I became the strongest man in GTA 5

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/H1-Hunted 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
-All right. We're checking out the only game where the stronger you get, the harder you die, it's GTA . So, I was going through the life's mistake of looking at comment suggestions in the last video and someone named ur mawm said, "Get Danny and Alex to make a world's strongest parkour board." Criticism from ur mawm. You got it. Alex and Danny have actually been very interested in making a board like this because they've decided that people show off their strength too much, but they don't actually get to use it for anything valuable. So, as you could see, they have created a gigantic bunch of parkour challenges, where I have to use the different super-strength abilities that a person would get in order to complete the tasks. So, in this first one, uh, okay. So, in the first one, I have to go through this little maze here and then I have to like go through some windmills or something. Basically, in the end, I need to deliver these people to that-that checkpoint right there. Now, as you can tell, this truck drives like a drunken Saint Bernard that's been drinking turpentine. The problem is actually my own strength. It's kind of a little bit much. I feel like I- like I- like I don't know if I could, oh God, no, hold on. I was gonna say, I don't know if I can keep this thing from simply just going off of the wall or-- no, [laughs] I should have actually been looking at where I was going. How come this isn't gonna help me hit the ground any slower? You may notice I lost half of my human payload. I mean, I'm glad there's still a couple guys left. I'm also kind of curious to-- Oh, God. Oh, God. Is everyone okay? All right, he's not. The-the other guy is. Oh, never mind. He's not so good either. I've got one single guy that has survived up until this point. [chuckles] The other three guys, I was just too strong for, they just jumped out of the truck to their desk and first checkpoint. I'm kind of surprised that there's only one windmill. Like, you would expect there to be like 30 of them or the windmill to be moving the speed of light or something and go. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, this is nothing. So, now, I have to chassis slide the truck with our one test subject to the next checkpoint. It's not at all lined up. Uh, I love how the ropes aren't like hooked up to my waist or anything. They're just around my neck, slowly choking me to death. Okay, this doesn't look like it'll be that hard. Oh, never mind. It may be a lot hard than I thought. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. [screams] My rope. My rope actually ripped outta my body. [chuckles] No, there's- there's my buddy. He actually hit the-- where'd the truck go? Ow. Okay, I'm doing this way more carefully. Look at this. Way more careful. In case you're wondering, that's totally the same guy that's inside of the truck. What's this? Indulged to gain Super Jump. Oh, I get powered up over time. Sweet. [muching sound] So, is it like okay to pull this thing with Super Jump or will it just get launched into space? -Yeet. -Um, oh, it levitates a little bit, but it's not that bad. Are you ready? Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's perfect. Great. -Wow. -Okay. That's not so bad. All right. What-what else? What's next? What do I have to do? Oh, uh, I think as long as the tires are going forward, it should be fine. So yeet and a beautiful landing. Perfect. Oh, yeah. Oh, this thing- this thing drives like a dream. Well, drives flies falls. Technically, yeet. Yeah, it looks like the jumps are getting way farther. Whoa. [suspense background sound] Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. [gags] [coughs] Uh. Uh-oh. Um, oh, God. Um, I'm sure he's fine. Jump number one, full speed, and plenty of distance. Okay. So, the first jump is actually really easy. Second yeetus to the meatus. Beautiful landing with the roll. All right. This is the tough one. [groans] I may have jumped way too early or not. Perfect. I even got all the tires on the platform on that jump. And now, there's a corner that will probably end up killing this innocent man. Am I gonna have to like--? [groans] Oh God, [laughs] yes. Yeet. Oh, God. I'm not gonna-- [groans] Yes. And we have a checkpoint. Drink for super-- Dring. Oh, dring for Super Punch. Taste like a mountain of bad choices. Do I have Super Punch now? I guess I'll test it. Yeet. Oh, okay. What just blew up? I just heard something blow up in the distance. I don't think I had anything to do with that. Okay, so I've got