Can You Beat Pokémon Brilliant Diamond with ONLY Piplup?

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a couple years ago i decided to beat pokemon emerald with only mudkip and got a twisted sense of fun out of it so naturally i wanted to do it again out of the entire pokemon series very few games allow you to reach the end with just one pokemon mainly due to hms fortunately empoleon can learn every necessary hm incentive but where's the fun in that so trust me i popped off when they announced that agents were removed in this game because i wanted to be pokemon brilliant diamond with just one silly little piplup so i hope you're ready for the adventure of a lifetime and i hope you're ready to subscribe that's so shameless jesus christ like most stories society came calling for me then i found my rival kissed him committed robbery stole a pokemon and named him pikachu and with the tutorial out of the way it was time to fully start our journey by creating the strongest pitfall known to man whoa i'm gonna beat starlight with hammers the start of the game is pretty simple we just trek onwards to juba life go to the trainer school get our poketech and then attempt our first rival battle which i'll be honest is not that simple since i don't really have the moveset to combat grass types yet all i can really do is pick a god and prey while injecting copious amounts of healing items straight into piplup's veins i defeated society the next stop was the very first gym which luckily for piplup was rock type no well that was easy and now with one gym badge down all that's left to do is deny our little pet of his potential metamorphosis do you intend on giving him a an ever stone or are you no that's too easy the whole time that's too easy our next steps were to make it back to jubalive get confronted by two galactic grunts and then to beat their zubat with hammers look at this [ __ ] idiot at this point the run's been pretty kind it hasn't even felt too different than a normal run and the only thing standing in my path now is uh satan incarnate but thanks to healing items we were able to defeat the pearl glee because that was the only way that was happening so after reuniting a family grinding against some more trainers we made it to a turn of forest which is supposed to be the easy part of this run you meet cheryl who literally makes battles easier by teaming with you and healing you after the battles but little did i know that this was actually the hardest part of the entire run oh oh my god what was what was what i'm getting oh my god i'm dead i have to grind for the double abra fight what so things aren't great i have already defeated every trainer on this route so all i had to do was to grind against wild pokemon and after about five minutes of that i got bored so naturally i went head strong into the same battle hoping something changed and shocker it didn't no oh my god okay now no i looked god dude so i tried again wow and nothing changed so despite not showing any signs of personal growth like an emotionally stunted third grader i trekked on and did the exact same battle again in the exact same way with the exact same expectations but just hoping something would change right oh okay so that's a huge start that's an rng check i have no control over i think they always attack together no oh my god oh a huge rng check okay they're not focusing me chancy can die for all i care oh chancy use disarming voice thank you they're dead oh one of them's dead that's a witness okay do not [ __ ] me do not crit me oh okay all right well the hardest boss in gaming has officially been defeated we're moving on you know what after that i almost feel like you deserve to evolve i said almost despite all odds we made it out of the forest alive just in time to take our solo piplup straight to the grass type gym you see where this one's going k-pop had tech which was nice but i don't know if it would lead us to victory here and to be fair i don't really know what we could do nope so i backtracked to floroma town and got a tm of pluck a stronger flying type move than peck then went all the way back and fought the grass type gym leader petal blizzard this shouldn't kill oh my god yeah well yeah all right well rome wasn't built in a day and neither was an olympian athlete and like an athlete we turned to performance enhancing drugs oh oh that did nothing high damage roll and i win drugs are awesome what i like this screenshot a lot so with our second badge in hand i realized how much easier this game became with battle items with the low stats of piplup those might become essential battle items looked so appealing because for some reason i was only barely sneaking my way through these battles and by barely sometimes i mean not at all okay ggs do i still i lose this right all right we'll do it again yeah i'm gonna use drugs then i went to the underground for the first time realize this is a great place to grind as well as waste multiple hours shortly after the cavern collapsed while the ceiling and boulders caged our fragile bones and mortal shells society was ready for a run back i thought having pluck was gonna be the secret tool i needed but unfortunately uh he knew how to curse which is [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my what the [ __ ] he was dead the next turn so similarly to the abra fight i just tried it again jesus christ and then i tried it again i fully expected him to use curse to power up but i got lucky because he did it again and that was just enough time to strike him where he stands and i also think it's worth noting i gave pip club drugs for this battle this is not an easy run our next stop is veilstone but more importantly the veilstone gym this one is similar to the grass gym since all piplup can really do is spam pluck and hope for the best so after conquering the puzzle i realized that these battles were not so much a battle of strength but of sobriety yep so after becoming a terrible role model for kids we turned people up into a child actor in their 20s and the only thing that could stop him was the fact that lucario knew bulk up no no lucario stop okay no no our spec attack is high just rubble being hit oh my god that was so terrifying and for what why okay drugs were the answer all along ah i think bull cup's a pretty good move no shot there aren't a lot of blood details between now and the second gym so crash awake is our immediate next victim but first there is one thing i needed drip and then it was time for the water type gym which as a water type it doesn't sound impossible but it does get a little harder if the opponent has the ability storm drain if i hit this little bastard with any water type move it just raises his special attack and deals zero damage but good thing i have a physical flying type move to use and hopefully he doesn't have another cello he has another shallows the only difference is that this one has harden which raises his physical defense which is bad for me but at least he can't recover he can recover well hopefully it's at least a quick match this match lasted 15 minutes ah that's that's how i feel so somehow piplup makes it to the gym oh my god i'm out of pp [Music] uh what if i win this somehow somehow i i won this and before we can make too much progress society calls for us once more luckily these battles are always easy the second time don't judge him he knows he has a problem and criminalizing addicts does not help anyone anyways uh we did it and next we tackle a chore list like find this grunt get medicine from cynthia find defog and uh what's the last oh shill today's video is sponsored by castify phone cases have always come with two options to look nice or to protect your phone now you can have both case to fight offers tons of designs to fit your every need as well as customization options where you get to pick your color font or whatever to make the case that feels unique to you the cases are super strong you can be dropped from heights up to 9.8 feet watch [Music] wow incredible also it's made up of 65 recycled material while the packaging is made up from 100 also they gave me this case and it it says alpha red right there you can kind of see it i i think that's pretty cool you can see it a little bit i mean i'm just gonna all right now you can see it a lot better um here are all the cases they sent me which honestly a lot and this this nintendo switch case which is pretty nice i do say so and then this case you can see it but it's not a vibe though you know what i mean these cases also feature defensify which kills bacteria and keeps it from sticking to your phone i'm using a brand new ultra impact case which features new chi tech technology which is a shock absorbing material that protects your phone and keeps it looking sleek and stylish so head on over to alpharad and get 15 off your favorite phone case for you for your phone or even someone you care about for the upcoming holiday season yeah that was pretty good that was well at least i'm not 9.9 feet tall ah anyways the psyducks are done being bastards so on where do we go until we run into the final boss of the speed run oh pip up learn drill peck so let's take in the views of the city absorb this awful art get the surf tm and then meet with he's just so small anyways it's time to make some actual progress and get another gym badge but this gym has some very difficult puzzles ahead of us question what's three times 13. [Music] got it okay awesome so when it came to this gym battle if you have watched any part of the video before now you should know exactly what's about to happen and at this point i'm sure you're shocked the performance-enhancing drugs are enhancing his performance so onwards to the next gym and goddammit society leave me alone blah blah blah we know how this one goes pop pills you surf win the game no and now it's time for the sixth gem and god it would be a real shame if someone used surf so this runs going pretty well and if i've learned anything from doing stuff like this before it's that if a run ever looks like it's doing well it's about to not do well you needed to talk to him i mean i was i supposed to be certain although really certain our path now was another random galactic uh-oh yeah i think uh yep that sucks but you know how the story goes nobody beats pit blup twice then we had to check out the other lakes spam surf and get a run back with the per ugly who i did not bring any drugs for oh my cool he was saved by friendship so let's