Miitopia - The Movie

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i think i let one of my younger cousins make a me on my switch one day and they just weren't in a particularly good mood at the time it's kirby i guess you can only have one personality trait oh well you know it's less to worry about it's less to think about kirby is kind eye color foundation foundation oh my god this is what my individual brain still would look like if it was a person no more sniffing privileges use my shirt as a reference you know that's a good point i usually do like a round circle or oval did i just say a round circle right there yep rotate it first you draw a circle then you add the eyes and then presto it's kirby leetopia is a world where every me can live in peace and harmony all the me's lost their face privileges no emotion no breathing no sniffing nothing suffer behold a simple traveler very bleached and sunburnt probably from all the radiation caused by the darkness [Music] oh he can see me oh a nearby town oh what a relief surely there will be no eyeballs no big ass like big eyes staring eye big eyes staring butterflies there god words are hard you know smile a sassy child who's oblivious to those around him i'm already crying at how he's gonna look keep that in mind crying because you're gonna cry while you see this brock from pokemon hollow knight oh that king of skin the sassy cringe ass nae nae baby known as e correct everyone please tell me who is toad's lovely wife going to be waddle doo or waddle d make your choice the votes are in the verdict's been decided everyone we are appointing our lovely toad husband to a beautiful waddle do bride i'm just a small little boy in a big world an adventurer please excuse me my child is being really cringe i apologize dearly i'm not cringe i'm a dragon we i want to make all my me's look so good and rename this little guy but i can't they're all just bald everyone's bald i can't help it oh an adventurer hello why the long face i i should be asking you why the short face christ lady eat a sandwich i think you've spoken to our town smoke indeed i have they're all lovely charming bald people hey what's that what is it mommy oh goodness avert your eyes dear child so here's some verniest lore for those who don't know i got my channel hats from a couple russian scammers promoting a cryptocurrency called ethereum so to properly exact my revenge i made the main antagonist of my 13 year old nintendo fan fiction oh not my face please not my beautiful polio face listen up you facebook i think i wasn't faces until you took it from me yeah we're doing this again i'm sorry we can't continue unless the cast is at their peak perfection yeah y'all got it it's not the freak boy emoji no it's a crying emoji here's our emotionless waddle do god i love him so freaking much is someone trying to be the big hero yeah he stole my stuff give it back man no oh god it's horrifying the pop star oh yes work it kirby hell yeah this is just what you need to deal with the dark lord's fiends give him the good old frying pan that faces through the floor that'll show him be seeing you if you survive shut up i basically turned that slime into a deflated souffle and now crying emoji's face has been rescued crying emojis reunited no longer will he cry with no eye to shed from yippee i'm back and i am still sobbing and possibly pissing my pants now chef kirby go forth defeat the dark lord give him a goddamn concussion with that frying pan oh can i hit you a frying pan will that make you stop crying will that make you stop looking at me like that the nintendo put an oc in their own video game that promotes their own products hey guys you know who loves nintendo microsoft they love those guys they even try to buy them out at one point must get stronger must walk with even more confidence but don't worry help is coming but oh buddy boy these nuts i i am so sorry it's a fourth habit i'm sure that man was very cautious jesus the cleric makes a lot more sense actually i think about it how did i get here you know what i don't know jesus i don't know either but here come join the fun kirby and jesus just two peas in the pod yeah look at him go wow as a cleric he does even more damage than i do that's just neat scurvy and cheese just just having a good time that's what i'm saying kirby this can't be happening sorry it wasn't listen hey so last night what do you mean oh actually yeah you would be thinking about that wouldn't you huh you want to make sure jesus and curry get some food subscribe and like the video please we're starving here like slime jelly ah he doesn't like it that much oh i'm sorry kirby at least you're full now why are you looking me like that kirby kirby come on it wasn't that bad ah careful kirby are you okay it's okay buddy yeah don't worry jesus is here for you jesus like kirby a hand don't worry my disciple you will see the light one day jesus gain a level it's confirmed christianity was created by a gamer i've seen no jesus come back don't look away oh big damage yo let's go yo do it again yo get that damage dude take his shoes take that man's shoes steal his wallet and maybe his face because you know that's important that's like the whole reason we're here but you know what i mean yeah go get him let's go jesus why are you smiling at me like that don't look at him like that hi i'm xbox no you aren't you're mario would you say you're a nintendo fan i can change that real quick if you'd like oh a tough path definitely we're down for a challenge jesus and kirby have seen some man they can get through anything empty sprinkles powered awakened ah yes i have unlocked the divine seasoning oh perfect whoa meta knight what are you doing here this is how everyone should read the bible honestly this is incredibly accurate [Music] let's go well look who it is prepare to taste defeat and i've tasted it i've cooked it up as well as a chef it tastes like poop you're gonna need my poop hold it right there buddy it's sakurai he's here to save the day i am going to ensure you never make it into a smash game ever i feel like we've met before somewhere yes very intriguing i'm sure we'll get the new treasure very well soon enough ah why you're not gonna stick with me oh man all right bye dad when the guard is sauce this is daily i don't wanna go back to the light please i tried sort of look away i'm sorry maybe sort of likes what do you mean what do you mean you guys you like bond without wanting to get in your pants you know just saying oh yeah concerned i'm feeling plenty of that when i see you two together a columbus a come come camillus columbus come unless i dang jesus you're strong we're pampered oh sins yeah oh no my power how can i how could i be so silly perfect i am intimidated no i'm telling you it's this big man this never happens i swear being new to the team already warming up the jesus that that's really nice i wouldn't want anybody got him oh that that's cute what what don't tell me you don't like what do you mean jesus you gotta repent for your sins now how delicious this is suitable for my eyeballs oh he's crying the dude pissed on himself so hard that he healed health i wish i could do that imagine like you're a baby you scratch yourself somehow you get an injury you're just pissing your own diaper and then boom it's healed he cried on himself so hard that it healed his own teammates that's how good it is and i'm gonna hide in shame now because of all of these piss jokes i'm making i'm gonna hide behind jesus jesus please repent for my sins looks like there's another party member oh who's it gonna be did the creator of minecraft destroy my party i'm almost four hours into the game so far and i really did not expect my party to look like this and i'm generally not complaining i'm just surprised that's all oh jesus is down no what happens now you got the life sprinkles the magic sprinkles and now some seasoning that tastes like the second coming of christ warning oh watch out jesus oh thank goodness that was a close one what a waste of time yeah yeah i i love you too magikarp yeah i have a good one all right let's go to a movie oh my god i don't know what you guys are watching but the horror movie is right behind you curses what's wrong now dude you've got your moolah oh uh you didn't hear that you're making it worse for yourself hey we're friends so it's okay we can do a dine and dash here and there yeah be gay do crime go crazy yeah hi luke's happy yeah what now i don't know you're welcome i guess you're not as bad sorry i suppose fine you're literally something i guess 10 go oh suck my actual that monster was wicked strong huh yeah man dude was like built like a literal boulder did my best for you miku it was for you miku it was all for you it's what'll do this is for you jesus praise the lord no my i forgot i forgot that was his war cry damn he wasn't kidding that's one big peepee i will save you my dear friend through the power of home cooking so cool yeah when i was smacking him with that flaming frying pan he thought that was really cool i'm sure he appreciates it oh that's unfortunate miku oh yeah why not man turns out you talk in your sleep and you're loud you keep saying fight me your giant ball of cheese it's just having ptsd from the giant rat that just fought having nightmares about it concerned yeah miku is very concerned for your mother at night you gotta get over it bro jesus can't be repenting for my sins he doesn't look good while doing it you know i reunited this beautifully young couple no problem toad i'm more than happy to help anything for young love for cyst praise oh kirby that's wonderful i love how you sauteed that guy's face good job no more fighting no more sinning jesus is unmoved no more crying nah nah i don't care i'm literally drinking their tears i guess any tears are consumable if they're liquid but should i consume it i'm sure if we drink jesus's tears we get a lot more buffs compared to banshee tears mmm delicious tears of my enemies oh it fuels my magic powers you see this is what you call a big investment is this why jesus was crucified all that time ago are we there yet are we there yet i am the you i am that your optimism your child like innocence i lost that long ago yeah keep crying about it give me more food give me more nectar to extract from your face i got even better banshee tears yes the finest quality of sadness okay then reach for castle make them all repent for their sins oh god it's aetherium what do you want behold a literal infant with a trident oh god he looks so menacing you're always there for me jesus when i tried to commit the atheism you were there to show me the lights miku gaming make you gaming the power of miku gaming and my flaming hot frying pan with the shrink of a million polios he has been slain oh no problem oh yeah that was the grandma right damn i beat the crap out of an old lady oh i'm sorry you've done so much for us let me show you my gratitude extreme bread bowls from panera bread [Music] what is that stock royalty-free sound effect please don't hurt the horse please don't hurt my green screen asset i need him for post-production how can i refuse yes of course you can join the party me when i spend 12.99 on nintendo products i got a letter oh boy dear kirby i have so many worries i can't sleep that night but demons are haunting my dreams and the nightmares won't stop i still can't sleep so i'm going to write this letter just to let you know how are you doing well palutena mr squidward why thank you squidward i showed my credentials i paid the fee i'm gonna go through so long story short the funny is not a great green screen asset because unfortunately everything in the surrounding area is also green so you know now he's just the hulk if he was a horse all right better knight show off your swag i love how the horse has a victory animation too oh so you get new attacks with the horse by becoming friends with them see that's what i love about this game the more friendly you are with people the better they fight slay your enemies through the literal power of friendship it's not even a joke that's literally how it works yes the lollipop staff when i tell my enemies to suck it they can literally suck on it now man now i feel bad because jesus doesn't get anyone to bond with now four is a party but five's a crowd because now you can't have someone to bond with the one who's left out oh would you look at that it's shaq enjoying a delicious piece of cheesecake ah yes he is the chef of this video game i have so much to learn from the hottest hot cuisine moves to eggs how do you pronounce words emotion that's a word i don't want to pronounce that one sure all right this probably won't kill me cheesecake is actually overpowered even kirby enjoys it like that's what you know it's good you know i bet that cheesecake was infused with jesus's tears it's like i said banshee tears got nothing when it comes to jesus's tears look he went to a movie and he sobbed so hard that we collected his tears to bake some delicious cheesecake with step one take jesus to a sad movie step two harvest the tears coming from his face step three consume you see we even got banshee tears wait does that mean jesus is a banshee jesus sauce i can't believe i didn't see it i didn't connect the dots until just this second listen if you want me to ensure that i never make an among us joke ever again you gotta like and subscribe and you also gotta turn on the notification bell alright time to redo this time to get a makeover oh you can make him a unicorn oh this is perfect little baby unicorn horn with my new horn maybe i can get a new attack while i just stab people with my horse unibody that's it it's horny haha you guys get it because it's got a horn on his head yeah but funny more like the unfunny now he's really have an incredible jrpg party now that we have horny of a horse covering our back end you know maybe you don't want something called horny behind you on a grand adventure you know maybe you don't want that this is what i get from making that among us junk that's what i get trade offer i make an among us joke you get to call my horse horny you know it's a fair trade oh you're aching back look at how much work you got to put in just sitting on a horse while everyone else runs behind you at the same pace dang he was so scared by the encounter he freaking got flew off the horse now your back probably hurts from that i'll give you that you're out of touch i'm out of touch bam here we are in greenhorn castle mr squidward and ditto are guarding it valiantly welcome traveler oh who could that be what business have you here have you come to like the video the dark lord detect that the town of greenhorn sir please don't eat me please i will like the video i promise we don't believe it of all the tall tales ha car was a fail you should have hit the like button idiot at least he's in good hands with germa and crewmate you know i wouldn't trust anyone else with my life besides those two it's a lot of work supporting the king you gotta be really committed you gotta eject anyone who's acting suspicious onward to wayward woods oh i just noticed you're wearing a new outfit yeah it looks pretty cool kind of reminds me of something especially for my hit fighting game kirby fighters too comments went down well clearly he's taking it so well resurrection we're about to fall an ally using magic the second coming of christ was simply him casting resurrection at level eight yeah let's keep things real bro get real he literally got healed through the power of friendship what can't friendship do honestly in this game i thought pissing on your allies was strong but no apparently just liking them enough to beat buzz with them is even stronger this is their pincer dance their camaraderie movements i will do the friendship dance alongside them so we can become closer allies please accept his gifts kirby please take it don't be like jesus learn from his sins come on he got you a teddy bear