Mario Odyssey's Hide and Seek just got LOUDER

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I guess I'll restart it again okay oh my gosh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we're going into the Odyssey in three two one go [Music] anyone anyone be a partner in crime I want to test some things I don't want to do an infinite glitch with you crafty let's go don't know where to go all right I think I found my own little quiet sub area all right I hope I remember how to do this I'm at the oh you're at the Dome okay you want to start from the Odyssey and I'll start I'll warp to um the uh the left side and we'll just kind of pincer maneuver sure and then maybe like meet up to check the sub areas or something yeah yeah yeah okay I have an idea can we go in the puzzle block and bounce each other around yes yes yes that's exactly what I wanted to do that was probably good let's go okay okay we have to be fast I heard I heard Smith yeah buddy no no no no no bloody you're in secret mode oh [ __ ] oh I didn't realize ah okay we're good all right no it's okay come here no come here come here come here oh I'm good no nope oh my gosh I want you no all right all right well that was fast oh I'm so bad I had a spot that I practiced and I choked and I heard you and I panicked [Laughter] hey you're at the bottom of this hole I know you're here I heard you you better run well it was worth a shot I was just messing with him oh forgot platy okay all right so like one of us can yeah and then get killed immediately as soon as someone walks in oh well can we just stop talking about this no [Music] this is unfortunate all right Mars [Music] come on [Music] easy spot I don't think you're allowed to hide in a zipper no like in a zipper and like you're I don't I think we I don't know what the rules are right now and hiding in [Music] I mean well he's hiding there I mean that makes me feel like I could hide in here okay you can hide in there yeah okay but if you go there you're gonna fall like well you won't fall down yet [Music] yeah the hikers are dropping oh think about what you're doing go back to hiding unpause my clock no I died I died I [ __ ] up I should have just stayed where I was at what are you standing there oh wait this you didn't you don't see me here a liar oh hey Mars is in here was there some sabotage going on in here uh who killed himself oh wait amethyst there's an amethyst and not Mars so I mixed them up there are a bunch of it sounds like a bunch of people are in here I'm gonna be honest yeah I fell in I fell in here no no no no no no no oh wow that was so close all right I got Amazon I got amethyst I don't know where Mars really went in there I don't know I'm gonna go back I didn't know you didn't stay in here did you and there's no way oh I just I'm checking on this place you think I'm more than Iron Man well yeah there's no way we can choose right here right here right here wait right here oh you were here yeah I just came in here this is like five of you I accidentally captured the thing oh no oh my God foreign [Music] foreign I did it like almost three times before Stream So I think I can do this oh hey fur we had this is cool yeah hi and Midway Bang notification [Music] foreign should be like this as I jump off this way yeah you go that way I'll go this way okay okay uh do we have any plans on how to seek and like find each other or are we just we're just gonna go for it I mean we could just go for it if you want to start I could start at like top half and then okay I'll start at the bottom oh okay all right uh three two one bye let's go I don't be quiet here all right I kind of doubt anybody's hiding here it's kind of hard to hide in here but whatever foreign I don't think anybody's in here we shall move on there's amethyst hello hi Oh I thought I don't know why I thought we weren't even there yet um well I hate to break it to you but um welcome to the table we were still in hiding mode I don't know why no welcome to the team oh my gosh that's the only downside of this jump is not like that like that I I jinxed it I actually jinxed it [Music] all right new spot did you wear oh hi yeah I heard them when I was oh hello what are you doing here I had just died so I figured I might as well Nancy seeing you here yeah thank you oh my God I'm lagging so much is it a photo booth oh my God please capture the photo booth God damn it oh God I poo h scored a mechanic he missed the cannon okay you're not I am oh my God I have no idea yeah I'm chasing him he's my spirit [Music] completely [Music] am I gonna spawn outside of [ __ ] oh my God oh I see him no [Music] what is it are you [ __ ] kidding me what the [ __ ] how did you die oh such [ __ ] um what's going on this game dude I'm never playing this again I'm gonna be doing chess streamer [ __ ] this oh oh somebody somebody's on the pot really I I don't know who it was but I'm getting down what's up what's up man what's up man what's going on oh my God what is going on is someone chasing me I can't tell first still alive what I don't know what's going on over here oh well we were on a