soft cooler inside we've got a Coleman nice and clean inside we've got this Powerade drink cooler that might be worth a little bit you see the Gator ones little Gatorade ones a lot but no Powerade once we got tapes this box here is full of tapes this is the one on top of it so there's a couple of 8-track tapes that I just tossed in there to even off the box like it stack on it but open again maybe five bucks for all of them honestly I'm just hoping somebody so I don't need to you know pay to throw them the trash moving on back here we've got a shovel and then this guy which is for like paint rollers or maybe a broom we've got two gas-powered string trimmers a Ryobi and echo I haven't tested them we have this table there were a few more folding tables a couple of plastic saw horses these are from the unit to snow scrapers we've got a bunch of fishing rods with a couple of reels I don't know fishing poles but I'm going to assume there is nothing special here we've got this little shelf and then a gas power move over here so you get a better view a yard-man gas-powered leaf blower I'll probably get about 20 bucks for that and 20 piece for the string trimmers now under the table this is all bedding blankets and whatnot here pair of winter snow boots I don't think these have much value but maybe I can get a few dollars for them this box this that's a little heavier than I thought okay so we've got a whole bunch of RAM sticks you know these do scrap out decently so in fact they're a bunch of them maybe I can get a dollar too and scrap metal there we've got coaxial cable and just some profit garbage we've got a Tonka truck this is not an old one at all metal plastic I thought I saw a date yeah 2009 is about 10 years old not worth much little footstool and a I think this is a remote-controlled car maybe but with no remote we got a little basketball hoop there we'll go through this in a minute figure out what's in there here we go Danica Patrick autographed photo with a no-name CoA so that's probably worth about 10 20 bucks here we've got Popular Mechanics for kids build a an engine I guess there's no well that might be new hold on that is taped shut unless it could be factory tape this might be brand new yeah this is brand new so this might be worth something on eBay it looks pretty old it looks like it's probably from the 90s so based on sold listings it looks like I can get twenty to thirty dollars plus shipping for it says what we're gonna go for I'll probably price it at $49.99 with free shipping we've got this dremel project table it does have the original box it's a price of 40 bucks on it but that's also on the table itself this may be a price tag from a pawn shop so it might be worth 40 used it could also be the price tag from the store with 40 new I'm not sure a couple little clamps to go with it I don't know how to clamp oh yeah I see how it works and these are dremel clamps so they probably came with it so I don't know somewhere between 20 and 40 bucks on get for it and then we've got this little radiator heater these things like a hundred bucks new if I remember correctly I may be wrong there so don't quote me on that but it should be an easy 20 bucks there were a bunch of these now these look like just the cardboard that goes on the corners of a pallet and that might be what they are but I might be able to get a couple bucks for them because as you'll see there's a bunch of trainsets and you know high-end collectible trains and maybe someone will buy these too you know what would make a border for their trains or something so we'll pair that with all that stuff then we got a little wagon here Mega Bloks not really many much value in choice here might be able to get a couple bucks on eBay for that if it's nerv see any markings on but all in here maybe five bucks these furniture movers are nice these are smaller ones I'm probably gonna keep those because they'll come in handy empty out storage units but we got two of those and then underneath them is this shadow box full of sports cards probably five ten bucks worth of sports cards I haven't looked through them maybe there's something special I don't plan on looking through them I'm just going to put a local auction but this has a plexiglass top Hamish the case summer will probably pay me 20 bucks for that there's a little latch on there so you can put a lock on it you know people do garage sales and whatnot so we've got a couple laptop bags we'll go through those in a minute and well let's start going through the rest of this so right here we've got sombrero I honestly don't know which unit that came out of that might come out of the other one but it feels really high-quality it does not feel like a cheap one we've got some branding in here probably get about ten bucks for that right here we've got some window tint the box is open but there's a decent amount left in there so you probably get five bucks or so out of that we've got a couple of hotdogs or marshmallow cookers for a fireplace and it's probably just a poker stick I'm not sure I'll probably get a few dollars for that not much no this already under all it to look at so let's move the camera a little bit see and see it so this is a vinyl banner for the movie Shrek this probably hung in front of a movie theater because it is vinyl it's pretty high quality it's not a cheap one what is this well the Eddie Murphy is dump King so this thing it's pretty big too so I'm basically on the ground here it's probably about five and a half feet tall and for the original strike movie I might be able to get a hundred bucks for this that might be reaching but it's at least worth twenty dollars so this I'm excited about all right we've got a purse here it's full of stuff so we're gonna set this aside and go through it in a minute Ryan get you a better angle what is this now this is Oh jewelry probably all costume if any of this were gold would be really valuable so this is likely all going to be costume jewelry but nonetheless I'll probably get 10 bucks or so for that set that aside this is just craft paper so I might use this just for packing up shipments now we've got more of these folding tables there's three of them in here there's one shoe up this one's a little broken we'll probably still work though so there's a second and here is the third so for the set of four I'll probably be like ten bucks or so oh you got a t-mobile hat not worth anything we've got a glove just one glove because no one wants one glove set me up you cheese this is a bag of bags papers looks like a horse this might just be a box of trash to be honest that's more papers there this one more newspapers they're not vintage or anything just regular Green Bay newspapers from 2018 so from last year so that's all trash digging through here was this safety gear I'm gonna probably pair of disposable gloves let's get you a little closer in here oh you got a phone shattered screen but this little I can scrap that out I was always good for scrap or just a lot of you have 20 phones or something on eBay and we got this bag here looks like some magazines yeah this looks like it's all gonna be trashed well we got a couple things with lunch bags probably get a dollar piece for those in the dollar sale probably the worst bicycle horn I have ever seen a baseball it was really aren't worth much unless you have a bunch of them and then the rest of this here's another thing of lunch bags the rest of that is trash this is all trash all right trash all right so this little box is trash not a great start on this unit let's get this out of the way all right so this purse we just saw it's full of stuff so let's go through here got more jewelry I'm gonna go through this but I don't expect to see there might be a couple of sterling pieces but I don't expect much what else do we have here beaded bracelet oh I think this is a shoe for like a child a moccasin so this side see if we're trying to mate for it keychain of some sort that makes me think it's a watch but oh here we go so it opens up and you've got a watch and then beads away oh let's see just random a shaver and I can get thrown away random jewelry and whatnot is this a ring a very pointy ring we jump this out on the table oh we've got a whole bunch of loose beads in here so just random there's a little pocket knife type thing you know it says Korea on it I thought that said Avon it's a little pocket knife I think that's a Christmas ornament oh we've got another watch right here and some junk looks like some coins plus the watch in the box the rest of this looks like mostly junk here's a this might be sterling nine to five so this is a sterling ring so I'm gonna set that aside and I'm gonna look through all that jewelry you never know if there's some sterling here we've got some US and some foreign coins so I'm gonna clean up this mess we'll move on to the next I do see a poker chip here just a keychain next we've got this boombox CD tape player if it works in the CDN so probably work with feet up probably get five bucks for it and that's box this box hold on off camera I'm gonna get this adult magazine because this is a family-friendly Channel all right this looks like it's all Native American things we've got just a random cheap candle we'll toss that in the dollar sale box but here we've got a little drum some trinkets here another little drum looks like this is where he got all the sports cards which you'll see soon we've got no US dollar coin so there's a doubt put that in my pocket um let's see there's some business cards and stuff you'll get a pair of glasses not old or anything throw those away we've get another drum it is cracked on the bottom but it looks nice on the top yeah a touch light there's no rhyme or reason to this box so we've got a couple of that's porcelain doll there's another porcelain doll couple of native dolls we've got a watch doesn't look like anything special we'll put it in the box full of jewelry get buck or two for it what do we have under here we've got a Native American ceramic figure this looks like just a shirt he's probably used to wrap up the ceramic this looks like just a keychain of some sort I'm not sure what this is some sort of microphone or something it looks like garbage and then a stand for the doll here is hearing aid pieces maybe the hearing aid itself isn't in there and then there's some pieces of glass you can see right here I'm just gonna leave those in there not quite sure what they're for but all in all this box is probably good 20 bucks or so so we'll carefully put this in here and move it out of the way all right now this box we get a hot seat probably get a doll or two for it old doorknob I'm gonna take not worth anything what is this looks like the box for this thing and the seal what the item itself is missing we've got a vintage Looney Tunes Cup from 1990 you can see the date there probably get a dowel or two for that a couple of rolls of tape roller blades these things never seem to sell I'm not even a bothered donate pile all right here we get some boots some shoes oops I hit the camera there's a bunch of boots and shoes not worth a lot that's garbage alright so that's this box alright so here we've got this water bottle with no lid we're gonna throw it out muscle isn't it oh wait a one dollar bill but it says 100 George Washington was there's a hundred dollar bill so well I like to throw away money some sports cards we get a whole bunch of sheets of cards here those probably are gonna go for much but we'll mix them with some other stuff and this just looks like paperwork that's all trash we've got a vase nothing special there I know some cotton balls that's trap let's see if I can back up a little bit for you oh we've got some Ziploc bags mostly empty and of course nothing I'm not gonna use storage unit bags and the rest of this looks like just kitchen we've got some vinegar Cole rake and he'll drink this and corn syrup both of these and we've got an empty milk bottle brand new toothbrush though I bet I can get a buck for that what is this just mail and then we've got a mixer you can't even see this a mixer on the bottom half of a blender so nothing too exciting there and