Recreating Twitch Plays Pokémon

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i love twitch plays pokemon i mean who wouldn't love sharing control with thousands of other parasites in twitch chat so imagine the joy on my face when niche internet celebrity doug doug reached out to me in my incredibly intelligent community and to take part in a twitch plays pokemon tournament seven of your favorite creators and point crow are going to race to see who can be pokemon crystal the fast just kidding we only have to beat the first gym i mean could you imagine how crazy it would be if we had to beat the whole game given the original run i felt like i had a pretty good idea on how this was going to go going this is going to be hard because now we need downs and sadly i was correct it took us 20 minutes to get outside of the house andy starter works uh the first gym leader is flying so preferably not chickarito luckily this run didn't matter it's the practice run then doug duck called all the competitors and laid down the rules um once we all count down and say go we will all start the code simultaneously awesome i'm staying true even if i don't win i'm staying until my chat does it and our twitch place pokemon run has officially begun ick all right the journey of ich the pokemon trainer who never ran into a single inconvenience oh i forgot about the stairs okay um down down down down down hey oh my god the practice helped things were looking better as it only took 10 minutes this time to leave the house and make it into the lab to collect our first starter who we all hope wasn't chikarita wait wait cyndaquil my favorite part about the original twitch place pokemon was how clever you had to be when it came to nicknames you would be presented with a letter from the zodiac killer which somehow pulled bird jesus out of it but now it was our turn pisser all right pisser joined the team yep pisser pisser the cyndaquil we eventually left the first town battled a few enemies typically running away before it could even get the experience from them but my initial plan was to form in this first route grind levels and then hopefully sweep through the rest of the challenge unfortunately i did not realize what would happen if pisser happened to faint right up yep we know we're in here we're we're in here we why why are people going left we don't need left right now just so yes things could be going better it's as if our team of nearly 5 000 parasites thought about making progress yet constantly fell short we did everything we could to make it to this one ledge but attempt after attempt after attempt after a tip it was starting to get hopeless at this time i started to learn that multiple challengers were in the next town some even in the town after that and then there's me left i tried everything even asmr and then we needed an even number of ups and downs just like life you know and we didn't even make it to the next town everyone spam down the left or smoke screen we're gonna black out again but thank god citroen can't see as well we were starting to lose all hope as it looked like we were destined for last place in this content creator tournament which is just embarrassing being a youtuber is bad enough but being the worst one there are lots of reasons why we couldn't progress in this game but the main one was the impossibility for twitch shots to make it through this one tile wide opening but eventually they did it all right i'm backing it [Music] we did it things were looking up what this was finally our mode suffering oh my god spam right you know the drill spam right the tournament was eventually called as stan's defeated the first gym leader in just under two hours yeah so no we did not make it through stan's one though um i don't want to pull that card having fewer viewers does help anyways i made a promise to my stream no matter what happened i would conquer the first gym mainly since my ego would not have it any other way all i was going to take was a little advice for my competitors so the play is to uh you do half believers and half doubters and you command them by that team five minutes later [Music] don't do it don't do it we eventually made it through our eternal struggle and even made it to mr pokemon himself after giving ourselves a little timer as a fun reminder just to see how much time was wasted on one goddamn led rival battle awesome and we're twice his level now it's time to report back to professor elm comment on the robbery we just witnessed and put a name to the evil force of calamity that is a red-haired rival [Music] have some jokes written so onwards to the next town but we were still scrambling in a million different directions honestly all twitch shot needed to come together was a unified cause and little did i know that cause would be catching a level three hopping don't catch the hop it that only knows splash we can't train it what are we gonna do with it and her name was babu with a sad face somehow that was the last piece of motivation we needed because twitch chat immediately started to turn babu into a religious deity when in reality she was just a hoppip who only knew how to splash and despite that ick pisser and babu trekked onwards and eventually made it to the front door of the first gym and it only took four measly hours the two trainers in the gym were pretty easy to defeat since pisser was a fair bit over leveled and was able to carry the weight of bobby who was still at level three at this moment i thought we were finally about to accomplish our initial task by challenging faulkner and retrieve our first gym badge but i was