chase for small land is that I think I see fur going across the lava yeah that's right you see that into spinning Athletics yep hey fur we made it I think I think I think they saw me I think they saw me come in oh did they yeah I heard I heard amethyst oh they're here they're here they're here go go go go go go no hey hey what's up oh what do we do just run just run I just want to chat amethyst is on the outside so just just so you know nah she would never it's fine we have invincibility for a second or two oh that's true that's true I'm going in foreign you better make it out of there wait small ant was in there oh they win the cannon oh my god oh not the music notes get back here no I that's not an option I'm sorry oh I'm scared chat go go go go go [Music] okay oh that's Mars ah wait Mars did you see where they went no I don't know did you see them yeah they were in a potaboo they went across the cannon oh yeah that might be they might still be running somewhere it was both fur and small ant I believe I didn't see that ah all right they must be still running out there they have to be close-ish where did you see them last oh oh Frozen the town he's in town why me what happened to small someone coming up [Music] I think I managed to escape wait a minute oh my God okay oh I'm going towards the starting area where yep yep come on the forks yeah thank you camera for being awesome you're the Odyssey down okay I think you took the cannon there's no way he didn't oh my god get dedicated this is my chance I have no idea where he went he had to take in the other Cannon right no oh my God I lost them again [Music] we should have made a plan B you should have made a play of your chat I'm gonna block down here if I try to leave Who's down is that fur I think that's fur fur is that you [Music] oh [ __ ] that's not fur nice man small ants that's not who I was expecting to be hit the bubble bro cement was the one where who are you looking for now we were looking for her but fur is gone I think I know where fur might be I think he's back in spinning Athletics or at the top oh my God Athletics I'll be waiting outside spinning Athletics you go in so let's mad died that's this is insane I don't know what's going on here all right I'm going in okay there's Mars hey Mars hi I'm just waiting on the outside just in case four pops out [Music] you want you want to wait in the lava bubble instead actually oh yeah missed the capture I tried what how how are you alive I don't know that's a good question where's crafty that's the real question where'd he go oh my God word for go I think I heard someone bunk there he is oh no okay yeah we need to find Crafty Now where's crafty craft he was in a sub area yeah well it seems like I'm the Last One Alive I don't know how a little crafty you want to come down from up there no not really you don't are you sure we could just have a nice conversation here you can join me on my podcast yeah nobody has to know all right all right what's what what kind of questions you get on your podcast uh uh What uh what inspired you to start making content on twitch.television well really crafty I just felt like I wanted to try speed running so like I started speedrunning this game called hyper play Truth oh man yeah he was having me on his podcast and so I caught him off guard go to the Odyssey go to The Odyssey [Music] yeah all right we're going yeah we're going which king Captain Kingdom [Music] everybody [Music] where are we all collectively hiding yeah we should all hide here let's let's go okay hide by Captain Toad let's go wait we did that last time yeah I know they'll never expect it let's do it everyone together unexpected though all right but I'll see you let's all go craft he wants us to hide there because he's winning I don't care it's fine though [Music] yeah I want to ruin everyone else's day what do you say we stick that's all I have left all right let's make it I think I was going to suggest that let's stick together let's warp to the top of top hat Tower and check those areas and we'll work together to check those sub areas and I think if we do that there's no way we can lose I love that idea until we find someone at least I I love that all right we have all right 20 seconds okay we should just all collectively bounce one person up to the top oh God and just have it be crafty no we're bouncing crafty up right all right we're back up we back up here one one single jump is all you're allowed so you have to use it to get up to the top that wasn't even higher than a triple exit but I'm back hi I'd eat most people without the Frog I'm cool oh are you going oh wait I can go the other way duh well no there's a checkpoint that they just warped to so all right in uh five four three two one wait why can't I warp the top hat Tower oh the checkpoint's not there for you you know what he got like I think I just heard someone actually just warped there yeah there's CJ um [Music] CJ is outside he's coming in Get Ready Get Crafty he's winning no crafty literally died first yeah oh no the ranger that's insane boo they're coming I brought them to you