I Bought a $1500 Mystery Safe at an Auction & You Won’t Believe What I Found…

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- So, I found this safe on eBay, it is a mystery safe. It's a safe that's been closed for so long no one knows what's in it, no one got a key, no one can get in it, and I won it. I won it, I won this safe! (drilling) We travelled all the way up to Scotland, which is like, how long we got left? Six hours 42! We got six hours and 42 left, Moon! (banging) I'm stuck with you for this long? - [Moon] Mmm... I'm gonna sing for us. ♪ Ooohhh ♪ ♪ We're coming up to Scotland we're travelling up ♪ ♪ We're coming up to Scotland we're travelling up ♪ ♪ We're coming up to Scotland ♪ - No, Moon, please, no, stop it, please! - [Voiceover] Six and a half hours later. ♪ Ooohhhh ♪ ♪ We're coming up to Scotland we're travelling up ♪ ♪ We're coming up to Scotland we're travelling up ♪ ♪ Ooohhh ♪ So, at this point, the battery ran out in the camera. We drove all the way up to Scotland, we got the safe, then we drove all the way back down. I almost left Moon behind. I nearly left her in Scotland. I just could not do it. This was the hardest 12 hours of my life. I came back, I did bring Moon with me, and now we're at the location where we're gonna crack the safe open, let's go. Forgot the keys! We drove so far to get here. But I'm in, come on. - [Moon] How do we get the van in? - Ah, Moon! (laughing) - [Moon] Lot of nettles here. - Ahh, it's spiky, ow! We cannot let this stand in between our way of success. We must fight. (slamming) - [Moon] Oh god. (laughing) People are gonna think we're breaking in! - Well, we are! (laughs) We're breaking into our own land. (laughing) Oh, oh! It actually worked. (laughs) - [Moon] Took half an hour with that. It's a bit scary how easy people can break in though. - It is true. (laughing) - [Moon] And no one tried to stop us. They all just looked. - And we can't lock it when we leave now. - [Moon] Oh well. Whoa... - Here we go. It is safe time. It slid all the way to the back. It weighs like a tonne. It's just me and you. - [Moon] We have to get it out somehow. (grunting) Come on, Moon, pull, Moon. (grunting) - [Moon] Oh, yeah, I'm pullin' (grunting) - I can't, ahh! (grunting) Ahhh! Moon! - [Moon] Yeah? - This is your fault. - [Moon] Bench press, Thomas! (yelling) - I got lightheaded. - [Moon] Take a break. - I got lightheaded, awe... - [Moon] Oh, I bet it's loud if it comes. - Why do you have to be this big? - [Moon] You wanted it. - It's a mystery one, it's the only time-- - [Moon] You said, "Go large or go home," you know. - I just wanna go home! (laughing) - [Moon] Oh, well, now, come on let's just go. Come on. Ah, I sat in some nettle! - Get it out! - [Moon] Go on, they're already in the bum. (gasping) Whoa! Oh! (crashing) - [Kill'em] Huh, Moon! - [Moon] What? - I got gloves. - [Moon] It's a bit late now, isn't it? - I forgot I put 'em in. (laughs) Do you want some? - [Moon] I'm dirty as well. (upbeat electronic music) - So, here we go, we've got this safe. We finally got it out of the van, I dont know how we managed that. My back is destroyed, it's killin', I've done somethin' to it. So, anyway, here's the safe, it's massive, it's heavy. John Tann's did a good job on making this thing because this is insane. (laughing) There's gotta be some good stuff in here. I have brought this all the way here for there to be nothin' in it. - [Moon] What if nothin's in it? - If there is nothin' in it, it's a rubbish video. - [Moon] But if nothin's in it, it would not be locked in it. - This is the key bit, if you had the key it would go there, but no one's got the key so I can't use this thing here. It's solid. And obviously, this thing is completely locked. It's our job today to open this. Now, I'm not a professional safe opener. So, I dont know what I'm doin'. (laughing) - [Moon] You said you went to college to do that. - No, don't tell them, that was not a legal college. Stop recording. (laughs) With us today, we brought loads of tools. I'm not gonna tell you what, we're just gonna get straight into it. - [Moon] We got screwdrivers. - No, don't tell them, we're keeping it a secret. We're not gonna tell 'em. - [Moon] And duck tape. - No! - Yeah, duck tape. (laughing) - [Moon] We don't wanna close it even more. (laughing) Let's seal it up, that thing! Seal it up! (laughing) - So, we brought