i attempted the strangest speedruns in SMO

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oh hey uh what's up jose thanks for the 20 months summer twitch now thanks for the two aaron thank you drafty thank you so much hey everybody what's up um we're um super mario odyssey meme speed runs i did it again last week uh i feel like the stream was cut a little bit short so i wanted to do it again because i was actually having a really good time with it and this week is kind of stacked like i have a white outline as you can see i am all white um anyways uh how's that you can hear the game right yeah are you able to hear it as long as one second we need to check something i need to check the audio's decent i don't know if it sounds good or not we'll see how's your day going it's good dr banner thanks for the six months no it's quiet are you sure it's quiet is it still quiet is it that quiet what the heck that is weird that it's so quiet maybe i usually have it here then i'm not sure it's strange that it is so quiet oh yeah i need to do this really quick but yeah we're doing meme speedruns today i got a bunch on the on the list we're just gonna start with festival percent because it's a good warm up for the more intense ones like all deaths that is too loud isn't it yeah that's way louder than it normally sits isn't it ah let's calm down there buddy okay give me the nut button i will in just a second let's see that's good just a tad bit wait a minute i wonder if it's i'm not sure which audio this is going through because i see two audios it's so weird what the heck and also why are they in that order this is weird but how is is it good is it about where it normally sits i'm not sure if it would be but we'll see uh chronic voice thank you for the five subs cat bard marnado's dazn audio is is good okay interesting timer well i haven't started the run yet i'm just trying to figure out audio to make sure the audio is good okay it's festival the metro thing it is the metro thing yes um but yeah honestly we ended last stream with like uh all deaths and i kind of really really enjoyed the all death speed run despite it being so short it was a really cool run so we're gonna do all deaths again but yeah uh three two one go we're just gonna start our first run just gonna start it we're gonna do what just festival percent it's it's essentially like a half of them of a of an 80 percent run where is the nut button where'd it go it should it's usually just sitting on my desk is it is it on my in this no did it slide off of my desk somehow no maybe it did i don't know where the nut button went i couldn't tell you where it went well i'll find it after this run well it's not all a bunch what's all deaths it's like every different way you can possibly die in odyssey it's actually pretty cool but i hope everybody had a good weekend i know i did um i i just watched um i just i literally just watched my hero academia that's it that's that's all i did i just i watched season two and i got three quarters of the way through season three that's that's why there wasn't a youtube video um i i was i was watching my hero academia um it's all flashbacks there are a lot of flashbacks yes like the half the first half of every episode is just a recap of the last episode but it's good um anyways yeah um yeah we're doing meme speed runs exciting schedule this week i'm playing odyssey twice i'm feeling it feeling odyssey recently so we're doing that um what else how many deaths are in death percent it's like 15 or something i have the split save from last time because we're actually we could get the world record uh is what we realized uh but yeah uh this week today we're doing meme speedruns obviously but tomorrow tomorrow i am going to be streaming with the largest streamer on twitch the biggest streamer on twitch ludwig and his friends atria constance um so i'm racing them in bingo super mario odyssey bingo i challenged him i was like yo you want to do this and he was like yup so we're doing that uh crafty boss thank you so much for the year let's go welcome back uh judici uh honor al tehran cosmos with the tan uh crusher reuben phantom joker stonked thank you so much uh who else pain shroud the preso espresso many player cadibi lucky triple smoky sphinx thank you so much for the subs i really appreciate it i'm sorry if i missed any there at the start of the stream it's always hard to keep up i do appreciate it though um but yeah uh so tomorrow that's happening at um tomorrow that's happening at 7 00 pm my time so i'm gonna be streaming for six hours of super mario odyssey and then we're gonna do the whole stream with ludwig so tomorrow is gonna be like a nine ten hour stream so it's gonna be later on uh so that will be uh it's gonna be a long one tomorrow uh also speaking of long streams i think next tuesday uh next tuesday i may be also doing a long stream because it's my birthday i completely forgot uh it's my birthday next week so we're going to do a breath of wild 100 i'm kidding super mario odyssey 100 stream no not breath of the wild i got you haha you fell for it i didn't just misspeak but yeah it's my birthday um and so we're doing super mario odyssey 100 for my birthday it should take i don't know like 10 11 12 hours it'll be a long one that's all i know it'll be a nice long stream for my birthday on may 3rd um it's not my birthday today keep that in mind but yeah may 4th may 3rd i i'm pretty sure that's tuesday right tuesday i don't know whatever may 3rd is we're doing a super mario odyssey 100 has a mario odyssey multiplayer mod been made oh we're far away away from that but speaking of the super mario odyssey randomizer may 3rd is monday is it oh it is monday yeah monday sorry monday we're doing a super mario odyssey hundo sorry gotta turn it around okay yeah whatever i'm not doing media share on my birthday no no we'll do it on a separate thing [Music] we'll do that on a i think we will do media share in may i haven't done meteor share in a while and now that i've switched over to my new computer i can actually do media share um so yeah what does your mug say i don't know i i just grabbed it i we have a bunch of random mugs i think it's the grammar mug that's like really smug burgers brucify it's like the [Music] computer deets it's a 30 90 uh gpu and a 5950x other thing no splits nah we'll do splits with the all deaths run because that helps with the run itself so i can remember it but anyways uh what else what there's so much exciting stuff um oh super mario odyssey randomizer i had a really good conversation with craftyboss we called for like i think it was like four or five hours last night i'm pretty sure it's four or five hours yesterday and we talked about uh ideas for the randomizer and stuff and uh got uh got someone else helping out there's um someone else that is uh that is known for super mario odyssey modding stuff didn't feel like it was probably that long it was that long yeah it was quite a long call uh radical thank you for the three more subs i appreciate it but um yeah uh bryce is one of the people that will probably ask for help occasionally but that's actually it's uh gr animated i think is the name of the username the person that's helping out they're they're known we've played some of their mods on stream i believe um but gr animated is helping out with the randomizer too i feel like by the end of the randomizer we're just gonna have like a full team of people working on it it's kind of funny um but yeah we got someone working on that because um and i'll show you uh maybe after this run we'll see uh why is it on english that's a very weird question to ask um you know in randomizers how you don't know where anything is because it's all random and sometimes you just get stuck [Music] and you want to know some extra information right oops you know like you don't know where anything is um well there's a thing called a spoiler log and a spoiler log it gives you information on the uh on the run or on like where moons are or not moons but it tells you where items are generally like uh and that's just in like a separate generally plain text file on the side um but craftybus the smart fellow that he is he realized that the action guide in super mario odyssey is basically just like an html file it's like a website and then it's pretty easy to change that like comparatively easy so the spoiler log you know i'm just going to show you right now because i'm really excited about it i'm just going to pause the timer i'm not going to submit this run uh let me just the spoiler log for super mario odyssey randomizer will probably look something now it obviously it's it's the idea just came out and we haven't like fully figured everything out but the randomizer spoiler log by going into the action guide you'll be able to see information like this and like this which is pretty damn cool but this is just the concept but there's a good chance it'll look something like that which i think looks amazing and you can just like literally pause the game that's gonna say spoiler log instead of action guide ah dang it like it's it's gonna be so cool and like we we talked about a bunch of other things as well lots of stuff working on but yeah i i i drafted that up last night as like a concept and i think based on uh like super mario odyssey stuff it shouldn't be too difficult is the current description of the run updated yeah we are doing festival percent i forgot there was this moon here we are doing festival present right now i'm just doing it to start off the stream i'm convinced if we combine the powers of crafty and ass sign and the other peeps who can make super luigi odyssey thank you for the 10 gifts of oh my god thank you so much roommate reveal i'm pretty sure my roommate is streaming right now like twitch.tv small aunt roommate that's not a joke he actually started streaming recently so he is streaming but yeah i'm excited for the randomizer and honestly i'm at the point now [Music] where i'm at the point now where