I Became The LOCH NESS MONSTER And Ate EVERYTHING in Feed And Grow Fish

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to feed and grow fish so i saw this thing here and it's a styxosaurus which is a type of plesiosaur and i thought to myself i said self i need to become this prehistoric reptile so there it is doesn't it look cool look at that face on it it's all sorts of gnarly and junk but it also costs 85 coins we currently have 13 so i'm gonna play with the bibos which is a seriously like overrated underrated fish that's the word underrated because this thing has some really really strong jaws it can eat through a lot of different things on the bottom of the ocean and it levels up very quickly also i changed up some of the graphic settings in this game and doesn't it look incredible like it's so much better than what it was i had no idea i had it on like 50 i also found these things which are pretty much the dumbest fish in the entire ocean they just swim in circles until you bite them to pieces and then they try to eat their friends but you eat them first and then you go swimming you catch another one it's like oh i'm so sorry that you got in my mouth accidentally on purpose and you just wait in one spot and wait for them to come by you as you have your mouth just wide open and he's just on the other side so i'm just gonna turn around uh-huh uh-huh that's right you just swam right in my mouth right just just deliver yourself this is ubereats ow ocean edition so i just magically found myself in the hippie forest here eating up all of the little pixie lights that's beautiful such a nice place this time of year now you're probably saying to yourself blitz why do you have 90 coins and you're not trying out the stick stick asaurus and the answer to that is because probably the second i spawn is the sticker source i'm gonna be eating by megalodon so i like having double the amount of coins i need but sometimes it's a little difficult to find things to eat in this game until you find something that's eating one of your friends oh oh no oh knock me out okay everything's fine everything's okay oh it's gonna hurt it's gonna hurt it's not gonna hurt am i gonna kill it i killed it yes this is gonna be a giant snack until a shark shows up and eats me big snacks are the best kind of snacks i might get two or three levels out of this deal that's one level okay that was very nice too bad for carl here i kind of want to bump you up to the surface oh his eyes are still flashing you're gonna be okay buddy i promise i can't eat you because you're my same kind and that would be cannibalism but he's like blinking in a note of consciousness maybe if i get him to the ocean's surface i can give him cpr or something weird do fish do that is that is that normal imagine like you know there's there's schools for fish with imagine if there's like a hospital for them too you have like a little nurse fishy that swims up and like straps on all sorts of weird tubes to the fish and then gives them an iv and then everything is okay in the world get the little fishy ambulance showing up come on get to the surface so you're probably wondering why i'm trying to get this guy to go to the surface uh you used to be in the game that if he touched the surface he turned into meat and then i could eat them we're getting it carl you're almost free we've almost got you to the surface of the water you can do it buddy you can do it be free oh no carl carl he broke yay so if i did my math correctly 85 times 2 is 170 i have 174 but there is a prognostidon is that the right thing or a muscosaurus that's not a must source but i'm going to try to eat it because that's a gigantic thing it's probably going gonna eat me oh wow i'm inside of it this might not have been the best of plans there's good plans and then there's bad plans and i think this is the bad yeah it was but i'm gonna totally eat that thing with a new giant stixosaurus okay i'm excited for this oh oh oh there's another one oh that's so cool oh it's so cool look at me go oh that mouth is terrifying look at the size of that thing okay oh look at me i'm loch ness monster i'm the i'm nessie oh i just ran into a rock no wonder i'm mistaken okay i really like this thing or my dolphin or or or or dolphin noises ow got sparks by it in my face it oh it was in the ground okay now i gotta eat things we gotta go eat sharks and junk i'll come and save you don't worry i got wow look at the size of that mouth unit okay something is gonna attempt to bite me wow this is weird i don't know if i've played with a fish that has such a long face on it oh can i eat that no no no that's mine this is mine mine okay eat these eat these okay that's not as cool as i thought it would be that's really weird i like it though man it's going to take a long time for us to be able to devour the brontodon and mosasaurus in one bite is the most source in the game i kind of forget but maybe the megalodon in one bite yeah just a big swallow oh angler fish oh cuttlefish they're so cute and cuddly except that's not really what oh i didn't really want to eat you though because you forgot you got a shell and you got lots of hit points oh oh what is that what do you guys oh no no no no those are mosasaurus i don't know what those are i don't like them though maybe i'll just eat this little octopus hey little fella you're worth 19 xp and 10 xp it's amazing my friends have a case the dumbs they forgot how to eat properly that's fine with me because i do know how to eat you bite things you chew it up and then you swallow it whole that's what you're supposed to do yeah you guys don't really you don't this one's got his head stuck in the hole like an ostrich oh there's another problem i didn't realize that was an air breather i gotta make dolphin noises again i'm gonna die no come on could get a breath get a breath ah how better now oh no one of my friends is being injured by a weird reptilian dinosaur don't come after me go after my friend yes and i'm gonna i'm totally gonna bite you oh no no no go after my friend oh this is gonna hurt this is gonna hurt yeah ow bro what are you doing now okay that was a bad idea you