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you guys ready hey man we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this alright another day today in the warehouse it's a little cold but we're gonna make it happen for you guys we have some interesting boxes to go through today very interesting we have not been through them these boxes are sealed and we've got some good ones mark my words so without further ado we have Grandma of interest here let me move the camera [Music] so how are you doing today I'm great how are you guys good world good all right so what do we have on that box oh this box says die-cut cards envelopes to create white there's a shine on it white cards uh-huh and envelopes crap album cards no pads Prince of Egypt and a stuffed camel okay alright without further ado I want to see a stuffed animal and Prince of Egypt I want to see the Prince of Egypt yeah he's in there wow this box is sealed so you think he's a mummy could be why you open that box I'm trying what's in there they didn't say it was a teeny-tiny Prince of Egypt stuffed camel all in one there's no Prince it's just the Prince of Egypt stuff Gamal really yes Wow so I we actually found one of these before no I mean we found it in a storage unit this exact one I can't member a storage unit we found it in of course this one looks like it's brand-new okay well let's see what do we got boy they're nice oh you're gonna see these on grandma dentures this is not a Wade oh no this is an auction no this is not a Wade Wow let's see okay so these are all brand-new yes you can tell these are high ends oh this is a Mary englebright isn't it oh never mind never mind I don't know these are all really high these are cool window ones 3d greetings okay maybe you are gonna get these no it's okay oh wait look at these they're all 3d cards Wow how many a mirror is there um it's all sorted there's a whole bunch now here's a whole bunch of card stock material really nice car and this is brand new guys wow they want a 5 bucks just for this one now here's a bunch of stuff that cheese that they were gonna use in it what does it say on the thing right here how to get it open it says Tina's art pieces cards made by others some can be used to sin tags created by other ladies it's homemade artwork cards huh not unusual yeah and I can't get it open it's it's managed to do you can I'm just wondering if these are used look at these shapes here to make cards card different card shapes Wow you see those are those are amazing yeah this is gonna be a good loss somebody's gonna love this yeah I think it's the best card stock lot we had somebody well this is just if you want to make your own cards right well there it's make your own cards yeah but there is some ready-made cards in here to make your own cards and have little so these I wonder if these are used what's so cool about it they have the cards and open up like these are hearts uh-huh and then they have the envelopes that fit them look these are not used these the ones that I couldn't open aren't they cool beautiful and here's some do you put pictures in there's a heart you put someone's picture in there wow these are all unused yeah these are so unique there's got to be some card makers out there that would really appreciate this Wow look at this they're called stamping papers and you use the stamps to start carts with some of these I think yep and here's some more pumpkins for Halloween if they keep coming oh wait this box is cool and it's all good stuff like this look at this Wow I'm excited and I'm not a card maker through this but I love stationery I love that is that barbra streisand minutes down there mm mm I have to take a closer look see there's once you put your picture in or you can put artwork in there and this stuff is not cheap oh my god some different kinds of mooses oh look at that face who can deny that face I love that face Wow and here is some special paper towels from sparkle Sparkle paper towels envelopes and cardstock oh this should be okay Oh toffee coffee notepad coffee cup notepads Wow I love that that is to die for that's for Ashley steps Wow you think she'd like cardboard for something you guys want some cardboard and there's some cardboard yes we're gonna always think positive I'm positive I will get this open eventually and it's still coming the whole boxes yeah that boxes okay they use coffee filters for something but here's some more pop up I saw the word pop up it pop up card kit this is a 3d one scrapbook album Wow it's all in there to make it it's a good Wow it has everything and then here is 50 big cards and envelopes to do and this is thick Wow here's some more just cardstock here's some more cardstock we already sold a lot of cardstock this is $7 back in 2001 7 bucks this is all acid-free by the way someone asked that and I guess it's important to know really acid-free is it's good here's a value pack of how to make your own greeting cards with lessons buy a pack how to make your own greeting cards with lessons we are I'm just messing with you Bob Bob you better have your clothes ready okay here's an album of some kind there's something in there it's light oh it's a scrapbook okay this one has all the okay this album is new yeah this is due to it's never been used this is the three-minute P scrapbook kit here it even has the alphabet and some colored paper for it somebody's