I Installed Almost Every Version of Windows...

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Stormbreaker173 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mudahar and it's that time of the month for my favorite sponsor lets me talk about balls for the month manscape.com as you all know they come with the perfect package 3.0 that i always tell you to get because it comes with the lawnmower 3.0 water resistant body trimmer with advanced skin safe technology so not only can you protect yourself from nicks and cuts and bruises near your balls but it makes it so easy that you can watch the video and clean up the forest down there you lumberjack and if you get that you also get the crop preserver ball deodorant and crop reviver spray ball toning everything all in one and it smells great i mean how are you gonna clean up a forest make sure it doesn't smell nice but hey you also get the shed travel bag for free two gifts and boxers and the boxers are anti-chafing with cooling technology and contour flex i mean these are some comfy boxers not to mention the sex appeal you get from the good old manscape logo just hovering above your testicles ladies and gentlemen that you just freshly groomed i think that's more for the gentleman anyways if you end up getting the actual boxers you can pair them up with some crop preservers and make sure you're ready for any action that comes your way ladies and gentlemen if you purchase those boxers you can even get the peak hygiene plan with the perfect package 3.0 so you have to wear the same same set of boxers that's disgusting they'll give you a fresh new pair every cycle so yeah twenty percent off and free of shipping plus two free gifts awaits you if you use promo code some ordinary admanscape.com never forget your balls will thank you hello guys and gals me mudahar and one of the questions i asked myself was can i install the first version of windows release sometime in the 1980s and update just that version to windows 10 ladies and gentlemen if you're surprised that i'm asking that question well welcome to some ordinary gamers where we're not just a gaming channel or hardly one we're more of a shitpost channel now ladies and gentlemen all jokes aside windows is an entrenched operating system there are a great chance that if you're watching this video right now you're probably on windows 10 to begin with okay you probably have a billion tabs open i'm probably somewhere on the second monitor you're probably playing mass effect legendary edition right now that's just how the cookie crumbles now ladies and gentlemen with windows 10 being basically the main staple there are some people who are not even alive at the time of windows xp and before now windows has been here since the 80s okay in many different fashions and many different i would say sagas so i wanted to see if i could update it from the very first iteration ms-dos yes back when we had to enter things through command line that wasn't just a fallout joke that was actually how computers worked i'm not joking with you all the way up to the windows that we know and love now love now you can actually do this i was one of those people where i was a little skeptical of it uh is it practical no but is it possible yes now to do this we're going to use something called virtual machines if you're new to that concept welcome to some ordinary gamers but ladies and gentlemen for this case we're using good old-fashioned virtual box now i've seen some people use vmware i've seen some people you know actually use real hardware i'm going to save myself the headache and use virtual box it's a little bit more of my style and it's definitely a bit more technically uh proficient for this whole entire ordeal so the first things first was to create a windows virtual machine now here i actually picked other windows 32-bit our path is going to be a 32-bit path because that's the only real way to officially upgrade from each windows to each windows now this is why this video right now is important i don't know if this is ever going to be possible going years down the line when windows completely eliminates 32-bit support so until then this is or at least it should be possible so let's get started i created a virtual machine and i downloaded my copies of windows now these are all the install disks that i have been using ranging all the way from ms-dos to windows 10. now to understand the upgrade path this is what we're going to be doing we will install ms-dos all right then we will install windows 1.0 windows 2.0 windows 3.0 windows 3.11 windows 95 windows 98 windows me yes that's how they pronounce it windows 2000 windows xp windows vista windows 7 windows 8.1 windows 8 well sorry windows 8 then 8.1 and then windows 10 okay so it's a long install process so let's sit down and get started now first things first we have to put in the floppy disk for ms-dos yes this is back in the days of good old-fashioned floppy disks there are three floppy disks that came with ms-dos so installing this i had to actually stage my virtual machine to match a computer of that moment you cannot install ms-dos on modern hardware okay back then i designed a computer in the virtual machine software to resemble a two gigabyte hard drive eight megabytes of ram and a very basic visual driver okay very basic gpu why this low well understandably back in the 80s