Searching for Treasures at a Giant Church Flea Market

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[Music] welcome back to the channel welcome to paper and moose today I went to a giant church flea market and when I say giant I mean giant there were tents there were things outside the tent so I was inside the church building it started at 8:00 people were there at like 6:30 or 7:00 boxes and boxes of treasure so what did I find keep watching to find out she's heavy what's your 50 cents [Music] these are all hey Jessa Clark hey Sydney a bit flashcards holding is my solution subtraction division set to you want like colors and shapes and stuff there's a gremlin sticker so she likes to choice but you don't you know yeah sometimes bark over years 1981 Michael Jackson sticker that's how you know it's old how God gives us chocolate how does it go as chocolate that's funny Cookie Monster a sleepy story I have that sold duct fun like on a water game those singers as you're shopping here in the bardington don't forget that everything is three for a dollar and less is the piece of clothing pair shoes hardback book workers it's a doll hallway so as you can see I did fairly well I think this is the first time that I have been to this church flea market and it it was Bank their word and you go in some of the tents I didn't go in a clothing tent or the like sport now I did walk briefly through sport tent the main Church sale inside the church opened at 8:00 but there were all these tents outside there was also a furniture - furniture tents and what time is the open Juvenal 6:30 Dupin at 7:00 I got there around 7:00 and people were already there people have bags full of stuff so what did I miss out on I don't know but I think I did fairly well it was a bit overwhelming my first stop was at the kids books so I figured why not maybe I could find some vintage you know cute you know books with nice illustrations so I did pick up a few things picked up three little golden books so there's Mickey Mouse's picnic oh I think it was that bad by a little fireman that has some cute illustrations and then this counting rhymes which looks a little bit old 1946 know it kind of oh my god keep that one in three young rats I will show the brush step on my little golden book knowledge I went through all the little golden books their Masters of the Universe going books with he-man these are 1985 Mattel torn he-man people are back into he-man now and so I thought you know these might do okay online and for the price you couldn't go wrong hardback books were three for a dollar and I think softcover maybe $500 anyway it was cheap then I also I did pick up damn these The Wizard of Oz books because I love the covers Patras is the land of Oz a sequel to The Wizard of Oz the patchwork girl of eyes and I wasn't sure how old these were how others Jack the pumpkin the pumpkin head he was in if you've ever seen Return to Oz which I've talked about before he was in there that wasn't great oh maybe they'll have a picture of Ozma jackdaws and that's all there they are yeah I wasn't sure you know how old these were this is copyright 1904 I can't I can't be right I know it's not right cuz I did look up him online cuz up here at the dollar 95 and it looks like these were printed in the 50s so there were these three large ones and then there were two smaller ones Rickett ink in Oz which I have never heard of in my life and then the magic of Oz these are a little bit different there is again others odds I don't know a thousand or not this is 1980 so we'll see no if anything you know I know the larger what folks seem to do well at the smaller ones don't leave my little cousin will want to read them oz books are great so those were first get fine then it was kind of like where do I go next the 110 everything was three for a dollar and there were just boxes and boxes it was raining they had to cover up some boxes with tarped some boxes minor need boxes they haven't open so I mean you honestly probably could have spent all day there looking there were people all around no one's really pushing and shoving but the thing was how my strategy was if I found a box that I thought that I found maybe one neat vintage thing in then I stayed with that box and I looked through it and so I completely look through the box because you couldn't miss a lot of stuff and I think that's what people did I did find one thing when I went to the tent three for a dollar ten to a second time and it was right out in the open and no one even picked it up and that could probably pay for everything that I bought so I will show you that in a little bit that I did find because I mean they're vintage Christmas and why why not I have two meetings before so we have mr. Santa and mr. snowman the styrofoam head jar no candy jar things Oh has had pretty much suck in there it's moves a little bit but nice shape I probably won't keep those I'll probably take this if we mark it I also picked up this which I liked it's a cat of a ball of yarn and then it's marked in Japan on the bottom so we're put online or keep it for my