So There's Finally A Roguelike Pokemon Game

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Spelunky faster than light The Binding of Isaac slay the Spire Hades roguelikes are probably my favorite gaming genre of all time games that don't have a set of carefully designed levels that you have to go through but rather a procedurally generated Gauntlet of dungeons or fights that change every time you play the game as you go through you level up your character and collect more of the randomized gear but once you die you get sent back to the beginning and lose all progress it's a very addicting format and I've always believed that the Pokemon franchise is perfect for a roguelike game enter Emerald Rogue start your playthrough with an empty bag and one measly starter then choose between routes to catch more Pokemon on and build your team find shops to buy items on and at the end of each stage face a random gym leader with a random team beat all 8 gym leaders for elite four members and two Champions to beat the run if any of the trainers along the way wipe you out you go back to the beginning with nothing but your starter you just witnessed my entire first attempt of playing this game if if you're burning to see what random stuff I roll in attempt 2 you're already as addicted to roguelikes as I am I'm Pokemon challenges and this is the Journey of how I beat my first run of Pokemon Emerald Rogue failure is just a part of the process when it comes to roguelikes the deeper you go the more you learn about the game and its systems and the better equipped you are to handle whatever it throws at you the next time around I fire up another round and pick a bigger team with better type coverage this time I pull Winona as my first gym leader and run through her with ease despite a scary moment thanks to double team oh boy come on really the rest that you can choose between an emerald Rogue on the map screen aren't just valuable for picking up new Pokemon items are all over the place in these routes as well not only can you grab healing items and pokeballs you can find stuff like mints to change your Pokemon's Natures or sell it marks items are also valuable at the Mart encounters where you can pick up stuff like battle items and berries which you absolutely will need to beat the gym leaders at the end of each level Chad convinced me to do the game show encounter here way talking to Waluigi welcome to my ever so lovely setup game show this game is simple you'll get two choices one might be good one might be bad now on to round one we always go left guys left is law well ribs got a bit stronger oh [ __ ] what does that mean oh 5K let's go oh IVs went up nice nice nice okay oh my God I'm loaded chat with all the mints that I found I have infinite money was that it were we done all this excitement caused me to forget about catching a sixth Pokemon though which probably would have been nice against the upcoming Roxanne fight instead I have no answer for a pseudo wudu when I wipe again I think I'm trying to get the hang of this and I'm already really addicted my biggest lesson is to always keep my party filled and get six Pokemon as soon as possible I start up another run and immediately disregard that lesson and leave a slot open at my party I head into the first leader fight which just so happens to be Roxanne again this time though we've picked up a perfect answer Pawn yard who can tank just about anything that Roxanne throws at it notice how Roxanne's team was different every time I play it through the gym leaders Pokemon are picked from a big pool of Pokemon and put together randomly and then adjusted for difficulty depending on where you encounter them in the Run we get to move on from the first batch and into the second level hey yay whoa whoa you were just stoning out looking at some other screen while watching this weren't you come on pay a little attention to me here or like at least subscribe while you're here you know so I can be your background noise for many future videos the early parts of roguelikes are rarely easy especially since I obviously immediately set the game's difficulty at the highest setting and disabled all options that would help me when I started my first run a lot hinges on the luck of the draw early on in roguelikes and it's up to you to deal with whatever the game throws at you in Emerald Rogue it's no different as each gym leader you fight is random making the earliest fights the most difficult to plan for you pulled Flannery and everything in your party's weak to fire GG good luck next time this may not be a Nuzlocke but I do lose every Pokemon that faints for good so the more pekko I had to sacrifice against Roxanne's Tyrunt needs to be replaced I also need to fill that empty slot I had pokeballs are a very limited resource in this game but I have enough balls to cycle through a few options and by the time we head to gym too I've added Mr mime drillbur houndor and sandru to the pawn yard and chinchu I kept from the first level we draw Liza from Tate and Liza for a second Gym battle and we get our first Big Break of the run the gym leaders in Emerald Rogue have permanent favorable weather and terrain for the psychic leader Liza that means her Pokemon get to enjoy the 1.5 times boost psychic terrain grants to psychic moves for the whole battle there was absolutely no way to plan my team for this but thankfully I have a pair of dark types and Houndoom and Pawnee art to make this fight manageable pawniard is definitely the MVP of the