two gigs was almost practically unheard of in people's computers but using the file allocation table 16 which is how these systems were partitioning their file structures their partition schemes it is possible to use two gigs going above a two gigabyte hard drive would be kind of like introducing the concept of dividing by zero uh to this level of computing okay it was just too much for that time why eight megabytes of memory theoretically you can go all the way up to 64 megabytes of memory as well however because ms-dos has this thing called hi-mem that was taking an abnormally long time if i gave the virtual machine 64 megabytes of ram it would lead to a boot time of over 5 minutes so i decided to give myself 8 megabytes of ram which by the way back in the 80s was still a [ __ ] ton of ram to come across so basically installing ms-dos by going through all three disks i had a usable disk operating system from microsoft now moving on years later windows releases or microsoft releases windows 1.0 otherwise known as ms-dos executive now here i have ms-dos executive 1.04 and the entire concept was to put floppy disk 1 into the actual floppy disk go through the actual install process now this is where i had to get windows 2.0 and i had to actually copy the mouse driver from that installation disk to the installation disk of windows one and that was not a complicated process but it's necessary because if you want to get any form of mouse support in a virtual machine that's something you're gonna have to do but the installation process is rather similar go to the floppy directory run the setup program go through all of the options basically switch to floppy disks uh whenever microsoft asks you the important things to pick here are your region locale basically enabling the fact that microsoft can also use uh certain things like pointing devices uh which it gives you like seven options and back in the day there wasn't a whole lot of hardware to pick from so whatever you saw is what you got so basically go with microsoft's pointer device and for as long as the gpu is considered whichever one supports 64 kilobytes kilobytes of video memory is all you need once this install process is done you're going to basically set your vin version restart the virtual machine and then you're going to navigate to the windows directory and type in win.com at that point you're given the actual first glimpse at a ui for systems back then and remember it may not be impressive but back in in the 80s this blew people's minds away now you got a bunch of applications like calculators like calendars uh but more notably you have the first notepad application which in this case to prove that we're upgrading i'm going to create a notepad file and modify it every upgrade we go so for here i named it windows 1.0 pretty poggers indeed and as far as the no paint application is considered we're going to draw some grapes cherries or dongs whatever you want to call it and we're going to save this now the first iteration of this is a dot msp file and this will later be converted as you'll see when we move later and later because file types change output methods change but there are a couple more applications that you can look into for instance the terminal application uh for communicating to other systems i believe at the time um again i'm a little too old i'm a little too young for this kind of stuff so i'm kind of just guessing what life was like back then for a bunch of you know executive nerds who were really using this application there are really really boring tools for instance but remember back then this wasn't supposed to just immediately blow your mind away okay this is when windows was used more as a tool a software rather than a full-fledged operating system so let's move on to windows 2.0 now the install procedure is the exact same so the way that the upgrades work is if windows setup will detect a windows directory it'll often just merge its additions with that directory and that's pretty much how the upgrade path goes so this time we have around six to seven floppy disks so we got a ways to go because we're in a virtual machine the transfer times are instantaneous so installing this will take literal minutes one thing to note is by the time we go later on into the video the install times will obviously dramatically change as windows gets more and more entrenched and more and more complex so installing windows 2.0 let us down to a path where it was i guess you could say slightly more modern looking if that was to be taken i mean it's it's certainly not a ugly looking operating system for its standards but this is where you could actually start customizing the system to your liking okay so you could change things like color for instance and as far as the actual changes between windows 1.0 to windows 2 i would say there's not a whole heck of a lot going on over here all right i mean it could definitely be it could definitely be better okay but windows 2.0 is kind of just an incremental upgrade over 1.0 however because it is an upgrade i'm going to open up the text file we made and i'm going to make sure that i put in windows 2.0 as a beautiful lock to the situation now windows 3.0 is the next stage and this is where windows gets very uh it starts to form an image it starts to form sort of a a guide a path a a vision of what windows is for the