I Attempted the NEW Pokémon Roguelike...

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roguelikes our game designed around the philosophy on how the player should be spending most of their time [Music] dead you've been on the internet lately you probably know about Pokemon Emerald Rogue I have personally spent thousands of hours dying to utter [ __ ] in various roguelikes and I have also had similar experiences in Nuzlocke so now in this Pokemon roguelike it's time to die to random [ __ ] this phenomenally polished rom hack takes a game like Pokemon and turns it into a compact Adventure through familiar routes curated overworlds and entirely randomized battles but this isn't just a randomizer okay like the final boss is gonna be pulling out pineco the game starts out not only by letting you pick your avatar but it lets you pick your skin tone and your outfit and I know this might not be super important to you but Aesthetics are important to me after being greeted by Scott I got to collect my entirely random starter which just so happened to me oh and I name all my Pokemon after recent subscribers but I'm sure you already knew that by now when I was about to start my first Emerald Road run it started off by me having to choose between singles and doubles but since I've never really been able to attempt to a doubles challenge run just felt like a no-brainer the Overworld allows you to choose between various routes with a lot of different items different types of Pokemon blah blah blah but since I didn't know what I was signing up for I just picked one at random and caught a few of the encounters I found also this isn't a Nuzlocke or anything but if a Pokemon dies it's dead forever so after exploring a couple routes and getting a feel for the game I threw together a team featuring my most valuable player mudkip and for the first time in the history of the channel I might actually evolve him but not yet eventually I made it to this cute little rest area that essentially makes your team broken you can find held items evolutionary items due to your weapons and move tutors to teach you illegal forms of martial arts this was a good Calm before the storm because every Overworld map ends in a gym trial you'll face any one of the gym leaders from Tanto jodo Hoenn and because of course it's randomized you don't really know what to prepare for so you just have to attempt to prepare for everything yeah I think we're just scared of Erica Lieutenant Serge Watson one in eight chance that this is this is bad look I'm just gonna let this play out and we're gonna hope for the best here roll out is now he's locked in ooh relican's been confused Pichu nasty plot on gym one really I'm gonna use helping hand I'm gonna say we hit through confusion wouldn't it be crazy if I hit myself for more damage now okay I'm taking this rollout but like eventually it's gonna start doing big [ __ ] I should have taunted I should have taunted we hit through confusion here we 100 hit their confusion here not the [ __ ] dude confusion three times in okay okay sometimes you're unlucky what can I say uh two confusions I have not broken through confusion a single time bro oh seven is for fukamuka though he okay and that should be the first gym which was only a little bit scary not what you expect from Lieutenant Serge so with the bloody badge in my hands it was time to revisit the Overworld in the first route I caught a new Stuffle to replace the rotting corpse sitting in our team and rotated out some other Pokemon since you don't have a PC in this game to store extra soldiers you get your army of six and that's it well at least they give you options it's rare but sometimes the game allows you to encounter legendary Pokemon like calorics [Music] no [ __ ] way bro who is apparently a grass type look I play VGC okay so like I've never seen this dude without a horse how was I supposed to know at least when I caught him I didn't have to think about which Pokemon he was replacing one of my favorite things about this game is that your money actually matters I don't think anyone watching this has ever run into an economic crisis during a casual Pokemon playthrough so having to actually manage your resources feels so incredibly rewarding when you somehow put together a team perfectly designed to lose to the next gym leader oh my God and thank Christ it's oh wait he's oh my oh I can't use calorics I'll take that burn firefang okay I mean quad resist oh okay yeah faint attack into the fighting type is good that's very good for me I know like not very effective but I feel like it has to kill the Vulpix here got it okay okay that's ggs oh wait there's four oh oh Charmeleon uh hey who knows I could just get a crit I mean I did all right he has Dragon rage look at that rough yeah I don't think it's worth switching and risking anything else yeah after that I captured some real Gremlin bastards for the team like not only gastrodon but also a ferrothorne to be who nearly guarantees a win due to the fact that they are a bastard then I caught a talks on a short shopping spree later and I was ready to tackle the next gym I nearly LED with gastrodon but was terrified of possibly running into a grass type trainer so I decided to switch my team up and just hope for the best this poor thing I can't leech see it unfortunately but uh they cannot hit me worth a damn here I unfortunately only have heck here that's our highest damaging move but let's uh hit that curse oh that does [ __ ] nothing actually oh wait that swaps instantly I didn't mean to do that that was just a misinput just a little