gonna love that yep all right the final object of the night looks like it's Graham of ease oh sure it's not let's see oh no no wait Cabot works just what is it here it's notepads okay and of course we have our the whaler motel envelopes you can't okay so I want you know I have a feeling that we have coming up the best thing of stamps we've ever done on the season why do you have that feeling cuz I did open up the top part somebody look is that for you oh let's be right back guys alright so was not the UPS guy so that means he's still coming oh this is the best box we've ever done that's what he's saying so you hold it I might might have to agree in which uh huh I might have to agree alright let's open it up Mick Mary englebright Merry Christmas never you never use stamps Mary Englebright Mary Englebright never use stamps Marian go pray God he says back in 95 Mary Englebright another Mary englebright bunches of Mary oh my gosh this right here is crazy 90s Mary englebright open unopened brand-new stamps Wow look at this brand-new what else we got it I'm trying to cook things together are these are marrying go break I didn't know who marry Englebright what welcome to the family marrying go bride walk up to the family marrying go break stamps wow these are beautiful way where you have oh there you are these are crazy look at miracles miracles all around you this are all meri Englebright guys and these are 90s 1998 let me see if they're from the same they're from all night media yeah I think they're all from all night media yes how cute are they all clothes Wow look at this they're all I've never I didn't know she had her own stamps that Emmy I love Mary I love this one the crab that's me sometimes wow this is amazing there's probably 50 of them here I'm in charge here that's me and they're all Mary englebright guys ignoring it yes look at that sweet baby I love them this is so would you say this is probably the best amplock we've got some good ones but we've never seen Mary englebright Nancy I had I can't say which ones are the best I saw some that I liked as well says I have like five bits well I'm I never can pick just one of anything this is intense this is intense wow I have a lot of Beth's everybody knows it they hear it all the time but these are right up there at the top yep I mean these are better than a Norman Rockwell I cut yeah I like it better than Norman Rockwell but I did I love the fairy ones cuz I just kind of go that you know fantasy but I love these they're humorous they're cute and they're from the 90s if they had their own style over 20 years ago each have their own number on the stamps and they have the name of it like this one you take the cake they each have a name and their own number well so every one of them is special pretty amazing let's show them a few more and then we'll I mean I like the Sun I always go for the Sun I didn't know they had Mary englebright had stamps either I think Mary englebright had everything I wouldn't even be surprised if she had her own line of clothes could be it could be these are collectors - people collect me marrying Albright oh yeah I didn't know that until I didn't know what dreamsicles was I didn't know maybe before I was I just was not informed Wow I didn't know how many different things you can make out a card stock yeah this has been an eye-opener how many different kinds of bears there could be this is crazy guys this has been quite a unit all right well it's over to find some more we have these and we have these that was all marrying oh that's just crazy that's really nice it's already cut up ready to be sewn together it's an apron it says below this is a little apron it looks like it's got a desert food okay oh yeah the sewing ladies would love this that's so cute I don't like that point okay so we have wow I just can't get over that last stamp block that's crazy it is thank you all right okay we have Porter lace and other kind of lace they're so in line yep we're gonna create another one since we're we sold one of them already they wanted $26 just for this little thing well that is nice lace 26 bucks it has a see what is this from 78 I don't know no I need to these are embroidered and pillowcases that you embroider and they started them oh and they match that'll be nice yeah I've got to create another and yeah this is all all meet appointment well that's interesting now we have no no can't get him open there opole all right whoa people level Polaroid's and there's how they said there was two yes sir Wow look at that guy's there's another Polaroid man about time we get something like this okay Wow so this is Polaroid 210 these are big suckers look how big these are I wonder I need to pull out my phone those are like old-time me pull out my phone and see what these things go for normally the cases are so nice is what I liked let's see you just checking the camera cuz the cases look like they're worth a lot oh yeah I just want to see our cameras really nice okay so they don't go for a ton but they sell very consistently that's not bad these are sold that's one you want to look for so basically a whole thing of it goes for about hundred bucks these yeah well it was like accessories case camera some of these are go for pretty cheap actually some of these don't go for a ton but yeah but then you got some that got kind of go all together well and it has the