wrong we just up and right up you just gotta go up right that's incorrect somehow i was being held hostage by my own chat since they refused to let us progress until we all came together and healed babu again the level three hopip who only knew splash after catering to the hive mind's new obsession it was finally time to challenge the first gym leader sure we might have wasted 20 minutes making it back into the gym but as soon as our collective footsteps finally made our way inside you bet your ass that we made lost and now we go back and eventually we would since this would probably take the free thinkers at least another hour to make it back to the gym and since i had dinner plans scheduled for an hour ago and since this has already gone on a little bit longer than expected i did it for them alfred doesn't this compromise the integrity of the run yes the battle against faulkner was extremely unfortunate since both birds would spam mudslap and continuously lowered pisser's accuracy with the abundance of accuracy drops there was really only one way to save the run by switching in babu our level three hop and she died i guess wasn't that the point pisser comes in soaks the competition and is finally rewarded with an evolution into quilava our challenge was over we successfully beat the first gym in record time for most creators this should be good enough but for me it was far from it i was more than aware that we lost the battle but i knew that we could win the war every other streamer stopped at the first gem or in a more shameful fashion when the competition was over but we were going to walk alongside ick pisser and babu as a hivemind of thousands of parasites all banded together to set out on the same goal we are going to complete the entirety of pokemon crystal since this journey is clearly going to take a while be sure to subscribe if you've enjoyed it so far since it was not easy to scroll through literal days of footage wait days well it all started after we got our first gym badge yes i could have turned the stream off but i decided to leave it running just to see what twitch i could accomplish on their own and their results were genuinely shocking sure the viewers dropped off when i left but even having two thousand people come together to train hop it sounded like an impossibility to me i mean hopping doesn't get a damaging move until level 10 but the hive mind couldn't let a deity only know splash so twitch chat set out on a goal the switch trainer hop it and i gotta say this is probably one of the most impressive parts of the entire run because only two hours later babu successfully learned tackle yep just tackle oh also somewhere in the midst of the bellsprout genocide we collected an egg that should eventually hatch into togepi before i left twitch out alone on their own devices i requested that they accomplished two things one make it through union cave and two defeat team rocket and slowpoke well to my surprise they handled trekking through the cave pretty well honestly the hardest part for the hive mine was just putting the square block into the square hole other than that everything went shockingly smooth we even hatched our togepi egg and named it togepi before the hive mine can feel accomplished they have to make it to azalea town but more importantly azalea town's pokey center but we were about to meet a rival much stronger than this guy for our fate unfortunately intertwined with the likes of hiker anthony an entirely optional trainer battle but he had eyes like a hawk and our trainer was his prey pisser definitely had the upper hand but failed to land a damaging hit when it mattered the most as both pokemon were just one hit away from the cold hands of deaths and braves targeted eyes of machop would land a low kick that never once had a single chance of missing this mistake i kid you not cost us two whole hours making it through the entrance was hard enough and barking through the cave only required time and every shallow victory on the other side of that rocky labyrinth that cried unity had a lone hiker sitting in overwatch to snipe any trainer who lacked a toddler's amount of stealth time and time again hiker anthony squashed run after run after run twitch chat was growing hopeless and it was all because of an entirely optional fight and his machop died to a single emperor it was really that easy huh hiker anthony wasn't gonna let us get away that easy and instead insisted that we exchange phone numbers what's nice about wasting two hours on the lone hiker is that everything else feels much more impressive like wow look at the speed and efficiency of how they cleared out team rocket we really got our act together didn't we just in time to fight our nameless rival whose team counterpicks us hard pisser's current move set is quick attack lear smokescreen and ember but our rival leads with gastly who can only be hit by ember that's it that is the one and only attack from our entire party that can hit ghost types so if we can't kill gastly quick enough that's it after blacking out from our rival we wake up in the poke center and once you believe it we released our beloved starter not really but god wasn't close fortunately before twitch shot had to embark on another feeble attempt to face our rival an incredibly charismatic and handsome hero stumbled in front of them what's up i'm back after chat caught me up to speed i realized that i would have to fill the role as the eternal ringleader of chaos in hopes of defeating a rival's pet ghost and weird duck we did end up wasting a turn quick attacking and got paralyzed as a result but