Storage Auction Unit Reveal $850 Guns, Tools and Collectibles PART 1

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alright what's up guys 5:30 in the morning we are on our way to Columbus Ohio so 18 auctions today Columbus Ohio is a three hour drive now why am I making a three hour drive well because I want to that's why we made it 18 auctions here in Columbus Ohio they were some pretty good ones I bought the most expensive locker I paid eight hundred and fifty dollars and we're gonna open this up right now and you guys can see why so I got a gimbal because people were complaining about the shakiness so hopefully this helps my first time using it all right it is a 10 by 20 and it is packed now the challenge is going to be the challenge is going to be using my trailer my 6 by 10 trailer and getting all this stuff in here but let's go ahead I'll show you all why I bought it let's just go we'll do a quick walkthrough it's going to take me a while to get through this stuff so obviously first we've got the toolbox here I know that's a Makita toolbox we've got a trombone here a guitar up here and let's see we've got oh sorry guys I'm trying to use this thing alright so this is the main reason why I bought this locker right there I saw three guns two with the barrel sticking up in this long rifle case right here so all these tools right here loaded loaded up and just figured if this is what you can see then there's got to be look at that big Yamaha keyboard up there yeah look at that thing you know that's not cheap so I was like you know what there's no telling what else is gonna be in here because the stuff that I see showing I've already doubled my money on so if not tripled so we're gonna get in here this looks like someone's collection guys it really does it looks like I mean look at this dust on that this is some kind of old advertisement right here bear with me while I'm using this gimble here's another keyboard we got Pepsi Cola down there very excited about this unit that right there that looks like oh sorry that looks like a gun case right there pistol case but I am expecting to find more than three guns I'm thinking there's gonna be quite a bit there's a washer and dryer right there another computer tower let's go ahead and get into this guys this is going to be a long video might have to do a couple parts you've got some DeWalt tools right here old Coleman camper this is the ideal unit that I look for why because I know my market my market is 95% guys okay and this is a guy's unit it could have been a girl's but it's guy stuff the people that shop with me the repeat dealers this is what they want they want the tools they want the hunting stuff they want the cool stuff the cool guy stuff so no doubt about it gonna make a killing on this unit all right so I'm gonna go ahead and start bringing this stuff out and we will be filming kind of doing a slow unboxing all right all right guys I got rid of the gimbal I'm sorry if you want to see the stuff you're just gonna have to deal with it I don't have experience with the gimbal and it's it's pretty hard to use so what I did was I went ahead and grabbed some key items I saw that were kind of in the way but also they looked good the one I pointed at it ended up being Smith & Wesson now I haven't opened it yet but I could see on the box that it was Smith & Wesson so we're gonna open all these really quick and I'm excited to open this one Smith & Wesson oh yes and it's in there check that out it's a 43 grip in the box man that looks brand-new sweet look at this we've got still in the packages original Disney movies Toy Story this is my favorite movie guys I want to tell you all I was gonna do a video about it but I collected Toy Story Pixar toys when I first started reselling ok I looked for these all the time they bring really good money if they're original Toy Story we're talking about hundreds well I had a mr. Mike now mr. Mike isn't on the front of this but he's in there he's the little radio he doesn't talk he's just kind of waddles around and you talking to him most kids know what that is well I held on to mr. Mike and I just decided to sell them Christmas Adam for sale for 180 dollars somebody messaged me with no feedback right no feedback said hey my kid has autism we're looking to start a toy story collection is there any way you could reduce the price and do you have any more toys we really can't afford it but he loves them ok well me and my girlfriend talked we were like you know what that could just be they don't have any feedback that could be someone lying but I thought to myself man how screwed up would that be if someone was using that as an excuse to get cheaper stuff probably so they could resell so I gave him the benefit of the doubt I gave him $60 off I sent it to him guys and sure enough she sent me pictures of the kid opening it and it was just it was so rewarding guys so rewarding too that a lot of the stuff we resell goes to good homes and I love mr. Mike I was gonna hang on to him and I'm so glad that they got it so I will be on the hunt for more Toy Story toys for him like I said she sent me pictures and almost cried so anyway let's get into this rifle ooh yes look at that these have been in here a while because you can tell by the rust splatters on them this is a think of burn le no BP I can't Connecticut Valley Arms 50 Cal this is a 50 Cal right here 50 Cal sweet awesome let's check out the trombone this is great yeah there we go a King trombone a little scratched up but man this is such a good unit check out these rifles like I said they still got a lot of rust on them Noble model 60 and older rifle it's a 1971 all right let's see