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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to another episode of grounded it's a beautiful day down here by the swamp with everyone's surprise favorite intern stop it you're so mean hey hey never mind the pond look at this what is that what did you find i think it's a big shiny that it's got a it's got lines on it oh you're good at making lines i can also make lines it's like we got ourself a brand new computer look at this look how good we are amazing also i'd like to mention that this video is sponsored by apex gaming computer so if you want to get a real computer not a fake computer that's made inside of a video game so you can play your own video games i would encourage you to check out the link down below in the video description to get yourself a brand new apex gaming pc today and uh you get five percent off using the code blitz during checkout so make sure you go check that out to help support the channel now intern what are we gonna do today well last time we faced a big bad and to do that we had to murder some uh termites to get there you can't say that word on youtube okay we uh we we had to do some some things to termites that made them look like this and here yeah we squished them and then we harvested their remains it was we did and it was glorious it's a little bigger oh hey look what he can catch oh can he catch this that was awesome hey you do it hey hey dark face and yate i'm bad at this game i'm bad you're thinking you're the youtube expert now i am amazing i tried to that one oh i made him mad yeah oh he's got he stole my parts though he's dual wielding my sword back okay i stunned it okay give me that that's mine dibs oh i'm gonna die now no he's made stink juice like that's okay oh no the game's like literally if you don't drink you're gonna die oh well i don't have that problem because i'm so good at the game you are oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you gonna kill this fella i gotta leave it all up to me to kill him uh yeah and i'll leave you to stand in his acid i did it i killed it all by myself again good job now where were we uh termites and stuff right yeah termites well there was that wood pile where we found them right i think was that way over there or something uh yeah somewhere off in the distance apparently inside of there there's like a termite king oh apparently dot meme do you remember deep down in the side of that giant oak tree that there was and i saw comments about this too that there was like a a a door that we could open up but we had to use things what go ahead we had to use explosives oh my word we're interrupting each other [Laughter] okay there's explosives we need to make explosives can we make explosives we can make explosives i don't remember what explosives are good for okay we need ant eggs dried grass and fungal chunks okay we got plenty of two of those but we need to get some eggs fresh okay fresh eggs time oh yeah that's right if you don't use them they hatch and then they killed our friend kevin yeah and then we destroy the entire colony as revenge that's what happens when you kill kevin i see a bunch of ants wow that one's got spicy things someone sees you too hey this is gonna be bad we're gonna create like a war against the ant colony ow stop you know what i think they deserve it they do they've done things like i don't even know what ants did how many do we have to kill yes all of them every one of them even the the younglings ow stop it even the women and children oh there's like two more i kill one and then like two more come they're like sand people it's sad it gets itchy and scratchy and i forget what that meme is did we do it did we kill them all every one of them i think we did i think there's more coming up oh this one's like hey you're my friend i love you hey where'd all my friends go wow kevin you you look like you splattered on the ground how'd that happen all right here's the anti-colony let's go find some eggs oh hello this is gonna be so bad hey we've done this before we can do it again oh there's 17 of them i thought ants were supposed to be coming from inside not outside we're defending this is just training practice for the uh the termites would you stop it you annoying creature of doom ah get wrecked okay are they dead now did we do it i think we did it look at it look at all the little ant parts it's so sad oh there's more in here oh hey what we found an egg he has an egg hey don't let that go anywhere in turn we did the dumb we forgot to bring torches they flew that's okay we have shiny cortanas yeah it does a little bit of torchiness so we can see where we're going somewhat oh is this just another egg right here no that's a pebble there's a dead egg oh there's an egg i got another egg that's two he didn't like that he's like don't steal my eggs oh there's more eggs you walked right by them i did i got two okay i got four eggs let's go there's two more hot dig my inventory is full let's get out of here let's go make some bombs ah they're like no no all our friends are