Pokémon NOOB Attempts a Hardcore Nuzlocke...

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recently I had a friend who knows nothing about Pokemon telling me that he wanted to attempt Nuzlocke yeah that sounds like a good idea so why offer to help and we created the first ever coach lock a Nuzlocke made easier well I guess it depends on where we're starting from has fires ever played this game when was the last time you played this game I starred in osloc two years ago I didn't finish it and trust me it only gets worse am I correcting guessing like childhood yeah Game Boy Color I uh when I was a kid I got this for my birthday I think it was like my ninth birthday or something yeah that's what we're working with so now let's see if we can turn him into a nuzlocking legend you want to get into Pokemon and you want to start it out here oh wait what randomized promo did I load the wrong one wow this has the same file name as the one you sent me okay so my second piece of advice is pick the correct goddamn game so let's look at these normal ordinary starter Pokemon Cyndaquil for sure I guess we're going to get Dexter Dexter sorry to keep pausing the video but I just wanted to let you know that in every single Pokemon Challenge run I do I name all wild Pokemon after recent subscribers so hey maybe even you can experience death's cold Embrace next run back to coach luck where I give out really good advice and we talk about very important things I've never had a McGriddle I don't think we have them over here it's like a sausage egg and cheese like biscuit but imagine if the biscuit was a pancake injected with syrup does that sound American it sounds incredibly American uh you have one Rival Battle ahead of you which again run hasn't started yet so uh he just got assaulted robbed and held at gunpoint so oh that's a shame it's all good it's all good easy pidgey's not bad who who's not not bad I think central might it is okay but I think might be the best you can get here well about to find out speaking of what scares me is that we didn't heal after that last battle oh you're right we didn't do that I would call that pretty bad it's it's okay let's watch it it goes in the second ball it goes in this one oh my God it's just because the last ball is the one that matters right this is the only one that matters so it's gonna stay on this ball yeah that's what they say right one two three and a score I'll be honest hope train left the station I had no faith uh what is his ability run away that doesn't sound good that sounds like the opposite of guts I'm gonna be real Jacob so uh you could have avoided this trainer if you went around it oh yeah a lot of trainers are just fodder and I kind of view them as like chances for you to [ __ ] up so I always try to avoid every trainer possible especially if you're like candy pilled virus I got a test for you so there's a trainer here would you say that this is optional let me think about this they don't seem to have any kind of peripheral vision I'm gonna say wait wait wait first first will you just talk to her I see that just wasn't a [ __ ] that that just wasn't a threat at all I just overthang the whole situation for nothing it was a trial though you're thinking correctly so okay one thing to be careful of right here just so you know you can only go up to plus six of any stat with setup moves okay he's plus six defense right now you can tackle him and you're like oh I won't do much damage but if you crit Critical Hits always go through bust oh really I did not know that if your opponent sets up on you you kind of want to fish for crits like that that can be your out sometimes oh wait wait Adam and Pidgey oh that's good yeah so that means so what Nature's mean right yeah it's like an attack like a stat boost and a stat but do you know how much no I do not know by how much it's pretty significant it's uh this pidgey's attack is 10 stronger oh that's good it's an Atkins yeah did you know did I know what that uh do you know Atkins backwards is uh Atkins all right so Fanboy is going into the box all right I need you to change your computer clock to 8 P.M whoa look at that it's 8pm the only Encounters in here are Rattata and Gastly Gastly spawns only at night oh so now we have a chance to roll into Rattata yes but we have duplicates claws so it doesn't matter anyways but yeah now you get ghastly which is a really good mod I forget what can hit ghost everything that's not normal fighting all right I'm gonna mute now oh yeah to make this fair I have to stay muted during every trainer battle gotcha okay oh my God that's uh that's terrifying I didn't even hear him say anything this is gonna be fine the chances are he probably just has bellsprouts he's probably I I feel like since he's the Elder he's going to be the one with the Victory Bell right he's on edge you can tell he's nervous and he's fighting the Bellsprout [ __ ] Champion I think hypnosis is the only move that's scary here uh yeah of course you see this is what I was scared of uh for that that we use one of these no we [Music] were banned oh are they banned yes oh dear uh okay I had to unmute for that one I