Using DEATH STAR MISSILES To Destroy Friendships in Modded Forts

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oh hey there i'm blitz it's more for it's time you remember the last episode where intern and i had a little battle where he built up a navy to assault my mountain base well i managed to use up my secret air force that i had been building undercover and dropped some nukes on his ship and blew it up and won the game today we're going to be doing something a little bit different because we're playing with a mod we're playing with the most powerful mod that i have found in this game called the estar mod and i'm going to be secretly building up a dead star core nuclear warhead that's right it uses the core of a dead star and i'm gonna rain that down on interns base and destroy him without him knowing so let's have some fun oh hey enter my oh my did you see that there's a basement in these ships yeah and we're not actually on water we're on like land ships how does that work yeah i don't know there's also a ton of different weapons like my personal favorite the swinging swinging singing lays the swinging laser beam there's a chaos launcher depleted uranium autocannon there's a whole bunch of fun things today this will be exciting wow yeah okay then yeah we're probably gonna die uh okay i'll make you a deal okay you die first hey i don't like that deal hmm but you know what i do like oh what many guns they don't really do anything except they're just they're just dumb oh hey i can do that too oh nice except you overshot my entire life right it just buzzed your existence and i'm gonna end your existence i went there i'm doing it oh wow and all right you're scared are you shivering in your timbers um i'm gonna make a bunch of miners shivering their timbers uh you might want to hold off on making a bunch of miners because there's like an ultramine large mine star driller as soon as you have like interstellar technology wow well i don't have any of that yet i know but you can eventually so where can i slap all of this in yeah there's a lot of fun places to slap things like your face no like will smith got him and they very much want to put one of these right here and we just kind of wait for like seven minutes until these things are completed i'm just going to say hi did you just go burr i heard something over do i want that i don't really want any of those why can't i make this one oh i can here's the technology i want almost wow they're expensive yeah they are we're gonna need really a lot of things good thing is like there's also uh big storage things like metal condensers and like super giant windmills yeah that also need the thing that's expensive yeah everything's expensive whose idea was this mine also the reactors are a weird color they are because they're star reactors smart guy star reactors we're pirates our matey i can build one of these now oh i heard you just make a lot of things really quick i don't like it when you make a lot of things it's always dangerous for me i'm just going to plan for the future all right i know what you're thinking over there i can't see your ship but i know what's going on you're peering into my mind i got that brain power happening already oh wow all right that's cool also i don't know if you noticed it but um there's a basement i did yeah i could have probably put stuff down there but i'm thinking i'm gonna make that just like storage that's what i'm doing all of my material storage so you don't nuke it with like some sort of interstellar nuke thing you also might want to watch out some of the materials are super cool but they do require power to manage so if you have a lot of power going on that's awesome but if you you don't things are going to get really not good yeah i haven't even looked at these yet there's a lot of stuff in there neutron materials background steel you make your boat extremely powerful those things they can't read what they are but they look like lasers hey entertainment interesting did you know that this was gonna happen um oh i just wanted to see if i could like paint a target it really didn't do it that was rude of you it was i'm sorry i won't do that again i am gonna see what you have in places like over there oh don't worry about that oh i'm worrying about it no i told you not to worry about it i'm worrying about it yeah there was something there did you you already built a thingy didn't you oh you were annoying it's my favorite i know you and your stupid cannons and junk oh yeah i know you found you found other cannons i found a big thing where oh where to put these things okay cool i can build one of these no and if i can build that then i should be able to build some of these others now i can see what this ultra mine means oh you have one of those already i do or i save up for something else like a uh giant wind turbine because these things are expensive to fire they are super expensive like everything's super expensive that's why we need expensive things oh did i do it that was rude i didn't make it rude i just want to go boop okay what about that whew that was pretty it was are you making star launchers already i am that's awesome i can't tell if we're both just like confused on what's happening right this is the most quiet we've been it is there's like really honestly nothing going on except we're just trying to build like gigantic amounts of storage and then sniping people with giant cannons whoa no that was a good shot that wasn't even a super powered thing enough reading things they just need to slap stuff down yeah just start start going crazy with things or build one of those there i'm probably one of those there i really need other things can i upgrade that nope those don't get upgraded wait what what did you find i could put swarm missiles in the ceiling of the basement huh upside down yeah do it it'll be funny i promise i mean it would be but it also would hurt very badly no no no no it doesn't hurt i need it i want a star driller can i have a star driller intern i don't know can you handle it i can't handle it i made a super capacitor what do you