honestly without the top half of the blender that is worthless also did not find the top for this so we're gonna throw it away this box is not exciting at all it's all kitchen stuff although there are the beaters for the mixer beyond the kitchen stop on the dollar sale alright this box it's all cleaning products I mean we could use some of this around here really any value a cheap clock an ice pack I don't know what this is this is a showerhead hold on this is a weird showerhead it connects here ladyasher I think this is a showerhead you ever seen anything like that before alright this is I see a couple of these so far from an auction and in this case he bought trying to keep his information off of here some locks and keys and football cards and spent that's kind of neat from a local auction we've got a few DVDs here those are in there that's in there I'm not going to open this one but a couple of DVDs you can apply for them you know it's interesting some Asian I guess a 4-game of some sort no writing on the box so I don't know that might be worth a few bucks here we've got an empty CD case but it is a nicer one I came here to get a dollar two for that and shampoo garbage very unique shampoo bottle though yeah a couple of backpacks here they feel empty nothing special we've got sports card binder but it's empty so we'll just throw that and with some of the sports cards oh this box has some weight to it let's get this on the table alright this box is sports cards looks like he had them individually a dollar a dollar so here these and these are all different quantities too so individually based on you know what they are I guess looks like you selling these for a dollar each there's probably 30 of them in here so it's probably a $30 box I don't expect to get that what I will likely do is just put this whole box as it sits send it like that to a local auction it'll probably go for five or ten bucks this doesn't feel like there's much in here but some decorative things with yarn stuck to it we've got a gift let's see - Tony this still be sealed up for when they wrapped it the tape is on there pretty good in it maybe not it looks like a bunch of junk looks like kids crafts garbage I didn't feel bad throwing that stuff away but I'm so tough to get in touch with the are and even when you do they don't want it with some yarn garbage so the only thing good in there were these two which will sell in the dollar sale and lastly we've got Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles set it is opened it's a price tag of a quarter but you never know myself for a couple bucks next is this rigid case you remember this is by the door I was pretty excited about it it's got a handle it's a pretty heavy-duty case I will let you know I already looked in it but I'm not gonna say what was in it let's get it open here those are some big hinges here alright let's open her up nothing too spectacular we've got some sort of chain kit there's probably four bike chains or a bike hand it says on there a chain it's a little tool kit there we've got some drill bits we got an extension cord we've got a skill belt sander oh he bought this at a pawn shop let's see he spent $15 on it you can see right here 15 bucks he spent on this belt sander so obviously the belt sander is not worth much ten fifteen bucks and with all I have another ten or fifteen bucks here oh and the case of course I might get twenty bucks but it's a pretty nice case next part of the noise my heater is running up there so we got this oil drum full of stuff and this garbage can't flow something it does not look like trash so I am going to get the camera right over here we're gonna go through this and see what's in it the garbage can itself is probably worth five or ten bucks the first glance it looks like junk but I doctor a little and it looks like it's probably decent stuff we're here wrapped up a newspaper we've got a very large candle this thing's like a foot and a half tall not sure it really has any value but it's there we've got a canvas bag this is interesting what is in here leann rimes 2004 calendar so probably no value here what did you buy you this doesn't say I'm here I'm looking for a date that it was shipped it does not look like there's one on here so I'm trying to see if it has any collectible value I'm gonna set aside pick it up for eBay because you never know alright we've got family pictures I will set these aside I don't expect to find this person but you never know we've got I'm assuming this is a candle holder really worth anything we've got a coat Northcrest feels like a nice coat but not really worth much we'll just toss that in the dollar sale some knee pads dollar sale not sure what that is some sort of bag alright we've got books this is a textbook so I'm going to look this up it is a dollar and 85 cents so junk what else do we have something that worked nicely here Native American art looks like this give you a lot of these a turtle but turtle with the sailor's hat that's so funny this feels like a picture family picture set that aside Native American photo this looks like a photo of a photo so I'm just gonna this is another family picture here here we've got a calendar that's that's junk alright we've got a whole stack we had a harmonica book we've got a Native American book I'm gonna stop for a second a couple of notepads understand anger that's all photocopies that's gonna be trash these cover up his address are mailed to him corporate report so just jump now it looks like books and looks like mostly all right so this is a Native American book here looks like s in history some photos let's look up the value that book very bad rank and pour 48 so that one we're not gonna sell next we've got nice American booty is this like an adult magazine it does not look like it no this is a financial or something I don't know where the where the cover is I suppose it doesn't really matter so that's jump family pictures we've got problem solving workbook so another college textbook with some stuff a notebook and another college textbook so let's look both of these up so far we're over to on the books but you never know I'm going to Louie the price that was at nine million rank bad so this one is probably going to be just as bad a 4 million rank let's show you used I lose a dollar ninety seven cents movie so this last with this is fan blades nice you're looking maybe I could sell them all right we've got a candle and let's say a chimney more native-american Franken's let me clean out my table here alright next we've got wrapped up we've got a plate just as USA stamped on the back I don't anticipate to have that to have much value more family photos here let's see something about left-handed people toss that in the dollar sale we've got some folders with paperwork and stuff get rid of that yeah this building might be broken up it's not broken I felt that in the middle a dreamcatcher ceramic display this this some wolves although it's not explicitly Native American those this one another Native American figure there's a lot of Native American stuff in this unit this is a really small one see another wolf probably go with it but it'll work with it and there's nothing in there and this was what wrapped that plate was wrapped in just a bedsheet here we got more plates it feels like that doesn't even match the other ones it's not even the same size as the other one and that's a mismatched place Oh give her those more family photos and move you a little closer here all right we got some stuff wrapped up oh and W mug down so that stuff wrapped in it some hats Chevy racing god Bless America leather cap a local casino this that is falling apart and we're also caught on something this is garbage what is in it just paper working stuff that's all trash oh I want to break it all right so we've got little kids clip-on tie we've got something crocheted and another aw bug I could really go for a rip your float right now an old cribbage board they might have a little bit of value I'm looking for a year on it there is not a year there is a maker low I think I'll go definitely all right we got a pack of tennis balls let's see if they are new they are we got a sealed packet tennis balls granted this is like five bucks in the store we've got up first thing you see a Pepsi it's all taped up and wrapped up I'm not gonna bother with this is a vintage Pepsi glass there's a lot of Pepsi collectibles in this unit all right this is a tin there's something in it oh that's nice Native American wolves knife in it's brand-new and it's in the tin probably get five ten bucks for that at least a house of miniatures so some miniature models might pay for those oh you've got I'm assuming that's an American flag what in the world is this this thing is heavy let me see if I can figure it out well I have absolutely no idea what these are my best guess is wind chimes but they're heavy there's some serious weight to them aside maybe the rest of its in the Box here more family photos what is this a brochure for something so I keep looking at this and it naturally feels like a garbage can I keep wanting to put trash in it we've got a large shell here collectibles like in 80 all right so we've got a set of earrings just posed some junky old software look at this Walmart Internet service you can't even see a Walmart internet service that's garbage you've got a couple sets of earrings $4.99 so no special value and that's just garbage you've got some more hats see seal team I'm gonna have to be worth a couple bucks got a beret it might be Navy maybe you know we've got a beret Dallas Cowboys hat and Green Bay Packers had interesting like this thing had to think Eames this candle holder I guess dig down a little further we've got oh this looks like a handmade quilt that'll sell handmade quilts sell decently I already see some interesting stuff not this but we've got a couple of candlesticks we've got a little candle holder here next in here we've got a Polaroid camera it's missing the little rubber thing so probably not going to put it on eBay it's just a one-step flash this is about a fifteen or twenty dollar camera but with that missing people aren't really gonna want it so we'll send that to a local auction this is heavy and smooth oh this is cool um egg paperweight thing blown glass you can see was cut flush there Oh might have been worth a few bucks another one of these weird rods I'm sure what those go to this is pretty cool carved wood cannon bookends there's a second one right there I bet I can get like 20 or 30 bucks for it there is no maker on it they are neat let's pull the second NetZero access for all and some other crap yourself too although this is what it was Windows so here's the other book and you can see the details the metal carved wood wheel this is kind of neat but I think I'll do alright on them we've got a water bottle I said in the dollar sale tension rope I guess for working out three hours for that we've got oh I bet this is another one of those blown glass eggs if it feels like it yep so now we've got a set of two of them they're heavy too alright this is a bottle of something garbage something in this backpack Oh Oh interesting this feels like it's not a real gun no definitely not a real gun it is plastic that's the second I picked it up I knew it wasn't a real gun because it is all plastic airsoft gun of some sort see if I can figure out how to open this see I have no idea what I'm doing here I don't know let me get off camera for a second if I like figure it out okay so I kind of figured it out you unscrew this and this thing pops off to expose the co2 cartridge let's put this back on here and then it does well kind of work the bb's just kind of fall out of it though they don't shoot this thing I feel like should go back but it doesn't so it's either seized up or something you can see the bb's in here I don't really play with airsoft guns they are metal bb's this is a power line let me get the model power line 15 X T we're just gonna send this to a local auction also my one of my staff members he's good with these things so he'll be able to figure it out that was in here when it was dark I thought