He Was BUSTED ILLEGALLY Scamming! WONT BELIEVE THIS! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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guys i'm really mad today we bought a storage unit and you're gonna get to see it but we got scammed majorly this is completely illegal definitely fraud if you guys watch our videos on a daily you don't like or share please i beg you let this be the one time you liked the video share the video and comment i want this in front of people's eyes because i'm just i'm at a loss for words i'm really mad we got scanned out of a lot of money so we bought a unit on storage treasures dot com and if you watch other youtubers who do storage units you're probably well aware there are a lot of shady facilities to do a lot of very illegal things on there to try to make money which is very illegal and very frustrating we've been lucky thus far we haven't run into stuff like this but i guess it was bound to happen eventually we bought a storage unit that was two hours away from the house we're giving them one week one week to make this right or else their name their facility their business is getting exposed in front of 200 000 people and i don't think that's something they want they want to try to tell us nothing's wrong they didn't do nothing wrong when we have literal physical evidence to show otherwise you'll get it let's get into this all right so we just got here guys and we kind of looked into storage and i'm going to be honest with you i'm not feeling this i'm going to show you why usually i'm more excited right now but i feel like something really shady is going on let me show you this all right so this is a lean unit supposedly has marked in storage treasures which means the facility cannot touch it right legally right but you see in the pictures i'll pop it up on the screen here there's the camera sitting on the shelf but now that we've gotten here this camera that's supposedly sitting on the shelf is now all of a sudden in this bag down here in the back it was out for the picture how did that happen that doesn't make any sense so obviously this has been touched which is not a good sign i feel like we're in for a bad day so before we really start going through the stuff in detail in order to be able to fit it all on our van we're going to take a trip to the dump to get rid of this junky furniture it's definitely not worth keeping look at the leather on the top of the couch that's done this thing doesn't have any of the glass besides the bottom it's supposed to have this refrigerator look like it's freaking from the depression era and whatever that is in the back i tell you it's probably not worth keeping based on that wood so i'm telling you right off the bat i'm not getting the best vibes but let's hope it ends up good let's first get this furniture out of here though so we're trying to move the furniture out the way and surprisingly enough i guess this guy happened to decide that it is storage unit he's going to put his two junkie couches all the way in the corner and then of course cover just the sides just the top just the front and put nothing else anywhere else and store the couches that way it makes total sense right this is a complete scan and realistically i think this is complete fraud in my opinion but we got some things that look kind of interesting set aside but that's the rest of the unit and that's going to be just junk removal i ain't really mad guys i'm not getting any less mad here i just want to point out the obvious though that you have as much evidence to go off as we do nobody stores for one this box right here right this thing that drill box right there and that coca-cola box over there we're all stored sitting in the front right in the front for the picture and every single one of them is empty nobody stores their stuff like that nobody does that this is a complete setup at this point after two hours of going through this stuff inside this storage unit it was very blatantly obvious that this was not a lean unit at all this was 100 set up by the owners of this storage facility to look like a good unit completely staged we already have enough evidence to show this so far but that's not where it stopped before we get back to the video again let me please re-emphasize guys please take two seconds and share this youtube promotes videos based on the interactions they get leave a comment like the video and above all else share this video we are going to get it in front of people's eyes and we are going to make people responsible for illegal activities based the consequences one way or another all right so we've kind of sorted through everything this is the only stuff that i think it's like worth keeping we're going to go through that stuff there might be a few interesting things in there but overall this is probably going to be a massive loss of a unit but it's okay the thing is all this stuff over here is going to have to get to the dump and unfortunately the dump here charges you 35 for a couch in 35 for a fridge there's like a mini fridge if we took this to the dump it's gonna cost us like 250 bucks so we're calling a junk removal place that said it should be between two or three hundred dollars so i don't think it's worth all the extra work and trip to dumps 30 minutes away too to save 40 bucks maybe if we're lucky so let's start going through this stuff and see if we got anything worth keeping all right so let's start going through the unit guys i'm trying my best to stay positive here but i'm really really mad at being scared i don't like being scammed and i see this happen way too much with other youtubers too the same stuff where they set up these lean units that are obviously not lean units so let's see what we got 10 more heater that's 20 bucks or so nothing too great but it's there this right here minus the bike seat it's pretty much just tools so not much there's like a drill and like a little mini jackhammer type thingy that it's probably going to be like 20 bucks for the two this old pogo stick here i doubt it's worth anything but i just kept it because it's a pogo stick we if we find that we have to we can't put it away i thought it was at least somebody's injured so we'll take it home without something to get you on that i got this i have no idea if it's gonna work to be honest with you but most people that use these this is what they look like anyway because when you work in physical labor like this they get disgusting anyway so that's maybe like 10 bucks this is one of the few things i figured might do good because everyone loved the rocks for our live auction and a lot of these are definitely designed to be like stood up and stuff they're not as pretty as the crystals well some of them are like this i don't know if this is a connection or not but in the office there's a rock sitting on the table a big rock you know what else is weird i'm going through the paperwork and stuff i found six including the shipping label the shipping label social security cards and ids i found six different people not the same race not the same age i mean i guess they could be friends starting together but again it doesn't add up it does it's not yeah this doesn't add up this is what i think is a manager special which is just go around all the other units gather up your trash throw it in one sell to somebody and hope they pay for it all right well that we got this thing i don't really know if it has any value it's a kobe cx cd 282 but surprisingly some of these old radios and boom boxes have good value so i'm hoping that one does too down here we had an rca receiver on average they're about 50 bucks but this one's actually missing