I Bought a $1000 Bootleg "Steam Deck"...

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going to be need to listen to some podcasts maybe some music maybe even some good old youtube videos so i'm going to pop these raycons in go for a nice hike and hopefully get my youtube and nature phil all in one so yeah go to www.buyracon.com some ordinary gamer to get 15 off your next raikon purchase hello guys and gals me buddhahar and why yes i did in fact buy a bootleg steam deck device now this is a long time coming i've sort of been teasing this device in my tweets if you follow me on twitter at ordinary gamers uh i am verifiably irrelevant as you can tell but ladies and gentlemen i have been teasing this device i've shown images of grand theft auto 5 run around on it i have shown images of metal gear solid 4. i have shown emulators run on it games like skyward sword ladies and gentlemen this might be the best and worst thousand dollars that i've ever spent now to understand the entire history over here we have to go to the indiegogo campaign now this is the gpd win3 and as you can tell it's in demand at indiegogo and apparently 5.2 million dollars jesus was put into it and i was one of those people i put a thousand dollars in i bought the best goddamn package i think i bought the uh what was it 1165 g7 and the dock i lost the dock when i was moving by the way but as you can see they've been showing a lot of juicy games like cyberpunk 2077 jesus christ it already runs like anal pus on a base ps4 imagine it running on a handheld device so i realized man do i want to see this train wreck in action you bet your [ __ ] now valve also released the steam deck and i've seen a lot of people kind of complain about this like oh my god the face button you clicked to the edge but at the same time i think it looks pretty good you know it's definitely chunkier than the switch it definitely weighs more with what it has inside it but it's a linux bit arch linux based system which is great for you know raising that linux market share by the way it's a linux based system that can run almost every single game valve hopes to reach 100 compatibility with windows games to linux which is its own separate video i don't even almost believe that but basically this is a device that you can buy log into your steam account and play your entire backlog wherever you go now i ended up reserving the 512 gig nvme ssd version and of course there's also a 64 gig emmc which i really wouldn't recommend you get this is this is literally going to be one game and it's going to run like dog water okay just if you're going to get this at least get one with an ssd or pull one in afterwards now this is a zen 2 rdna 2 powerhouse chip okay so basically they teamed up with amd to create a special chip for the system and from what it sounds like these these this is going to be some pretty beefy specs okay now it's also a 720p display so you really don't have to power that much from the gpu end to it so hopefully with all of these things combined this is going to be a pretty kick-ass device to play your games on steam anywhere you go games like gta 5 games like cyberpunk games like division two games like uh final fantasy 14 mmo by the way all of them run great on the gpd win that i bought so i'll look at the steam deck when it comes out okay but you know what valve did valve popularized handheld gaming pcs and i'm really looking forward to it now gpd should be a familiar name to a lot of you okay i end up buying some of their products but i also reviewed the gpd win original now back when it came out it kind of looked like a ds you know clamshell design and while you can emulate a lot of games on it it ran pc games like absolute dog [ __ ] okay we're talking 20 frames per second was the best you're ever going to get in that time gpd released the gpd win 2 gpd win max and finally the gpd win 3 for a thousand dollars so the prices went up but what you're getting has also went up too now to understand i would never recommend you buy the product you want to know why because it basically came broken when it shipped to me so i'm going to tell you guys a couple things okay so basically there's been a lot of controversy with their shipping their indiegogo campaign some people have reported getting inferior wi-fi chips that's the least of anyone's concern some people have reported that the ssd that comes in the terabyte ssd a lot of space shipped broken to them okay i'm lucky that i don't have a broken ssd some people have also reported and this is my concern is the gamepad didn't work yeah the buttons didn't work on it guys apparently and this is a really stupid thing by the way apparently there is a contact inside the device that you have to basically clean out uh which will actually fix the entire issue now i ended up having to open the device which when you're paying a thousand dollars for a [ __ ] device when you have to open it up you know with like jeweler picks and like spudger tools at that point you can't recommend it the build quality isn't good enough if i have to open your [ __ ] device to fix it it's not getting recommended okay and that's why i'm glad i bought this usually when like the chinese companies ask you to review this they want their review to be like you had jesus's like holy grail in your hand anyways though so i ended up looking at what this youtuber came up with elaine moore she actually showed this exact part you see where like these pins are you see these four little pins yeah apparently you have to screw it in properly to make them actually connect that fixes the entire [ __ ] issue again guys all right it's a thousand dollar device all right telling me to open it up and clean out the tools is not good and i'm not shipping it back to china okay i'm not entering that [ __ ] hell myself too and the other thing is