didn't think I had to I completely forgot I got nervous but it's fine lucky he's dead I'm sure it would have been fine I would have switched to Pidgey and it would have been okay foreign [Music] completely legitimately with no illegal moves the Nuzlocke council is not gonna like that I knew that this hoot hoot was going to open with hypnosis and I was like oh let's see how he handles how is he gonna get around this it's just like I I put you in the ring and it's like let's see how he goes in this fight and then he pulls out a gun it's a flying type gym right I will say you you can skip the trainers and only fight the gym leader and that is uh one Pidgey at level nine and a pidgeotto at 13. okay so you think I should open with ghastly and then go like maybe go to Cyndaquil after that you can just Spam hypnosis until it hits mm-hmm and then uh send in Cyndaquil or something like that going into these runs having like a sack Pokemon in mind if you need a safe switch in you probably throw in Ekans let it die and then switch something in okay so that was that I'll bet that in mind I don't think you'll need it in this run but I want you to always realize I have an out I'm gonna mute I think you got it you have a strategy uh what's your strategy again uh my strategy is to spam hypnosis until it hits and then switch to uh Pidgey when there's uh switch to Cyndaquil when they're asleep and then hit them all right I'm gonna mute all yours buddy here we go first gym leader Chad I think he's fine it's gonna it's gonna be it's gonna be okay as a reminder uh you can't use ice yeah I was gonna say okay so we can't see the bottom screen and I like that oh my God first hit hypnosis we put it asleep see frame one then we switch to us into quill and then we kill this Pidgey in its sleep honestly the most peaceful way to go I just didn't expect him to hit the hypnosis first so I thought we'd get like one switch in don't don't overthink it okay okay I was like just Spam the fire move I think I put a lot of stress on him because really this is a pretty simple gym it's not something to be scared of I already forgot what he was supposed to do oh no if he's spamming tackle he should switch into ghastly and then just Spam hypnosis again quick attack's good right it like it will outspeed the Pidgeotto he's already out speeding it just Ember you might burn it what are our options here maybe it was to switch back to panic and use hypnosis yeah yeah maybe that's what I should have done yeah I'm gonna put uh I could put Pidgeot wait can it oh he told me this why am I not remembering he told me this no no reason I can't remember if he's so there I literally asked him this question trust trust your instincts think you said that Gus can hit ghostly so that's not a good idea no [Music] no if we stay in he's using if we know he's using tackle he's in crit range his sparrows in crit range oh that's a lot of damage Pursuit Maybe that is nothing all right up 3 000 you're up buddy this might that'll be a good idea don't kill oh it did nothing oh we're fine oh we're A-Okay did a third of his health that's I'm sorry but that's pretty significant I need to give him he flitched the Flinch is huge but he probably he's living on that's what Roost does but I killed a lot that that didn't seem fair I don't like that why can't I do that what these insane flinches oh my God oh my God it was nice meeting you Faulkner so how did I do you got so lucky thank you for the egg uh talk to that fisherman yeah so this opens up a lot of encounters for us especially water type Pokemon okay so there's a wordal phrase uh we're gonna say oblivious wait why is it not oh oh it's oh it's the wait no this is a tricky part of the run I understand shut up yo Woopa landed a Pokemon what could it be it's a Magikarp there you go I mean phenomenal encounter you know like people laugh it's this is probably one of the best encounters no I'm gonna say this is the best encounter you can get in the entire game oh Geo dude yeah there you go dude female Geodude that's good why is it good Whitney's Mill tank uses a track ah and it's just really obnoxious like it's pretty much just like a paralysis that only affects the opposite gender because love does not win in Pokemon I say that's [ __ ] up if the female Mill tank is up against a female Geodude they just can't use the track because lesbians don't exist I can't believe Pokemon erased lesbians is the Whooper egg right you know it's the time we did have animal oops well I didn't name the target there's the correct option here and hustle boost attack stat but lowers accuracy and it's in Pitch this target is a disgrace and should be thrown away yeah yeah the emphasis minus special attack toga kiss no sir and Grace it's it's a pretty bad Togepi like I would even go so far to say the worst possible Togepi you could have gotten well it's time to get born Whooper what's up tolion this ability is damp bro listen it's very situational in the old in the off chance a Pokemon tries to use explosion on me or self-destruct there is one trainer in this game whose team has it's a mixture of six coffings and wheezings who all know self-destruct