I Spent the Night in a Maze and My Girlfriend Hid the Supplies (YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT ALL)

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(dramatic action music) (upbeat electronic music) - Alright, Moon, how long has this video been requested? - [Moon] Since we started the whole thing. - Over a year, over a year. Year and a half? Two years, I don't know? This is the most requested video ever on the whole channel, probably on the whole of YouTube. This is the most requested video I've ever seen. This video gets requested on every single video. Spend the night in a maze, and Moon hide the supplies. And I agree, it's and awesome video idea, I just could never find a maze, but we've got one. - [Moon] Your mom found it. - My mother found it, thank you, mother. We've got one, we've got a maze, we're going there tonight, and we're spending the night there. We rented the thing out all for ourselves. We're going to go get supplies and everything. We're spending the night in a maze, and Moon's going to hide the supplies. I'm actually looking forward to it, it's going to be awesome. So, before we go there, we're going to go buy supplies 'cause I know you guys love it when we go supply shopping. So, we're going to go buy supplies, then we're going to the maze, come on Moon, let's go. What are we getting? We're going to go crazy, loads of drinks, loads of pop, loads of sweets, crisps-- - No. - Everything. - No. - Why not? - We're not. - Why? - [Moon] Back to the basics, you know? I needs to be exploring, adventure, you're in a maze. A sandwich, one bag of crisps, one toy, one drink, that's it, or it's going to be easy for you to find that stuff. - You're joking. - [Moon] No, I'm not joking. - You're going hard on me? You're going this hard on me, Moon? - [Moon] Needs to be a proper adventure for you. - I don't believe you. I'm going, I'm out. - What? - I can't believe it, Moon. - [Moon] Thomas, adventure. - Like a mat to sleep on? - [Moon] Seems good, don't think you need a sleeping bag. It's way too hot. - What's that? - Sleeping bag, isn't it? - Mummy sleeping bag, but why is it, it's a mummy sleeping bag? - [Moon] That's only for girls. - Where's the daddy sleeping bag? I'm going to complain, I'm going to go, mummy sleeping bag, where's the daddy sleeping bag? Moon, catch! - [Moon] No! That's not funny, Thomas, I was not prepared-- (grunting) (funny squeaking) - Alright, so I'm off to go get my drink, I'm going to pick my drink, I'm only allowed one drink apparently, but it's going to be a really big one, so I'm going to go get that. Moon's picking a surprise toy for me while I'm not there, so she's getting that, I'm going to get that. And I'm allowed one bag of crisps, and one sandwich. - [Moon] I have to get Thomas something that keeps him busy while he's in there. This will be too big, that. I think he would like it, though. Let's get diamond one, I'll get diamond though, see it here, I get the diamond if he finds it. Oh, Minecraft, get him Minecraft, as well. He loves it. - Are you filming? Are you filming? You sure? - [Moon] Yes, Thomas, I pressed it. - It didn't make that beep noise. - [Moon] You can't hear it, it's really loud because of them things. - It should beep, let me look. - Thomas, I pressed it-- - Let me look, I'm checking-- - No, it's already doing it. - Let me check it! I'm going to get an apple juice, Moon. I'm allowed one drink, this is one big apple juice. Apple juice has got like, sugars and stuff to keep me energized-- - Healthy option for ya. - Keep me going, I'm off the caffeine, I'm not on anything. No more energy drinks for this guy. One bag of crisps, she says. (crinkling bag) - [Moon] No, Thomas, uh uh, you can't get away with that, it's 30 little bags, it's 30 little bags inside. - No, it's one bag of crisps. - [Moon] No, it's 30 bags. Is there enough pom-bears in there? (laughing) No, don't, Thomas, don't, don't fool me. - Um, I'm just, Moon made me tell you that she made me swap. I've got a smaller bag of crisps now. She didn't-- - Did you swap it? - Yes, I've