looking in here that well you can't really even see it on camera I thought that was a real gun when I was pulling it out of here well either way airsoft gun should be an easy 20 dollars now we've got some incense incense or sparklers can't quite tell oh this is heavy here we go the metal bb's for it and a milk carton why they put those milk cartons I don't know a little rod for something probably jump looks like an antenna here for an old TV and more these little skewers these are prized he was like a fondue set or something high-density just Apple I've never seen this before Apple high-density discs may have some value I highly doubt it his value put it might get another co2 cartridge for the gun Oh what is this Oh a whole box of co2 cartridges for the gun about half full I don't know if they're used or not so we'll just sell all that together in one lot this is looks like just some keychains let's open her up if I can figure out how to use a ziploc bag oh it's Dori and then beyond that just some keychains this one has a coin on it but doesn't look like yeah it's a fake buffalo nickel it's about the size of like our current dollar coin all right we got more floppy disks this is just a regular pack not new by any means let's see what is this poster for a workout gym junk you know we had the gym I'd probably throw it away because it is in rough shape oh this must be a loader to make it a little easier to load the gun what I don't know garbage what else do we have anything special a Pure Romance nametag oh boy just think about what we're gonna find in here lodging Congress 1987 some random metal probably shelf brackets and a baseball that is still actually sealed this one now let's move on to this so I'm gonna get my hand truck out of here though so we've got an oil drum full of stuff first is this box of cat litter it's probably about half full now normally I would throw this away but one of my employees he has cats so I'm gonna give it to him alright now we've got this candle holder I looked at before it's got some weight to it I didn't see any markings there is this one here I didn't see any markings that say silver I should say it says made in USA quadruple Pattin did and has a patent number quadruple probably tells me his quadruple silverplate so that's just plate but it is still a fancy candle holder probably get twenty bucks or so for it we've got this little shoe organizer I'm just gonna throw that away what is this interesting it says Budweiser your fishing rod so maybe we'll find the other half of it little Budweiser collectible we've got so this remote control Hummer no controller but that could be anywhere in there if we find the controller we'll get a little bit for it all right here we've got more cleaning products and something is in fact leaking in here so I'm just gonna throw this away and it smells like bleach it probably froze and then the bottle leaked we've got a plush bear there's a whole bunch of plush we're gonna sell in one lot in the auction what do we have here some M&M dudes so these I mean they don't go for a ton of money but I'll be able to probably get three to five dollars for this auction we've got this is just a little address organizer we've got a toaster that's kind of gross so I'm just gonna pull that away and what in the world is this play money I guess I'm not quite sure yeah this looks like junk garbage you've got a vacuum belt you know these can I can get a couple bucks for on eBay yeah a vintage WCW keychain man will you put that in a lot of stuff we got a noisemaker garbage what is this keyring garbage we got another noisemakers listen doesn't work that well we've got oh this could be really good oh I saw that and thought maybe it was all silver coins shells coin game not quite State of the Union Michigan sales Klingon I'm not quite sure it's tokens for something but we will put them in the auction maybe someone will know what they go to man did I get excited there that would have been like a couple hundred bucks of those all like silver coins this is a nasty cup or throwing it away here we've got some keychains doesn't look like anything too special but we can maybe make a lot of keychains we got a belt buckle was this a water skier 3d belt buckle 1979 is the date on the back of probably a couple bucks for that we've got a padlock this is a really crappy one but I'll throw in the dollar sale or something this is interesting a bullet and three pennies on a keychain all right then Ed's room we've got looks like some toy keys and then another lock with a key out there not attached another lock with a key so three padlocks some toy keys coal national so I don't know if that's like a bank sold this is a promotional thing I put in the dollar sale we've got another lock so now we've got a lot of three locks in the auctions another belt buckle here this is if I can read it Henry Ford Detroit so Ford belt buckle from it does not have a year louis buckles chicago probably get ten to twenty dollars for that another keychain some firestone putty knives it's gonna put those away we've got some sort of key chains or something I'm not quite sure maybe these go on a belt or something I don't know all right we get some patches here select series and Williams pipeline company hold on to those for now this is like a filter for something I like but it's old this is like brass may have some value that is garbage this is some sort of candle hole you know what it matches this or doesn't it's close at the very least but this isn't missing any so who knows all right we've got some sort of token here or coin it says June 25th 1880 I don't know what this is some biblical token it says 1880 whether or not that's a remake I'm not sure a couple of Disney toys we've got a pin or a real probably Realtors Association another noisemaker this one seems kind of cottage you know what maybe I'll take these out of the trash there's a lot of three vintage noisemakers in the auction all right we've got another lock this one does not have a key I'm gonna set it aside though in case we do find the key there's another one of these things that right there we've got a gross pillow that will definitely go in the trash soft ball vote Curtis 88 probably just get a little glasses repair kit valley steel products wrong put that in the dollar sale a key this is not the right key for that lock and then another one who's making our Disney figures we've got two more of these interesting all right we've got parable gloves kind of a gross stuffed animal a gross pillow of frog lure this is a vintage lure it might have some value I'm gonna look that up belt buckle I'm just gonna throw this away it's not gold gold plate or anything this is I'm not quite sure looks like shelf pins to hold shelves up I'm not sure I'm a suicide though just in case we get another choke in here this one is Union Pacific 1934 but it feels like it's aluminium it's definitely reproduction sample of the aluminum in the Union Pacific train so maybe not sample is aluminum in the Union Pacific train probably something what they sold back then another one of these guys okay so I think I figured out what these things are let me grab this candle holder again boy is this thing heavy now all of these I'm just kind of setting into there and then this in the middle so I think they go to this what's weird is the candle holder itself was not originally in this bin I just put it in here so it doesn't get crushed by other stuff in the box it was in all right here we've got some foreign coins or tokens bed sheet a growth pillow see a coin of some sort right here it says 1975 some sort of Spanish coin all right we've got a blanket all of these are really gross from being in this rusty barrel whoops so I'm just gonna throw them all away well this is making handmade Afghan that might be sellable and then just some more pills so that is the contents of this guy next we've got some cigar boxes here they feel like they're empty so for empty cigar boxes probably get five bucks or so a rocket launch pad original price of 25 bucks so we'd probably get 10 for that beads oh no this whoa yeah let me get you a better angle so this is some sort of beaded hanging thing I don't know what that's worth but we're gonna sell it now this party like candle box has a price tag of 149 from a local pawn shop I already looked at what it was it is train stuff this pawn shop is usually pretty spot-on in their pricing so we've got 47 piece over an under peer set original price of 13 but that could have been decades ago let's see what it looks like inside so it looks like it's probably all there so this is probably worth a few dollars we've yeah this is factory sealed retaining walls what does this looks like it's this thing like a bridge possibly it probably partially used code 83 to some sort of circuitry we've got a power pack for a train we've got some track here and another power pack or controller then a whole bunch of cars we've got an engine here let's see if there's a make on I just Santa Fe it is very ornate lifeline I think it says light flying down there so we've got an engine here that looks like the only engine and then a bunch of these cars this one is your coal that goes over onto it we've got some tanker cars are they all the same brand I'm trying to see on here you know the brand is in that little crack there yeah lifeline or life like it might be this one's dirty like it's made to look dirty I think and also life like it's not life line its life like so we've got a whole set here we've got some paint brushes some hobbyist is gonna get really excited on this stuff there is a receipt here for engine house services it doesn't say something 50 foot flat 20 dollars this might be something different and then we've got 40 foot 50 foot flat cars so it looks like they bought one car for $20 here whether that was newer use I'm not quite sure so based on the fact the pawn shop had $150 price this particular pawn shop is usually pretty accurate on their prices so I'm gonna say this is worth about a hundred and fifty bucks this box is relatively heavy let's see what's in it oh it's like kitchen stuff curtains we've got look at this for the basic which in your life see looks like it's all dishes mugs and one oh yeah another NW month I'm gonna put that with the others stuff in here so let me get these dishes don't we look at what's under it so it doesn't look like too much finds away I found a second MW mug was pulling on the dishes now I have four of them let's see coupon for $300 towards the purchase of a vehicle yeah probably garbage this is nice this is a wind chime Native American theme looks like feather something is missing there so you get mail and junk oh this looks to be junk entrepreneur magazine junk and the rest of this appears to just be betting oh there's something in here this is like a little sport satchel set of adidas headphones or your bugs I might be able to get a buck or two Oh what this is oh no it just goes through the things so you can have your iPod in this almost sell these as a set adidas headphones with a little sport case and then the rest of this looks to be betting an Xbox we got half a roll bubble wrap that will always come in handy get some sort of plastic NASCAR car and then we go it will sing a train set not a valuable one just an old wooden kid set and some other assorted toys so this way I can get five bucks for all this all right now we've got looks like some socket sets in some mysterious white boxes so we've got this craftsman socket set probably worth five boxes so this is whoa not a socket set look at this a box full of belt buckles interesting we've got a Nazi belt buckle sometimes that stuff holds value although part of the crossbones is broken off Harley Davidson there's a good 30 bucks there a date honor 1980 solid brass harley-davidson belt buckle get some Native American belt buckles I'm assuming that's Native American in some way Indian Head Penny belt buckle Eddie so maybe someone named Eddie will buy this an airplane from doesn't have a date horse carriage Jacksonville Jaguars I'm kidding it's just like a Jaguar a tiger of some sort in fact it's from 1980 before they