Super Mario Bros. Wonder WISHLIST

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10 years it has been 10 years since the last original 2D Mario game New Super Luigi U released all the way back in June of 2013 and at the Nintendo Direct we just got alongside the insane announcements of a Super Mario RPG remake a brand new Princess Peach game and Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon on switch we finally got it the announcement and confirmation of a brand new original 2D Mario game Super Mario Brothers Wonder not new Super Mario Brothers Wonder just Super Mario Brothers wonder I cannot tell you how excited I am for this game I mean everything from the art style the originality the creativity and uh whatever this is just feels like such a return to form for 2D Mario I love it and in this video I want to outline some of my hopes for the game and things that are on my Super Mario Brothers Wonder wish list so enjoy [Music] 2D Mario games and well most Mainline Mario games in general usually follow the same Bowser's kidnap Peach storyline that has been done to death and with this game it's already pretty apparent that Wonder won't be following that storyline as both Peach and Daisy are playable characters but then that makes the question of what wonder story will actually be I don't expect it to be much it is a 2d Mario game but I would love to see something new and interesting I mean this trailer introduces us to this brand new world full of new enemies power-ups coins and residents so it'd be cool to see a story behind all this and of course to see what Bowser's been up to and why Mario and friends have chased him here maybe the title of Wonder and all the craziness that we see in the trailer are implying that this game takes place in a dream or something who knows the possibilities for an actually interesting story here are practically endless and I'd love to see Nintendo do something interesting here at the very beginning of the trailer we see Mario jumping off a few Goombas and we see the text good great and super appear on screen as he changed them now this very well could just be a new version of the score multiplier to one-up chain we see in literally every other 2D Mario game but this also got me thinking of a possible combo system that could incentivize learning levels and trying to master them so you can not only complete the level quickly but also have a good combo score wonders movement at least from what we see in the trailer looks incredibly fluid and a combo system would work great with it imagine if we got online leaderboard showing who's completed a level the fastest and who's gotten the highest combo score it could be a really cool mechanic oh this one may be a little bit of a stretch but since we got both Peach and Daisy as playable characters why not add Rosalina to the bunch she could either be an unlockable character you get after you beat the game like in Super Mario 3D World or just a character you have right from the get-go Rosalina is such an iconic Mario character at this point appearing in almost every spin-off so I'm sure her addition wouldn't be too difficult to justify her spin she had in 3D world would work perfectly in 2D we've already seen long Mario spiky Rock Mario and of course him but I'd love to see more the absurdity and weirdness of the power-ups we've already seen in Wonder open up the doors to so many ideas imagine something like a bone flower that turns you into a skeleton and allows you to swim through Lava and poisonous water for a short amount of time or maybe a ninja power-up that allows you to shoot ninja stars and press a button to go invisible for a short period of time this game obviously seems to be going for a way more wacky approach to 2D Mario so it's honestly hard to predict what they could do but that just makes speculation even more exciting I'd love to hear some of your guys's power up ideas in the comments there are so many possibilities I really don't want this game to feature the simple grass Desert Snow Beach jungle mountain and Cloud world and level themes the new soup series was Infamous for if Super Mario Brothers wonder is truly trying to be a next step for 2D Mario Nintendo needs to fully abandon the idea of these being the only themes yes sure we can have some grass desert and snow levels but I really want some new themes to work with new Super Mario Brothers U showed us what a unique level theme could look like with its Van Gogh inspired level and I really hope Wonder leans into this more the trailer already showed us some new spins on pre-existing themes that do look really promising but I really hope we see some more this game's art style would suit a sunset theme so well the Mushroom Kingdom has been done to death in 2D Mario games we've seen every inch of the Kingdom like three times over now and one of my biggest wishes for a long time was to have a new and original 2D Mario that takes place outside the Mushroom Kingdom and from this shot in the trailer and just the backgrounds and residents we see it seems like this game actually takes place in an entirely New Kingdom maybe multiple new kingdoms even I think it would be cool if every single world was its own unique Kingdom but that might be a little too much to ask for and probably way too similar to Mario Odyssey for it to be marketable but hey I Can Dream right foreign [Music] things I noticed while watching the trailer for the first time was these giant purple coins based basically it seems like there's three in each level and they seem to be replacing the star coins from the new soup series what I would love is for these big purple coins to actually be useful outside of unlocking post-game worlds or Toad Houses I think it would be a great idea for this game to have a shop system for you to spend the big and small purple coins you collect this shop could be as simple as just allowing you to buy certain power-ups or as unique as allowing you to buy costumes for characters or even upgrade stats like jump height and speed whatever it is though I'm really hoping these purple coins are spendable and judging by the world map screen storing a counter of the coins you have I think this is very likely to happen [Music] the Koopalings are really cool characters don't get me wrong but oh my God I really hope they aren't the bosses in this game one of the shots in the trailer that really caught my eye was the shot of Mario fighting against this like inverted color scheme version of Bowser Jr I don't know if this is a completely new character or just Bowser Jr but this gives me hope for Unique bosses new Super Mario Brothers DS showed us how cool unique bosses can be and I hope Wonder Embraces that and just creates the weirdest most wackiest bosses we've ever seen in a Mario game and returning back to the inverted Bowser Jr this boss seems to have a unique gimmick where it changes the size of things around it imagine if every boss in this game has its own unique gimmick specific to them it would make the fight so much more interesting than just stomping on their head three times together [Music] one of my favorite things about new Super Mario Brothers U was its challenge mode this mode was chocked full of so many unique and genuinely hard challenges that added hours of fun to the experience and I'm really hoping we'll see this mode return in some form and wonder there is so much potential here even just from the trailer alone we could have a challenge centered around this spiky Rock power up that could see you trying to cause as much damage as you can or reach a Finish Line in a certain amount of time there could be a post Rush challenge a background and foreground Bass Challenge a skating challenge I could go on and on about all the ideas I have but I think you get the gist of it the challenge mode was one of if not the most underrated aspect of new soup you and something that would work incredibly well for this game this last wish is something Nintendo will hopefully confirm or deny soon but this game needs to support online play I was really disappointed when I heard that Sonic Superstars multiplayer mode would only support local co-op and from the moment I saw this game at multiplayer I was really hoping it would support online play I mean apart from the fact that some people simply can't do local multiplayer online play is just so much more convenient in a lot of ways it allows some people to play with friends they can't see in person at the moment it allows others to just play with randoms for the fun of it and it's honestly just something every multiplayer game should support and since both Mario Maker 2 and 3D World had online play I'm pretty confident wonder will but who knows with Nintendo wait bonus wish Waluigi enough said and that's my Super Mario Brothers Wonder wish list I don't expect everything here to make the cut but I'm just excited to be able to make a wish list in the first place it has been way too long since the last 2D Mario and it is just so refreshing to see this original take on the series and the fact that it's releasing so soon just adds to my hype for the game although I will have to choose which to play first either this or Spider-Man 2 since they're launching on the same day regardless though thank you so much for watching and of course I would love to hear some of your guys's hopes and wishes for this game in the comments below well as long as it doesn't involve him [Music] thank you
Channel: Mariomikester
Views: 51,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario wonder, super mario bros wonder, nintendo, mario, nintendo direct, mario bros wonder trailer, mario bros wonder reaction, super mario, mariomikester, mario mikester, wishlist, nintendo wishlist
Id: Iype0aD0RKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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