pisser soon came to his senses and re-killed our rival's ghastly despite the obscene type advantage the enemy crocodile died to an onslaught of embers and an astonishingly tactical quick attack now all that's left is one simple zouka your foe is weak get them you we live up one bite right you might live two no we don't [Music] okay the metronome supersonic is kinda hyped yeah i don't know how that one worked out either luckily our good friend height anthony called to congratulate us on a job well done and my chat instantly became violent so given that we are well past midnight and had an overleveled fire type on our team i trusted twitch shot with control for the night alongside my own personal substitute their only goal while i was gone was to defeat the bug type gym which was done within 30 minutes but the true challenge was making through ilex forest i know what you may be asking oh is it challenging because it's a surgical labyrinth filled with strenuous and pet nope just one tree that's it in hopes of overcoming this treacherous hurdle chad collectively caught an oddish name christmas with the sole intention of him being the wielder of hmo1 tut so things did not go according to plan as you might have seen piss or learn cut instead it isn't the end of the world but a fire type pokemon no longer has fire type moves 90 minutes later and we finally escaped to route 34. not a lot to do here except pick up a normal and ordinary egg from the daycare before slamming um oh hey hiker anthony before slamming our heads repeatedly into the brick wall that is whitney from goldenrod but we had one shining beacon of hope somehow we hatched a shiny kleppa from our daycare egg sure the odds were definitely improved for this specific egg but like still just what despite this incredible phenomenon the level five clef has served no tactical advantage in our latest gym trial but thank god twitchchat's ringleader returned to the scene i offered a ton of help as i was multiple hours late and by the time i made it back our under leveled oddish name christmas somehow saved the day uh so we beat whitney huh even though i didn't have much to offer at the time i did bring jaden hey can they hear me at all yeah they can hear you okay after leaving the gym i try to guide chat on how to get the squirt bottle but somehow that turned into an hour-long conversation involving pokemon smash or pass if the pokemon's anatomy allows it to wear a jacket like a hoodie it's furry bait technically sudowoodo can wear a jacket i stand by what i said we eventually received the squirt bottle talked to our favorite hiker retrieved an incredibly controversial bird named kenya purchased every item imaginable ran away from pseudowudo and encountered a very important growlithe with a very important name [Laughter] so onwards to egg critique city oh my god this town is probably the hardest in the entire game not only do we have a stacked rival battle coming up but we have the impossible gem that requires 18 consecutive inputs combined with a gym leader who is immune to normal type moves we tried rolling up to our rival but he leads with hunter and you know how that one goes disappointed in the loss chat tried to examine the pc to change up their team and if you know anything about twitch place pokemon nothing good happens when you touch the computer fortunately the worst thing that happened this time around was our beloved pisser simply got deposited into the box alongside some of his dearest friends since i didn't want to throw away all of our progress like it was metroid prime 4 i propose an offer to chat one that would put our journey back on tracks but completely compromise the integrity of the run lucky for me we didn't have any left so i offered to play for a gentle 60 seconds to put our team back together but this created a sinister divide in the viewers and created a faction known as a 30 but as soon as the chat became active once more the 30 deposited babu in an act of vengeance upon withdrawing kenya the 30 percent came together and claimed this lone bird not as their god but as their intrepid leader the majority fought off the 30 as much as they could but their passion overpowered the hive mind despite lacking in numbers given that i have definitely stirred the pot enough for the day i just decided to sit back and watch how our collective rival battle would unfold with a divide between our two factions growing wider and wider twitch chad immediately walked back to the rival and successfully spanned flame wheel on every single pokemon arrival had given that the only task remaining was to make it through the fourth gym i decided that i just did not want to watch anymore and gave twitch shot the keys to our incredibly slow and broken down car at this point the tension between the hive mind and the 30 was growing at a dangerous rate but all of this chaos only made me more excited to see what i would wake up to in the morning so what happens next might surprise you since the hive mind has been historically and consistently inconsistent with following any sense of direction yet in the midst of a crime built in the name of passion they successfully came together for one unified cause to completely [ __ ] over the thirty percent twitch chat worship fabu like worshiped babu i don't think i have ever received so much fan art before until this seemingly useless hop hip took the stage so in order to prepare for the counter-attack in this civil war as a result of slamming babu in the box the hivemind set out to release kenya the leader of the thirty percent wow alfred is it a bit too scary to release a