bit of an accident oh Venusaur hello so of course Venusaur had earth power right because of course it did luckily that was the only death before collecting my third gym badge but like come on man I saw another legendary up ahead so I stormed through a random route Farm some items evolve some bastards and captured a brand new rebombi since you can pretty much always use a fairy type pokemon oh remember that legendary I found well it was a Cub Food and I might have killed it well at least I found a baby dragon who will one day be overpowered and with the team this strong you know that when it comes to the next gym leader I gotta do everything I can to protect the strong Pokemon that matter oh God they wanted him dead holy [ __ ] okay God damn we should yeah this Starmie needs to [ __ ] go we should take this [Music] [ __ ] it has Ice Beam I think I just have to hope I can live one move oh okay it just really didn't want leech seed huh yeah that's a double and give it to the next person kind of moment yeah okay so [ __ ] it we've all worked out okay focus blast into not into beware okay thank Christ [Music] oh oh my God this Turlock doesn't [ __ ] die which one did I attack jinx all right that kills Owen Raichu what the [ __ ] I think this is fine [ __ ] me I guess holy [ __ ] expanding Force ow clutch clutch clutch oh wait that's double damage because it got hit Focus sash there's a chance so that could have gone better but with two spots and our team ready to be filled I desperately attempted to catch literally anything I could alongside our hero returning alive Marshall die I mean Swampert since this game is obviously getting scarier I decided to pay pick the statue and reveal that our next gym trial is a fighting type leader so I prepared my team and prayed for a miracle okay okay this psychic definitely kills now that's good that is good we can handle this Chestnut whatever he throws at us I think that's fine I I think this is one of those gyms where we really don't have to put too much thought behind it oh you turn oh quad effect if you turn Goods no well I I think even then that was the correct move then that was easily the best fight we've done so far so I think I speak for everyone when I say thank [ __ ] Christ that was deathless at least the next Overworld was generous as I came across a competitively viable halucha like this dude had flying Jim's acrobatics unburdened adamant Nature close combat like if our party was an Army this dude is a tank Emerald Rogue was finally starting to smile upon me as I opened in a brock with a fortunate matchup but was still a bit scared of losing Hawlucha Stone Edge nice Miss [ __ ] double hit double hit muddy water we're going once going twice dead dead oh sturdy that makes sense hidden power oh uh-oh where's it at there's no way that was hidden power of grass right I'm gonna look stupid if this doesn't use Roost here it took four roofs in a row before I picked up on it okay at least we got rid of the Aerodactyl it really wasn't doing anything it was just being a little Annoying let's see if this was the right play muddy water could kill I'm just scared that this might be the one that misses uh hopefully it's not no we saw the animation oh it hits Gigi's okay with another deathless gym under my belt things felt like they were getting easier but trust me the game only gets more brutal from here but I guess it's hard to act like that when the game just hands me a free moltrace on a silver platter come on come on quick balls holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah dude and that same molt race was ready and willing to take down Morty and his team full of swampert's worst nightmares I could probably gotten a sub off but I don't think it's necessary because this should Oco and now we're gonna be plus two speed essentially no just not another grass type what the [ __ ] bro I mean if it's from alola it's slow as hell so that's how you know that it's not moving before us no matter what mimic you I think like he could Willow Wisp oh dumbass oh Heatwave actually matters here whoa okay well good thing both hit right whoa I guess we're not that scared to play rough because of burn okay Shannon lore is a little spooky yeah I think we just go into him because we know he's going to try and rock slide us oh oh actually that's very bad oh that's very bad everything that could have gone wrong just did oh no okay I thought that Acro would do more yeah oh unfortunate that it hit that one fire blast huh okay that's big damage that Rune rigas really did not get the ball at all maybe you didn't even have rock slide I was scared of it though I think the craziest part about this game is that you're never truly out of good encounters I've never experienced a Pokemon Nuzlocke or any type of challenge run where your team is as disposable and readily replaceable as Emerald Rogue I caught a new Pokemon on the next round just to round out the team but I was immediately ready to sacrifice it to the heat of War if Duty called so after finding a store to sell all my items and non-vital organs I polished what team remained and challenged our final gym leader okay so this actually works pretty well here because I don't want to get hit with like some solar being [ __ ] on accident oh he we've just one shots got it okay so now earthquake comes in it's gonna be stronger because there's only one of them now this is sweet this is a sweep right here okay Venusaur I think if we just oh it is a little scary [ __ ] all right let's just see what happens here we got two quad weaknesses on the field that could possibly