that's where the Wooper comes into play so is water spedaf like a special attack even sir this physical physical special split was like like an an event it was like a phenomenon it was like monkeys stood up in evolution like in gen 3 all water type moves were special all normal type moves were physical like no exceptions every type was predetermined if it was physical or special and then in Gen 4 they changed it so think about this and like gen 3 and earlier you have Moves Like Fire Punch oh gotcha and they sound like they definitely should be physical moves yeah yeah because it's all they're all Elemental types and realize some Pokemon really sucked without it like yeah chat my chest mentioning it think of like Hitmonchan it's a boxer with the super high physical attack but it learns Fire Punch Thunder Punch ice punch and they're also specials yeah that doesn't sound right okay so a lot of Pokemon heavily benefited from the physical special split uh here is the demon known as hiker Anthony fight him if you dare also that's a new encounter route right below once you dare you say okay what's up Anthony oh my God he could lose a Pokemon here hiker Anthony is not [ __ ] around uh not by the Geodude oh my God actually it's raining actually no no I think Wooper clears here but the machop's scary though I'm a chop I don't know how to deal with that man what a gun I'll be fine oh oh god oh no uh if he doesn't kill him here it's kind of scary if I can be honest uh we are in the rain though that's a little bit scary I like the switch I like the switch here I did say if we need to suck someone it's got to be soft fan boy oh good a cake sick punk I thought it was gonna kill me he did not know that poison resisted fighting dark doesn't work but what about glare I forget what glare does it doesn't it's not an attacking move is it okay so I need to teach him the type chart I didn't think I would but I guess you got to start somewhere I wasn't afraid all right so hello let's talk what's up uh first off do you know about rain since we already have the Zubat we have a guaranteed Slowpoke but if we surf we can get a Goldeen is that good though is is Goldeen a good Pokemon what do you think is better you know [ __ ] it I'll fish uh that was a test uh you didn't pass are you a flying type let's find out yeah I guess I'm muted I can't just tell them if zubat's a flying type or not the [ __ ] has wings bro okay cool I thought Zubat was flying tight but it wasn't 100 sure strongly urges me not to interfere but I'm going to I don't think he'll have a death for a while I think miltank is really the scariest one but this my rock throw it it hits first time and kills it instantly right we now know that zubat's a flying type which makes these decisions a lot easier we did it we killed Team Rocket now what is it gym time gym two uh yeah we did go straight to the gym all right second gym time baby let's do this okay so you see the puzzle yeah I see the puzzle and you see how difficult it is [Music] dude this is one of those optional trainers I was telling you about do you want to know what Pokemon Bugsy has you know what no let's go in blind let's see what happens okay make it more part of a thrill you know all right well the level cap 17 and [ __ ] it I'm just gonna mute now I'll be honest kind of based all right who are the Believers in chat oh this is stressful for me I want to see him win okay he sends out Scyther and he's going to use he's using U-turn oh my God it's a level 17. oh okay oh he's using Lear into U-turn that's wait what oh I guess he's not using U-turn because he's a fire type uh he he could lose Quilava to crit here oh that burn is so valuable no no I think he's fine now I think he's fine because of the bird I should have switched oh I'm scared I'm tense is that dead yeah yeah all right you know he's got it he's fine he got saved by the burn it's okay cool I guess we won GG is his handshake shake my hand two Gym badges so I'm here this one's all you from passerby all right let's see if I could use the knowledge that's been paused on to me to get through this crocodile when I was theorizing how this run would go I really do think this is the first place you could actually lose a Pokemon oh crocodile hey buddy uh we propped uh Flinch a fat a few times so far oh my God he's going for Flinch against crocodile okay hyper Fang Flinch you know you want to yes let's go never punished huh no he's just built different this Rattata is carrying the team somehow and it's gonna Flinch or it'll kill I think it just kills I think hyperfang killed ooh it didn't we [ __ ] quick attack good call honestly good quick attack and a crit I gotta say that was super solid all all around thank you The Runaway Rattata is doing work yeah if you don't get it in one I would just move on to the next one yay and there you go huge level four Heracross do not touch it I think Heracross is probably like the best Pokemon in Johto that you can catch well it's a good thing we're about to catch it uh if you fish you could get a crabby but I think we're good on water types uh it's Abra drowsy or ditto is what you're looking for right here um yeah