pokemon well luckily you can release kenya by completing an entirely optional side quest oh and also we caught a magnamine named abacus a magikarp named magikarp and received a navy named uh an eevee named jizz yep with not a lot to do while i was asleep twitch check grew bored since they knew that attempting the fourth gym was honestly a fruitless journey without someone to guide them been uh it's been a hot second but uh i think i think uh we can actually do this gym yeah it's me jacob alpharad sorry about that we just put a new sign outside so nothing like that will ever happen again i knew that we were unlikely to ever conquer this puzzle as it requires nearly 20 perfect inputs in a row from a less than coordinated team of children so i did what anyone would do in this situation cheat if i was on screen and we magically completed the puzzle on the first try hell even if we did it on the 50th try it would look a tad bit suspicious so i just made a transparent still image of our substitute doll so i could control the movements without raising a single eyebrow but yeah this was definitely fake don't worry about it though this makes for better content instead of spending the next seven weeks on the puzzle since i refuse to use democracy mode for two reasons one i think it's for cowards and two i don't know how to do it so i just sat behind the one-way mirror as they finally challenged morty and my exact fear became reality i thought using the trainers in the gym as buffers for the inputs made it a bit more believable as i know i don't need to lie about now but in the moment twitch chat definitely needed hope they needed something to believe in so with all of the trainers no longer active alpha rad conveniently and magically just appeared on camera so uh 1 30 a.m for me right now i was just sitting in bed live watching it on my phone and i go lie no [ __ ] way i'm just sitting there watching live and i think we lost live when we opened with cut oh yeah that's true and on the second time morty did not get so lucky that's the fourth gem and somehow twitch chad forgot to deny pitzer from evolving what a huge day to be chat with four badges collected everything going forward felt pretty simple well almost everything every night i would always give twitchchat a goal while i was asleep this time i gave them their mission and a challenge their current task was head over to olivine trek through the lighthouse talk to jasmine and keep surfing until you eventually retrieve the medicine for the slowly decaying amphoras who is awful at their job the challenge though was entirely optional 50 rare candies thrown into the pc a fruitful task sure but one with an obviously looming risk only a few hours after i went to sleep and the hivemind attempted to retrieve the rare candies and despite all odds they were successful in their heist but it came at a price was it pisser christmas perhaps even babu no the hive mind accidentally released a pokemon who never even had a fighting chance aki the shiny klepha on the bright side they withdrew babu back into the party since we needed a pokemon to swim through oceans the hyphen agreed that they should use the rare candies on magikarp evolve him and teach gyarados how to surf this was a relatively simple plan compared to everything else yet somehow the execution of it took all night since spamming start was the easiest way to troll people and impede progress dug dug wrote the initial code so the start input would only have a 1 in 25 chance of working so if your whole night was dedicated to spamming start yeah i'm sorry about that one but the most formidable victory for the graveyard shift to twitch chat was that they all came together and successfully deleted hiker anthony's number ah now that is what peace sounds like believe it or not this was the moment that brought the hive mind and the 30 back together and finally ended the civil war and after shaking thousands of hands we set out on a quest to ride on gyarados into the morning sun towards the coast of cyan wood call me a sadist you wouldn't be the first but i really enjoyed the spice of chaos that adding rare candies brought to the table so i decided to help out the hive of mine at large and give them one lone master ball they can use it on any pokemon in the game so wouldn't you even be curious to see who they eventually choose before that happens though we have to challenge chuck joto's fifth gym leader surprisingly the battles weren't the hard part but rather the incredibly simple strength puzzle this one is supposed to be just the appetizer of thinking but when it comes to politics the more you multiply bodies the more you divide the minds but now we get to battle chuck for a chance to earn another gym badge when it comes to fighting type pokemon a high-level typhlosion can simply overwhelm chuck's roster unfortunately the same cannot be said for his poliwhirl knowing that pisser was in danger twitchchat did the unthinkable maneuver and tried to take matters into their own hands and we just wasted the master ball didn't we after making it back through chuck's brainteaser and after pisser died in battle i assumed that this run was as good as over but to my surprise our under leveled oddish name christmas triumphs over yet another gym leader in the strangest of ways christmas came early dude oh my wait that kills then we received the medicine evolved christmas into a gloom trekked back towards olivine city and grinded levels for our persian oh we have a persian by the way her name is a.b kitty upon making it back to the lighthouse we crossed our 50 and was suddenly ready to