future now this is going to be the end of the windows 1.x saga as i like to call it because after this is windows 95 so for quick mentioning windows 3.0 setup involves several disks and this is where the install process actually gets a cool looking ui as part of it as well too where we can actually title and actually name our departments and name all of our systems so here we go through an entire setup process it modifies a couple of system directories and bam we actually have a nice usable interface this is when it looks really good windows 1 and 2 were dock [ __ ] in comparison to windows 3.0 this is my first perception of windows i'm about to come alright because now you get to modify colors you get a bit of wallpaper action going on but also it's just generally aesthetically more pleasing now it has the same tools for instance paint where we can add more to our you know ever-growing uh ever-growing bitmap file at this point we can actually modify our text files as normal and at this point windows actually has some exclusive programs believe it or not gabe newell actually did program a windows 3.0 version of doom i wasn't able to get it running but this is when windows started to become more operating system-ish okay now it wasn't just a file manager no no no you actually had exclusive applications from what i understand for windows 3.0 but with windows 3.0 it was the end of a saga all right we were coming to the end because now when we move on from this is the windows that resembles what we have now which is windows 95 but honorable mentions with windows 3.0 before we go is it's where we get the start of some very classic games like minesweeper for instance which has pretty much made its way through most iterations of windows in fact it's still part of windows now from what i recall i don't really play the default games with windows 10. so i'm going to really have to check but here's where you got minesweeper and beyond that you actually got built-in antivirus tools which had some pretty uh non-politically correct uh virus definitions but it was kind of cool to see okay windows was coming out with a with a with a bang okay they were really pushing it and i think if anything windows 3.11 for the people around at the time this would have been something that would help entrench this okay because now you had a very very usable product all right people people were definitely looking forward to the next iteration of windows which would be 95. so let's go down to the setup on that now windows 95 was an interesting install process because windows 95 was one for the first time they released not on diskettes not on floppy drives but primarily on a cd-rom okay this was new brand spanking technology for a lot of people you could store megabytes of information not just one not just two hundreds of megabytes now when installing windows 95 you have to have a boot disk okay a boot floppy disk because at the time people's computers weren't able to auto detect cd-roms all right this wasn't a bootable disk that concept wasn't made so effectively you had to put the floppy drive into the system then you would boot into the floppy drive you would pick the choice of dvd or cd-rom drive you'd have i'm not even sure why i say dvd you'd pick your cd-rom you know device it would load the appropriate driver then you would do the d directory you would navigate to d which would be your cd-rom directory run setup and there and lo and behold is the windows 95 setup now again it's far more aesthetically pleasing but when you go down windows 95 setup all right it'll analyze your computer then for the first time all right you'll actually have an a full-on operating system installed this isn't going to be something where you're just using it on top of dos this is dos-based but it is primarily a full-on operating system to go down okay so windows 95's installation doesn't take too terribly long its system requirements are actually fairly modest i mean given the eight megabytes of ram or feeding it we're still above and beyond its minimum requirements so going to the desktop over here you can actually modify it constantly add new wallpapers and the control panel has a few new options to witness as well okay looking at the system it's not able to detect my actual processor and nor should it be it's registering me as an intel pentium system for the most part windows 95 is decent okay there is a network compatibility to it but i didn't really get to see any bit of internet explorer action going around so as far as an operating system was back then windows 95 was as basic as you were going to get now comparing the ui from windows 3.11 to windows 95 honestly it's a night and day difference okay windows 95 is above and beyond and now this windows 95 system that we have is going to be almost a benchmark blueprint for all the uis that are going forward okay this is windows as we know it and this is the beginning of what i like to call the windows 9x saga alright so the windows 9x is windows 95 windows 98 and windows me or millennium edition and most people just call it windows me which as far as i'm considering is just as halal to say as windows me of course we go to the muda folder we go to the muta text file and we'll actually modify it and add in our entry as well too windows 95 is a landmark entry and we better respect it of course dong the file that