The Sewers Are TERRIFYING in Stray

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so uh i've been loving stray like loving playing it watch this trick i learned if i meow garty gets happy and everyone looks at me they're like wait a second you make mouth noises they're sleeping and then i wake them up and they're mad at me that's amazing well last time we left off we uh we found doc and now we have to go down into the sewers with momo hey momo are you momo you're not momo you're benzoo he's waiting on his boat i didn't know he had a boat we don't want any zerks coming through he's leaving it let's go on the boat in the sewers that's kind of gross i don't really ever want to go into the sewers what was that i'm also keeping my eyes out oh that's scary for another one of the uh energy drinks because i have two and i needed three oh here we go hey it's momo hey hey bud how are you we're gonna go in your boat together after i rustle through the hard drives and stuff so let's do it let's go on an adventure can i rub against you i can't believe you found doc and got the deflexor with this now we can go find zeblater zap i'm so bad with words it's a blood czar there we go i'm riding a boat into the sewers oh look at me go this place is disgusting i do not like it oh wow maybe i do like it it's legitimately cool what does this say oh this is where we came into this is how we we originally got into the the area because we fell down i wonder if i'll find my kitty friends again oh my okay we we have big crazy things up there oh what's going on hey i don't really want to talk with you right now i'm a little scared of the falling water i don't like water on my fur there's a bag hanging up there what happens if i just jump off i always sit down impatient cat impatient cat oh raul rauro i just want to curl up and get petted can i have pet pets oh no oh you're making me leave now you're like nope sorry you're out of here oh my those look like giant egg nests i feel like the flood from halo is gonna show up and i'm guessing that we're gonna get something bigger than a zerk eventually i don't even know where i'm going do i open up the door no i'm gonna jump down here instead oh here we go i gotta open up dude don't touch the big explody things yeah i knew it i knew it i knew it oh die okay that wasn't so bad i just need to kill him faster this time get wrecked that actually oh stop it i can't let my little friend b12 overheat i'm gonna get a bunch of them this time ready get set activate explode well i did it i'm so good at this game doink and doink i've never been a cat in real life but i know i want to good now we need to jump up here pull down the handle yes come on mamo oh we gotta go again i'm gonna jump on the boat don't leave me behind it smells bad down here look at little b12 hanging out my backpack oh my what do we get next i don't know if i like this wouldn't it be cool to find like another civilization lost down here no we have things up top we have things up top come on b12 we have to nuke them okay fine i'll talk to you never been uh as far out of the slums i'm with you not even scared oh that's good those things are totally going to jump down here they are totally can i just blast them no it doesn't oh no i blasted my friend okay we made a new wastewater treatment plant we have another switch ahead of us okay i think we made it yeah those are the ones i tried to blast up top now we have to get our way in oh are you gonna get it how do you know how to access the system what do we have on the other side we just broke the door that's not good you broke it dude all this old machinery is broken now because you did it we can only open it manually ah it's annoying i don't even have thumbs how am i supposed to open something manually oh he's gonna do it oh no momo's gonna die i cut dark fast i'm sorry i have a feeling he's not gonna make it that's why the barrels are here i have to go alone ah i can't go with you i won't stop looking for i knew it when you find zabaltzar and clementine let him know i was brave please don't die on me please don't die on me mo you are brave i'm not brave i don't like this place i don't like it one bit i don't like it a little bit i don't even like it a lot of bits go up oh this room's shiny and fresh access control system there's a dead robot with no head oh i don't like this idea i don't want my paws to get wet running should i let these blow up they glow all red and stuff i feel like yeah no running running running running i love running oh uh door oh here we go okay we're going in i'm gonna pop these like a giant zit okay and then burn it okay burn it burn them ow it's on me oh poop nuggets okay got him i got oh balls not now not now no no i'm going back i'm going back leave me alone you big mean things i need to figure out what kind of scientific things are in here burn it is it dead i did it again it's okay i can survive one of them i can shake it off and we'll burn it now okay cool what did i find over here oh there's a tunnel i knew there would be secrets i knew there would be secrets why do i need a flashlight cats can see in the dark what is that remember i have a memory is this where i fell down the sewer system yes remember clean water was scarce the city was supplied by a huge mystery that dug deep into the earth just like everything else it was rationed out as the sane people during times of drought the scientists showed me the blueprint of the water tanks they're huge and contain a whole building in them really i know the memory has been unlocked is there anything fun here like something i can scratch nope