it's going to cost me quite a lot it's going to cost me quite a lot to make get the randomizer made but i just i i want i think if it gets done and it gets it's really easy really accessible i think it's going to be a huge positive thing for anyone that plays super mario odyssey so like i i think i'm gonna devote a little bit more of my resources to it and like try try and make it a thing that's like really easy to set up like there's tutorials made for it and like anybody can do it like the way we're gonna like the official release once it's out is anyone can try it out and play it it's completable by anyone you don't have to have a certain skill level but yeah it's uh [Music] like once it's officially done and you know no it's not doesn't crash every all of the features have been added you know it'll be accessible to everyone for free it's gonna cost me like based on how much work has gone into it and how much uh work is left wouldn't it get shut down by nintendo none of it is using nintendo's assets so technically no they don't have like all of the stuff basically what it does is that a mod or a cracked game it's basically it'll be a mod that you apply to your game and like those are totally fine but yeah like the reason why it's costing me a lot of money is because you know i the people that i'm getting to work on this you know i i'm i'm compensating them for their time obviously like i'm not gonna let them do all this work for free heracorp so you know get it getting right now we've had oh i need to message rice back by the way um you know getting three people to work like i i don't know how many hours craftyboss has put into this already i'm pretty sure it's like like a few few hundred right you know i'm not letting people do a couple hundred hours of work for nothing new she thanks for the prime is there anything the community can do to help i mean honestly i'm not sure i think i i feel like uh crafty boss is kind of in the lead right now he he's kind of been been handling it basically i'm like i i told crafty boss yesterday i was like if you know of anyone that could help you with this stuff and you know they're willing to and you know it would make the process a little bit faster you know if you want to ask them then [Music] you want to ask them to to do something you know just just see if they want to oh my god i don't know why that didn't work you know if they do want to i am willing to compensate them for their time someone say bryce yeah i need to uh i need a message bryce you need to change the run stuff on stream no i don't that's the run i'm doing right now can someone help apply logic uh crafty boss and i talked about logic for a while yesterday i i figured out the logic [Music] uh i figured out the logic and um tried to run run it through with crafty boss i think craftyboss has got a good handle on it linapp thank you for the three months there is literally a smaller roommate on twitch i know there is we can hear you on your roommate's stream sorry i'm so loud [Music] are you trying to get the mencap record back anytime soon um i think once both cj and i are vaccinated i'm gonna i'm gonna fly him out to my place and we're gonna do two player min caps runs as two actual people and we'll just beat the record then together the power of cj and i combined no one will be able to stop us this way there won't be a competition between us anymore because we're working together because technically you can submit a run on that leaderboard as as uh as a team of two people like that's uh that's a thing that you are allowed to do it's just no one two people have never been in the same place for minimum captures before because minimum captures is so hard it's hard to get two people in the same place but we did reach a sub goal a while back for cj and i to do a two-player run and i do plan on um you know following through with that cj and i will do it he has agreed that he is willing to come over for like a week two weeks i don't know how long and we'll just grind it out like streams for like a week we'll just be minimum captures making an unbeatable record two people have never been in the same place two minimum captures runners have never been in the same place [Music] but there's a lot of time saved that only two people can do which is why i'm so confident there's a lot of tricks that is too huge brain for one person like one person couldn't do it even if they tried whoa okay yo right thank you so much for the five subs what the heck i appreciate that whoa a heck of a lot thank you and a jouster thank you for the five as well what are nikovita and travis percent i mean travis was more of just like he didn't i feel like they never really did it enough to be able to get like really truly good at it right they didn't grind enough all right mr stop the beating i'm so sorry thank you so much for the sub i i am missing a few uh i'm missing a few subs because my monday the start of mondays are always uh a little overwhelming with subscriptions just because you know people are resubbing from their subs running out over the weekend but yeah in terms of like the whole super mario odyssey community and stuff i feel like it'll be a really cool thing that like you know the legend of zelda randomizers the people that work on legend of zelda randomizers are amazing right but i've never really heard of a like a a mario randomizer that people are super excited about like i know there's a super mario 64 randomizer but i haven't really i've really seen anything about it ever so i i can't imagine it's it's all that interesting but like there's just a lot of exciting things with the randomizer that's gonna going to be added i don't want to spoil too many things it's mostly all star and coin locations that are randomized yeah like i don't know if i want to spoil stuff for you guys or not you know i guess you're here it's early enough in the stream i i could share the one core idea that we've had that um no spoils okay if you don't want to get spoiled close your ears is this a normal playthrough no read the bottom text on the screen it'll tell you which meme speedrun i'm doing why good okay the one biggest change and this is this is gonna be in like the final final version because it's gonna take a very long time to implement but it is something that i do expect to have implemented eventually um is uh randomized captures where every capture is randomized and the game is still beatable but obviously that would take like testing out every area and be like okay what capture is possible to be replaced here and it's still beatable so like in cascade kingdom you know instead of chain chomps there might be a uh a bullet bill launcher and you capture a bullet builder to destroy the rocks instead it would take a hell of a lot of stuff in uh in the bullet bill sub area in sand kingdom or the jacksie submarine sand kingdom maybe you replace jaxy or the bullet bill with dry bones they fly like stuff of that nature the wires would be difficult yeah i mean wires would probably stay somewhat the same but stuff like that it would take a hell of a lot of testing jack season to capture but i know that's the point just replacing things with other things it's a randomizer but yeah it would it would take quite a long time but um obviously because you need to test every single capture in the game in every spot uh but it would be really cool i think fun fact the wire and cap kingdom could be randomized to something else that can fly wait actually is that a goal for a collab with easy specie uh yeah we've already done a collab that's actually the next video on the youtube channel is the uh the race that we did um which hopefully will be out sometime soon i was supposed to get it out this weekend but i got distracted watching my hero academia anyway the wire takes you into a loading zone that's so funny okay wait you watch mha i i watched through season two and almost half of season three so you could fly but it's kind of far though yeah but it's just there's a lot of really cool ideas that that we got and i'm excited to to slowly get them implemented over time and like i'll probably do like little update streams as things start to get implemented like you know as it's uh is this running what's youtube delay random sometimes it's six months behind sometimes it's that week like um uh the thing i did with the thing i'll be doing with ludwig tomorrow it might the video might come out on wednesday doroth thank you for the four months appreciate it every time i talk about the randomizer crafty boss oh god there's six months of work well i mean here's the thing like why did that was so weird um that's like a normal jump like i i i did share with crafty boss like i'm willing to take on more people to help with the the whole work uh so you know stuff that would take uh crafty boss a long time as a solo uh developer of it like i'm totally fine getting a team of people working on this because i feel like at the end of the day this will really be a really cool thing for super mario odyssey and just make uh you know make odyssey even more replayable than it already is [Music] [Music] what's a good upload schedule for youtube i don't know just upload good content it doesn't matter how often but obviously the further in between uploads the better the content should be [Music] oops oh oh my god okay why is your face can sometimes be or sometimes not i just forget sometimes wait is it not mirrored today i don't know if it's mirrored today or not i haven't really been paying attention i don't know sometimes it is sometimes not it's just random layout settings i don't know [Music] you're gonna clap ludwig's ass well we'll see we'll see stans click baited me yo i'm big enough that people click bait me now oh pretty sure it's not mirrored right now right hand it's not mirrored okay we're almost done this run by the way will they be doing less lines than you and bingo uh here was my thought of how we should run bingo to start is um with with the the super mario