know what the heck get fur or whoever the [ __ ] is running come on we need a fast death here come here come here come here where do I even go stop just flying after me chase him around chase him around around paper I am shaking so violently right now he's going into the sub area someone wait out here I'm going in I'll wait outside I'll wait outside wait ing outside we're left oh dude where you think you're going oh my God is he gonna make it no no and he's dead no you're not tagging me I'm not letting you get it going out this way I'm dying on my own terms where's Mars and platy let's go that was a good start I'm pretty sure Mars is in the The Orange Room oh yeah I think Mars is probably just hiding somewhere in the top hat Tower I am fully believe it yeah yeah I'll go luck with you yeah we don't need to look for the other person I forget I forget who it is yeah right oh I found somebody foreign hear me can anyone hear me they're at the frog jump moon on the on the near the Odyssey frog jump Moon Odyssey go that's where they are oh okay okay see you cloudy platy come down nope yeah you wait there crafty I I got the Frog moment is left cases go away oh you're too high I can't jump up though hurry up why do you you your life is forfeit oh this way towards the other towards the Odyssey I'm blocking I'm blocking the entrance or exit yeah yeah do it do it good job in the sub area she's in the Cuba sub area can you hear me hey hey she's in the Goomba sub area okay she's in there okay I'll stay outside she's in here for coming with me able to stay here stay in here you'll go for the Goomba so you can be cheeky and like capture it already good idea platy you cannot run forever I can be more optimal nope oh my God terrible thank you for the 25 gifts off what the [ __ ] ah Oh my Jesus holy [ __ ] thank you so much lock the door she's jumping she's jumping she's jumping no let's go let's go it's over it's over oh yeah it's done Odyssey Odyssey Odyssey okay all right ready uh go foreign okay there's a spot that I forget where it is but I want to do it again [ __ ] you I'm going to my I'm going to the sub area that I hide in way too much I'm trying to think of the best place to go and like do stuff you know where's the best place to hide in this Kingdom this is a tough Kingdom you know I really like this room for hiding there's there's a lot of a lot of fun potential here it's all the way over here oh where is it [Music] um I think we're already out of like time all right we got 10 seconds all right what's the plan do we stick together um I don't know probably oh animation go all right I'm warping oh there it is I'm gonna I'm gonna sit here with first person mode just staring up and if I see anyone or hear anyone I go through the pipe there is so much room for sabotage if people donate here but you know that's not that we don't need to talk about that because I do want to kind of win but I want to go hide I'm going to go and I'm gonna run until I find somebody hello can I I'm lonely can I hide with anyone hello I'm looking for a friend any friends around wait that was oh [ __ ] that was crafty no it wasn't come here oh wait I see fur I'm going for bird set actually foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] because she didn't swap uh yeah so I don't have any time to hide oh wait give me sick wait hold on I'll give you a sec I don't have I don't have a thingy yet come back no no I'm not giving you a sec do you have visuals on him I I did I do okay Burr get back here no thank you I'm following you for don't worry thank you for the gift sub C3 Brown good timing thank you CeCe Brown okay well I'm just gonna follow you honestly first but you can you can either stay underwater for as long as you want or uh I mean as long as like one sounds pretty good uh wait I forgot about that um crap somebody got hit [Music] doesn't seem like there's anything left to do here I disagree any friends any friends want to Vibe with me any friends in the area any cool friends that are cool vibers good chunk foreign I didn't realize that was cement I thought that was a Seeker okay here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna stand here the moment I see somebody that is not a teammate which is Crafty and Mars we go out hope they don't see us and then we'll just loop back into the sub area okay [Music] [Music] that may have been amethyst I don't know Harvey hits cement doing the same thing I saw him go through the pipe against they're still here by the time I get done with it we know they're friendly [Music] I just I am I'm very nervous you know imagine we're just two hiders looping each other in the same room if so that's freaking hilarious [Music] no come back [Music] this is the longest Chase I've ever had in my life first stop going up foreign oh I see yeah yeah yeah yeah okay what if I also just like there we go oh my gosh it lagged [Laughter] oh I'm upset about that chat he teleported hello oh my God we are just looping each other in the same room this is hilarious oh okay hold on um wait did was that amethyst behind the chest amethyst oh [ __ ] I was