Bulq.com Pallet Unboxing Uninspected returns - Paid $700.00 - Will I make a Profit? Part 1 Reveal

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hey Heather from hooked on picking here it's been a while since I've gotten a pallet I got one here and we're gonna unbox it and I'm gonna give you all the statistics about it all right so I've got all the statistics I'm gonna walk over here and show you I wrote it out for you guys just so you can see it and so I could remember so this is a bulk pallet it's different from the cases which are the boxes that I've unboxed before on this channel it is uninspected returns and I'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute my cost when I looked at a bulk website was 490 dollars is what I actually paid for the pallet but that's not the total amount that I paid every pallet from bulk has a flat rate shipping fee of $200 and occasionally they run specials but their usual fee is $200 so you add $200 to 490 we're up to 690 but that's not the total amount you actually also have to pay taxes on it and so after shipping in taxes I paid a total of seven hundred and ten dollars and seventy cents I always take into consideration the shipping cost when averaging out how much each item cost so it's got 42 items in it which means my average cost based off the 710 70 is $16.90 per item so basically about $17 an item it's got some really cool stuff in it there were a few items that I found that hopefully if they're in good shape I can make about 400 bucks apiece on so you know 17 bucks to 400 I'm okay with that now when doing uninspected returns there's a variety of different things you're gonna get as far as condition you're gonna get brand new items like you buy something from the store you don't want it you take it back it's in the original packaging you never even opened it you're gonna get those kinds of items you're gonna get items that may be our shelf poles where the box is crushed and therefore they're not going to sell it you get those types of things which means the items in good condition you can still sell it it's just got a crushed box so I usually flip those on eBay then you can even get the ones where someone to get home they opened it up they took half the parts out they put the rest back in the box brought it back to the store and it's that so it's totally unsellable totally unusable it doesn't work at all and so you get a variety different things also when looking up on the manifest do they give you a list of almost all things in the box but there's usually some things that are listed as general merchandise which means it's totally a gamble I have no idea what it is it's always a fun treasure hunt to try to figure out what that is and I've been pleasantly surprised before and found some things that are actually worth a quite a deal of money but they're listed as general merchandise and so there's no way for me to look it up beforehand so so that we don't delay it any more let's go ahead and get this palette opened and see what we got so I got my handy dandy box cutter this thing is just about as big as me so the way that I got this box I'll show some pictures in some video a large truck pulled up and you have to set it up and they schedule a drop-off for you and then this is the company that actually shipped it and then they just come with a pallet and they roll it they rolled it right inside this space so it's actually a really easy drop-off because I have the space for it but it's pretty easy to do they give you a time frame and then they usually call you about 15 minutes beforehand to let you know when they're going to be here so that you don't have to block out like a whole day all righty so all the pallets usually have a little bit of a lower entrance on one side so as you can see this pallet like I said has 42 items in it and so the items are relatively large items and I knew that from the get-go that they are gonna be big because I think that I can make some more money on them because of the way they flip them alright so let's see how many muscles I have to get these things out have no idea so I think we're gonna be opening things as we go along because this is a generic looking box I have no idea what's in it so we're gonna open as we go as go along just so that you guys get all your money's worth alright it definitely looks like something that's been shipped before or maybe that's just the box they used so pad is real nice oh this is nice it's a New Orleans Saints as you can see it real well let me move it over to the table it's a New Orleans Saints Stadium picture all framed very gorgeous looking let me take the padding out of it here let's stick it down here here we go welcome Kevin Tillery so Kevin Tillery day at Louisiana Superdome so that's cool all righty so I'll put the padding back in there that's a nice box to be able to ship it in so if I do sell that one it'll be nice I've got a nice comforter set with brand-new L toe looks like probably for a king or a queen I'll have to look on the manifest and see what it's listed as but it's a whole bed set actually is what it says L toe bed set so all righty try not to trip on my microphone here let's see what else is in here sorry these are oh