HUGE Gamble On Gun Cases and AMMO Boxes In Abandoned Storage Unit Bought At Auction.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] guys welcome back to a what might be the worst episode of grime spines that you have ever seen [Music] gina let me spend twenty seven hundred dollars on a ten by ten y'all only a ten by ten y'all see it was a manager unit [Music] normally you know i do not bid on private units i do not bid on manager units but i had a suspicion about this one and my suspicions turned out to be right [Music] so why me and gina get out and get this door popped open check out this phone call of why i actually paid twenty seven hundred dollars on a manager hey good morning how are you doing i'm good how are you good hey i just had a quick question about uh one of the auctions you have today that i had bid on earlier uh it's auction id once uh one three six three eight six five um and i i may have missed it just but i usually don't bid on uh non-lien manager units did that get changed to a manager unit no um this has been our manager special for a week i believe there's one hour to the deadline um yeah all that was with that unit um the person got placed into a nursing home and they unfortunately just had to um they decided to give their items to extra space that was it oh that makes a lot of sense okay okay well that makes sense so all that stuff in there did belong to that one person i guess they just gave up the unit yeah and it's sad because i just speak to that person and it's they're pretty much their their hobbies what they dedicate themselves to and um it's very much organized it's well put together there's a lot of items in there okay that's sad is there personal stuff still in there that they'll need back no um what they had done when when the tenant um you know decides to give extra space their items they have the opportunity you know to access their unit however they want sure before they left the property that's when they came in gave us the keys and said you know i'm sending this on over to you guys after that we only thing we do is open the doors take pictures lock it up secure it man y'all are awesome i love extra space okay that makes a lot of sense okay well then um all right then i feel comfortable still bidding on it so i appreciate it so much you're actually the third person today that's called and asked about it well because it looks you know it's i do this for a living and you just get to looking at some of the units sometimes and it doesn't look like it had been rummaged through and so you know sometimes you got a lot of these properties they'll they'll do that and they'll like you'll go in there will be empty boxes or just boxes of trash and so uh well i wasn't allowed to step in there and see any further but from my view and the picture that we took it's very well organized it is yeah that's why i haven't been here for years okay that makes sense okay all right well i might see you this afternoon all right thank you ma'am all right guys so i'm super nervous about this so like i said gina actually i was about to back out at 2 300 i said you know i just don't want to spend that much on that unit and she's like oh yeah but what if it's this and what said that and i was like fine i'll go higher that's not what i said i said what if they know something yeah but you were encouraging me to spend more y'all she encouraged me so look anything we don't make over 2 300 is her fault y'all secondly i was going to introduce you to a new channel is actually why i was zeroing in on this we're gonna introduce you to a new fishing channel uh not in this video but maybe in one of the videos coming up maybe we'll be able to take the fishing stuff that i saw in here and sell it to them and you guys can meet them but without further ado y'all i am so freaking nervous about this unit they didn't touch anything let me pop it open let's show you why i spent 2 700. you ready i've been filming i'm already nervous y'all yeah all right so look i'm gonna show you a few things why why i bought it because she said it was this hobby stuff i saw this this looked like it might be some kind of floating like fishing device or something i saw the camouflage here okay this is what i saw that really made me a bit on it y'all know how i look at that babe already yep look this is one of the reasons why i bought it is because ammo is so freaking expensive right now and i saw that i saw that winchester box oh my gosh babe look look at that that's all ammo and look a gun case yep okay so look i saw that and then way back there you see all the fish and tackle boxes the pitchers were horrible you couldn't see oh those are fishing pole cases they are they this is more gun cases right here you think there's any guns in here i i actually think there could be guns in here with all the ammo in there there might be also this person went to a nursing home oh my gosh y'all should we check in one gun case i don't know you want to leave those needs all right guys so look at y'all know the dang deal okay so look oh my gosh those are all gun cases look there's nice fishing poles back here yeah okay look this is all fishing lures look let's just let's test one see what's in here okay so it did it looked like camping stuff but the reason why i did bid on it was because of the ammo boxes i was hoping that there was gonna be ammo in here because it could be a thousand dollars in ammo alone i mean there is a lot of stuff in here i'm like is that a gun what is this oh look oh it's still nice oh because i saw these these look like art boxes they do okay i don't know if there's art in that but look these are nice chairs all these coolers up here there's tubs i gotta put my glasses on i can't even see this y'all i'm freaking out right now because hopefully that okay there's something in that okay it looks like camping stuff yeah uh this said i'm all over the place you are oh i saw this it said bose i was hoping this bose thing was in here because you know that could be 100 bucks or so yeah or sony stuff all right guys so i don't know let me get my glasses oh man all right look so the first one is empty you think there's anything in any of these i bet they might have taken them but i don't know there could be a gun hidden in here somewhere what's that say fish camping oh look nice a bag of fillet knives oh well it's not all nice yeah okay so i'm already not as nervous about this unit but let me get my glasses