tackle the next gem jasmine's first pokemon was her incredibly well-known magnemite who perished near instantly due to pisser's flamewheel but when she sent out her stelix we just did the exact same thing again so with our sixth gym badge in hand oh another [Music] she doesn't need two oh my god with our sixth gen badge in hand we headed straight towards the lake of rage but wouldn't you know it before our very eyes babu ascended into her new form i then decided to do something kind for the hive mind to celebrate our 50th hour together in hell return to goldenrod and give pisser a quality moveset which was a direct decision after twitch shot yet again removed his only fire move since i have wasted over two days watching the blind lead the blind i switch up the order for the rest of the move sets just to give twitch shot a better chance of at least attempting to deal damage oh and since gyarados never got to receive a personalized nickname i gave the conglomerate known as twitch shot yet another chance to rename him a slightly better name for gyarados okay well so i gave them yet another chance to rename him now you guys get your name whatever you want hi [Music] [Laughter] gary knows you're just high now ding dong my seventh order meal of the stream has arrived i left the stream unattended so i could eat in peace and that's exactly when my roommate deanna decided to take control of the stream and she got us stuck in a cave that we did not need to enter so when i returned we finally made it to mahogany town and twitch i was busy lamenting about our waste in master ball since a world famous red gyarados was just one route away from us so i decided to give our beloved hivemind one more chance their second master ball how long do you think that lasts oh actually we made it to the ship uh oh we were so close so in a fit of rage we decided to murder the special gyarados standing next to us oops and on that note it was time for me to leave our next step was to invade team rockets hideout and given that we've all been through a lot together we started making incredible progress as if i was cheating again this hideout is mainly just a lot of trainer battle so i wasn't too worried since uh it could definitely be worse in all honesty we just kind of stormed through this which left us ready and willing to conquer yet another gem that hopefully didn't have ice puzzles oh it has ice puzzles i don't get it i do not get it i genuinely do not understand how we could not get past this [ __ ] ledge but then we beat the ice gym in under 20 minutes like how i honestly expected to wake up the next day to help chat get through this but here we are our next mission was to head back to goldenrod and exterminate team rocket from the radio tower and personally i think this is the most boring part of the entire game so i was ecstatic that i was asleep the only important thing you missed was that we overwhelmed haitha gyarados with rare candies making him the most broken pokemon on our entire team as well as bearing witness to the second coming of christ so yeah we cleared out the tower cleared out the underground and defeated our rival on the first try for the first time upon leaving the department store labyrinth our journey no our destiny guided us to the legendary beasts of suicune at long last this is the perfect chance to use a master ball that we don't have oh yeah yeah no no that makes sense our next destination was the ice cape which only took us 20 minutes to enter the cave as expected this was single-handedly the hardest part of the entire run so while sleeping in my silly little bed every fiber of my being was desperately hoping to wake up to a successful venture through the ice pack but as expected that did not happen oh what's up yeah i know i was a bit overdressed for twitch plays pokemon but i had a very important day ahead of me and it doesn't break and i was going out of town in three days to go back home and attend my best friend's wedding i was secretly pleading for twitch hats to make this miracle happen so i gave up hope and made the miracle happen myself and wow the cave becomes a lot easier when you remove the weight of 5 000 people upon reaching blackthorne our first goal was to heal overcome yet another thin ledge and then defeat claire thus granting us the last and final gym badge as stated i had a busy day ahead of me so i only get to pop in for about an hour before taking off yet again and leaving the final gym up to twitch chat i thought claire's jam being filled with strength puzzles meant the end for today's hopes of making it to the elite four but i was pleasantly surprised that we swept the gym on our first try in a record-breaking two hours if you've played johto recently i'm sure you remember this obnoxious side quest that stems from claire being a miserably sore loser so sure let's venture off to the dragonstone but first let's spend an hour teaching whirlpool to gyarados but you have to admit twitch chat is getting faster at stuff like this so after receiving our eighth gym badge our next stop was a long long walk that's a new bark town which honestly filled me with such nostalgic memories of a mental breakdown i had just a mere three days ago before trekking towards the elite four we made a quick pit stop to receive our third master ball from professor elm does chat deserve it no definitely not but let's see what we catch at the time of writing the script i genuinely didn't even know we got this master ball i don't even know what we caught and i am so prepared to be just as disappointed as you are but like what if we ran into a roaming legendary