were even a sports team look how closes their logo before they were even a sports team oh we got a buffalo look at these we've got a Hawaii with some sailboats the United States Marine Corps there's quite the variety in here we've got a dragon they've got MGM studios or just a generic lion however you want to smell it old car this would go nice pairing with that Ford belt buckle this one is malla to a morgan silver dollar coin we've got an eagle bald eagle Weeki Wachee florida's don't know what that is you've got a pot leaf leave the genes company bulldozer and another skull and crossbones death or glory so I didn't I wasn't really counting how many are there probably 20 belt buckles in here this one has exceptional buddy this is probably the most valuable one in fact I'm going to look it up right now one sold but 20 350 plus shipping so I mean this was 20 350 the others aren't gonna hold any exceptional value but I could probably I should be able to get like 5 bucks easy an auction so this is probably been a hundred bucks right here all combined and then below it well I said I thought the last ones the socket set and it wasn't someone will hold my judgment and a socket set with an interesting wrench all right then we've got some of these mysterious white boxes that have styrofoam in them probably some sort of collectible Oh Corona truck I wonder if there's an age with an idea of how old this is there's nothing stamped on the bar here here's some more identifying information on that one this one is Miller Genuine Draft this one does have a marking on the bottom right here it says 1996 Miller Brewing so they're probably I mean they all look kind of the same oh this one the back door opens they all kind of look the same so they're probably all from 1996 he's got Corona we've got Miller and lastly we've got oh this one has a certificate of authenticity and this one is the moose on the loose is moose head beer never heard of it no markings on the bottom presumably they're all probably about the same age though I don't think this can be put back on so they probably have never really been a relief from this packaging so I honestly have no clue what these are worth maybe I can get 10 bucks apiece for that's 30 bucks in fact the certificate of authenticity has a 1997 date so they're probably all late 90s next box this looks like all home-improvement stuff and a water bottle the water bottle in the toilet sale all-purpose electrical wire probably not even in code anymore silicone this is looking like no one's the screws so they must be just reusing that jewelry box to hold screws this is a all more unproven type stuff or what's a hardware I'm gonna dig through this and I'll let you know if I find anything special so here's the contents of the box a couple of noteworthy things this little money clip I think I think it's a money clip I'm not sure a little clip of some sort I'm gonna put that in with the jewelry I found a pack of bb's as probably well five bucks or so and this I'm just gonna throw it away but it's a back cover for a Wii Remote off-brand one I'm just tossing it but that means there could be a Wii in this unit somewhere another box here we've got a drain snake I'm just gonna put that here was part of the box for it we got some vinyl gloves he's always come in handy I'm probably gonna hold on to these alright little white box here last time it was models casters and there's a bed frame all right here we've got a little glass Eagle figure another Native American figure we've got some mail see cd-rom drive junk another cd-rom drive John looks like that might be full stack of it these are also a scrap pretty well because that's gold so I'm going to put this in with all those RAM sticks iPhone we've got some shower curtain hooks for those in the dower sale a fan for computer garbage cord of some sort of Graco so I can't do much with it I'll throw it in the scrap and cord for something else throwing the scrap in a couple of Hot Wheels cars rough shape I'm just gonna throw them with random toys and whatnot all of these pens and gets thrown away and this table stop you get another one of these with the metal or with the gold pins those scrap up pretty well so they're always worth hanging on to we've got a stressed figure sale a couple of golf balls we're just gonna Oh from the oneida one stuff local gas station chain let's see this exercise they put that with that tension cable alright oh this is nice we've got coiled in here we've got a bike lock and it has the keys so that it looks like a pretty nice one pretty heavy-duty got a base for a landline phone we'll see if the rest of its in there if not we're throw it out look at this more of these cards and looks like there might be a ram stick in there so be able to scrap that up pretty well some cables strong more cables that's junk we've got an old webcam it is USB they put that in the dollar sale fan but there is a heatsink attached to it I'm not gonna bother taking that off it's not worth the time for the 50 Cent's I'll make up I will give it to someone who does scrap more cables was this USB adaptor plug in the wall those always come in handy battery for a laptop this unit had a whole bunch of old laptops cheers to the battery more hold onto that is John let's see probably junk probably like a hard-driving closure or something I'm not gonna mess around with it because it is locked so John and we've got let you get a better view in here we just find the phone so this looks like junk pens and computer stuff so we're gonna throw away the rest additionally I found a soldering iron not really worth anything but maybe we'll find some other stuff to pair with next I've got all these collectible diecast cars look at those prices 28 bucks $29 I don't know if they're worth that but I figure I can get at least twenty ten dollars each for them although a moment I keep that Kodak one for my camera collection we've get a smaller one and a couple that are out of the boxes I figure I can average about 10 bucks each for these so that's 60 70 80 90 100 bucks right there alright this is eight washbasin god this feels like it's an empty box maybe there's a charger or something I can use yes we've got a charger and then this guy so these will come in handy box is empty so we'll throw that away we've got a PSP game Grand Theft Auto maybe that means there's a PSP in there we've got two of these let me get you up a little bit so I can show them these guys with tags one of them sold for 30 bucks the other one doesn't have the tags I don't know maybe I can get 30 bucks for the pair all right we've got this little cup here with a little note which is junk we get another charger here another two chargers what else is in here it looks like the rest of this is trash hair ties makeup that is trash well actually if I can get this out let's get some gooey stuff out I'm gonna throw that away all right this little cup we've got is this glitter glitter contact lenses and some sort of pills it was like vitamins crash oh let's see you get some sealed hockey cards these look older 1992 for five packs of those so far we've got a remote for a DVD player we're gonna set this aside in case we find a DVD player yeah jewelry oh all right we got a dollar coin that's worth about a buck to me but we also have a silver peace dollar this was about fifteen or twenty dollars what is this some sort of beads young whole bunch of jewelry oh there's another dollar coin another susan b anthony that's worth a dollar and then some rings here let's see I don't have my loop on me I'm trying to get this quick so it doesn't bore you it looks like it could be silver I don't know in a quick glance I don't see any markings this one is marked sterling so it was that an eagle so it's marked sterling right inside there this one is I can't tell if that's a marking or not so we've got these are like military pins you get a chain these two are not marked and they're kind of pitted inside so I don't think they're silver however this one is marked sterling mark sterling it sounds like a name the marking on it says sterling so that's worth a few dollars we'll send this to a local auction and maybe we can get 10 bucks out of it get some mouse poison or ant poison we're just gonna throw that away because we're not how old it is HDMI cable these always sell they do well in the auctions if you have a bunch of them go umbrella one of these push button ones it's all sealed off but what is this some sort of foam blocks throw those away a basketball hoop just a little mini one that's obvious those never seen it sell all right we got some yard tools and some grilling tools more yard tools so we could probably sell these a wire brush another wire brush rake of some sort we've got a little clip on the lamp that will sell for probably 3 4 bucks none of these tablets on the dollar sale we've got a cheap flashlight we've got a vase also dollar sale items some safety glasses we'll put that in a mix of tools and on the phone block this is a controller probably for one of those remote control cars we have here nice little hose nozzle put that with some tools and in this bag looks like junk we've got a screwdriver oh oh here we go so this is in the other unit and it looks like some spare parts for it so this is definitely gonna hold on to also really good because since I bought both you have those this is a newer face ball cap for Bressler and it's not worth anything that's in a really rough shape this might go to the gym when we have in this bag here clothes pins not really worth anything a fancy controller for a car looks like it needs a whole bunch of batteries but we've got a whole bunch of remote-control cars in it so a lot of these could be for that we've got some rusted out wire junk what's in here Jeong Jeong some teflon tape it looks like junk junk tea light candles junk more teflon tape and then it looks like some screwdrivers and drill bits assorted tools what else do we have here some junk drunk here's a Mexican coin I'll put that for points as I'm finding and the rest of this looks like junk I've got a light bulb what is this fishing line that'll sell we've got a whole bunch of fishing stuff I've seen in this unit a single steak night junk oh I could go for a steak right now portable TV with some gunk on up we've got a railroad spike maybe I can mix that with some other stuff alone was it worth anything someone's mail alright this is some lady cards disguise with packer cards a whole bunch of packer cards here look at this loser Ted Thompson if you follow the Packers you know why we don't like him all right we've got part of a hose and then all of these cords probably just gonna get scratched although this may go to one of the RC cars it's got a unique and if I can actually get it to cooperate a unique end another pack of hockey cards oh here we go we got a pocket knife old-timer it says let's see if there's any manufacture the chip looks like it broke off it is says shrade or SH Road made in USA so this could have some value I mean I don't expect excessive value I cannot seem to get that open and then this one doesn't say anything so we've got a pocket knife made in USA vintage that will probably sell decently male hose mender so that probably dollar sale a brand new set a Black & Decker drill bit I can't oh this is worse much but it'll sell let's see what else we have here this maegor the home gym anything that looks like a microphone two little car here possibly remote control and another controller or an RC car well it doesn't look like there's a couple of hand tools in here beyond that it doesn't look like much else so I'm gonna sort this I'll let you know if I happen to find anything else noteworthy this might be the battery cover for that role nope doesn't fit alright alright so nothing else in there although identifying this it's a little credit card knife it fits in your wallet like a credit card but it flips out and you've got a knife it was brand new in the package but I had to take it out to play with it it's not really going to change the value much so we've got this bag here let's see what sale so with the bigger one here we've got looks like just file