take a moment and talk about what is friendship i did not know going into this game that brilliant diamond shining pearl reintroduced friendship in a brand new way if your pokemon loves you and is maxed out in friendship there's a 25 chance of enduring a fatal blow and it doubles your crit chances and more so if anybody asks this is my best friend as we trek through route 216 this essentially serves as the entrance to late-game brilliant diamond the trainers are stronger the conditions are fiercer and we can finally complete hip-hop's move set huge and just as an editor's note i would like to mention that i have spent the entire journey so far looking for ice beam and it was apparently available in the department store this whole time [Music] well no time to feel stupid about that because we have a gym to conquer uh oops i can never remember what this pokemon gym leader's name is if only someone in the comments would let me know so as you'd expect i've already popped pills but obama snow knows giga drain which hurts so all i can really do is heal get gigger trained ow heal get gigger drain and patiently wait until he eventually gets bored oh he's dead seven down one to go but first let's go raid the galactic headquarters none of this really matters and none of it was interesting but now we get to fight the biggest little boss team galactic has ever had and i know you've seen this movie before [Applause] what what why i thought he was trying to murder me so our next goal was to free the lake deities which is apparently the reason we came here nah i'm good that's not piplup no i don't need them baby walks away press the button instead of free isn't that why you came no burdened by the illusion of choice yet again anyways we we simply now big man cyrus is off his goddamn rocker as he's trying to summon dialga so we have to go through galactic grunt after galactic grunt before reaching the peak with two galactic grunts what no what what happened god they won't let piplup ball so we can't progress anymore with a solo piplup this is where the run should end but i have gotten around technicalities before so i thought maybe if i accept one of the gifted eggs and trade it for someone else's pip club it would work but sadly you need two non-egg pokemon before you can start a trade luckily these runs are desperate for technicalities and as long as i catch the pokemon and don't use it in battle that's fair games fortunately for me this doesn't break any rules i should know i'm the one who made them and ultimately i'm the one who gets to change them as i see fit one tweet later and i had a level one pickup being sent my way and with that i was ready to climb back up the mountain and challenge those galactic grunts who turned me away but first i still want to complete this run with only one piplup that's better and it's done that's it i had to get a whole second pokemon just for that one fight and that is the only required double battle in the entire game honestly if i have made it this far with one pokemon what what what what why do i need a second one i do i just don't i don't get it anyways cyrus is trying to summon dialga blah blah blah he summons dialga crazy and then shocker something goes wrong bubba wait the lake deities are here and they're gonna stop on who cares do you know the plot we're just gonna fight cyrus ice beam we beat cyrus then hitler had to fight the god of time this is the battle you're supposed to use your master ball on this is supposed to be a test for you and your team but for me all right i got a crazy plan i think i got this yeah what is it [Laughter] easy this game is easy we do not have time to fight dialga because we have an eighth gen bat to get and luckily for us the gym typing is electric uh oh in this gym i am fighting against literal toddlers fighting for my life it doesn't matter which trainer it is they just throw out a pikachu and i have to pop pills just to stay alive another turn so to sum this gym up everything is terrifying everything can kill me and this puzzle made for children is taking an embarrassingly long amount of time to solve but if this run can prove anything it's that the impossible is possible and even this grown adult can solve this children's puzzle but first that same adult has to inject his pet penguin with several needles so he's invincible no he's perfect and perfect means he should never change and just like that we have collected every badge with just a singular piplup so all that there's left to do is to go through victory road and challenge the champion despite all odds hipflop was eating victory road up the little guy has become a roided up behemoth that not even the elite four will probably be capable of defeating so i guess the only thing left to do is to put that theory to test [Music] yeah yeah yeah of course it wasn't that easy oh or maybe it is what it is time to challenge the elite four with our silly little piplup the first obstacle in our path was perhaps the hardest one yet i know exactly how you expect this game to go hipflop's gonna pop massive pills just gonna spam attacks and win well as nice as those stat buffs are did you know that if you get crit it ignores every stat buff you got all right new strategy don't get crit