you can guarantee The Drowsy if you wanted to hi speaking of guaranteeing a drowsy but yeah I mean you got it anyways there he is right there we did it we guaranteed him [Music] um well my d-pad didn't work so [Music] got a piece of advice there's a man who wants to trade a drowsy for a Machop that would have been good I don't want to talk about drowsy right now so it's modest nature it's got swarm Powers up bug type moves in a pinch oh wow did we did we lose the coin flip again this is the worst possible Heracross we could have gotten oh that's not what I wanted to hear I'm ready to wipe the floor with Whitney one trainer right here just so you know hello I think the Kadabra is scary but if he just keeps hitting it with headbutt I think we're good uh the confusion's fine that's gonna say confusion does nothing does nothing against my storybook I'd go for it they'd have to get a higher damage roll and a crit to kill us I go for it I just say keep going I forget what resists psychic just hit it just hit it I Need My Monster one switch could make everything snowball I think you just hit it like if you miss you're probably not going to die I'm just going to switch out to this oh oh oh it missed oh that's the worst case scenario my biggest fear is that he puts hair across it psychic is like human fears I remember a friend of mine taught me that a while ago it's so it's like dark bug ghost the answer is Ghost we have a ghost type no to wait oh my God do not remember do not do nothing [ __ ] [ __ ] duh human fears right do not throw in Gastly because ghastly is also a poison type and psychic is super effective what is a Heracross have doesn't have any bug type moves but it resists yeah it will resist do not throw a hair across do not throw like the obvious answers are actually incredibly wrong here I could send out so femboy and then bite yeah I think that's I think that's the best move here all right all right it might die it might get one shot actually Maybe my kill I didn't realize it was super effective oopsie [ __ ] what do I do here then so Gundam resists right I think oh no okay actually this isn't bad as long as he didn't switch into hair across yeah yeah that's good okay Switching into Heracross was the wrong play but that's fine there it is I should have switched to gundam I just didn't think that [ __ ] Arrow no no you shouldn't have so I think your Luck's gonna turn around if that Vulpix though has flash fire let's have a look let's have a look oh it does have flash fire look at that look at that how do I check the summary of this one so so I think we should feel good going forward chat I'm muted that is the only possible type the only possible ability Vulpix could get I just want him to feel a little good after that death okay the Run doesn't end here we don't even lose I'm on here I'm gonna wager I'm not gonna tell you what I'm waiting maybe that shows I'm not as confident in that but okay condom [Music] break break the brick breaks good here I think it elkos 07 sticker oh sevens to Clefairy I think it's possible okay if he gets a crit here he's a God you know they're notorious the infamous Mill tank of Legends stop interesting oh uh oh oh attracting while it's already down is brutal he might get a brick break in though okay does that mean I just don't attack nice lucky I feel like I never hit those attract is such a volatile attra status crit and didn't work what's up I want to say as soon as miltank came out I was like he might get flinched but as long as he crits he's a God who cares and it was a crit what's hyping is he gross [Music] Jacob I don't know what typing Sudowoodo is I know he's like a fake tree right but like yeah no you're right is it rock type yeah it's rock type I just want to make sure I don't die to this we got em boys says yeah you got a double battle uh so what should we do before this battle I mean we healed that would have been the most important thing oh bold move metronome muddy water I don't know what that does oh that might yes I said I might be bad on David really I'll be honest I don't know how he could have played around that one awesome great love that [ __ ] kill the clefable I can't believe what else do dude that sucks all right hi Jacob what's up I got nothing to say to you about that one because I I don't think you can expect me to sit here and tell you to play around Metro yeah no that metronome into a super effective move against the Geodude I think I could not quite an effective move by the way I don't like I don't think I could have played around that received the Eevee uh will you do the thing where you close the ROM and then change your time to 8 PM again oh yeah I got you I got you yeah otherwise you're gonna get Espeon like they barely play this song anymore because it's so sped up in like the later gens I mean it makes sense yeah yeah no I think it's a good thing you hear like one bar of it I think Legends are assisted Evolution's the best yeah no elections where it like uh it just appears on the menu Pokemon game IMO so Magnemite is a Steel type and we don't have any ground type so I think Quilava is fine yeah I was gonna say colava was my