odyssey bingo it's gonna be the three of them versus me right i was going to say how do you think of this for um a uh a thing they have to complete three lines as a team so they can do um like any three lines and um [Music] they can complete any three lines as a team i have to complete three lines by myself so essentially they're doing one line each as i have to do three full lines and if i end up beating them with that then i could do the whole board while they do three lines in like another attempt they can't do the same line right yeah like together they have to get three separate lines so they have to get a minimum of uh [Music] they have to get a minimum of 12 goals well i have to get um as a team so like four goals each and i have to get 12 by myself when are you gonna make a new vid for any percent oh god do people think i'm running any percent that's just a knockoff channel that someone made that's trying to copy lowest percent i don't run any percent i don't run the channel any percent that's just a knockoff channel of lowest percent please no please do not no any percent i am not affiliated with in any way they just ripped us off 13 squares okay it was an april fool's joke no any percent is not an april fool's joke they have like 50k subs from copying us yeah lowest percent uh videos are coming out whenever they're done we have i think people work i think there's like one video in the works right now yeah higher percent was an april fool's joke by the mods any percent is just a knockoff of lowest percent they have the same like logo on anything and everything yo leave the cook thanks for the five months appreciate it instead of doing night metro can you use the cafe return castle no you can't uh because um you cannot because uh you can't do world peace in early metro you can't go into the sewers we have to change the bingo board to have easier goals no they can choose any three lines so like they can choose all the easy ones 100 ninjas thanks for two months [Music] there we go why do you pick up those two moons honestly um i forgot that we were doing this run i was kind of just focused on talking to chat it's just muscle memory what do you think the next chapter will be skipped in min caps um heck i don't know i don't know my phone bartholo bartholomew thanks for the tier one i appreciate it how long will each bingo take uh generally if if a three-line bingo takes 45 minutes from cjri 45 minutes to 55 minutes um if i have to do a blackout that takes generally an hour and 15 or now we're in 10. synchro thank you for the year let's go dude appreciate it storm being nice of the seven probably the dragon fight if anything is skipped it has to be the dragon fight who are going to be the people you mean the people that i'm racing ludwig stands atrioc ludwig the biggest streamer on twitch atriox and stanza's friend i'm sorry i keep disrespecting atrialcan stands like this but that's the easiest way i can describe them yeah we're streaming with them tomorrow i'm doing i i know my roommate will at least hate me calling hatreoc ludwig's friend cause uh my my roommate he went from watching uh exclusively ludwig to watching exclusively atriox because my friend says atrialk is older and more relatable because my roommate's a boomer and he's like 28 years old [Music] um 28 isn't boomer it's close enough it's closer to boomer than i am i match go down there you go oh you can't speak okay what's wrong with any person putting us we don't got it they're blatantly copying you i'm fine if they if someone puts out speedrunning content but if they copy my branding almost to the t with almost the same name it feels like a knockoff if they had any other name i would have been fine with it but the name they chose is any percent the logo name banner is as similar as it could be without being a a uh exactly the same it's basically our logo but like a reddish color it's not a it's not a ripoff it's a knockoff and it should i don't know it just feels like it's a low effort knockoff doesn't feel doesn't feel cool [Music] it's just like if someone started streaming that looked like me like if if uh if someone looked like me i didn't know them and they made a channel called big ant and started doing the exact same stuff like that's not cool they're just trying to they're basically trying to to to trick people into watching their content thinking it's mine yeah it'd be if like uh point crow rebranded to um to big hornet which i had to talk him out of a while ago um like people can make similar content but if people are making similar content and deliberately make a name that's the same to try and filter off people to trick them that's not cool [Music] wow yeah it's the same thing internet scammers do with websites to draw in people exactly the minecraft video they did is the exact same thumbnail as lowest percent yeah like looks good silver like after this run i'll show you like what a rip-off it is not a rip-off knock-off rip-off isn't technically correct actually uh silver could you clickbait their names a little bit more like uh add like a featuring like and order them by sub count for sure thank you youtube subs are twitch subs youtube don't you know it's time to raise ourselves it's freedom like you never knew [Music] say the word i'll be there in a flash you can say my head is after you [Music] cj's lowest percentage was so good i know i'm definitely going to get cj to do more lowe's percent videos if he's willing to of course because he did he killed it [Music] and that's time all right that's the festival good good stuff um here i'll show you i'll show you it um so here is lowest percent is the channel i run with lincus lincus and i have this we have you know 12 videos up they do pretty well um you know it's not too shabby 6.5 million views 600k 700k 1.4 mil we have 200k subs on it um but i want you to look at this thumbnail right here minecraft speedrun change everything 1.1 million views we got venom to do it he's incredible um now i don't know let's see let's find it now keep in mind that uh that channel specifically now let's look at another channel really quick here and let let's take a look any percent looks suspicious isn't it this this this thumbnail is just a little suspicious don't you think a a little bit suspicious did they even use the same number of decimal places not quite oh they use two more zeros cause it's better but like come on it's it's just like a like a walmart knockoff it's it hurts it hurts like just if they change the name i'd be fine with it but it's just the name is just it's too close it it feels like it's trying to trick people into watching their content yeah guys don't leave rude comments on their stuff it's like i'm not trying to brigade them or anything all right but i'm just i'm just sharing something i'm frustrated with i'm not asking you guys to act on it okay legally like there's nothing that i can do there's nothing that can be done but don't don't go out here's the thing like if you guys if there's something that i am upset at and you guys go and act on that that looks bad on me okay don't do that i don't want anybody to ever do that okay like you're making us look bad as a you group i i don't want i don't want the the community around the channel to have a negative reputation i want everybody to be yeah i want people that if someone sees like a small email they're like yeah it was smalling can you not do copyright it's different enough that no but it is kind of lame anyways let's do another speed run another meme speedrun they made videos way before your channel they didn't though that's the thing they started a week after our channel started um let's see what speed runs we got so i'm gonna look at the meme boards let's take a peek also i need to find the nut where the heck did it go did it like slide off of the desk or something is it like in the wires one sec where did it go where did it go i have no idea where the nut button went i honestly couldn't tell you where it went it is nowhere to be seen um you know let's do a soft lock percent it's 58 seconds okay what does soft lock percent look like i'm just gonna mute it they played it in inverted colors why in oh they they explain because [ __ ] it okay there's an inverted color setting in the switch to make it easier for certain people to see it but okay wait what do they do here they roll this way okay and they're soft locked yeah i guess they can't warp they didn't hit a checkpoint it is that the whole thing oh sure let's try it um that was on version 1.0 though so let's switch over to a 1.0 switch i mean one sec let me let me grab my other switch i think it might still be modded i might need to turn it off and on let me see one color it's green okay yeah that's wrong i need to turn off my switch then right i think you're shutting it off is fine power down and then we can just power it back up power options turn off okay i'm not going to play an inverted colors i want to be able to not get a headache today it's not official if it's not inverted i don't know whoop uh super mario odyssey wait why did my monitor switch what the heck go back one okay let's see i'm gonna change the info to soft lock percent soft lock as fast as possible a f as fast as possible okay wait if this was modded i think this is on 1.3 wait a minute oh crap i gotta uh let me just factory reset my switch really quick system settings system formatting options initialize console closing software it's actually really easy to downgrade craftyboss oh wait do you know how to do it apparently craftyboss says there's an easy way how do i do it craftyboss do i just delete some files yeah okay okay wait crafty boss could you dm me how to do it this might actually only take a second your mic is broken is it i think it's fine okay crafty what do i got to do oh crappy boss with the info okay okay you yes me okay i got you crafty i got you i'll need to put this thing in the switch and do the thing all right i'm just gonna switch over shut this bad boy down turn off