i've heard people saying just smack the side which works but when you're telling me to smack a thousand dollar device you can go [ __ ] yourself so anyways let's get to gaming now to understand this system specs and i'm going to list them out real quick it has a one terabyte ssd uh the quality isn't like samsung or western digital so don't expect you know to go crazy uh it's fine it hasn't busted on me yet it's got 16 gigs of lp ddr4x ram which is fine by me uh that's plenty of ram for a gaming device anyway especially of this size and there's two processors you can get an 1165 g7 or an 11 i think it's 35 g g7 or something of that nature basically these guys have used two versions of intel processors one i5 and one i7 i paid for the i7 version now there is a bit of a performance differential so if you cheap out on this you're not going to have as great of a time as i did now as far as the gaming is considered what you're about to see are games running at 720p max okay running at very low settings at the most depending on how old certain games are i'm running them up to medium the graphic card in this device is an intel xc graphic device so it's integrated graphics but it's all intel special gpu okay like they're apparently making graphics now this isn't the intel hd 3100 days boys they actually run pretty well so to understand let's go over the gaming okay so cyberpunk 2077 is something they're showing off and again to show off cyberpunk 2077 it better run [ __ ] good and it runs 30 to 40 frames per second okay so you're never going to get 60 but if you lock it down to 30 frames per second it runs pretty well i mean they're stuttering for sure especially when you're streaming in a bunch of things in the world but you can in fact play cyberpunk at better quality than you can the base xbox one and bass playstation 4. and the best part about it is it's the pc version so you can sort of modify a bunch of settings to your heart's content but honestly out of the box it runs at 30 to 40 frames now what i didn't do is a lot of performance modifications anybody that gets this device is modifying its tdp its thermal design point to basically eek more power out of it i honestly am not going to bother doing that i'm sure i can get more frames but i'm not going to [ __ ] around with a thermal design point of this device further killing its battery life or its internals or harming them in any capacity if the game runs it runs if it doesn't run it doesn't run so cyberpunk 2077 works pretty well okay i had no complaints whatsoever now at the end of the day the next big game i wanted to try out was grand theft auto 5 and i am proud to tell you gta 5 runs really well now i'm running the game at like low to medium settings at 720p and it is pretty much locked to 60 frames per second i think the average of the frame rate in this game when it has to dip is somewhere at the 40s okay that's when a lot of [ __ ] is happening but this game sticks so close to 60 frames that i almost really can't tell anything i'm having way too much fun actually playing gta 5 on a portable system now gta 5 also doesn't run very like run well like the single player runs fine the multiplayer also runs pretty well too so if you ever wanted to lay in bed and get [ __ ] by somebody in gt online with a flying bike this is it this is where you're getting to these portable gaming computers are sort of the ultimate way as somebody that plays and works in front of a gaming computer for a lot of the day there's no better way to unwind than sitting on a couch down in your living room or in bed or even outside you know in the nice day and playing a game portably all right that is something that i have to give these portable handheld gaming devices something you have to realize right the nintendo switch is the only closest competition to what i'm holding in my hands the nintendo switch is a good system but unfortunately it's limited in hardware while this is way more expensive than a switch the amount of gaming that i can do on this and clearing up all of my backlog is [ __ ] amazing so beyond gta 5 was looking at other games now i looked at call of duty modern warfare next a game that i actually really enjoy the reason i picked call of duty modern warfare is it's one of the best stress tests for any of these devices it's a game that takes a lot of processing power and it's a good way to realize just the the the true capabilities of what you're holding it's a real good real world test so i ran the game at very low settings 720p and initially it took forever to install the shaders in it but you're going to want to install the shaders without that the game is going to lag like no tomorrow once every shader installed and the game was running it literally was sticking to 60 frames i am able to play a 60 frame version of call of duty modern warfare and that includes call of duty war zone in the palm of my hands and for all it's considered listen it's a portable device and maybe the layout's a little weird like for some reason they have the face buttons underneath the analog and it does get kind of annoying with my hands but ladies and gentlemen it's call of duty on the go at 60 frames per second now while those are a lot of multiplayer games call of duty was a great stress test and it really showed that if it could run call of duty it should be able to run other big popular games like rainbow six siege or valorant and what's really awesome with that dock that i was talking about earlier you can hook up a keyboard and mouse and if you want to sort of play siege or valorent on the go you have the device then you can hook it up to your actual monitor and a keyboard and mouse and play it like a standard gaming pc and you get a pretty decent frame rate going on so beyond a lot of those multiplayer games i wanted this to be sort of a backlog clear so