folders definitely want to look through this type of stuff because you never know I've already found one autographed picture of hiding there's nothing in there we've got a bomb welcome kid it looks like some beads and stuff I don't think there's gonna be really anything of value any of them I glanced in here this is just like a vinyl disposable tablecloth and beads nothing special there they did sell Avon maybe we'll find some new Avon stuff we've got oh boy pier romance all paperwork I don't know what I will do pure romance for those of you don't know they it's kind of like Avon or Herbalife one of those I like to call them pyramid schemes but one of those Direct Marketing things that will get moms single moms to sell stuff your romance is adult toys we'll just leave it at that so if I do find someone I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do with them how I'll sell them has some business cards and there's something else in here do not return to store this is probably for the bag we'll just leave that in there in this pocket we've got that's empty that's empty in here and here we've got this stuff so a little calculator and I fell right out of the garbage and y'all so this is empty but it is a nice rolling laptop bag it has in this pocket the handle that attracts Oh probably get a good buy right here now first thing I see California Raisins this bank full of California Raisins applaud you with about five bucks in your local auction we've got quick set the doorknob the locking doorknob are the keys in it without the keys it's not really worth anything she's still hiding underneath here alright we did find the keys all right we did find the keys it works so we've got a good doorknob here I mean this is like 10 bucks new so I don't know what we're gonna do with this maybe we'll find a use for it maybe if we have a couple of them when yourself another thing a tennis ball is you can feel it's squishy so it's definitely not sealed yeah it is open but you know maybe get a dollar for the set in the dollar sale not quite sure what that is here we've got a clock patriotic Eagle over the American flag I can't tell if the it looks like it's a chip down here but that's not that big of a deal we probably get 5 or 10 dollars for it where you got oh here we go and WI they call these I can't run with the technical term for these is but it's a big AMW we got some Packers glasses here looks like a set with some junk in it there's another one oh these are Packers Super Bowl glasses oh you got a superball and this one throw that away so we've got a set looks like a decent sized set that's five and this will make six so we get a set of six Packers Super Bowl glasses what else do we have in here some sort of bracket for something some giant Kranz what is this other stuff this looks like junk so we're gonna throw that set of six packard glasses is probably worth about ten bucks this looks like an off-brand iPod in there if I can get it open yes this is an off-brand iPod shuffle worth about a dollar this nice little wooden business card stand but so I'm gonna pay a buck for that what is this headphones a set of headphones that were given out to buy northeastern Wisconsin Technical College a local school here we've got a lamp for this kind of funky there I'll throw in the down for it another one of these things I'm not quite sure what it is its marked 2009 Thomas oh this might be for that wooden train set so I'm gonna grab the one I threw out handmade leather thing two of them not really worth anything what is in here it looks like nothing just junk so we maybe someone will buy these in the dollar sale there this I'm going to set aside with the other two put with those two toy trains not the collectible ones and that is it for this box all right couple more boxes here we've got box full of sidewalk chalk there's another box of sidewalk chalk yeah man trying to set that's new that doesn't matter we'll put this in the dollar sale by the way we've got it looks like some mail you can through it off-camera trash we've got a magazine car driver trash we've got ammunition but it feels pretty light so not a lot of bullets but maybe we can get a couple of bucks for than the auction so we will set this aside hopefully we find more these are always interesting little foxes couple of Lights see how bright that is these will do all right in here we yeah power pack see what that is it looks like something related to the trains so we will set that said there's more in this bag we got little cars miniature cars and little people so these are probably things that go on display with the trains look at that $7.00 was the price for that what else we got a couple more tangled up in the bag couple more of these little cars these are likely gonna be on display alongside of the trains so we're gonna put that all with the train stuff another bag here this Bay ooh these will do well what light tap pulls they're not old by any means there's something you'd seen a bar today but I probably get ten bucks for the pair and this is just spackle it's pretty dense you can tell that's what's in it so we'll set that aside there is also a little chain right here which is not gold garbage and all of this was an a vintage Pepsi crate peninsula beverage company I'm assuming this mid upper Michigan the upper insula which isn't far away as much $5.00 hangs on this is guaranteed worth more than that let's even got some stuff on the inside I would guess this is probably about ten to twenty dollars especially given that it's relatively local there's also set of earrings in there so we'll set this aside from the auction I'm just kind of glancing at these earrings here they are not marked in any way so they're not sterling jewelry now we've got this this is a craftsman circular saw it looks brand-new the blade is definitely new but even the the saw itself doesn't have any sawdust residue on it the cord still has the twist tie on it that's gotta be worth at least 20 bucks I would imagine all right this box here what is this so I'm sort of circuit board see how just stabbed myself electronic dice project so some sort of circuit board here with some resistors and whatnot I have no clue what that's worth we're gonna send it to auction all right this bag Oh couple Pepsi glasses huh that'll be funny or if you could actually see what it says hold on let me undo this bubble wrap so I can get it out oh it's uh huh that's right Diet Pepsi uh-huh you got the right one baby and then a regular you can see the Pepsi logo and that is it for this one we've got an Oneida Nation flag and what's in here these are caps for something I thought its pills at first it's little caps I'm honestly not sure what those are for and then here is more caps of some sort little caps or something I'm thinking these probably aren't worth anything there's more stuff underneath here you see a bunch of cards here so let's I'm gonna carefully take these out so don't spill them everywhere all right we've got all of the cap or the cards out this is a goodwill bag this is an old goodwill bag Winnie the Pooh figure it does say Disney on the bottom but it doesn't well this is a salt salt or pepper shaker so I would imagine this is probably no this is smaller oh the honey oh my god you salt and pepper shakers Winnie the Pooh and his honey those are probably some once I pay a few bucks for that all right this is junk this is goes inside of a computer to run the fan off of like a heat sink or something punch a little computer screws it looks like this is all gonna be computer related stuff a little scrub brush tray for probably a disc drive get some cords and I think this is probably that brush extension handle here we've got a whole bunch of RAM sticks fancy I don't know if that means anything if these have some sort of value or not I'm looking at them 10 24 megabits megabytes so this is one gig each is a one gig RAM stick these may have some value I don't know computers but I know one gigabyte of RAM you put three or four of those in you've got a relatively modern computer here's some more of those random caps this is gonna be an attachment for that scrub brush this probably was attached to a computer we've got a fan John I'm just throwing all this stuff in the trash this is so no it's a film canister with something in it I cannot see through it and I can't seem to get this cap off there we go little metal pieces garbage a four year olds birthday candles alright here is if you're selling celebrating the birthday of your anti-lock brakes ABS I'll throw those away and then the rest of this just looks like computer parts you know this will just scrap it out the rest is just cables and stuff so that's it for this box so this was in with all the cars I wasn't really going through them but I found in I'll look this up it's small it's one of those old cigarette cards I don't know if it's real or not but if it is real I couldn't find this exact card but this guy's cards are going for like 40 to 100 bucks so I might send this to an auction separately so here's what I did this these are all wrapped up in some sort of plastic sleeve this one somebody worn something so I won't look down at this even has some value it is from 1993 so it's not terribly old these three are all from the 60s so maybe they have some value I'm gonna look those up and then this stack here if I can get them oh all of these had price tags have either to that one was $2 all the other ones were $1 so if we added this up to be two three four five six seven eight be nine dollars worth of cards maybe I can put them in the auction get five bucks or so so this is something that excited me when I saw is the cedar chest for the Oneida Nation the entire nation of Wisconsin this is like burned into it does not paint on it's not sticker it's like burned in and then we've got their insignia here so I have no idea what this chest is worth it could be a couple hundred in this area but I would guess at least 20 bucks and it looks like it's filled with Native American things and a couple feathers alright so we've got these two feathers so it's kind of cool so this doesn't look like much but for this to be made this would have had to have been carved this probably would have been one log like this and would have been carved like this you don't carve these individually and put them together it's kind of neat all right we've got a bag here interesting it's all like cedar branches I guess we're just gonna throw that out oh we've got I can already tell what this is this is gonna be a large flag it's been the same thing as this one for the United Nation so we've got a large flag here we've got leaves of some sort this is probably some sort of ritualistic herbal thing they were saving some plastic bags please all right next we've got a straw rope this is probably handmade caught in here a dreamcatcher this I don't think this is a real skull it feels more like plaster the horns might be real but the skull really feels like plaster yeah you could cut you really see in the teeth this is just a plaster skull I was still decorative someone will buy it yeah we've got some sort of carvings I think this is probably a necklace that came off yet these beads these I'm thinking this is probably a necklace that the string broke so they saved the pieces to fix it we've got more feathers in here I'm a little afraid to touch this I don't know what that is we're just gonna throw that out and then underneath it we've got this is actual mink oil whatever that is toss that in here we've got something wrapped up it looks like probably dishes this is meat this is a shell really cool shell we've got another shell in here so we will probably sell those together what is this regular top I think this is just a pop here oh tobacco so we'll just toss that no this a little afraid that's something my heart it's like a ceramic thing wrapped up nicely this is an interesting box here oh that's around like stained glass that's kind of neat there's a couple of them in here and then there's a third one still wrapped right there oh there's a fourth one so we have four stained-glass artistic displays here staples those make sure it