manual in here guys how's the extra flash in there right there this is the extra flash yes it's got the extra flash in here and that's it I don't know if it's good anymore but it's got some extra oh these are bulbs for it yeah yeah I thought they were gonna be film for a second and I was second Wow okay so there's that it's nice to get something other than crafting stuff as much as we love crafting stuff yep this has the same the same Polaroid and it's got everything in here more bulbs same type and it's a beautiful case for it that case is what I yeah and a lot of the ones online I saw didn't have cases next and we did say miscellaneous remember keep that in mind okay a heart-shaped woodblock ok this do you Spock to cook on what is that what is that what is it that's a gator oh it's a blow-up alligator yes turn turn turn turn yeah that's a gator I'm gonna keep this for the kids because I got them the slip and slide yeah I can't see what this says up but I think it's a special tiny little mini sixties hippie bus oh yeah yeah it says 78 main tie wand remember the other rollers but we've updated himself now we're into electric you know these look like they're like torture devices boy this is very yes what is it what do you got Jaron Stein in my gosh is it beautiful it looks German doesn't it I think it would oh it says made oh oh no no it's just what is that wacker WACA WACA er wacker is that yeah it's a lacquer does that mean wacker we're gonna like that never happened movin right along I don't know what wacker cuz I think it's special I mean it does seem looks so well made yep well I know they know out there I know all you guys know and this is gonna go and grab my best response mark so if you guys want it help me you guys can shop in down below and she has all our stuff there alright so let's move on to the next shall we what's he gonna push my way now oh my gosh I tried to push you with like two fingers and it didn't work oh it's heavy that's heavy sunlight chill one gallon of Windex and coffee cleaner okay now you got my interest what the coffee no but you know just to see what it is why would you put coffee with cleaner I think it's a coffee my thought is a coffee pot cleaner okay like what oh you guys have a coffee pot I bet it's not air but please use those K Cups oh my god this where you can save some money on some cleaning supplies when you give him a minutes but this has been in there about 12 years mini blind cleaning kit okay well I know they thought the bottle of Lysol cleaner I'm not positive but I don't think we need to throw everything we show everything out of here your guess is as good in mine who wants to guess what this is and I will never know because I'm not going to open it you're right no what about these these could be gold right here what is this they're steel Oh disinfectant wipes we need it let's try that after 11 years let's see how well that brand holds up oh here's Windex there's a massive amount of Windex in there are they wet let me see little damp yeah they're pretty good it's a damn the same as wet well they're not like you know oh really why you can't wring them out yeah yeah I think they're wet let's keep did you get finger stuck I'm trying to get one out call some help they're wet oh they're wet Wow you missed a spot oh it's leaking yeah well I'm keeping all these cuz you don't think they're wet look how wet they are Wow look at what I just wiped up here bring that over that's a good commercial yeah oh that is Wow ya know me I don't want that one back because I don't know which side you're poppin okay let's wipe down the table real quick well there's something from that box that was a dirty table don't even they told you not to [Laughter] okay all right let's go this one right here oh oh no I hope it's not cleaning supplies I don't know we just got pleasantly surprised over there that stuff's like almost non-existent we did so those clean Kleenex wipes that are antibacterial I'm looking for them they're sold out everywhere yeah oh these are bags oh this is wrapping paper wouldn't shock me if they kept it yeah and they just kept it I bet they use this for like scrapbooking I mean it's all in there yeah we have the world's most wrapping paper in this units here that we still have gone through I do issue paper yeah you step for Poshmark wrapping stuff you may actually be able to use this for a beam when you well I mean all right if you guys want to shop all the stuff we find in units pretty much yes that's all this you it's so work great for your boss mark remember you want to talk about the bundling because some people were asking about what you talked about that I'll move it over here I felt so bad for one of my new customers it wasn't used to Poshmark and and I'm still learning myself but if you want if you think you're gonna buy more than one item or you don't know that you might put it in a bundle cuz then I can ship it in all one box cuz I don't handle the shipping Poshmark does yes and if you buy it individually and you happen to buy it another thing just put it in the bundle too you know for sure you're only gonna buy one or two you know one thing and then I can bundle those shipping costs yes because you've got 2,000 items on there well I just want to I don't want them to pay more money and they have to brother I think we'll call this the fan box a man I know the big there's a