I Bought an Abandoned Mystery Car & You Won’t Believe What Was Inside…

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(dramatic orchestral music) - [Moon] oon... Moon, if this works, if we can get this, it's going to be insane, Moon. - [Moon] Why, what is it? why you so happy? - An abandoned mystery car. - [Moon] What does that mean? You don't know what car it is? - It's a mystery car that's been abandoned. I was just sat minding my own business the other day, and my dad sent me a link, like a hyperlink URL, to a car that's for sale nearby. All right? It's not just a car. It's not just any car. It's a really old crappy abandoned car, but it's not abandoned, so the guy has apparently left this car on his drive just for years. Never opened it. And the picture of the car has loads of stuff inside. So-- - [Moon] Well then you can't open it anymore. - It won't open anymore. He says he can't open it, so what we're going to do is buy the car off him, see if he'll let us keep all the stuff inside, bring it back, and open the car and all the stuff, and just like a mystery box opening. - [Moon] But a car. - But a car. - [Moon] That's amazing. - Moon, moon, moon, moon. I'm just ragging, still got it, we're on our way, got the postcode. Let's do this, Moon! - [Moon] I hope it's good, Thomas, I hope it's good. - I can't believe how much stuff's in it. - [Moon] What, like boxes and stuff? - I don't know, you can't really see much on picture. - [Kill'em] All right, so when I got to the place to buy the car off the guy, he was a bit funny about me recording. He asked me why I've got it and stuff, and I asked him, and he weren't really, he didn't really want me filming there, so I mean, I got this little bit just to show ya. I mean it were just like on his drive. So yeah, so I've muted it so we can't hear his voice. He says he's got one key for it, but it don't work on any of the doors. You can't open it. I gave him a little bit of extra money to keep all the stuff that's in there. I've got a trailer, I'm taking it to the land, and we're going to open this thing. So here we go. Moon! - [Moon] What? - We've got it, we've got it, it's here! Mystery abandoned car. - [Moon] It's just an old car full of crap. - Oi, we don't know what's in there. - [Moon] What did he say? He must know what he put in there. - He said he's not been in it in years because he can't open it, all right? He's give me this key, he's given me this key. It don't work. He's just using it like a shed, just throwing all stuff in-- - [Moon] How did he put stuff in though? - Years ago, he put all this stuff in, shut it, locked it, and then he's left it, and now he can't even open it or anything. I gave him a little bit of extra money, and we'll keep everything that's in there. - [Moon] What if we find something good, do you have to give it him back? - No, it's mine. - [Moon] Like a mystery box, it's just the box is a car. - Yeah. - [Moon] Oh, okay. - No, don't, you think it's going to be rubbish Moon. It's not, its really. (upbeat electronic music) - [Moon] (giggles). - So there's only one way, we can get into this car. - [Moon] Get the key made, get the AA here, and they make a separate key for it. Or you can go to Ford, get the model number, they're going to send it you by post. (both laugh loudly) - No, this. - [Moon] No! - And these. - [Moon] But that's not on guarantee anymore. You know what we having tonight? A fiesta! - Stop it Moon! (sings in spanish) I don't know, I can't speak Spanish. - Arriba! (mumbles) Can't see, it's just me. It's got like a sheet over, he said it was to stop from getting dusty, I don't know why. His golf clubs are there and a net. Are you ready, Moon? - [Moon] Yeah. - In middle? On edge? - [Moon] In middle, I think, is weakest. (sound effect of a man saying nope) - Whoa! (sound effect of a man saying nope) (glass shattering) - Ah! (laughs maniacally) We're in! - [Moon] Oh my god, that took some force, didn't it? - It's harder than I thought. I thought it'd just go through one go. Ohh. - [Moon] Oh, yeah. - Here