gotta test your strengths and your weaknesses and your little paddle flippies you'd think for somebody who has such large teeth you would do a lot more damage with your bites six damage nine damage what is this thing nope nope nope we're an open out of that okay this is kind of cool i can bite onto them and then throw them in the air and then eat them that was satisfying i kind of like having a long trunky thing on my face especially when there's lots of dolphins around here ichthyosaurus that what this is and then i can just bring you to the surface oh that's so cool there's a very very ominous dark shadow right over there i don't know what that is but it's very ominous and dark so i'm just gonna eat all these little fish because that's what i feel like i'm supposed to do just like nom nom fish all day long and then stay away from the big ugly dark shadows i'm just kind of nonchalantly swimming through the shallows over here because i'm really scared to go face off against some sharks especially giant great whites that just devour things with one bite that's a megalodon that's not a great white hey i'm just gonna you know back up and hide down here like a sea turtle or something oh i was so scared of him please leave though cause that's a lot of yummy food up there i don't think he will he's kind of stuck oh he's not gonna leave he's not leaving he's leaving he's leaving i see his shadow and he's biting something else fish are friends not food oh yeah this is nice though okay this is where this is where the money maker is at first we get a little bit of a mahi mahi maybe can you break please oh that's a big chunk of meat how is the meat bigger than the fish doesn't make any sense to me go gobble gobble oh yeah what do we got there for hello hello what are you i need to breathe too but i'm gonna eat you you're probably gonna eat me i'm gonna try to eat you if i can get behind it i think i might have a chance i got turning down to a science here oh it's that whale thing the droidon please don't bite me i don't really want you to bite me i also we're sitting out here where the megalodon likes to swim around probably a bad idea let's just take you somewhere else yeah yeah yeah yeah get broken get wrecked get tracked yes and then there's so much meat oh it's beautifully tasty i need more of those also the whale sharks they're somewhere around here that's not a whale shark that's a great white shark i might be able to eat it especially if it's kind of alone ooh ah okay i'm trying oh this is a bad idea this is a bad idea why am i trying to eat a great white shark actually it's not a bad idea it's not fighting back that means i can eat great white sharks and they don't care about me yes it's dead a few more bites and it'll explode into millions of little pieces of experience yay oh that is so tasty i love it this sharky boy just ate somebody i'm about to hit his whole career come back here don't you dare don't you dare little shark this is all mine i have claimed this it is i'm i got the dibs on it oh hello i'm gonna eat you too because i want no no no no no oh oh that was bad that was bad oh it tried to bite me oh i'm only doing 16 damage because it's an armored fish he also can't seem to figure out how to bite me which is kind of hilarious and it exploded into meat oh you dirty little sharks you dirty little creatures i hate you with a passion i will eat you entirely oh i can't swallow them though i will in a second ah yes oh that was satisfying there's something satisfying about eating large fish here comes shark dun we got like a feeding frenzy happening i'm going to go for the big one as long as the bigger cousin megalondon doesn't show up let's just bring you to the surface really quick big fella i need to breathe and it's quicker to break you yeah there it is breathing juices guys having fun over here don't mind if i eat your fish for you hot and then eat you hey this is how you're meant to level up in this game yep oh i'm sorry everyone don't mind if everyone gets squished and devoured except maybe this cuttlefish because they're really annoying now i'll eat it too uh oh that's not a good sound that sound means somebody's trying to attack me i don't know who it might have been just this meg wouldn't it or that great white there we go okay false alarm just lots of xp how about some beluga whales oh they're kind of squishy and blubbery and kind of adorably cute i almost feel bad for that uh oh oh it's you you're trying to eat me adorable little fish oh hello beluga again i feel bad about that oh something's gonna bite me again i bet it's one of those dumb little red fish who doesn't know what they're picking on or maybe a seal yeah the seal didn't know what's happening either these redfish down here they're like hey something 17 times larger than myself let's try to bite it oh i don't know if i want to play with willy over here maybe what was that something wants to eat me it's making sorts of whale noises over here i'm not very good at speaking whale but i know that's whale noises i'm gonna try to eat these things whale sharks these are huge fish in real life but they are filter feeders right they have bleed lean is that right is that the right word oh hello nice of you fellas just stop by it's like an unlimited buffet my favorite kind oh yes oh snacks oh love snacks snacks are the best kind of snacks and then they just come back they're like oh we saw that you were eating our friends so i'm just gonna swim right in your mouth what are these little things are these blobfish they look like blobfish i've never seen a real one in real life but they're kind of weird looking so i'm assuming they're blob fish no this is mine you guys are not allowed to eat each other this is all my food it's weird cannibalism sort of stuff i have to do it i have to do it i have to risk it for the biscuit we're going after willie we're going after free willy here oh this could be so bad or it could be not oh he's gonna hit so hard i have four thousand hit points though oh that's five bites that's literally five bites okay he doesn't have a turning radius i do [Music] oh he's making so many i'm so sorry i didn't know