man's box see the manly grill but actually women use them too yes what do we have down here well we only have 26 percent men that watch the channel so that's probably why we never get men's stuff so this is just probably what this was in their garage some of the stuff you know I can definitely lot up in silks we've got more of it and the other we've got more of it than the other boxes yes tortoises some of these old parts if they're brand new can be worth money but I don't know what that is going to check this is a manly box man in a box looks like some electrical stuff in here alright brand new all electrical stuff sells what's in there oh it's some oil towels for the neighbors oh yeah they have a mechanic shop we donate oil towels see them here they're doing the whole box and I think they've got a wheel on do they have oil on them already I said I think they're meant for the oil box yeah okay alright next we show them everything around here right the gritty and the nitty what's some of them look beautiful remember apple juice when it does it's okay yeah you can still buy like Costco they but they're not this big and I love these Ball jars like this but we did have some with it's the only one that's got the metal top in here the refs are just you know and they're they're beautiful older mason jars we yeah we don't want to take them all out but oh there's some balls some urns amazing oh I yeah I forgot there's different companies that make jars so there's three different jars here yeah three styles all these are the small talk they're not the white a whole box look at this one it's got the mind on it I bet that one's really old yep it says ball Mason huh so that's the same company yeah I just letting you go go continue oh you're gonna let everybody else yeah let me know in the comments all right you know I don't mind being I like learning things in the comments yes I need help you guys know that that's a cool thing no we I just ships I got a big box of jars of a ship in the grandma okay we're gonna add this to the other train little train car see this is why I haven't list of the trains yet guys because I know I'll find more of them in here if you guys remember train bodies if you go back to that what is it probably five or six videos ago maybe six or seven we found a ton of train stuff well like that even opens yes so we got some train stuff in here some more parts well what's a list this with I'll wait until we go through all the boxes and make sure I'm not missing any do one big yeah some training I might have to do that on eBay though just because I don't know how many train people watch our channel but alright so the next one here you go here I go what's that one say loose walk I like anything moves I don't know I'm into the mooses ever since we got this unit they're my thing okay I was gently touching it you're not gonna bleed over it quick before that's are lots of things in it Wayne oh wow these look familiar are those little food people from blue village what I don't know their ornaments could be I didn't look at the bottoms I don't it just says 1995 PMI death 1995 this looks old for some reason what is that it's made in Germany oh my gosh it's wood wow this is main Germany oh it's got a it shows how hot it is in here yeah and it it just feels special you know what I mean yeah this is western Germany oh it was such small writing yeah western Germany well and it looks in great condition Wow oh my god wait till they see this isn't that crazy cuz I don't like all bugs I'm not a bug person yeah but I do like these two bugs what the heck what are these uh-huh this is it does this one go on a pencil maybe that's pretty big for a pencil yeah like wait you down yeah I don't see any markings on there though what would they give me good for a planter if you stuck a stick in them oh maybe that's what it is maybe that's what they stick them in your plant wait Oh what is it this is an egg but it's not an ordinary egg it's some kind of an agony oh my gosh it's really beautiful Wow what's the green stone I forgot I think that's all agate but it's heavy but please help me if I'm wrong I don't I don't know for sure I'm guessing it's a beautiful piece that's my best guess oh wow wait this looks like yours this is an ornament that looks like you're watering oh yeah your little thing in your yard and old ornaments and then there's another pinecone but that one does hurt there's a lot of things in here oh they're little owls and they're light as a feather what are they made out of no they're light they're small about an inch not so sure I don't know I don't eat oysters but for something something makes me think this is half of an oyster oh yeah watch this the shells well I've got to the shells oh you have a casualty and this is all too rare you know this could be fixed it's actually not too bad it's not a salt and pepper shaker and it's made out of like clay kinda those from 1990 this is big 14 inches Wow okay Wow this box is not taped as well as the others so hey that tells you something about that I'm surprised we found that German thing unwrapped that was it's the light yeah another egg oh there's two wait a minute this would feel like wax Lucy no it feels like glass to me like this feels like stone this feels like glass yeah I think this is glass oh I love this one cuz I like black Wow another one may be you should creep these up