answer to maximum uh for Zubat I was gonna say Geodude but that's right oh oh I didn't have the right screen on anyways quack side time look at those guys legendaries are right there they're just hanging out I heard that room is sweet [ __ ] is here oh yeah I wonder why you I've heard rumors there's rumors in the general vicinity can confirm one way or another though oh no hi we fight Mr Man possibly okay so he's opening with Gastly and I gotta mute oh shoot I don't think I uh changed the order of my party but I don't know if that matters I think he's fine as long as he doesn't try to punch the ghost he'll be okay I should have healed him right well why did I try that why did I try that [Music] ah okay Zubat don't don't don't stay in if I don't know if Zubat hasn't like a flying type movie release again but it could just kill her across oh oh oh there's so much damage okay but now you stay in and use aerial lace yeah yeah I outspeed it though so I'll kill it with this Arrow lace at the very least and then I switch we kind of wanted Heracross to punch through I guess we have Gloom now uh oh wait wait wait wait crocodile has ice Fang uh oh this gloom's gonna die okay I realized I realize keeping Gundam in for the first two fights for the first two Pokemon was not smart um my brain is kicking in I realized that was not the ideal play but we're still living okay it's fine don't worry about it yeah I don't I don't think icefang would kill yeah okay and I think we're good if he ice Banks next time I think we still live yep oh yeah yeah no crit no crit and we're safe oh okay oh my God we're even safe with crit holy out of desperation weak people sometimes do okay at fighting back I don't don't you [ __ ] worry I [ __ ] know it buddy and somehow somehow is it Rock cake time look at this rat it's Racha look it's right put ourselves a rare the only Pokemon in this entire gym is from the the ghastly line so oh there's only gonna be ghastly horns or Gengar that's it correct I see no no Umbreon is an insane Pokemon right here I think it's possible that this Umbreon just solos yeah gengar's fast but we resisted and we're tanky oh my God Umbreon clears here I'm confident I haunted eyes to a Pursuit here curse oh that's scary I forget what curse does I think it does something with your HP uh so do we want to go for a little bit longer and then call it for a day oh sure yeah yeah because I just realized my food's been here and I didn't realize we've been live for five hours already no we haven't it's been two have we not uh will you do the thing where you close the ROM and then change your time to 8 PM again dude do you know what threw me off I thought it was 10 p.m because we changed my [ __ ] my [ __ ] computer uh timer we changed it so that we could get the Umbreon oh yeah we'll take Mill tank okay all right yeah I I would probably just say put it to sleep and then just Spam balls because this thing's Just Gonna Keep healing anyways so I went to the bag press X and then pressed right but I guess I just acts hard enough dude this is a game that requires you to put two actions per minute a Magnemite does fires have Force trade evos on yes he does Gengar we get Gengar at level 37 yeah I'm pretty sure it's 37. right someone says what if you just cheat to let Gengar evolve oh my God an Aaron coming straight out there you know what no I'm gonna say that's a good idea okay I will say you could look at his appearance and be like that's probably a sailor we shouldn't lead with the rock type yeah it's too too bad I'm leading with the rock type all right have fun yeah okay I think that just summed it all up they don't look like they have water Pokemon [Music] it's gonna be fine oh and they've only got one guy almost well I just I just completely misjudged their character I suppose I'm gonna let you let you do what you do best and that's the gym oh it's this guy isn't it I need to stop the water I remember this oh that's scary Apollo flinched awesome we switch out here I agree but what do we switch out to better not be a flying type yeah okay cool just don't use a rock move [Music] foreign [Music] out speed you cool thank God does he know never punish he we literally know that he had rock throw what was he cooking virus what's up we saw him use rock throw yeah or it was rock slide we saw him use Rock slides yeah but that was a chance that he wouldn't use that the next turn and he didn't so if we won okay but there are two hard-hitting Pokemon like you can definitely he can also fall for water absorb I feel if he throws a lot Gyarados uh we'll use a confusion here is that is that evasiveness maybe oh wait he just double team Focus punch wait that's kind of a funny Strat okay so you just use rock slide here oh because it's a psychic type but I like that the AI does double team ooh crit oh and he missed two confusions in a row I used aerial Ace here because aerialace can never miss I think totally owns the player and totally owners to play oh no the double double team I didn't see that one coming uh oh uh oh he's using Focus punch just hit him just hit him all right see you later buddy I'm out of there I don't want to deal with