happen we know that Venusaur is gonna go into the Swampert it's okay so we killed us we didn't even need to be scared because that doesn't kill it mattered crit mattered oh never punished never punished oh that was so important slower wait wait okay no that's not water that's poison psychic oh Quick Draw okay that's fine that's on me that's on me because of course Slowbro has flamethrower yeah yeah no I should have known that oh my God it's a hard muck throw if he starts to swing and Sucker Punch though maybe he's a genius you know hey man that five percent difference could make it could be the difference so you might think the game is over but hey dumbass did you forget the Elite Four in order to prepare for our final battles Professor Birch violated the Geneva Convention discover how to bring Pokemon back from the dead there's really not a lot to comment on here since the in-game of emerald Rogue really just wants you to speed into the Elite Four battles without any preparation at all because [ __ ] you I guess when you inevitably make it to the final staircase the game is done holding your hand no healing no grinding no early sneak peek on who you're fighting against at this point of the game you only have six Pokemon and a [ __ ] dream okay so let's see how this goes as a Phoebe this heat wave is about to go dummy on the [ __ ] ninja real quick okay a no Focus sad from sadandra please foreign not even worried I know this Rune rigas could have rock slide but We're Not Gonna Miss This muddy water so it doesn't matter I had very little faith what were the what was he cooking interesting yeah energy ball could have been scary whoa I thought that would do way more damage I'll be honest weakness Paul damn it God damn it he moves last and he has weakness policy uh oh mmm yes yes yes yes yes yes that's scary as [ __ ] but yes we can work with it no which one didn't no I missed the wrong one weakness policy come on just go into the swamper go into the Swampert come on stratable under Swampert we live that's good that's good oh that's scary no hit one of them please why can't you hit drip flop why okay okay okay Giratina oh okay that is a ghost Pokemon I suppose a Shadow Ball we take those I think we barely take those let's see I feel like this turn decides everything it gusts oh bad swap bat swap bat Swap all right yeah that was unburdened but at least Tailwind is off the table now uh Giratina uses defog which is a weird choice I mean it's dead next turn which is good if all these moves hit we should win oh thank God so as you can tell things are getting harder but somehow we came out of that last battle without a single casualty obviously the Elite Four is strong but now random trainers and innocent rounds have [ __ ] like oh oh the game is a standardized test that requires her active attention for each and every question one wrong answer and you might lose your entire team but sometimes just sometimes Lady Luck will smile upon us once more one quick ball in a dream right here no [ __ ] way unfortunately we now have to put this Dragon to test against the Draconian Gauntlet known as Drake oh [ __ ] uh that's fine you can take a couple toxic turns this probably kills now it hit both of them oh wow really really no really wow okay maybe not that might be good for us okay okay that's okay that's okay that's okay I know noivern's fast but we are faster but plus one does this kill though [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] right there Kyurem less of [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay okay let's see how this goes just that wasn't any damage at all oh no oh no oh sevens Heatwave cannot keep missing man it keeps hitting the right one though no I didn't realize I don't get to choose the target for outrage oh I should have heat wave should he blocked five percent chance Miss okay oh he's faster now no I thought no oh no no no no no no no no no no no not the Draco maybe you're not the Draco no [ __ ] wait voltrace what [Applause] huh never punish I suppose but like why we take those we got through Drake look I'll be honest I thought there were multiple times in that battle where I was about to lose it all but thanks to some questionable decision making from Drake I made it out by only losing a rebombi who was swiftly replaced by an Excadrill ready to pierce the heavens starting with Lorelei oh oh Fairy Oh [ __ ] as long as I don't die here I mean I think let's see let's see how this goes awesome huge doesn't kill gold duck oh he's oh icefield again okay yeah we can double down on it that's interesting I can't say I really saw that happening yeah I think keeping that Golduck alive would have been free oh [ __ ] I have your last shell Smash Thank You Peach owl thank you I used rock slide now it's an earthquake it both hit show me big damage oh that is that is uh small weakness policy huh Freeze Drive uh okay I didn't think lappers would have freeze dry yeah unfortunate show me a death somehow please I know he has high defense but please please all right now our defense is down and now we probably die to laugh or thunder I think we might live it [Music] Thunder Miss Thunder Miss freeze dry that's fine and we hit both we hit both in Sun doesn't kill the Lapras kills the Articuno wait okay just live one more live one live a thunder [ __ ] yes yes okay so things are getting kids the end game of emerald Rogue feels like I willingly signed up her continuous panic attack that never seems to end you know fun with the few holes on my team after that bloodbath of a battle I was lucky enough to fill a gap with Mr Fish