we have is just converted and we're adding to it as well too now going forward windows 98 setup needs to happen so it's a simple matter of just putting in the disk installing it entering your cd keys which for those of you wondering how the cd keys are even a thing uh it's not like each cd has the key printed it's really just a complex mathematical formula it's actually printed onto every disk so if you can reverse engineer the formula you can start making your own keys right there and then i think that's how most key generators work but long story short you can start actually adding in the system now at this point we've given the name of this computer billy g during the 95 setup from what i recall and then we also gave it the the company name of the base department so this will be further proof that as we upgrade this should stay the same between each and every system going forward okay or you know as far as windows allows its compatibility to be now 98 installation after that you'll boot into it and notice that yeah it's fairly similar to windows 95 i mean there's not really that much changed beyond it but if you look closely we've got internet explorer we've got the network neighborhood we even have a shiny button that says connect to the internet this is when internet explorer and while browsing the internet was something that really sort of started kicking in and my first experiences of browsing the internet was on windows 98 so this is when we connected through modems through dial-up connections and so on and so forth as far as windows 98's legacy is considered this is a rock solid operating system as far as retro users are considered out of all the operating systems in the 9x saga 98 and 98 special edition is where you want to be if you're running a computer for this era of windows installations as far as all the upgrades and everything are considered windows 98 runs overall far more smoother it's got much more to offer in terms of features and usability in comparison to windows 95 of course to update my entire notepad file just to maintain compatibility i was adding these entries and of course you can also use the paint application to further add onto this bitmap file now this is a monochromatic bitmap file as well too as we move on further i'm going to be updating it and converting this file so i'll be able to add color sometime later into the future because yes color systems were a thing okay now of course as far as the internet system is connected considered the the system is so old that trying to use it to access modern web browsers or modern systems is just not possible there was also an incompatibility with my virtual machine so i just couldn't access the internet through 98 anyways but because this is an upgrade path let's move on to the next demon in the room windows millennium edition now windows millennium edition a lot of people swear to you is one of the most terrible sins microsoft has committed and while i would love to join the bandwagon i am nowhere close to old enough to remember using me in fact i have never used millennium edition in my life the the time that i spent during this was uh pretty much the only experience i've ever had with me but before updating to it we need to start converting the actual file allocation table now as i mentioned earlier when we were dealing with a two gigabyte hard drive that was because we are using older variants of fat which is file allocation table it's still used for a lot of devices these days in a much more modern form so before installing millennium edition we're going to go to windows 98 and it's system tools we're going to use something called drive converter which will convert our drive from fat16 to fat32 the reason we're doing this is it's very important when we head on forward before installing windows 2000 which is the windows 2000 xp and vista era of windows usable operating systems right so we're going to really upgrade our system and get ourselves future proof before we go in because if we don't do it now we may not be able to logically do it later on within windows and as far as the process is considered it's not too long i mean under a virtual machine it'll take literally like seconds so once that's done we're going to move on to the windows me installation which is again aesthetically the exact same as 98 okay so going through the install procedure was relatively simple and once you boot into windows millennium edition you'll probably realize what it is about millennium edition that probably triggers people a lot okay for one it's almost in a very incremental upgrade over 98. in fact a lot of the story revolving around me was that this was supposed to be far larger this is supposed to be the singularity point between windows nt which was microsoft's business class operating system which was totally different than what we're using now uh you know versus windows me right where this was again just an incremental upgrade it was released and there wasn't a whole lot of fanfare for it especially regarding its stability as far as i've heard a lot of people who used millennium edition reported this system to be incredibly unstable almost to the point where it wasn't even usable there were a couple feature sets that were nice to have but overall windows 98 second edition was a far better product for millennium in fact my experience using it