but first i'll need to download something onto the sd of course the sd okay where do i put that file crafty crafty boss is sending me a bunch of crazy stuff to throw on a thing oh crafty always coming in clutch exactly is this not plugged in it should be plugged in what the heck this pc where is it [Music] let's try that again aha okay i need to drop that in the switch folder sounds good boss boom done okay that's finished let me just do this now mike isn't muted yeah i'm not i'm not trying to mute the mic and launch through homebrew okay sounds good crafty i can do this oh i forgot to start the program up oh do i not i'm pretty sure i move this over i might not have moved the file over from my old computer games i swear i did i did no i didn't wait really oh just give me a sec hmm switch brick percent no it's not switch brick percent i guess i could craftyboss is just sending me the thing i forgot to transfer a file over to uh to my new computer i think so i don't have the thing i need do i let me look for my folders i could have swore i moved it over anyways uh download that just drag this into here and we're good to go sorry about the slight delay i forgot i didn't have a thing that was on um i forgot i didn't have a thing that was here hackerman's oh yeah that's what we're doing okay sure that contains that okay it's just the uh that goes there it's the the bin file crafty or no bin file okay select do this do that okay we're good to go and it is done hello switch are you awake wake up time for school it's time for school oh i guess why isn't the switch turning on if the switch isn't turning on what the heck oops apparently i need to install something there we go okay it's working now does the game soft lock no no no no no i just need to delete a thing to remove and update i didn't realize it was that easy honestly it's kind of cool yeah we're just getting version 1.0 that's plugged in good and aha there we go boom whoa it did it automatically before it ran it automatically before i'll probably have to use my other stuff in the future um hackermans no signal i know i know i'm i'm doing it doing something he's in that don't worry okay remove slow mode for one minute does this come towards your soft lock time no it doesn't all right looks like we're we're in we're in it's going to check that my wi-fi is disconnected just to be sure internet um i opened let's see now uh manage console contents okay okay we're in the mods are in the mods of hack the chat what the hell um it's on the game cartridge it's uh i found it okay here we go almost done and then we'll soft luck the game as quickly as possible i don't i don't know if we'll get sub minute i love how crafty boss is just so familiar with this yeah okay and then uh reset launch version where do i find that where do i find find reset launch version okay okay we're almost good we're just waiting for crafty boss to give me the go ahead oh we're dropping frames whoa we actually dropped frames for a second there that doesn't happen very often cartridge base title it just gives me information it might be good then we might be good it says version 1.3 on the menu i'm in time to hack why don't you version 1.0 because it's easier to clip in version 1.0 they fixed the thing and we're just i'm just turning that thing off oh my god why is it this color so close to 69 oh my god who is in him interesting are we gonna be here all day i hope not oop when i try to one sec sorry i'm sorry about this taking so long i probably got a factory reset by now i'll try one more time that's all you need to reset launch version okay okay i gotcha i gotcha um hmm yeah sd card i figured it'd be the same for the game cartridge ah i know it's not apparently this is version number zero weird weird have you tried turning it on and off again not yet this is more interesting than factory reset i guess that's true yeah just sitting here for like two minutes making me restart the like make a new profile and everything of course hmm yeah there is just a base title on the uh on game cart and no where else just gives tint information okay hacker voice he's in that's stupid what the heck he says capital d colon which is also my thoughts on the matter well i have an idea it's crazy but it just might work i have no idea what i'm doing i'm checking start a prediction not a poll we could start a prediction wait i'll start a prediction okay pre-prediction it's a free prediction okay prediction it's starting i'm doing it um start a prediction will it work in the next seven minutes question mark or will will the game it be on wait well game be started in the next seven minutes 1.0 well game start or nope and this will start once the prediction ends you'll have one minute to submit the predict the thing next prediction let's go got it all right your prediction is here it's a time to get some points yeah the timer will start once that ends and i'll start live split we'll see but crafty is just double checking something yeah hmm oh yeah look at that dlc one dlc two update based title interesting all right gold leaf is no documentation we'll freak all right here we go the timer starts now all right i have got an idea the timer started we have seven minutes just gotta take this bad boy out yep okay good turn it back on wouldn't be funny if he gets it running in like two minutes it would be funny yeah i'm trying so um craftybuzz says the it works really funky and there isn't any documentation for the thing that i was using so i'm just gonna factory reset my switch real quick we're going back to the original thing and i don't know how long it takes but i'm just gonna speed run doing it okay so i'm gonna scroll down to the bottom uh all the way to the bottom formatting options all the way to the bottom initialize console okay um do i have any save data that's really important uh i'm checking it do i have anything that's super important on here uh i don't believe i have anything that's very important let's really hope not um i'm deleting all the save data okay formatting options initialize console okay all save data is gone everything will be deleted turn the power off next okay we're doing it uh the console will connect to unlink you can't connect to the internet you don't have any you don't have any wireless connections uh continue okay uh initialize initializing do not touch the power button it's at zero percent it's initializing i don't know how long this takes i guess we'll find out seven minutes remaining this isn't a joke it literally says seven minutes it might be dishonest it might be lying it's already at five percent six percent generally the the time that it starts at is not honest like we're at uh here's what we're at almost ten percent eleven oh can you stream the loading screen i don't know if i can what did i bet more than i have i don't know is that 15 it still says seven minutes which is weird because there's it's at 15 percent now which is over isn't that like over one-seventh of isn't that over one-seventh of total time right like it's already gone through 20 that's one-fifth you would think it would have gone down by now i feel like that seven minutes is inaccurate it's just gonna pause at 99 percent huh why can't you predict you might be a country that's not active six minutes remaining actually you know what i could just start up the switch my other switch and just play while we wait we'll just screw you guys want to see something cool while we wait i'll keep an eye on it i'm going to do something cool while we wait [Music] um it's a 27 let's let's do something cool real quick what can we do i don't know we'll figure it out you want to watch it load it's at uh it's at 30 now thirty percent six minutes we got time all right i would like to see the game please uh sick exit okay we got we got this this doesn't count this is on version 1.3 by the way for anyone that's predicting there's still um this is 1.3 if you look on the prediction it said 1.0 this is version 1.3 doesn't count on the prediction yet just to be clear uh what what's it what's uh what's something that i can do just to waste five minutes of time is there any any cool trick jumps um let's let's jump from from here to there let's go i bet i could do it i can't imagine it's that hard uh i'm gonna be a sick trick jumper oh tough tough trick jump guys okay we did it we did a trick jump i honestly okay um yeah do the city hall sky glitch suckage we could do suckage um what what else do we do we could do jump rope there's still there's four minutes remaining on it oh man i don't think there's gonna be we're gonna run in time big gamer over here yep yep how high can i get it's at 51 percent jump rope skip there's no letters you have to do in post game wait is there a post game file is there a post oh no is there a post game file on this load oh there is a post game file let's go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm going to show you guys something cool i think i hope i hope this is something cool i don't think i don't know if i got world peace in this kingdom it might not work if we don't have world i'm peace to share something it says three minutes remaining oh you guys have no chance your points are friggin gone there's three minutes remaining on that it's it's it's at 63 i'm so sorry rip believers uh please tell me that i can i'm not sure which file this is all on so all the letters are there let's go we can do the we can do the glitch okay how do you do the letter switch again i don't know i'm just gonna grab uh oh let's grab a gonna grab a we're gonna go there um m i guess i can't remember how to do this in all honesty can't be that hard though um all right i think you need to be facing it yeah and then you do this you do this and then you grab the scooter so you place letters like that and there you go there's the prediction all right and you drop the scooter onto [Music] [Music] here and we just nudge forwards oh my god is that enough will that work not quite almost got it okay whoa oh hello scooter