you're gonna love it you're gonna love the teddy bear okay somewhat happy we'll take that appreciation for the plushies please be appreciative miku uh what why are you getting jealous what the heck what is music done done done done always curvy it's not fair man you were supposed to be my beloved miki was jealous of kirby uh oh oh gosh what kind of tomfoolery will this ensue i love your outfit miaku yeah i'd love it also if you didn't murder me in my sleep that'd be pretty cool i'd like to think i'm playing my way jason does not want to hear it yeah i'm so important look at me la di du la da we get it kirby get a lung full of his fresh air all the other air we proved so far was very polluted i might even go for two long fulls because we got like two of those in your body hopefully first assist pincer go for it you two yeah jump him damn he got robbed on both sides and he gets complimented right after that it's just the friendship combo if you will that is the friendship combo trademark that you see now that kirby and miku are getting closer together i'm sure she isn't as jealous you seem here even taking a nap together you see the best of buddies except when she looks at me like that miku likes meta knight i could tell oh well kirby likes better night oh i could tell uh oh oh no this is gonna cause quite a rivalry don't mind me just letting y'all know i'm streaming chat requesting me right now i'm playing spunky music oh okay in that case don't mind me i'm just gonna put you in timeout for infinity that's all as long as you don't mind me through toutless venturing we have finally found the like button oh it's gonna be tough but thankfully with jesus and horny anything is possible oh oh you know but it's gonna take a fall though no look out mennonite please don't no he expected that he saw it coming but don't worry jesus has a new skill resurrection man i show off your swag yes with the power of swag and friendship we saved king like button oh thank goodness i can finally like the video again thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you please drink my tears as a reward and here is our lovely princess [Music] isn't she beautiful who might you be have you clicked subscribe yet would you check out walty for me oh of course anything for you princess i'll even tell him to press the subscribe button for you waldy where are you wait crying child where where's crying child uh oh where did he where'd he go oh adventurer uh my child is really cringe still and he's gone missing yet again oh god mayor you got a lost child on our hands put up the posters oh that's where he is while he's trying to save a child hey you he got away from him look at how intimidating i am look at me uh damn oh poor guy well i mean he tried at least mommy now it really is a crying emoji he's true to form now i was as useful as a with teapot yes unlike the vanilla teapot which are for more resourceful i think i'll be leaving now i'm sorry about the chocolate hotpot t-pop thinking i was confusing bye i'm just gonna go here now yay crying child has been reunited with his mommy yay i'm a goblin now we gobble gobble gobble that's a turkey you idiot no no child i shall instant transmission into your chambers whenever i please you must forget about that waddle dee chap you are pathrobe the prince goomba after all but father you don't understand prince goomba is cringe sure i'll play escort for a bit why not you know princess subscribes friend yeah he seems kind of unreliable huh kirby how could she say that that's just not nice the plan worked oh god monday night implanted hatsune miku with the disease man i planned was to infect hatsune miku all along so she wouldn't get in the way of the love triangle between him and kirby the mood is tense after such a long journey are you mad at wait what what the what the heartbreak man i was only kidding why are you are you super mad about the poison not killing her off the bat what do you mean why are they so angry at each other what now are they not friends anymore hold that feeling i don't know about that that's not a good feeling to hold on to new skill love and peace i love love and i love peace look at how she's just extruding love and peace wait coral's over wait is that it profess for love to each other and now they're good it's just that easy all right swell you know it looks like myth magalor made kitchen utensils now you see man i make you are just i don't wanna talk never mind i figured they would say the difference is to go fishing but they're still heated with each other oh oh fishing actually did fix the relationship the only way to a man's heart is through the fishing rod amen miku glad to see you've made amends she said it was either her or my fishing gear i sometimes still miss her new skill spicy dish dig in jesus bleh 32 oh my gosh i'm gonna have some fun using that skill more oh oh he's laughing oh he thinks that's funny huh who's hungry he sure is oh huh i guess jesus just doesn't like spicy food good to know now you know if i was force-fed spicy food in order to attack my enemies i'd be a little pissed too admittedly like that's on me but jesus you gotta understand it does so much damage and you see now the quarrel is over so it's all good now we're best friends again horny's thinking about me coop hopefully in a tasteful manner i am suddenly overcome by a wave of motivation i shall make this cleaner then i don't know man i don't know oh i deserve that i deserve i i deserve that i literally hit my funny bone on that because i can't stop laughing because i deserve that so freaking much look at the snurps look at them snurp the snarps do be snurfing though now we're gonna be snurfing in heaven uh oh yo horny with the horn oh it's so good to see you see look at that blessed combination horny's horn and meta knight's horned sword in tandem you don't say i think she saw some experience with that this is literally a cinematic parallel to that man and his dog are dancing in the middle of the street now the horse guy's an aoe attack what can't the horse do don't wiggle your finger at me no no stop that paper okay fine fine paper hard commit hard commit what no heart commit i am not dying on this hill yeah what did i say i think that's a trick made me think oh he's gonna go rock because he's holding a fist but no he's gonna go scissors to counteract my paper because my paper would counteract his free radical rock so clearly i gotta go rock see what did i say i'm a goddamn genius don't talk to me about a lucky streak no freaking way i mean actually i do need money now this is tough because when he did this last time he's stuck with paper but i don't know if that is going to go for paper again in this instance i would assume it has to be scissors because when he did that motion he did paper but maybe this is a big to make me think that he actually goes to go paper again but instead he's gonna go rock defeating my scissors to his metaphorical paper i'm gonna go paper oh my god triple or nothing dammit i'm on a winning streak i'll keep it going just like last time paper or nothing i'm gonna play again no screw you i hope you get decomposed into a garbage can oh yeah just pauses things right it pauses things oh god he's on the hunt i got the instant thumbnail generator now saying that a kind of snip is useless it's just uncalled for it's flat out blasphemy the snurfs are the most important enemy in the game i will not tolerate snurf slander in my mutopia play through you can use a lightning cloud put on a nose rock and then boom it's a person the cloud has the eyes the rock has the nose and the butterflies have the mouths i'm going to go into post-production use that in photoshop and whatever i put on screen is the game's fault i think it's time to escort prince goomba oh no take me to the princess this instant and don't you dare tattle i am a little goomba and i must be escorted to my bride whoa griffin oh they're very very accessories they're the body parts are you okay here i could use my healing magic but i'll just give you moral support instead look like it's time for goomba to step in thank you for your contribution goomba i appreciate you not you dad challenge me you scoundrel look at how intimidating i am i've only soaked my pants in piss only three times on this venture don't worry miku jesus won't help you but the seasoning is always here for you literally get lost in the sauce bro now you can't be crying at me this way into the battle bro you cheating deserves no sympathy god damn i literally sauteed that man into a roast beef the victory was hard but my experts are bishop pulled us through yes me and my one inch sword but i keep my pants that i'm currently pissing myself with that's why i'm wearing yellow robes god i'm insufferable god everyone's just so freaking fed up if jesus is fed up with your shenanigans you messed up your sins are far past saving where is prince goomba oh you see sir uh he kept pissing his pants and he was acting rather cringe so we left him to die in the desert yes here is the cartel money for leaving him to die out alone ah they're so cute together princess subscribe it is i your beloved cringe ass nae nae baby oh god what are you doing oh no oh things are heating up so much that the game is locking yourself to 30 fps guys calm down please the game can't handle it stop it you two now that i'm in the cutscene the framerate is getting even worse maybe some fruit will calm down all of this tension can you go get us some sure i'll take my sweet ass time getting your goddamn fruit you competent warlord oh ah oh god ah curry oh no ah save him oh jesus christ no no stop singing miku get him out of there no this is so ironic for kirby this is not at all how this works it's supposed to be the other way around yo jesus has everyone's support the whole party gained up on that one boulder is rocking your shoe yeah it was probably the same rock that you bludgeoned the death of your whole entire party on all sides we got the goods y'all time to head back oh my someone stormed the castle what happened what the imps ah i guess the dark lord stormed the castle while we weren't looking if only we were looking for that calming fruits maybe the fruit can calm down the scenario we're in right now but probably not yeah that ain't stopping but i'm from branson but trident germa do something uh oh oh what oh god he's turning him evil no stop stop this is horrible oh no what are you plotting jesus you're gonna go over here buddy yeah just cool off for a moment purify that sin all right the healing spot purified everyone thank goodness they can't purify them with the stab wounds though you know that's where jesus comes into play when the horns unite nothing can defeat us waddle dee are you okay princess what's wrong oh no the subscribe button where did it go how am i going to subscribe now moana i'm scared save me where the little piece baby why is the king just eating there do something dark lord ethereum stole away my beloved beautiful space i won't be able to click the subscribe button now i must pursue the film feed wait here subscribe i'm coming princess if i want to subscribe again then i gotta go to the nightmare tower all right i'll do what i have to i guess this is the first dungeon of the game let's explore i can't believe it bitcoin stole the subscribe button from me first for stole my channel and now that i got it back no one can even subscribe to it anymore this is horrible miku likes jesus oh not again no no not another love triangle guys please we're trying to click the subscribe button we can't do that if you guys are fighting constantly your friendship leveled up congratulations you have learned sacrifice where's the subscribe right oh my god it looks like a giant thumb ah man at least while he's trying he's hogging the subscribe button all to himself we can't let him get away with this oh look a mini boss that can only attack twice per turn oh what a mix up what a refreshing take power of teamwork adding a plus one to my jump slash look out miku first assist sacrifice thank you jesus amen i'm gonna cook that monkey i'm gonna turn him into squish bananas mess them up guys help him out jesus get that bread banana bread to be exact we did it i turned him into protein powder mario's a good move because we defeated your stupid albino monkey oh you'll make you pay for all the torment you've been putting us through this whole time i swear to god if they try to hack my youtube channel again as an act of revenge i will cry a lot because when that happened the first time i felt really sad oh at long last everyone can finally click the subscribe button to my youtube channel the peace has been restored at last the least we can do is reward you with a 60 fps cut scene with more than four characters on screen and a little gold doesn't hurt we're most impressed with you as well waddle dee you really did your best and in light of your noble selfless deed we have declared that king goomba is incredibly cringe and now you may date my daughter without any hindrance whatsoever oh subscribe oh whoa d are so beautiful i love happy endings but seriously that prince goomba what a pathetic specimen he turned out to be i'm glad not the one who fought that oh oh but he was listening in i was just gonna pitch his pants some more it's fine now give that dark lord a spanking with that good old frying pan of yours at last the day is saved the kingdom has been rejoiced with the rightful princess and king and we've made a green horn it's time to find a new adventure and the land ahead when you close one door you open another door specifically the one that's next door uh what what hey hey that's frisky business what are you doing wait what no no i theory of you bastards you're stealing everything from me where'd everybody go guys oh you're not having the best time are you why are you laughing at me i'm having a bad time right now i guess there's no time to lose we gotta go kirby oh and he put a curse on you and shoot with your powers once so there's a that little hurdle yeah just a small little inconvenience you're gonna grant me a new power to compensate oh okay why not just remove the curse amp is debatable i caught a lot of mischief but i'm pretty cute so i can get away with it scientists oh my hahaha wait wait i love the scientist fit wait a sec kirby in the jeans i think it's about time for dr kirby to check into the party it's mr pojo einstein guys i'm coming to save you i promise i'll be there soon and i'm back to level one really always is so brutal what the hell do i do now onwards to a new journey all by myself oh hey there's sakurai mr biden and shaq all on the same screen so maybe there's some hope after all ah yes the power of science that being beating your enemies with a blunt glass object look at how massive my brain is by shoving my chemicals in your face damn i'm still so distraught though i guess i'm gonna get new party members soon at the same time though when am i gonna see my main guys again and it was tough traveling alone isn't it oh absolutely i hate it here well thank you for your patience because i got a new adventurer who's going to come and join you yay new friends do i really want to do this i really do not want to do this you know i have higher standards freak you pickle verniers i know what i'm making i'm turquin the laid-back thief yeah you sure are buddy wait no now i feel bad again because now no one can bond with a horse what the heck there's always someone being left out no way yo we got a match guys we actually got a match right now this is perfect third swing yo bobber is that you you lost an important lamp and it's quite dangerous if you like eyes upon it please do not touch it for the love of god oh my gosh he's hacking the mainframe of that goblin's life expectancy melanie out here i'm a grass type dammit why'd you spawn me in when it's so goddamn hot out is that another new friend pituva imp i love you now no one's lonely anymore this is awesome hi there mr