swapped it. - [Moon] Just what, you put it back? - Yeah, I put it back, I'm not allowed the big 30 pack, so-- - [Moon] Just that little one? - Yeah, I've got the little one, Moon! In the bin, I've got a sandwich, I've got my crisps, I've got my drink, I've got, Moon picked a random toy, we've got everything we need. So yeah, we've got all this stuff, it's now time to head on over to the maze with all the supplies. - [Moon] Did you put it back, the bag of crisps? - I put the crisps back, Moon. - You put it back? - Shut the (beep) up. - Get a little one. - Shut the (beep) up. We're at the maze, welcome to the maze! (peppy electronic dance music) So, this is the entrance to the corn field, it's a corn field, and then it's literally just got a pathway cut out, and stuff. There's an entrance and there's an exit. So the exit is over that way somewhere, I don't know, this thing is huge, this thing is massive. So, the rules, the rules for this are, once I'm in the maze, I'm not allowed out even if I find the exit, I can't leave, 'cause it's a spend the night video. - No, you'll just-- - So it'd be a bit weird, wouldn't it? - Have to go back. - So, I can't leave here until dawn, until it starts getting light outside. So, Moon's going to go in there now, she's going to hide all my supplies, and then I'm just going to like, stay the night in here while simultaneously looking for my supplies, and living, and you know, 'cause I need those supplies to live for the night. So, I'm just going to be hunting, I'm going on a massive hunt all night trying to find this stuff. We're going to let Moon go in now, and hide all-- - [Moon] Do I even hide your torch? - No, you can't hide my torch. - [Moon] Why not? - You can't, no! It took us forever to find someone who would let us use their maze, it's not open to the public yet, we've got like, first dibs. - [Moon] When video goes on, it's open. - When the video's on, it's open. Moon is going to go in the maze first, she's going to hide the supplies, and hopefully, she'll come out not too soon, no, what? - [Moon] What? (laughing) What? - Alright, so Moon's going to go in there and hide the supplies and hopefully she'll come back, she'll not be too long in there, is what I meant to say. Hopefully she'll not be too long in there, and then I'm going to go in as soon as she comes out. - [Moon] Thomas, bye, bye. - Bye! - [Moon] It's first thing, where am I going, left or right? Okay, I'm going here. Oh, don't, why am I doing? Alright, I'll just put that too easy for him 'cause it's bright red, see. I'll just keep going. (weighted footsteps) I don't think that's part of it, I don't think that's a path. I'll still put it in there. Aw, that's mean, that's mean, that's his sammie. (giggling) Good luck finding that. His toy, he has to work a bit for that one. (rubbing leaves) Oh, come on, oh, no! The struggle's real, here. Just get the like, leaf a bit in front of it. Set. Alright, Thomas' apple juice. (liquid sloshing) (leaves rustling) (heavy exhaling) Cover this with the, that's it. Oh, my god, no chance, no chance. Just a toy left, the thing he needs the least. On a bit easier for him, it's a bit mean. I think I found the exit here, so I'm just going to hide his torch, the thing he needs most, I'm going to hide it right here. I'm out, I'm out, only took me two hours or so, I'm out. - Well, here we go, got my camera, you've got your camera? - [Moon] Bye! - You took your time, Moon. How long were you gone? Like, two hours. - I know, it took me forever. Been da-da, da-da, da-dan all time. - Oh, god, I'm not looking forward to it. (Moon wheezing) Alright, come on then. Let's go. - Bye. - The beginning. - Bye! - Let's go. - Have fun! - I've got all my-- - [Moon] I should've hid that one! - No, you need to leave me something. - [Moon] No, I have to. - You'll hide my camera in a minute. - [Moon] Bye! - Off we go, off we go. - [Moon] Bye! Look at him, going in the maze. Pathetic. - [Thomas] Oh, my god. This is so cool. (laughing) What? Oh, my god. (wheezing) This is a real, I can't see anything, it's just corn after