i'm going to go through a couple games that i've been playing one of them was assassin's creed 2. incredibly old game runs perfectly at 60 frames maxed out setting 720p no complaints there games like death stranding also ran really well i locked the game down to 30 frames per second kept the graphic settings in medium at 720p and i was able to play debt stranding as if i was playing it on my playstation 4. so honestly i have no complaints it's debt stranding in a portable fashion and i gotta tell you right now for a game like debt stranding there's no better way than to lay down comfortably with some headphones on and play it on a device like this then i played deus ex human revolution another older game that ran perfectly at 60 frames 720p and i actually maxed out the settings over here then was gta 4 holy crap one of the worst pc ports of all time so i got gta 4 installed and lo and behold this [ __ ] runs at 60 frames per second yes ladies and gentlemen this is gta 4 running on the gpd win3 at 60 frames per second with medium settings honestly i have no complaints over here this is a game that i wanted to replay in a while and sure i could hook up my playstation 3 and you know experience the 20 frames galore but now i'm getting actual lock 60 anywhere i go and i'm playing one of the best gta stories of all time uh halo master chief collection this is another doozy so i ended up installing halo 2 anniversary halo 3 halo 1 and halo reach and so far on the lowest settings which is the performance mode i was ending up getting 60 frames per second now performance mode at 720p locked to 60 this is halo on a handheld so not only was i playing the campaign but i could also play the halo multiplayer in the palm of my hands like you would a standard halo session it was again another fun time then no man's sky was the game that i wanted to try and this is where i started to get a bit of performance issues so no man's sky is a pretty heavy game even if you play it on the pc it can really tax your system especially when you put the graphic settings to like this really high amount now with no man's sky it defaulted to medium settings which was playable but the game was running at like 50 to 60 frames with a very obvious stutter by lowering the graphics to the absolute minimum at 720p it pretty much locked to 60 for the most i could explore planets and have a good time the only time the frame rate dipped uh noticeably was when i started to enter the nexus or really the space stations where there was a lot more activity than just you know what was going down on the planets now persona 4 golden was where things started to [ __ ] up pretty royally uh so to be honest here the game didn't perform bad it just didn't render properly so to start it up this really brought up an issue because this is intel integrated graphics intel is doing the best that they can to update their drivers like no tomorrow but they're not amd they're not nvidia okay so there were some severe graphical issues firing this up on an intel gpu caused me to basically not like i couldn't see anything i couldn't even get past the main menu it wasn't a matter of the system not being powerful enough it was intel's drivers not supporting the game at all so i ran into severe issues and i couldn't play persona 4 golden which would have been an amazing way to play this game portably right the only other way to do it portably is play on the ps vita this however is double the frame rate if it ran and it would have just been a better experience unfortunately i couldn't run it on the gpd win3 and i don't recommend it if that's what you wanted to pick it up for then i ran down resident evil 2 remake and boy oh boy this one made me [ __ ] [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen resident evil 2 remake is one of my favorite resident evil games if not the best resident evil game period and this was running on this device at 60 frames per second somewhere at the lowest it would go to like 45 50ish but it was running at 60 frames per second at 720p with low settings okay and low settings looked absolutely fine i mean especially on a device screen as small as this this is resident evil 2 remake portable now of course resident evil 2 remake worked fine but by the time you move up to resident evil 8 village that's apparently from everyone else i've been noticing is where the frame rates start to dip resident evil 8 village really taxes the engine more than resident evil 2 remake and at that point you start to get the game playing at 40 to 60 frames but at that point you can always lock it down to 30 and experience that game fluidly as time goes on so i mean that's where you get into the mileage issue for these systems okay of course it's not going to run everything like your high-end gaming pc would but if you treat this kind of like a portable playstation 4 or an xbox one it really does stand on its own okay so that's where you have to sort of temper your expectations yakuza 0b i'm proud to say all the yakuza games were real on this so if you have yakuza 0 all the way to yakuza 5 remastered those games run on the older version of their engine and it pretty much locks itself to 60 frames per second and 720p so if you ever wanted to play yakuza 0 like you would on a standard ps4 or ps4 pro you can experience those yakuza games absolutely fine now when it came time to yakuza kiwami 2 yakuza 6 and yakuza 7 like a dragon those games running on the newer engine they look a lot better but their requirements are obviously a lot more uh you know rigid so at that point i realized by turning the frame rate down to 30 even though it was hitting 60 here and there a 720p 30 at low all the yakuza games were running absolutely fine and to be able to play yakuza 6 or yakuza kiwami 2 and especially like a dragon which is an amazing jrpg in a handheld