whatever you've got throwing my way okay that works I guess I I didn't really expect well he dodged two attacks with that dig because he honestly kind of impressed him I like the play and it hit let's do that but again oh okay Rockside doesn't hopefully doesn't do nearly as much damage here it doesn't all right sick all right totally own is a beefy boy I knew this was the right choice uh if I'm priming I probably Focus punch here yeah yeah and if the Dig misses that's gonna be scary oh really hits these plus two evasion and he hits these I don't think he kills though I'm just gonna oh no plus three evasion primate this dude can't be hit this is awesome aerial Ace is a 100 accurate cannot miss move this is not gonna do much damage so we're kind of chilling at the moment even if it creates me God none of my attacks are hitting yeah because these plus six evasion okay at least he dug on he's stalling out focus punch in the funniest ways possible the love of God there's probably a way of getting rid of this no wait no it's evasiveness it's on his behalf so there's no way of me changing that oh well there goes Quagsire I didn't know what to listen to sometimes I think he said something about primate uh Gyarados intimidate I said lead with it for the record I said lead with it and then swap out because rock slide would deal big damage to Gyarados he is intimidated though wait Dragon rage hit wait hold up wait that's actually huge does that kill he heals doesn't he [ __ ] dude I should have switched the Gundam why did I not switch to condom why did I not switch the countdown okay so here's the thing he has had some encounters die through some [ __ ] RNG but he just experienced his first death that was entirely his fault and now we're seeing the anger that's just what happens to nuzlocke's it's so much worse when it's your own fault but in my see in my head I thought that was super effective which is why I didn't switch to gundam Christ almighty yeah that was I'm stressed I'm so stressed and I mean all of these kill right unless he uses a hyper potion they're [ __ ] missed because it's so invasive all of them kill yes but but oh my God okay all right like yes all of them kill but let's not forget he is plus six accurate like evasion anything kills here I think the Poliwrath is smooth sailing from here just aerial Ace if you like he's not going to double team you just have to kill this guy the hard part's over [Music] okay I had full faith as soon as he switched the hair across and I lost all of it when I saw a horn attack just kill it just kill it just let it be done let it end just kill it no don't kill me though don't kill me don't this first Pokemon in red Health baby this is what it's all no attack you're faster [Music] gosh [ __ ] oh cool God how did that feel awful awful awful terrible welcome to nuzlocke's baby like you've had some losses to like [ __ ] RNG and honestly who cares but you lost Quagsire to your own fault and that hurts so much more no that hurt uh are you aware that no matter what the evasiveness of a Pokemon is or anything uh aerial lace is 100 accurate No Matter What I did not know that was bad oh it feels bad here's the thing you're gonna remember that exact interaction for the rest of your life all right let's do this uh it might even Sandstorm first though is the thing does a sandstorm know its iron tail oh this should be fine uh is that physical defense down yeah it is okay okay this is a little scary I think it's dangerous to keep Nidoqueen in here because I think I might be in crit range if they do that move again I Intel think it was okay water is good here water resists Steel uh really good switch I think that was the best switching he's had the entire game and oh Seven's the Steelix okay I'm feeling confident confident in that gym battle how's that feel that felt good it felt like I was in control the highs are high and the lows are low I felt like a lantern was phenomenal hmm think about it think about it good call we won Mareep that'd be the best case scenario flaffy even better nice dog thanks man I'm learning I'm learning this path is uh you don't fight Pokemon but you lose a thousand dollars dude what the [ __ ] Pine Echo I mean it's a new encounter is this guy cool is he good he looks like a Pinecone it's pretty decent all right let's uh let's go see if this Gyarados could be shiny they could be that would be exciting all right so I will say don't run away from it oh [ __ ] it's not shiny oh what a shame roll oh expandable [Music] what does he have okay yeah nothing to be scared of whoa wow yeah first ball oh hi it's Lance what the hell he just used Hyper Beam on a guy yeah isn't that insane that's that's [ __ ] up that's just part of the story that guy is dead so going back to my whole thing of like jodo's leveling doesn't make any sense we just caught a level 30 Gyarados one of the best Pokemon in the game and now we're fighting immediately after the plot Point required by that previous thing we just did we're all fighting level 17 and 18 Pokemon and it's like it's kind of weird do you know what level Dragonair evolves into Dragonite no 55. he's oh wow he is just