corn after corn. The corn is like, it's roughly like the same height as me. I can't see over it, you know, I thought the corn was going to be taller, but I think it's the season's isn't in, or something. Let me put my arm up, and see if you can see anything. So that's like, that's all I can see, that's my arm's like, fully extended, this I what I can see. I need my torch the most, I mean, the sun is getting dark, so, I mean I need to go find my torch, then I need to start finding food, probably drink, 'cause you know today, today has literally been the hottest day ever on record in the UK. It's unreal. Whoa, whoa, whoa, we've come to a big bit. We've got like, a path that way, a path that way, a path this way, which then splits off that way and that way. Which was should I go? Oh, no, this is going to be a hard challenge, I know why you told me to do this challenge now, it's going to be so hard! (giggling) I need that torch. Has she like, hid it in bushes, or something? She can't be, that'd be nasty. I'm about 20 minutes in, and I can't find anything. I can't find anything. Uh, alright, what's this way? I think I'm, I've not been here before, definitely no way have a been here before. (leaves rustling) Is it that way? There's a massive Jenga thing, where did Jenga come from? (wheezing laugh) What? I'm on me own, I'd love to play Jenga! I've not found a single supply. There's bugs everywhere. My biggest worry is I can't see, if I don't get that torch before it's dark, I'm not going to be able to see, and then I can't even find the rest of the supplies, so I need the torch. I think I've been going like half and hour, or something, I don't even know, it feels like half and hour. It's getting dark so quick, and I'm worried, I'm actually worried. Whoa, Jesus Christ, massive hole. (sighing) (breathing heavily) I don't know what to do. What's this? I don't think you can see on camera. A box, oh, it's a toy. That's it, it's just right there, right in the middle of the path, how did I not see this before? This is the toy, it's like a diamond on it. And I shall put that in my bag. I've got my, still got this thing, still been carrying this with me, my sleeping thing. The thing that I actually find, and I don't even need it. It's just a toy. Honestly, this is actually legit cool. (laughing) I'm still overwhelmed, I've never been in a maze, and I've got my own maze, I've rented a whole maze out for myself, and I've come to a dead end now. (laughing) Oh, no, Moon! What have you done to me? It's completely pitch black, I can just see the next town over there lighting up the sky, but other there, it's just dark. I can't even see which way I'm walking. I can kind of make out the edges of the bushes, and stuff, like, as to which way I'm walking, but, (leaves rustling) Ow, Jesus, what was that? (awing) No way! What? Yes, oh! Yes! (wheezing laugh) Finally, I got the torch, yes! Oh, my god, thank god for that. I finally got the torch, yes! We can see what were doing now, we can see what we're doing up in this biz, bro. It's more fun, like, the darker it got, the more fun this maze is, it's weird. Doing it by torch is way, way, way, way more fun, but I mean, I've got the torch, so I'm happy. What's this, what? What's this? I've never seen this! Oh, it's like a ring game! (rope plopping) (frustrated groan) I think I might make this my base. If I like, I'm mean, I'm sick of carrying, wait, where's that gone? No! (spitting) A massive fly just went in my mouth, or a moth. Alright, so I've lost my thing, I had it here. The thing I sleep on, like the mat, yoga mat thing, that's gone, that's completely gone. So, what I think I might do, I might call this base, I'm going to keep my bag, I'm going to try and remember my way back here, and return here. I dropped my thing somewhere, oh, that's a dead end there. Came from there. I swear, if Moon's been hiding things in there, I'm not going to be happy. I think this maze is about 10 acres. There's moths everywhere! Get off me! So, if she started hiding things in the crops, I've got no chance, I've got no