I Bought A STORAGE Auction Locker...The OWNER Didn't Care!

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and you let a complete stranger come in and fill their car up with this stuff shame on you i'm so mad stopped at wawa to get tea and 100 cash because i'm headed to clean out a storage unit i purchased a storage unit online fifty dollars a five by five unit the hundred dollars as a cleaning deposit the back seat of my car and my trunk is completely empty because i'm ready i bought this unit because it was one of the cheapest units online it's small and there might be photographs because i think that's what i saw in some of the boxes we shall see whether it will be a great unit or a bust we'll have to find out gotta get going get there storage unit day i think he um unlocked it already so oh that's a school photo let me grab my light not the best lighting so oh they're not old darn it i may have bought a bunch of paperwork now as you can see there's one two three four there's five locks on here already no idea i think i bought a bunch of paperwork that is a class photo i was right about that are those x-rays if those are x-rays that might be worth something believe it or not people actually buy x-rays i have no idea what's in here oh my gosh this is crazy i don't that's not close oh uh i like paper but i'm not sure this is the paper i wanted all righty well let's do this [Applause] [Music] paperwork down here what is in there uh carbs business cards well i wanted paperwork but like cds chuck e cheese those are family photos aetna paperwork checkbook oh boy a certificate [Applause] to a university school of chiropractic oh it's paper [Applause] [Applause] well just is a chiropractor then these might be off-patient x-rays or blanks oh my goodness block that out these are awful i don't know if these have gone back and being stored in here those are supposed to be all x-rays i can't believe this here i was hoping it was a unit full of oh my gosh there's three boxes of x-rays this is awful this is the reality of a storage unit newspapers seminar series what are these kudos i don't all right even more x-rays oh wow can you see that [Applause] i don't know if i'd if i'd go to a chiropractor that was storing all his stuff in a storage unit just saying [Applause] make sure you can see yeah there are three four boxes of x-rays these are all peppa oh oh geez there that goes yeah starting hipaa information and the storage unit is a no oh my gosh it's all patience at least it's not too heavy at least i can laugh about it i guess i don't think there's gonna be any gold antiques in this unit it's paper and i love paper just not this kind of paper this is a lesson to the health community don't store your hipaa related documents your patient information in a storage unit if it's past the date then shred it dispose of it safely don't leave it in a unit i wasn't expecting this wow i'm mad and i'm not mad that i spent fifty dollars on a unit that i won't make any money back on the only money that i will make is by all of you watching this video so thank you but i mean storage auctions online or in person are a gamble because you don't know what is going to be in there i saw photos there were some photos i saw boxes that big wardrobe box and so i was thinking maybe it was you know someone's old family photos clothes i was not expecting it to be what it was basically a chiropractor who i could call out because i mean the name might even be in the video i don't know they left they stored their patients information all of their patient files in a storage facility and when they were notified that hey your unit is going up for auction you need to pay or else it's going to be sold they didn't care and i know that they didn't care because the man at the unit at the storage facility told me that he even spoke to the person that owned this yesterday the day before went up you know for auction nothing so you are uh in the medical profession whether you're still practicing or not i have no idea if you're still practicing i would not want to be your client that car was going fast anyway you are a doctor you are storing patient information in a storage facility i worked in records management i worked at a records facility this kind of storage unit is not where you're supposed to store your records because you have hipaa information you have so social security numbers see how limited i am about this social security numbers birth dates address medical records and you have them in this type of facility where people store their mattresses and bed frames there are facilities that are geared towards the medical profession use those anyway so you have these in there you're told that it's going to be sold to some random person and you don't care you don't care about the medical records of your patients and you let a complete stranger come in and fill their car up with this stuff shame on you i'm so mad that i don't even know what what to say i'm mad because that's not the right way to store medical records that's not the right way to be a practicing or even you know retired chiropractor medical practitioner and that's how you treat your patient's information i wouldn't want to have my back touched by you no thanks maybe that's why they didn't move the stuff because