Tempers Flare at the Pallet Auction! It's JANNA vs ALEX at the abandoned moving storage auction.

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rented you huh cops show up cash only sale I understand it's a 15% buyer's premium I always say there's no friends at the auction you did say you enjoyed it huh it was fun you all right you guys got a lock here this is a little different than the other out lockers though I'll show you why you're ready to see it you ready wait I bought an empty Locker Cosby $289 just kidding I rented it 289 bucks 10 by 30 this is still walking all over that's pretty big and 289 bucks part of this is gonna be moving my stuff over to save some money the other part of this right now is to have the space to bring in all the pallets that I'm planning on buying tomorrow because the big pallet auction right so yeah hopefully that goes the way I expect it to you which is going to be very very juicy hopefully we'll fill as much of this thing up as possible and we have some fun unboxing ahead probably do a lot of it right here all right you guys I'm in this huge absolutely huge truck it's crazy why don't what am i doing I think I'm in over my head but checking this out rented you huh cops show up just kidding I don't know why they're here but look at that it's like 132 thousand miles my truck they give me it's like my lights are on many my brights are [Music] what's up locker nuts all right I'm in the cab of this huge monster beast truck this thing it actually drives okay it's a little rough when I first checked it out I thought we had a flat tire because it's bouncing around so much just because an empty truck stiff Springs not used to it and of course I get in this morning I'm like where's the heat warmers no heat warmers seat warmers in the end no seat warmers in this track yeah makes me miss the Honda but I won't be missing the Honda when I go to buy a bunch of pallets and load this thing up because this thing is enormous I haven't even gone in the back actually but it's just like parking in the front almost like it's why it is my house pretty cool all I can see is they got a little butterflies my stomach I think it's gonna be a big day I'm really excited and nervous I'm most excited okay made it we're here are they anybody here and there's not some kind of balance though I don't know what's up with that but I'm not complaining like this stuff fine doesn't look as good as last time but I think we're gonna be okay oh my goodness so somebody somebody told Alex these are empty these crates right here interesting this is all a bunch of like what looks to be like industrial women it's like some more extinctions right here those would be great lending stores I'm gonna start Hildur right about now somebody opened if they do I might even feel but I don't know something already open it they did I don't know but I can not neither confirm or deny that it I just I'll see what happens my objective is to sell number-one in one big chunk aside the whole line one money for a reason wha opening bid I'll do it if nine I'll break it down to smaller Lots there's gonna it's a cash-only sale I hope everybody has a fitting number you need one to bid cash-only sale I understand it's a 15% buyer's premium sell it for 100 bucks it's gonna cost you hundred fifteen dollars plus the sales tax all right we're both towels for the pair yeah 125 125 on 3125 I'd have been on 125 for both head of in there 125 under been down 125 going once 100 bucks I just want you know I'm not stopping I'm scared scared money don't make money what object [Music] for the second now you can calm down the letters by future dialects free to putting this all together here give me 50 bucks now 75 50 now 75 for both of 50 now 75 50 now 75 for the pair of 50 now 75 so I'm throwing a fit bit of it now 75 35 no 75 I got it here in 100 still cheap better than 125 125 for both okay how these two come on 125 are you win 150 150 150 175 175 150 now 175 150 now 175 loss ball now 200 got to be two for the pair gonna be 200 now to the quarter two it gonna be now 225 225 225 give me 25 for all this gonna be 20 tonne towards that at Walmart cos 45 bro 25:10 has been down 20 they want it gone gotta be 20 10 minutes one day to be 2020 as biz 25 you gotta be now 30 2530 dollars sold it's a shot in the dirt number 11 11 all right through this one here making the Crump this on 75 50 now 75 of this we're going to be 75 Oh I'm sorry I always say there's no friends at the auction yeah yeah yeah right here 50 yeah hit you or 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 yes 225 survey 250 where - ladies and gentlemen we're about to have the spike guy fight at the auction you do like a MMA it's the starchiness understood [Music] give me 300 for the whole lot [Music] alright guys I like to get a 202 started keep it together Twitter sorry I have to go this way in that box well I want to watch the dresser I don't need a whole ad for 200 [Applause] that was too much for me keep it on the down-low yeah you guys have the usual - yeah I'm