chance. (heavy breathing) Oh! (heavy running) Yes, it's my thing, yes! Thank god for that! We're sleeping good tonight, boys, we've got it, we've got it, we've got the mat, I ain't got to sleep on the hard floor. That way, or this way? It all looks the same. (gasp) Oh, yo, yes! (bag crinkling) Bugles! Ugh, I need to tuck straight in, I'm so hungry! (chomping chips) Mm, Bugles. So nice. Alright, oo, uh oh. I need my sammie, where, drink, I need a drink. I'm really enjoying this. Mazes at night time with a torch, is like, the best game ever. (heavy breathing) I'm back here, I can't believe it. (sand shuffling) (grunting) (groaning) Alright, so I'm at base camp. I'm laying this down here. Here we are, I've got a toy, I got the Bugles, they've nearly gone, (chuckling) and I've got my torch. I really need that drink, my lips are drying out like crazy. I'm going to sit here, I'm just going to chill for a bit, 'cause it's so hot, it's unreal. I don't like when the leaves of the corn rustle. Oh, god, this is going to be a scary night, I can tell already, I'm not going to like this! So, I'm going to chill here for a bit, I might ring Moon, actually, and then I'm going to go try and find my drink and my sandwich. (phone dialing) (chip bag crinkling) - [Moon] Hello? - Hello, I've got Bugles. - [Moon] Bugles? - Mm. (chomping chips) You hid them Bugles sneaky. - [Moon] Were they nice? - There were like, in the corn a bit. - [Moon] Yeah, I know, do you think I make it easy for you? (chomping chips) - It's already hard, it's a massive maze. - [Moon] Still, you need a bit of a challenge. - I still can't find my drink, and the sandwiches. - [Moon] You better get looking for it, then. Thomas. - What? - [Moon] Did you know that I was in the maze, and at the end they congratulated me, and said, "That was a-maze-ing." (giggling) - It's not a Moon joke, is it? - [Moon] Do you know why the man got out of the maze? - What? - He got corn-ered. (chuckling) - No, stop it! - [Moon] These Moon jokes are a-maze-ing! - No, no more Moon jokes. - Thomas. Come on. - No! No, a-maze-ing, no, Moon, I'm going. (Moon muffled) No, I can't do this. (toy rattling) (box ripping) (plastic wrapper crinkling) (hammering) Massive moth, go away! Oh, what's that there? What's that? Is that a diamond? That's no diamond. Stupid thing. I don't like this, I've been laid here now for over half an hour. I've got my phone, obviously, I've just been sat on there looking through twitter, and stuff. I've been sat on my phone, scrolling through twitter, I'm on twitter now, link in description, (chuckling) cheeky plug. Oh, wow, I was picking my nose, why'd I do that? I didn't pick it, I scratched it. I swear, I've heard stuff rustling around in here, I don't like this. Well, I've just been laid here in the middle of random field it's freaky, it's freaky, it's freaky, I don't like it, bro. I don't like it. I just feel like any second now, someones just going to come here, like emerge out of the crops, and just be in, I don't know, like that Freddy Kruger mask, or something, I don't know, Jason, is is Jason, the one with the white mask? (spitting) (gasping) I don't like it, alright, I mean, I know, I don't like, I think it's flown down me top, it's in me top! It's in my top! Get out! Hello? Hello? If there's anybody here, come out. I've just heard rustling, I know there's someone there. Come out! Moon, is it you? Moon? (suspenseful horror music) (leave rustling) Moon? What's that, is that a path? (gasp) Go, don't come out here. (frightened mumbling) Don't touch me. (heavy breathing) (talking softly) Did you hear that? Did you hear that there, I swear to-- it rustled right next to me, it rustled right next to me. (heavy breathing) I don't like this, I don't like this. Just try to sleep through the night, 'cause I don't like this, man, I don't like it. I don't think I've told you enough, I don't like this. It's come 3:00 am, it's gone 3:00 am right now, it's, (moaning) I should be asleep now. I'm going to have to go and try to find a drink, the drink, the only drink it this massive maze, I'm