do with one of those make things super capacity did capacitated wow everything's so expensive can you make bigger faster hey i see that what do you you don't see anything i do see that oh why are there double that huh um see the fun thing is when you hit it without emp you can slap it in with a regular one second oh well that's just very rude and oh yeah that was cool that was a good shot oh you're just not being nice to me right now being super nice intern you just don't know what the word nice means oh did you snipe me with an emp sniper uh no that was a normal ap sniper wow you're not allowed to live anymore i'm sorry you've angered me i didn't even do anything you angered me in turn okay okay okay we're okay no we're not okay i just blew up my friend well he probably deserved it you deserve it oh no what is that noise okay i'm fine with that those things do not have a lot of range i don't know what this does but i'm going to put one in and then there's this see what that do what does this do oh i'll try it no no no you're not trying things just for the funsies but i have to because i don't know what a half of this does what is it i'm kind of excited too whoa well it's not that that was kind of dumb not gonna lie that was a bit stupid oh okay okay yeah not so bad this isn't so bad yeah don't do that again i promise okay i'll just do that what is that it's a star missile that's the emp uh okay that's weird most of this stuff is just emp technology that's what it seems like i can't even repair there really oh because it's that makes sense although the auto repair i think is working i don't know i don't know either but i think things just got really dangerous all of a sudden oh no no no no don't make them dangerous whoa you confused some of my guys wow oh did i yeah look at there's one in the middle of the map let's just go in circles that's the laser i don't like that must have been the star machine gunner it's still there yeah it might be there for the rest of the history of universe oh it's kind of going back towards you oh maybe it isn't oh yes it is okay it's just doing weird stuff over there incoming boy that's fun i like that i don't even know what it really does it's just fun to play with yeah star machine gun just says bullet storm so i have no idea what it does what is this that sounds fun oh it's an underground one okay it sounds like something's there i mean you've you've messed with that guy like seven times good i don't want him there anymore he doesn't want you there anymore what is this stop i'm gonna make strong boy so do these guys have like any chance of reaching any of that oh yeah they do what is not quite oh is that some mortar or something what what was that don't know i have no yeah it was a star more but it uh it's weird it doesn't really do anything can i upgrade that oh i can to a warhead rocket that sounds exciting i want that one or this one my guys are just constantly in pain even though it's just hey don't do that what i do but what you can do this one sounds really fun it's just so expensive oh that's just annoying no it's not oh okay that's fine oh no i just missed everything oh that's not cool no it's not intern that's very funny there's no fun about missiling your own base you hear that noise all the fun do you hear that noise oh yeah it sounds like fun please don't shoot me it's so big i'm losing frames i think oh where'd they go you're about to lose more than just friends come on little buddies come on get them all get them all yeah oh that's not cool half of my base just kind of went away all right those are fine let's do another build over here what do we want do i want nope these are boring i want something like this i don't like whatever you're doing it's not working though my stuff isn't working maybe i should just try to delete something oh it really isn't working um i don't know what that did those didn't reach they didn't do anything what does this do can i just snipe with this thing oh sure i really don't know what that did i don't either all right that's ready these are ready those seems ready bad intern bad intern i just need something else what are you shooting at me no no no what is that it's that mortar again that doesn't reach weird like the worst mortar ever let's see if i can find something else fun puncture mortar is that what this is well you know i can do that too might not be a good idea for me what was that i have no idea but it just blew up my base oh balls um but what i don't know what's happening my base is being disappeared i'm so confused i have stars all over my life i think i just ruined my chances of i ruined winning all right just leave me alone why do you keep shooting me in turn half of the stuff that's happened to you but i'll take credit for it okay um hey what does that do uh not much of anything real shock is it time for this again yeah maybe see that what is that those little explosions no clue you just do them because they look fun yeah all of my stuff just okay yeah yeah i'm emptying your emps let's get in there get in there get in there ah nailed it oh no that was the gunner that was the gunner i emptied him hey that's not oh i'm burning no actually wasn't that much damage wow you know what is damaged my base my entire career over here got ended by my oh that took so much stuff to upgrade i didn't even try to oh wow your reactor is exposed is it yeah no i don't think so i can see it that's so much weird happening over there yeah i don't like this okay that i need that thing back um okay i guess that's what that is um intern i'm having a hard time here okay yeah me too there's so many things happening we all have a hard time i figured out why i'm having a hard time oh yeah yeah i blew up all my winter months i need weapons again since i've destroyed all of mine yep you did you definitely did it was all you is there anything even for this guy to shoot anymore oh so there is you still have like weird flax yeah i made new flex do that there really yeah i mean it's fine if you want to i'm cool with that and all just as long as you're cool with this uh yeah i think