LIVE Storage Unit I Bought.. You Have NO Idea....!

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what's going on guys another storage unit video from Wade's adventures weekly storage unit videos so if you've not subscribed right below the video right hand side click the red subscribe click the little bell icon that way it shoots you a message when I come up with videos because we have another storage unit video today guys mom is here to help me we're downtown Portland we paid two hundred and seventy-five bucks for this unit I've started two hundred seventy dollars for this unit and it is small four by five units so let's get into this and by the way we're at a really old facility downtown Portland you guys should see the elevator I'll try should we show Milla Vater okay it's a manual elevator alright guys so this is the unit I like all these boxes and totes really nicely stacked and then we do have a bike over here it's that what is it a cycle pro I don't know how much this thing's worth I've sometimes bikes take a little while to sell and then we also have some stuff over here guys so instead of doing an unboxing at the house we're actually gonna go and do an unboxing here and kind of go through all the stuff so maybe a little bit longer video but we'll kind of try to condense it into one video so I'll pull the stuff out first we'll and then we'll start going to to these guys here and see what we got remember we got a recoup are 270 I don't pay anything for box truck since I own mine and only for gas and dump fees I use my brother's company so really just time and gas and then the cost of the unit so let's get through here mom you are in charge of the camera all right you guys ready so let's pull up the bike like so this is the bike looks a really good condition actually and I don't sell a ton of bikes so let's take a look at this the seats nice condition to put the bike over here temporarily and let's dig into this so we have some gap all right Oh oh man I got old knees okay yeah oh wow mom using the cart perfectly huh alright alright so we have some what is this Buffalo jeans here you're gonna hold actually mom welcome there you go this is all clothes guys all clothes [Music] it's gonna be Dockers so Oh Gloria Vanderbilt I didn't know that they did Wrangler I knew she did jeans but I thought it was more women so maybe that was a woman's I haven't sold any it probably is and a bunch of these jeans Levi's just cuz they're scuffed up doesn't mean you can't sell them let's go through this looks like a leather backpack it's a man and woman's unit obviously yes now we know why up makeup looks pretty pretty pretty warrants we got spoiled with all that new makeup just bare clothes Oh cute little beaded band I should really wear my gloves right now me Oh yep why don't you run down and dimming not all the gloves this is really common unfortunately great mom oh gosh don't show that what you have to show the whole reality of it so keep them in the dark on some things [Laughter] okay and some more makeup there's a passport in there so they didn't try to skip town that's good but obviously that will back to the facility so before we leave we'll hand that back all right now and you get units like this like it can either be really good or really bad this is 21 men Los Angeles I've never heard of that before hey there we go true religion you guys know those genes so that actually will sell good let's be the laundry bag they're inside out yeah oh no that's your religion all right you're making her money back mom I wasn't worried can I see that I'm trying to keep it where it's not blurry I don't want them to think I'm an amateur I am since your best cheer to True Religions will do well there's commerce so that's actually not bad let's paint our 270 pretty quick with those wants to see the condition of course we have some Nike shoes they're obviously not the greatest shape but hey Sporn laundry belts OK Magazine careful it looks like a tablet holder but it's got papers in it yeah it's got it's got personal papers so just want you close guys random socks that's an interesting book art through the ages looks like some laundry in here guys let's go through these we have DC sweatshirts are those croc does that they can I wear cups - oh okay so this is obviously work step work stuff here we have a helmet helmet boy look at the soles on them definitely work boots this is welco Nicene alright walk Oh boots they're nice shape they're really nice shape I don't know I haven't sold a pair of these so maybe somebody knows something about it put it in the comments that's alright yeah alright looks like rain gear we have a lot more to go through a lot more to go through we have a blanket here just in case we get cold we don't want to go back to that elevator ah my code to be fine some more clothes are actually that's like so I dunno there's so much back there yeah yeah there's actually well paper personal papers so gotta go through it though may have money money but back to the facility all right we have a chess set all right this is just a clock yeah it's for um you play chess to them you can click it oh I didn't know that I didn't know there was such a thing okay brand-new here so there we go we'll use this to finish yep finish your up more tools so a lot of these lock them up so I'm locally I'll keep that yeah pretty cool that may be worth some money there's no barcode on it so it means it's like pre 1977 right because that's when they start barcodes was it 1977 I'm not sure right or other I'm gonna look that up just so I know I put it on my Instagram but I can't remember more tools bolt cutters so some of this stuff I'll keep all [Music] right so the last bag over here we did off the other pair Nikes lose some more knives this is perfect perfect unit this should put these on it's for the knees so obviously they work with their hands a lot right yeah a slim portable DVD writer these will sell oh it less 300-pound okay yes you lift items with that or something you put it just doesn't that's so odd I never seen one yeah start let's start paying