cheating yeah Lance that's a game shark Dragonite I'm just putting it out there yeah see I think you have to fight one of these fingers do this yeah I see um you have to fight this one no huh [Music] okay well good luck thanks man I wasn't I I was just [ __ ] trying my best it's frozen what so am I leading with loophole still yeah I say just punch it before you do that [Music] okay did he level everyone up no he did not like this doesn't seem like it's something I should be concerned about that's the crazy thing I I can't believe he didn't level Heracross is probably the Saving Grace here that doesn't that doesn't do much to me just keep using strength oh dude I think it kills in one more strength maybe after this no definitely not I don't know how much damage this is gonna do I don't stay in here I have to just weigh up all my options there because I just thought it was that he didn't have any hyper potions oh he does okay cool yeah we're fine he's getting really good at switching he is switching but I think he's doing it a little too recklessly like there have been good switches but there have also been bad switches because in longer fights when they have like five or six trainers like all these switches are fine because there's three Pokemon at the enemy trainer but when they have like five or six Pokemon and you switch too much it really starts to like uh reveal itself as an issue you got you had me worried briefly price you had me worried for a split second I kept my cool I kept my composure I just weighed up my options Jesus Christ yeah so this is I think the most boring part of the game you're going to have a death here because you're just gonna stop paying attention and accidentally autopilot and die that's just how this goes in Golden Road yeah yeah yeah we're going to Goldenrod did it freeze I sure did you save I sure didn't a few moments later okay I just look at the screen I see did it freeze no I didn't freeze I'm looking at something okay oh what are you looking at type chart that's fair all right are you fighting the admin yes whose team has it's a mixture of six offings and wheezings who all know self-destruct I will tell you one thing okay I will tell you one thing okay uh when Pokemon are paralysis their speed is lowered yeah I'm gonna mute for a second this thing's about to blow the [ __ ] up um I think I'm fine here if I I think I think this is okay oh my God you were so lucky holy this might not kill yep all right there you go oh sevens yep poison resist [Music] [Laughter] we kind of played that scenario out in our heads exactly how it happened finally got a ground type with an ability that makes it uh explosion shut up you know actually that guy's cooking that's tilting but that chatter is cooking oh I didn't know that first of all I didn't know it was an explosion team second of all I didn't know Echo Zoo would resist it if I'd known all of that information I would have been fine that sucks dude I didn't know that was the explosion team that would have been good information to have [ __ ] me dude hey man hey yeah oh [ __ ] are we healed by the way we we are yeah I believe so okay I'm gonna mute good luck let's see what he's learned [Music] this looks like an optional side quest puzzle right right uh for some reason it's the very much so required TM or no hm waterfall what the [ __ ] really don't know why but it is what the [ __ ] why yeah Kendra is just scary uh because the only thing that's super effective against Kingdra is dragon as of right now so we're just in the grass yeah five percent chance what's up oh it's a legendary what's up oh hey I say throw a ball go for it go for the intake I won't count it as I just say go for it I heard that I heard the jingle plate and immediately my anxiety spiked okay huge if caught it won't catch like there's no shot there is a shot yeah it's not a shot he was unlikely yeah but it was a shot and would you look at that Skarmory beautiful I want to switch off of yeah you should do that let's open with Lantern against this Gyarados because that's quad effective they're probably gonna nothing is super effective here so they might sit in Hyper Beam uh which is going to be Kingdra okay uh you don't really have an answer here uh you can use an electric move and it's going to be neutral I I don't [ __ ] know what to do this is kind of like King drey's not a mon that where there's a good answer my plan is to open with Lantern take out Gyarados just [ __ ] kill Kingdra with something I don't know how like just find a way okay yeah and then save tint accrual for the dragonairs okay so I start with uh with Lantern fight as long as I can when I feel like I need to pull out go to Skarmory and then for the dragonairs I go to Tender crew uh mammal swine is kind of your backup for dragonairs if something goes wrong and then uh crowbad and Gyarados between the two of them you should be able to take out king dress somehow yeah and real quick were you about to say something just as I said okay let's do it all right good luck brother I believe in you thank you oh it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine we've got this I don't know how