loads of tools with us. We got a lot of different stuff to try and attempt to open this thing. If all these things fail, we've got the daddy of all tools. - [Moon] We've got the TNT. - No, don't say that! - [Moon] I thought you said you were gonna get TNT, Thomas. - [Kill'em] No, you got it. - [Moon] I don't got it, I don't have any contacts to get it. - [Kill'em] You said you would get it online. - [Moon] Thomas, you said you were gonna get the TNT. - [Kill'em] You said at TNTonline.com. - [Moon] No-- - Why did-- (yelling) (banging) (crashing) Are we in? All that! (laughing) - [Moon] No, something fell, there's stuff in it. - [Kill'em] This is not even denting it. - [Moon] Where did it hit? - [Kill'em] I think there. - [Moon] Is it called dent or dint. - I thought it was dint. - [Moon] You dent it, Thomas. - I thought it was dint. It's dint, everyone says dint. - [Moon] The only one you say is dint. Back on guard! You think you took-- (clanking) - Oh... But we're gonna have to force our way into there. There's no way we can hack it, (laughing) or break our way in. - [Moon] Smash the door. (laughing) (banging) Yay! Look, he's the Sheriff of Nottingham now! (banging) It doesn't do anything, Thomas. - What? (laughs) - [Moon] It doesn't do anything to the safe. To the safe! - What? Hey, what's on your hands? - [Moon] Awe... - Don't get it on my t-shirt. Awe, Moon, I said wear gloves. - No! - [Moon] Whoa! - Fire! I don't need a lighter, oh. (laughing) So, when do-- - [Moon] So what do-- - What? (laughing) - [Moon] What's the weak spot? - Where do we burn it? Hinges? - [Moon] Should be the weak spot, isn't it? - Should be in the hinges, huh. - [Moon] Yeah. - Whoa, come here, whoa! - [Moon] What's it doin'? - [Kill'em] Whoa that! - [Moon] But not that it burns the stuff of it, Thomas. - A thousand degree safe... Challenge. (laughing) Gone wrong. - [Moon] Instead of the knife-- - [Kill'em] In the hood. - [Moon] Don't forget, we are professionals. - Don't do this at home, we're professionals. - [Moon] Not in school, not at your neighbours. You can maybe shoot-- Oh, what? - [Kill'em] Ahh! - [Moon] Uh-oh, stings. What is it? Put a "K" on it, on the safe. - The fire did nothin', the sledgehammer did nothin', the handle is gone. There's only one final option. - [Moon] TNT. - No, there's two options. (laughing) We're hopin' we don't need TNT. - [Moon] It would be TNT to get it open. Thumbs up for TNT. (motor humming) (bold electronic music) How long's that been, 15, 20 minutes? - [Moon] I dont know, quite a long time. - That is solid, it's so hard to cut through that. But, we're in, we're gettin' in. This shows you any safe, you can get in any safe, bro! You just need a big saw, a big tool with a diamond blade. - [Moon] I mean, you make a lot of sound, like a lot of noise, so it's not somethin' you can do. - [Kill'em] You can't sneakily do it. If you look in that hole there, can you see? Straight in. - [Moon] Yeah, I can't see anything though. It's just smoke. - There's smoke comin' out. (motor humming) What is it? What's up, what? - [Moon] Stop it, you have to stop it, take it off. - What? - [Moon] Thomas, did you hear about that calendar feed? Thomas, you got 12 months. - It's a joke, seriously, Moon. Only interrupt me now if somethin' bad is happenin', alright. - [Moon] Yep. (motor stuttering) - Ugh, it won't start up now, Moon! What did you-- - [Moon] Oh, sorry. Sorry, just keep goin'. Keep tryin'. (motor humming) - What now? What is it? - [Moon] Quick, quick, get it off. Knock knock. - What? - [Moon] Knock knock. - Who's there? - [Moon] Burglar. - Burglar who? - [Moon] Burglars don't knock, you goof. - I thought something had happened. - [Moon] It does, I really have to get rid on it. It's like it builds up in my throat, and I have to tell ya'. - I'm not, I cannot, I can't, no more. No more interruptions, no. - [Moon] Come on, look, you're almost done. - Moon, just let me get it done. (motor humming) It's not startin', Moon. I think it needs to cool down. We made that for like over an hour. - [Moon] What are these for? - I got keys to get in. - [Moon] You already broke the lock. - If I got the keys. There's like a weird in that corner. Should we go and check it out while that cools down. - [Moon] Go on then. - You come. - [Moon] I'm not goin' to that weird house. - It's only apparently haunted, what's the problem? (groaning) (mid-tempo