for some of the unit those true religion jeans some of this tools will do well so that's good all right now let me show all right guys you just saw that stuff I'm up with leave it up there for now and go through that here in a second look sold they got that rabbit barbed wire up there notice that mom look it's all over there but it's up there so people can't climb up in there but in that crazy yeah this guy had pole cutters okay alright we shall continue here so mom y'all hold it and I'll grab the first box here we go the first box first box looks like a bunch of towels in here guys we're gonna spare you and a couple of some workout gear some towels these are some work shirts and a backpack all right socks upper wad is interesting it's amazing what people pay for to have we're getting into some clothes here which is fine I self oh wait you would look nice in there [Laughter] just that's free to loom and Dockers so guys remember the beginning part where you saw the needles maybe see they're good or bad you know alright this stuff does do sadness so we've sold some of those those people like those reflective that's good new we like Newton's the Red Hots all mom yes dude I'm watching you better and another best people like best even if they're dinged up for stuff sells actually pretty well another turret glows there okay yeah there's a man in town that way oh there we go Pancho we may need that today heavy rain day we have a gas mask and some extension cords if nobody's gonna tell yourself I like to lock this up and I'm a little construction companies will buyer me now number when we sold the 20 yes 20 or more of them that man was so excited yeah alright so I think we're getting we're paying off oh we're gonna get into electronics it went from construction to electronics we're a department store pants so looks like they actually took care of this printer scanner is that a Leatherman or they they sell better than Gerber's mmm-hmm we had a whole bunch of them I would have thought it would be the other way around but I found out it isn't okay you guys see in there we just have some DVD the player not used but wool bear taking this out but this actually made you decent we'll see it looks like all the cords are there which is nice mm-hmm put this guy over here right now all right sorry sir with one of the tubs now let's do let's go to it should I start what's up guys oh oh I just don't like going through this just watching this right now as she head it's this video guys just a bunch of DVDs I don't see any blu-rays but still there's a lot of them here guys so and it makes sense because I think I found two between the just between the boxes here alright let's move shall we let's guys heavy what do you think's in here mom I have no clue I can't even get oh DVDs maybe oh my gosh there's a lot of here oh it's all DVDs guys so alright well that was quick that was a quick box huh oh no they had a lot of time to watch TV holy cow and their movies when I look at them and you go through there's a lot of them that I just haven't seen you guys take this home no well we're taking them all home okay so do we buy a DVD collection oh let's see if all the tubs are DVDs we may have bought a store all right what is in this one what is in this one rattle what is it it's in a red one so maybe it means it's different kind of DVD let's see is that music oh my god this is gonna be quick quick there was some from Blockbuster in there guys so sometimes no sell so we got how many more tubs do we have we have three of those left and all those and then you got three more there oh my god that's a little bit of Matt littler amount oh it's a full one they must have every movie there is honest see which ones I missed in my life this is a good one I haven't seen that yeah that's a good one they're all from Blockbuster oh I've never heard of the movie caffeine there this one where I see it right on top I love the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon god I cannot hear okay speak pets maybe we need to do boxes that's why I love about storage units you never you never know 200 and what would you say $200 in movie all right mom what's in here I'm guessing DVD oh my god I would have never thought this wow I did not guess I mean this is so meticulous do we get like you know a box here and there of DVDs yeah but I've never got one two three four five six doubtful this is incredible this is incredible so we have a lot of DVDs let me peek at this last one all right I'm guessing DVDs yeah I am I'll put money on this one okay I'm pretty much can put my whole paycheck I'm pretty sure ready yeah show do I win I win holy cow there's a blockbuster blockbuster just go out of business wow this is one two three four five six seven totes AB DVD DVD Wow it's not a classic I haven't either there's a lot of them I've noticed I haven't seen well the box is like you can see you can peek in the handle yeah they're not DVD collection okay if anybody is into Portland area we have one we have seven totes full of DVDs wow that's incredible so let's continue here and go through the remaining boxes good luck honey usually totes mean real good stuff people want to keep nice varies yeah but when yeah now I know the various totes are like you know 250 we'll take that off and then okay this is a little promising Oh suits yeah this is promising meeting Korea so this looks like an older guy oh that psyching me out cuz look how look how meticulous they were though I mean they were really I can always use hangers I bought industrial racks from my clothes Oh Nordstrom so kind of a no oh I tie you made me in the United States yeah this is older so I got I'm doing it this is an older shirt so this will actually do decent I may ask like 30 bucks for this thing so I saw a lot of clothes so that will help those True Religions will help I keep saying that when you keep saying the same thing over and over again you know we just have like a employee it's so weird how you sell employee shirts oh yeah there's something it's a lot even with names on them I was surprised gas stations do really