we go. Probably loads of stuff in here, Moon. - [Moon] Oh my god, there's so much glass, Thomas. There, look! What is that? - No, no, no, don't ruin it, don't ruin it! Wait, wait, wait! - [Moon] Clash the flash. - Fan? All right, so we've got a fan. First. Don't know if it works. - [Moon] Like a cooling fan? - Yeah. - [Moon] You should look inside doors first. Side door and front and stuff. Some people put stuff in. - Oh, it's a lighter. - [Moon] Does it work? Oh! - Oh, it lights! - [Moon] How much did you pay for that car altogether? - 500? - [Moon] Altogether, with the stuff in? - Yeah, the car's worth like 100 pound in scrap, but I gave him 500 'cause of all the stuff in. So I need 400 pounds worth of stuff here. All right, I'm in, I'm in! (horn honks) - [Moon] (laughs) - Can you see it everything back there? (horn honks) Oh, Jesus! - [Moon] (laughs mischievously) What's that big wooden piece? Maybe if you get that out. Is it a table? - I don't-- (horn honks) Oh, Jesus Christ, stop it! - [Moon] Black & Decker? Isn't that them two guys who do celebrity in the jungle thingy? Black & Decker? - Ant and Dec. (laughs) - [Moon] Oh. (sensual R&B music) Black & Decker. We're here for you. - [Moon] Sensation. - Sensation. - [Moon] Fragrance. - Fragrance. - [Moon] Black & Decker. - Aura. - Is that for a kettle? - [Moon] I don't know. - A little bucket, and it looks like he's had cement mixed in it. - [Moon] You gave this man 500 pound. - Well, 400, the car was worth 100 in scrap. Let's get the dust sheet off. Wow! - [Moon] What is it, suitcases? Maybe it's a Ming, maybe it's a Ming. It's more a Next I think, not a Ming. What is this, and engine part? - It's off a toilet. - [Moon] What? - Oh it might be a toilet, it's a toilet flush. - [Moon] Ew! - All right let's go, shall we get this suitcase out moon? - [Moon] yeah. - Oh a toaster! Who's laughing now, Moon? A toaster. - [Moon] You gave this man 400 pounds Thomas. - (Laughs nervously) - [Moon] No this is just ridiculous. (car horn beeps) - Oh fuck shit! Quick get our Black & Decker. - [Moon] Oh that comes in handy. Oh my god it needs keys. - These are actually key holes for it. - [Moon] Maybe that Ford in Ipswich has a key? - Oh! - [Moon] How did that happen now? - [Moon] what did you do? - [Kill'em] I don't know - [Moon] Spit on it a bit, maybe it's a bit rusty. - Oh! - [Moon] (gasps) Yay! Uh oh, no don't open it. They normally just got worn underpants in it. - (screams mockingly) Oh my gosh, there's a bag in a bag. And the bag's empty. - [Moon] Come 'ere Thomas - [Kill'em] Maybe it's a sanitary kit. Uh no! - [Moon] I'm out! No! They're crusty, no! - [Kill'em] Whoa! - [Moon] Whoa! - [Kill'em] Oh cool an old phone - [Moon] What's that stringy bit - This? - [Moon] Yeah? - A cord. - [Moon] What for? - You plug it in wall, and you talk through this. - [Moon] Ah! - [Kill'em] Some bear slippers - [Moon] How do you know it's slippers? Why is it not toy? - [Kill'em] Cause it's got a massive hole there. - [Moon] It don't look right, that. (Moon laughs) - [Moon] That's a lot better Thomas - There's a pair 'ere for you. - [Moon] No thank you. No. Get off, get off! I'm not wearing that, where was it before? It's filthy! No! - [Kill'em] Whoa! - [Moon] Pocket watch. - [Kill'em] Pocket watch. - [Moon] My grandad had one of these. - [Moon] Army jacket, or fishing jacket or summin'. - I think it's a fishing jacket. - [Moon] Fishing jacket - [Kill'em] What's that? It's an ammo, it's a gun, it's a bullet. Oh Moon! - [Moon] Who is this? - [Kill'em] Doctor Who costume. - [Moon] What, fancy dress? - Yeah - [Moon] Thomas you know, you know - No, no, no, no! - [Moon] Ah! - Oh no! - [Moon] Oh yeah! The Doctor. Turn around then. It's nice, it's good friends-- (material rips) Oh my god. - What happened there? - [Moon] It all ripped. - [Kill'em] It's velcro, is that velcro? - [Moon] Oh it is vel, oh my god yeah good. - Is it velcro? - [Moon] Yeah cause I thought you ripped it. - Moon shut the up. - [Moon] No, don't! - Pass me my pipe. - [Moon] You