is something that you're never gonna get anywhere officially at all okay you're not gonna get it on the switch you'll have to wait until the steam deck to come out to get it but right now this is why these portable handheld gaming pcs are blowing my mind i'm able to complete a lot of these massive backlogs in the palm of my hand anywhere i go and it's pretty cool of course beyond that final fantasy 14 which is a game that's taking everyone by storm has an amazing controller configuration to it i mean it's a game that literally can be played on a playstation 4 and playstation 5. so it runs absolutely jaw-droppingly perfectly to play an mmo like that and do your dailies and your dungeon farming and everything in the palm of your hand on the go anywhere in your house is a lot better now of course it's an mmo so you probably want to have a keyboard mouse and all your setup on your main pc but if you're just doing general questing stuff you can always play it on a handheld device like this and just sort of chill out on the game i mean keep your rates for your big giant pc setup but you can always have the smaller handheld setup for just questing and anything else all in all i have to say i'm generally so impressed with every game system that we've seen but that's not where i'm going to end the video yet see emulation if you looked at my last video is a pretty big deal to me and i've been looking to get the ultimate emulator device i even dipped into the gpd xd which is the same company that made an android based device and it was absolutely my handheld device of choice for a while i'm proud to say this is the best emulation device right now on the market okay so of course you got your standard nes snes gba playstation one all that stuff which you could already do on basically any device that works perfectly okay that works fine what's new however to the emulation party now is playstation 2 nintendo gamecube nintendo wii nintendo wii u nintendo switch you heard me nintendo switch also works on this and playstation 3 kind of so let's get over through the emulation okay basically gamecube games for me are working super fine games like twilight princess work as you would expect metroid games work amazingly well on this metroid one all the way to 3 the prime trilogy can be played on this device now as far as wii emulation goes skyward sword works really well on the wii emulator you can basically get an amazing xbox 360 control setup going and as far as i've seen nintendo gamecube and wii work absolutely amazingly now playstation 2 is another system that i wanted to emulate playstation 2 is what i grew up with it has some of the best jrpgs out there so i decided to get pcs x2 i got grand theft auto san andreas just to really stress test the system out and lo and behold san andreas works perfectly if you want to play portable ps2 this is where it's at okay these are the devices you're gonna need these portable handheld gaming pcs so beyond playstation 2 then it's time to look at wii u and this is where the plot thickens ladies and gentlemen because i was able to get breath of the wild yes legend of zelda breath of the wild running on the wii u cemu emulator and i added the 60 frame rate patch to it and i was playing breath of the wild at 60 frames per second 720p so while breath of the wild is already portable with the gpd win3 you can get better frame rates on breath of the wild right here right now so it beats out the switch at being the [ __ ] switch now as far as switch games go i decided to take skyward sword hd which just released yesterday and i took the rom put it onto my actual gpd win3 and it ran just fine granted it wasn't hitting 60 frames per second this is where the system was really being tested so i was running switch games i was running skyward sword hd and it was hitting like 40 to 60 frames and there was some stuttering but you could still play the game i could still play the game i loaded up animal crossing and this is where the system sort of worked and fit into its groove okay animal crossing worked really fine on the switch emulator for this device and i had really no complaints with it i mean there was some stuttering there was some stuttering because of shader installation but the more you play these games the better it ends up running at the end of the day so now beyond switch beyond wii u let's go look at ps3 which is where it tends to die now there's a lot of people on youtube that have shown this system running rpcs three which runs pretty well for some lighter games but i decided [ __ ] let's try running metal gear solid 4 on it and it didn't work too well let me tell you this thing tried it really [ __ ] tried i mean the cut scenes ran well but once you got into the goddamn gameplay oh this poor thing was begging for a bullet to the head uh yeah i mean did i expect anything better no even my main computer can't run mgs4 perfectly so did i expect this handheld processor to do it [ __ ] no it was just something for me to try hell if it ran it playable i'd [ __ ] blow my load okay playing mgs4 portably is the stuff of ps vita owner dreams okay the fact that i can even slightly do it already blows me away okay so god bless you gpd win3 god bless you okay so i've talked a whole lot about their gaming right and i wanted to make it as comprehensive as i could but let's go look at some of the negatives okay so if you look at this device one of the things you can do is you have this little capacitive keyboard this is one of the worst keyboards you'll ever see like it gets the job done but trying to type a sentence on this without failing uh is nearly impossible okay if you tried running suicide linux on this the one linux distribution that basically deletes itself if you enter a command wrong you'll never survive you'll never survive more than five minutes okay it's great for