Super Strength, Super Jump, and Super Punch. And now I have to complete-- Well, what is this? This is like-- Can I just jump over it? There is no way that Alex and Danny would just let me circumvent their stuff like this. Would I have to like punch one of the trucks over here to use it on a wall ride? All right, I think I don't even know what truck I can use to-to make this work. They're all too slow. Maybe this one. Okay, I'm gonna clear the way first, backhand this thing out of the way. Boom. [sighs] All right, well, there goes the other truck. I'm- I'm running out of options now. [laughs] This out of the way. Okay, that is not the direction I punched that. I'm not gonna lie using the-- uh, what? Using the train would actually be kind of-- [sighs] Why did the train just projectile vomit itself to death? I was gonna say using the train would probably be kind of fun to actually complete this with but, at this point, I only have two trucks left. There's this and the other thing. All right, it's you and me. Okay, so we have a little bit of a double-tight rope. It's got some-- it's got a space so you just gotta go with the loop. [screams] And full speed. Oh, yeah. There we go. Okay, checkpoint. The time has come for the stupidest wall ride ever. Okay. Oh, wow. Uh, I gotta think about this. All right, we're not stopping. We're gaining as much speed as we can. There's like 13 freaking gears on this truck so I gotta make sure that I get through most of them and bank upward for the boost. There we go. Oh my God. [laughs] I can barely-- all right, it's drifting, whoa, checkpoint. Yeah. Climb the maze tower using your Super Jump. Okay, there's a checkpoint right there so yeet up this way. Now, my Super Jump isn't like invincible or anything but I can get pretty high so there's the first checkpoint. Ah, here's all the windmills. I told you there would be somehow a bunch of windmills. I guess, jump on-- Can I jump to that? Oh, wow, I actually have to jump on the windmill. Okay, well, I feel like I can make this. Oh, I totally can. So, a slight of yeetus over here and then watch out that I don't-- -Nope. -Whoa, [chuckles] so you have to jump and wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, now, jump. Oh, God. I'm starting to think that my feet legitimately hate me. Touchdown. [groans] Oh, wow. You can jump when you get smashed by a windmill. Let me have this. Jump and-- oh, yeah, this is perfect. Okay, land jump, and then light, light, light, light, there it is. Okay and jump. Perfect, checkpoint. I'm not gonna lie. The only thing having super strength has done so far was make me die super badly. The other thing I did was hit the ground harder. And boop. [screams] What is this? Okay, so am I not supposed to go through there? Is it like a troll? Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay. So, I have to jump and corner the building and land on that somehow and okay. Wow, you just barely gave me enough distance, didn't you? Ah, sweet okay. [screams] Oh, no. Come on. Okay. Oh, I did, how did I hit it? Come on. [laughs] Did I legit just land on top of a truck like a mass transit bus? [laughs] What are the chances? So, technically, do I have to pay or-or do I get this ride for free? I think I can hit on top of like that-that little Pez Head over here. Oh, God. Not today, Alex. [laughs] I don't want to screw this up. Oh, God. Okay. There we go. Okay. Checkpoint. Quick reminder, real Florida men yeet weights while drinking Floridaman Coffee, floridamancoffee.com. Uh, I think I'm supposed to jump over the plane. [screams] Yeah. Do I have to land on the plane and then jump from it? I don't like to think. Oh, I'm so glad that worked. Okay, so now, we're gonna go from this fin onto the top of this roof with the arrow, okay. Obviously, Alex wouldn't lie to me. We're gonna yeet up this way. Yeah, and land on the plywood and fall to my death. I feel like there's something I'm missing on this jump. This is what happens. You know, how like with great power comes great responsibility? Oh, I just walked to the end of the catwalk. That would help. Checkpoint. Okay, so now I actually do have to jump. Oh my God, how much is there. Okay, so now, I actually do have to jump over the plane. It actually kinda looks like the plane wing hits the-- I don't know. I'll find out when I get there. So, jump. The plane totally hits this area. Come on. Yeet. [screams] Oh God. And okay, so a little early jump. Yeah, this looks good. This-- [screams] I forgot about the plane [laughs] and perfect. Okay. So now I ha-- Oh, that comes a lot faster than you think. Okay. Jump. Land it. Oh, I'm still alive. Uh, oh, they can't hit me