but now i have to go back into the pustule infested hallway of death oh there's two dead robots there okay we'll run over here everything's gonna be safe there's a lot of bad things over there oh boy i don't like this i don't like going down into pustule infested hallways and other miscellaneous weird zones where i can barely even see i feel like i need to stop talking now and just explore before i fall down and die please don't crack on me pipe please don't crack it didn't crack and we're going up sure that works well wow that's a cool looking room all right i'm blasting them i don't even care blast come on oh wow oh okay uh-huh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that was close oh get him okay maybe it's not a good idea to blast him like that too bad i'm doing it anyway okay go down got him that was easier now i just need to clean this whole room okay blow it up load up there it is ready get set activate and one more nice i figured out the scientific reason behind these things maybe i haven't oh it's dark in here i don't know where i'm going this is not the place to go i do feel like i should pop all of these though oh there's a lot of them there's a lot of them there's a lot of them whoa bad ideas bad ideas for days oh this is the mess nice oh that works so well i'm just gonna grow everything you know what this reminds me of upper blackrock spire anybody else know the rockery ready get set activity oh one by saying leroy jenkins i feel like that glowing white panel over there is what i need to touch but there's other big glowing red things that i also want to touch and these should be the last two i think i did it i think i got all of them okay go away b12 oh here we go we have a giant lever hanging on the wall can i can i get it there it is it's probably a bad plan because there's gonna be more bad things in here and that was just a regular light hello goodbye everyone nice of you to join the party oh there's two more that i didn't get we made it into another sewer system i don't know where i'm going in here but i hear like constant running water and stuff which i don't like oh that's not running water that's literally running like biodegradable material ish run away should just burn it all this might be a running sequence i knew it got him i'm so glad i can burn them now what the world is that no no no i feel like i have to run instead of falling back constantly but i'm going to just fall back running running burn them burn them why are there eyes on the wall why are there eyes on the walls i didn't agree to this i'm going to try to avoid them i'm going to try to avoid them jump down run run little kitty oh i wanted to go in there i wanted to oh no stop it burn them burn them all i don't like this oh it burned up oh there's more eggs oh no oh no no okay everything will be okay everyone really is gonna be okay okay got it can i go into these i want it i just want to burn your eye that doesn't work this game was supposed to be cute and fun and adorable like a little kitty cat but now it's full of eyes on the walls where did those come from now i got them all okay is there something up here i can play with why are there still more did i i just i'm in a nest now where am i at okay nothing bad there nothing bad there let's avoid them we're gonna try to go around don't kick the cans to make a lot of noise oh what is that noise what's going on oh there's more oh oh oh oh whoa whoa die oh no no no found a doorway doorway run run run blast them running running running they can't touch me i'm fast i'm a cat whoa oh i don't know where to go oh they're not coming down i made it just barely oh everything's okay again oh the water is nice and clear too bad i can't swim it's not clear it's green and nasty and full of sludge i just want to avoid all of these things maybe if i go around i can just avoid them i'm walking carefully and patiently jumping over things okay there's a door hmm i don't like this don't get too close ah here we go here we go okay oh oh oh if i just meow at things my problems will all go away doors opened up i don't know how to get over there can i maybe jump to that one oh come on come on jump across no i should be able to i'm just maybe i'm scared i'm a scaredy cat okay i just don't want to go back where the eyes are on the wall oh no right oh whoa whoa whoa whoa okay i'm popping things no no no no i'm fine i'm fine let's just uh blast these quick i don't like them i don't like them i said i don't like them i still don't like them run away run away kitty oh that was so close okay i'm gonna blast you because you're mean to me all right there's still one more egg here ready pop em that wasn't so bad i almost overheated though here's the question can i run for it i think i might be able to do that oh i can't rock no no no oh there's more okay they're coming in all together good that was a good timing i'm gonna try to avoid those eggs let's go around this way i maybe i should be running oh yeah yeah yeah okay here we go nope nope okay these ones got a case of the dumbs they're gonna jump across blast him good everything's good no more eggs keep making it jump jump kitty jump jump fuzzy boots we made it and activate the door now i have a feeling we're gonna get some sort of boss bite i don't know maybe the eyes are just gonna come alive again oh that's what the traits were for oh well we made it past that stage um um they're watching me oh boy oh i don't like this at all i don't like the eyes they're getting bigger too the entire oh no no no no no no no no no no please don't eat my little robot friend oh this is so bad