My Civilization SURVIVED On A MASSIVE CREATURE in The Wandering Village

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a little game called the wandering village now the developers sent me a little bit of an early demo key for this game you can play the demo on steam's neck fest coming out on the 21st of february there's a link in the video description if you want to wishlist it and try the demo up but i'm going to let the intro game scene kind of describe this game for you if i can spell blitztopia for our city's name driven from our homes by the toxic spores we kept wandering looking for shelter but not in our wildest dreams did we imagine what we would find yeah how cool is that it's a gigantic dinosaur and we see the people that are walking to it and this game is like a city building base building game except we're riding on the back of this giant dinosaur we get to go throughout the world and travel through different biomes we can send out surge parties to get things for from the mines and the quarries and even the sand dunes but we should probably start with the basics you know we probably need a little bit of shelter to protect us from the poisonous gas and then obviously over here we probably need to get a stone cutter to cut up that stone we could also harvest the stone that's on the ground and we probably need to grab a couple trees to begin with too good job little fellas yes you're amazing build better faster there we go they're so happy look at them they're like yay we get to get resources because we finally have a home and friends and stuff i'm also going to get a berry gatherer because there's some berries around here and i like eating berries it's probably not the best spot for it but you saw the little ring around here very good little peasants build up that stone cutter that is a really cool graphic on there we're gonna put two people to work in there they're gonna start mining away that giant boulder we're also gonna hack down a whole bunch of trees and then we're gonna start building up some other things like material storage locations around our city center maybe three of those to begin with we can get a worker post going in here too nice the berry gatherer is up and working we have i guess we could put three people working in here we might need to plant some more in the future but i'm not exactly sure how to do that yet i don't think it's been researched look they're eating their berries up that's fantastic okay cool we have these things ready to go we need some more wood so if i chop down a few more trees we'll have plenty of logs to build up our things look at him go it's so cool i'm not used to an art style like this where you you pan up from the top down view to like a side view because that's really cool how it pans back and forth i'm sorry i don't get to play many games this neat butter material storage is ready to go they should start bringing oh whoa our dinosaur's waking up go little buddy he's got six legs how cool is that now he's gonna start traveling us through the world and also these are his stats so he's not poisoned he is hungry and he's not very sleepy or he's not hungry and he's not too sleepy oh that's so cool oh these guys are making stone slabs from stone that's not exactly what i thought was gonna happen we don't need stone slabs we straight up need stone right now but having a farm would be a good plan and there's a nice big green area right down here i could also chop down all of these trees in here so we have a better farming zone and since we do have a few of this and our farm is going to be down here i kind of want to put a pantry in the middle so we'll drop a pantry in right there we can also get a water tank going on so we can start gathering some water and then we need to where is that at right here an air well so an air well gets the water from the air then they can store it inside the water tank in case we do go into a desert which i think we're in right now i'm not sure what biome this is but it looks poisonous i'm also going to queue up a uh a research area up in here oh this is wonderful our little dinosaur is going to find some nomads here group of nomads desperately looking for a new home it's kind of interesting also there's a settlement that we could send people out to if we had a party i think this is also kind of fantastic too as the dinosaur walks we can see the entire horizon moving and the dude's got six legs so he's kind of stable and stuff which is amazing oh and nice our storage tank is ready to go they're also building up that air well to start gathering that water from the air cool we have that and since we are in the desert we have regular production speed oh we're in that pink area now aren't we be cool if you guys made up this farm yeah i put it at high priority so that's cool that you built the other things first oh choose your next research we can make a kitchen or a horn blower if she commands to onboa which is our dinosaur i think we should probably do that we could open the research tree too to see what we can get okay there's the hut housing for six villagers interesting or the horn blower okay we have the kitchen the scavenger hut does that send out workers yeah that's kind of cool and we can also make the onboa blood into process food which seems very not satisfying but we can harvest wheat so that's kind of cool oh the dunk collector isn't available in the demo version that's not fun okay let's go for the horn blower first oh beautiful the farm is ready to go too so hopefully plants and harvest crops neat you're making beets and it uses water thankfully we have water just kidding we don't have water but it's making water oh then nomads joined you picked up a group of nomads to join your village population leveled up ah cool we have 21 people now now i don't know for sure but i think once you cut down the resources they're kind of gone i don't know if they regrow or not oh and i also forgot to make a plot whoops we actually need to make a place for our people to dig that's fun good job blitz you dork there you go fellas build us up the things of our people plant those beets hey they have planted beets oh nice we get a scavenger hunt that's what i wanted next that also means i can make the blower we need some uh planks for that okay i'm gonna put the horn blower up here next to the research tree just kidding i'm gonna build the carpenter up here on this area of garbage land and then we'll start making some planks up because we have stone slabs already cool hornblower time right up here oh we're moving so fast where does the horn blower go oh it has to be way in the front oh way up here oh that's amazing because then the the onboa could actually hear it i'm actually concerned that we're not going to have enough water for this too oh whoa whoa what's going on you okay bud i just laid down oh that's amazing i love him oh now the horn bower is ready so we can tell him to run or lie down but i think this is a pretty good place for him to sleep okay now that we have the scavenger hunt research too what should we do make mushrooms and onboard food oh so we can feed the fella we don't have any mushrooms ready but he is going to want to eat pretty soon so we'll do that and then we get to build a trebuchet to feed him oh that's amazing i guess we're probably gonna need a mushroom factory too and by mushroom factory i mean a mycologist because it's mycelium remember from minecraft i'm gonna build that right here because that looks like a good