president how are you today i do love gaming it was miku oh easy bro easy how could you think i already forgot about my teammates no no you're not but two he's the two yeah oh they go for like the base models oh you bastards i know this i literally made you i conceived you just ten minutes ago you can't fool me turn twing is just so sneaky booby trap all right yeah yeah he's all good oh so you stupid what if the dark lord steals all my allies again what if that actually happens and you start from square one a second time god i am not ready for that oh his first new skill the butt jab okay oh shoot hey yo who poking my butt you die hands off my polio cheeks you perverted scorpion hey yo can i get some spaghetti only a fourth full pulls out comedically large fork stop stroking that lamp stop it zombie stop it oh he's been finally freed from his lamp-shaped prison hey about my wish i i what you believe that you stupid idiot you stupid goddamn infant you literal cringe-ass nay-nay baby god damn piss so yeah magalor tricks someone yet again i know the pain bro i i do know that pain oh it's princess subscribe reminding you all to subscribe to my youtube channel thanks subscribe to subscribe i always appreciate the reminder good to know that you enjoy spending time with your boyfriend and watching your father be obese remember when i said i want to spend time with a horse for one of these interactions oh now you can thanks to a horse ticket yay time before i can't wait to spend time with horny the swaying is certainly lovely whoa horny give me a hand not from the back bow oh we got fish together level 10 we've reached double digit affection with horny he's eating kirby's [Music] all right well thanks for watching everyone i had a great time playing the video game i'll see you next time i hate it here okay so now i remember it's all coming back to me you got the dancers known as fwamp welcome to next door shout out ron romwell and shallow run run away run far away from here you wanna know who this guy is guess who that's right that's me i'm a boomer thanks harry i really appreciate it virginia valencia woke from a slumber oh magalor that bastard he's the one who freaking caused all this corruption he'll not see the light of day again for some time i reckon oh you are not going to like what comes next ain't that wampa darling if i got the hots for form i'm not ready for 4 p.m bro the shady merchants wouldn't you want to buy something from this lovely duo please would you buy an empty candy from us it's only marked up a thousand percent anything for you young lady oh yes a seasoned explorer he looks rather worried i wonder why this is exceedingly strange i should have been right on top of it i swear i could have won that mario party mini game but the rumble wasn't working here you have the old married couple oh look at these love birds this genie of the lens being is a real nuisance isn't he so what if he's stealing people's possessions who cares doesn't involve me hell we steal things on the daily that's our stick dude i'm sorry i just do not care watch as my mustache fades into the background constantly okay i care more about that compared to some random evil malevolent being stealing through some people oh the humanity the genie of the lamp attacked us and he made all of all my hard-earned gold i'll do anything for you shy guy i'll come back with your treasure tenfold i'm building back the pieces i developed with my previous party soon everyone will be able to sacrifice each other in the midst of battle oh if we get another party member all right who's it gonna be no no wait oh oh i know who i'm making i know i'm making okay okay and we have a new mage to the party job ski oh yeah let's go oh chomsky looks so beautiful nothing beats the smell of plants oh yeah onwards to sakurai with a fully fledged party oh so this is perfect you wanna know why this is perfect check out my new skill unstable formula i'm gonna paste on these butterflies with my ketchup bottle take this that's right eat my scientific piss well now uh thanks for being you here have you seen a disturbing little egg person that came out of a lamp total lamp and reset the incantation keeps saying the g's name over and over i feel like saying magalor's main three times is equivalent of doing bloody mary the lights are off but zinc faucet is running magor magalor magular and then he just sells the overpriced gem apples in your bathtub i got another letter derek kirby i read this to convey you the splendor of nintendo this is literally a pop-up advertisement this is so stupid nintendo is advertising to me in game they're literally holding my progress to say hey did you guys know you can buy amiibo for only 12.99 if genie moved in next to your house would you call him your next door neighbor pile of borders blocks the path oh well we are clearly incapable of walking past those rocks wow listen to the echo in here yeah keep jumping every little noise but i probably shouldn't do this subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe oh god those goblins are overheated let me put out the fire with my scientific pissing here it comes the golden shower this will cool you off i can't help myself it looks too accurate like what else do you think of when you look from kirby's back end perspective so this is confusing do the eyes not work up there or is that just belly vision here i'll use my corrosive acid to get the fossils out of their stone prisons this is for science i tell you look at me shake vigorously for science i'm so glad i went with scientists he has some really cool abilities i was thinking of cool here comes joski being super cool he literally swept the floor with him this is technically how we carry out the love of christ we keep jesus's name no longer in vain in the party wherever he may be at least he knows we'll be stabbing him with the faith of the moy towers oh there's magalor he's been expecting me i want to see his over here though oh dark pit oh oh there he goes you know you got wings you just fly but two let the party wait is he gonna come back guys i know if there's an end down there i mean there was in a giant nightmare tower so maybe then on the second floor of a freaking sand cavern who knows i'm worried for his well-being now i wasn't prepared for this i have separation anxiety because now i'm afraid of everyone being taken away from me in my sleep more treasure a mysterious jewel okay maybe it'll come into play later blue baby man little baby boy baby man referring to a bottle like that as a baby bottle is weak infant flask is the proper terminology can't we take a break sheesh i mean sheesh the internet has molded me into a person that i'm unfamiliar with sleep tight make a friend doze off recovering hps they sleep reinforced nap time you haven't gotten there eight hours hocus pocus your sleep schedule is atrocious is that a fact hmm only this many people are subscribed to my youtube channel who are also watching my video what an interesting fact we finally reached the tomb of the genie but we need to put something in the hole oh and that's why we got pajama earlier all right perfect me and my explorative muscles putting in work time to beat up magalor let's go mercy stole the crown now he's stealing all the people's riches there's no end to your greed is there and now you're all silent because i got the strap on don't i oh yeah now you're warren aren't ya yeah i will know of incantation how could i not know his name i literally spawned his bastard in time to seal this bastard back into his lamp what you'll never guess my name is magalor you'll never guess that my name is mega man oh god damn it apparently i just don't know how to spell things me and my big brain look at it go whoo brain cells go burn yeah wow everyone recite the incantation destroy this idiot egg-shaped freed magdaler megalorn magular magalore megalor maglor maglow that's what they all say am i really just stuck from pluck of these okay fine plot armor freak you then repent for your sins you bastard i guess magalor can be spared i guess everyone deserves second chances oh i guess in his instance for chances we're gonna regret this so much aren't we oh he's actually apologizing wow he's seen the error of his ways and there it is oh like no catch this is only refreshing uh oh people on the next door i have a little present for all of you i hope you like that taste of bitcoin he's gonna exchange all of that gold for digital currency we gotta stop him what's the dark lord biggie playing at man he just stole my forms kiss who's gonna flatten my tail now man this sucks you see for these guys it's karma karmatic justice has been served if i can turn any enemy into a plushie in this game it'd be a snurp i want a snur plushie i would pay good money for our custom snur plushie look i'm shooting star and vanzhovsky pulls out a glock you know same difference make a wish on a shooting star what will i ask for oh uh i need to know what the heck happens hey love does a nice present oh that's not a nice present oh it's a golden star oh this is the best gift ever my wish really did come true i guess choosing violence really was the best dancer niff sniff have a lovely smell oh yeah that's good oh yeah which flowers giving up it's a vine smell oh yeah it's that one oh yeah kind gollum oh yes look at how they're kindly approaching me naughty pitchfork always gonna poke me instead what's this first stubborn quark again oh i am not satisfied with the amount of damage i'm going to poke your butt a second time oh the mummy looks a little thirsty here don't worry buddy drink up all of these mummies are so thirsty there's only enough piss to go around dude you gotta ration it it's drinking nectar from the flowers look at it sip [Music] oh yes that's good oh yeah i don't know why these weird dudes have watched me drink but you know you know i can put on a show oh god wait no what is that gonna look like wait no i i'm not prepared okay you know i i was expecting something infinitely worse but you know that's funny wow this is really something wait wait turn to the lookout no he's too beautiful we can't be mesmerized by swamps beauty we gotta fight through it stop poking my butt for two you can't pick anyone else's cheeks but it's always mine you pinpoint your staff too y'all can't tell but i'm smiling out of pure joy right now i'm just so ecstatic to be finally freed from that artistic prison what's up here at the door looks like i need another gem for that apparently played bro side effect number two you got it bro yes i have my own designated bra button that's how you know i made in life i got it on speed dial baby from the moment they were born to the day their face got ripped off their body they still kept on singing oh you want to give me something ah how do you know it's the jewel i'm looking for good to know have we found him there he is where's waluigi oh come on man i just want to go home new skill energy dream suck that life juice out of that man and just like that another next door civilian saved he just looks so disturbing you wake up to see that you want to go back to bed immediately i don't want to look at that poor warrior having to deal with that every morning did you even listen to a word i said oh give me a break i was literally captured by a benevolent dark lord i was happier when i was a monster i don't know thanks for helping me i guess thanks for reuniting me with this horrible person take this jewel or whatever now get out of my sight seeing as i've just gotten this new ability i might as well try it use all my empty you can only use on one opponent as well but you screw it i want to try it launching fight sequence first assist horse whispering scientist way oh whoa whoa horny struck what the heck he's got laser canes yo oh my god it's so cool just like hypothesized they were obliterated to dust holy crap more new skills even here comes the lightning boost boom what hey yo what who turn off the lights i'll look to the right guys are you here is anyone there oh happy birthday what i mean i guess technically it was your birthday since you were literally just birthed today technically not like you pop out of the womb and then you get birthday cake it's a present right after that oh this is never face here we go oh switch talking lego dude become a literal sort of this is what you all get for selling the overpriced cane to you bastards your sword is no match for my baby bottle bro oh damn jobs keep a fighter he got that job skiing for two plus you have fought oh no turret wing he's so spiteful of having people having a good time oh turquoise bottom of present actually realized how silly it was to be petty about for relation ship he bought that out of spite that's an insult you know better yeah i bet he just stumbled upon that can in the park as he was stalking him you know job ski is made out of metal and that can looks like he's made out of metal is that a fret turquoise are you threatening him uh they've finally been reunited they can go back to committing crimes on the daily good for them just once and all the ones i'll give you one for free oh you're too kind ah not again jovski help him out i know you called me a piece of trash earlier but i think we still be friends hey remember when you call me a piece of trash hey you should apologize for that yeah no it really wasn't please be sorry for what you've done to me at long last we have one last face to save we're coming shy guy i don't know i i just find him to be very humorous it's just like where are we gonna put this man's face just smack it somewhere in the middle not even online it's just okay sure this is how artists deal with art block they physically fight their paintings oh he's not satisfied he's simply not done a double pitchfork and i'll do it i'm very glad i decided to make dark pit an incredibly stubborn imp he does not finish until the job is done and with that everyone's been saved we can finally get off the gems and make it to ethereum money yeah you're loaded baby let's go i was saving the right people hell yeah that's why i didn't say this cheap bastard that's why i saved this guy we've gathered all of the chaos emeralds and now we can finally unlock the door to ethereum oh there he is aetherium yet again you know it took us a long freaking time to get here you know we had to save a bunch of people in random locations and acquire a bunch of gems of your stupid door puzzle it was really inconvenient dude magalore the king oh wait dude this is so ironic this is literally just returned to dreamland but again pharaoh magalor oh you look so powerful it's gonna be clearly our toughest battle yet we gotta pull out all the stops yeah bring it bro bring it your chin flaps got nothing on me i can't even select okay i gotta deal with it what does pharaohs do oh what i gave him food oh that's messed up hey with jokes on you i found a banana in the sand it's really salty you're gonna get gritty teeth now because of that eat my fireballs you false prince and just like that magalor has been saved again he never freaking learns cameraman who's this oh it's jigglypuff want to buy a phony just took uh yeah sure yeah that's going in the camera roll oh pleasure bro it's a pleasure you got a great eye for photography listen maglar i'm all doing this to advance the plot and make the sky not look as dark and gloomy all right nothing for you bro is it about you i've been thinking about the things i did to everyone oh you have plenty of time to repent huh yeah now you know what it feels like to lose something important to you you're doing this stick again really no i will not oh give me a discount oh i hold two gold saved screw you guys storm shower and shut around shut the water run away please this is not safe get the hell out of here we said everyone next door but what do we do about these boulders oh no way mad galore's come to remove the blockade oh wow thanks magalor you were actually somewhat useful number five see the day