what do you think you are where are you going buddy all right let's try that again let's try that again just get it a little bit okay um something happened where the the m kind of stuck out there a little bit i don't like that i'm gonna try and make it so the m doesn't slip out this time so we're gonna foam i'm just gonna grab the uh the r good it's still one minute remaining on the on the factory reset on that switch damn it wait i can take this out can't i yeah yeah yeah there that'll keep things in place i think okay first i'm watching live welcome to the stream i am just passing some time as we wait for us one of my switches to factory reset because i need a 1.0 file okay nudge okay and we're out let's go if anyone's having trouble with jump rope literally just do this ah i think the switch is doing its thing if anyone is having trouble that glitch is far easier than actually doing this does that work on 1.3 we're currently playing on 1.3 yes it does okay anyways um let's try and do some zoomies wait no i want to do a zoomy why does that count if you're going over the rope are you not okay um one sec let me just switch over the switch thing all right looks like the switch is going yeah yeah i got you okay [Music] gl thank you english the americas except searching for networks later later later later later later los angeles vancouver what's the time 1 121 sure later attach the droid cons done next next okay next a user create new user mario the name it's just the number one okay later skip back skip next i don't care about nintendo online skip setup is complete press the home button oh it's in light mode uh version 1.0 super mario odyssey one we're good pog you baby all right soft luck [Music] was that jumping in metro kingdom hard by the way does anyone know if that's like if if that is a tough jump the one that i did where it was like across that gap onto the the metal bit i'm pretty sure that is like a genuine trick jump like it has a name i don't know i mean i don't know either oops why is my i should probably keep my sd card in a safe place the editor for youtube archives oh i'm doing a good job thank you just kidding it's it's it's a zoey and divine and snee that have uploaded videos okay ready we're just gonna soft lock as fast as we can three two one go wait was there no game audio no there is okay we're good yeah i've actually edited most of my videos on my youtube channel but honestly uh it's getting to the point now where i trust my editors more than me to edit a video a lot of the time when i'm starting a video i'm like man i wish devine was doing this one because i know devine would just do it better same with pokemon like i started editing a pokemon video and i was like zoey can just do a better job why am i doing this it happens so often oh god i need to change my controller settings now oh just give me a sec no not language sending controls uh camera sensitivity very high motion controls on hi okay sorry i just had to get that out of the way [Music] we'll be posting the ocarina of time randomizer to youtube yeah i think that'll be fun randomizers are always really fun to see highlights up okay so apparently you can soft block the game by going over here and apparently you can just go and just you can just go into the wall i have no idea how to do this clip so this first surrender is going to be learning how to do it but apparently you can just go into this wall here not quite sure how but we'll figure it out [Music] oh oh we almost did it i just needed to okay wait a minute uh that would have worked if i was ready where did i i don't know where i what i was standing on when i clipped what are you doing we're doing soft block percent it's a meme to lock the game into a place where you can't progress anymore as quickly as possible yeah you need to land basically there's no loading zone where this door is before the kingdom is is ready and so um you need to get into this door area asap i don't know how though was that just a fluke perhaps i don't know i should have probably clipped that moment so we could have watched it because i honestly don't i really don't know or anything like it how do you where do you ground pound to clip in i don't know ouch good how long will you stream why are people talking about the inverted colors the world record does this on inverted colors which is just incredibly jarring come on get in there if only i was streaming then i'd have a vod that's true wait a minute it's on the top of the rock it's this is like a crashed ship but on top like here was it like on this little tip bit i don't know get in mario get in inverted colors probably make it easier i really doubt i really doubt inverted oh my god light mode there we go sleep mode no wait where is it uh is there like color settings i don't know i don't know how to do it isn't there like a whatever it's not in tv settings it's an accessibility okay but yeah this this run is basically just clip as quickly as you can that's the whole run [Music] wait save that does it not work in 1.3 it probably does it's just really really really difficult in 1.3 it's not worth it okay i just need to be ready for it if i'm ready for it we can land inside but it was definitely on the left half here and we just went in through there that's what we did we were like boom into the wall what does doing inverted colors do it's a meme it doesn't do anything ow okay i might need to watch that the clip of me doing it because i oh god so close gonna clip that one okay good just do i read the sub messages i do brutal rosado uh cmdr rubian mr j anonymous octopi caesar 18 months let's go welcome to the calling you guys i appreciate it world record doesn't fall through though yeah well they're ready for it so they know what to do i might need to peep at the world record one more time peek at it just to see where they land because they probably do something special but what's a soft lock a soft block is when you get stuck somewhere where you can no longer make any progress no matter what you do and there's a box you can get into right here it's like a a box that's blocked on all sides if you clip into it there's no way out and there's no checkpoints you can warp to this early in the game so you're just stuck there [Music] [Music] oh so close i'm gonna i'm gonna peek at the world record one more time just really quick just to see where they land here i'll open it up for you guys too [Music] um okay what do they do you can definitely save a second on this yeah it seems like they they actually hit the right side of it don't they it's very hard to tell but they definitely hit like the right slightly to the right should we rebound all the nuts maybe i think it looks like they're almost doing it from here i'm not sure it seems like a pretty difficult clip why was it high contrast for the meme come on you can go through the wall mario mario soul slicer thank you so much do it in monochrome is that in system settings can you make a thing monochrome system accessibility let's go this is how they played super mario odyssey in the 1800s the good old days retro mario odyssey get into this wall though buddy come on how's the clip even work it seems very janky get into this wall i need a soft lock this is only the first run keep that in mind man super this is original super mario odyssey before the remaster and the colors were added ouch back in the day when they didn't have color man some good times huh you can go in mario i believe in you i believe in you mario you can do let's watch the clips okay here's where i successfully clicked in but then died immediately after where where did i land on a dead center and then i just missed the box was it there in this was the same place interesting now somebody asked nicely it worked please let me in pretty please why do people say pretty please why don't they say gorgeous please [Music] stunning please ugly please sexy please [Music] okay ugly please oh damn it there's definitely a spot that you gotta hit drop dead gorgeous please okay it's right here you're clipping wonder if you can just like it's definitely a particular spot it's like right there almost you got to be a little bit further back than that so it's a tricky clip for sure a clip that i've never really learned before rather into oh that's it time 11 minutes we softlocked we are now stuck in a box that we have no escape from and there's nothing nowhere i can get out there's no warps basically i'd have to restart my game or load a new game to get out let's do another run let's make it fast 11 minutes all right let's do a new run go what's world record 58 seconds you could have gotten a warp but i didn't and if you don't get a warp it's stuck all right let's get under two minutes i want under two minutes why is it black and white um i i just wanted to play like the they did in in the 1800s you know i like my grandpa parents i wouldn't want to experience like what my grandparents went through when they were children grandparents in the 1800s they're old okay i'm now in 90th place let's go okay and easy clips boys and and we're in no and we're in no come on go into the wall get in or else get into that wall i swear i will destroy you mario [Music] oh my god get into that wall boy come on [Music] get in okay okay if i put mario too low he just falls off the back but all i need to do is get in i might need skew to enter the shrine i don't have a shield i can't get skew close i can feel it it's coming it's close he's going through the wall come on we will get this i believe more to the right like that rip some two minutes hey shush 234 probably 233 let's do another one i will do a single run on inverted settings to see if it helps okay i'll do a single run on inverted settings where is the settings again okay a single run 234 ready three two one go that's top 40 in the world 234 okay oh that's 32nd on the leaderboard let's go okay okay [Music] okay oh that's bright oh gosh this is smo on light mode okay yo cappy's got that fire hair what the heck try