spot beautiful and we'll add the mushroom field in here it looks good to me we are requiring water to plant on here too a little bit concerned i think we should build like plenty more watering things air wells is what they're called and we are dropping on the food rate too our consumption was 20 year production was only 14. so we're dropping around that that's not good at all oh cool we made the kitchen blueprints too so we should make some huts let's see what's actually next we want wheat and windmill i think that might be a good way to go down or we should finish up the trebuchet first because he's going to get real hungry real soon i also want to build up that scavenger hunt so we can send people out to it wondering if we have to build it next yeah we have to build it next to the edge of the map okay that's a good spot and i should really have put the berry scavenger way up here oh we're getting up again we're getting up again oh look at him go he's like yes i get to walk i get to walk walk walk oh your villagers observe a poisonous looking spores on the horizon oh no where is that i don't see any poisonous spores but i could send out a group to the mine iron ore okay the poisoned nomads looking for a new home many other poisoning medical agents sorry bro they're not not for us are we in the poison biome i don't really know we're going north and avoiding the poisoners i feel like i should send out a group though oh it's an onboa feeding spot i have food for them though my party is ready i'm gonna try sending them here we're gonna send them to the mine nice and we have created the the feeding trebuchet yeah yeah yeah forming the party collecting iron ore oh that's so cool okay now that we have the feeding trebuchet that looks good we should maybe go towards the kitchen route or the hut yeah because we need the quarry in the sawmill eventually here let's go with the kitchen first how's our mushrooms doing pretty decent let's get our trebuchet built up if i can okay we need 15 planks we'll turn this back on oh there's also a rune settlement we could have waited and gone to the rune settlement you guys better make it back i do not want to leave you nice that iron ore is almost collected got it caught yes yes yes 11 iron ore back interesting and the scavenger party is ready we're going to send them to this settlement i don't even know what could go there recruiting new villagers oh we're recruiting new people a few desperate survivors or leftover food can be found here interesting we're about to get this poison group too pick up a group of nomads who are joining a village many are poisoned will die soon if they are cured by a village doctor i don't have a doctor dude i'm so sorry oh but you know what i can do we can make an herbalist for medical purposes and then i could be build the feeding trebuchet because yes we're just gonna eat some mushrooms into its path so it'll eat it oh and nice we hit a ombo feeding spot too so it it was able to get it and our villagers are almost back what did we get party came back they brought two workers out of two brody died rosetta died hopefully those weren't our new workers the good news is i can go to a quarry and get large stones and now we can get that village doctor too i'll need to make an herbalist so we can make up some medicine i actually don't want that we need to make the onboa feeding thing yeah the kitchen and maybe a regular kitchen so we can make up food for ourselves and that was good that we built up a ton of these oh we're going to sleep again i think we're going to sleep yeah we're sleeping in the middle of a desert which is a place where we have no water good thing we have 297 of it already i don't know if that's enough but i hope it is we can continue having more food looks like we're going up on the food cool we got 18 stone from that expedition we can't go back to any of those so i guess we'll just send them over here because sleepy boys he's sleeping for a while looks like traveling is back on the menu he just woke up but we got 10 iron ores so that's cool so this is interesting too i got the wheat harvested oh this is real not good like like for real talk we are out of food and our food is going down even though like i've got these guys working as fast as they can i can't add any more to it i need another farm why don't i put that one like right here oh it's so far away from our water supply maybe i'll put it right here and then we will research the wheat because we can make wheat and windmills and hopefully a bakery for bread i'm also gonna have to harvest all of the berries that i can find on the map because our people are gonna die if i don't but they're super happy so that's good probably should go find some more people and i didn't want to go into the purple area but let's send a party to the settlement maybe we can get some more and then we'll get the windmill to go with the wheat if my people ever want to build this and we did get one new villager from that so that's cool too so i think the next best thing to do is to build up a few of these huts there's six that can live in each one i need roughly five of them for my current population and i think i have enough materials to be 25 of each i've got 27 and 36. so beautiful that's a good job oh man that made him like super duper happy now we have a ton of food too i don't know how that happened but all of a sudden we just got a ton of food probably from all the berries we just picked and we're starting to get some herbs so that's cool and i'd like to get one of those doctors a village doctor we need 10 more of this but we're running dangerously low on stones and that's cool too we just got the windmill so this thing is ready this is our farm let's check out what that windmill actually does we just build things without actually knowing what it is grinds wheat into flour oh so it doesn't increase our productivity at all that's okay so we're gonna make this farm grow wheat and we're going to increase its size from judging from this one we aren't going to need a very big area since it doesn't really work that large oh what's going on bud oh you're just going to take a nap that's okay nap time is best time i wish i could take a nap all right my friends i think that is gonna be a pretty good stopping point for right now i'll kind of hate to end on a cliffhanger like that but if you guys want to see another video of this let me know down below in the comments i would be more than happy to play another video of this game for you especially since this demo is like 35 turns see if we can actually make it the full distance i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters especially spider sacks joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow dave rules 2.0 junk boy 76 skunk chest link hue at 46 magma games 22 so it's you the korean l h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy hippiest des bee eagle arc maxer spencer t whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason m and braille
Channel: Blitz
Views: 376,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, the wandering village, the wandering village gameplay, the wandering village game, wandering village, wandering village blitz, blitz wandering village, the wandering village steam, wandering village steam, city builder games, city building, the wandering village ep 1, the wandering village playthrough
Id: ZK50Rpbygf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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