run so far cleaning up against both Gym Leaders through the first couple of seconds we've mostly been taking what we can get to build team as we push towards our third gym leader though our team is finally starting to feel a little bit more coherent we had a key piece of the team in bronzong who offers a great defensive typing and bulk on top of some support moves that will really help us deal with the randomness of the run as we enter Gym number three two weather leaders are still left to encounter Juan and his Reign and Flannery and her son six Gym Leaders left means there's a one in three chance that the next gym leader will have permanent weather a fire type leader boosted by Sun would be a huge problem for my team which is currently loaded with steel types we lead with our heat proof bronzong loaded up with rain dance and sunny day TMS from one of the Mart stations to cancel out the enemy's weather if I happen to run into Flannery I can rain dance and if I happen to run into one I can sunny day the preparation immediately pays off as out comes Juan we beat his reign with sunny day and the battle is basically over on turn one the dribble we caught during the second section has evolved into an Excadrill and after weakening wishy-washy it's able to get bound to substitute in the Sun and sweep one with ease as I'm preparing for the fourth gym leader another interesting piece of emerald Rogue strategy reveals itself I catch an impdimp hoping to have the bulky support and surprising strength of grim snarl ready for the fourth gym leader but because of the way experience share Works in this game my emptim was immediately brought up to the level cap and stuck in its much weaker second form I hold on to it anyway but it's much less useful for this fight I'll have to wait until the next set of encounters raises the level cap to evolve it and we have to keep that in mind for any not fully evolved Pokemon that we run into throughout the rest of the run at the shop I pick up a very useful battle item in the Choi scarf and equip Mr mime with it Choice girl locks the user into using only one move but increases its speed Flannery is still really terrifying so I stick with the lead bronzong strategy ideally I want to see Winona here as Excadrill has an excellent matchup against her I end up getting her and the fourth badge is in my sights wait what's oh I forgot to restore rock slide PP yeah PP does not restore unless you use the heel spots it's another resource you have to keep in mind and manage as you go through the run this fight just went from completely free to the first truly terrifying fight of the run it didn't really help that I totally brain farted on the way that Destiny Bond works when a Pokemon uses Destiny Bond it'll take down any opponent that knocks it out until it uses its next move look how confident I am in my utterly wrong strategy here not the best rate I've ever made yeah [ __ ] you oh wait that's not how that move Works uh never mind I maneuver myself into a situation where I have a free turn to use a leperberry to restore extra girl's Rockside BB but a Miss puts me in an absolutely terrible spot maybe I just I I think I have to give up the excadrille oh my God every time man yeah use agility too so which we just lose there's nothing we can do to me it looks like this is game over nothing on my team out speeds the Moltres and the things that don't get one shot by it can never kill it however I have one more Ace up my sleeve my Mr mime knows the move trick which makes it switch its held at him with its opponent the wincon is um he sees kill with Sucker Punch and we go for trick with choice scarf unreal okay okay okay he's not locked in yet right is he locked now I think he's locked next turn right and now he's locked into aeroslash and now bronzon can win but am I [ __ ] goaded or what the thing is if he locks himself into like they're actually so much had to happen there for that to be for that to go right but yeah yeah Felix fiery wrath um it's just GG like he had to go exactly Sucker Punch into not fiery wrath this fight was unnecessarily difficult but being the greatest nuzlocker in the world is being able to clean up your own mess I'm through four badges on my third run here and I'm starting to get the hang of things unfortunately I had a pretty strong team with diverse types and a lot of it was lost to Winona I just couldn't find a way to transition into a clean Excadrill sweep here you know what else I couldn't find to transition for today's ad read manscape is the sponsor of today's video and they have something special for you the Platinum package 4.0 it comes with so many wonderful things not only these two guys that you know from previous packages you got the lawnmower to shave your balls you've got the weed whacker to shape your nose hair and your ear hair get all that cleaned up you also get great new products from manscape such as the Stick deodorant aluminum free has you smelling fresh and nice okay the crop preserver ball deodorant is still in there the crop reviver spray it's in there as it should be and you get the manscape body wash and the two in one shampoo and conditioner you have a whole thing you can take this whole thing on a trip with you that's all you'll ever need to be clean maybe a toothbrush okay fine I'm sure that's that's coming too anyway manscaped Platinum package 4.0 has all that for you and you can sign up for the peak hygiene plan to have all these products refreshed and delivered as soon as you