my goodness okay so you remember how I talked about various different conditions somebody had entirely too much fun with aluminum tape on this one so we're gonna find out why they decided to protect it from aliens I guess because they had to use aluminum tape or maybe it's the only thing they had in their house I find it rather humorous all right let's see what in the world so this is how you okay it's a bedding set it looks like it's an L Co bedding set just like the one I pulled out cuz this is the same packaging but they crammed it inside of a box and it's a white and black one so if I sold this one this one would definitely probably go on eBay simply because it's not in the original packaging this one I can this nice one I'll sell probably on Amazon but that one's gonna for sure go on eBay simply because it doesn't have any other original packaging right alrighty Mastercraft pulse our products and set it over here and open it alright pulse our products I'm trying to see if there's a name of what it is nope this how much it weighs already definitely looks like it's been opened before and been used but these kinds of things that looks like some sort of a cleaning machine pressure washer the pressure washer I'm not gonna pull this whole thing out so I'll never get it back in there but it's a big Oh huge pressure watcher machine the hardest part about getting liquidation both boxes is now wanting to keep it yourself because as soon as I saw that this is a pressure washer I was thinking to myself I should just keep this because you know the little green mold stuff that grows on the side of your siding from time to time but every two years we get that on our house and it'd be nice to use but keep your head in the game you're in the reselling business so that's the hardest part probably about buying things on liquidation is you didn't think you needed it till you open the box and saw it in there and suddenly oh yeah I need I need that and I'm gonna keep it so alrighty let's see what's in this one try not to break it caution lithium batteries do not it's a drone it's a one-two-three four-five-six propeller drone that's awesome so I will have to inspect that further and make sure it's in really good condition and probably test it to make sure it works so that's cool I think that was one of the ones that when I looked at it it was going to be about a four hundred dollar bill if I could flip it and it was brand-new now the cool thing is is even if it isn't brand new or the box has been open I could probably sell it used for about two hundred dollars this is world kitchen so it's some sort of a kitchen supplies and somebody instead of silver tape they went for black tape so we're getting a variety of different packaging options here so if you want to you know get your get your handy dandy list out you can you can write down you know silver tape and black tape and clear tape and okay this looks like a knife set with a sharpener in it try not to cut my own fingers off here because they really went heyday with the black tape and and as you can see it's been packaged lovely they actually said I don't want this anymore I'm just chuck it all in the box so I will have to inspect it make sure that the knives are in really good condition and that they're not broken it looks actually similar to a set I have but I just broke the tips off of my knives doing something I don't know what I was doing but so I'm hoping for Christmas that I maybe I'll get a new knife set of course I have a couple of nice liquidation ones over there that I might just keep myself all right this I think is a hammock it's a big netted hammock yeah and I think this is the original box that comes in because it says do not cut with a sharp knife all right so it's really really nice Oh a trampoline net okay oh yes sorry if I'd read the side of the box thank you cameraman my my hot hubby so it's a trampoline net all righty let's see what else we got in here tool case oh my goodness that thing is heavy all right master craft tools let's see if all of them are here looks like they're all here so it's got regular socket wrench oh this is a air compressor tool set inside this a regular tool set it's it's an air one for an air compressor so these are really nice I used these a lot I would always use the air compressor sets when I was in the military episode it looks like everything's here just kind of got jumbled out so I'll have to make sure I can look up this set specifically and see that it has all the pieces make sure we're not missing but that's a really nice set so that's gonna be worth a lot of money already I am going to do a second video where I break down the numbers for you and show you what I think I can get all righty okay this is a shower rack like the ones that go in the corner that has the little triangle shaped shelves looks like the box that's been opened sorry it's kind of I'm holding it upside down corner shower basket tower set and so I'll make sure that all the pieces are here but this is because the box has been open and oppai go on ebay rather than Amazon Amazon is real particular you want to definitely sell stuff only in brand-new condition never been opened so I keep thinking I'm gonna unplug