going to have to go and get it. I'm going to leave the bag, I mean, there's just an empty Bugles wrapper in there, and the toy I've not even played with yet, and obviously the mat. I'm going to leave them here at base, and I'm and go, just so, I mean, I'm not carrying stuff 'round, you know what I mean? Just try and make things a bit lighter. I'm going to get the drink, come back, the hopefully I should get a nice nights sleep. (soft leaves rustling) (talking softly) What has she done? Come on, Moon, where's that drink? Whoa, I've not seen this before. Moon, why have you made this difficult-- (surprising horror chord) What? What? Yo, I did not see that before, it freaked me out. Oo, oh, jackpot, jackpot! That's the sandwiches, yes! (foil crinkling) (excited moaning) (satisfied moaning) I can't find this drink, I can't find it anywhere. I'm going to try, and head back to base now, and yeah, just try and sleep it out now for the last couple of hours. Oh, a dead, a dead end. I thought we was this way. (heavy footsteps) (heavy breathing) (children's toy talking) What? (gasp) What's that? What is it? (surprising horror chord) What's that? (toy giggling) (fearful gasp) (toy singing) ♪ We're heading to town ♪ ♪ We're heading home ♪ ♪ I'm friendly bus ♪ ♪ Let's drive ♪ (toy cheering) - Nice try, Moon, nice try, you're not getting me that easy. (heartily chuckling) You! You're nasty, you're nasty. I can't do this anymore, I can't do it. I can't find base camp, I can't find my drink, I can't find the exit and I can't find the entrance anymore. I'm done, I'm just sat now in this dead end. I shouldn't have left my stuff in the base camp, that was stupid, I thought I could've found my way back by now. I'm getting eaten alive by moths. This is the worst spend the night video we've ever done, this is unreal, I keep saying it, this is unreal. Jesus Christ, the flies! (spitting) (gagging) (coughing) (spitting) Went in my mouth. The battery on my camera is 8%, 8% battery on my camera. I've got spare battery in my bag in base camp. I brought a spare battery, but I can't get it. Ugh, I'm going to scream, I'm going to scream! I hope it gets light soon, please. I hope it gets light soon. Moon! (sighing) (echoing) Moon! - [Moon] Thomas! - [Thomas] Moon! - [Moon] Where are ya? - [Thomas] Come here! - [Moon] Come here! - [Thomas] Can you see me? - [Moon] I can see your flashlight. - [Thomas] I'm trapped here. - [Moon] Come here! Here, Thomas, here. (Thomas moaning) Aw, that's it, you got it. - Moon! - That's it! (grunting) - No! - [Moon] Where's all your stuff, Thomas? (heavy breathing) - It's in there. - [Moon] What, in there? - It's in there, I don't know, I made a base, and I can't find it. - [Moon] Where's camera, and all? - The battery died. - [Moon] Thomas, you have to go back in. - I can't, no, Moon, I can't go back in. - [Moon] Go back in and get that stuff. (whimpering) - I'm not going back in, I'm not going back in, let's go. - [Moon] Come on, get your stuff. - Let's go to the car, let's go to the car, please, Moon. Oh, come on then. - [Moon] What? - What do you mean, "What?" Where did you hide the drink? - [Moon] The drink was under, like, leaves, loads of leaves and stuff, it were all green. (chuckling) - You're joking? - [Moon] No! - That's cheating, no wonder I couldn't find it. - [Moon] It was at the path, though. It was not off the path. - It was under a leaf! - [Moon] Yeah, but you could still see through. - That toy made me laugh, you put. That one that started playing. - [Moon] What toy that playing? I didn't put a toy. - That toy you started playing, the little bus, and it started playing a tune. - [Moon] What are you on about? What are you on about, playing? - There's a bus. - [Moon] No, what? (softly speaking) It was me, I've done it.
Channel: Killem
Views: 540,574
Rating: 4.8925228 out of 5
Keywords: kilem, killemftw, maze, tom stanniland, kill em, spent the night, girlfriend, killem, killem ftw, supplies
Id: -hYGYK63Mqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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