on and i think we're gonna pull the ammo out first let's pull the truck up [Music] all right guys so look we're going to start with all the ammo let me grab all the boxes and say ammo and then we'll kind of go from there leave me your comments down or leave a comment down in there this feels full it's not even open all right look okay more shotgun shells 20 gauge okay so we got two boxes of ammo you all know ammo is so freaking expensive right now oh we got remington shells okay shotgun shells so i wonder how much these were you know i don't really mess around with shotguns i just don't like them um so i don't know what these go for if you know what these boxes go for let me down let me know down in the comments look this whole thing see this is what i was kind of afraid of huh oh i don't know maybe that actually is in there it feels kind of light yeah i was like maybe it's going to be a bunch of empty boxes and stuff hey old people do people they do i've noticed so let's look in here oh no it's in there it is yeah okay so whatever this is mosquito oh yeah this is the stuff that goes in it it's some kind of mosquito repellent thing yeah for when you're fishing and those are like refills for it okay so we got this box maybe those are oh man that's a lot of ammo yeah there's a lot of hammer oh my goodness you think about like fifty dollars a box i don't know on shotgun shells maybe not maybe not that much no maybe 15 20. i don't know but i don't know look this said wedding gift on it uh what's it say tall pictures we're not gonna mess with the gun cases right now let's finish this shelf okay this is some kind of wreath okay i am curious if this is in here it feels light what if it got me what if they just put red felt something large plus smaller okay so look that's not what's in here that doesn't mean it can't doesn't mean it's not what's in there but there's something felt but i don't have my knife on me and y'all go leave your comments down tell me how stupid i am what's the wedding gift okay there's got to be a knife in here right yeah oh what is this a hatchet oh look it is it's like a saw see this is a good sellable item right here okay i'm gonna borrow this shank part of the shank actually i need to get that filet knife so yeah i definitely you know hopefully this isn't all christmas but stuff like this sells oh yeah it smells really easy to sell it's easy auction items let's see what the christmas gifts were okay that's weird well oh it's like there's a stand in here and i don't know what these are for but okay i mean at least it's sellable kind of cool though yeah yeah like maybe a spice rack or something like that yeah that's what i was thinking okay let's see if this is what this is because this looks very nice it's a like a portable car charger i'm like looking around i'm trying to count my money up real fast y'all i'm a little nervous okay y'all look it's nice look it's even got a new little uh uh air checky thingy in it so all right so we probably we made a little bit of our money back so far yeah right here okay ammo ammo ammo this looks like that looks like where they were cleaning the personal stuff out uh sorry i just want a peek over here there's tool boxes down here nice tool boxes this looks like it's all tools um let's see what these are yeah look there's nice camo packs water clubs yeah there's some good packs here oh this more bags this is a pop-up tent it looks like i was thinking this is one of those floaty things like emergency things now that you're fishing they sit in this fish oh look at this so there's some hunting gear in here some gloves everything's nice and packed very nicely you know what i'm i'm not concerned anymore yeah i'm not concerned either i think it'll be a good look tools tools uh i mean these chairs are nice there's big coolers i'll probably sell those on facebook yeah all right now before we go into any more boxes because it looks like we're getting good sellable stuff in the boxes i want to kind of get back here and peek at the hunting stuff and the fishing stuff because like i said i just met someone well kind of messed it through messaging and stuff that might want this stuff so let's get these all this stuff out of the way and we'll take a peek he's at the fishing stuff fishing lures we might have a couple g's and fishing lures y'all look we might have a couple thousand dollars in fishing stuff look lures look at this lures look at this this thing is heavy sucker right there and the thing is it's not nasty normally you find this stuff it is so nasty because they didn't take care of it look big lures big lures uh lures dang y'all i ain't worried no more look at all this stuff look at all this fish and stuff look we got filet knives uh electric uh wears look at these we're gonna have other kind of knives uh look to remove the hooks whoa yo we might have like five g's of fishing stuff in here might have to have a big o look at this babe y'all fisherman hey all you people that came from lunkers let me know what i'm looking at right here because i mean i've been fishing my whole life but like even look at this stuff new fish call [Music] um man look at all this stuff babe so y'all let me know all you guys that came from lunkers let me know uh how much keep me a tally going and this is gonna be a couple videos probably two but let me know when you think i've hit my 2600 bucks and fishing stuff um when i piece it out and i'll do a big auction or i'll see if somebody's interested in buying this stuff we might have more fishing stuff because there's a little sticker here so let's get this out yeah buddy yeah look more fishing stuff look brand new stuff in here blades more knives yeah he did let's see what's in here i feel like everybody had that yeah boy look we got uh reels reels in here but i have to look these up i don't know what these are worth uh one of the units i saw in look these are all new i think these are all new like new old stock still in the bubble wrap okay what else we got a little thermometer let's see what else we got here trash bags look man a little thing to scoop stuff all right y'all so hey what y'all think all right i'm gonna get these ladders out man i hope these freaking fishing poles are in here i know look this looks like more lures okay there's definitely stuff in here okay there's definitely look at this i know this is an expensive reel because i looked this one up uh online because i could clearly see it oh my god