my microphone because it's hooked on my foot there sorry already oh this one was worth a lot tiny box in a big box but this is actually office 365 personal subscription so it's a one-year subscription to the office 365 day cloud storage tablet upgrades feature stuff like that so that's pretty expensive tiniest box probably the biggest number all right this one is an amp a Mastercraft amp I've actually sold some of these and probably not this big but I've sold smaller versions of these Mastercraft amps they're basically a battery charger and so like if your lawnmower goes out or your car goes out you have a battery charger to be able to recharge it with you so it's one you plug into the wall and keep charged so headlamps for your car so hopefully they're not broken but those are you know usually a few dollars a piece so probably not as high as sixteen dollars but they're usually money and I will sell everything that I can make a buck on so and we'll find various different ways now okay here's another fun one somebody got went hey David packaging again so let's see this says Alpine's wiss wiss alpine Swiss thank you Alpine Swift's refuse it says on there so I have a sinking suspicion this is not going to be in good condition at all when they label it refuse so we'll find out and see sometimes I will sell some things that maybe aren't in the best condition on Facebook marketplace and just be very clear about the condition that it's in this looks like an air mattress it's a Coleman air mattress I'll probably check and see if it holds air refuse I would be concerned that it has a hole in it so I'll probably blow it up and make sure that it holds air for a few days and then kind of go from there so already what is this vinyl you want some vinyl flooring do you have walnut colored flooring buy it from me vinyl flooring who knew you could buy vinyl flooring online like this so here's the color match it with your floor there you go only if you need like three strips of flooring that's what you get so vinyl flooring from hooked on chicken alrighty so yeah we're getting down to the nitty gritty of the bottom of the box so I'm gonna have to cut this box just to get in here cuz I'm a shorty alright hold on let me try not to cut me already that'll make it easier for me to get in there already this is a square box with no indicating factors of what's in here must be one of the general merchandise ones okay treasure hunt alrighty it is a looks like a curtain I think that's what it is I think it's a curtain yeah curtain with tiebacks I believe I will look up on the manifest to make sure it's got some weird shapes to it so I think it's a curtain I will look up on the manifest and then in part 2 I'll clarify if I got this wrong but yeah it definitely looks like a curtain some kind of it or it could be some sort of a furniture upholstery cover because it's got kind of straps on it that you would tie on so it maybe something like that as well so a balance ball for exercising so it looks like it's been taped up a whole bunch so maybe it's still brand new in box I don't know I'll have to check that one out total body balance ball so these will sell really good especially with the new year coming up everybody wants to lose weight so I jumped the gun and I decided to lose weight before the new year already Canada weather gear so this looks like a coat it's got fuzzy probably a fuzzy hood on it and really really nice it looks like a large probably a men's looks like it's got leather it's a leather and insulated Canada it's got the Canadian leaks leaf on it and everything so I don't know much about that so if you guys know anything about that particular brand please let me know here's some curtains with the grommets that's not a curtain this one is so we've got quite a few the cool thing about these or though they're all the same I'm gonna close this before I cut them they're all the same size or the same style and so it's gonna make it a lot easier to list them because they're going to all have to do is put in quantity for and only do one listing so whether I sell these on eBay or Amazon it'll be a lot faster to list things that are multiple so we'll set these sounds here as you can see I'm getting a good hull so I'm gonna be busy for the next few days I also have a couple cases I'm going to open up later today - I'm so look for those videos coming up all right I know that this is a Walmart box because I bought these boxes before so let's see what's in it I'm just gonna set it down right here okay weird packaging again what is it this one it looks like some sort of a wash cloth towel set alcove towel set so alcove must be the popular brand in this specific I every once in a while when you get pallets and boxes from looks like a whole bath set like wash cloths bath towels the whole bit when when you get a whole set from bulk a lot of times they have kind of a similar theme and I knew some of the things that were in here but like I said some of the other things were this a guessing game this has some sort of electronic device I think it's a camera of some sort I'm gonna hurt myself I did not me to drop that I'm sorry it sounded loud on the camera I'm sure but it didn't really drop of course