I Bought A Storage Unit For $30! CRAZIEST Box EVER SEEN! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Auction

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we got money we got money yes this is exactly what we needed you see this these aren't illegal in Virginia welcome back the dredge running with Jesus guys today we got a may be very stupid storage unit so end of the day we didn't get nothing so we started to bid on this one I was stupid I'll put a $10 bid on it making no one's gonna bid on it no one else is the stupidest mate but somebody out there whoever you are you're just as dumb as me he put a $20 in pay 30 bucks for a 10 by 10 unit with one single toad in it one I thought $10 might not be for the video but somebody out there stop saving $30 we got one tote fingers crossed over the cash with our guns will take any of that don't forget to like this video subscribe for new let's get in there [Music] so at least the toke up some Christmas spirit right it's red and green how can you go wrong with seeing it I don't think we're gonna go through the air because this facility sucks they don't have lights on the roofs or nothing so we're going to take the tote out fingers crossed guys we want gold let's get it all right guys we scoot it down because there's no weird HD sound over there but let's see what we got going you think it's gonna be close if it's close and I wasted $30.00 and we don't get a video you're gonna be mad you could probably won't see this stuff so if you're looking at this it's probably not close it's not close it's some junk that's it this right here you see what this right here is the reason that we buy storage units we have black paper and weird black paper with stuff on it if you look at it closely it kind of looks like what does that look like if you look at it closely we got a football there and Xbox when's the last time you seen that look down there blockbuster on it oh yeah I've never seen this movie though well it's in there I remember hearing about this a lot I've never actually seen the video though I'm moving that video that's all YouTube brainwash them right now but when a stranger cause what do you think's better want a stranger cause are weird black paper with white duck in it I think look I think we're black here with no clothes yeah kind of great I think you might pick up let's pull out what we know we got an Xbox 360 controller these aren't worth too much anymore cuz Xbox ones been off for a while now so 360 is all Plus look at its like yellow it probably belonged to a smoker you know he's smoking now stuff turns yellow and it's dusty so maybe five to ten dollars on that maybe let's pull up the football we see I heard money too so oh gosh look at that how long you think this stuff's been in here longer than universe have been a lot well but look at that limited edition one of 10,000 about the garbage team yeah we got a did we do have that going against this but the Dallas Cowboys NFC champions 1970 71 75 yeah but they have five Super Bowl wins you know but they still suck as the Cowboys but look at all the autographs on there obviously they're not real autograph they're just printed on the football but not bad but then again this box I think it's gonna do good just a little bit what do you think yeah it might come clean clean it up it's just dust like a wipe you might go to clean that up yes mommy back we always need this you know why oh you know look at us I eat a lot sometimes to eat a lot you need this you know you know what I'm talking about one other person out there put in the comment team pepto if sometimes you know it's a little embarrassing and you too much and you need to calm down so you take the pepto don't make me feel alone I'm not the only one out there I know I'm not so probably you don't think pep knows that you can see some more though did you see that let's go you want that how much is that worth $40 20 not bad drink the pepperoni they drink it no you think it looks gross how long you think it's been in here it expired May 7th 2016 so it's about three years old I'm gonna pour it up drink it oh how gross you think it looks right now well I bet you actually doesn't because it's like um the air shield yeah yeah I mean it looks like right okay enough conversations now captain huh but by the way and they're the only medecine liquid medicine it's actually good it is is it why do you think I can rock these I think there's only one way to find out all right let's see hold on guys we're trying to set up keep this edition of Cole's changing room we're gonna find this out hold on hold on yeah no we're looking good over here those pants fit great oh yeah a little bit too big stuff sure now I'm stuck in here I don't know if I get these off all right Justin we're just gonna act like they're not bass just continue on to the video pay attention to me not the weird jeans we have an item I know we don't we have a Taser no look at this hold on yeah just it doesn't work but the flashlight does can you see that yeah you pass him the flashlight Weirich so when if it just shot at you when I press the button then you would have a video sir look what we got a hammer don't mess with me who does they take your time to look at like this or like this is a ten-by-ten - these are like I don't know 150 200 bucks a month so you're like I need to enter bucks a month somebody just stole my black paper my pepto my freaking rubber mallet I'm pretty sure they sell this Dollar Tree my old xbox 360 controller has been smoked around so much it's actually yellow now my old taser doesn't work my favorite movie from Blockbuster from Blockbuster how long you think it fit in here hand at all Dallas Cowboys football that could have to go you know if they never walked at the pepto spire a few years ago I know they like take their forever to expire that is true wow I know this is you guys know what that isn't you see it if you don't you're not as in the guns