and put them on your site we'll put her link below guys if you want to buy these maybe do them maybe do them cuz these are old maybe do them individual yeah I think I would because some people just prefer one color I don't know Oh Sparkle Sparkle my random a random jar of Sparkle I'm gonna take this thing next it's a big thing because I want to get it out of my way there's a lot of little things a little here show them this cute little bear while I'm at it it's not wrapped up and we have a cute little bear this is polar bear meeting in China there was that bear that got in the house and his buddies sat on the porch really yeah and this buddy just sat on the porch he had two buddies on the porch oh wow it was on the news uh-oh we got a big caz over here yeah what's going on with this stuff they didn't wrap this box as well as others careful that's gonna fall off yep a nice gorgeous - completely just busted Wow we don't another light on top killers well I think we had these are glass possibly maybe there's something different now and then you got this one another moose what is what is this just a little I'm just a little I don't know it's hand-painted that's a big old sucker it's heavy and that's like a nagging oh yeah it's really bigger than the other one it's beautiful yeah I don't know what are these like I think these they say Betsy Clark on them are those looks like precious moments or something I don't know it could be I don't know yeah it says um caring is the heart of loving Betsy Clark made in the Philippines they sort of look like and this one does have many issues I think just something similar but how cute are they oh yeah they're just having a good day drinking some coffee chatting gossipy yes they have kind of a weird little nose to them though yeah oh no I thought it broke for a second I thought it was oh this one might be broke this one rattle a little bit I hope not I hope not oh maybe not maybe it's just two ornaments hmm the same thing 1995 maybe it's not just - maybe it's sweet their truth oh wait a minute we don't have these over here - though I think these you may want to sell together right yeah cuz there's four of them now yeah and this came with it oh that's fine it's fine okay and a little train and a little train with no rhyme to reason to it yeah oh it's it's on it Oh on the train yep well there's a lot of these in here they're plastic it's like a hard plastic yeah they're plastic now it's 1995 on the bus yeah they're plastic really nice tissue paper wow that's a big one now these are not plastic these are not plastic yeah these are these are porcelain or ceramic yeah it's weird not seeing dreamsicles right believe me I'm seeing these the people you've been buying the dreamsicles I've just got some on oh did it break it's the first casualty well maybe like that though yeah yep well maybe that's alright that was a pretty cool box though I like it I like the German this thing about this could be worth some money I like the bugs yeah well there's something that says right on their salad something bottles right there tall syrup bottles no service yeah oh you're right salad broke a bottles or I don't know how to pronounce that several canning jars and a medium old glass bottle with the picture medium old glass bottle water of it right there can we show them that real quick push that push that over here I just want you guys get the full effect of what we have to deal with push it push it push it this camera guys zoom right up there look at the ball and an arrow to the nice box there's a salad dressing I'm looking for the special table let me know in the comments if you guys still use these for salad dressings five five eight three just shoot it over here alright guys that's what we got bunch over in there pretty cool all right well that's today's video this was a surprisingly good yes yes I mean we got cameras pouring cameras instead of pine cones Oh Mary Mary Englebright this is a longer video oh and life of wipes yes alright that was a pretty good video this stuff's gonna be on her Poshmark and then we're gonna do some on the auction as well so alright anyways have an amazing day guys hit the thumbs up button share this to your friends and family on Facebook please share it to Facebook and if you know any big groups tell the groups about us guys so if you know any big you know groups let us know and we'd love to be a part of that alright guys have an amazing day see you and until tomorrow we got some more good boxes alright virtual groups not don't go in person yes yes yes what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop weights ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to eBay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's ventures YouTube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 13,901
Rating: 4.9118457 out of 5
Keywords: 9 MASSIVE TRUCK LOADS OF ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT INVENTORY FOUND, MASSIVE TRUCK LOADS, ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT, inventory, storage unit inventory, storage inventory, storage, units, lockers, 2020 storage units, 2020, Found Storage money, found money inside storage, self storage, storage lockers 2020, storage auctions, storagewars, storage wars, truck loads
Id: Fg0w0UUKv7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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