the knob so i've never found one like that i'm hoping that's an easy like two dollar replacement on ebay or something would still want it hopefully this is one of the only things that i think is gonna have a decent amount of value it's an air compressor so i think somebody said that you usually could sell them for like 50 to 100 bucks so let's hope that's worth it you know it's hope it works which i don't know we got let's see old cpu here but baby jesus can go through it if it even cuts it's probably not going to cut on it's really really probably not going to cut off and over here we kept all the vhs's because there's a lot of older ones in here there's a lot of disney there's a lot of x-files i saw star wars so that's really the only little bit of hope we're clinging on to at this point that we get lucky we have a very vhs at least recover some with the money but either which way the disney ones so good in our auction so that's really honestly when i looked at the unit online one of the reasons we've been on it because i saw so many disney vhs and they usually do good what else like a pokemon all right so in the back here a few more interesting things a freaking i'm thinking that the steering column to a car i'm assuming which is kind of i don't know even what to think anymore i really don't we got this denon avr 2400 receiver i think if i remember correctly these are around 100 on ebay so that's at least a little something that's good that's all right it's all right i'm not going to complain all right so in this box there's a lot of broken bottles which again is just like nobody in their right mind really stores this stuff unless it's set up by the company but there's also this ancient looking like camera but the trigger it does work but look at the side of it again i doubt it has any value but as somebody like does youtube and has worked with a lot of cameras i do find them interesting to look up and you never know when one random camera will have some value so we're definitely gonna keep that all right the last thing i want to show you is over here but when we get home i'm going to take everything out of these boxes the totes we keep and we're going to do an actual like unboxing type thing right now i'm just i want to get i want to get out of here i'm just mad annoyed but we got another whole box of vhs's including lots of disney ones so disney ones like i said do good those are vhs again lots of disney you can also see star wars in the top so now hoping there's some rare star wars stuff in there and other than that we have this thing which is kind of just an abstract painting this is what they call art nowadays we just take them let me see all the stuff on the table yeah basically ten thousand dollars we have the camera behind you too that was the camera shot at the beginning just set up camera yeah the one that was in the picture nice and set out for the picture then we get here it's in a bit on another shelf that happens totally but anyway we're gonna get this stuff loaded we're gonna go home and then do a recap and let you know the end result guys all right so you know what we're back home we've had time to think about things and i've calmed myself down a little bit but let me explain everything to you we bought this unit we bid 380 that was the winning bid plus with that you have to pay a 10 buyer's premium 38 bucks plus a 10 sales tax 38 bucks so an additional 76 on top of our 380 and if i'm doing the math of my head right that's 456 dollars i think the bad part is again because we couldn't take it out of the dump it was cost a ton of money we actually got a junk removal service we had to pay an additional 350 so what i'm saying here is when it's all said and done we're over 800 in to a scammed unit completely scam we wasted our day all day and paid 800 to a scammer i'm not happy about that but we got some stuff in the garage let's go out there let's do a quick little recap and show you everything we got so now we're inside here let me show you some of the things so this is their staging camera unfortunately in the last 90 days none have sold on ebay but they're listed for 60 dollars that's a big thing you pay attention to when you resell just because somebody listed for something it doesn't mean it's selling for that so as of now that's a big fat zero to us this is an att router what's in there that's 40 and that's brand new so that's all right this is that camera yes this is all disney vhs's so these actually sell fairly well for us where is the bad one because we got actually a good one for you guys to collect this stuff where did it go little mermaid little mermaid little mermaid right all right so let me show you we got this one's the black diamond which is the ones people look for but this is also the band cover because if you look right there there's a kind of an interesting shape not going to go into details an interesting shape there so this is actually like 50 on ebay if we decide to put it there but if you're into this stuff make sure you come to our live auction because they'll definitely be at least a big lot of disney vhs's we got the receiver here this is 80 to 100 on ebay so that's one of the only few good things we got there's the air compressor that's like 95 bucks brand new so we're assuming you usually get about half a retail 50 55 percent of new when you sell a use so 50 there this right here is the dvd vhs player combo it's a 30 to 40 piece on ebay this one down here is about a 40 piece on ebay other than that there's not much else in this unit guys there's no way we're recovering our money from reselling this that's why we're relying on you guys to help us once again please i beg of you let this be the one time comment like and share post it to your facebook your twitter your instagram your freaking whatever myspace i don't care get this out there and let these people know what they did is bs before we go guys let me give some final statements here we're out 800 you know what that sucks but i don't really care about the money it's whatever it's not important what's important is the fact that people do this every single day and they are scamming the crap out of people all the time all the time the difference is the majority people buy and resale and that's what they do the difference with us is we have an awesome audience you guys that watch us so when you mess with people eventually you're going to mess with the wrong one and we're going to be able to get you back we have a strong audience here and we love you guys to watch our videos so we're asking again let's make this scene we have more video clips i could make this video longer with the conversations we have with the people at the facility but you know what i'm not going to do that yet we are going to give this place a week to make this right or else your pictures the video that you didn't know i recorded when we were talking i have my phone in my wallet in my hand guess what i was recording the whole time surprise you want that on youtube you want this you don't want that you don't want everything exposed that's all i can say admit you're wrong and fix it again guys help me out share the video comment down below do you think we should be able to contact the police in a situation like this i mean is this not theft it's pretty much theft is its deceptive theft in my eyes anyway i'm done talking about it i'm ready to move on to my next day like the video subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 35,689
Rating: 4.9569674 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: hLSvxY36wSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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