just getting started with it I'm a musician in the harvest started reselling the finance the creativity left my job 12 years in September you started me so on 5,400 bucks for two palettes $50 the two palettes I looked around like he's bidding if you wanted to get that okay yes biddings over we just paid eleven hundred and twenty-four dollars do we even know how many we bought you no clue I didn't but this mini see all those cards each one represents a lot or something check out my truck here big old cavern I thought I forgot to dolly you got one right here for me look at that gets with person nice nice Cory's over here find some good stuff hopefully good nice did you even know is there yeah but it's empty right all right you guys there is the pack truck can you believe it is so much room left we did not buy enough so we well there make no mistake there is a tremendous amount of stuff in there these guys packed in for me and that definitely helped because they did a great job they packed this thing super solid but yeah this is this is a full load full load but it also have gotten a little bit more this this is a that's a full load Wow [Music] all right day after the auctions I've got this huge truck that we need to unload and auctions today so and my back's hurting from yesterday so I called in the helpline these a couple of young bucks helped me and I'm just returning right now to see what progress is me I don't even see this - how's it going you guys tired that's the hardest wowza this was the heaviest huh I thought the footboard just as heavy is it but maybe I was wrong I mean you got the ramp down does that make it easier yeah I really don't need to go to the gym today huh oh my goodness stuff looks good nothing any boxes huh that is nice all right see what we got in this super heavy suitcase tape art I think this is from the doctor yeah we're mostly just fine there some papers that's what's the rule alright so today Tyler and David help me what do you guys see you did you did say you enjoyed it huh it was fun yeah that's good cuz it makes it better ones fun yeah yeah well thanks you guys for your help yeah alright you buy sell quick - yeah you did alright guys thanks see you next time alright guys - just once again I'll pan around here so you could see the inside of this doors ten by thirty and we've got it definitely not filled up but it's it filled a lot more than I thought a lot less room to add to it and the lesser and move through it but I think what unfortunately this bed right here I'd say I'm gonna put that up for sale right away and sell it but we've got a couple issues one is that piece right there on the footboard is busted we've got some cracks there's cracks there's cracks it wasn't crack right down the front here this is the most unfortunate one there's one right here look at all these pieces right here we got to match everything up we got to uh yeah a lot of work to do this headboard here looks pretty nice because it's very modern looking and I bet you that's a coin no that might be it came to you I think they had said before the guys that work in there said they thought it was probably IKEA we like modern that sells these chairs right here to me look like Pottery Barn type style and they'd they definitely do feel quality they're heavy well-built none of them seem loose from what I could tell and oh did you guys this right here that's the matching table to this that's good I think I saw the legs around here somewhere - that's a really good piece we should probably get I they will get 150 to 200 bucks for this table set right here this kind of stuff that won't really matter too much because it is a distressed look see they looked pretty good to me so that's it that's a nice fine got a lot of boxes but honestly I don't think that's as many boxes I bought last time last time I bought mostly boxes in the furniture I got last time was good easy to sell I don't know where this goes right here these pieces I think those are side rails there's an upholstered headboard and then over here yeah a couple wear marks but I think it could be touched up painted this is a decent one but that one right there is a beauty we're only seen the backside of it it matches these right here me show you these yeah those are really nice-looking this I think 200 bucks for the set there's the table legs right there I see three hopefully we got four um there's a rug couple lamps yeah this thing's beat up and it's just laminate but it's one of these raises up see that it's kind of cool check this up big old pile of garbage a whole mountain a blanket crazy empty truck
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 59,532
Rating: 4.8263092 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage pallet and found, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Locked Safe, What's in the safe, Opened Safe, I bought a pallet, pallet auction, storage pallet, moving company
Id: lXw3w_X61wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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