throwing me in a sec i'm just trying to stop lock the game real quick um okay that might be like one that might be a sub minute [Laughter] what place is that on the leaderboard oh my god soft lock percent that's that's tied for second i'm pretty sure that's died for a second [Music] yeah we tied mars that's second place okay that might have even been 58 seconds i don't know and there's no way it was 58 seconds right should we check the vod here i'm gonna check the vod just to see when we clipped in because that might i think that's definitely that's at least third in the world for that one that's crazy um i was just screwing around on inverted here let's watch the world record see where their timer stops oh they don't have a timer oh heck i don't know when their timer stops let's check let's check second place second place is a timer okay i just want to see when it stops so they had a go away how do you frame forwards uh how do you oh there we go because they technically had a 59. okay yeah that's great thank you oh yeah i'm just trying to can you press play oh it's k okay oh really is it just when you get into the wall the timer stops or is it the first frame that mario's feet touch the ground no it's it must be when he goes through the wall let's check the rules view rules ends when you enter a soft lock state but like what does that mean because it looks like it's when mars went through the wall so let's check look at their splits but i mean if if it is just like let's look at this run right here look at the timer they touch their it couldn't be when your feet touch the ground because for them their feet touch the ground at um like they go through the wall at 59 right and then they're not in a soft locked state yet technically but they might be i don't know but their feet touch the ground at 1 minute 0.05 that is when their timer stops and yet it says 59 seconds so it must be when you enter the wall right here let me read chat it's the dive okay it's the dive you get soft lock as soon as you dive because you can't cancel okay let's check my vod then um let's go to my stream because i this if it's at the start of the dive that could be a tied world record we'll see ignore that streamer there okay when i start the dive let's see can you frame advance on twitch you can't frame advance on twitch can you oh that's gonna be painful okay it's at 59 when i start the dive okay we're tied for second place yeah that's tied for second damn all right well pretty good this run is the reason they add milliseconds to the leaderboard yeah get a world record do we try again for world record i said i was doing only a single run on inverted colors it hurts it hurts system yeah that's tied for second place and that was like on our was that our third attempt i think we just got lucky i'm gonna be honest i'm pretty sure we just got lucky yeah that was our third you can see this is where we learned the clip this took two and a half minutes that took 59 seconds now here's the thing i think that would have um potentially uh that could have potentially tied um world record if i had gotten the clip where i didn't have to dive by using mathematical logic this run should be a negative time yeah but i'll try and do optimal uh start strats because we could we could definitely easily save a second it's just gotta move right let's figure out optimal movement that's not optimal movement yeah you basically have to get it first try on the clip which the clip is just so finicky you basically you get one try at the clip and then you reset which is not not cool simplified chinese might help oh yeah i'm playing on english too that's so funny there you go that's the clip that we would need to get yeah if we switch to simplified chinese it should save a little bit of time if i was playing on chinese that might have been might have been it but yeah we saw vlogged in a minute 22. why is that a soft lock you can't warp out of it you have to just close the game and open it back up there's no text box so it should be the same it makes it look more impressive can you fall off the box and die no you're stuck inside of it three two one go okay maybe there's like subtitles during or like this text maybe this text shows up for less time i don't know we'll see world record needs to say inverted how about this if this gets world record this specific run i will download it invert it in post and then submit the inverted video i feel like if we do it from here it gets a better clip because there we ended up clipping where i didn't have to dive yeah that one that clip there that is far better that clip right like that clip is so much better and now we have to restart the game because i can't get out i can't warp it we're stuck we're just in a in a box because that that's faster it saves like a second because there's no dive because if we don't have to dive then it just ends on the roll cancel itself right because the roll cancel it's already in motion we're stuck can you click back out no you can't no try to clip out and invalidate every other run yeah technically every run would be invalid if you found a way out of that because then you're technically not softlocked anymore but it's no there's no way out because it has to be on a slope and there's no slopes inside i'm pretty sure we could get this there's a very good chance we could i'm not going to stick around too long on this run but definitely we could uh we can get something scum for us thank you for the four months but yeah we definitely need to clip on the right side of that for sure oh that was way too far to the oh left movement probably lost half a second to that if we get a good clip though we'll be fine imagine just imagine it's very difficult to get this though for sure i'm just gonna it's good to practice the clip at the very least [Music] if we get a first try clip it's just a world record it's just straight up world record like if it happened on the first try 57 easy finley what's up i keep getting 120 ish yeah it takes a few tries to get it if we just get first try though we're all good i see him going at the very corner it does seem like that yeah i got world record in an hour no how i got world record in 57 seconds is the clip new i don't think so it seems like it's a few months old it would be so good i do want to i need to practice the clip for sure we're just going for it like that pace with the roll cancel off the edge it looks like it's a world record doesn't it it's tricky though certainly a tricky clip i'm doing it too early let's try waiting a little bit inverted gang i don't trust the inverted gang i'm sorry i can't i don't think i can trust him okay we'll see i'll try okay i'll try inverted again i'll try it for one more run maybe that's what it takes [Music] inverted is the way but now you can really see how finicky this clip truly is now that i'm actually throwing a few attempts at it it is a pain but if i can figure out like a consistent place to ground pound on to this could be a really i could get a really good time inverted or somewhat is not possible no someone got someone without inverted all right it's coco thanks for the nine months i'll try one inverted but this is the last time i want it to be watchable okay god it's so bright oh there we go that's darker you know would be so sad if you changed the switch to run grayscale it made everything load faster because it didn't need to load colors and so every speedrun done on the switch need to be run in greyscale wouldn't that be terrible grayscale would be bad because you couldn't add the colors in post or anything i don't think that's how hardware works i know i know it's not how it works but it would be funny if it was oh slow it's okay though oh my god that was bad inverted is cursed i couldn't see where i was going throw he didn't let me roll didn't let me do the thing i need to i should watch the successful clips to see where i'm ground pounding because there's probably like a specific spot that i'm ground pounding to get through the wall it's not like it should have worked [Music] i actually think inverting helps it really doesn't there's no way it does [Music] okay let's switch back you think if i un wait how does this work is the clip inverted now or no it's not okay ah we can watch it normally okay where is he landing it's like right on the seam it looks like right right on the seam okay have you tried spin pounding no i don't think that's really worth it it doesn't change anything like the the way the way that you ground pound doesn't matter too much i guess it would be slightly faster if you land exactly on their spin pound and go in seem he says is that a meme or something that i'm not aware of why are so many people saying seem all right i inverted it twice what's with the seam meme i gotta know slow wow seam gang so this is a double inverted by the way you don't seem to know seam gang is distracting me clearly what are you doing yeah we're one not one second off world record on this run and just because we got so close it feels like we could like there's two seconds of time save all you need to do is roll cancel uh off of the edge instead of before the edge and you'll save time see him as a need to know above your pay grade i'm sure it is okay it's pronounced sham all right focused i'm ready focused on the run we got this zoop mash getting up earliest frame easy boom good ready set go boom boom boom little slow there that's fine slow terrible bunked slow oh that seemed like it was the seam get in get in or else into the wall now [Music] what the movement should look like i need to figure out better movement one sec one second because i bet there's some better movement for this you start from like here and you're like okay bonk good yeah that's what happened that last run but i bet there's some like decent movement here man that first try clip was super good on that 59 i wonder if it would be faster instead of rolling around to do a roll cancel jump over and just like ground pound down like that i don't know