Rummage Sale BIG Mistake! Missed Out On...

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rummage sale day here at paper and moose i already rummaged so what did i manage to get join me let's go in the tents see what i found see what i dug for see if i found any treasures so let's get inside and see what they're in [Music] [Music] good morning thank you okay foreign [Music] um not that much this year okay foreign food [Music] [Music] for 10 cents [Music] okay she's kind of neat i might get her we're gonna grab that one rockwell everything here three for a dollar all righty three for one green backpack can't go wrong no that's better oh that's gone it did have an evil point in it okay thank you bye up that's old it's worn but it's old that was the first rummage sale of the season that i have been to the first and possibly probably the only one so there was that other sale with a big pile of clothes but we're not going to count that as a rummage sale this strawberry sale is a sale that so many people look forward to because it usually is so big and has so many tents and things to look through and that was not the case this year because of the pandemic they said that they were able to do their collection for the winter uh but not in the spring so they had no clothing whatsoever last year they had a very large clothing tent not this year i also missed out on what most likely held the best things at the sale there was a bargain area i didn't see it it wasn't set up when i had gotten there a little bit earlier and i saw as i was leaving and that bargain area used to be a bargain tent where everything was three for a dollar and this time i saw some people walking away with some really nice vintage christmas that i completely missed because i spent my time in the tent where everything was marked because i didn't i didn't know there was a bargain tent so i missed out on some things when some lose some sometimes it's just it's crazy to think of what has changed in our lives over the past couple months and something as i guess simple as a rummage sale how that can be so severely affected so i did come away with a few things a mixture of items let's see well oops sorry we'll go with the artwork first i forgot the prices i think this was a dollar it was it was a dollar so this is signed an r ronaldi i i never heard of the artist but i liked the look of it i thought it would be nice for halloween or for those that are into um i don't want to say like more of the dark side of art it's nice so that was a dollar i also picked up this which is more of your traditional antique style of artwork this is a print little annie it's a litho published by carrier and ives everyone knows them it was two dollars the reason i bought this was not so much for the print but for the frame i especially liked it because it has the original label on the back this is from portland maine fine art rooms schumacher brothers i cannot make out that date but this was two dollars i should be able to flip this at one of the flea markets people really like their old frames in a great condition so for two dollars i thought i could not go wrong i picked up this guy i'm not sure why first i thought it was a tv tray but it does not have the metal underneath it it was a dollar you know a vintage christmas tray it has some nicks and some bends but i thought perhaps i could somehow clean it up a little bit this would be nice if you have a larger shelf you can kind of position this on the back of the shelf and maybe have some things like dispersed oh geez sorry girl dispersed between the santas that was one dollar now in the bargain tent oh i forgot to put that i got three things at the bargain tent there was a crucifix with the holy water inside people collect those that has already sold i already had a buyer for that i got a rooster i believe a porcelain rooster and here i thought i looked it over enough but i did not it has some breakage to its um nails toenails claws feet whatever you'd like to call them it has breakage but then i also picked up this purse which was probably my favorite item that i found so it's definitely an older i would say antique leather purse i don't see a maker or a label inside but i just love the look of it i'm getting very into i find myself picking up more of the weathered i i don't want to call this industrial but that that kind of look it has metal edges to it you know this is long long long use long been worn so just a great look to it and you know three for a dollar you can't go wrong i picked up this little lady she was a quarter she is a bunny usually they i don't see them with the the bunny ears usually it's just a little bonnet she'll be very easy to clean up her face is like a celluloid or plastic this not so much but she still is is rather cute the face is what makes her and the little bunny ears i bought two boxes we'll save my favorite piece for last this one i think the boxes were two dollars two dollars factory 18. i was shocked there was the little gettysburg cup i thought 10 meant 10 cents but it meant 10 dollars no for 10 cents sure i'll pick up almost anything for 10 cents but ten dollars i have to be a little bit more choosy so we have this box i think it says landis laundries l-o it's either l-o-n-d-r-e-s or l-a-n-d-r-e-s landry's has a nice this is colorado and then the top it just says tidy and then the inside it says tidy again there are older nails in the sides the hinges don't look you know i'm not sure if they were added i guess they're around at the same time i don't know the age to this box i just thought it was a nice looking box and i like the little i'm sure there was a little keyhole there if you have seen this box before or you know what it held perhaps um hankies or some other type of linens let me know i also picked up this box it was two dollars this obviously you can tell right on the front what it has handkerchiefs or hanger chiefs but it has a nice art deco woman um on the front if you can see her face and then she's there again on the inside so very pretty nice shape then this piece which i really like it is mother's day the pride of our nation it looks like a like a seal i'll say a gold seal but it's obviously silver and i've never seen one like this i've never seen one so i will keep this to go with i don't have mother's day decor i don't think i've ever decorated for mother's day now i have at least one item to put up i liked it for 50 cents why not as they say um you know perhaps they they made this when they made mother's day a holiday i have no idea it's a little bit of research but you have the state capital the american eagle the pride of our nation mother's day i missed out on a decent amount of vintage christmas but that's that's how it goes sometimes i'm hoping next year when this hopefully is all behind us they will come back stronger and they will have all their tents because you also figure not only does it i don't want to say hurt those that buy from there but it also hurts the church that holds the rummage sale because they do receive a lot of funding and they do um you know get a lot of money from the sale and i'm sure that that goes to a lot of their trips you know whatever they have for their church groups things like that so they've lost a good amount of revenue i need revenue they've lost a good amount of money that they normally would have had so it it stinks for the the buyers who look forward to it all year but it also hurts the church that is holding the sale because they've lost you know some portion i think a lot of times they often use that monies to go towards um missionary trips and things like that but now there's no trips to be had anyway it it it does hurt not only the buyers but also the people that are holding the sale and i guess that that's something to remember too so hopefully next year it will be back back to normal back in action with a lot of tents because that was a lot of fun to go to if not i will be sure to check out the bargain tent first or the bargain area so that i don't miss out on the vintage christmas so i don't know if there'll be any more rummage sales we're not getting into fall some groups and churches do hold fall beverage sales so we shall just have to see i'm sure by now you know people are getting out and about if they're cleaning their attics and basements if they're not dropping them off at the thrift store hopefully they're gathering them together for their local organization or their local community sales even there were a lot of community yard sales this past weekend not able to get to any of them so i hope you enjoyed this rummage sale hopefully where you are at if you are able to go out and check out some of your sales i hope that you've come across some some really neat items if not there's always the next sale and you never know what you'll find there so thanks for watching hope you have a great day i will see you all next time
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 20,177
Rating: 4.946548 out of 5
Keywords: rummage sale haul, rummage sale finds, vintage decor, decorating with vintage, Paper and Moose, Taco Stacks, trash picking rich neighborhood, rummage sale today, thrifting, Goodwill shopping, thrift with me, rummage, Ralli Roots, Hairy Tornado, rummage sale youtube, eBay, reseller, What the Hales, Jeebus, storage auction finds, antique art, flea market, trash to cash, trash to treasure, Crazy Lamp Lady, shop with me, vintage haul, Paul Cantu, thrifted clothing, vintage, ASMR
Id: rTl1vewpY7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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