i realized one thing and one thing very very clear is that upon using millennium edition it's almost aesthetically no more different than windows 98 there are a couple new features into the system at all too there are a couple new additions but nothing substantial enough to write home about for all things considered windows millennium edition most people necessarily used because it was it came with the system all right nobody really went out of their way to go and buy millennium edition and install it when windows 98 was such a great option to have anyways but windows millennium edition had the first iteration of 3d pinball space cadet now because of my virtual machine and the fact that my gpu was causing severe issues i wasn't able to necessarily play this game i was only able to get into it when we were at windows xp so this is the end of millennium edition but now this is an important turn shift to windows 2000 so what do i mean by that up until this point every windows system that we have used has been dos-based okay from ms-dos to windows millennium edition windows 2000 technically released before millennium edition but it is an actual upgrade in the sense that windows 2000 is an nt-based operating system now windows nt was a project that microsoft was giving exclusively to the commercial enterprise side this was microsoft's own operating system and their own kernel this wasn't dos this was microsoft's baby and now at this point with windows 2000 they were trying to get users to convert from this dos-based operating system to the nt-based operating system so now windows 2000 is a net upgrade over everything that we have gotten to this point now installing windows 2000 is an incredibly simple process but before we go forward we have to actually give ourselves more hard drive space now this is where the practicality of this entire endeavor is thrown out the [ __ ] window why because this is not something that's logistically possible okay now what we're doing here is we're gonna take our two gigabyte drive okay our two gigabyte drive that our virtual machine is using as a virtual hard drive and we're going to give it 48 more gigabytes now how are we going to do that in virtualbox's case we're going to open up and basically change the storage amount for that virtual hard drive file to go from 2 gigabytes to 50. now this isn't going to magically be recognized in windows so what we're going to do is download a tool called gparted which is a linux based partitioning tool we're going to fire this up we're going to look at our file allocation table we're going to look at our drive and we're going to extend the partition from two gigs all the way to 50. now this is a very very simple process it takes not it doesn't take too much time and it'll immediately recognize underneath millennium edition we need to do this before we go forward because when we're installing windows xp windows 7 windows 10 windows vista we're dealing in the gigabytes and simply we don't have enough space with two gigabytes to deal with so do this now then boot into millennium edition pop in the 2000 disk and continue installing again this is a pretty simple installation one thing to note is it will actually give you a couple of warnings in the upgrade like report feel free to ignore it i i didn't notice any big issues i decided to just go through with it no balls it will ask you now to convert the hard drive to npfs and this is important because ntfs is still used to this day it's microsoft's proprietary drive you know scheming system and this is the last time we're going to be doing anything like that okay so accept everything install the actual you know deal and then reboot and then the installation will convert your drive from fat32 to ntfs and now it'll install windows 2000 and we will be on the nt era of microsoft windows we have now done the convergence we are now on a different era so now this saga is what i like to call windows 2000 to xp to windows vista okay now why is this important okay because this is not only a new iteration this is not only microsoft's baby the nt kernel we're backboning off but windows 2000 is not something most people used for instance when windows 2000 came out this was more for the business oriented side of people anyways uh people were usually still on windows 98 but uh windows 2000 was a promise a a look into the future if you will aesthetically it wasn't that much different than windows 98 either there were maybe a couple more you know customizability options but this is effectively just windows 98 although the key difference here is the back end changed it went from a dos-based operating system to an nt-based operating system so again modifying my notepad file and my dongforce file at this point my beautiful little image i decided to go further and install the creme de la creme everyone's favorite microsoft windows xp now installing windows xp isn't that long alright windows xp you pop the disk and you go through with it aesthetically the setup will look roughly the same of windows 2000 but once you actually boot in and go into windows xp as a system you'll be greeted with an aesthetically different user interface one that looks much more modern one that looks sexier one that definitely is far more appealing to the average eye compared to older windows operating systems now why is this in the same tier as