dead at the entrance and they're making off with our children run away so we made it back home with our prize and now i can build bombs ooh okay fungal growths eggs and grass chunks craft meant i don't have any room in my inventory oh that's okay i do oh okay here take this then it's the nicest thing you've ever done for me i know i'm so nice such a nice fella okay i got four um i got i got enough for three more ant eggs but i don't have any more dry grass oh in turn what did you do i just found pet grub goggles from our dead pet oh no oh it's so sad he lived too short of a life and then he ran away because we forgot to feed him i'm sticking this stupid clover no this i just need to make bombs and blow everything up enter it i got a present for you how about i do yeah it's a it's one of these things i don't have any more fungal growth but it'll work also can you make this thing because it's been here for like literally six months and we've never finished it oh yeah with this thing that hey spinning wheel we did it we did the thing where do i put the pet goggles i feel so bad i don't though i don't really feel bad if we made uh i i don't think we can but if we could we could make like a a little aphid statue and then put them on there yeah like this guy out here he's gonna be our friend we're gonna bring him inside and he'll be our pretend squishy why bother feeding a pet but you can just have a fake one yeah that's why i stuffed my cat after it died there's a who's a good squishy kevin there we go and you never have to like worry about being fed or anything yeah he'll just drink the chips off of the smoothie station that'll be perfect so in turn there's supposed to be this tunnel in here we were talked about we heard people talk to us about that's the words i was looking for i'm actually really scared because i don't know if the infected wolf spider can respawn uh i also don't remember this stuff being here i don't either where is this little hole in here there it is right there i see it oh yeah this could explode cracked rock so could you i could it'll be funny i promise here do i like attach it or just kind of drop it i think maybe yeah it's gonna explode and run away and i did it i did it all by myself now what's in here oh a shiny gold molar oh is that what's in here oh nice we should just stop by gerbil gerbil bur burger burgle and uh and then get burgermeister yeah him hey we did it all right i think if we go out this way this is where burgle is i would think so because i said this that's not burgle run away let's go find gerbil in here maybe gerbil will teach us the ways of his people yeah pull him off of his wheel uh-huh that's what keeps the base powered you know that right put me up with some milk molars oh wow max health that's kind of cool max stamina okay i have five hunger burn rate max active mutations these are kind of cool oh hey i uh i scanned a thing oh yeah we got more uh brain power oh turtle harbor i unlocked a recipe for termite armor yeah neato what do i want for milk molars we could do group ones too i mean max consumable size i'm gonna infuse the group with that one and this one i just i just see you like in the air yeah ninja mode wow you're like powering up right max active mutations like super saiyan do i have any molars i think i got some i get i let you collect most of them i'll take some more oh look at you oh yeah so strong with those pipes for arms i should eat the fresh there's the french defense one gas resist the french defense french defense we're just because that's just running away yeah hello run away and now the infected spider is derping out over there i hear i'm growling oh yeah i should i should try i'll let i'll let you do it ha i get wrecked oh i got a man you just got nerfed on arf all right time to go blow more things up oh my gosh what was that what happened there was ants in my pants did it hatch on you it did it was a soldier it was a trap i did it on purpose it gave me the extra egg no no no no no no no no no no no no oh i'm better than okay i just swatted a mosquito oh yeah me too oh congratulations go away little infected might you're gross oh there's an infected net what the world just leave me alone wait oh yeah stole my stuff run away i'm gonna die it's a little thing why are we over here this is a bad idea there's an infected ladybug that's just destroying his stink bug oh the infected ladybug killed this thing bug wow this is insane i don't like it there's mites messing up an ant over there i'm gonna totally just steal the stink bug parts and run away i gotta stink my gas back that was my next game in high school well in turn here it is it's the way yes the bane of your existence it explodes me i like it oh yeah we go underneath inside and then we jump up around and everybody walk the dinosaur nice where is this up further i like our ladder it was easier to climb than this mess yeah now let's see if you can do this okay ready get set and drop run away hey i didn't do it this time look how good i am at this game oh that was so much easier than climbing up just kidding our