Halloween decor I think we're getting three four dollars so dollars for all those three things keep working on the three for a dollar room eye Caramba okay stick with Christmas I found him the second time around as well I didn't realize until after that he does have some damage the bottom of this candy cane is broken and then his hat has some chips but those can easily be repaired by with just some paint same with his scarf the candy cane and if I take me some modeling clay to fix it or even just if I put paint it red but he's cute you know someone can buy them light him up and he would be good to go so again I might touch him up a little bit and then he will go to the flea market cuz I do like him but I don't know if I have room for him there's always room for vintage Christmas but I think someone would enjoy him and actually have another snowman that I put out so I picked up this which I thought was cute a vintage Rudolph stocking this I will most likely keep I like it I do have some other stockings that I hang going down my stairwell so this will add to it I mean when stuff is three for a dollar you can't go wrong well you probably can if you buy a whole bunch but Halloween again this ceramic goes through the pumpkin this is probably newer but it's a cute little little figure and again I needed something to put things in as I was walking around so I just picked up this Halloween then again because three for a dollar I needed a couple more things I found this dog which actually kind of matches another little vintage made in Japan dog that I have the ceramic puppy a flower frog nice green color and it still has the sticker on the bottom daisy flower holder number 53 one has a little like design just with some markings along the rim and I can see that it's an old mirror oh the camera but I mean the reason you can tell it's old look at the back and also just with the the wear - unless I'm Stern if you ever find a mirror that you know it it looks like it's I want to say rusting inside that is just that that tells you that enfold never try and take that off but I like the frame it's old I had to pick it up again 3/4 but now the item that was also in the three for a dollar section which I think will hopefully pay for everything that I purchased saying was this crying there is some damage the lid was up like this and then this was just position different so I like the color of it I looked on the bottom and it's this Bennington potters if you can see and so I quick took a look and there were a few listed and the ones that were listed were listed for like a hundred and some dollars but some of the ad said - no because it does have a couple chips I obviously cannot get $100 for it and it's just a single one but even if I put it 50 your best offer for $60 or best offer I will make my money back because I paid 30 33 cents for it so hopefully this will do well and I would have every all of my other treasures paid for so that three for a dollar ten was really great oh no that was a dollar Jen so I I'm actually considering going back because it's for the next two days just to see what black because there still has a lot of digging to do then also inside this was in the holiday section it was a dollar we rolling sticker on it that said that it has stains I didn't open it up to see you know I feel was old how many stars I don't want to unravel it all now but it definitely I was like an older flag so I think it's a nice shape so I can I will keep this I have to count how many stars on it this back that's what else I guess this guy just because he left me um he was 350 a little bit probably more accepted than I wanted to pay no markings but I think he has great color a great look to him plant her put some decorative pieces in it but then I picked up all sorts of little things there was a basket filled with bag so I just kind of went to town on it some napkin ring bird they do some damage but they're pretty cute these mark Japan these are candle holders or candle candle buddies you just put them like around your candle okay it's good beef or a napkin they're cute they're definitely vintage these we have little Santa's a little red riding-hood and then all these bags were a dollar to a dollar 50 so I got cute you have a little red riding-hood girl I don't even remember oh I did find belt buckles supposed to draw on it so we have a US Postal Service firefighter belt buckle a pen celebrating 100 years and Statue of Liberty another us male 1980 that one has a little bit more aware on it oh I bought this for a whopping two dollars and fifty cents VHS something it's a banger in high school I wish it was PHS the battery for folks Berg but you know for 250 why not whether I will keep it or sell it to be determined then I purchased he's run it at the dollar tent I'm sure Hobby Lobby this would cost about $25 and I can use it for the fall and for Halloween is that grand it was a dollar so I did buy these outfits they're definitely vintage and at first I couldn't tell exactly like what they were what costumes they were then I realized it's for a clown so for all of