and apparently that's not very easy to do on top of everything we need to waste like five to ten turns just a pop pill so we can survive and then eventually aaron sends out drapeon aaron is running a crit team his whole team revolves around crits night slash has a higher critical hit ratio and on top of everything else drapeon has an ability that makes his critical hits to like 2.5 times damage why all i have to do is not get crit one single time and that is so much harder than you could ever comprehend why so how many times do you think it's gonna take do you think it's gonna be this one well guess again [ __ ] but 45 minutes later it finally happened wow congratulations on being the first elite four okay that feels condescending one down three more to go and then one more but at least now we have a ground type trainer which thank god what the [ __ ] i didn't crit [Music] well all right well here goes nothing yeah as long as we deprive them all of rights we're good yeah that's how a lot of things are done this one honestly wasn't that bad and all things considered neither was the next one he looks like ronald mcdonald this dude found every fire type left in sinnoh and then they all died to surf oh my god three down one to go and then it'll be time to challenge cynthia this battle is very similar to everything you've seen before all we have to do is turn them into a tank that can absorb any hit then there's nothing to worry about and a crit oh nothing i can do about that yep that's just unfortunate disregarding all potential critical hits this battle was fairly simple after piplup reached peak swirlness it was just a matter of spamming cerf and suddenly it was finally time to take everything we've learned and put it all into everything piplup's become to challenge champion cynthia god the piano's so menacing i'm not ready it's not the song it's so much more terrifying when you have baby cynthia staring you down and our final battle has officially begun cynthia throws out none other than spear tomb and honestly i don't care my only goal for the first 10 turns is to build piplup into the strongest pokemon known to man and luckily spirit tomb helps by spamming a failed sucker punch five turns in a row spirit tomb is the perfect first pokemon for me which is easy to think until you remember crits are possible well that's not great can we just take a moment to appreciate how good the song is 10 turns later and we're ready to fight spirit tomb is one surf away from an early grave and it was a crit based on friendship and i hope there's more where that came from because we need it and that's another crit based on friendship nice flashbacks okay i got a little worried but uh another critical hit down and this is looking very doable she just sent out lucario but we already know how that one's going down and now it's time to not have fun i don't think anyone has ever seen this pokemon and thought wow i'm about to have a good time especially when it has a flame orb and marvel scale what so i spent three whole minutes staring at this screen wondering does this melodic have mirror coat and ultimately i decided i didn't want to take the risk so i just popped a pill and oh my god i was right that was so close to losing it all i wish i had anything interesting to report but this one game this one duel of hitler versus melodic went on for 14 minutes since i in good conscience could not use any other move besides drill peck out of fear of getting mirror coded to hell and back don't mind me just fast forwarding through all this footage preparing for cynthia's legendary guard chomp okay so i'm it looks like i'm missing a lot of health but i'm only missing 39 hit points that's not a lot in the big scheme of things so anything that i'm gonna okay what would hmm okay hear me out guard chomp could open with swords dance he has dragon claw earthquake source amps poison jab and he also has like the the berry that weakens ice i hit him and i don't think it kills because of the berry you know what i think given the ai he has other sword chains or poison jabs either way i'm safe i'm going with ice beam okay there's a sword stance we were looking for that's actually terrifying though it is absolutely terrifying yeah we know this barry oh my god he died anyways oh i was not living another turn oh my god you can be praised for that critical hit the strongest piplup you have ever seen and he finishes at level 69. i can't believe that one worked i'm sorry buddy it wouldn't feel right not yet and just like that pikachu the piplup has officially dominated the sinnoh region our precious little penguin fought a multitude of powerful foes but none could overcome his love for battle items so if you enjoyed the video please subscribe because these take time and it just means a lot to me but as for our special little pokemon you just gotta sit back relax and wonder what's next
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 2,562,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, pokemon, pokemon diamond, pokemon pearl, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon bdsp, pokemon platinum, piplup, alpharad mudkip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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