actually is staples yep box for some small trinkets or something or a more empty bags yeah another another shell this one needs a little bit of a polishing it's kind of cool we'll set that aside a flag of some sort I don't want to unwrap unroll the whole thing looks like a Native American flag depicting some sort of scene all right we've got a glossy picture we've got I think this is a folder a card of some sort and some sort of sheet where they're keeping track of likely work they performed another feather this one's beaded and we've got a beaded keychain dreamcatcher these are kind of neat carved wood feathers and this I don't think is part of it we've got more tabacky alright oh the stained glass feather that's kind of neat three Eagles is the brand stained glass eagle feather dawn with horsehair feathers and glass beads handcrafted by Natalie Oh more herbs or leaves or something well this kind of explains what it is incense sage Oneida market is a local gas station you get a bunch of blank CD's printer software windows XP junk another shell what is in here it looks to be just a card a birthday card we get a belt buckle Korres makes me feel a little better this wasn't like a spiritual box with a whole bunch of stuff that I'm throwing out they have a course belt buckle and a Windows XP CD in here makes me feel a little bit better more incensed this looks like a piece of leather some animal hide I think I'm not sure oh let's see this is Oh assembly guide for a bed that I have in another in the other storage unit so we'll hold on to that we got a bike lock but it does not have the key so unless we find the key in this box I'll be throwing that away get another belt buckle bow hunting from they usually have dates on them 1983 it says on the back there this feels like maybe another belt buckle a handyman life member handyman Club I don't think that's gonna have a lot of value just some blocks of wood here maybe they were making something who knows I was drill bits nails interesting looking nails wow this sure what that looks like it broke off of something and a train whistle I tried to sell those they really don't sell another feather just a blank notepad decorative picture frame these look like stock photos it looks like something from a soap opera but it says love that's definitely bigger here's another one with the same stock photos and love a little dreamcatcher a native bracelet here's another bracelet and another bracelet another straw braiding this looks like it was probably cut off of a piece of furniture we had Oh gross okay I'm gonna go wash my hands okay so it's not as gross as I thought it was it's a lighter I'm gonna demonstrate cuz people aren't gonna believe me so it is adult-themed so if you have children watching you might want to turn them away it is a phallic lighter additionally I found another lighter the middle finger I'll show that way you have your kids looking the other way alright it curses at you as well so anyways now it's okay to bring your children back into the room let's finish digging through this alright we've got more of these trim pieces for presumably a piece of furniture or something some match books I don't think these are really have any value local casino casino they're all like local ish casinos there's some seeds of some sort we can get this off a Packers card card some more thing a broken chain now this is interesting this feels like it would be a very uncomfortable bracelet well I suppose the keychain from a casino in Marquette Michigan which is in AUP Upper Michigan more matchbooks some rolls of tape and that looks like that is it for this box that is a human tooth so yeah this is now the grossest thing I've found in the unit so in case anyone's wondering this is not someone's religious spiritual box of things where it's really disrespectful to throw certain things away out of it there was a male organ area lighter a middle finger lighter that curses as you sports cards a coarse belt buckle what else did we find in there basically it was just a whole bunch of stuff it had no spiritual value or at least as a whole it didn't so I wasn't desecrating a Native American spiritual box so hopefully I won't be haunted so moving up all right here we've got a vintage Pepsi clock there are no markings on the back no date there is a brand impact International Inc but I would guess this is probably late 70s early 80s that's kind of cool we've also got this sweatshirt normally I don't sell clothing but this is Native veteran this is probably gonna sell in the auction pretty well it's in Nice shape we've got a couple of canvas wall decorators made in China nothing too special probably get five bucks for the set we've got a vintage picture frame here probably worth a couple bucks we've got a lap desk with a leather base some will probably pay for that and this is a lid for something to it in case it goes to something here we've got a little electronics toolkit I'll set that aside with the tools and you'll get a box of stuff it's labeled Christmas I already looked at it so I know it's not Christmas we've got some Pepsi fridge magnets look they look at least vintage-inspired actually this one has a date in 1998 so it's still relatively vintage and this is cool this is a Pepsi Cola pitcher there's no date or anything on it but it's a picture and a set of glasses that magic that looks like all that probably in here so the pitcher and a handful of glasses is probably four six of them definitely ones for this buy six glasses I have no idea what this is worth we're gonna set it to auction see we're gonna go for the magnets we'll probably sell for combined ten bucks we've got a set of wheels for either a hand truck or a small trailer with this flat this is a local auction company so that's kind of neat it tells me that more stuff from different options another Pepsi crate this one you can't really see it on that side it's from Beloit Wisconsin which is kind of near Milwaukee ish so it's still pretty local it's got all the inserts to separate it and you can see it says Pepsi inside as well all right we've got a mountain Dew large insulated mug this is like a gallon it doesn't have a date on it but MTN Dew is a recent change probably the last 10 years they used to spell out mountain probably worth a couple bucks we've got these bear arrows probably it's got the tips probably not worth a ton but there is also a blow in the unit which we'll show you later we'll put those together here we've got a box we got a charger for phone some clothesline brand new a notepad from a local hospital that's trash and then this is a display case for a diecast car what else do we have in here this looks like a bag of just the paperwork oh no hold on there's more in there let's see we've got some sealed packs of cards more of those hockey cards we saw earlier a charger for something what else is in here and that's junk this is a camel Zippo KLR that's engrave down I don't know what that means that's not the person's initials so I'm not quite sure maybe that's the someone do it the cigarette brand or something that's probably good five bucks what else do we have in here it looks like the rest is just some trash and a couple more packs of these cards underneath it we've got raid a charm bracelet here with the motorcycle on it kind of tough to see on camera but there is a motorcycle on it and an extension cord in with those papers was also this Pepsi magnet and a receipt from an antique mall for a couple things a cowboy jacket a bag of cars and a Pepsi magnet he spent 40 bucks on the jacket so I'm hoping that's in the unit next we've got this kissed doll or action figure still in the packaging packaging is a little yellow I saw two others I'm hoping the fourth ones in there too we've got this bathroom clock kind of neat you hang a towel on it you've got the sink the bathtub no toilet though maybe supposed to be in there we've got a brand new Danica Patrick clock we can sell that alongside of the autographed picture we saw earlier let's see we've got a model car we're gonna take in a cart probably not worth anything I'm not quite sure what this is it looks like part of a cake pan was one solid piece it doesn't open up it's welded so I don't know maybe someone can help me with that we've got a craftsman bag here with a Dewalt battery what else is in here the instructions oh for the saw so maybe this bag goes with the saw we've got also instructions for random stuff and another DeWolf battery so the two batteries I don't know if they're any good but I can probably 10 bucks for repair and know if this bag is for the sauce seems a little small for it we've got a military jacket here there's no name on it on here but I'm sure it'll sell for a little bit we've got a dremel attachment kit for all the little attachments you might have we go this feels empty an empty craftsman box looks like for an electric screwdriver it does have some bits of it though a vintage sanyo a track deck a track record deck so this could have some value so it's the model 80/20 a nothing came up with that but the 80/20 sold for 79 plus shipping here's 40 plus shipping 49 plus shipping and that's it so I mean I would say at least 50 bucks for this I'll do a little more research it is 80/20 a so it's not the same model I was looking up but it's got to be pretty alright we've got a box of cards these are sports cards it probably has a buck 25 on I'm sure I can get probably three or four we've got a tackle box here and it's heavy so let's get it open Jules it looks like an electronics repair kit yes definitely lectrons repair here we can open it up more let's see we've got a knife in here this is an interesting like a tactical knife almost switchblade oh that's neat I am totally gonna hurt myself here but switchblade woo I recently found out those are illegal in Canada I found that out by watching the show row at the show it's called nothing to declare something like that here's another another night this one's just a regular pocket knife probably not too expensive but worth at least $5 I would say what else do we have in here carbon film resistor Oh oh my a whole bunch of resistors this probably has some value what else is in here this software we've got another little box here with some more resistors a speaker the little screwdriver kit scissors a couple more of these little screwdriver kit what is this soldering stand looks like the rest of it is just going to be electronics repair things wire caps so this is a full electronics repair kit there's a soldering iron in there there's a whole bunch of resistors a little electric motor I'm assuming this is some sort of voltage meter solder so full electronics repair kit we're gonna take the knives out and sell those separately want to play with this one some more I've never actually has switchblade before before so uh yeah you want my money huh no more okay I'm done I am totally gonna hurt myself so that is for some reason in the electronics for care kit so I would assume this whole kit has got to be worth at least 40 or 50 bucks a lot of this stuff looks brand-new and then the knives will probably give me another 20 or so alright we've got this thing which I can only assume is some sort of dish rack I don't know what else this could possibly be it's got the drip trays as a dish rack would there no markings not just as made in China on the bottom so I'm assuming that's a dish rack this was not with it but it looks like it goes with it so I put it there one more box over here we've got a kiss action figure there's another one with no box forget about 10 bucks for the set there that's garbage we've got Wilma Flintstones weapon of choice we've got some cords a little remote-control car if it's in here that's fine though and it is in fact in that let's say you control it with your phone and then a couple of books oh and this was this oh no the belt buckle Iola Car Show 1988 we are finding a ton of belt buckles in this unit alright so I'm trying to get this healthy living thing going I'm only gonna drink one Pepsi a day now just one right here this is my can of Pepsi you get the lid right here this is my one Pepsi per day that way I can