I don't know I may have just lost some money because I broke something what is this oh really nice set of headphones so the nice thing is is I can plug these in and make sure that they work they're obviously not and then the original package but they look like they're really really expensive ones they're padded better than any cheapo headband headphones I've ever bought so we'll keep those together the cool thing too is every single one of the items you get from bulk has this little code on it which basically you can find on the manifest so if you're looking for a specific item and you don't know what to call it you can look for this little code and it will you can find it on the manifest a lot easier so I don't know if they do that for our convenience but I know it's convenient for me when looking up stuff on the manifest so I always go back and compare what it's called if I ever have difficulty trying to find it online all right this one another unidentifiable box hopefully I'm not ripping anything cutting into it okay it looks like some sort of a comforter or duvet cover yeah I would guess that is it probably came in this bag so another comforter alright the next thing about those comforters is yes they're big but they're gonna be light to ship in when you're shipping a box to Amazon you can't have the whole entire box of all the items may weigh more than 50 and so if you have to put it in multiple boxes it's a little bit more of a headache okay this says copper chef's cookware 13 pieces as you can see this box is all buggered up and so if I decide to sell this I'll probably Reeboks it simply because I don't want it to get broken at shipping but let's see if everything's in here I'll have to go through and count all the pieces and find out but it looks like it's in really good shape copper cookware I don't know that there's 13 pieces the other might be with all the lids I think they count that so there looks like four or five different pans in here and then if you add lids and try a few accessories alright we're getting down to the bottom hold on my climb in okay Keurig flavored coffee I might have to keep this hazelnut caramel vanilla cream butter toffee french vanilla 42 K cups so obviously like I was telling you you can get stuff that's brand new and then sometimes they do a shelf pull cuz it's got a crushed box and that's probably why this one ended up getting polls because of the crushed box alright FoodSaver vacuum sealing system I know these are relatively good price I think they're around 19 to 30 dollars depending on which style it is so I'll have to look that one up but it looks like that's in really good condition in the brand new bot brand new inbox alright let's see McLean wall mounting something McLean wall clock cherry so it's a wall clock I don't know if I want to open this right now I guess I will go see what it looks like this is obviously the original box that it's in but I want to make sure it's not broken the last thing I want to do is sell something broken to one of my customers all right I'm gonna try my best to hang on to it so I don't drop it and break it myself okay yeah it's a looks like a mantel clock of some sorts little fancy one if you can get up high and see it let me see if I can get this foam off the top of it see it it's real pretty and it's got the little pendulum right here so I'm gonna set that very gently back in there I'm not gonna try to cram it all back together I'm gonna take some time and Reeboks that okay it's not gonna fall there already then we have a painting system it's a painting project one of those air painting you call them so say on the front flex or interior exterior paint gun basically so if that's a good condition I'm gonna set that climb out set that here all righty this is what you do when you're tiny great since I do foxes you just climb it all right these is a Kensington privacy screen filter these actually sell for pretty good money I sold a couple of really large ones like 24-inch ones for about sixteen seventeen dollars and I know I said sixteen seventeen dollars per item but there are about four items in this box that I thought I could get anywhere from two to four hundred dollars on so I'm hoping to make money we're gonna go through everything in my second video and break it down for you alright Color Splash makeup set that looks like it's brand new all together so that's really really in good shape all right let's see what else we got in here all right Seth Sennheiser Sennheiser high res audio headphones they're really really nice set of headphones this might be one of my really expensive things that I saw but I like the condition of this box yes it's been retyped but I'm gonna look and see what kind of condition that box is actually in set that very gently there all right NeoAir x-lite it's a air mattress so it's like a portable air mattress this thing is tiny I'd be perfect to like throw in your trunk or whatever if you're going camping all right another one of the headphones same exact kind of the other one H 559 unlock your home audios true potential so okay I'm afraid that's gonna fall we'll put that there and a different kind of headphones but they're all the same brand so I'm really