everyone make a me of me and then share your muse with me next stream for the intro of the next video i'll just make a montage of me that you all made of me literally perfect i really not that small guys come on the expression is perfect every time y'all got that to antique my hairdo looking nice oh my god i am so fed up with everything oh it's so perfect here i'm gonna cosplay as them done which one have you drank my water not me i'm not not me um i didn't drink your water oh yeah now i think about it i drink it you stupid turtle is becoming a little bit of a nuisance he's jealous of everybody and now he's laughing at everybody too about the smallest inconveniences man i'm kind of hoping ethereum takes him away from me in my sleep i'm probably gonna regret saying that much later on we've made it to an oasis to see king like button munching on the same mutton continuously ever since we saved him have you come to like the video a second time ah sweet i got a royal roast thank you so much for the kind offering king light button i will light the video not once not twice but three times and so we finally saved the land of next door desert and we've been through a lot haven't we oh certainly maybe we should just chill for a bit you know what's the rush it's not like we'll be kidnapped in our sleep or something that'd be silly please do not get kidnapped i will cry if you guys get kidnapped and i will not have a very good time no no no no no no i sincerely hate it here stop stealing my bodies damn it and of course is going to rub the salt into the wound by stealing my powers as well great now i'm bald freak you etherium and the dark lord take them away what do you think maybe you should have prepared for this or something tell the end scheme lock the doors do something it's a polio tank brendan fowa likes xiaobao to such majesty sniff my feet you peasants flower i'm gonna be a flower don't worry guys we got some new friends now to cry alongside whip and wonder what the hell hell's going on in the outside world what's jake and mary man as we wonder what the hell is going on in this dark forsaken cavern of emptiness you know what chokes on them i get this royal roast all to myself tastes so good when you eat by yourself taste tastes so good look at kirby brand is fat leaf he might give someone a paper cut watch out okay horny it's just you and me back and forth back and forth i make new friends ethereum steals them away from me back and forth this endless cycle of torments kirby is just constantly displaying dominance upon his enemies now with his certified tape post stance damn boy sick yo is that a literal ass face hang on a mama i gotta look at something real quick i gotta look at something wait yep there it is aim for everyone my ass what mild cartoon violence is this mild cartoon violence to you i spanked him so hard with my leaf he died this game has thrown a lot of curveballs at me but the one i could not react to fast enough or prepare myself for was the twerky a new friend finally i'll have someone to help numb the pain of fighting twerkies and their over-expressive butt cheeks we're going to make a new me my masterpiece it is complete i think i earned this one oh thank christ it's over everyone say hello to not button the tank father help me this copyability was never in a kirby game i don't know how to use it how goes your pursuit of the dark lord oh terribly this is horrible we're doing not good at all honestly our morale is at an all-time low yeah i at least showed that malicious bastard of the air of his ways but how about we show the guy stealing all of my buddies in my sleep for arabs existence yonder towards the elven retreat kirby you couldn't hold your balance while you're holding out your arms like that you got to be careful well thank goodness not the tank is here to offer him some assistance where would we be without the nut button you know where would i be without the honestly i think like a good third of my subscriber base would not even be here if it weren't for me putting a nut button inside a kirby plushie this is the part of the platform i really have no clue where the whole thing's going i don't know what's happening i don't know why i'm going to see all my friends again i'm just completely lost as for what happens next you know that's not a bad thing i like a little surprise look at nut button but tank frolic with whimsy look at him literally not contribute anything to the team human cannonball hated using a friend as ammo if your friends aren't willing to be used as tank any mission then are they really your friends what the is that what i'm being goaded by a turkey's farts why am i so pissed i don't know what it is but seeing a twerky fart just makes kirby super invigorated to a point where he just massacres the entire enemy race and that's what gets you going in the morning and that's what gets the job done by all means suck up that aroma if your butthole has a smile i recommend a doctor no i recommend a priest nothing about surgery can save you for whatever hell is on your butt if you see a doctor about having a smile on your butt do they get you chapstick or lipstick do you heal bum or do you make him work with it all of these dudes have so much swag but i can make him even more swag oh look we found a wild twerky sleeping on the ground let's ambush him but dark lord is headed for the retreat oh gosh please lady tingle yes oh he's just asleep dang it now we don't get any experience points for that kill whoa getting real crazy with the names guys oh boy i can't wait to go to the large home depot with two g's here you have roblox noob just chillin in his little tomato husk you cannot be on my roleplay server the dark lord stormed in here he got mod admin privileges and i don't know how to stop it it matches their emotions perfectly well for poses and actions and they fit so well together let's hear for lady big chunkies you're the best can i refund this game please i want my goddamn money back buddy thanos you were the best fat fairy reducing the population to half was the best idea ever i don't receive a dark lord do half as much mischief oh only half you say no problem you should have gone for the head i'm a big fan of the fairies trio i love them so much my favorite has to be the eldest lady tingle she gives off some air of glamour and sophistication first thing i see when i see little tingle's face just wow she goes places everyone in this place loves those dumb fat fairies big chunks this tingle that it's awful i hate it here yeah me too man i've been here for less than five minutes and i already want to burn the place down oh the entirety of our retreat is being overrun by a malicious dark evil overlord can't be bothered i don't care man oh we got a little mischievous witch over here what does she got to say ha ha hey wait what [Music] ah what the where hey i just saw how many people are subscribed to my youtube channel who watched my videos and the statistic was horrifying they're lord of my sisters they were intended it's really bad i'm crying and pissing and shaking in fear dark lord ethereum attack the elven retreat thank you game for explaining what thanos clearly could not help me get my sister big chunks back no you want little of me to go on my own yes fine if it means advancing the plot whatever the right answer no that's the wrong answer at least fast is good with a bow i don't mind them being on my team nearly as much now looks like there's a new party member looking for an adventure i want to make a tamagotchi every single freaking time they're just so beautiful all hail princess mametchi we gotta maximize our friendship levels to ensure that we will win every battle possible except the problem is we're just too many freaking people to be friends with there's too many of you my friendship can only go so far it's being spread too thin can you take a nap no mamachi you were just conceived a few minutes ago regal dance teach enemies a splendid dance and if they join they lose a turn may i have this dance and your turn and your life it's time for some more joe biden gaming so like shenanigans i love snagit as revolving silhouettes who is that pokemon [Music] turq twig i miss you so much bro i hope you're having a good time wherever you are in the void that's also tur twig all right not much of a curveball but all right i gotta go upload this to my youtube channel subscribe to me on joe biden gaming hd tomato oh i love to sing and i ain't toned to shut the frick up new skill regal dance show off your movement bro and trans all those snurps in your beautiful movement i got a little horsey cheerleader now oh that's adorable oh god xbox skinned the yoshi alive and are using it as a fursuit here okay you can have my amiibo please don't hurt me onwards to citrus cave demon spider yeah you're damn right it's a demon that's horrifying you got the sack peepers ew thankfully the evil is defeated and then sent back to the headless hellfire of the citrus lava beneath it or something different about me what's up oh the outfit yeah i didn't realize you ripped out all of your naturally blooming petals and replaced them with paper mache but you know it's looking good on you i like the new change of look one two three four five six seven eight nine ten they're part of the strongest their muscles their muscles are only level four you gotta keep going guys you gotta get stronger i can't wait to go shopping in the citrus cave hopefully what we buy doesn't get covered in molten orange juice look at me over there being the happiest salesman in the world allure stream uh oh they're gonna seduce me i can't let that happen new skill bluster yes mametji help me bluster the horny away why is that snail walking on two legs why are the steel even have legs that's gonna earth me more than the demonic spiders in the seductive mushroom you guys need some healing let me give you some gentle fragrance oh and it increases friendship levels okay this gives me incentive to use this over just using sprinkles it counts more when you spend your time healing people rather than using another kind of resource oh god velour stream is going to make them not putting click but not button they legit just shot a shot and it didn't work it literally killed them oh no how can i laugh now i can't even tell what that is anymore iraq no big shots never thought you can make the demon spider even more demonic but this game has a special way of defying expectations kill it with fire or wind i guess i'm an airbender blow it away shoo he's probably one shotty my teammates no what do you mean you're spitting out little spiders oh god she's literally throwing her babies at me don't worry horny will get those icky spiders off of you in a jiffy bunny ignore big chunky spider just look at the pretty flowers it's okay we're all good the evil has been defeated at long last we've saved big chunks god i don't know that's a good thing or not and at long last the second fairy sister has been reunited that's a lot better you know it looks a lot better on your face compared to a giant spiders i must save my sister tingle would you please help no great i get to pick my poison do i want fan house to tag along or i want big chungus to fill in the slot uh i guess i'm gonna go up the ladder tingle should be in the big forest what oh god damn it oh certainly please i would love another photo hey nut but i remember we had to fight that giant ravenous spider with big chunks face on it and you were swarmed by their babies let's commemorate it with a photo is not supposed to be a toilet or is that him holding a gun it is kirby flower dabbing the thanos one is perfect holy hob goblin i can see why they all avoid these woods this is kind of scary hobgob donuts the last thing i expected that guy to turn into was a freaking pastry oh we got another buddy to join the party you know all of your me's that you made for me were so beautiful that i feel like a complete disservice to everyone if i didn't use at least one of them in my mutopia party oh well which one do i pick though they're all so good why are you all to make such good me's i'm so torn how could you all do this to me i only have one class that i haven't used yet so i'm a cat now cute little whiskers this is shredding claws yeah i'll use those cloths to scratch my eyes out so i have to look at this garbage level again god damn it it might be a little late to the party now please take your time literally no one was waiting for you i don't know why we're celebrating if you said you found bernie warning i'd put it right back where you found it i can live out my fantasies of having kirby and i go to adventures together we're gonna go to the park what's up spit it out buddy [Music] your backside is on fire what oh okay i didn't one shot him at least sorry oh it did wait no oh this is going horribly wrong man the moment we put me in the party i knew it was gonna go downhill from here oi get your ass back up you're only just spawning you can't be losing right off the bat yeah wake up yes we are after that bitcoin loving bastard so brave yeah yeah i know i'll have to learn how to be brave too are they really hinting at big chunks getting character development we're unstoppable uh-huh yeah sure we are kirby oh look we have been stopped you lied to me new skill human cannonball wait no no no don't do it to him ah holy he once shot him i don't think he appreciates that yeah why would you do that to him don't worry i'll heal the pain with my sweet fragrance i got the e-boy catboy fit i guess i gotta hold off on being an e-boy for a bit sorry guys let me just smush this banana in my face and disappointment oh my metchy got me a present i wonder what it is makes it a warm welcome it's a big present too gave me a whole lot of sofa cool oh yeah i love furniture oh come on it's not always very warning he's been here for less than 10 minutes big treasure chest what's inside oh it's a teddy bear i'll gladly take that nut button got it oh not uses it as a weapon no one will ever be able to defeat us now that we have plushified any mission at long last we've met up to find tingles face in the forest and yeah let me tell you the game wasn't kidding when they named the forest it is really freaking big no wonder they made it with two g's oh we finally found tingle oh god she turned to an orc one last battle and we'll have all the sisters faces saved oh my god oh that's terrifying oh i don't like how that moves so far we've been untouched uh not on facebook i am clearly dazed and confused about how the hell we got to the situation don't look so gloom verdi warning yep get in better spirits buddy we'll make it prove this one last slash great job birdie worthy we saved all the fairy sisters i'm just happy to see that we finally got tingles face back on their body and all fat owls because god that was creepy at long last we relayed all the sisters and now we are finally ready to move forward with our adventure to stop dark lord ethereum [Music] oh no he's been waiting this whole time for an ambush he took all her faces again oh sorry guys um so i'll see you later hope you enjoyed the show oh boy whatever town another faceless bunch of idiots ah that's just great my duties deal is to clean up the mess yeah it's about time you do something helpful uh oh with me helping as well of course tangela is now part of the party well i get to hang out with all three of the fairy sisters wow it's such an honor you think i'll be kicked out of the fab fairies yes you are doing horrible at your job if ernie were he just loves marshmallows you know it's accurate it's unfortunate that this thing is somewhat accurate to me i hate it i truly do hate it seeing as the nut button has helped me so much throughout my youtube career i think it's only fair to take him out for some nice adventures going on a date with my nut and this is where i stopped looking at the chat okay thank you so much that's the biggest event i've ever seen i don't believe so oh oh that's