if the mattina is in here so I'm guessing there's gonna be a lot more guns hiding in this unit guys this was definitely somebody who had some money it's been collecting over time check out the standard I don't that's a good 40 bucks right there it's quick at the flea market and I had I just had to buy this unit guys because this is exactly where I will make a ton of money at the flea market I will do who knows it just depends on what I bring out there but this is the guns now I have a guy who's gonna buy all the guns from me so they're sold if any of you guys are curious let's see what's in here Elvis Elvis is this the box of Elvis no obvious look at that old poster it's kind of water damage but that's cool see you got Elvis shirt Elvis plates ooh there's like Elvis cards right here and we'll do another video oh man those look old 1993 not too old all kinds of Zelda stuff look Elvis pins oh my gosh guys this is a collector's unit look at these watches and jewelry Elvis watches guys this is a collector's unit oh my gosh we just found a collector's unit like some of the coolest stuff that's gonna bring a ton of money alright man I'm telling you this is the life guys this time last year I was broke I hated my job and I was watching Craigslist Hunter I saw him flipping VHS and said her VCRs and I said man I need to do that so sure enough I set out on a journey this thing is heavy I set out on a journey to become a reseller and I quit my job back in September and ever since then it's been smooth sailing and like I said in my other videos if you'd have told me I'd have been where I'm at right now a year later I would not have believed you it's very possible guys what look at all these laptops they're old school but dang talk about some computer parts right there we're gonna this unit is gonna take us a long time to go through every single bit of this so we're gonna do another unbox and here's a welding in the box a welder in the box wow wow this is the unit guys the unit man I know the guys out out there like me are like wow this is exactly what we all look for because it is look at that giant stack of tools this is just great what a great day what a great Buy oh man there's just so much look at Miller High Life seat sign all kinds of tools eight hundred fifty bucks crazy I was so shocked that nobody else bid higher than that I was so shocked there's just so much good stuff in here look at all this brand-new stuff in the box all right guys I'm gonna have to dig into this a little bit we'll keep doing recaps bear with me all right got my second trip out got this cool rigid box double boxed I'll open these up man there is just so much money can I haven't even scratched the surface this is ridiculous sorry I know you can see like man I wish you'd shut up and just show us some stuff but it's exciting really is I don't want to open that upside down well we'll open that one later cuz I only got one hand so look at that look at this thing guys this stuff has been in here for a long time it really has with all the dust and everything this unit has been in here for a while it's got the full back stock on it Wow I've got a bunch of drywall tools here so possibly a contractor that made good money oh yeah corded drill here and I'm showing you guys everything for it go ahead and load it up got some hardware Bosch bosses always been another so no battery-powered yet which is telling me like that's kind of letting me know that this stuff is a little older its Lee's been here here we go this is what we're looking for so it's not too old I don't know how long he's been out maybe 10 years 15 years I'm not sure you guys know 20 volts grinder another bosch set it looks like a oscillating tool got a router got a dremel thermal tool nice oh really good morning guys easy quick money I've got a ton of video games in here all right and load this up we'll get to the next part alright guys so the plan of action for today is to all kinds of hand tools that's some more power tools and key to circular saw another circular saw kinds of hand tools down there but the play of action today today is obviously to get out here as quick as possible but it's not really seeing like that's gonna happen especially if I go back and forth turn the videotape this stuff and get it out of here so I'm gonna get it out and then we will go through every single thing one by one because I'm gonna have to make trips so the plan for today is to get out the most expensive stuff I can see and then come back again see if we can do two trips something it's gonna be three though which I'm completely fine with driving three hours there three hours back I don't care there's a lot of profit here so I'm more than happy to do it that's why I work hard that's why I do this every day so I can do whatever I want and I don't mind making trips being on the road I like it but just by looking at everything in here guys I'm really truly thinking that I would not be shocked if I found a hoard of gold a hoard of silver or a bunch of cash I just wouldn't there's a big chain Saul right there there is so much money in here that my gut is telling me that there is actual money hiding in here or a big whole hoard of like a silver collection or a gold collection I can just feel it I feel it I don't know where it's at but I feel it in here just because everything is such high value this is exactly what you want to see because they're more they're just more likely to have that I just got this big feeling that there's gonna be some kind of collection in here it has to do with gold or silver or possibly even jewelry but anyway let me get to work guys I guess they will do an unboxing after each trailer