naughty. - [Kill'em] Oh no! - [Moon] What? - [Kill'em] Oh yeah, moon! - [Moon] What? - [Kill'em] It's that kettle for that end bit. - [Moon] Oh yeah. Oh it look, not nice. - It just needs a bit of a wipe. An old camera. - [Moon] Does it have film in? - Moon pass me that microphone of our camera. - [Moon] No, don't. - Come 'ere, come 'ere. This is going to be funny. - [Moon] Why? - Look at this (laughs) - [Moon] I think it's not done for that, Thomas. - Future of vlogging there, look! (camera clicks) - [Moon] (laughs) what if we have to do this all the time (mimics a camera click sound) - Quick Moon, grab it! Grab it! - [Moon] Got it, oh it's heavy! (car horn beeps aggressively) - Oh for God's sake, ah! - [Moon] (laughs) - Oh that went really far Moon. - [Moon] Yeah, that's good - Moon, oh my God. - [Moon] Let's caddy, c'mon then. - Fore! Oh Moon! - [Moon] What is this? What is it? - Pogo stick. Why does it need batteries? - [Moon] I think it's just for a sound obviously, not for you doing it. Oh you doing good! You doing really good! (jaunty vaudeville music) You doing good Thomas! (laughs) - [Kill'em] Moon! - [Moon] What? - Come 'ere. You're comin' in. Rich onion gravy powder. - [Moon] Four inch nails. - Four inch nails - [Moon] Is it that band? There's a band innit? - What, called four inch nails? - [Moon] Yeah, I think so. - Nine Inch Nails - [Moon] Oh! - (Laughs mockingly) - [Moon] Cover band, that one. When you can't afford a Nine Inch Nails. (laughs) - [Kill'em] Moon! Moon, Moon, Moon! - [Moon] Oh it's a power tool, power tool! - No battery though. - [Moon] Yeah but you can buy that off, can't ya? Like extra? Anything more in front? Just watch, don't sit into them. - [Kill'em] Glass everywhere. We got another one! We got two of them, is that the same one? (car horn beeps) ooh! Oh God! Both same. - [Moon] Oh just watch all that glass. - A bit of drain pipe, with a bend on the end. - [Moon] Let me try something. - [Kill'em] (mocking didgeridoo sounds) - [Moon] I thought it one of, oh didgeridoo. - We got a old shovel, spade thing. - [Moon] Baby shovel, kid shovel. - Oh DVDs. - [Moon] Harry Potter, Harry Popo, Harry Popo. My boy, my boy Harry Popo. - [Kill'em] We got the entire Harry Potter set. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Willy Wonka. - [Moon] Oh the old one? - The original. - [Moon] Oh that's cool I can watch original, and new one. A Mario! (yells foreign language)! I've just filmed that Mario and said it in Mario voice. Thomas, oh! Got name on it, look, look, look. - [Kill'em] Mrs E Davis. - [Moon] It got lock on it, uh oh. (both exclaim excitedly) - Let's look what is in Moon. (sudden dramatic music) - [Moon] Oh no, no no! No, I'm out! - [Kill'em] Come 'ere. - [Moon] You take over. I'm not going close to that thing. - [Kill'em] Look at that! - [Moon] No, don't get him out. It's Child's Play stuff, that. Nah I don't like it, I don't want kids. No. Don't undress him, stop it! - I'm just looking, don't make it weird. I call him, Henry. No. - [Moon] Lebron. - Burtly. - [Moon] Oh what, I thought Lebron. - Burtly. - [Moon] (laughs) No, no don't. No don't he creeps me out. (Both laugh uncomfortably) - [Kill'em] Whoa! Some old Walkie Talkies. - [Moon] D'you know why it's named that? You know why it's named that? 'Cause while you walkie, you can talkie. (laughs) - Let's go try these. - [Moon] Oh I want to try them. - Well, I'll try them after. - [Moon] And we'll show you if it works. - We'll show you, now? - [Kill'em] Some clothes for little, what did I call him? (both laugh hysterically) - [Kill'em] Henry. Back in. (metal lid scrapes) Uh! Cricket. - [Moon] ♪ I don't like cricket. ♪ - [Kill'em] Derbyshire Country Cricket League. I got my own trophy. - [Moon] Oh did you even think you're going to ever have a Cricket League trophy? - It's been my dream, you know? All right, here we go. - [Moon] That looks like a jewelry box, you know? Oh! - [Kill'em] Oh! What's Brooks and Bentley. I don't know what that is. But this medal looks cool. I don't know. - [Moon] That's really