a huge ass tomato oh my god you're so teeny weeny here i'm gonna go click but not but that's what my query plus she sees whenever i click it that's a little terrifying now i think about it you know i really apologize oh this is so nice look at all of my buddies look at all my plushy friends i'm going to pet you oh no the fab fairy fans we're here to save you though don't worry guys ayo is the tomato bros this right here is why i decided to play this video game this this right here no other breeze in particular this is the only reason why i don't want to hurt him because oh he's just so sad please don't hurt me i'm sorry bro it must be done i'm simply trying to save you i won't blow on you too hard i swear i can't account for verdi warning though he wants vengeance oh my god they're freaking bleeding on me ew there are too many attacks in this game that revolve around someone's fluids being splatted onto me it makes it too easy to make p jokes as well so blame this game for my horrible sense of humor it's this game's fault but tomato bros have been defeated and look how happy everyone is i got a fade jewel okay i gotta collect more mcguffins alongside the faces will do it looks like there's something in that patch of grass is that just me i don't know i just feel like that patchy grass looks slightly suspicious oh you got my face back oh thank you so much i really appreciate it i'm saved but most importantly ladies god i shouldn't have rescued you i will call her darkload ethereum to rip your face right off a second time young man all the fat fairy fans are having the time of her life oh my god that's horrifying oh smorgs hey friend wow marx makes his wish to nova to become the greatest being in all the world and he gets turned into this thing nova just absolutely pranks him he gets whipped and naenaed on it it's the funniest thing he's ever seen i think after this and we're done saving all the fairy faces we go to a volcano and then we just see what happens from there the pizza fan what bro that's not a pizza i really wanted to say that the pizza was here but no the pizza is not here unfortunately how about we feed but not putting some nuts oh what do you know he's a cannibal oh that's just great oh my god it's so cursed why is the tank muscular are you telling me as part of his body are you saying those tank rules are not tank wheels oh that's a shame he only bought a candy whoopsie i i guess i'll never see how muscular you are oh that's so sad here we are in lotus lake i wonder what kind of enemies we're going to find in this area oh my it's a tadpole i'm sorry a tad man baby food wait no that means he's a literal baby no oh my god baby food is made out of babies what do you mean grown-ups eat this stuff it's for babies i don't know if it's meant for anyone i ate baby food when i was a little baby i might also keep going uh and this is where we place the magical mcguffins and i think we're short of gem unfortunately look at how incredibly excited we got our adventure back into the forest to save even more faces amiibo are awesome wait there's a game dwarf costume the almighty and powerful king of evil kirby the flower oh and last but not least we have to save the most important fairy in the entire village that's scary you absolutely know i'm editing in the oof sound effect every time i hit him like right there one last shot all right we saved all the faces yay and we got the final fade to a long last how much ketchup and how terrified i am of everything around me so if you'll excuse me uh have a good day now it's finally time to rescue the final fat fairy brand new rare baby food way with a hundred percent real baby thanos they can stop we're trying bro oh my god what is that battles frog and situations like these i always get rid of the lackeys first to make the main guy a lot easier to focus on wait no not this is not the time for that that was a bit of overkill bro that was a tad boy look what you're dead now he hates you when they get a boss more than one face it's so confusing because what do they look at him which eyeballs are they using does he eat through his stomach like there's too many questions i'll go unanswered i own a pizza here eat up cheers we freed thanos from his amphibian prison oh back to the year it goes bye-bye everyone has finally been saved take this and use it wisely i got how do you want me to use a cake explain it to me what do you want me to use that for the sky is bright the sun is shining the fairy's been reunited and that's everyone who needs rescuing about freaking time let's show them the way girls all worse than a volcano [Music] do [Music] through the power of friendship and dancing we have revealed the secret path towards the volcano oh my god they're best friends and not just any friends but bestest friends forever snuggle help me we're stuck in here i can't stop levitating i'm getting hungry yeah me too i need a food break any food want to sponsor this video anyone please this video has been sponsored by food snurps they have paid me to ask but you please do not eat them they are innocent they just want to be left alone they want to chill bro that's it this is the last twerkie i'll ever have to see in my entire meetopia playthrough or at least i hope it is anyways mametji please do the honors the pizza is here up your ass wait don't tell me this is where my friends get stolen again do not tell me all my buddies are gonna get stolen please do not tough freak this game god damn it why this is literally the third time aetherium what do you want from me wait a sec i'm still a flower though so maybe i didn't take my powers yeah it keeps happening this is me right now yeah this is even more accurate to pictures of myself right now i'm pissed now oh kirby make ace for the dark lord's castle turn dark lord of fear him in the fertilizer i shall eat this final twerky curry by myself for the very last time amen it's off to the volcano here we are ah it's okay kirby we'll save your friends soon i just know we will you can do it kirby i believe you're at the home stretch buddy oh hi there skull and ton jesus christ that is actually their fuel what the frick nintendo i just don't think a skeleton like that should have such long legs you know i don't like that disproportionate limbs are the most terrifying thing about monsters in any video game prove me wrong what do you see kirby oh oh no i'm friends i missed you all so much i don't miss you at all though you can cry for all i care i don't freaking care oh my god you guys i'm so sorry i'll never leave you ever again dad please help me i don't know what to do what do you say are you up for your rescue mission oh absolutely will we finally come to me yes sucker i spotted my party this is awesome i guess you could say kirk was just having a nightmare in dreamland i like this dynamic of sakurai just observing kirby helping him get stronger slowly but surely to save his friends hey you know this once movement i keep using well i had a surprise for you buddy lightning i wonder if i'll find bernie worthy's face soon yeah i sure hope i don't magma vernee worny oh no we gotta cool you off buddy we're blowing you until you're not too hot lightning oh no i thought you did fine stock right you did the job well done see you so appreciative of you shocking with a bajillion volt electricity oh welcome back vernee wordy you look so gosh darn happy to be reunited with your face never mind i guess that expression said ever was it seems to have caught these guys in the perfect moment look at how prepared for an adventure they are hey yo you called that lightning this is lightning oh my god job ski wait a sec why does that look so fitting though i don't know what it is but just seeing job ski in that cloud form looks so fitting for some reason you know like minus the pain and agony he's probably suffering from right now oh he actually knows how to do something besides lightning what a surprise you know that's the mix-up tower of flame whoa i'm sorry why are you holding back on me again oh you want me to learn yeah i don't know i'm gonna learn a freaking fire tornado so you know go crazy with it please i'll make this a lot easier josuke the little ufo is just flying back onto his body beep boop i love you thanks again kirby anything for you bro i don't even care if you made the game lag out friendship is more powerful than a proper frame rate why do the ears have veins a shame i don't get the ears oh that that's so unfortunate can you put on a shirt or something i like how this game's going right now it's giving me a mix of all of my previous parties and now we're all banned together they save everyone else slowly but sterling i'm totally with this progression oh boy i'm now just realizing that i'm gonna have to make a lot of new friendships i gotta play matchmaker with a bajillion me's now i get to find out what kinds of foods everyone likes too yeah they've been missing out a lot damn joski just choked on my nuts no please i've had too many of your nuts i can't take it anymore oh i should have not have been allowed to play this game when i bought this game through the ace shop i should have been perma-banned off the servers immediately i should have gotten my switch rigged on the spot so it's basically stealing faces to only control monsters dark blue creates lots of monsters but those monsters are just weak creatures to make up for that the dark lord gives them the faces so it's like a control device hypnotism mind control whatever you want to call it ethereum controls the masses makes them buy even more bitcoin by stealing their faces and plop some of the lifeless zombies they know that for business is going to fold eventually so we're just trying to make it as profitable as possible those bastards have we found miku where is she oh my oh that's a really kind looking goal of burning miku gold she's burning with kindness damn poor jamski yeah help us out please maybe stop trying to eat your stuff and instead cast that freaking fire tornado again please finish them off zachariah lightning makeup gaming yeah that's my girl let's go there were nine of us when we fled from the dark lords castle oh but they escaped somehow yeah i became the expert of skinning nintendo characters alive and using them as fursuits yeah sure please just stop swerving at me menacingly ah i think i'm more menacing stop that oh baby with the jackpot okay here we go things are gonna get crazy i can change my profession whenever i want wow real life sucks gosh if there's actually more jobs after this i don't know man i don't know how long we're going to be here for i'm still here for it obviously i'm a little intimidated that's all and of course i am kirby's best friend it's canonically correct now we have the return of dr polio einstein professional gaming here we come certainly this can't be that bad right oh yeah this is fine this outlet is going to get nae-naed on so hard you see i was prepared for this route i was prepared for it and just like that cleaned up in one turn yeah professional they call it i'm sure there's like a little more challenge why are they going red watch out birdie where'd he wait what are you doing what what it's a kill no no no no no no wait wait wait uh oh uh oh um avenge oh you avenge me yes pl please adventure me please help me out wait this is not okay this is not okay okay at least they have low health doctor i helped me healthy sucker hi i did one damage why no no no no god damn it wait can i can i move someone to a straight spot i can't move someone who's fainted to a safe spot no can i move me no no no no i was not expecting this ah yeah i don't think your surprise is that surprising anymore bro wait no kirby don't take the hit no no wait maybe you can kill maybe oh no we're screwed yeah it's gg it's gg all right all right wait oh oh he's gonna go again wait wait maybe maybe me yes yes mako thank you she has probably avenged the entire party what happens now what happens oh my god two minutes you know that's that's infinitely easier honestly i'll gladly take that over fiending insta kills pissing out my enemies is indeed the ultimate power move oh yeah like the stream subscribe if you have it watch my miitopia videos listen thank you kaboom that was the most challenging encounter i've ever had in this game so far i was legitimately shaken up that has the most intimidating smiley face i've ever read in a message i'm not prepared for what's to come mr president it took me so long to find you i missed you so much and your love for quiz games ah five five people correct great now where is that 2k stimulus check bro you know i'm getting tired of you giving me a bunch of bananas every time i win one of your game shows you might give me what you promised me all that time ago during your presidency oh it's a little baby griffin we have to defeat no he's just he's just a little b yeah i see he's harmless fly away little griffin be free i can do that crap in photoshop that man did not fly in the slightest he just got dragged up into the heavens whoosh oh yeah i never gave bernie warning a war cry i of course got to use my signature catchphrase suffer we finally made it to carcaton even from the very beginning he still keeps falling on himself don't worry bro i'll always be there for you oh what's going on oh god what are you okay no we got separated what is javski and bernie werner gonna do why is the hairdo muscular why does my eye patch have veins if you look at us side by side right i don't got abs like i got like maybe a four pack but that's it that's all i got i cannot compare to what polio einstein's got in store for me with his sheer muscular power well we can't just hang around josh let's keep going new friends new workout routine let's freaking get it and at last we've been reunited hey guys how you doing hey it's uh cerberus hi there oh god he's not friendly oh my god a new divine power just in time hyper sprinkles oh yeah that's the good oh but kirby can't control himself damn that's one hell of a drug i don't think it's a good idea to use it on kirby but i know it'll work well with bernie warner he's got some power in his swipes oh great two psychopaths doing crime together in a pincer attack you know i think it looked really cute if we didn't have my friends faces plastered onto for snouts everyone's busy asking what the dog doing when they should be more concerned about what the horse doing and at long last we have saved our friends or at least the other third one more to go but you know we're getting closer at least dark pit meta knight my magic i missed you all so much no man and i will not know your pp yeah but i'm happy to see you though once we get to that castle everyone will be reunited and we'll stop dark lord ethereum once and for all wait oh sakura at the party though oh dang oh well i'm sure i'll see him again soon though oh and for the first time ever the end is popular with more than four people on a horse although i'm so happy people are finally coming back to me but at the same time though i really can't afford it there's too many people to choose from now i don't know what to do it took us over 20 hours but we finally found ethereum's bitcoin mine oh hi again thomas what are you doing here yes thomas i want to see your tank engine no no no i was only joking i was only joking take the hit around to find the secret treasure horde ah neat that's a good amount of gold oh my fake you thomas i'm not gonna say it nope no i'm not gonna say i'm just thankful but cape isn't muscular hello there mr president you got me that stimulus check yet did lazy bone sins yes he did who could miss him it's gonna be more of a challenge to forget those faces rather than remember them imagine this being a simple griffin you're just guarding the castle gates and then you got a dude with an afro and a pink unicorn coming through with two giant laser cannons you were so prepared to defend your home but then honey the horse blasted you to oh god not again where'd