be living healthy that's what you need you just drink one Pepsi a day and you'll be healthy so we've got a Pepsi cooler nice and clean inside but it looks like you can it's even got the nutrition facts on it somebody will probably pay for this can of Pepsi alright we've got this backpack you saw this at the beginning of the video so let's see what is in it we've got a pair of cheap sunglasses ZZ Top's a lot in this pocket we've got a Lamborghini er that's Ferrari I think we got a Ferrari yeah that's Bry right in the back if I learn how to read it is battery powered so I'm sure it does something let's see moving on to this pocket it looks like we're full of toys we've got a Jagger it's not very sharp looks like there's some Hot Wheels cars Matchbox cars Kellogg's cereal and that's hot wheels but nothing a real value it looks like we're just filled with toys here and coughs that's why handcuffs yeah that's that's about it so I'm gonna show you how to escape the police if you rob a bank I am going to cuff myself if I can even get this to fit it might even be a little small there we go there's one alright and these are really bad cuffs all right now I am handcuffed I just got arrested now we are going to rip them off there we go I'm free - where's my knife here's a gun now I'm gonna go rob that bank again alright we got a box of what looks to be all cards here our song hockey cards they look to be all hockey cards so probably get three four bucks for this box we got a ramp stick more gold value we've got a little box of cards here these are more hockey cards another box here more card what in the world are these these are interesting they're like plastic cards die-cut for the team alright moving out we got a piece of paper looks like junk some straws empty bag we've got a keychain laser pointer and it is in there so that will prize sell for three four dollars we've got a deck of bikini cards some creeper will buy those alright more cards Commons it says oh but we do have some certified cards in here I don't know if these are any good but they are certified so we'll probably send these to auction a lot of certified cards they are PSA or these seasons are those aren't those are Becket's they are certified by a reputable brand and then the rest are just regular cards we've got another box of cards here these are also hockey cards we've got a book or a watch it's like a sales book of some sort alright here's a box that the hockey cards were probably in and a box from the lady cards well this is fancy these are for displaying cards acrylic cases here's some football cards here a bunch of empty top-loaders junk couple of rulers junk another box of cards hockey cards as well yeah another box of cards appear to be hockey cards here's a certificate of authenticity for something for hockey draft picks set so this looks like a complete set this might be worth a few bucks on its own if it is in fact a complete set all right we've got a sticker a notepad those are garbage we've you know sharpening stone it looks like another sharpening stone just a block of wood a couple of coins here to thine own self recover this is an AAA coin and a religious coin and then just some markers we've got another box here and we've got an adult magazine right there everyday mathematics all right underneath that there's some of these bikini cards these are factory sealed I looked them up on ebay they're really not worth much maybe if I have enough of them for is not going to hold on six is not gonna be enough to make it worth listing on eBay I would need like 30 of these but you can send to a local auction we've got these adult themed cards boxes of them they are they're not factory sealed they're just loose cards inside the boxes some more sports cards throughout these American Bandstand cards if I can open this box we've got two tins of those another one of these boxes this actually feels pretty active this one's for they save that the packages one of these looks signed this is actually autographed authentic autograph the sake of censoring this video so it's kid friendly it is autographed it says chanting autograph not there's really gonna be worth anything but here we've got Desert Storm cards this feels pretty empty oh no why does this feel so empty because it's the they don't take up the whole box but this might be a complete set here of oh these are hockey cards rookie season arena French hockey draft pick then we've got some non sports cards here so this is just a box of assorted cards get some sports cards some more bikini cards some wrestling where these post cards or something WCW so a whole bunch of stuff I could probably get about 15 bucks in a local auction for this box Green Bay bombers what in the world is that I have never even heard of that it looks like arena football since probably the predecessor to the Green Bay Blizzard arena football team that we have today so those might be worth some money by themselves not a ton but at least to a local market we've got another box that's that's empty that's empty this one's not empty this one is hockey cards and that's probably what will encompass this entire box we've got some craft paper as mostly empty we're just gonna toss that and a calendar here's some hockey cards interesting how they stored these I'm guessing they're sorting them in some fashion here maybe by play or something we got a rose one of these fires this is more hockey cards get these out of the way that's empty that's empty more hockey cards he's just fell out of it so these are not sealed packs these are boxes they're open they've got a book it's not really worth anything this is oh this is interesting I thought this is cards we got a Pepsi truck I don't see a date on it doesn't feel that old like the bottom is plastic this is a bank actually it's a bank this is probably a reproduction from the 90s I would imagine so we'll set that aside with all the Pepsi stuff get another box of hockey cards here knock things over oh there's a night ination thing some magazines and books this looks like some sort of notepad and then we just have like paperwork so I'm gonna go through this we'll see if there's anything special and I'll let you know if I find anything next we've got these boxes of cards some are sports cards some are lady cards so that's what one two three four five boxes I anticipate I'll probably get about 30 bucks for all of them this basket appears to be nothing special we've got a portable DVD player off-brand there's a movie in it the dark knight off-brand no charger so not really worth much a Gandhi book see what is in this little box I'm not entirely sure replacement parts for something sparkplug so probably something car related it's a licensed place these are imagination plates a Navy veteran Oneida Nation place in Wisconsin point so maybe those will go for a couple bucks to someone who likes to hang license plate in their garage and the rest of this looks like stuff that is gonna cost me some money it just closed up paints and whatnot well this is heavy let me take a look at it nope it is open you never know if someone just used it and then filled it back with water or something so I'm not gonna sell that just because you don't know what's in it but if it was sealed I would sit local auction we've got a box for Milwaukee tools it is cracked and you can feel it's empty just by opening I don't think these have any value especially considering it's cracked but maybe we'll find the drill for it somewhere in the unit that would be nice so I'm going to hold on to this until I find go through the unit I find the drill I'll put it with it if not rise faucet we've got two boxes here what look like pads for pets the absorbent pads that your cat or dog gets to pee on we've got two boxes of those they may also go in cribs for children which are basically just pets that require a little bit more maintenance so we will sell these in the auction now we've got this little shelving unit it's plastic baseball themed to go out of kids wall I don't know probably worth 5 or 10 bucks this box is topped off with a bunch of linens and in it you've got some rope we've got some fitness and car magazines because this looks like a shower kit set of gloves we got sandpaper inserts what is this little decorative knickknacks picture frames and what not a gross sock base for a phone oh hold on this may be the charger for this portable DVD players the same brand let's get in it is we found the charger for so that's just half the value this is probably about 5 bucks we've got puzzle guard and this is not I don't think this is the right handset we'll just set those side here all right we've got some cheap speakers these are Zenith speakers for a surround sound you've got a remote which is probably it's blue also probably the remote for that part will be to declare what else is in here toothpicks in a little jar brakes for a bicycle sharpening stuff on the ceiling some more little knickknacks for a kid's room we have more brakes and a brake handle for a bicycle and the rest of this looks like junk here we've got a tackle box with just random tackle in it looks like some worms Bob and whatnot on this side we've got more random assortment I think that's empty I don't know oh wait wait wait no yeah it's empty so just random fishing stuff will sell this all as one lot in the auction probably it I don't know five to ten dollars we've got a bunch of drawers with different size screws in it missing too I'll go for a couple bucks a gross shower mat this looks like it's all bathroom stuff in here mostly gonna be trash yeah this is all bathroom stuff so this is going to be a box that gets thrown right in the trash because no one wants to use bathroom stuff here we've got a bunch of 8tracks Kenny Rogers Dolly Parton it's a bunch of country as Elvis Elvis Christmas album here's another Elvis so a bunch of eight tracks and this the metal box is forty-fives look to be in pretty rough shape and nothing too special yeah these are in a really rough shape I don't know if I'm gonna get much of those but I'll probably get a few bucks for the vintage metal box this box is all CDs full of CDs are they in there yes the discs are in here it's not uncommon to find these and there are no discs because they took them all out and put them in sleeves what we're probably gonna do is just sell all these out declutter see what they get me I'm trying to probably get 20 or 30 bucks for this box just and declutter a good way to get rid of CDs although there is some decent stuff and we got Rihanna stuff to people Purple Rain people would be interested in poison quite Bob Marley this is quite the array of CDs here quite a variety but you know we should be able to get a decent amount for maybe this could be something special in there that I will look up but I'm not gonna hold my breath we've got a couple of small folding camp chairs a wooden box here this was actually filled with tobacco I dumped it out because I didn't want to spill in the trailer the dictionary of american slang this is urban dictionary for old people let's see we've got a little toolbox here a bike repair kit with a tube and for some reason no that's not quite so that's a great cable a little bike repair kit probably get a couple bucks for that and then this wicker wastebasket has some stuff and get a box of cards here random Cowboys glove this is one of those salt salt lamps people like those we've got an empty propane tank put that with the fish and then a stapler vintage was probably not worth anything all right this Bob garbage some yarn maybe someone will buy that see random cookbook we've got another native all this is cool just missing one of the feathers here but overall it's pretty neat but someone's pay a few bucks for that we've got quite sure what that is died some old cookbooks here you know these may be worth it in the auction just a stack of vintage cookbooks what is this just a little notepad I think this is a drawer slide it's a little bit garbage we've got best not quite sure what that means garbage so here Garfield just a whole bunch of random little papers and stuff nothing special more of that what is this some