hoping that these are worth good money so I've got three sets of those headphones just different styles some more smaller stuff in here this is a matte foundation looks like Remington this is a Fuji film insta max insta mini Fuji film it basically makes credit-card sized photos so it says that's cool all right gotcha the ultimate accessory for Pokemon hunters remember when that game is crazy I think it's so popular a little bit but so it's a watch that tells you where like the pokeballs are and where the Pokemon are and stuff like that uh a Galaxy Tab A my son used to have this tablet until it got broke and then we got him a cheaper way so Galaxy Tab A I'm gonna move that cuz I feel like it's gonna tip over right there yeah all right then we have oh we're getting down to the end all right another foundation Luminess air and then we've got what is this another unidentified treasure box let's find out what's in here it says animated peekaboo spider table let's see if it actually I'm pretty sure a table sat in here unless it's like a toy so it might just have got put in a different box let's see what's actually in here yeah grody it's like it's definitely broken I think cuz it's got like a base and it looks like the foam is broke off the base but if I can glue it back together and see if I can get to work I might be able to sell it on eBay but a Halloween I think that's gross thug like alright last thing ready I'm gonna climb out with it it sounds broken alright Seville classics organizer okay well that would make sense why it's so loud it's a metal organizer so let's see what kind of an organizer it is I'll just open this up here yeah it's like I met a big metal shelf looks like one of those office organizers let me pull it out [Music] see one of those metal shelf organizers it looks like it's stackable and you can put it under a cabinet or something like that so so it's not broken it's just noisy right back in there good all right so as you can see I found some good stuff in there as you can see the box is totally empty there's nothing else left in it and I found a lot of good things so I think I should be able to make my money's worth especially out of some of the stuff that's you know the electronics and things like that but I knew that there were about three or four things that if they were in good condition I should be able to make my money up from it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spend some time my hubby and I walking through how much everything is going to cost and in what condition do we think we can sell it for and we're gonna come back with you of the part two on this pallet unboxing and let you know what we think we can come out ahead so we've got to make at least seven ten seventy the goal is to make more than that obviously because we're in this for making money and so I'll come back with you on what all this will equal out to and then give you the stats so hopefully this has been fun to see a bulk pallet uninspected returns paid for ninety shipped it for two hundred paid a total of seven ten seventy forty two items everything costs about seventeen dollars an item and hopefully that gives you an idea what when you order from bulk uninspected returns what you're gonna get and remember in the end Jesus wins this is heather from hook down pick and calm if you'd like to purchase my reseller guide which is fully laminated three cards with checklists for Goodwill eBay and Amazon please click the link below and you can purchase it now the goodwill card has over 80 different tips to show you how to walk through the store and what things I look for when walking through a thrift store to buy and resell items on Amazon eBay and other platforms the Amazon reseller checklist has over six major steps in a lot of sub steps to look at in order to find out is my item going to be perfect for selling and reselling on Amazon the ebay card also has six major steps to walk through to make sure you're choosing the right item that will be perfect for reselling and making money on eBay each card is fully laminated so that it cannot be destroyed easily and it's perfect for taking with you while you're going on your picking and finding treasure hunting for reselling I hope this is helpful and I hope these cards help you to focus your energy to pick the right items to resell online to grow your reseller business hey thanks for watching I hope you learned something if you'd like to watch more of my videos just click on them here and if you'd like to learn more about the reseller world subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos thanks
Channel: Hooked on Pickin' Amazon FBA Seller
Views: 436,451
Rating: 4.5998082 out of 5
Keywords: Hookedonpickin.com, unboxing videos, Bulq.com, ebay, sales, selling, picking, Jesus, amazon, haul, pallet, unboxing, business, reselling, reseller, sold, ebay profits, profits, bulq.com, liquidation, retail, wholesale, money, Amazon seller, app, picker, How to, Amazon FBA, poshmark, posh mark, Smashlots, Heather, Hooked on Pickin’, Hooked on Picking, Raikin Profit, raken profit, uninspected, returns
Id: gowyX2v6AhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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