trying to backflip I didn't I don't cease man I heard you giggling your mind wait what never mind he was just still up there was someone in here I am so confused now why why are we doing this we're most hiders this is so stupid I am so thoroughly confused now what the heck is that someone okay that's my teammate hello so you didn't lap as well huh yeah so we have we've just been both looping each other I was trying to catch up with you oh but yeah how are you doing on this bike I'm good this is this is not a not a terrible spot honestly it's not I'm just using first person mode to stare up yes I see anyone insane that's what I'm doing oh my God the level editor is very slow and I have OBS open screaming dreaming fair enough someone's here go go go go go go oh my God really who was it it was Mars Mars are you behind us [Applause] is Mars behind us I don't think so I don't know did Mars go through the pipe maybe Mars is waiting I don't I was just checking yeah we're good I'll keep an eye on it okay all right I want to say Mars has already checked this sub area but I mean maybe I just didn't check the one sub area fully enough hey let's see what's in here I would definitely actually chat active karate what me being active and actually talking to Chad that's crazy [Applause] oh they're here go go go go [Music] finally someone else oh my God [Music] crafty's right there okay crafty's going through it let's wait at the chest okay um okay well I don't know I'm too um and he is in the Box yeah he's in the bottom left wait what for what defer what Mayans in the bottom left suburiat he's got to be in the the rocket room and I just like didn't check right no no crafty is like wait for that it's just too late I crack the pipe okay yeah he's literally on the pipe he loved God damn it no he left he left scratchy left okay okay oh I guess my best chances to go in here again [Music] but someone's definitely gonna come back through so keep your eyes peeled hey I think two people went in here yeah okay there's gotta be someone looping in here I feel like ow okay oh wait that was someone dying in this room right yeah we should go we should go they're coming back in then foreign yes come back here yes get back here CJ no yes just come back here never find the other people no everyone keeps running yeah get better chasing oh my gosh you can like just literally run forever thank you let's let's get a fish and uh try and get into the whole uh the well you know it yeah he's on top of one of the storyman things [Music] near me please you'll never catch me you'll never catch me no against vanities right over here no I'm not get this man look he's on the surface you're under me under where oh gosh no that's only for escaping you're not allowed to get over here CJ why did you chase this man he's beating me I don't care I never win I'm sad oh my God okay how do you get into a new area I gotta go hide hopefully no one's in here oh my God oh come back here no come back I'm back here I'm joining I don't know I don't know where he went [ __ ] Smith what the [ __ ] he found a fish he's got a fish oh yeah I I see him he's got a fish all right let's go let's go let's go we're coming we're coming CJ I'm on your butt so we're gonna wait we're gonna it is so dumb but we're waiting here and if someone comes in then we run [Music] is there a Chase happening chocolates Chase over here on the side come over here wait who's who's being chased CJ oh right right behind you Mars turn around DJ more like T.J oh yeah is over challenge wait wait I got a better one CJ more like Sanjay find the other [ __ ] people stop being so fast if only I can take this thing out of water oh I missed no just get back here just give up crap or no [Music] I don't have any yeah [Music] what the [ __ ] God is there a pipe over here actually things everyone is going to be on me I gotta move even before I see anyone we gotta do [Music] hey swallow I did what that didn't count suck it tall boy I literally touched you bro come on let's see who's gonna have the fastest no what me it seems how did you hit me I'm in a cab shirt what I couldn't tell oh my God all right uh top half bottom half Plata chord top top right upright [Music] all right platy gigs up she in there I'm checking hey platy nope not in here not in here what about uh 2D maybe yeah is that top right uh I would assume it's tops probably the borderline let's go check oh true oh yeah platy's in here all right oh it's over cloudy oh I I didn't press the button you'll guard the pipe and I come in yet yeah yeah me at home give me a hug what's your time at platty um 3204 or five [ __ ] yeah all right well we got bloody there we go nice all right I'll just keep that all right Odyssey [Music] buddy what's your time oh platy one yeah I'm at 30 45 I think that's a win for platty yeah all right absolutely around for sure [Music]
Channel: Trickstershep1
Views: 235,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #marioodyssey, #online, #hideandseek
Id: szFrQtGs-LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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