entering a password but other than that it'll make you pull your hair out now the battery life on this thing is surprisingly decent so if you're just playing like ps2 emulators or like something really light uh the battery can last for like four hours four to four four to five hours almost i mean if you're really stretching it now of course at the peak of its gaming like let's say you're emulating breath of the wild or you're playing call of duty war zone yeah this thing is going to last for an hour to two hours okay maybe more of an hour and a half the battery life is great considering it's a x86 based processor it's not exactly the most efficient and optimized so again i'm not complaining too hard about it okay at the end of the day the battery life is enough for me portably i'll hook it up to a power adapter when i'm not playing it okay that's fine that's okay with me the other thing is thermals this thing can get hot if you look at the very top of it it's got itself a nice little exhaust port and this thing exhausts air like no tomorrow it can keep itself pretty cool like the fact that i'm holding this device while i game and it's lukewarm when i'm loading modern warfare up is baffling to me normally a gaming laptop tends to feel like a fiery inferno on my lap or like anywhere even if i'm using it on a desk and that's why i don't play a lot of gaming laptops i had a big fear that this would be like that but i'm proud to say while it definitely does get loud like this fan gets loud anybody that tells you it doesn't is a [ __ ] liar but even if it gets loud it doesn't get hot to like the touch so you can actually play your extended gaming sessions on this and have a pretty good time and the fact that the cooling solution is good means that this device is going to last longer than most others on the market now if you're going to buy the gpd win3 uh take my recommendation and don't now while the gpd win3 is nice and i'm enjoying my time with it there's other products like the i and neo that actually are a bit ryzen based and because of the fact that they're amd based the actual graphic processors on it have better driver support so remember that persona 4 issue we had it really shouldn't be a problem with this system amd's just better than intel they've been in the graphics game longer and they know what they're doing now that being said i actually don't recommend you get anything yet while this is the start these are kind of like jerry rigged portable pc gaming options but the steam deck that's coming out if this is already enjoyable i'd rather you wait to spend your money on that you know whatever because it's also pretty expensive while it might be cheaper than this you know the highest end steam deck option is like up there to like 800 okay at least canadian so i'd recommend if you were to burn this kind of money burn it on the right product one that's gonna have valve and amd's proper backing i'd rather you look into that than the devices you have currently right now and if you want to get any of these devices go for it because listen i think personally the pc portable gaming market is about to have some big players and when you look at the nintendo switch these are very viable alternatives whether you're gaming on these natively or running emulators it's a pretty solid option to pick one up if you probably don't have a gaming pc on you and you're just dipping your toe in or you have a gaming pc and you want to start clearing your backlog away from your gaming computer i think there's use cases for this that makes sense and that's pretty much where i'm going to leave it at so yeah ladies and gentlemen that was the uh bootleg steam deck that i purchased uh i know that i didn't give you a glaring recommendation to buy a thousand dollar device that had a button problem for me and i stand by that hundred percent but it's interesting to show that as the steam deck is announced and gpd win is in the market and you've got io neo and all these devices yo these handheld gaming pcs are gonna become popular okay i think personally they're gonna be a big thing in a year from now the only other competition to this is the nintendo switch nintendo switch has been sitting pretty for a while and now it's got some actual competition from some big players granted yes these devices are more expensive but i think the trade-off is unlike a switch where you have a gaming device that can only run switch games here you have access to steam you have access to epic games dude xbox game pass and this is a [ __ ] banging deal have yourself all your game pass games wherever you go think about it i mean it's a pretty good deal and not only that i mean if you want to just use it as a standard computer it's got enough beefy specs to be a standard computer anyways now again i have to state for the record a thousand dollars is a lot of money to be tossing here you could get a pretty strong update to your gaming pc or a better better piece to your setup but if you got the cache to burn and you want to experience the portable pc gaming race this might be a pretty good time to dip in alright now i want to see how the steam like deck launches uh i'm sure it's going to be pretty good valve has a good reputation behind them i don't expect them to [ __ ] this up but it's interesting if valve is successful with what they're doing this might usher in a new age of portable devices uh that'll end up getting cheaper over time and be a pretty strong option to clear up your backlog as time goes on but yeah ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 531,242
Rating: 4.9062271 out of 5
Keywords: steam, steam deck, $1000, gpd win, sog, some ordinary gamers, portable, nintendo switch, nintendo, gaming
Id: llZqWKxjMz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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