oh he's dead i mean oh no he's dead oh look at that eyeball he's so sad he's like why did you have to kill me in junk and then i'm eating him that's why i had to kill him just so i can get his experience and then we're gonna fight his corpse again his living corpse because he responds right away i'm just gonna eat him right away again because i have to become the biggest fish ever is it like the blue whale some of you like scientists brain people like the blue whale isn't that like the biggest creature ever to live hey i speak whale too yeah yeah yeah totally gonna bite her right in the ham do they have hams they don't because they're whales they don't have back legs oh i don't like this i don't like this okay swim past and then we'll turn around real quick and bite it in the butt yes oh he sounds so sad again i don't like this no no no no no okay and let go it's no balls okay no no no no don't do that don't do that it's illegal stop that oh oh i barely killed it i barely killed it i'm looking into the light and it's so beautiful we're doing this very delicate dance oh that sucks owl hurts swim past turn bite yes yes oh this time he just tried swimming away from me that was a mistake ow get off me get off my nuts stop it just leave me alone ah there we go i can turn my neck you don't even have a neck because you're a whale oh you died right away big old big old whaley boy yes eat it up oh now another one they're biting me and i can't even bite him from inside he swallowed my whole head like i'm uh what like a giant squid that's what sperm whales eat right giant squids they're getting dumber though they're like i'm just gonna swim right into its mouth hole once it once i spawn yeah and then and then i just bite it three times and it explodes into more experience and you're dead and kaboom more xp i love it pretty soon we're gonna go after the mosasaur or the whatever it's called dodecahedron thesaurus i don't even know anymore there's so many weird names i feel like at some point they're just making them up did anyone stop to ask what a mosasaurus real name was maybe his name was kevin huh level 69 and we're gonna attack this guy we're doing over 1200 damage per bite oh he just spawned inside of me that's awkward it makes me wonder at what level can i go back and play with the the other giant squid fish i don't even know this game needs giant squid in it i like being at the point where i can just swallow the sperm oil hole but i mean two bites is pretty solid i think i might be able to do it i wonder if this stixxosaurus is named after the river sticks and like mythology or after the band sticks like mr roboto it doesn't really look like a robot i'm guessing it's probably the wait was the band named after the band was named after the river genius ow let go let go i promise it's gonna hurt worse if i kill you faster stop it yeah thank you and he's dead two bites okay we gotta get out of here maybe we don't have to get out of here do i have to get a little 100 i feel like level 100 is important so level 100 coming real soon to an aquarium near you yay go team i gotta go eat a bunch of other stuff now hey go away i'm gonna let you live don't worry i only ate like 75 of you now the question is where's the where's the megalodon where are the other fish i can't see them because i'm literally gigantic oh look at the cute little great white fighting it'd be a shame oh i can't even swallow a great white hole i can explode it into gore hole that's kind of cool i ate that one whole okay usually the megalodon's like adventuring this way somewhere that's like the little whale guy i can't tell can i eat it yeah i can totally eat it i mean obviously oh what's that sparkly thing something satisfying about eating the hippie grass down here that's what i'm gonna call it also notice how cool this guy looks like i turned up all the graphics all the way to the max and like it's so cool looking oh i see a large fish coming in is that just a whale shark oh it's just a whale shark can i eat you with oh i can't even swallow you that's too bad well here's some sort of cute little armored fish bop here's a nice little prehistoric whale i mean just kind of wait i didn't even break it i want to break you wow they're so small now where's the megalodon we have to go after the megalodon and the the other one mosasaurus here's just a generic great white gulp well well well what do we have here is that our prey oh not quite oh look at my shadow it's so big oh i found him i found him yes oh i am so much bigger than it my head just my head alone is bigger than this boy where are you okay i need to see i can't even i can't even can i zoom out it's selfie time yeah my entire head is bigger than this thing let alone the body yes that is what that was my goal is to eat that thing i just need the megalodon now and we make it a trifecta with two do fecta what is that is that the meg i think i barely see the mag right up there the only problem with being gigantic is that i'm super slow or i feel super slow oh it's actually not that big [Laughter] yes megalodon gets smegler smashed oh so much xp yum yum yum xp is yum and i tell you what my friends with that that is gonna end it for today's video of feeding girlfish i just totally just devoured something i don't even know what it was a dolphin hey so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time bye i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy epis desby eagle arc maxer whippet good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m rail splatter sax iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 363,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish blitz, blitz feed and grow fish, blitz feed and grow, feed and grow blitz, blitz fish, feed and grow fish biggest fish, feed and grow fish ep 1, feed and grow fish gameplay, feed and grow fish part 1, grow fish, fish grow, feed fish, feed and grow, feed and grow fish whale, feed and grow fish whale shark, loch ness monster, feed and grow fish loch ness monster, feed and grow loch ness
Id: HatQKlJfe78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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