as I am so this gun cleaning oil and if you don't follow us on Facebook you really should we just recently bought in you know a weapon I'll say I don't want to say it on YouTube because we can get the monetized but go follow us on Facebook the link will be in the description we have some our awesome video with that weapon I'm not gonna go any further than it we got money we got money six there's only one American it's Canadian Canadian money how are you Canadian money like who comes up with this a rock this is meteorite look at this brother I was only $25 but still you see it is focus its function you see it that's actually really cool no you know what 30 bucks 24 I think that I'm gonna keep that I'll take it guys with like like outer space yes this is exactly what we needed you see this a light switch cover okay can you I asked you guys does this win the award for the weirdest assortment of objects you've ever seen in your life like why pan just why would you store this this is getting kind of fun now maybe you want to put a clock up beating someone to the rubber mallet and playing with your cowboy cyma cleaning your guns with black paper hmm broken or oh man do more money another penny is that American Oh Dileep back 1941 well we did a penny it's actually in pretty good shape to be that old guys if you find if 1943 week back penny got look into it look it up see how much money those things are running what is this a survival life a rule look at that it's a ruler a saw whatever your that is that a bottle opener baby a bottle of internal because that's a bottle of trying to me what is this like this yeah maybe this is it's kind of asking sharp I probably infected myself oh it has a thing on here look can't open her knife a screwdriver rule or cap opener position ranch butterfly ranch saw blade and yeah not bad I guess is this oh I thought I was a display case just throw it no but [ __ ] ah yes right here right here so we can clean it up ready oh gee that was your fault you told me to do it I'm blaming you baby - isn't always causing bad thing you such a witch oh dang oh of course you always have a story with your cowboy football you're over talking fire so you don't know well lunch box - hold on there's no ammo in it but look at that what kind is a nine or forty five or nine millimeter sixteen around check that out really it's gonna say nothing I have oh yeah do the legal on California gun oh yeah look at this you know I thought that's what that was I was like wait a minute I think I don't want to say it like part of you think it looks like the outside of a skull and I'm like why would somebody have a skull they just feel like one of those like Shakespeare things into like this oh my god it's even missing teeth and everything but look at it I mean obviously well think it would be real I hope it's not real and I feel like a sticker on the bottom to tattoo in your skull oh it's got a tattoo it's got a time it's got a sticker whatever all of that burn glass yay actually no forget it it's in there who doesn't eat tempered glass in their life where's that they put on the outside of the phone speaking of phone an iPhone and iPhone an older iPhone but an iPhone and to go with your pepto in case not only your stomach but also your head hurting we have tylenol it's only been expired for two years and six months that's not that bad at all two years six month old tunnel I take it with us lunchbox I'm just gonna have value there's something amazing it's exactly six million dollars I'm taking out his six million dollars y'all stay click food at us you think it's a gun you ready got three two one oh it's the thermos you know I always hear how people say you have to have a thermos for the lunch box actually have any value so I don't know no what's his name I don't know it's a dummy dummy guy it's like a bullet in here too 10:54 I don't even know what that one is usually I can identify an mo but it says 1054 on it I know it's not even a focus on the back of the way too small but actually good I did all right not gonna have alyou right they're almost boxes for some reason or collectible I don't know why people like out of anything which used to collect the lunch box but somebody out there does it [ __ ] Turkish all this there's things value look at this Elvis actually never listen to a song my office I only not like to so you know how long I know Viva Las Vegas I've heard that it says copyright on here 1997 so you think it's actually that old I mean it's not that old I was born in 94 that was always me what was Elvis like famous in a lot of 50s I feel like released 1956 how do you never heard hound dog I've never actually heard you I've just heard it I'll say it copyrighted play with me play with me play with me it's real this is this paper done in the Aston what that I want show you yeah then pull it off oh I know that but there's a shotgun shell - look at this 12-gauge buck shotgun shell alright I see exactly what you're talking about these are illegal in Virginia which I don't understand why I really really don't well I just watched lady legal for stiletto - why is a spring-assist night legal this switchblade illegal I never understood the logic on it and now I don't know how to close it you don't get me how to close that I'll figure out there you go no I got taught by somebody how to close up hmm sugar greaser I got ya I wasn't keep this thing some of us don't want to keep you know what else you got we can't keep that we're definitely not gonna for that we're not gonna keep it but you know what I only paid 30 bucks for so if I get a meteor ans which place not cool or I'm not keeping that we'll have keys yeah in Safeway monopoly from like I don't even know how long ago everyone this is a thing I can hablo yeah yeah lighter what it does we have more money to a we bad penny and a Canadian penny look at that your friends alright multicultural friends now back my dad has any money on it though