well gas station employee shirts do really well nice little enterprise for rental car employee shirt here's lands and lands and will sell guys not like it for a ton but hey we'll take anything it will sell it's kind of cute for a cat lover yeah a fellow's here's a Ted Baker never this is a great northwest shirts what's the scary Oh finally mom we have a penalty I was wondering when I saw it I was hoping it was yes it is yes so and it's a pretty one to penalty like the blue and green so true legend Pendleton will make our money back on this unit and some this is a vintage Superman yesterday all right well this actually is not a bad not a bad box between that the vintage nordstrom Italy shirt and the Pendleton we're getting closer work and we at least got 200 are in the Portland area if you need something to watch we probably have everything all right just later right here you kind of want to stay away no it's his favorite dog yeah well this is framed so it could be his dog this is just goodwill though Oh when you see goodwill tax there's nothing wrong with goodwill but you kind of want to stay I stay away from units that have goodwill it's the goodwill stickers but obviously I couldn't see in this one you know but this wool some people want them you know not much yeah looks like we have a Golden Bear rich rich line sleeping bag and is that a pillow I keep looking at like what okay oh wow this is kind of sound so oh I like those I do love globes yeah it's kind of a pretty one too a nice globe I don't think it's alright no but it's a good one you gotta be careful if you guys remember that one storage unit where I found the bow and the guitar well there was a box then there that was labeled blankets well I didn't look into blankets and I was like I'll spare you guys from watching it you guys can go back and watch the video but I opened up and there was a pelton like it's a vintage Pendleton blanket then that kind of almost that same exact pattern so for 250 so I mean not pay for the unit right there but I didn't show it on camera cuz it just showed it just had like linens and stuff you know here's a Bible so now I go through all that even if it shows like on camera I go through all of it just never know how did I just open that one box up it would fix the whole unit we gotta have books every unit Oh another one you got one yesterday too yes a lot of people will buy the stuff oh wait what's in here what is in here phone accessories it seems like a lot of small part oh just batteries our charger excuse me we have he's worked in see man it looks like these are actually uh Redwings socks in here papers will fit you there but if it's personal we get back all right let's go through last it's full of whoops guys there may be some five-hole stuff like that one will do this will save you guys alright oh okay right here so remember this was stacked up full of DVDs oh this is it we have our cart behind there behind mom okay will this pay us some money here he was very intelligent cuz he knew how to play chess these are felts bottoms who knows that may be a nice set obviously we have the screen cleaner because we have all the DVDs so they needed their screen extremely nice okay and we have a pillow because while obviously they have to be comfortable be comfortable while they're watching that what is it yes pretty interesting mmm-hmm oh it's a click women it doesn't say where it's made but this may actually be worth something here flashed light alright alright guys let me flip this up hey we're gonna make our money back on this one alright we're gonna just just like just like when we go to the casino we're like we'll just do another spin on the roulette table and we're gonna yeah anyways so alright guys we love you thanks for watching our videos thanks for the support thanks for always commenting on what we find it's an adventure it's fun I don't feel like this is work to me although we make a pretty good living doing it so anyways guys this is a fantastic unit we're gonna go home and watch a bunch of movies make sure you guys subscribe hit the bell icon there should be a lot of storage unit videos coming out and then also a lot of a videos too if you guys are a Bears so like always thanks for watching the video you guys have an amazing day until the next storage units until the next auction until the next video I'm Wade and you guys have an amazing time see ya alright [Laughter] [Music] yeah watch in the window Shh just making sure I'm clicking the right button oh oh you can't I guess you can't see if it's up there we may be here for a while can't see through there I mean it's this in use out there real now it's not in use yeah no continue it's in use again oh it's coming I think you know wanna sing a song while we're waiting that would turn everybody would unsubscribe even though I do sing along here yes sir alright I think it's coming well it's here here oh do you see the number yep okay let's open this thing up where do you see the number okay yeah push push it off push it on doing a great job okay all right close the door first right yeah sorry guys oh I did it with one hand I'm Way too strong okay it's kind of quiet unless your wife ignores that was a all right no it's actually extremely quiet Wow yeah yeah yeah yep let's see it's a unlock eNOS Oh oh crap are you sure yes no yeah we are oh you scared the crap out of me there Jesus oh man that's creepy well it's hard hold all right guys see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 155,585
Rating: 4.67946 out of 5
Keywords: LIVE Storage Unit I Bought.. You Have NO Idea., LIVE Storage Unit I Bought, buying storage auction unit, buy abandonded, auction haul, storagewars, storage unit facility, facility auction, storage unit live, bidding on live storage unit, vintage storage unit, vintage auction, storage unit auction on christmas, win storage unit, won a storage unit, treasure hunt inside storage unit, store auction locker whats inside, storagetreasures
Id: gNRAwq2M-g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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