electronic music) Whoa. Ugh! Apparently someone lived in here, I dont know, 80 odd years ago. What? Oh, whoa, that is a huge cobweb! Look at that, oh that's disgusting. I mean, it's nice, but it's so creepy being in here. (gasping) It works! No way! (eerie instrumental music) No... (eerie instrumental music) (crashing) Come on, come on. (panicked breathing) There's an upstairs. There's an upstairs. Awe... (gasping) I bet there's some massive spiders in here. I bet they'd be able to take me down in one, just catch me in their web. There's electricity. Turn off my phone. This place isn't really haunted. I'm just lookin' for a place to have a poo. Tell me when we're recordin'. - [Moon] I'm recordin'. - Tell me when. - [Moon] Now, go. - Go? - [Moon] Three, two, one, go. - We had to go and rent another one. We had to do a 50 mile round trip just to rent this because the other one stopped workin'. You do three cuts, the fourth one couldn't do it, didn't wanna work so we had to go get this one! Flashback, flashback, flashback! Flashback! - [Moon] Flashback. - Do the flashback! - [Moon] Flashback, now. - It's the last cut, I can't believe it, Moon. ♪ Ooohhh ♪ - [Moon] Look at him! Pushing! Go faster! Oh! You're in! Is it hot? Cool it down! (gasping) We're in, we're in! - Awe, touch, touch, touch! Quick, quick, quick, come on, Moon. Camera. Whoa! - [Moon] What's in it, what's in it, what's in it? - What's in it? Oh, there's loads in there. I just need these edges to cool down a bit before I touch it because they're gonna be really hot. - [Moon] Should we use some Dr. Pepper? - Yeah, go get some Dr. Pepper. (laughing) It's not an advert. - [Moon] Dr. Pepper! - They didn't pay for this. - [Moon] God, I can't wait, I can't wait. - Oh, I can reach, yes! - [Moon] Is it a lot? It can't be really big. - I can only just reach bottom. - [Moon] Is it what I think it is, Thomas? - Yeah, I can't show that. We have to blur it. - [Moon] What are we doin' with that? I've never seen it before! - Here's another one. (laughing) - [Moon] It's even bigger than the other one! (laughing) I've never seen that before, Thomas! Money. - [Kill'em] It's not English. It's Jamaica, Cyprus. - [Moon] Greece, Cyprus. - Turkish, I don't even think they do this one in Turkey. Awe, some more, and a key. - [Moon] Is it for the safe? - [Kill'em] It can't be. Why would you keep keys for the safe in the safe? - [Moon] Oh, no, look. Is it more money? - It's a bit, but I can't reach it all. It's like an old wallet. Oh, raffle tickets. - [Moon] What are raffle tickets? - Like you could win stuff. I wonder if he ever won. (laughs) What's this one? It's a ticket to get into Blackball Tower from 1987. (laughing) - [Moon] That was the last time they opened it. - [Kill'em] It must be. - [Moon] What is it? - [Kill'em] It's an old bank card. - [Moon] Think there's still something on the account? - Maybe, maybe I've got some money in there. Is this legally mine now? Because I bought the safe. Awe... I can't get this out. What's that? I dont know, it must be important. - [Moon] Oh! - [Kill'em] Tiny. A ring. - [Moon] Ooo! Whoa! - [Kill'em] That looks old. - [Moon] We need to go and check it with jewellery man or somethin'. - There's somethin' else in there as well. Oh... Another pouch. Some more jewellery or somethin'. Moon! A diamond. - [Moon] Is this real? (laughing) - More diamonds, Moon! Loads of tiny ones and then a massive one. (laughing) - [Moon] Is this real? - But why would it be in a massive safe? - [Moon] Exactly because of that! (laughing) You can buy a massive house and stuff! (screaming) (laughing) - [Moon] Is it real gold? Oh, my god, Thomas! You just keep goin'! - What? (screaming) (bold urban music)
Channel: Killem
Views: 5,426,436
Rating: 3.947572 out of 5
Keywords: smashing safe, hidden safe, bags, secret, found this, ebay, abandoned, storage wars, you wont believe, kill'em, auction hunters, storage unit finds, 1500, safe, surprise, auctions, storage locker, vault, travel, abandoned storage unit, lost luggage, opening abandoned safe, box, mystery box, storage unit, tom stanniland, spent, abandoned safe, old, bought, killem, found safe, auction, storage, secret safe, treasure, travel luggage, found, airport, ftw, $1500, mystery, bag
Id: jfuDH6v4LhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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