I Drove Around Delivering FREE TOYS To Families In Need *EMOTIONAL* Helping People In Need

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this is $1,500 worth of brand-new toys sitting behind me and sits away in some terrible circumstances right now we decided we're gonna drive around and give these toys at people free of charge so what we're gonna do we're gonna put a post up on Facebook saying free toys and we'll take you to your driveway free of charge nothing to you and we have a lot of it let's go pack the car up and let's go see what we can get some toys to shout out the super unsexy your channel inspired me to do something just like this because this looked like an awesome idea and I had to get involved alright guys so we finally got our first person here this is a lady that has a girl that's 4 years old and a boy that's 5 years old both had a birthday party or we're supposed to have a birthday party on April 8th but of course with the corn she's everything they couldn't so the only presence they got was from their parents so we're about to go give these kids some birthday presents all right on to the second family they have a seven-year-old boy 13 year old boy 10 year old boy and a two year old boy so four boys they all four kids stuck in this house during this quarantine I'm said kids can't wait to meet us so let's go deliver some toys all right guys got the kids I said they can pick like two or three things a piece because we got a lot of houses to go to so let them go ahead and pick whatever they want you think they all done all right you're welcome guys next family here is a 9 year old girl of five year old boy a 3 year old girl and a 10 month old girl so their story is as if four kids in a household three older ones are theirs and the babies their brother-in-law's we used to live in the same house I can use easily appreciate them finishing their school assignments on time and continue to engage with their social distance learning I think it'll encourage them more when they are being rewarded I think that's a good idea so let's encourage these kids with some toys all right so I got three girls and one boy to get toys for we'll do this all right let's go drop it off [Music] and her kids and me would be fun to see alright let's go to the next house okay so this is the next one she has a five year old girl and she's on a fixed income and of course the five year old girl of some choices are cooped up in the house she also offered to give us gas money and I was like that's really sweet but we're just trying to spread positivity so we'll just deliver all this stuff for free don't even worry about it and she just said god bless thank you so much so let's go do it All Right girls [Music] I'm sending markers I'm gonna set it down yes yes I'm super high risk thank you this next mother says I'm the caregiver of our mother-in-law renews 24/7 care and can't even go on a walk with them all day until someone comes home in the evening a new toy might brighten their day so let's go give this five year old boy and 12 year old boy something to do all right five minutes twelve-year-olds let's do this but this yep I feel like we have more girls than boys but let's do this and then I'll do one more little thing whoa this yeah I know II that one [Music] before we get to the next house guys please just take one second leave this video I like put a comment down below and give it a share the more you guys help us grow on YouTube the more we can do great stuff like this so please take three seconds and help us help others let's get back to the video all right guys that last kids reaction was amazing I don't have speechless with his reaction he loved that so much so this next family has a daughter who's seven and a son who's three both her and her husband are out of work due to the Cova 19 she said this would truly be a blessing since we don't dare take our kids out during this time I'm gonna really give much needed cheering up to them I hope we get picked if not it's okay so you're being picked let's go all right guys so we're at the house it actually started to rain a little bit outside somebody want to take the camera out yet but luckily they got a porch and they're about to get big and full of toys I can see here on frame there they look at that boom we like giving stuff to people that's always fine it's a lot Mary April okay this next family has an eleven year old girl a ten year old girl a six year old girl and a five year old girl so four girls which is what we need we have a lot of girls boy that we need to give away so she said these toys would help us because we can't go out to do some toy shopping and driving the Missy not being I'm gonna go out understandable they would like to know someone is out there thinking about their well-being I recently had a baby she is one month old today so we're taking extra precautions was going out so we did not bring anything into the house that just means when older girls are more protected I'm low-income and full time online student I'm working on building a better future for them unfortunately things happen I'm being forced to slow down so let's definitely help this family out all right so it's still raining unfortunately guys but as you can see Amber's got a handful of stuff right behind the baby DV it's got a handful of stuff so we're gonna go deliver it again to their front door watch the rain would stop so we can kind of you know show the process again but hey we know we're helping people out we know they're getting a lot of stuff and that's what matters my dog is not having this all right so this next one we definitely can't pass up so this lady says my granddaughter is the sweetest little almost eight year old girl in October 2019 or hair started to fall out by December she was completely bald traumatic age was not understanding what was going on she was diagnosed with alopecia I hope I pronounced that right she was taken out of school by her doctor before all the coronavirus exploded I know she gets lonely especially now she can't be around the rest of her family and she thought that receiving these toys would make her day so she was hoping we would go a little bit further and we definitely are so let's give this little girl some cool toys all right time to pick some toys out for an eight-year-old this is like the hardest part get some clothes the cat gave a couple of these this one just one just for one you will do this you good this is good all right [Music] okay so this one is for a three year old boy said he is going crazy and bored being in the house and I'm out and I am extra cautious about taking him out as he was born at 25 weeks one pound 3.8 ounces and was it has a very weak immune system along with chronic lung disease okay so long I tell you what this one is it's I think it's in a gated community so we just got to give them the name and it will go in and make this little boy's day all right toys for a three-year-old boy what's good for a three-year-old boy paw patrol look at this emoji monster truck how perfect this to Brian's toy review will get hopelessly [Music] all right so this next family has a seven-year-old boy a boy or a girl in a four month old boy all of which couldn't celebrate their birthdays because of us being sheltered in place so again let's give these kids and birthday presents okay toys seven-year-old boy so I need some older ones to get this pop figure we can do that one two and this one and then we have four year old girl and a four month old so I'll give this food for a month okay because these two will be for the baby baby and then when you pour in your own girl let's do this tic-tac-toe board a muppet a big pencil [Music] all right so this next family has three kids two boys age nine and five and one girl age four she said I would really appreciate these as the kids of just staying home have been asking for toys which we can't provide at the move it Bobby got laid off work and I'm a health care worker it's been really stressful for our family and the kids will be really happy so first I want to say thank you to this lady for being a healthcare worker being essential thank you to all your send your employees out there so let's skip some toys to their kids all right we need three kids worth of toys if I said that right I know they have some boys so let's get on a boy stuff out I know there's a lot of cool like what is this oh putty duh baseball cards for their older boy I'm pretty sure they'd like a seven or eight year old [Music] [Music] hope you enjoyed this video guys are so glad we got to help so many kids that so many parents out today it was amazing great experience again thank you to the essential workers that have to work through this tough time and also if you haven't yet subscribed to super on sexy on YouTube please do that will put his link into the description as well cuz he gave us a great idea so thank you again don't forget to like the video subscribe if you knew until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 13,594
Rating: 4.9715638 out of 5
Keywords: helping people, helping people in need, helping people inspirational, helping people out, helping people who get bullied, helping people with depression, helping people with money, bikers helping people, people helping people, people helping people agency, helping children, helping kids, helping kids that get bullied, people helping old people, people helping poor people, good people, rescue people, humanity videos, random act of kindness, random acts of kindness, true hero
Id: AW3s9tQTP7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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