ladder is so much easier than climbing up okay so somewhere back over in that corner next to the shed there is a wood pile and yes that's where the bad guy's supposed to be i don't know where but it's supposed to be in there because we did to go inside there once but it just led out to the top yes there's think there's multiple tunnels we can go into so we just have to find the right one do you think this guy is dangerous do you think he knows the way do you know the way he does not know the way i'm bringing out the dark saber i'm gonna take him out nicely done oh i unlocked a mutation oh yeah mithridatism oh i don't even know what that means i think that was your nickname in high school i think it's myth randier which would be like what gandalf's name killing shelob or something i don't know i know mithril if that's what you're trying to say i know gandalf's name was like myth randy or something mythrandir is the name and sindranian meaning the grey pilgrim or the grey wanderer midway through the lord of the rings gandalf becomes the head of the order of wizard and is renamed gandalf the white however characters speak elvish we still refer to him as mithrandir thank you google and wikipedia and taryn where are you i'm the king of the world here i see all sorts of fun things including the termite caves yeah and i see you out there and i'm about to knock you off of king of the world no i don't like that idea i don't fall very good but there's like three holes here i think we went into this bottom one right and that just because that was the easy one that took us out somewhere maybe we should go on top see if there's anything on the tarp i think eating mushrooms fresh off the ground is the best way to eat them i think so too oh hey little bud how are you i'm just gonna smack him to pieces oh he's so cute when he's all larva-like and puking on our faces okay you know what those like bernie swords don't do much against him he's already throwing acid in my face pocket acid okay we did it first wave completed i hear another one i will shoot it from long distance i will miss it from longest i will shoot it again oh i'm hungry maybe i'll just eat a granola bar hey stop hold on pause timeout you're actually timed out yeah where'd it go i missed it i missed it ah more more pocket sand okay so we killed everything in that tunnel there was no king in there yep but now there's this is a tunnel we went through last time i think you're right oh hey enter there's a there's something here called the sphincter splinter we can chop it with i'm guessing a tier three x i don't know what sphincters splinters sorry are supposed to be around about but we need them for something you're getting those two mixed up quite a bit are you okay no usually not all right in turn we made it to the top of the blue tarp oh it took us so long it didn't we had to get food we had to get water we had to get mosquitoes killed oh there's there's the the wolf spiders up here oh no oh wow that was a terrible block hey he came right to me he did and i took him down wow that was a good one i like that oh hey look there's a spicy thing over there oh uh and you know what there's a second wolf spider yeah there's one far to the right i'm just gonna go smash this guy with my coltana oh no oh no no no no no no oh we are making friends over here i did oh oh good cut wow this coltana is so dirty i get if you can hit him now i'm dying so fast though my parry game is on point i just ate a but an entire band-aid okay and die die and get wrecked perfect perfect that was a good warm-up a really good warm-up for going into the termite mild the myelin the turmeric mound leave me alone hey there it is down there termites yes there it is enter's gonna get a spicy boy no no no no no no no no no just about went in there it was kind of sus there we go now let's see what we have inside of here should we should we use actual torches i feel like no then maybe that's a good idea i'm just gonna beat things with my shovel you do that i'll see how it goes okay probably better than not using anything oh hello anyone home termites there hasn't been anything yet i'm worried there's gonna be like 74 oh there's one ow ow hey the good news is we're killing one at a time which is a good start oh oh there we go no no yeah about that one yeah there's two we're leveling up and run away abort mission drink some smoothie juice got him i killed him all right okay what's in the tunnel of death even more i don't like this i think there's more tunnel of death in the tunnel of death i hear mosquitoes are they inside or outside i think they're outside okay nobody's here hello oh there's a lot in there oh hi oh wow i found one wow that's got a negro range he's like hey fellas how are you how do you like our place here thank you let me give you the tour after i separate your skull from the rest of you why did termites be so bad and you're dead oh did you see that crit oh we got another one just it's like an all you can kill the face uh-oh get out of the slime and a good a good pairing and then oh that's stunned though ready