on the end. [laugh] Ah, screw you, Alex. Now. Oh, no. And go. I've got it. Yeah. Checkpoint. Okay. On top of the building. Easy jump. I mean, there's really no rhyme or reason to this. You just jump and hope you're right. Yeah. Urgh. Yeah-de. Ow. Okay. I've got a windmill and then jump to here. [laughs] Yes. Okay. All right. So now, another jump with a windmill. Wait for it to get towards to the end of the move and now, perfect and we have a checkpoint. These are windmills, birthing beers. [laughs] What? [laughs] Oh, God. This is literally the most cursed thing I've seen-- I think I've seen all day. All right. I mean, I guess you just jump in. Okay, so there is an area where you can-- Wow, I overshot that. Not gonna lie, this is hard than it looks. Okay. That's too short. Now, um, yeah, looks good. It's a double windmill being birthed by a beer can. [laughs] Oh, no. Oh, sometimes I hate my life, but-- Woo. Man, I'm getting good at summer salting back onto the platform though so that looks out-- okay, so this one's like kind of a-- what I was trying to say before I immediately sucked was that-- Oh, God, was that this jump right here is a very simple, like very easy jump, right? Watch this. Get ready for it and big yeetus. Oh, that's so close. Uh, left. Oh, okay. Bringing the gun out right at the end there helps, too. Don't screw this up, Gray. I don't want to have to do this over again. Okay, good. We have a checkpoint. Okay, so there's a no sign and then more to the-- okay, there's a bottle of beer. I don't know what that has to do with anything and then over to the left, was it-- I don't know. I'm just gonna jump here and it'll figure itself out. Right now. Now. Yes. Oh, oh, no. [screams] -A few soul-crushing hours later. -So, I've been doing this for a while. I just realized something. You ready for this? [laughs] I could have made this a thousand times easier on myself just doing it this way. [laughs] Oh, I hate my life sometimes. Boo-- oh, really? Jump and turn and walk. Moonwalk down. How am I having so much trouble [groans] with this jump? Just let this end [laughs] and oh, well that was about as close as you could possibly get to death, but it counts. All right. I have no idea where to jump. There's a- there's a wall right over here in front of me to my right, so I'm guessing this is the next jump. It has to be. Okay, that is a really high platform. I think I have to jump on top of the stem of this windmill, right? [screams] Come on, Gray. It's no big deal. Watch, jump, easy. No problem. Boom. Right there. Simple. Almost rolled off to my death, so now-- okay, so I ride these upward. Got it. So, basically, it's a matter of just making sure, I don't jump onto the blades. Beautiful. And big run. Jump. I'm not gonna make it- I'm not gonna make it. Oh, oh, oh. I almost got an assist. I frigging hate wind power and [groans] almost landed on the shrubs. Okay, here's the plan. We're actually gonna jump this, this way. Okay. Yes. Okay. Because there is a checkpoint right there and checkpoint. Okay, so what-- where did the platform go? It's a disappearing platform. [laughs] [screams] All right, so jump. That's not-- Whoa, hold on, there's a ledge here. I don't think this ledge should get me anywhere though. Jump. Man, I keep jumping right over it. Jump. Oh, what the--? [screams] [laughs] I got- I got slapped upward by-by the windmill, I wasn't ready for that. For God's sakes. And land it, there. Okay, I'm just gonna jump. I'm gonna jump into this beer and hope this was the way. Oh, it's actually quite cozy in here. [chuckles] Okay, so this one disappears, and then that one stays. Perfect timing, and land it, and then just jump. Oh, this is happening. This is happening. Yes. Oh. Yeet. Oh, checkpoint. All right, I don't actually know-- I guess I just like- just keep jumping upward or-- Like that. And then, woop. Oh, my God finally. I can get rid of this super garbage, we have a winner. I became a superhero and I decided I would rather just be a loser. Anyway, folks. I hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA . Until next time, stay foxy, much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,048,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, strongest man gta 5, kwebblekop gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, moments, games, walkthrough, comedy, challenge, playthrough, fun, entertainment, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, gta strongest man, gta 5 becoming the strongest man, gta upgrading, gta max strength, grand theft auto v
Id: ukK_IRjIqAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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