need them what's not to love link is in the description or in the comments thank you manscape for sponsoring this video let's play some more Emerald Rogue sometimes times Emerald Rogue randomly offers you the chance to revive one of three random Pokemon that you've lost during the run and I'm so happy to see the one that I regret losing the most excadero with only four Gym Leaders left I can start being even more specific in my preparation it's just Watson Norman Brawley and Flannery left unfortunately I'm not offered much of anything that helps against Brawley lapis and bomb snow are good encounters here but they don't help with my fighting weakness so I think if it's Brawley we just kind of lose um I've already kind of accepted that like there's no amount of team building we can do that I think we just weaken our other options oh [ __ ] me GG I had bronzong in the lead here to keep her anti-weather strategy from earlier but it turns out it's the perfect choice for Brawley as well I feel a lot more comfortable using strategies that lose to crits like stacking up iron defense in a game like Emerald Rogue than I'd do in a Nuzlocke this is because here there is no box and I can only hold six Pokemon at a time so if a Pokemon is replaced by a better one I have to get rid of it for good Pokemon are more Expendable because of this I realize that my win condition against Brawley here is him not having any special attackers I start setting up bronzong and avoid the few crits that could have ended my run this fight also showcases why I usually ban healing items in my other challenges a plus six defense bronzag is already hard enough to break with chances to heal it just absolutely runs anything over on our way to the 6th leader fight we run into our first legendary encounter and add tapu bulu to our team bronzag has been waiting for this moment as Flannery finally appears I get off the rain dance and I'm looking pretty good Flannery's rhodum doesn't have hidden power grass to threaten my Lantern I just have to sacrifice Lapras to get top of bulu in and whoa oh I think I actually just lose maybe external speeds at speeds because of plus speed nature or some [ __ ] oh my God it does holy [ __ ] this fight was certainly worn by the fact that my experience had a plus speed nature because at level 65 an optimal Volcarona does that speed an optimal exid drill by three speed points uh and now my [ __ ] earthquake damage is too low and he's gonna lock himself into a fire type move and I'm [ __ ] well flinchy flinchy nice oh my God I can't believe this run is still alive talk about clutch not just the crit or the fact that I outsped the fact that I had extra drill in the first place remember he came back from the Revival encounter at the beginning of the route and without him there's no way we get past Flannery there one of the best feelings in a roguelike is building up momentum we clear a bunch of rooms get some solid rewards and your build starts to come together I'm finally starting to feel that this run is headed that way as I go into the seventh gym leader despite losing her legendary we have a really strong team with some great synergies with 6 Gym Leaders down we know it's just Watson and Norman left before we get to the end game of the Elite Four Wallace and Steven I feel good about my matchup into both leaders but my team has a huge ground weakness at the moment and at this point everything is earthquake I really need an immunity altario is an encounter for me and solves my problem I add another Trio of immunities in Runa regas as well who can soak up fighting normal and electric attacks they join Excadrill Lantern bronzing and doraladon as we push onwards we pull Watson and with three electric immunities on the board I have absolutely no trouble I only have navigate past Rota Mo which is the only thing that can touch volt absorb Lantern seven badges down and that momentum is still rolling Excadrill and Altaria in particular have formed a very strong core exodural steel typing can cover altaria's Rock and dragon weaknesses while altaria's ground immunity and fighting and fire resist cover just about anything that threatens excavrille I have more than enough steel types to take down Norman so my team building is now looking towards the Elite Four I get another chance at a Revival so I take Houndoom to get a dark type for Phoebe's Ghost type and Sydney's dark types unfortunately Reviving too many times during a run can result in your run getting cursed naturally this immediately happens to me and I get one of the random curses this one increases shot prices by 40 which is kind of huge money is a really important resource and helps immensely with team building I'll be limited on balls potions and held items for the rest of the run I also run into a draco wish and when you get a chance to click fish's friend you take it no matter how good the Pokemon it's replacing has been bronzon put in some work but I feel like it's overstated's welcome I also see one new encounter type here a strong trainer who allows me to pick one of her Pokemon after I record I grabbed the gallerian wheezing who offers two immunities thanks to its fairy type and levitate ability fantastic pickup for the upcoming Drake fight the ice control and altario do approves to be way too much for Norman the pair illustrates their Synergy perfectly in this battle with Altaria baiting ice beams for exidrille which could bait earthquakes for both Altaria and wheezing renorriguez finally gets to use