everybody go i don't know maybe behind the giant boner i almost crushed you to death a second time day and now someone's gonna be lonely again this game hates me you got the three genders imp naughty imp and clever hey yo shout outs to imps gotta be my favorite gender i'm not to say like i thought i got duped because why the hell would be a treasure chest inside dark lord of the rings castle i thought i'd be like the easiest booby trap ever to set up but now he's actually very jealous about it oh yeah there's a trap you know it was supposed to come up eventually there's even more devious from putting at the very beginning honestly now i got baited to thinking i was safe i was put into a full sense of security you see ethereum that was on you that's your fault uh oh i really hope it's just my birthday or something and it's not something trying to kill me in the darkness it's my birthday right if i put uh oh no she fell over on a giant piece of candy oh big treasure chest what's it gonna be oh my gosh oh oh this is so worth a detour my head looks like a pin cushion now now i acquired the best armor in the game i am more than prepared to take out dark lord ethereum we all know what this means turn twig what are you doing oh oh no oh turtle demon oh god oh it's so scary be careful miku avert your eyes no please ah now he's so sinister now that battlefield oh wait man what are you doing oh my god i really have the skill all right go get him bro go get him yeah you eat that candy bro show him what for oh not again oh but very wordy powers through he ain't scared he's too high on drugs and sprinkles to be worried about that this should be it the final blow the save turquoise i got my little macho turq twig back i wonder how everyone's doing well i guess we're about to find out oh there's a thing down oh boy yeah i love fiends we oh let's go first of course he does bye darkness oh buffine is dancing all right he's at least distracted for a little bit oh god dark paint you can do it i think uh why ui laughing what's so funny hey did you like the video and subscribe to bernius yet and you're donezo bye darkpit what'd you whisper to him that made him so dang mad y'all gotta take your flintstone gummies to get through this fight alive please avenge just job ski one last blow yes the power of drugs compels you okay what do i get for a thousand saved faces even more sprinkles let's go honestly i think it'll be something more climactic compared to just more sprinkles but you know i won't complain i'll take it because we're probably gonna need it for what's coming up ahead oh these guys gotta fight another mini boss not bun what's wrong buddy oh god his face is gone too i'm still constantly studying the algorithm on this god forsaken website about how about how me putting a nut button inside a crew garnered over a million views what is the science behind it for reasoning i need to know if it is for jobs dark pit or are you know johnson can take it too or not how about metchy no she's just too distracted by how beautiful the painting is oh not goddamn not again bro come on that's if you can't finish the job we'll have everyone else do it for you go absolutely stupid bro take him down we rescued but not button and now we only have one more friend to save i want to see my mechy making the painting pog out in pain constantly i want them immortalized in film man the fact that they hold a grudge despite what's been going through is just blot out the definition of petty they were trapped in a dark empty chasm with nowhere to go they escaped and their faces ripped off and put on a monsters and they still mad at each other for some reason hey bemidji we're over here once again the party's been reunited now let's save the rest of our friends not another one of these cutscenes what's gonna happen now is this where we saved jesus there he is don't worry jesus we have one more monster to defeat and then we'll all be reunited oh jesus armor the father but i am a holy spirit literally jesus i shall free you from your arm-released prison oh my god he's gaining up with other freaking teammates i don't like it when they do it to me too i mean at least i know how it feels uh oh oh god please no this is the one time i can justify curry being upset with someone that's the only excuse i'll give him you know being blasted out of a cannon just to be sure how about you go a little crazy too they don't shoot us all to oblivion he called for help at least it's just the sword you know give him this whole freaking combo too but fire let's go with bob fence that's perfectly fine we got a freaking cannon you have been freed from your prison of torment be free now finish with john bernie worthy yes it's over we finally saved all our friends no thank you for waiting jesus we all been reunited at long last to think i would spend the least amount of time with my most beloved companion throughout this journey but at the very least i finally have him and everyone else i love back to me at long last repay for your sins ethereum we can do anything i say anything like go home yeah we should like leave let's just not come back here ever again please in any case we're a 10 person squad now so now we can shove dark lord of them who's boss oh yeah swag baby if ethereum takes away my friends a fourth time i will bawl my eyes out and go about the gamestop to refund this video game red vestment deep fried jesus it's real um it could have been real but he wanted candy instead seeing as this might be our final battle together i think it's only fitting to go with our original party oh god we're so freaking close how long is this hallway do you know what dragons are yeah dragging on these nuts but they're not actually real right is that foreshadowing for the final fight being a dragon of some kind what's going on guys what is it huh oh it was foreshadowing damn it well what do you know i called it out real head in advance right off the bat i want mad to go freaking crazy what's it gonna do okay breathe fire of course that's a lot david oh he's gonna do it a second time of course he is why wouldn't he wait oh that was the wrong one oh oh no oh that was the wrong sprinkle ah let's just see what happens i want to keep jesus saying at least we can heal people when necessary please just use righteous anger please at least try that lollipop staff ain't really gonna help with the damage output oh he's really cast resurrection no it didn't proc no more hp bananas oh no we're all out too oh but don't worry buddy i got charity on my side you better take this one jesus he may have died for our sins as well as your sins in particular but we got horny on our side with a double laser cadence to seal but the almost dragon kaboom you helped me by beating the crap out of me yeah thanks a lot i'm dominic terribly sorry about that yeah don't worry dominic you're cool with us i don't know if dominic plays a bigger role in the future of our journey or his next battle ahead but uh he is certainly a dragon named dominic even further down the hallway are we home free nope not yet this is the longest hallway in video game history all right listen my experience so far i know i keep hiding i'm saying like okay now we're gonna fight him okay now we're gonna get there but i can't believe how freaking long this stupid-ass hallway is we have grown as close as can be oh not literally because we can go to level 99 but now we're soul mates what happens now may 2 everyone it's time to face dark lord ethereum once and for all you money-grubbing bitcoin loving bastard it's about freaking time oh is the weirdo adventure party gonna beat me up yes we're gonna end you prepare for defeat darkly etherium i'm god this is for all the faces we've saved this is rather friends you've stolen from me this is for all the people available on the way this is for all the scams you've committed to multiple youtube channels causing them to be terminated for temporary amounts of time like myself this is for me this is for kirby for jesus for miku for men i and everyone else's faces you've stolen okay no problem okay that's a bit of a problem it's a lot of damage what lori means what nightmare no wake up meta knight my other night sleep safely behind us we'll protect you oh my god not again oh but don't worry now that i'm back up and running my face shall protect you we're halfway there guys we're so close to the end i don't know what's going to happen when we defeat him but no matter what we'll be ready for it always bring you back up all right that's fine it's a couple imps no problem wait no i take it back as a big problem i want to know nothing about your impush pp not me no not the polio if oh god i don't know if moving to a safe spot will do anything but you know i'll try it let's just hope something good happens and they actually target the imps and not dark lord dammit no one wants to dance right now make you but not in the mood time to face the facts what do you mean wait oh i'm fine okay i guess we're targeting me even though i'm a safe spot i guess it did help in some way oh vms are down faces have been restored melania and kirby have come back to me at last oh god this is terrifying oh another imp dammit this time he's going to steal miku and i was doing i was going to steal jesus too i might have healing sprinkles but maybe mickey will use a banana but at the same time bomb i gotta use some type of formula i actually don't damage i'm gonna make the power move i have a revive sprinkle so it's fine either way meta knight's still up so let me go let him go crazy for a bit and it should be fine what no way he's down i was just trying to move make it to a safe spot i didn't think many would actually take him down right down the spot oh my god he's laughing malicious intent i'll hit him with another unstable formula just to be safe just to get everyone else's faces back it's not over is it is he actually defeated is it over did we actually defeat turtle ethereum it's alder mctopia has been saved give us all that xp let's go this is the end of bitcoin scams and falsely removed youtube channels i have finally exacted my revenge he was just a dude this whole time he was just a regular ass person so he was controlled by that spirit thingy oh okay huh wait where'd you come from wait i'm sorry hey hey what the hey wait no that wasn't saying that he's ethereum right wait no that doesn't make any sense oh he's back for round two apparently hi there sakurai don't do it no no the darker lord who isn't even darker lord oh and now he gets great state sakurai's powers too it's just me your mighty invaluable guardian haha how you doing hey think you can save the world again from an even worse foe i don't see why not anything for sakurai thank you father i appreciate your sacrifice oh hi it's dominic the dragon are you sad yes i was literally just bowling my eyes out because my father sacrificed himself to become the even darker lord what do you think also where the hell is ethereum where is he is he just a regular ass accountant now i don't freaking know all i know is i still want vengeance and so jesus kirby mennonite and miku must fly out to save the world yet again from the evil clutches of darker lord sakurai well we got the whole wild world to explore how will we ever find darker lord sakurai have you heard of a traveler's hub no but something told me that that's where we're gonna go next hello there mr rabbit why are you screaming at me you're a strange one ain't ya you are not allowed to call me that when you look like that okay somebody around town has to know where the fella is gone after all we've got travelers from all over the world here i don't know why i'm talking like this to represent a buff rabbit but here i am speaking the way i do here i go goodbye i used to be so cringed but now i've become a cleric and i've seen the light and i must do something about my ways the only way i can protein myself is by defeating the abominable small man would you help me sure every time i boot up this game i'm greeted by big chunkis like whoa whoa yeah like whoa slow down i'm absolutely not stubborn yeah i'm not mad i'm not owned i yell to the vastness of space and time as i triple into a corn cob ah here we are the powdered peaks i remember i saw this area near the beginning of the game and next door this is gonna probably be a really tough area little penguins that's a pengy they're a bunch of pancakes oh why are you shaking your butts at me oh stop it god why are you giving me twerky flashbacks right off the bat entering a new area you know i thought y'all are cute but now you guys are just very very provocative just like with every new enemy i gotta piss all over you to show you what for this is me displaying dominance i was wrong dark pit oh you found a potion bottle nope i'm not drinking that alcohol is a sin i can really commend and respect dark pit for his quest for sobriety bro hey no problem goomba we're happy to help you atone for your previous sins by helping you traverse the wastelands of the ice i've been playing chemical intensive iii all week so like the parallels between this rpg and that one it's just night and day honestly you got cute me characters of a bunch of funny enemies to fight when the comparison is becoming the demi-feet tasked with hoarding demons and fighting even more demons in an apocalyptic tokyo emergency oh gosh what's going on no miku is she feeling sick it's okay miku mennonite will watch over you as you recover okay you know what this is what comes out of swimming on my tensei nocturne this is where the parallels intersect gosh that is freaky oh how beautiful funny knowing any moment now could swallow us up yeah how how funny that is ah well i guess my time is now i'll see in the afterlife jesus is it finally my time i see joe biden and shaq in the distance i'm in paradise bro it's a winter wonderland frosty the stoneman is probably going to die from the righteous anger of jesus christ and his assistant goomba wait jesus here have a banana ah just like good old times bro from the very beginning we split that banana together on those green fields thrown away after we defeated aetherium and those snowy wastelands kirby got jobski a present wait a sec did you just repurpose the gift that someone else gave you and gave it to someone else you know what at least jobs he likes at the very least but that's a jerk move kirby my newest video got four views and we gotta make a sequel right freaking now dude if i looked at any of these none of these would have come for cheery granny unless you had previous knowledge of the world of miitopia that i've created that's actually kind of creepy like this is more fitting to make up intensity levels of enemy design with the lack of eyes because they have the lack of sight they won't be able to see this coming literally jesus just ripped a pole out of the street and called it a staff you know what i want to see some snurps i miss my snurf brethren my wish comes true every time i'm gonna be an absolute jerk to this one food snurf you're descending from the heavens let me help you reassess via my giant laser cannons is this complete overkill absolutely i just thought it was funny that's him the abominable snowman the abomina the abdominal the abdominal the ab subscriber all right let's play this yeti let's go oh my god wait horny come on that's three in a row you can't let me keep cheating like this sincerely i'm playing on easy mode right now oh here comes his newest skill mega fire big ass fireball oh what he wants shotgunski oh no men and i inverted word he could go absolutely insane for all i care while me and jobski hold the fort with healing magic i never get over just how crazy they get whenever i give them those hyper sprinkles seriously what are they made of what kind of drugs am i willingly giving these dudes that poor remarkable snowman this was your idea we didn't have to fight with him we have to fro but you wanted this you could be plucking me with your best photo op