babe these are all fishing reels are they really all fishing reels okay so look at this all right let's take this to the truck all right let's see so i'm gonna look these up individually in a little bit yeah i'm gonna put all unless somebody buys this from me oh look all in here okay we got one two three let's just keep saying it through the same he kept good care of his stuff look it's in there i mean that's been used it's got line in it but it's in very nice shape all this stuff's super clean and you can tell guys a lot of times i figure out how much i'm going to spend by like how organized the unit is but look that's in there okay this is in here that's in here that's in there and look they're in very look very clean and he kept the pamphlets and everything so right now we've got man i don't know we might have our money back because i don't know about the lures all right guys so look here's more lures lures allures what i'm talking about reels reels look at this okay we got more here's that bucket he's got them all in here what's that say heading 284 man remember these big bad boys that's a zebco um so i mean those are probably i don't know why he didn't put those in boxes all right so i'm gonna start kind of this stuff up here dub decoys uh same thing looks like some decoys i don't know i'm about to see what's in that let's see okay i'm gonna go through these so these are all little empty ones okay and they're very nice those are nice okay we'll put those up there here's what we got here a little little wine wine opener you gotta have that oh opener i said something let's see weights you know nice little case all this stuff's clean this stuff's super clean um take these out here okay look these all look to be in fairly decent shape berkeley here so look at all these that's a berkeley i'm not familiar with a lot of this stuff shakespeare um but i mean they're all in really good condition um so what that's one two three four five six seven eight i mean we got we can match them up with our reels too let's see look just more nice clean stuff before we go through any more of that that's cool look that stuff feels really heavy um what's in here hey man what's in there um oh look at this nice radio look at this little sony sports radios really nice [Music] um this says i think it said prince on it pheasant oh baby these are duck prints i know that's what i was saying if they're duck prints we might be really in big money because uh duck print all right so i know i got good fishing stuff i wonder what's in that big thing who knows it's like a big cooler or something it is don't peek yo look how oh look at it is this a minnow tank oh is it huh it might be i don't know you read what this is okay right here andrew white lampang lang bang sail boats all right let me just get this open oh yeah please be man these are we i'm serious y'all look at this baby the sign yeah it's ducks 89 duck stuff 12 a 150. yep that stuff can be really good y'all this stuff like we know this stuff this stuff can be big big money and if he's got duck stamps and stuff in here duck stamps we're in the money we are in the money glad i didn't let you talk me out of this one hey i talked you into it oh now you want to say you did yeah look look here's the stamps numbered and signed coa in the back boy [Music] y'all there's like one look at all these look look at all those boxes if those are all prints y'all look at all those look this is signed y'all we could have like 50 000 worth of art in here oh my gosh babe look at these you're pumped now oh i am i'm totally boy y'all i'm telling you i've made big money on duck prints and stamps look at these okay got a little quail action all right let's get this stuff in the truck i'm gonna pop another one all right guys so look this is bubble wrapped up they all got coas on the back that's so awesome all right i don't want to take all these out because we got to transport these home look an owl it's signed 190 of 500 and it's got a coa on the back baby hey guys we got company what kind of girl that's her that's joking kind of all right there's no coa on the back of this one but it's signed oh look it's blue jays about to freaking jump an owl but look right here 190 or 500 yo all right guys so i'm not gonna well i am taking all this home um so oil yeah ships ship oil paintings and ships look top method hospital editorials william something wood a decoy prince that's what we want baby that's what we want and look how big these boxes are ducks and fly y'all two pictures okay so look but look what is this look at this wood it's like a case that says something it's got an address on the side uh what if this is all prints that would be great let's try to get this out how do you open this bad boy how does this thing oh does this oh no i think it does it pick up let's see do you see a is it screwed shut it yo still got company they keep trying to beat my heart y'all it's [Music] babe rude got a hunting dog hunting dog 195.00 you know what this tells me huh he was on some kind of list for these artists and they automatically would always send him send them that number uh because i've known several collectors that's what they would tell me look so signed and numbered okay this one does have a coa i can't see it is it the same dog is it 190 one yep 190 over 500 yeah look i got the hi guys looks like some type of burger you see that crackhead with all that art over there that's what they're thinking look oh yeah put it back in this envelope all right y'all so look we still got all that art we got this art right here okay these were prints they're not in boxes okay check it out i peeked in here i'm going to tell you i saw antlers and a bunch of other stuff like good stuff pew pew cases stuff like that but i'm not taking all this off to the next video
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 16,646
Rating: 4.9535246 out of 5
Keywords: 911 call, Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, Police called, abandoned, ammo, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds wife, guns found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, jeana grimes, justin grimes, mustie1, pew pew, storage unit auctions, storage wars clips, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, storage wars full episode, triggered insaan, vlog, what the hales
Id: ximgXpqsayY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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