all of those immunities too and he gets to just sit on the field and stack iron defenses before cleaning up with body press it's time for the Elite Four and that means our information Advantage is gone now we have to be prepared for any one of them and with dark ice ghost and dragons on the table it's hard to cover everything I don't get anything notable in our pre-fighting counters and go in with the same team that took down Norman Drake is first a favorable draw since we have steel and fairer Types on our team to take down his dragons wheezing and escadrill are nearly Untouchable together here as extra girl can resist dragon and be the offense while wheezing serves as a ground immune switch end this however is a problem haxorus's moldbreaker nullifies wiesen's levitate and forces me to find another way around this fight yeah let's give this wandering spirit and then maybe we can wheezing I'm gonna substitute interesting I'm assuming that does not make contacts okay he's only increasing his damage I'm increasing my defense and my damage I think I should have attacked I definitely should have attacked if he kills me now I wipe [Music] three hit something come on dude one time Jesus [ __ ] Christ [Music] well this is really scary this is a random move home oh I guess okay he has he's lost three mods I could try to sweep with dracovish outrage I couldn't Max potion I guess and like eat a draco potentially this is pretty likely to be a special attacker I'm gonna go Lantern and slow volt switch sick I think I'm gonna try to go for the dracovish sweep but I guess let's see what could be in the back what like Dialga probably doesn't die to outrage I mean like a bunch of [ __ ] doesn't like the hide outrage if it's bulky enough right it's kind of risky Salamence my Garchomp Wouldn't Die to outrage I don't like the plan that much let's stay for one turn and Signal beam and see what happens I think this is choice [Music] okay kind of looks like scarf to meme [Music] it's also in this the surface in the Sun by the way oh it might be specs then actually I guess I can just always kill this with dracovish and then I'm set up pretty well for the next whatever comes in although I guess I'm locked into Dragon Rush interesting oh yeah that kind of called that didn't I think it is wheezing time but this might have a Steel type move Jesus [ __ ] Christ [Music] okay so I think I go wheezing into Excadrill and check if he has coverage for X go unless fire blast would be pretty ruinous if I want to be extra safe I go Lantern but like rocks are up I can't do this infinitely I guess he hasn't checked he should in theory know about left about levitate because I haven't shown neutralizing gas but I don't know if AI actually works that way I'm also pretty sure X girl is in one shot this because Dialga is bulkiest [ __ ] so like I can't even let it stand dude Diago's 100 120 physical defense this does not die to earthquake my dude I think I have to Lantern to check what the coverage move is on before he uses earth power dude okay good thing I didn't go X guy I guess let's try Altaria and just have him use the Draco um I think I should have let him Draco into excadrille there okay I have an idea but I just wasted a pivot let's go Altaria and go Excadrill on a draco and then maybe sub for a fire blast Miss [Music] the same damage should be Draco I don't think fireblast kills right I'm slower here by the way I can stack altari out of the Draco that puts me in a much better position because that means XK has more chances to dodge fire blast The Substitute I'm sacking here how about bearing I don't think it matters but maybe okay I'm pretty sure excadero is faster nice I think it's swords dancing to earthquake here wait it's Lugia in the back he's gonna go Lugia I should eat Q twice I think I guess it doesn't really matter I think EQ once is better um did I say Lugia I meant Larios I'm pretty sure EQ doesn't kill but um oh [ __ ] I'm PR so ladios showed surf it's technically optimal I think because I don't think expertol is ever switching back in after this right in my this is a really tough call I think I think there's a good chance that what I have left Beats what he has left um okay so my thinking is though that if latios's best move on this is surf which it might be than being higher HP is better so we don't bait random move which means we can base server which means you can go Draco fish um I don't like subbing again here I'm gonna earthquake twice my reasoning is that earthquake crit is a way to keep substitute up and I I'm pretty sure I have to switch out if Latios comes out so the sword stands is worthless actually really close to killing there plus he can fireblast miss I'm like I don't know I'm not going to substitute again here I don't think there's a reason to I don't like rock slide Miss range here I like he I guess he could switch into Latios here but I really don't like the substitute um I can only do one more and like it might put me into Draco range or whatever of Latios which makes my position weaker for like pivoting afterwards um I'm just gonna kill this I'd rather save the YouTube unsubstitute I think going for the fire blast Miss is not worth it so this should be Latios and the thing is in in like sun I don't even know if his surface is best move but it was his best I guess he random moved it on runarriguez I know that this is choice but I [ __ ] hate that I pivoted one more time on Lantern I think I have to almost Lantern in case it's Draco here I guess like