windows 2000 because there's a lot more similarities than one would care to expect okay it's based off of the same nt technology in fact downright telling you it's some like cd cases that you end up buying windows xp is not far more different than anybody can imagine now using windows xp you get the amazing bliss wallpaper you get the ability to have three color schemes to your taskbar and while everything looks shiny and sexy there is the pinball game one can play and honestly windows xp runs like a dream in comparison to 2000. i don't know whether it is that i change something in my virtual machine yes it is because i did upgrade the system i upgraded the memory to around two gigabytes of ram and i gave this two cores now why did i give it two cores well because microsoft windows up until this point could only use one core okay one core this was the norm for a lot of computers back then now you'll have processors with like 16 threads 100 threads 128 threads with those ryzen thread rippers back then you had one thread but windows professional xp could actually utilize up to two threads regardless if it was hyper-threaded or they actually had another real physical thread this was the start and emergence of microsoft sort of embracing more modern technologies as far as memory is considered like ram uh two gigabytes is a lot it's way more than one would expect for xp computers at the time too what we're using at this point in time for our virtual machine would be considered relatively high end for windows xp back in the day so as far as everything is considered there's no doubt why this runs like a [ __ ] dream now there are some cool things for xp like you know these basic soundtracks and the fact that the visualizers are beautiful to look at in windows xp through its built-in audio tools and audio players but asides from all of what windows xp offers i think the fact that most of my user base will probably recognize this as their childhood operating system is the ultimate best part now can you use windows xp as a daily driver no all right it's far too outdated okay now we're going to go to the next demon in the room okay the next millennium edition of microsoft's family and that is windows vista now i know there's a bunch of people seething in the chat there ooh windows vista windows vista killed grandma windows vista snapped her neck all right windows vista is not the perfect operating system i know but it gets a lot more [ __ ] than i think it deserves okay so i'm going to stand up for it okay i'm going to prevent windows vista from being [ __ ] cyberbullied by the community at large windows vista was the next iteration after xp and boy oh boy this is the most aesthetically pleasing windows you will ever see now understandably windows vista was competing with mac at the time which mac looked pretty aesthetically pleasing for most people okay in fact vista [ __ ] up so hard that mac was running ads non-stop comparing how beautiful it was in key areas compared to windows and it gained a pretty sizable market share because of microsoft's [ __ ] up but windows vista isn't all bad frankly this operating system came out too early now to understand back in the days windows vista was touted it was advertised a little bit hyped but there was a sticker that a lot of people remember if you go to any best buy of that period and you looked at any of these like bargain bin entry-level computers they usually said it was designed for windows xp but it is windows vista capable uh i think capable should be changed to it can barely [ __ ] run it because windows vista was a system that the actual minimum requirements for it jumped up dramatically but it also came with a beautiful ui that many people would find pretty [ __ ] nowadays i think it's aesthetically the best this ui require 256 megabytes of graphic memory okay now if you had a graphic card at the time yeah this would run smooth provided that gpu wasn't crashing but for most people they didn't have a graphic card i didn't have a graphic card this thing ran like hot trash on summer evenings okay because this this was not a good time this was not good i remember my first vista computer being a gig of ram and that wasn't even enough to satiate this bastard it was a sluggish operating system and frankly the problems lie in the fact that a lot of people that were using windows vista were using underpowered or entry-level hardware at the time of its release because when windows 7 came around and everyone jacked that off to no end windows 7 was effectively just windows vista but it came out at a time where hardware was sufficiently upgraded upgraded to the point where people could use the operating system without it being so bloated and resource heavy that people's actual daily use cases would be slugged and thrown aside in the process now windows vista was the point where they actually introduced support for like multi-core processing so i actually had eight threads passed to vista which back then was [ __ ] unheard of on their computers okay just fully out there i also gave it three to four gigs of ram which is as much as i could actually physically address given the 32-bit limit and i actually installed some of those uh via virtual box guest edition so i got to actually use the ui a fair bit for the community to look at and for the most part i actually will use vista to