they didn't want to hurt their back i don't know but unbelievable unbelievable there is nothing in this unit that i will be able to recoup any of my money on now if i wasn't a mean person if i you know like to go on the interwebs and stuff i have hundreds not hundreds a couple hundred probably of of people's social security numbers and their birth dates you know what stuff i could do with that and it's not like these people are deceased i mean i saw records here from 2010. i i don't know now if these were medical records from the 1800s or the early 1900s that would be amazing because those are historical those have you know they're different they're not records from 2010 for john smith who's still alive john smith better not need his medical record from 2010 about us back from this chiropractor because he's pretty much screwed because guess what it's not with your doctor anymore he had in a storage unit he didn't want to pay that money and so now i have it you know a lot of people they feel bad about storage units and they they don't like to watch the videos because they don't know the story about why the person lost the unit why the person couldn't pay the unit then yes that does happen people know they run on hard times and they don't have the money to pay the facility to keep storing their items and they don't have anywhere else to store it so they figure you know what just leave it other times people have a unit they pass away their family may not want anything in there they don't have time to deal with it so they let the payments lapse and figure who cares we didn't need that stuff 10 years ago you know my aunt didn't want it in our house i don't care and those it's different but this this is a medical facility a chiropractor and you just let this stuff go i don't feel bad for them at all i feel bad for the people whose records these are that's for sure but there's no way i can go when am i going to call up john smith and be like hey i bought your your medical record about your back out of the storage unit do you want it back i'm just shocked that's pretty much it i'm just shocked i mean i don't know i don't know what else to say about this i know that i've worked in the the records management industry maybe that's why this hits a nerve but come on now so this is probably the worst storage unit i've bought let's bypass the ones that had the food in it it's this one this one and those x-rays yes x-rays can sell people use them in a variety of things but i'm not selling these x-rays fortunately the x-rays do not have the patient's name on them um fortunately it was probably really good because a big gust of wind came as i was taking some of them out and some of the one box tipped over and all these x-rays went flying in the air so i was able to get the scavenge up whatever get most of them back but none of them had the patient's name on it thankfully but i honestly have i don't have any words for this besides i medical offices dentists chiropractors therapists whatever you are don't store your patient records in you know jojo's storage facility down the street that's not how it works find a certified licensed storage facility that can hold your medical records as they should be held or stored them as they should be held so if john smith needs his file from 2009 perhaps for a lawsuit perhaps just to see what was done on his back they can retrieve it not entering a code drive through and walk down this little alley thing that you need to turn a button for a light and then unlock it with your own key and be like oh it's in one of these boxes anyway so yes hope you enjoyed this if you got this far thank you that's a gamble and today i lost but hey valuable lesson was learned you might want to call up your own doctor's office chiropractor's office and just inquire how and where they store your personal records because you never know perhaps i could pick them up in a storage unit oh my goodness all right so i gotta head home properly take care of these records and ah yeah i think i'm done for the day so thanks for watching hopefully the next unit i get will be a winner because i sure could use it hope you enjoyed this if you did hit that little thumbs up button and let me know what you think about this in the comments below maybe all those locks on the floor was a telltale sign i shouldn't have bought this oh well when some lose some i lost this one but the biggest loser of all in this is that doctor's office you don't store records like this you just don't do it have a great day i'll see you all next time hopefully for a better adventure
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 29,696
Rating: 4.9241052 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction pirate, storage auction finds, storage locker finds, storage locker auctions, reseller, auction life, storage wars full episodes, storage finds, Taco Stacks Paper Moose, Taco Stacks, Paper and Moose, Locker Nuts, What the Hales, records management, worst doctors, Crazy Lamp Lady, buying a storage locker, shocking video, owning storage units, eBay reseller, etsy reseller, malpractice, found gold, thrift, locker auction, buying storage units, storage wars
Id: WiYnOGivjbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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