yeah wheezing tanks surf right I think wheezing is probably the middle ground yeah okay this is actually super good okay so either I Willow incoming or I just use um strange Steam AI always switches here I'm pretty sure interesting okay that's pretty good that is a pretty good Pokemon like what is the worst thing it can use here fire blast doesn't even work because of airlock or yeah like it's not even that much or like V creator or whatever and if he if he's if he D Dance is on my switch here I'm super [ __ ] I always sludge bomb because strange team can miss and such mom will kill that's completely fly fine right it's flying also but it's also fun I don't know why this has fly by the way pretty stupid okay and now Latios I think will lock himself into a psychic type move which is kind of bad it should be a psychic type move here always [Music] I don't think there's any punishes for going to dragovich I guess like we don't actually know what item it is because it could be scarf so it would not be drinkovich but if he's still like [ __ ] I don't know did we ever see any damn we saw surf rolls on Lantern I think this is specs I'm pretty sure this is specs with the surf damage that it did to Sun assault vest Lantern I'm pretty sure it's specs scarf Latios would just be weird right I'm going Draco here okay so if I live this I win because I have Lantern sick Jim foreign [Music] mostly to make my chat happy I go to another new encounter type in the next area it grants me the chance to catch one Pokemon and I get a toucanon with adamant nature and Skilling this is actually shockingly useful let toucan has arrived Gracie has our second Elite Four fight and by far the one we're least prepared for can you find the ice type resistance on this team well dude this seems so bad to Glacier I didn't really consider this but I don't think I have that many options like what was I gonna replace the interviews with Wigglytuff yeah freeze Rye also exists in this game it's not like the routes I picked gave me anything better to choose from tucanon comes just shy of taking out glaze as Lapras with a rock blast and our back is against the wall this is by far the most dramatic fight of this video so I'll let the live commentary take over from here crit I'm lucky [Music] the toucan has left okay what am I killing this with I think it's probably Excadrill I can kill with voltswitch Lantern but Lantern into wheezing gives me an opportunity to maybe set up some spikes I think I like that that's a little bit more defensive but I think the only way I win is through stall right [Music] [Music] at least we got the level up oh my [ __ ] god I don't even know what this thing does this is a physical attacker though right so I'm gonna Willow whisp us actually oh yeah true this is really slow as well oh yeah I get absolutely [ __ ] destroyed Choice man would be [ __ ] sick here I am I think I gotta do spikes [Music] okay staying in okay it's sword stands let's pretty scary um I mean at least it's slow right [Music] this thing is so bulky it's not like I have a switch in yeah at least I'm faster [Music] um I think I really don't like the missed chance of strange steam here [Music] crit would be huge oh he's so [ __ ] dumb [Music] okay [Music] back to Rotom [Music] gotta go Lantern right and then heal [Music] is he choice we still don't know right I'm I think we think he's choiced does she Mega I don't know if she can't I don't think I enabled Mega if he rolls like speed on Moody that's kind of bad huh [Music] he could so if he's Moody he rolls plus speed or plus defense I think to live does it get freeze dry well Exodus maybe just better but it's not like Rockside one shots I don't think dracovich kills it let's go to excadrille uh at this HP maybe it does actually I think it was Draco this year well [ __ ] it okay okay huge crit S I barely do not speed this probably earth power I think it's got to be wheezing [Music] yeah Glacier is switching too much okay it's not great um that's really not great I really thought there was a ground lift coming there is is this specs I think this is specs oh it has to be boots because it doesn't get poisoned here I am okay oh [ __ ] dude Lantern does Lantern live with Draco I have AV I'm pretty sure I live and then I just [ __ ] heal like what the [ __ ] is it gonna do does this get freeze dry I guess it leaves a ground type move uh there's a chance I die I think [Music] I guess if he draco's I'm fine though right obviously he's never using Draco meter yeah I think it's always Fusion Flair well he doesn't know about levitate right so it might be ground type move I think it's dracovish right lost a lot of HP on wheezing for nothing there oh that's so spooky man okay so we see Roost we see Fusion flare I could sack I will also be stuck in Outrage if I do this um I can kind of stall this out a little bit I kind of want to go Lantern I think okay so it's either an ice move or a ground move last I think we've only seen Roost and fusion flare it's almost certainly Draco meteor here I don't think does this even get [ __ ] freeze dry I don't think so I think I'm gonna Lantern okay well if it gets freeze dry it's kind of I think I have to outrage holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay Jesus [Music] maybe we live that yeah okay um because if that's not an immunity then we might get three turn outrage there and die right okay um I really wish I had iron head on Excadrill but rockslide might kill um it should be dazzling gleam again I think