much damage this does realistically does it doesn't kill right shortly oh it's 11. oh and it's paralyzed okay all right we're chilling all right there we go we got it done he didn't acknowledge it but it's fine oh wow I thought they were gonna send out Kingdra whatever it's using here is probably Thunder Wave though which is obnoxious yeah yeah which Lantern was perfect for I don't know why it was a little cringe just Vault absorb yeah we probably should have stayed in a turn with Lantern and then switched out IMO IMO because now we're slower this puts a huge hole into cruel but whatever nice and we go through the paralysis again that plot arm is feeling good all right slam for us doesn't matter oh crit if technical is in danger oh they've got a crap okay we switched to Mama swine now well there's probably kills right no it doesn't okay now we switch to Mama swine all right so now we're gonna play a fun game called how the [ __ ] do we kill Kingdra uh you could spam earthquake here that's a pretty good option just high damage move on a high damaging Pokemon I don't know what this thing's type is but I'm gonna guess it's water and maybe ice he thinks it's water ice no he knows this is Dragon type Pokemon yeah this was just Gomery just in case I'm sure I'm probably fine with the mama swine but I just don't know enough about Kingdra that doesn't resist that but that's new what we literally got Skarmory just to be a tank if we needed it for Dragon moves and then to just die like no no this Pokemon was just a sacrifice mod don't swap don't swap just let it die and get a free switch in I guess we go Mama swine ice shot dude we just switched from mammal swine oh no all right that was an awful switch that was certifiably bad uh we get hit by Dragon pulse into hydro pump now we definitely die oh [ __ ] it's dude I should have probably stayed in with The Mamas one and attack I just didn't expect it to [ __ ] wipe my Skarmory like that yeah that's fine switch back into Skarmory and let it die I'm gonna be honest I think King drug moves first here hey if you're going to attack use ice Shard Elise damage it I I could we could lose Mama swine if I stay in oh [ __ ] I should have just attacked if Mama swine instead of switching switch to Scarborough if you're gonna switch to anything switch to scar me Let It Die we got two gyaradoses so far we could bro we just caught Skarmory why is he attached to it [Laughter] and intimidate but it's gonna special attack me right oh maybe not that's crazy all right I resist that that's oh still did a lot of damage I think I outspeed it with icefang here maybe oh don't I'm scared of this oh come on thank God neutral damage baby cause it's only is it not I thought it was dragon type water dragon we were over this I said the only smooth super effective against Kingdra is dragon or is it like it's dual time it's I'm guessing means that ice damage is neutral and not super effective [ __ ] damn it okay so if I'm gonna analyze my own place here I think I switched way too many times I should have stayed in with Mama swine and I should have attacked when I could have we are swishing way too much here bro just let something die I think I switched to Pace we lose we lose Skarmory switch to Crowbar and maybe we can make something happen here it's an air honestly I would go mammal swine and try to icy wind it once just to lower its speed so crobat's fast as [ __ ] we know it will move first it's gonna kill Skarmory here so we got a clean switch in 07's to squamery yeah I guess tinical is a safe switch here if we lose them that's fine we switch to Crowbar I think robot moves first [Music] wing attack bro Elise is using smoke screen here Hydra pump but I definitely take one of these but [Music] oh I [ __ ] got this Pokemon's rough I should have stayed in with the mama swine really honestly go for the confused Ray Gambit here who cares just just do it just use smoke screen or something [Music] no dude no dude oh this is oh no dude all right Gyarados we've got another one of you it's not shiny but I'll be honest I think that's a wife oh it moves first [Music] living living on one paralysis here is an out he needs paralysis you're kidding right yeah it's gonna kill me it's gonna kill my Lantern [Music] oh tender girls it's paralyzed oh that hurts what happened wait does earthquake hit me I've never I'm not familiar with it [Music] [Laughter] sorry but that one's way out of me it's gonna kill me I think we won I think I think this is the Run damn it I was seven guys we had a good run [Music] but I couldn't help him beat the game yeah Dragon Ball with Dad yeah that's it with wipes look I know that we didn't win but you gotta admit for someone who knew nothing about Pokemon just 50 minutes ago virus made some insane plays and if you want to see more of them go check out his channel because he's about to hit 100 000 subs and I think you should help make that happen uh you know so he at least gets something out of this video foreign [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 2,139,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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