nicely done look how many hit points i have like zero [Laughter] i gotta i'm gonna press this button and eat a sandwich oh hello how are you today ow ow ow wow he likes you i know right we're friends i'm gonna tell bedtime stories oh that wasn't a crit god get destroyed you nerd oh you got destroyed you nerd that's me i'm a nerd most of the caffeine juice oh lovely do i still have caffeine juice yes i do haha oh i wish i had caffeine juice i heard the termites have more caffeine juice is that going to make you go in the tunnel yeah hey fellas i heard you have caffeine juice this guy's like yes here it is i'm delivering it uber eats ready to go wow that thing had an insane lunch ow why are there so many termites i guess we are in their house we are really we're like knock knock we're coming in and i didn't have enough stamina to complete the combo there's a good print yes and now he's just getting his life taken away from him yes okay we're getting there i'm gonna get rid of acid glands because i have like a bajillion of them hey look at my health oh you did the thing where you didn't have any why are there so many of them i swear that egg roll range is insane it kind of is but at least we're pulling them out of that room so hopefully it's empty when we get there right just one at a time oh wow they're walking in i don't know you have zero health dude maybe this is not a good idea it's uh oh wait wait wait i have i have these things the he the oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sausages yeah all right ready good job oh wow that was gory and that didn't really do much for you no but it's hopped you off so go get them science okay i got one run away i'm also noticing that we're getting mostly soldiers not the little guys yeah that's good though because we're cleaning out the hive then right yeah we're taking care of the big nasty ones right now and then there aren't going to be any little ones because we've destroyed them all even though i hear them in there oh that was a big one like a third of its health got it nice that's the 34th termite part i have wow you're just starting a collection okay i don't know what they're doing are they stuck uh are they are they about to make more afib they're making baby baby termites and funk nice one behind you he's he's doing a jig nope oh hey little dork nugget just pulled another one there's there's so many stupid termites in here yeah kind of dodgy acid but it doesn't work ow raw science i did it i got it i'm gonna help you kill this guy thank you it's appreciated my inventory is full oh really oh no that guy came from downtown he knocked me out of the park for a touchdown it's okay i got this you're gonna go for the hat trick and funk nice help me beautiful all right you ready for this no oh okay that's awkward and that was our last hillbossa okay good we didn't really need those oh man look at this mess over here did you find a messy thing what is it it's like so many of those splinters oh no is that where the king's gonna be i see some i see some raw science down there can i get in there you can't get in there can you no but i found a spicy thing oh spicy pisces are saving grace right now okay i guess we go in this tunnel i hear more sounds to our left i'm hoping that's inside the wall yeah i see it it's stuck on the wall oh look at this guy he's trying his hardest if i were a king where would i be hiding there's so many mushrooms in here i don't like this place yeah you pick the big ones and you get mushroom chunks there's a boulder oh is there yep hey what do you know so i guess we do need to go down the splinter tunnel that sucks or maybe we'll just go this way instead maybe he's hiding over here oh on the ground behind you a little scab oh look see that there's a scabby on the ground needs sawdust hey there's also an according what we'll leave it for scientific research purposes so we do have to get the termite axe to chop our way in and it's been how long already like four hours so it takes two chompers three parts i have enough actually i could make one can you make it right now in your hand uh if i had a workbench table i could all right so i can craft a workbench up on this trees trunk perfect yes put it all together put that in there we're going to roll down to the termite back somewhere in the where the dump is it there it is craft it uh blitz while you're at it yeah have you looked below you recently edited him yeah i just gave him some trees whoa [Laughter] i didn't like it very much i found a way to make projectile weapons now i got a new spicy axe and let's go try it out please don't respawn please don't respawn please don't respawn please don't respawn please don't respawn please don't respawn nothing's respawned we're good to go if you say please don't respawn a bunch of times nothing respawns all right here it is you got the path of our dreams in your hand all right i just broke a sphincter splinter when splinters huh yeah look at that wouldn't one of the splinters in my sphincter i don't know i think you should get that checked out i should it's like