yeah and we'll check it all out alright guys I got to be quiet because there's people around me there is so much this is a nice Dell laptop a little older that's okay this bag right here is loaded with brand new ammo a lot of the boxes they say how much it's worth some of them do I mean this little box right here 25 bucks this big thing is loaded so heavy got a ton a ton of knives in here down in the bottom all around almost sticking it down there too far some more ammo the guns I showed you guys earlier the shotgun starting to dig it all out because I'm trying to create a path for myself because there's still a lot to go through it seems like every box I opened it's got something good in it got all kinds of game systems here in 64 ps2 ps1 and that is a Wii and Xbox 360 all kinds of tools just show you the start of the tool pile this is what I'm taking first taking the most items of value in case somebody else decides come back here and steal everything I'm gonna take all the good stuff out first I almost want to sleep right here sleep in the unit's no one can take it got all kinds of good new market stuff look brand new glasses I mean I'm I'm being serious when I say this guys I think there's chainsaw a buffer thing or Oh M&M collectibles there's tons of quarters along it's big Yamaha keyboard with the stand back there you got an entire bucket full of circular saws circular saws in there they were with the bullets I just sold a guy a shotgun and he was looking for the shells that came out of it when we unloaded it that's what he was looking for because he's afraid that whoever owned this unit is gonna show up and try to take everything so I need to get these even what's needed I sold them the shotgun also sold him there's the Miller High Life fly I know it looks like a mess right now guys but when you're dealing with so much stuff and you're one person we got two Fender guitars acoustic but we're gonna go through every single thing later on there's just so much stuff in here I'm not gonna be able to do it all here we're gonna do unboxing videos got two trunks here got this old Kenmore cooler thing it's a fridge I don't know if that'll clean up I got a guy who repairs furniture he does a great job I'll probably sell this to him and he'll fix it so much stuff to go through I'm very curious as what's in here i I know there's more guns in here guys because the calibers aren't matching up to the ammo that I have get this little thing this has got some kind of military ammo in it look at that boom so we're looking for these guns I know they're in here I can smell them I can I know that they're in here I'm kidding when I say smell but still you guys get my point there's more stuff hiding in here every time I open a box something awesome comes out and I keep having people coming over here trying to look into stuff what I'm trying to work so just keep in mind that's something that you will run into and sometimes you just gotta stand your ground but if they're cool enough although I'm hang out for a little bit I sold these ramps right here these are not cheap ramps at all guys I sold them to the next highest bidder that was bidding right next to me we looked out for each other today whenever he wanted one I backed off whenever I wanted one he backed off we were the guys spending he looked personal safe so there's probably a safe in here somewhere nothing this one but we were the guys that spent all the money today so I sold them these I sold them these for a hundred bucks all right guys so we will get back to more taping later like I said it's a mess right now just bear with me we will do an unboxing video when I open the boxes I'm not digging all the way in them I'm just kind of peeping to see what they are kind of get an idea of value that way I can go through them that way I can know what to take on my first load this stuff has been sitting here since 2016 the owner passed away which makes sense as to why there's so much good stuff in here I've got all kinds of brand-new stuff I can sell that at the flea market it's Old Spice acts all that stuff this little tool bucket I'm filling up got some electronics some new in the box here's one of those Polaroids I sell these got dust on it but I sell those for about $40 on eBay we gotta hurry for another quick rain comes in as you can see it's a mess I'm kind of digging through everything deciding what I want to put in the trailer because it's very important that I get everything of value in here just in case somebody comes I saw my unit and is gonna want to break into it tonight I got to get out everything that has the most value so that's what I'm doing right now all right guys I know I know it's a lot of stuff there's only one of me this is the reality of buying a giant unit by yourself it's a mess it takes a long time to get it out I'm definitely gonna have to make multiple trips but well worth it so we're gonna do it I'm going to show you every part of it we're gonna go back home when we get home I'm going to do unboxing for you for the whole trailer and then we will come back get more okay well I'm hungry I'm tired I'm dirty the truck is overweight got to come back tomorrow found awesome stuff today there's just so much cool stuff in here a lot of cool stuff so excited to come back do some more digging tomorrow I definitely made a mess made a big mess that's what happens when you're by yourself and you get excited but anyway we're gonna go home we're gonna do another unboxing and then we'll come back out here
Views: 349,147
Rating: 4.6840763 out of 5
Id: Vkw7LEtgkN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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