yet let me see dukey puff has a certain theme to their photos that being catching us in immense amounts of pain i don't know why it's a common theme but you know i think it's pretty funny you know what we hit 1k likes on this video i'll put that photo on my fridge hey there bud you ever heard of hamburgers oh absolutely uh your next quest is going to be about going to a new place to get a cheeseburger yes let's find the forbidden wendy's onwards to peculiar for the greatest four for four deal ever experienced this is easily already the best area in the game because the sky is pink but fruit is pink the background's pink most of what i'm seeing right now is pink so you know i'm a fan eat your heart out kid icarus yeah y'all thought their enemy designs were quirky and unique yeah no no no no no they put eyeballs on a piece of toast this game will never cease to amaze me sincerely like i am fairly much dumbfounded i swear well i'm seeing you right now this is a peculiar area they didn't misname it for nothing i want to know how a piece of toast attacks me because i can't willingly imagine how bread would assault someone i've feared a hundred different kinds of monsters found in utopia i'm glad the hunter have had to be either a piece of bread or anthropomorphic noses yeah i don't know why it'll throw at me next i'll never know what's gonna happen that's why i love it i'm sincerely glad i stuck with this game and i'm very glad y'all enjoyed watching it so far so thanks for supporting this series oh harley i really do appreciate it why'd i get two of the same letter in the same session leave me alone flush emoji i can't take your torment oh another emergency now javski's feeling sick it's all because of the flushed emoji those audi tickets are contaminated when one of them is sick they look so sad when we're being dangled around it's like a little lifeless doll oh god please throw it high enough so i can't feel the way down i just realized ever since we stopped aetherium the random battle icon is different now to reflect darker lord sakurai actually that's a really cool touch i'm really appreciating all these minor details and changes throughout the game as i'm smacking up a trio of emporific noses this is poetic horny's nose is infinitely stronger compared to these noses can your nostrils ignite flames i don't think so suffer i'm always just now realizing that i'm down two jobs no one's a chef or a flower so let me fix one of those by reacquiring my apron what's the beauty of being a chef we get to cook food and then eat it best job in the world by far because of that alone and now you know i must do the cooking dance but not for too long or else it's going to burn the stew i don't think he does but i play the frying pan if that counts is a frying pan an instrument no kirby a frying pan isn't an instrument oh my god okay so i'm gonna get him a bouquet of flowers because of course i am i love the heart one but i'm not gonna give him a bouquet of flowers to blow to my enemies with and summon giant fireballs with then i'm going to go with that option i'll finally discover the mystery behind these glowy spots whoosh oh i'm over here now i'd like to think that the swarm are the parents of the jellies and i'm just massacring their lydia right in front of them no hard feelings who's hungry let's find out first assist horse whispering chef i'm feeding corny a bunch of spicy food rain hellfire from above oh that's an awesome job i love that move hey jigs yeah he's messed up the slorm and his whole family i hated that man's whole career he literally had a family editor's note record some dance moves and put him right next to him slick dance move look at how slick i am and there's an excuse to put me dancing in a video but i'm gonna put it in somehow bro i'll find a way and me toby's giving me many ways of doing so so i appreciate that we were just on the planes a moment ago and now we're here in the forest how peculiar shut up shut up everyone boom in the comments and here we are in the desert yeah look at all these instant classics for throwbacks to our previous areas of endeavorment haha this is rather peculiar wow what a surprise this is quite shocking adjective that means surprise it's curvy oh come on game this is too easy give me a challenge okay that was my metchy that was easy slide to the right what a curveball i gotta say you mixed me up for a sec we finally worked our way through that conundrum now let's actually complete this quest oh what are we fighting whoa it's a hamburger i don't think the hamburger is what we're gonna eat i think it's the other way around yeah chow time yeah i don't think you want to eat that either do y'all eat your hamburgers whiffer without fatigue oh no no i was only choking god mega cure uh yeah i can't cure my mental health after seeing that garbage in metopia hamburger eat you you know i like my hamburgers extra well done mount attack three three cheers for horny and kirby smack them up 200 damage that's right burn him extra crispy chore him up oh you know how poetic smack him up with a final mounted attack here it comes the hamburger has been defeated turk twig has been saved we will never mentally recover from that battle but we got a lot of xp to show for at the very least now we eat the hamburger now that's more like it wait so theoretically hamburgers and metopia eat happy meals and i don't know how to feel about that oh jigglypuff you've come here again take pictures of our accidental tormenting crisis please let me pay for one immediately i take it back a thousand likes and this is a photo i put on my fridge oh jeez church must have caught polka roast while they were getting digested by that hamburger oh hello there bowser what are you raffle hoes ah okay it looks a little bit more sense now my friend dedede told me something oh really wow i happen to know him too we're great acquaintances he's in nimbus right now shall i show you what oh please do sure before we go i couldn't help myself when thomas asked me to explore a secret area on lotus lake infested with snurps oh no way is this area just full of snurps oh hell yeah i'm in heaven oh we've discovered a brand new species of snurp watery snurps oh he was prepared for that not knew how strong the water strip was he was prepared for that i'm hoping at the end of this area is just one giant snarf or a huge army of snoops something snurf related who's looking for some roasted snork radishes i gotta see that silver snurp i need to know what his power level is i understand why the steps are being so aggressive towards me while there's more water script i'm kind of committing genocide against the race and yeah that's pretty uncool of me i gotta say but they're the ones who are aggressing me i'm simply trying to observe them peacefully oh lily's called a rare snurf what are you doing huh what no what that's such a tease i went all this way i destroyed your entire race just to see you in person and you just dip the moment we fight look at this giant ass snurf with the big eyebrows glistening with beauty and power what kind of sniper are you big buddy a very rare snurf whoa oh god that was one shot jesus here we go the whole team and i got a nice meal just for you have a taste oh it don't taste that good apparently because they all deal one damage a piece okay there we go no escape from the frying pan brother you don't have to do it to that little snurf that hard guys the evil's already been defeated august 4th 2021 the snurp genocide incident oh yeah we're up in the clouds i love the vibe already all right let's go when i first started playing this game i didn't find this many different varied areas and set pieces this is freaking awesome we're above the clouds we're in your homeland now we've just finally ascended to heaven maybe we'll eventually see your dad at some point too i don't like these dudes at all new skill double royal white this will surely purify their existence man it was like the fourth video you recorded in one day you were on the youtube grind joe biden i respected oh boy i love cheating now i have so much time to figure out who is toad who is the fab fairies fan enjoyer uh i believe this man enjoys fat fairies quite a lot i just smacked that lizard dude's bow of a giant fish this game is weird what are you gonna do about it oh no dark dwag no everyone's down are you kidding what are the little kirby like we supposed to do about that um absolutely stupid this is doable winnable it's winnable don't worry fire and just like that we avenge our teammates it's all good i don't know what happens here but we're about to find out oh what's going on oh dd ufo yo extraterrestrial deity he stole my banana hey this is actually remember fitting for deity especially because he keeps stealing all the food in dreamland so now he's going to do the same thing in mitopia oh he's going to steal it right back oh the grand finale of his fight surely this is going to do it the ufo is finally defeated and reunited we stopped you from stealing the food and dreaming we'll stop you from doing that in another game i'll entirely no problem i didn't victory would come back at all in this storyline but here we are i'm glad to see you make a grand return oh wait no i was realizing there's two of them there's two king dedede me's in my playthrough so far i just figured they used the same one but they did i don't freaking no i'm not complaining oh yeah i did it this guy wants to talk to you about something you know like the grand evil of the world you know it's no big deal i'm gonna think of it i didn't see something dark and lordy earlier now i think about it i also saw a giant town on this guy at the same time hey you know that giant ominous tower of a skyscraper jigglypuff my favorite photographer coming through with yet another beautiful photo op let me see what you got for me oh that's right you caught me right when deity sucked the literal life out of everybody yeah i'll give it 20 bucks for that and what do you know an ominous door with what looks like holes in it i wonder what that means let's go save my father but um unfortunately it seems we're at a predicament because the doors are locked very tight we're gonna run around collecting jewels again before it open yep all right at least these guys are ahead of the curve more gems to collect more side quests to complete let's do it i know of a drill by now must venture into the volcano for the sacred chocolate cake right in the gooey center it's like karkatan is just a giant molten lava cake thanos wants to get literally all caked up on a friday afternoon my god digging guys you gotta eat dinner before you have dessert before you get to eat pheasant cake you gotta eat my meat first oh what's going on kind of a low growling sound actually i just have to eat breakfast today well you need two helpings of my meat then eat up dude look i'll just say this is a nut moment you know what fine y'all get one who needs storytelling let the game be my guide read me the bedtime story that is this game's dialogue with the final boss is challenging how could i be playing a game with a final boss that's actually difficult i want a refund nintendo what the hell dude i didn't set up for this i think we finally found the cake but it's being guarded by this beautiful man gorging on fear oh yes look at how intimidated i am yeah we are all just sieving with anguish and fear we are simply terrified you know this seems like a challenging fight i do like cheating though if i see me fall through everybody eat up so this is the famed snack with divine taste all the flavor oh i'm sorry i had to see that i'm so i'm so sorry i'm gonna go now nice why did i do that wait did i get a gem from that i guess we'll just call it a fun little side endeavor thespian cat oh dear i'm speaking out of my eyeball this isn't how anatomy works he turned up one day with a spooky looking jewel all right now we're on the right track we have unlocked a new area eerie road what the heck is that that's terrifying oh god he's crying oh no he's making me cry you have been diagnosed with depression bonk where'd everybody go i'm scared i don't like it here to the left take it back now y'all one office time jesus what were you doing with me doing the dark you've sinner you and your obscenities oh god like literally god call your mans out jesus swear he's glowing the dark dinosaurs i'll accept that that's a perfectly valid excuse remember when jesus was writing dinosaurs in the bible gosh my favorite tale john 3 16. amen jesus is feeling under the weather yeah that's what you get for showing miku your toy dinosaurs buddy keep it to yourself so i wonder who's going to be guarding the very first gem toby no that dog has no eyes i am scared am i fighting the snot follow the dream i don't know man i'm just going to blast it with my meatballs or something i don't freaking know they gave a boss a healing move no you can't be cheating too that's my job the whole party coming through big damage we gained up on this little puppy snot bubble who's hungry for some spicy dinner oh okay so someone will end up hating me no matter what but at least not the whole party thank you so meowch no oh my god but metopia puppy he is very cute ah great no fuss about it give me that jewel our next resident of assistance is kung fu thief garfield he helped me rescue camilla sure onwards to the gonzo caves ah brand new area to explore oh boy here we go it's a snowman now he's got a hat on oh raft about righteous anger be gone frosty you're a freak of nature who must be purified yo back to back righteous anger jesus dude gotta bring down the wrath of literal jesus christ all of a sudden his anger is straight up righteous man let me tell you yes i'm suffering from ptsd post twerky stress disorder you there want to get married oh no please don't do this to me i'll win a new skill blindfold enlarge in the pizza fan one last flambe to melt the ice queen and everyone wants to be there to see it two bosses down two more to go do you need something from me me arthur before most authority in the field of robotics you're a nerd robo pangies and someone programmed them to shake their butts at me why oh god he's pissing on the robo penguins to heal them which doesn't make much sense i figured that short circuit bump but you know this game never made sense in the first place so why am i arguing it right now robo juice yo this capri sun's bustin yo kirby vet the literal gain of gasoline arthur stop stroking your scientific ego and tell me where the gem is oh i guess you're not gonna be able to tell me without your face robo arthur oh what is he doing he's locked on uh oh uh what wait what's happening shield sprinkles oh this is new giving me a one-time protection from damage feels good knowing i can just say no you to pretty much any attack at any given moment if i have enough sprinkles these jimmies do be rocking it though robot arthur has been freed from his mechanical prison ah there it is pink perfect coloring and all so you got a jewel cool yeah that's what i'm after exactly but you threw it away oh great thanks finally we're getting the next door for the very last gem number three uh i'll go to the top first maybe stretcher i hope so oh we found the jewel wow i shouldn't help be on that but yeah instantaneous first try we did it everyone we gathered the jewels for a skyscraper we're coming darker lord sakurai this person was originally a friend of yours right yeah he really was the greatest ever was are you really going to be able to fight your friend yeah we gotta do it for him oh we're more than determined bro i am 35 hours deep into this bro we're finishing this no matter what this is it everyone we've come a far long way to make it here to the very end to save dark lord sakurai well well it's been a while how kind of you to pay me a visit and since you've come all this way allow me to test how strong you really are oh god y'all please jace and the gang have really ascended all the way up