browse the internet every once in a while because it is that aesthetically pleasing now it also has some widgets and tools which i think we'll just laugh at at this point because [ __ ] was terrible for back in the day anyways i don't care who you are it had some cool ui changes like the windows arrow task switcher which still kind of blows some people to this day i think that was actually a marketing feature for vista i [ __ ] you not but as far as everything else was considered gaming it had some exclusives like halo 2 as far as i recall so vista had its moments vista was definitely a step in the modern direction if vista gets any credit it's that this was the first operating system where microsoft definitely radically changed from edition to edition xp and vista completely different looking systems but also under the hood vista was bringing a lot of extensions a lot of advancements to the core windows operating system visto is also the one time where microsoft had the balls to put a lot of [ __ ] on the line and go forward okay this is one theme that you'll probably notice with windows it has a good release a under-appreciated release or a [ __ ] release then a good release right after it it's loaded back and forth with the company but anyways this is the legacy of windows vista um if you want to know more about this i'll gladly make a video there's plenty of channels that have covered the rise and fall of this system beyond belief okay this system got a lot of [ __ ] in fact one quick report to tell you is back in the day microsoft even ran an ad campaign after they released a couple service pack updates where they actually called it windows mojave and they got a bunch of people to sit down and cherry-pick their reactions and they told them yeah you were just using windows vista updated and they were blown away like oh my god it's really vista yes it is microsoft just gave you a good computer to run it on that time god damn so the next case in this is windows 7 which arguably is also other people's favorite operating system down the road too now windows 7 is a simple upgrade process one simply grabs the iso file installs it and calls it a day now this is where there's nothing really that impressive about these updates okay because it's just long lengthy update pat's you're going down inserting the disk basically waiting up to 30 minutes to an hour to get the update going because windows is simply that large now it is still upgrading okay we are still loading the application up in the user space installing it that way and so far it works so windows 7 installs and it's about as incredible as you can expect it okay it's windows vista just running on far better hardware although in my opinion with a bit downgraded of a ui gone are some of these cool little features that windows arrow had for the sake of a much more usable operating system and i guess ultimately a much more friendlier system too now windows 7 actually had its end of life very recently so while it was supported up until years ago it's not anymore so if you still wanted to run this as a daily driver your days are pretty much over okay it's no longer being supported it's eol the one operating system that is still supported kind of is windows 8 so let's move on to the next one now windows 8 is the absolute dog [ __ ] black sheep release of the franchise why well let's find out installing windows 8 isn't terribly difficult in fact under the hood windows 8 is the first moment where we start to notice the ui is more in line with windows 10 in certain things like the task manager application in fact the overall ui resembles much more closely to modern day xbox systems and windows 10. that is with one key difference the start menu do you notice something about windows 8 no start menu now why would a company take away the one iconic feature from their operating system away i don't [ __ ] know i don't pretend to [ __ ] know i don't know what's going on at microsoft okay for what [ __ ] reason that oh yeah they made a tablet yeah you know microsoft surface tablets yeah the four people that own it yeah see this ui that they released where the start menu would blow up this tile ui that you could slide through and tap yeah that was perfect for the people that were on the microsoft surface tablet but when 99 of your [ __ ] user base is sitting on a desktop yeah suddenly we don't want to use our mouse to go through a touch-based operating system ui okay microsoft that's not how we want to roll now believe it or not the actual system worked like a charm okay this is basically just windows 7 anyways under the hood not much has changed although what has changed is when you install the system microsoft is now kind of goading you into creating a microsoft account that'll run across the os this is all but mandatory pretty much in windows 10 nowadays but one thing to note is this is the first time microsoft windows is telling you hey can we spy on you no yeah you can click all them off okay and they won't as far as i know and that's just pretty much how windows 8 works now windows 8 with the lack of a start menu and a shitty ui was universally lambasted by people okay this was a [ __ ] meme until windows 8.1 dropped what did windows 8.1 add a start button but this wasn't a big feature because a start button would just lead to the same shitty [ __ ] interface that we saw