sort of earbuds or headphones probably gonna be junk taking a lot of trash in this box silverware or plastic silverware we've got a little drawer for something we'll set that aside for now oh harmonica that might be worth something I was like a handmade duct tape box this is a little sewing kit I'm not quite sure what that is that I think is for a door and I have the childproof it floppy-disk random remote some door and window sealant another random remote what is this I'm not quite sure what this is oh I think this suction comes to a window to off and a block out the Sun cords pair of pliers that have seen better days what is this a hockey an autographed hockey puck so this may have some value I have no idea if anyone knows who number 37 is for the Detroit Red Wings so we're gonna set this aside that could have some value I've got to achieve a remote for a TV it looks like and there goes the remote yeah uh here's what the drawer goes to looks like a dollhouse size end table I mean for jewelry or something as well more bike parts a whole brake cable assembly here Oh is there anything else special in here you got brake cables tip some sort of belt bracelet thing I'm not quite sure some vintage drawer hardware that quit innocent value was pretty common I don't think it will elf or something looks like the rest more vintage drawer hardware that one's broken so a bunch of junk otherwise oh wait I thought this is a gameboy fpga or a gameboy advance games it's not alright the rest this is junk so I looked it up it is his name is Tim Taylor plays for the Red Wings or played for the Red Wings same thing hockey puck autographed by him seven ninety five plus five bucks shipping so not really worth much but I'm sure it'll fetch five to ten dollars in a local auction I'll take it so this box is kind of heavy let's see what's in it looks like home improvement type stuff light switch covers a little fence edging oh boy this box is a mess it looks like it's probably all electrical stuff seeing outlets no teaching games oh here's a brand new hitch pin cable out with light switches this person must have been an electrician I think these are for a jack I check a whole bunch of light switch covers so I am going to go through this box I'll let you know if I happen to find anything special this is for a sink so a plumbing electrical over here so this was buried in the bottom of the box this will probably be worth stainless steel made in China says not with a ton but I'll probably sell for five to ten dollars and a local auction see you again here without hurting myself so maybe there'll be more knives in here all right we got a backpack here with some nylon rope and a whole bunch of these oversized ratchet straps there's one two three big ones and three smaller ones so six total so I'd imagine the contents of this backpack will give me about $20 we've got a large remote-control car maybe we found the controller with them earlier a tank or truck the model that you know all I see is the tank itself and it's already put together however it does still have the stickers and some paint it looks like is just the tanker though the picture doesn't show the truck at all so that is likely complete we've got a flat full of cars and another auction company thing he paid well the the tanker sold for two dollars and seventy five cents that's what he paid for it but this is a small no-name auction company so stuff sells cheap with Kevin and then we've got a whole bunch of little cars here there's nothing special in here there's a couple of bigger ones but nothing really all that special I'll probably go for about five bucks in the house look parties it's awesome all right this looks like a box of tools we've got a Milwaukee drill bit set which looks new this is a pretty nice set I don't know if this is supposed to go in it or not it looks like a pretty nice set worth about five to ten dollars here we've got a craftsman socket set just a little more probably also worth about five to ten dollars bunch of hardware for a piece of furniture let's see we got some takeout napkins just assorted tools there's a trailer light random little tools kind of a unique drawer pull but there's only one of them all in what in the world is this thing this almost looks like a pool for like a dollhouse or something that's probably what this is under here holy and tools all right this is just an feet up drawer pull cord or slide rather as is this that's probably jumped you but beyond that we've got some decent stuff here we've got I don't know how to open this without cutting myself but it looks like a full pack of razor blades the top view look rusted but the rest look like they're probably five a pry bar some hex keys pliers just a whole bunch of random hand tools in here a sanding disc sanding block this is I think this is for leather making whole bunch of some sort crowbar another level a little tiny pizza cutter Oh what else is in here I'm just doing this is for drywall I'm not a cool guy so I don't know what this stuff exactly is but I know it's all tools what is this right finish your tool brand-new there's a whole bunch of hand tools so I'm sure I'll do decently at auction we've got a chisel alright this box we found the other Dallas Cowboys glove so now we've got a set you can sell those along with Dallas probably popcorn tin we're gonna go through this one I have a little bit more table space you can see it better but it doesn't look as much we've got a NASCAR model here probably worth about three four dollars yeah I'm guessing this goes to like you put a sign up as with your train set water bottle with that dollar sale pile we have some more train cars here these are Glen Bain Glen bean is the brand of these so we've got two cars there we've got this might all go no this is like an erector set or maybe an off-brand erector set here I'm sure that's worth a few bucks here we've got Williams country store so this probably goes with the train stuff a building here's another building goes with the train stuff we've got a cigar box here and in it is pens a lot of pens was this a fancy pen of not worth anything but cigar box full of pens you know maybe someone will buy this in the auction there's no buy for the cigar box maybe for the pen these little Easter things throw out a whole bunch of trains here train cars these feel like plastic so I don't think they've got a lot of value but you never know I'll have to look em up this is kind of cool Menasha is a town nearby so this must be a company that was in Menasha and it was actually bought for $2 at a local thrift store little diecast truck the fact that the local people will like it here we've got some sort of bridge but this feels more like a toy I'm looking to see if there's any branding in it and I don't see any names but this feels more like a toy than anything so we'll set that aside see when I figure it out here we've got a train set this was with the H o scale train set couple bucks we've got some track here so we'll set that aside I'm running out of table space here another train car this all I would imagine goes together a model car there's one of the wheels with the Box partially missing we've got a controller for the Train a little train car this is MGH speed I think it says I don't know it's a little tiny one we've got more of these I wonder if this all goes together these were like from a Thomas the Train Set a toy let's see we've got a caboose part of it's broken off oh and it's taped there so that could be glued back on the brand on this is Bachmann same as those new ones we've got an engine here which is also Bachman this feels pretty high-quality and we've got another engine here also Bachmann and then we've got this set here this this actually might go that they're about same size yard bro yard boss just even looks like he's missing one it does appear to that doesn't that's not how that works there's plastic or a cheap taped here you know what I am just going to finish of this guy in here maybe I can do that a little bit better than that they take the sheet of plastic down so we got a nice set here I don't know what this train stuff is worth that's just a box I don't know what this train stuff is worth but I don't need to know that's the beauty of auctions I'm just gonna drop it off at the auction and the buyer will decide what it's worth when they bid on it so we're just gonna box all this stuff up this is probably a good final squeeze it'll be a hundred dollar box but it could also be a ten dollar box I don't know no get this Dallas Cowboys Tim I almost forgot about that let's open that up well we've got some craftsman staples if I can hold on to them we've got an insurance card here and a appointment card for a doctor this is its tape that's like melted into a candle Oh Mackinac Michigan mug this looks like it's all gonna be junk oh yeah library card I don't even know where that's from out a game you will pack the library cards last from luck like Appleton area or drawer pull razor blade oh yes stud finder bbbbb yep wait hey I'm a stud it works all right let's see the rest of this looks like junk all right one final box for this video we get some sheets of sports cards and some empty sheets a couple of magazines rolling stone and whatnot a printout of an email this box looks like we did not save the best for last some mounting hardware glass cutting board probably get a bucket of we've got an old space book an old picture let's take a look at the book first well this is kind of neat it gets some water damage though so I don't know if it's really gonna have any value but I'll look it up later this looks like a very old photo Indian burial ground Lance Lane something like that and looks like Port Arthur Ontario does not have dates but these pictures look very old so we'll set those aside more curtain rod hardware we've got little circulars that looks like the rest of this is just gonna be books let's see we got mail junk mail more mail this is all it looks like all junk mail anything in here nope that's empty more junk now here see the complete book of swords yeah addiction wait I mean this person was addicted to swords let's see illustrated encyclopedia of dictionary of electronics so that is probably very outdated you've got all this could be worth something 1957 286 repair manual for Jeeps these repair manuals are usually decent on eBay so we're gonna set that aside jong-eun cycle for the trivia encyclopedia Fred work how to test almost everything electronic that's kind of cool when it was made in this century 12 steps in 12 traditions living sober between that the a a coin I'm assuming this this person recovered from an addiction let's see some old magazines there's some adult magazines in there skip through those alright that looks like that's gonna be the it the it that is gonna be the itch and then lastly there for now we've got this Zenith sub-woofer which I'm doubtedly goes with these three speakers that I phone still waiting on a receiver so this video is getting really long and I've only gone through maybe 25% to this unit so far I've got a full trailer outside that I unloaded today and a big mess around me so I'm gonna end the video here we're gonna make this storage unit a multi-part video I hope you enjoyed it if I didn't mention already I spent four hundred and forty dollars on the stores you know I will probably I can see easily two thousand with what we just saw in this video this is easily the best storage and I've ever found that heater could not have waited next to ten seconds for me to an egg end this video I've been talking a lot this is a lot of talking so that's it for this video definitely leave a like below comment what your favorite item was in here and subscribe if you don't mind and I'm gonna clean this mess up and start filming that stuff which will be released tomorrow see you later
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 87,798
Rating: 4.8164034 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: wQ-MkKXcu6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 4sec (8704 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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