you I love clowns if you would want a homemade vintage clown costume I know where you can get one or three actually so there is this one we have another nice red one that one even came what's this oh there's that was the other one this is a smaller one and it even has LG's dare I do this oh my gosh oh boy okay we're gonna do this I committed so you can't turn back yeah I did get another one oh this one has bells on it this is the first one I thought I thought how neat is this and even in the Hat oh yes the pom-poms came off it even has a hat to go with it look how nice all right we got to commit here I'm gonna look like a fool why not oh geez these are all tied together I should have been more prepared but yeah these are all a dollar a piece so I would have had like more vintage Halloween oh my gosh I might know what I'm gonna be for Halloween ow oh I could be one of those words like the face is white and then it has the red circles on the cheeks and on the nose so I can pass those up of course oh my gosh I thought saving probably the best for last this was a whole box of everything comments and it was $2.00 so about $2 I can't go wrong Reggie if more Archie these were 12 cents at one point a lot of Archie Oh Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Archie madhouse up to me with the aliens more Walt Disney Daisy and Donald super goofy so I don't have to look through these and see if any our work that one's cute 1959 if any are you know are worth money scam it's like Lady and the puppy scant Flintstone and pebbles pebbles and bamm-bamm little dot so again I'll have to look and see sad sack last special any artwork anything but even you know they're only worth a couple dollars online if I take them to the flea market and something for a dollar piece I made my money and it was paper I'm speaking of paper never thought I would find some I was waiting in line to pay for down and there is this a whole box of ephemera and the total was of course paper it was old paper lives [Music] two dollars yes please so I can look through this Penn College motor November 1940 magazine um brief guide of this Missoni institutions I don't all of these J V Kraemer 50 studies for the piano we have some religious items let's see I just want that out of my dreams from Oklahoma some sheet music whispering oh so oh my gosh I guess it's Jeep music Dan again deo Betelgeuse that was a great movie it's actually on Broadway now you know I this again I wasn't going to go through let me look through all paper for two dollars hoping a record holiday song book two dollars you you can't go wrong so yeah it looks like there's more seeing sheet music so I'm on a run Superman the movie can you read my mind cause they're super short I'm gonna run with sheet music it seems size of the border down Mexico Way out of this world fun by Bing thank your lucky stars how sweet you are hola I see him on Spanish who would've thought so yeah I mean $2 again it's two dollars it would be fun to look through this this is pretty Mary Miller who funny that's a nice graphic that looks very Art Deco ish two different worlds clouds let's do one more will you remember so a lot of different stuff you know I I didn't know what to expect going to this flea market I've never been there before I would definitely go again next year because I think it would be worth it and I think you know if you spend if you really take your time and you kind of strategize I mean you guys think you could find a lot a lot of stuff I mean I I think I did fairly well here you know a lot of little tchotchkes but okay saving some vintage Christmas finding some meat Halloween stuff paper never one thought I would have found paper there but I did so pretty good day and hopefully that one piece of cookware I guess you call it the pottery piece will pay for everything so let me know what your favorite piece left let me know if you saw anything in the video and you're like oh why didn't you pick that up there's probably a lot more I'm gonna picked up but only shoved so much in your bag and carry so much in your arms with your ask these things it's definitely a fun day it made me look forward to other flea markets this weekend so thank you all for watching be sure to LIKE subscribe tell your friends if they're into vintage if they're into paper and see what other flea markets around the you know the United States are like so pass the word along well I hope you all have a great day and until I see you next time thanks again for watching and see you later [Music]
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 51,280
Rating: 4.9305902 out of 5
Keywords: mega haul, church rummage sale, rummage sale haul, masters of the universe, rummage sale, paper and moose, vintage paper, junk journaling, crafting, vintage Christmas, mega flea market, rummage sale tips, rummage sale finds, flea market finds, box lots, flea market haul, taco stacks, little golden books, vintage books, crafting with vintage, old paper
Id: bM7UecrWAtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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