sitting on a cactus when you're antelope hunting but never do that all right in we go please be a termite king in here science yeah you should be the voice for that oh okay oh there there is a very large fella back there oh he's coming after us right away oh gosh he's big run away let's get a look at him no i gotta run away hey little friend thank you you're dead prepare this with a band-aid first also i found something for you catch oh oh does he like it oh it's actually a boss oh it's actually a boss okay aha oh oh perfect perry oh three come on i don't know how much damage this guy's gonna do but i don't wanna fight oh wow that's a big hit hey here's a big hit no no no no no no no no no always always strafe to the left remember uh there's not a lot of strafing room right yeah but you strafe just slightly to the left okay you take it in the front and i'm smacking the butthole oh look at that stun nicely done in turn oh and the pro and then boom oh i got a big old crit on them okay this is a lot easier than i thought it was gonna be yeah i'm glad he's not spitting acid like his little friends oh fighter oh he's so close to death he's daddy yes i did it all by myself let's go no no we have to explore his cavern i mean you didn't even get his parts they're on the ground the big fancy parts are on the ground but i got the rest of him in my hands well we need the big fancy parts my dude well i grabbed the big fancy parts i can't i'm busy killing his little friend can you not understand this idea well i'm busy having not good health numbers right now well i'm hungry in real life even though i just ate lunch i'm hungry i'm intern hi intern how are you today oh i'm doing pretty good how are you i'm all right thank you for asking i gotta you turn my king whatever that word is carry on you can do it can do it crappies crappies oh you just like fishing too much oh i could go fishing right now with some termite king for bait oh look what i found hey look at that can you smack it real hard and give me the shiny thing inside and the best is smacking it real hard hey you got the thing so this is his crib huh it is what is this on the ground ooh a burgle chip he said hey burgle's going to be so excited to be like oh you found something even though i don't have the mental capability to understand what you found or he's gonna look this would be like who are you and why do you keep coming back just leave me alone i don't know about you but i feel like getting to the king was harder than the king itself yeah i'm glad though because all of these oh how about getting out of the king oh his friends came back we gotta we gotta evacuate thank you goodbye we killed your king fight amongst yourselves for who's next in line yes i'm not gonna have a part of it abort mission okay they stopped following us but are there more outside here oh look another one of these another sphincter yeah i wonder what we do with the wood i don't know i also don't like it's the same color as the ground it's pretty annoying it is nighttime it took us all day to fight that thing and we got derpy spider bros still hanging out in the derpiness okie dokie let's see what these things do if i analyze the wooden sphincters okay tell me no splinter arrow oh interesting i bet that's better than the other one plus some brain power and then uh the carapace this is probably going to give me like a helmet or something is my guess nothing straight up nothing well we did have the recipe for the termite armor did you get another one let's see if you got something um i have mushroom chunks that were somehow never analyzed oh cool we got mushroom chunks oh we can make mushroom slurry to make bricks like we did that one time and made a gigantic thing neat what goes around comes around but that's my friends will do it for this video hope you enjoyed our adventure today and turns so close to being dead oh yeah that actually oh well hold up what you killed me by hitting wait you killed yourself by hitting me uh that wasn't supposed to go that way no but now you have more health so that's a good thing yeah so it all works out in the end bye i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters especially spider sacks joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow dave rules 2.0 junk boy 76 skunk chest link hue at 46 magma games 22 so it's you the accordion l h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy hippiest despie eagle arc maxer spencer t whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason m um
Channel: Blitz
Views: 477,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz grounded, grounded blitz, grounded hot and hazy update, grounded grill, grounded grill location, grounded multiplayer, grounded coop, grounded co op, grounded co op gameplay, grounded gameplay, grounded haze update, grounded haze, grounded hot and hazy, grounded weapons, GROUNDED coaltana, grounded coal chunk, grounded termites, grounded termite update, grounded termite king
Id: X8LnEaRiieQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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