we'll call it anyway I'll give me some steak I don't even know all right I actually do know look at this this goes on a gun try to shine on the lines if you see I'll tell you is too good oh yeah if you see it that's cool that's weird but I think it's broke and I don't think it's is supposed to slide in and out like this but enough somebody say it enough dr. Callie no just kidding let's check that out I'm pretty sure this goes on the bottom of a gun but I think it's broken so it's probably useless just beautiful this guy has a very weird thing oh these are razor blades there's like two of the razor blades in there no weapons okay so you can no weapons we have some tact have you never had one of these in your feet before you don't know true Haines I'm scared cuz I'm barefoot every throw down it's time I just toss it in there to go neat dip laying just like that point up those things are designed to kill that's exactly what they do is they take people out the other thing we have every time you drop it inside taco is that I don't oh wait does that go with this maybe I don't know this Mike what to figure it out mr. gun man maybe you know it's too big I don't know what that goes to but anyway he's trying that what's actually much cooler than I thought it was gonna be the viana I thought we were just gonna buy it open it up is gonna be closed and then we weren't actually gonna have a video we're just gonna have $30 wasted but you know what that turned out cool and I thought it'd be really really weird assortment of objects you broke the most valuable thing that glass is worth like $2,000 easy yeah but you know what for 30 bucks I am happy let's get it put back in the taupe go home and we'll do a little recap see what we found out guys something really funny this happen Jebus is stuck so we're cleaning up and I want it I literally want to get up and so forgot we had these on here so there's only one logical explanation I'm all getting it out ah like Saul wanted yeah this is kind of like a you know stabbing tool not a slicing not funny okay we gotta get out of here something out mm-hmm yeah for the struggle okay I can't get out help me this isn't funny this is not funny at all through a little bit funny no it's not this is you you wouldn't be laughing I'm Lani I'm actually laughing it's funny I think it helps seriously like I'm not getting my foot back that when you look like you're in a salt opera this is so not safe away from the sausage well where's the other guys I think I'd be stuck you think I should this maybe hit the back of this with a hammer and wash it off with shotgun shell at this and it'll destroy the pants I think that's the safest route I think it's a safe route too just kidding I'm gonna get out of here something out then we'll go home and just do a little recap all right guys so let's do a recap on this unit first thing we gotta have some unfortunate news said there was nothing personal in this unit I know a lot of you guys like to hear about the owner in their past and their stories we have nothing to go off of we don't know the name we don't know anything about the guy so unfortunately I don't have nothing there but I do have some good news so we looked up this lunch box here with the thermos they are selling for between sixty and a hundred dollars this is only a thirty dollar unit so this one little lunch box here pretty much double the unit just like that also the Dallas Cowboys football here unfortunately I cannot find anything on this particular one there's like tons of different ones that look similar but this one I cannot find I don't know if that's a good thing because it means it's rare or doesn't mean it's just so useless it's not even on the Internet I don't really know so they want to give us some information on that please let us know down in the comments below I also want applaud the Taser we found in there just not working it takes a very weird charger that I've never seen before and that was not in the unit so that's pretty much useless I just wanted the flashlight until it dies and watch the flashlight dies it's completely useless we also got this cool skull I'm so keeping this cuz we have a Spartan helmet in the air and we put it under it just to see how it looked and it fits in a Spartan helmet perfectly it looks so freakin sweet so we put the helmet over it and it looks like a skull just is wearing it it just it looks really cool so this is definitely something we end up keeping from the unit the lunchbox will probably sell in the Dallas Cowboy thing depending on what information we can find out if it's worth selling definitely sell it because cowboys suckling the one in this house but definitely happy with the lunchbox and definitely happy with that thing that's pretty cool so anyway guys if you did enjoy this video make sure you leave a big fat thumbs up but for now already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time if you want to follow our social media links are gonna be on screen make sure you click the links down in the description below follow us on whatever you have especially Facebook we're really trying to grow Facebook following and we're thinking of releasing Facebook exclusive videos in the future near future so make sure you follow us or like us on Facebook thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 59,919
Rating: 4.8026509 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Auction Locker, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit, Storage Wars, Real Storage Locker, Storage Auction, Found in Storage Locker, Real Storage Auctions, I bought an abandoned storage unit, taco stacks, treasure hunting with jebus, storage unit auction, storage locker auction, storage auction, storage wars finds money, storage wars finds drugs, storage wars finds 7 million dollars, storage unit finds
Id: W5gYPHoCmtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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