could you imagine that so now that we're officially in kanto it was finally time to tackle the infamous victory road since i was still away and very busy twitch chat definitely took their sweet time and even ran into a full odd shiny goal goldbat along the way the perfect specimen to use a master ball on only one hour later and we've already defeated a rival for the final time before walking onto the steps of the elite four i was hoping to make it back home by the time we got to the pokemon league but to my surprise they made it and i was not gonna stand in their way if only hiker anthony could see them now it took a while for them to find their first opponent but once they did twitch chat trashed will in record time while not even losing a single pokemon surely lightning wasn't gonna strike twice in a row right and it did the hive mind has redeemed their earliest downfalls with the catalog of shocking amount of surgical precision through the entire late game their next opponent was bruno and in case you're just tuning in this is the third member of the elite four it's time for the elite four baby wait i missed one didn't i i think chad seemed incredibly capable and was perhaps stronger without my guidance because as soon as i joined everything crumbled around us from the very start i told twitchchat that i would buy them some solid items rearrange move sets based on the tms they found and balance out the levels just a bit to give them the best chance of winning possible with so much health you probably think that i'm essentially giving them a win and there wouldn't be any challenge at all well you should be right apparently losing is very possible so we tried again this time making it back to bruno but unfortunately onyx consistently swept our entire team ironic i know but there has to be something we can do about this no no no no planning has never gotten us anywhere it has always been about doing so right now i think all we should do is grab twitch chat by the wrist and do the elite harder than anyone has ever done before it all comes down to one final fight this is it or it's not how do you guys feel i feel nervous i feel excited i feel it this is the climax he opens with gyarados oh what do we want and it missed not a great omen for what we have rain dance which is scary but uh we're fine we can live one more this sounds crazy but like pisser is our best option okay i guess so no no bobby's fighting in the rain babu is resistant to water surf i think okay the rain does hurt a little bit oh bob who takes those hyper beam this is fine guarantees he cannot heal next turn because if lychee doesn't kill in one turn it'll kill ensue a crit on hyper beam babu has laid the foundation for us all we have to do is lift gyarados has to recharge leech seed dead he resists it but we are really strong so even if it's not very effective fire punch kills now if we can keep thunder punching dragonites though that's our win condition that's how we can do it good swap q mask uh not not the best not the best sleep powder though we got one more sleep power hits that's huge um surf super effective move yeah yeah straight cloud for high okay chat who was okay you know i was like who was here i want to get too ahead of myself surf perfect the highest damaging move we had he resisted yes but like we're just so over level i think the damage i think it compensates we live one thunder i think we live one thunder and he doesn't hit he doesn't he can't hit those [Music] okay one more dragonite he's going to hide the gyarados into the dragonite gauntlet okay run it run it spam surf he might kill us he might kill a safeguard i don't give a [ __ ] about safeguard right now now it would be nice to have water for charizard i do agree but it just doesn't look like it's in the cards hi you did us not yet not yet to somewhere else somewhere else maybe a different pokemon uh we are paralyzed and he's just gonna use the outrage which is oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no we need to create wheat no well he's confused he's confused because outrage yes oh my god that was so lucky oh my god can we keep getting lucky on confusion we need to heal we need to heal though wait oh my god we are [Music] oh my god full restore on typhlosion in a moment like this oh we won oh my god and he wasn't gonna be confused again that was such a clutch you guys have never used an item properly before and the one time we needed it it happened okay well okay we'll we're good with healing we're good his ace is dead sit down charizard it's our starter versus his thunder punch super effective one more one more one more [Music] plane thrower we do not care chad we did it just one more hit anything kills against all odds [Applause] we did it chad and just like that 80 hours later we finally completed pokemon crystal what a journey we had this run was proof that it truly does not matter how many times you get knocked down or rather how many times you're willing to get back up this was one of the most no the most memorable experience of my entire youtube career and hopefully i will see you in kanto when the time's right ah oh i'm sure you're curious about what we use the final master ball on right well i was too after finishing the script i combed through the footage and did not see a single new pokemon caught do you know why well it's because we [ __ ] threw it away
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,753,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Id: SGrcJC3gR4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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