say milk milk we submit the 59 i think so it's it's it's second place i might as well [Music] that's gonna be so much more difficult though that seems so much harder and honestly i don't think it's faster because you have to wait to fall and the falling is probably the longest part hmm it's just aligning yourself quickly enough seems to be tough first time on twitch welcome to twitch yeah definitely just like landing on this spot and just going for it as quickly as possible is definitely the play ow what did i bonk on leave while you still can i'm trying like the wall slide is slow ideally you don't have to wall slide you just go into the wall just by winging it but i don't know world record is not 56 world record is 58. i have a 59 world record's 58 unless the world record was set like yesterday and just hasn't been verified yet [Music] what if there's just like a faster clip on the front side instead i think there's a faster clip on the front turns out you can clip like right here is this an actual category yeah it is no generally what you need is you need a section to intersect another like intersect a wall so if the hitbox intersects a wall you can force mario to follow along on this surface and if you roll cancel on the right frame it'll just continue forwards sticking to the surface which is how it works i believe would have died laughing if you clip there that would have saved so much time yeah is clipping cheating's in speed runs nope all right we're gonna try the rest of these three files then we're gonna move on we're gonna move on to a new run all deaths cj would get a 56 i'd like to see him try i'd like to see him try if you are able to escape you kill all the runs yes yes yeah all deaths is a real it's actually a really cool run i don't know why it's super short but it's fun i blinked and i didn't see the spin pound mr railing that would have totally been world record just if i just had to go for it what was that jump what the heck that would have been sick it's good practice at least [Music] just imagine a run like that no hesitation just through the wall through the wall [Music] triple invert for last run nah it's not worth it you know what come back tomorrow read the rules that's your ninth message thanks for that you weigh less than a slice of bread i weigh a little more than that i know my name is small aunt that's not it quad invert yeah this is quad invert who got banned nobody got banned they just got timed out for a day didn't read the rules easy speezy dude thanks for the six months appreciate it call thanks for the prime speaking of easy speezy there's that what rule did they break the first rule okay two more attempts and then we're switching over to a new run master thanks for the prime they talked about fight club exactly unacceptable no i missed the spin pound what and i died okay well that's embarrassing that was too good of a roll cancel he went all the way around to his death that is cute last attempt this is it last chance no more chances that is all what's world record i'm one second off world record i have a 59 second pb world record is 58 seconds but we've been on pace for 56 if we just get the clip first try next po box stream maybe i'll open up the po box on my birthday on monday monday maybe we'll open up p.o box and then do like a super mario odyssey hundo okay here we go oh that would have been so good dude what the hell was that roll what you see that roll excuse me that's about the whippiest roll i've ever seen [Music] get into the wall we're already past the one minute 20 second mark it's not fun anymore mario that's not gonna work try spin down for the meme okay spin pounding can be harder to position it sometimes get in the wall mario get in the wall pretty please get into the freaking wall i just want you stuck my guy [Music] wow i just wanna i just wanna finish this run please it's not this hard i just wanna kill mario in a bunch of different ways now [Music] please [Music] why is this not working please i'm begging you apparently we're going to be on this run for five minutes [Music] yes five minutes walk up slowly and down smash could be an option all right you know what we're doing the other way the other way the bad way i want to see the boingo that he does what what is that what was this look at this [Music] what the hell is that what a guy what a guy okay we're gonna switch over to all deaths now go to sleep gonna kill mario in every way possible which is more fun than you would think i'm pretty sure the save file is the bottom one on here so it's this one is the save file that we had prepped for all deaths um i'm pretty sure i saved splits yeah i did yeah we we do have all of these so i mean we die by poison an enemy freezing in a 2d section in quicksand by getting squished by dying to the void by burning drowning and a water enemy those are all of the deaths in the game and i'm going to kill mario as quickly as i can i'll be right back though i gotta go to the bathroom mummy oh we're back okay you ready to kill mario how many coins we got 80 coins wait a minute is this the right file this might not be the right file i'm just going to double check having 80 coins is a bit weird so i'm just going to double check that this is the actual correct file we'll see hello though what's up um big ol thank you hungry nova urban polar bear very cherry master colt uh one panda darth thank you so much for the subs i do appreciate it so very much okay so yeah the tower is activated um i'm gonna have to check this painting really quick because this is a post game speedrun where it starts on a random spot but i'm just going to check i'll death irl no zero deaths irl what happened to the prediction it was finished i guess but yeah we did get second place on the um oh whatever's leaderboard that checkpoint is existing that's good all right looks like this is a good file let's give this thing a try then huh did you hear lincus is a super villain now i did not hear that no you prefer asmr minecraft depends on the day there's a person who redeemed a prediction and it never happened oh yeah that's true it was just a few minutes ago though sometimes it takes a while to figure out what the prediction could be um yeah will i beat my pb in the next 20 minutes i think that's a good one but anyways this is all deaths you can see on the splits uh each death that we do need to do um in order this is the order you can actually do all deaths in only two kingdoms but timing starts once you go once the fade in of a loading zone hits so that fade in we are doing is this one right here and the time will start once oh wait no we can't do it yet um we actually you lose time if you uh we can't actually start the run yet because you lose time if you die with coins so we need to die um without coins so i'm gonna i'm gonna have to die eight times just get rid of all my coins first similar thank you so much for the five months i appreciate the support thank you so much here we go so we're gonna get rid of uh 80 coins by dying what do you have 80 coins on the death speed run i think we played on this file i was screwing around getting like stuff while we're waiting for my other switch to factory reset pucca girl thank you for the prime i appreciate it thank you so much so this isn't all deaths this is just set up for all deaths why you factory resetting the last run we had to run on a 1.0 switch to soft lock the game quickly yeah i'm just getting rid of all my coins you can see it go down so the reason why i'm doing this right now before the run starts is because you can see right here this adds like three seconds to every death might even be more than that but it loses a bunch of time so i need to get rid of all of my coins before the run starts and during the run we cannot collect any coins hollowed paul's thank you for the five gifted subs thank you so much i appreciate that and sun spends thank you the prime as well thank you what am i doing tomorrow tomorrow i am racing uh we're doing bingo for the first few hours of the stream and then uh we're racing ludwig atrialcan stands um in bingo later on in the day ludwig being um the biggest streamer on twitch this is actually perfectly timed i i sent him a message and i was like hey you want to do this you know like a bros versus prose segment oh that was an extra death for good luck um and uh he was like yeah but now he's the biggest streamer on twitch and i can clickbait the hell out of that i'm excited anyways let's start this run the time starts once this fades out it's actually best not to skip this cutscene because the game is actually loading during this but it doesn't tell you that it's loading so if you don't skip this cutscene technically you can start your timer a little bit later to get a faster load there's death one now we'll die to an enemy now we can take damage from something else before we die to the enemy so i will be going this way now and we're going to take damage on this cactus there we go now we're going to run directly into that enemy there that's actually the fastest i've done that segment which is good and now we sit here and wait for him to freeze to death that should go directly over mario's head so he's not getting hurt by that oh wait what oh i lost a bunch of time i forgot to hit the enemy again you're supposed to hit the enemy again there i lost four seconds there because i forgot to take an extra hit from the the guy there but now we're going here we're gonna die in a 2d area got it all planned out yes that was that i just forgot that you need to get hit by him again but i'm gonna do this go here [Music] take damage from this take damage from this get the pipe suck run into this bullet bill and that's another death we lost a little bit of time there that's totally fine gonna get hit by the quicksand now save some time there now squish is the hardest one of this run by far did not mean to do that that's very slow but whatever um squish is the hardest one of this run by far because it requires you to get