to the closest break of heaven we've really come a far away haven't we maybe at this rate the final boss will just be god himself smiting us all for the sins we've committed throughout our journey oh it's ethereum the og what are you doing here is anything the matter oh you know just my face being ripped apart no biggie oh oh this is what he meant by my old friend oh no i defeated the evils of bitcoin once i can do it again oh come on every time now or brand new skill from jesus panacea arise arise everyone rejoice eat my meatballs for one last time etherium especially made just for you i swear to god if you promote bitcoin ever again i will find you and i'll take your face myself i want to make up for the trouble i causes dark lord will you let me come with you yep sure more to marry her we can use you as cannon farter these are some cinematic parallels to my real life experiences because it wasn't actually the etherium me it was just because of a curse that was put upon him just like if you have never really hacked my youtube channel it was just a bunch of russian hackers and scammers who were promoting themselves as ethereum to deepen their scam in front of people interested in bitcoin it all comes full circle if i want to continue up the tower i gotta get through mr biden again oh god i see you're trying to stop the evil of the world itself that could make a great youtube video hello i really thought i'd be safe with the twerky up here but now even in this game show i'm never safe you're so awesome but i know something uncool about you though oh i know you pick your nose wait i don't even have a nose he broke a rock really i guess he's just a bitcoin salesman and they're counting at best you know what more can he do in terms of fighting prowess oh this one's probably a trap yep all right oh oh god no no no no no terror feed i don't like that wait no please god no wait what am i gonna do oh i'm gonna avenge him that's nice oh wait no no no please don't hit kirby please no moment she no no no no no no no please hit revive please yes it actually proc this time and facing the power of friendship she gets a full heal from the revive as well this time i can defend myself against your insta-kill bs no more of that garbage what are you people doing using these really low damaging attacks no i don't think magic damage oh that's why pincer give it up all right that was one do not hate criminals thank you all right rng is on my side as per usual smack them up jesus let's go i still can't believe it i was so cringe back then i didn't want to do that to so many people whether you sell plushies or bitcoin everyone still has feelings at the end of the day what's down here oh who's this the subscribe and like button what are you two doing here uh oh not again oh god everyone please help me by liking the video and subscribing to my youtube channel all right after that you know how i like it horny extra spicy king lay buttons down but he's not out per se i think he might revive himself i'm not fast enough with general subscribe uh we're actually speedrunning this boss fight wait a second this is actually close to being over right off the bat wait is it actually over the quintuple pincer damn it's over that was the easiest boss fight in the whole game we're just going for a gauntlet saving everyone we've already previously saved my god who knows who else we have to fight next isn't it wonderful now people can finally subscribe and like the video again uh oh we're gonna find another boss who was it this time magalor pharaoh magalore 2 there should never have been a second one in this world or anyone for that matter at any point of existence oh wait he's down wait what oh oh that was it huh we are blowing through these past boss fights real quick we've been prepared for this so here we are above the clouds i feel like a deity i feel like god worship me you shooting mortals ah this is fun oh take the hidden road to find my secret treasure horde well i'll see you around okay secret path yet again hi fair large friend what are you doing here i'm sorry i know i've been taking a lot of details but i have to say hello to you oh my god rich snurf sn oh oh oh god wait wait oh oh i'm so sorry no oh oh my god i was not prepared for that level of power from a snur he is very large but not a large friend unfortunately i wanted to make peace i really did i just wanted to observe you peacefully and respectfully it's an honor to be in your presence rich snurf but i'm sorry you know how this must end and chad hates me for fighting with snurp prince but you know i did it for good reason because holy shoot i'm loaded now is there another boss coming up oh of course there is not the fat fairies big jungus i wanna go home this isn't funny anymore i don't like it here oh here comes dark pit's newest skill brain drain suck the smart out of him and the frog is down alongside the tadpoles thank goodness that was a close call that's three more people saved oh gosh how many more people do we have to go back and rescue and i get it it's all about the story purpose of it all i totally get it but give me a freaking break game is this our final game show mr quizmaster and very well damn because you're blocking the entrance to the final boss hit me with your conundrums behind the curtains and let me pass please how could you tease me like this we're so close and you're blocking away please just let me go save him that wraps up joe biden gaming please like and subscribe to his youtube channel or you know what never mind screw his channel and his well-being give me those subscriptions yeah thanks darker lord sakurai we're coming bro we're coming to save you i believe you'll find the dark world up there in other world you have to leave me behind i'm afraid ah all right well take care ben ethereum thank you for throwing rocks at random enemies for me and making bananas i really do appreciate it dark lord lord sacrifice will do it for you and everyone else's face got snatched up to the sky into the heavens into other world wait no no no it's not even why it just keeps going and now we're in overworld how many more areas are in this freaking video game like how enemies lie on top of this horrible plane of existence oh space goblins freaking space goblins you wussies need helmets to be in space you're weak all i need is my chef's hat and frying pan to survive this climate we'll be facing our last battle soon we're so close i have no regrets the only thing i would regret is stopping now we gotta finish what we started oh literal aliens all right have a good day see you all in heaven bye-bye up ahead there he is smugly waiting for me to approach him oh a hidden path i made it this far why not explore for a moment a snurp hunt this is epic my boys the snarp army you will give me the power necessary to defeat darker lord sakurai thank you all so much for everything for helping me throughout this journey simply by existing your presence supports me so much oh i like that sound effect because now i have to fight for rare snarks and the very rarest nerves oh i mean except for that one yeah he's just gonna dip oh well his loss i know you're lost too whatever don't worry let our babies run away let them repopulate the snurp family so that i might keep finding and hunting them for years to come this should be the final blow oh the whole team came together to defeat the very last very rare snark wow what a breeze what oh oh big number big number whoa i think we are more than prepared for talking about fear game now i think we're all set to go i think we're all finally prepared to face darkroom lord sakurai i'm gonna save my father i know how my niagara laughter from anywhere it's him we finally found him give me back the great sage right now well then come and try your luck with pleasure he's gathering all the faces he's stolen what is he doing he's powering up he's the son he he's a nova it's nova it's freaking nova oh my god hey really oh comes full circle i'm just been playing a kirby game this whole time sakurai is nova you've all played kirby superstar and you know what to do when you play milky way wishes ernie warney mametchi and nuts will take the left hand ski dark pit and turd twig will take the right hand and the four of us will take on the body let's go let's begin with the left hand okay not too bad of damage oh except they can do it again ouch and with the pincher attack big damage yep such big damage that you have to levitate above the ground i think it's a good game i think it's set in stone except when everyone eats bananas okay no it's fine it's preserving sprinkles that's no big deal double royal wave will not do it quite yet so far this is only zechariah's left hand but this is easily the coolest boss fight in the game both by design and attacks i'm just excited to finally be at the end of the home stretch of this fantastically long journey one limb is down and now we must fight the second one throw that fish at him deal that damage hit him with that fireball do what you gotta do bro you're doing great oh no okay okay that game wasn't too bad it's doable still want to pull because we just won both hands are down i repeat both his limbs are down all that's left is one final battle with his body we still have to beat nova it's freaky no the why is it in this game i don't get why is nova in this freaking video game oh god what is he doing oh no no no no no no you can't be serious no no everyone please come back to me no even if you make me fight my friends we'll do whatever it takes to save you no matter what we have to win let's finish this sakurai the darkest lord i knew there'd be a darkest lord i knew it purify our anger jesus is no longer fed up with my garbage thank you and now he gives his newest skill dark guy slash oh he's got plenty of eyes the two coin what is he gonna do chomsky two oh god what's happening what kind of attacks did they do wait no they're using my friends as i shield against him oh my god this is so sad okay chelsea's down he's been saved so it's a good thing to know now that he won't be coming back to hurt us anymore same for dark pit oh no why is bernie weren't evolved oh god at least you got better treatment in comparison it's a damn good thing that i saved up my sprinkles for this moment please look out please oh good call out from jesus let's go oh horny perfect timing buddy thanks for coming through for me oh yeah oh oh oh oh big numbers big numbers that does me good i feel incredible and now the moment we've been waiting for what could you mean oh that's a lot of angry faces i don't think he's very happy to see me oh wow oh wait what is going on no like seriously what is happening what what is this strange as a light show oh oh oh okay um i i wasn't prepared for that resurrection please proc oh thank god all right sprinkle up i believe this is gonna use most of them honestly but it shouldn't be that big of a deal because we got enough healing anyways it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's totally fine totally fine zachariah is very close to being defeated i don't know how many times are going to use that special attack that one shots everyone oh but we gotta make this quick we gotta make this the whole thing count okay meta knight we're here to support you buddy with this mega strong pincer attack oh did we do it does sakurai know my pp is it really over dude we did it we defeated darker lord sakurai he's been defeated we saved me tobia for real this time sakurai are you okay you the whole reason this had to happen we're going to defeat you once and for all i swear to god not again no you are not doing this twice over make that three times take this tell him sakurai tell him off no more dark lords i'm so grateful that you're okay man it's so good to see you again this is the story of the dark curses past oh my please indulge me a long long time ago he was just a normal human yes give me the lore why does everyone ignore me please anyone just notice me i'm really awesome and my youtube channel is very funny oh he was upset because of his face there's no good plain boring face of his he cast away his own face because of it and he read what he resented so badly but how could you exist without a face that's what became the dark curse what do you want me to do oh oh break the curse or save him after all you just told me of course i'd like to save him but after everything he's done to me and the whole world they didn't deserve any of that does he deserve another chance despite what he's done as much as i want to know what happens when you break the curse since i am kirby i think to properly betray the role of the main character i will save him alongside the rest of my friends please come home dark curse please come home now we just need to give him a face but i believe that should pose no trouble for you i think i know someone who's fitting for this very very important role snarp you returned welcome back it's so good to see you yes your face witness your beautiful face it's finally back anything for you snurf i searched long and wide just to find you i found your people and they guided me here all the way to you and knowing how tragic it is how things went for you back then i hope you know now that your face is beautiful i can't agree with your trauma dumping on everybody by stealing their faces in turn but please recognize that you tone figure sins that your face was always beautiful no matter what you think no matter what they say you are perfect the way you are goodbye snurp and goodbye sakurai the sentient voice of wisdom yes praise me for i deserve it because i am so freaking awesome i save the faces i save sakurai and i stop the curse i have saved metopia once and for all free cheers for everyone in my party for all the beautiful party members i've met along the way yes celebrate everyone post heroically we've done it metopia is saved kirby and friends saviors of utopia i offer you my sincerest gratitude subscribe to my youtube channel let's freaking go look at the faces look at them rain from the heavens they're finally being reunited with their rightful owners it's such a beautiful feeling this has been quite a journey man i gotta say and with that peace and tranquility return to the land at last congratulations let the credits roll let them raw i say raise the curtains you know why first stop is king like button because you better like this video and there's press the subscribe button being merrily wed to her loving husband waddle dee oh while he's gonna hit that subscribe button tonight everyone better hit that hell yeah it was such a pleasure working alongside all of you beautiful people oh here's jigglypuff give us a great old smile for the camera say me's well that's the end thank you all from the bottom of my heart for watching i'll see you all next time here's the villa that's new oh and another new thing wow so many things new lumos and the gal galatos and ah just too many things there's too many freaking things i'm gonna have an aneurysm thank you so much for watching my metopia playthrough i had an incredible time playing this game and i could not recommend it enough if you like genuinely funny storytelling and good rpg gameplay with that being said please subscribe to my youtube channel like the video and i really hope you all enjoyed watching i'll see you all next time for whatever the post game of etopia has in store for us see you all then [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Vernias
Views: 258,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miitopia, vernias, vernias miitopia, mii, miis, vernias mii, vernias miis, miitopia switch, nintendo switch, nintendo, switch, miitopia funny, miitopia gameplay, miitopia playthrough, miitopia longplay, miitopa full playthrough, kirby, vernias kirby, snurp
Id: UCukn8i4fVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 7sec (7987 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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