just five minutes ago and of course i would say windows 8 in my opinion was pretty much a failure okay i didn't like it i didn't use it i actually got my first real gaming computer during this time and the first thing i did when it came pre-installed with windows 8 which i didn't ask by the way i immediately [ __ ] went back to windows 7 installed that [ __ ] in and played that way okay i did not use 8 or 8.1 i didn't care to use 8 or 8.1 i waited very much to windows 10 because i have no idea why microsoft decided to implement it like this there's nothing remarkably crazy about the system it does what it does it's just the user interface was dog [ __ ] in the process now windows 10 comes out and this is the windows that we are all using in fact it's not even called windows 10 that much anyways i believe microsoft is slowly transitioning this to windows now this is the last leg of the journey and one would think that this would be an easy transition but no you'd be wrong windows 8 wasn't an easy transition see windows 8 is when we had to break this entire cycle because now we weren't able to upgrade as expected we actually had to do a clean install although with windows 8 we were actually clean installing it in a weird upgrade fashion where windows would preserve our settings and our files and just carry them over to windows 8.1 so we were still able to dig up these old files that we made and carry them over in fact in a lot of ways the windows directory for 8 and 8.1 had like literal shreds from windows 1.0 still present in the entire ordeal so now moving on to windows 10 was tough all right in a lot of ways using conventional iso files wasn't possible okay i was trying to be real cute and real smart until i finally gave up and i [ __ ] you not i went to windows official download page downloaded the most recent windows 10 update and microsoft handled entirely now this was the longest update process by far totaling up to an hour and 15 minutes okay i literally went took a shower played some mass effect and finally i was greeted with billy g updated all the way from windows 1.0 to windows 10. now this this was a journey but windows 10 there's not much to say on it other than yeah i finally finished carrying this one file from ms-dos all the way to windows 10 and i managed to keep dongforce.bmp alive and thriving updated to modern times as far as its usability is considered ladies and gentlemen it's funny to think that the windows directory in this case after all is said and done has pieces and shreds all the way from ms-dos to windows [ __ ] 10. now this proves from a software perspective the upgrade is doable okay if you had this from a software perspective you can update from dos all the way to 10. from a hardware perspective this [ __ ] is nearly impossible if you ever find somebody that wants to undertake this task you put them in a [ __ ] mental hospital because they have officially gone crazy i've gone crazy so understand what's going on in this case if you were to do this on real hardware um you would have to almost upgrade every single [ __ ] thing out of the computer and it wouldn't even resemble what it initially was you'd have to change the motherboards you'd have to change the [ __ ] cpu you'd have to change literally the ram and the motherboard because god the the same types of ram wouldn't work you'd have to change your graphic cards you'd have to you'd have to you'd have to add graphic cards to be real you'd have to do a billion things to get windows 10 all the way updated your computer would not resemble what it initially was now the only way i say you could kind of do this why it's not impossible is really if you take the drive out the id hard drive and at some point in the upgrade process you clone the drive to something newer and you extend the drive space that way which is doable as far as i know i don't see any reason that it can't be yeah you can actually keep the same windows installed and update it through the years if you really wanted to is it practical [ __ ] no is it doable yeah now i decided to go one step beyond since we're in a virtual machine i decided to convert the actual drive for virtual box to kvm so i was actually able to pass a gpu to windows 10. i had to clean install from 32-bit to 64-bit which defeated the whole [ __ ] purpose of the entire experiment if we're gonna be honest and i was able to install cyberpunk 2077 so yes ladies and gentlemen you can play one of the jankiest ports one of the jankiest games on the jankiest update path if you really wanted to and will it work [ __ ] yeah is it worth it [ __ ] yeah ladies and gentlemen this is my wacky journey from windows 1.0 to windows 10. i think it's kind of a historical moment if you will so i'm glad that i did this um is there any reason why i should have done this no other than um this might be one of my most elaborately done technical [ __ ] posts of 2021 so if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 534,492
Rating: 4.9685383 out of 5
Keywords: installed, almost, every, version, of, Windows, microsoft, windows 1.0, ms-dos, windows 2.0, windows 3.0, windows 95, windows 98, windows nt, windows 2000, windows xp, windows me, windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows 10
Id: KD3tuWy-z_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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