squished by one of those and they're on a cycle i'm gonna tell you the cycle isn't the easiest to reach i didn't die there we're losing time okay but we're gonna just gonna do one run so i show you guys what it looks like ah that that one requires me to reset a lot you know and then we go here okay now this one we go this way there is fire in this kingdom ryan thanks for the four months stoney thanks the two suspense thank you as well good winterfell thanks for the four this is just a no reset to remember the run this is also relatively inconsistent because the fire burning is difficult also um those enemies are rather annoying there we go that was actually a fast fire death you can see we saved over a second on that one uh but now we need to warp i also accidentally picked up some coins which uh lost us uh three seconds of time um i'm not sure where we picked up coins though where did we pick up coins the mummies yeah we we stepped on the mummies which gave us coins which last three seconds unfortunately yeah i messed this up a little bit we this is one of the harder parts as well we need to hit that without hitting the bubble and then we need to hit these guys twice if we hit the bubble it refreshes our oxygen but essentially if we take these two heads now we can just wait we'll respawn in the water we'll hit those enemies instantly yeah this will kill us and obviously we're not pbeing here or anything but it just shows you guys how the run works and one death and get one hit in another hit and there we go we actually golded that segment by four seconds nice so update the times yes so that is the run does the initial enemy your first eye do knock out is a water enemy no um that counts as a gushen which is above water so that's the run um we are going to try to beat my pb my sum of best segments is um three minutes and 53 seconds which is pretty quick i'm not quite sure what the world record is but we can definitely get close to uh close to the world record want to use some of your runs i honestly just forget but i'm just gonna check what the world record is really quick the world record is 353 so with my strats we definitely could get the world record even beat it because i mean the drown split is still terrible we don't have a good drowning split yet at all so uh if we get a good drown split then of course this could be a record it might be more consistent to die to the enemy before drowning so you don't have to care if you accidentally refresh your air no um there is a reason for that um i can't remember what it was it's because um i i there was a better there's a reason why i can't remember the checkpoint doesn't refill your air also i actually skipped the cutscene the checkpoint doesn't refill your air if you hit it in the right way um i just hit it in the wrong way there if you stand directly beside the checkpoint but not close enough that mario will hit the bubble and you down throw the bubble that it'll activate the bubble go up activate the checkpoint but you won't get an air refill can you drown the pool you enter in yes but then we won't respawn in the checkpoint next to an enemy to die at and that is what we need to do you lose air on the way down so to die by anything but drowning is wasteful yeah there we go that's what it was okay here we go this little bit of head that's good awesome i missed your sub toxic sushi thank you for the sub i'm so sorry for missing that thanks for the two months man okay we're gonna run directly into the cactus now and this cactus is to just maximize the amount of time we're invulnerable because mario has these invulnerability frames and we need to basically always be in the non-invulnerable state yeah hit him and now we just wait and we'll let him freeze to death we took the damage from the gushing but we'll die to the ice there we go i split a little bit late there so it's not technically right that was a really good warp we like that shadow at noon thanks for the three months thank you for the chill streams and good vibes thanks for the chill stream the the chill uh playlists and good vibes anyone that doesn't know shadows at noon is the uh the head empty playlists on youtube last little bit of time there but that's okay i'm not sure if that saved time or not might have hard to say okay could be a good vector not really sure if that's worth it but we'll see they are good mixes i know right we did get that death that was a gold squish that's awesome i just needed to tap left man gold squish awesome tree belt thank you for the five gifted subs i appreciate that uh now we need to make sure do not i repeat do not hit any of those mummies don't get any coins that's three seconds of time loss if we hit a mummy cannot hit them oh no is that going to make it good slow death there but we didn't get any coins that's the key point there good now we can get the drown animation this looks like it could be a pb as long as it's not terrible we didn't get any coins this is good this is good i just need to make sure not to kill the goomba the goombas are very aggressive okay that was relatively fast but just make sure to be careful here good okay awesome now we can take our damage take our damage now we wait still ahead oh no i missed the hit i didn't get oh no ah i didn't get a hit by one damn it dude what i bounce on his head no don't throw man that's technically a pee pee that's technically a pb that's i've pbeed by less than 0.1 seconds but that is a pb ah man my summer best is now 352. those cheap sheeps that the hitboxes on them are so small and they move around so fast that is a pb ipb by less than less than 0.1 seconds but we lost so much time at the end there man why not do both enemy splits in one uh because there's no enemy above water i guess or it's it's faster to not do that i don't know just faster not to you splitted late yeah i split late also so that's probably like at least 0.1 seconds you're starting your timer wrong no i'm not i'm starting my timer exactly where it's supposed to start the timer starts on fade out if you die it's a water enemy and a normal enemy no no joey thanks for the tier one man i appreciate it and start okay this is gonna be a rough run to play against because the start is really good oh i'll keep going we lost four seconds at the end it's worth it that was also bad i'm resetting on that i'm going to reset that was a terrible start okay are you doing pokemon this week check the schedule it's very simple you don't need to ask anybody you can just check the schedule is there no lava in this game there is lava but you can also die to fire which is the same death animation super cheese thanks for the five subs i appreciate it thank you all right let's try it again here we go check twitter point grow insulted whooper i mean whatever his twitter strategy recently has been uh insult or try and be as um you know it's what's the word uh outrage marketing is uh is his strat on twitter these days he's trying to people to get engaged with his tweets because everyone disagrees with him a little behind but that's fine who doesn't matter if we talk about it then his strategy is working this is technically a water enemy no it's not okay water enemy is underwater enemy how about that i split a little late there whatever super cheese eight months let's go it's just bait yeah it just bait save some time on that one excellent i'm not gonna ground pound this time i'm gonna try something i wonder if that forces us down a little faster hitting that edge okay interesting i think this might be faster squish if i am prepared didn't get the squish that hurts man that hurts okay i'll check twitter now i'll check twitter what did he say this you at smallant uh it's just a whopper how insufferable it's the second time making the tweet i got two notifications for it so it must have been a second try [Music] [Music] third tries the charm yeah maybe he'll delete it one more time let's think of something clever what's something clever that i can say as a rebuttal but also will hurt him deep down to his core over a whopper tweet ratio no no [Music] only short people ratio [Music] what does insufferable even mean insufferable definition intolerable all right is that whooper is that whooper's dialogue to you [Music] is that whooper's dialogue to you or there we go cool when you do the crush closer to the start uh you that's the first that's pretty much the first thing you do it's optimal to do it there you know what i'll do i'll uh i'll tweeted them as if tweet give me a sassy tweet one more time and i'll beat the pokemon challenge you're currently doing before you and upload it to youtube you know i'll do it and i'll do the pokemon challenge you're currently doing and i'll start and here we go real drama i'll start and finish and finish the pokemon challenge you're currently doing before you there we go perfect didn't he just finish it honestly if i really wanted to i could just um [Music] we could just do it today it would take like probably the the fire red without dealing any damage i could probably do it in like a few hours i bet do it right now too bad we don't really want to we don't really want to what spicy content it's good stuff who's trying to have beef with you eric he replied did he do it you won't i can't i can't see it do it you all won't let me see the challenge rules i'll finish i'll start and finish the challenge today we'll just stream until i finish
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 296,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, smallant vods super mario odyssey, smallant vod smo meme speedruns, smo meme speedruns, smallant vods smo strange speedruns, smallant vods smo challenge, smallant vod challenge, smo challenge, smallant smo challenge, strangest speedrun smo, smallant strangest speedrun, strangest run in super mario odyssey
Id: HIYiz5t7BDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 19sec (9199 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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