this is so bad no i don't like that at all don't like it at all and now no oh he just adam oh no come on b12 what are they doing b12 save me no no b-12 is going to blow up i knew it no my best friend in the entire world you got a bud get out of here run no no no no run run run little kitty run this is so bad this is so bad running is nasty i don't like running i love running they're on me they're on me they're on me they're on me go somehow i made it out of there how am i going to escape i got to find an escape oh shoot left go left no no no i got to keep going straight i'm running through i don't even know where i'm going right now this way this way can i jump i don't want to jump definitely not going to the right definitely oh going to the right go to the right go to my right [Music] okay high speed chase go kitty they're going to eat you oh wow the door is closing that's convenient thank you thank you whoever closed the door on the critters oh b12 can you wake up now please bud please wake up no not like this oh you woke up he woke up it was dark i was alone and felt like i was back in the network but you saved me thank you friend driving that power was rough on my core the deflexor is completely destroyed now we'll have to be careful oh poop nuggets that was the best thing that's ever happened to us unlike hacking the ventilation system oh the the fan stopped okay oh my heart is racing from all those creatures why are there giant eyes on the wall too are we out of that just back in the sewers okay oh here we go a small hole conveniently located in the fence hey hey who are you who are you is that guardian no baladin a traveler from the sewers we haven't seen one of you in ages are you the one who contacted us earlier the little outsider the outsider has been expecting you he's meditating at the top of our village did we find him we found him the ant village oh this place looks cool i like this place is that a surfboard that's totally not a surfboard that's like a cryotube are there humans in it the machine the scientist i said assisted used one of these he was sick it was his last hope i knew it i knew it was a cryo machine but i wasn't with him he was alone what is he doing he uploaded himself in a computer then everything was different but the upload something went wrong he was stuck for hundreds of years until a little cat appeared oh b12 are you a robe you're the you're the guy it was me i was a scientist i was human i need a moment so do i that's a huge revelation so i need to go find zibalter oh is this seamus no it can't be but it's interesting that they all kind of interact with each other sorry i i need a moment oh we can't talk actually i want to meow oh they don't care about that can i climb the tree i've never been able to climb a tree in my entire life before i just love how the robots are all just ventured out watching tv of the outside this place is so cool though who are you i wish i could talk to you maybe i can now what else have i forgotten i'm not sure bud must have parents friends what happened to everyone else i wanted to open the city but is there anyone else left to save i don't know but these guys are kind of cool thank you giant red arrow for telling me where to go i was wondering oh is that him is this is a black zablet czar i'm so bad at names what is this whoa whoa what's going on here hey don't you know not to interrupt a fellow during his transcendental meditation oh it's you you were with mobo when we received the call earlier i'm glad to meet you at last little outsider you know mama and doc so you're already familiar with us outsiders i miss them their memory brings me peace almost stayed in this thumbs i heard you help find doc and clementine she's in midtown now if you still want to see the outside she's the one who can get you there apparently she had some kind of plan to leave the city here take this a rotor address on the back of this picture oh to reach midtown climb up our little village be easier for a dexterous one like you if you manage to reach the outside you'll be the very first i'd wish you good luck but you don't need it i believe in you that's uh kind of incredible i'm sorry for shutting down earlier i'm human probably the last time last in the world now look what's left of me so much come back how much have i forgotten maybe we can find clementine we can restore my memories and get you back to home at the same time we can go back down and find out more from the companions or head onward to midtown oh wow so we have like a total shift right now and what we can do and i feel like this is a good spot to end this episode so thank you for watching i hope you've enjoyed another video of straight keepers stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank all of the patrons and channel members who have supported the channel last month including autodave ben dickey teddy hippies zarnoff max rail vc engineer whippet good deegan eagler jason baron fox spencer whiskey destructo man flatter sex joe doug rules fury arrows scum chest cory and lewis rob the block red katy psycho dalton hevorah mr m gaming kyle sekander kyrian grayson monkey bill zane and mark
Channel: Blitz
Views: 253,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, stray, stray game, stray gameplay, stray blitz, blitz stray, cats, cat, cat game, stray cats, stray steam, stray steam game, cat games, cute cat, cute cat games, cyber, punk, cyberpunk, cyber punk, stray review, stray ep 1, stray sewers, stray sewer
Id: gepxxnGErWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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