himself and since I needed another Pokemon and few choices at hand I caught another Mr Fish Two you know you gotta do what you gotta do and I thought I would just Breeze through these routes on the way to conquer the elite four but apparently some of the toughest trainers are just frolicking in the wild we have toy scars for fishes uh no I haven't really had any what hello yeah it's dead yeah that fish is gone okay okay we made it out I genuinely thought I was gonna wipe there but we pulled through and caught a bear scooter to replace our fallen fish now it was time to make a miracle happen in our final Elite Four battle against Bruno all right Steelix and Nidoqueen let's see how this one goes [Music] wow okay nice dirty uh I think this clears yeah yeah yeah good opening yeah that's solid and that's how sturdy Works kids okay let's see how it goes fake out perfect that's even better uh Rock blast um yeah Moltres was gonna eat [ __ ] from that uh Barracuda is also currently eating [ __ ] from that it might kill this one might kill actually it doesn't weakness fall asleep rocks defense fell oh no weakness policy okay that's fine yeah yeah I know we sacked bear scooter and I'm good with that close combat drop oh that's huge I'm down no no I'm in this I'm so in this foreign [Music] still in this baby still in this baby never punished not a day in my life got two left and the other one's Zapdos Blaze kick huh they know he learned that oh EQ that probably kills I got my goat my goat oh Focus sash got it we're making it work is all I'm saying we are 100 making it work and I'm still scared so again the game's not over just like every other Mainline Pokemon game our story is not over until we Challenge and Triumph over the champion of emerald Rogue who could be anyone I caught one last Pokemon and spent half an hour strengthening my team with my limited currency I then decided it was time to climb this internal staircase and attempt to conquer the final obstacle in our game Champion Lance since this was our final battle I could throw every single ounce of power at him knowing that only one Pokemon had to be standing when the war was decided I thought we were done Guard Shop hacks when it did a lot of damage no no Draco outrage see that's what I was scared of punished I want to liquidate so bad Mr Fish did not get the ball at all and that's genuinely so heartbreaking oh no okay both of our sweepers gone oh crit mattered though I think this kills oh my God the run's dead oh the run's so dead oh oh yeah that makes sense yeah that does make sense oh no I keep forgetting I can heal I I keep forgetting that that's just a loud all right this is the last one I did a lot here we go boys I thought that'd do more [Music] oh and just like that we did it boys well thought Alpha you should great skill and prowess the way you battle alongside your Pokemon and with that said I declare you a Pokemon champion it's what I would have said so apparently I made a mistake and should have been a bit more careful because unlike other Pokemon games there is an additional fight beyond the champion and as a reminder I lost all of my legendaries and only have two Pokemon left with a limited amount of pokeballs remaining I have to somehow gather a complete team fortunately I came across this monstrosity who served as the perfect third team member and with only one route remaining I managed to catch an underwhelming Nuzleaf right before stumbling into a battle that put this entire run in Jeopardy all right wrote him grass wood hammer I know sludge wave hit your teammate things are getting worse fast and I am running out of options even faster so after catching yet another Nuzleaf and wasting the rest of my pokeballs I had to challenge the final mystery trainer with only a team of four Pokemon I did what I could I developed a strategy but only time would tell if my first run of emerald robe was going to be a successful run dude I am nervous because I we have four Pokemon we have four Pokemon going into the final battle against Professor Oak can't say I was ready for this one well I think I prefer this over Stephen I think okay he has six Pokemon I have four not a good start nitta Queen and Charizard we are so weak to fire I wish I'd protect because uh ferrothorne could die as far as art here Focus kill kill kill kill please [Music] charge our kill Charizard kill Charizard okay wait that kills Charizard that word hit him on top mod punch that does not kill it hurts but it does not kill massive damage on him on top rock any sash that it might have earth power this is scary we might die we might get one shot of this [Music] oh there's a chance there's a timeline three Pokemon left hoister scary [ __ ] mole Trace scarier [ __ ] ferrothorne has been so clutch in so many moments and I think this is how we gotta go out but mcroll it's been an honor [Music] we'll never forget your service in the Hall of Fame you go I need the sludge wave to go dummy though [Music] yes yes focus hash that's fine okay hold hold all right doable what's the play there we're no Skilling Skilling no [Music] oh this is possible this is possible we do have a salt vest on we are weak to fire which is scary we have Rock tomb we just need to live one [Music] and just like that we somehow made it to the outro and in typical roguelike fashion well time to do it all over again foreign [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,978,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Id: ffifgUQ5FpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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