weird that. I don't like it. Put it on Henry. (both snicker) - [Kill'em] Oh Moon, there's stuff in boot! - [Moon] Just get them round. - [Kill'em] Moon, there's loads of stuff in boot! (strained moans) - [Moon] Can't you get it out? - [Kill'em] No! We going to have to smash boot window. - [Moon] Or just break it open. Oh! What do you have to do? Like break the, where it's locked? Oh! Oh you got it. Beautiful. Oh! - [Kill'em] Oh! - [Moon] That's another Ming vase, look. We got two of them. - [Kill'em] Ugh! Is that like a dead spider in there? Can you see it? Like stuck in. - [Moon] Yeah yeah, put away. I've got goosebumps. (screams) No, stop for real! - [Kill'em] oh! - [Moon] Oh that looks like military stuff. - [Kill'em] It's like made of metal. 10 liter petrol canister. - [Moon] Aren't they not normally soft them tips? (laughs) Stop it! Scissors. Oh what's that? That goes with the kettle, we can make tea in it. - Go on then, two sugars, milk please. - [Moon] Yeah what, we don't have electricity here. - Yeah you know what to do. Just knock on the neighbors. - [Moon] Light back on. Does it mean the battery has little bit power? - Should we try and start it with that key? Where's that key gone? (car engine struggles to start) - [Moon] Give it gas, give it gas. (car engine struggles to start) Give it gas! Give it gas! - [Kill'em] I am, I am! - [Moon] Keep it, keep it. Oh. - No. (car engine sputters) No. - [Kill'em] All right 'ere we go Moon. It opened. (laughs maniacally) What! Whoa! I don't even know what it is. - [Moon] Oh that looks cool. - [Kill'em] Well look at this. - [Moon] Oh it can even zoom. That's really good for the camera. - [Kill'em] Yeah, look at them numbers. Looks like, like proper. - [Moon] Like ISO thingy and stuff. - [Kill'em] ISO and everything. - [Moon] Next, next, next! Oh my god my heart's racing. - [Kill'em] Phwoar Moon, that stinks - [Moon] It were Digby. - [Kill'em] Digby's not 'ere. - [Moon] (laughs) Little boxey. (twinkling music box music) Oh! - [Kill'em] Listen, shh. (twinkling music box music) - [Moon] Well that's cute. And a woman, is that his wife? I dunno maybe he bought it. - A bit freaky that, innit? - [Moon] Yeah, it is. Is that heavy? It looked heavy when you picked it up. - [Kill'em] There's not one on there. - [Moon] Okay. - [Both] Whoa! - [Kill'em] Did you see that. - [Moon] Typewriter. - [Kill'em] Oh typewriter. - [Moon] Oh my God, cool! You need to watch out, it's stuck. You need to put some oil in. - [Kill'em] How the letters are backwards and they just like print onto the paper. - [Moon] Yeah they smash it on here, and that's got ink on it and then it puts it on the paper. - I might write all my letters with this from now. - [Moon] If that's another typewriter, I'm opening typewriter company. - Oh! - [Moon] A camera. Oh projector! - Made in Austria. That's you. - [Moon] There we go, I am made in Austria too. - It's an old projector. - [Moon] And it's an old (speaks in Austrian) Oi-mig - Oo-mig - [Moon] Oi-mig - You-mig! - [Moon] Oi-mig! - It says You-mig! - [Moon] It's Oi-mig. - [Kill'em] All right last thing, is this. Really old wrench set. - [Moon] What, wrench dressing? Ner! No, stop it now. That was a forced one, that were not good. You know wrench with W, ranch dressing? Ay! See makes you chuckle. Makes him chuckle. Don't go on that anymore, don't. How is he so good? Even with them little shoes? Really good that. (both laugh) - [Moon] I thought you going to fall the first time. (screams) - [Kill'em] Ah! (pained moans) - [Moon] I think you broke it. - [Kill'em] I think I broke my hand. (pained moans) - [Moon] I told you not to do it, you're too old. (comically edited cacophony of sounds)
Channel: Killem
Views: 386,017
Rating: 4.8331594 out of 5
Keywords: kill em, mystery car unopening, unboxing, mystery box, mystery car, mystery box unopening, unopening, kilem, mystery, tom stanniland, killem, killem ftw, killemftw, car
Id: qIuQpSavfpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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