X guys just kind of free here right I can even substitute once maybe maybe not probably it's probably not worth it right I do not think rockslide will kill this I think I think xca is free here I don't think he should or reveal here he sees a kill right that's so [ __ ] unfortunate man it's kind of fine because I live I can only set up one sub I don't know if this slide will kill I think I substitute once and then I Max potion am I even faster than this I think I'm slower yeah good thing I checked holy [ __ ] yeah that's my x potion I think it's correct here [Music] think I could continue sweat I could go to like Lantern Lantern kind of [ __ ] owns this guy's [ __ ] and I can heal like my half half my team in the back if I really want to like I don't think this does anything to Lantern right [Music] interesting why was that the move can I get slow volt switch dracovision on this what's left in the back it's glalia plus one unrevealed Riot I think oh rhodium I think dracovish sweeps right [Music] oh we still have no rotom's item matchroom but I mean that's fine let's do this I don't know why it's not using a fairy move let's see how many kills I can get with dracovish here and if Rotom comes out I just go back to Lantern and um just chill right oh I guess does this get ice shard I think I should have healed Draco before okay good thing I flinched it would probably not run nicer wait we saw Ice Beam dazzling gleam I guess we it's not using Aurora Veil this might have ice Shard right I'm healing dracovish I guess it wouldn't kill maybe with hail I'm healing dracovish it's a little bit shitty yeah [ __ ] I don't know [ __ ] go for it I don't know my expressions are pretty [ __ ] valuable oh Citrus I don't think that matters right yeah no shot okay okay so we know item on this I guess but well I guess this could actually have ice Shard huh I really should have healed uh I was greeting but now it's like oh dude I threw because now it's really awkward because what if you freeze right now I really don't like stacking something here [Music] uh I'm gonna run rigas I don't know so awkward I didn't know I started I'm lucky oh my God and he gets the speed oh he actually gets the [ __ ] speed dude imagine getting this Omega punished I think I have to Sacramento rigas and then heal the lantern this could have earthquake but Mexico lives I guess that's what we do see you runarriguez you were not as useful as I thought you were gonna be oh my god dude oh what an insane punish dude holy [ __ ] I should have just I failed to think like one step further okay that's fine oh I guess it's yeah okay no we're fine we're fine let me just killed with X guy here we saw everything right earthquake is same damage but it can't miss I was just thinking if this could have like [ __ ] air balloon or levitate or some stupid [ __ ] wow what a [ __ ] punish for not healing the draco-ish that's crazy I had to invest the max potion anyway now and I lost them on for it technically not over right that's good real mole breaker would you know kind of hard here but I still don't know if this is a scarf or not so I have to heal I don't think I used the full restore him I can always my explosion plus full heal might as well do it over two turns plus he's gonna run out of Blizzard PP here plus gold plus I think Jesus [ __ ] Christ man this run is so insane what a comeback dude I clicking the outrage was really huge I think that must have been a range a mind crit range I don't think so Maybe he's struggling anyway right holy [ __ ] after being glacial I hit the most valuable Pokemon of the entire late game on the first round in the next section rib Bombi not only is the fairy type really nice to have for Sydney coming up but Rob Zombie has two of Pokemon's most broken moves in his throne set and not only are these moves broken by themselves they get even more broken when put together I'm talking about substitute and quiver dance substitute's ability to eat attacks and allow for setup would be incredibly strong for us even if the eye could properly play around it which it didn't and multiple times throughout the Run whoever dance meanwhile is one of the most powerful setup moves in the game boosting special attack special defense and speed all by one stage it's a special Dragon Dance that also boosts bulk or if you'd rather a call mine that also boosts speed there's a reason it's one of the least distributed moves in the game it's crazy good and we're going to ride it to Victory I'm not gonna lie to you set up moves and substitute are really broken in this game and they allowed me to sweep the rest of the boss fights with ease this is actually remarkably similar to other roguelikes in my experience there are certain Lake in builds and combos that are just intentionally designed to be so good that the Run becomes free once you unlock them I guess the difference is that an Aphrodite Aries build in Hades is just more fun than clicking substitute regardless this rom hack is fantastic and I can't wait to crack it open with future challenge runs make sure to stay tuned [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Pokémon Challenges
Views: 761,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, pokemon, gaming, pokemon challenges, challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemonchallenges, pchal, nuzlocke, pro nuzlocker, jaiden animations, smallant, ludwig
Id: 7QzOi9lkE00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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