i'm pretty okay with that another one another one i don't even know what this one is but my base is on fire again that's a lot of noise in turn it is why did you shoot them this thing is going forever it's so loud uh i don't think i can prepare enough for that oh that's big [Applause] i hit it with mortars and nothing happened go a little duke go little luke that's scary that was awesome okay but we're okay though we aren't okay stop that you found found it it's okay gotta say that one little machine gunner has been an impressive defense so far but i think you ran out of defense for this nope i didn't yeah that's looking good what is it oh oh hello little man hello there general kenobi all right there he goes wow that was a good shot well thank you oh what is that that is called deadliness [Music] i got you what the heck i know right that's pretty exciting oh that's what those are what did you find out uh you're shooting annoying things what the pre-depleted uranium the previous vp hey i could almost hit your reactor is that a howitzer it was a a a i see that what do you see a weird jittery laser there's nothing happening i see that oh oh i got the howitzer uh that's just annoying come on shoot it down shoot it down don't shoot it down get it out yes you shut it down very early earlier than last time well you know what speaking of earlier than last time i'm just going to shoot this hey there we go there we go there's some fire it's just pumping through everything yeah that was awesome i did it i like that gun that's my new favorite oh that is so annoying i don't even know what this thing does but i want it can i have anything like that yes not from you i'm really scared of this thing that i'm building i don't know what it does but it sounds terrifying i also really want to build this hey internet did you put all your fire out yet um no can you give me more time oh sure hey that laser is not more time wow that was on top of it uh-huh why is it blowing up my own base i think we're okay i know we're both really incompetent but this is reaching new levels you wanna seeing something i learned about being incompetent it's called this thing it does really good at being competent no it's not supposed to there's a lot of fire i just made i need more of those i hear other things happening like bro there we go there we go that looks like a pretty good shot oh that's a really good shot is that where you put yourself no no no no no yes it is that's just look at it just ripping through your ship that's awesome that is the dorkiest thing no no no no no no no no no no i think you have problems here you guys go play in traffic you're just sending people to play in traffic yeah that's what i usually that's what i tell my kids like hey you just go play in traffic now and they're like okay dad love you and then they just run outside i don't know why they run outside but they like traffic why is that guy still alive because he actually is doing okay i need to end his life no you don't what oh no that's my base oh i just blew up my ship okay that's a stupid machine don't build the swinging laser i'm just trying to figure out if you're gonna end you first or me first you oh that thing i hate that thing so much okay and then i think oh i don't have a sniper anymore because i just blew it up with a swinging laser my base is like halfway all janky this is sadness oh boy oh that's really good sadness oh i'm so sorry are you you know the best part i disconnected your storage oh no you did i did that's i did it all by myself yeah you're ready but you know you do have to get through all of that to get to me now i just need to start it on fire i hate you i just started it on fire did you see that i had a front row seat okay we're going to get rid of the swinging laser because that was just stupid oh no do it again because it hurt you really bad excuse me hey enter does that thing launch yet oh yeah [Laughter] [Music] there's a lot of fire it even went underground it's blue fire it's blue we're blue flaming today ready and then i just do this a little bit farther back i feel so bad i mean i do but i don't you really don't i don't i can tell when you feel bad and you don't feel bad okay uh-huh so we just learned something very important uh stars are stupid the chaos launchers are insane i don't even know where to begin to build i don't i don't know if you can build back there's not even any defense for that which is stupid i think there is i just don't know what it would be bye intern [Music] i like how you keep building back oh that's a little overshot well that missed that's okay your reactor's back there somewhere we might get a little bit of damage to it but i'm hoping my nuke does better also i i have this thing now i don't know what it does huh that's weird looking what okay that missed no it goes through the ground and then my slow-moving nuke is like hey fellas what's happening back here [Laughter] everything's on fire it's hilarious i'm not even gonna put it out no you have to i'm sending more fire do i oh goodbye sorry not sorry you have found the weirdest mod i've ever seen yep and i'd also like to thank the patreon and youtube supporters especially alan h apollo bunny autodave been a nader ben dickie j tahibias destructo man eagle lark maxer spencer t vc engineer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason amorel whiskey spider sacks joe b fury arrow doug rules 2.0 nerdy geek skunk chest aquarion link here bread and lewis
Channel: Blitz
Views: 635,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz forts, forts blitz, forts gameplay, forts game, forts new update, forts update, forts ships, forts ship, forts planes, forts plane, forts warship, forts new, forts high seas, forts high seas dlc, forts high seas multiplayer, forts multiplayer, forts multiplayer blitz, forts interndotgif, interndotgif forts, forts steam key, forts ships dlc, forts intern, forts modded, forts modded gameplay, forts modded multiplayer, forts stars
Id: -Tw-ny8ypJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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