I Tried a Pokémon Shining Pearl Nuzlocke

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hey what's up uh this is cynthia she's the hardest champion in any pokemon game ever not even just champion the hardest trainer and we're gonna try and beat her but not just peter like normal nope this is gonna be much more difficult this is a nuzlocke i can only catch the first pokemon that i see per route i have to nickname every pokemon so i get all attached to them and if one of my pokemon dies that's it it's dead it literally dies i can never use it again and i have to deal with the fact that garlic the meditate's family is still waiting for him to come home i laughed and you know what else no potions that's right no sitting around spamming potions waiting for cynthia's garchomp to miss an attack nope potions don't work so yeah wish me luck this is the story of a man and his turtle and his attempt to become the champion and hey consider subscribing if you haven't yet and enjoy the video it's quite a ride time to pick our starter turtwig chimchar piplup and i'll be honest i didn't really like her tweet people mad at me for what i said about turtwig i called him a nerd and i'm sorry for calling him a nerd all right i'm coming around to tur tweak as always i leave my starter choice up to my stream viewers aka chat and while it was very close territory was the winner oh my god he's actually look at his eyes his eyes i didn't know his eyes worked like that look at him oh no he's so cute i've fully changed my mind on twitter i'm so sorry our new turtle friend made short work at the starly and professor rowan let us keep it everyone meet turtle lucas gave us our first pokeballs ever and finally the nuzlocke begins and our first encounter is starly starly starly abbadoof everybody meet touch the badoof at lake verity we called starlight the starly and moved on to route 202 where we caught a shrinks we named him storm and then turtle took on the first trainer of the nuzlocke what i'm not used to is slow pokemon oh my god look at his tail his tail is so cute okay new rule every time turtle is on screen comment turtle smile let's see how many turtle comments we can get we call ourselves rhyme the boo do then ran back home to fish up the best nuzlocke pokemon of all time yeah well not magikarp gyarados is the best nuzlocke pokemon and is basically built to beat cynthia in this game let's go wave dash i'm sure we'll definitely see you in the champion battle yep that's not foreshadowing barry got in the way while we were heading to the gym and for some reason he never taught his shimsure a fire move so we just beat him up with starlight we called marceline the zubat pebbles the geodude then took on the first gym i use a level cap in my nuzlockes which means our pokemon can't be any higher level than the next gym leader so our max level was level 14 for rook which literally didn't matter because turtle just beat everyone in one hit starlight decided to evolve after turtle's show of dominance then we ran into babe on the way to the next gym who gave us ball capsules one of my favorite inclusions to a pokemon game ever which of course they never bring back oh that was quite wholesome anyway the game decided to give us a freaking manafie egg which i actually kind of considered using because they're not just gonna hand out legendaries right wait you don't if nothing even happens you just get a mew well that's insane anyway they wouldn't give away any more extremely rare legendaries right [Music] all right that's a jirachi we're not using those storm evolved into a luxio turtle evolved into this thing and then it was time to take on the nazlogenda this is mars she kills pokemon and ends nuzlocks with her way overpowered per ugly she led with the zubat but storm thundershocked it to death then it came the paraglid we used pluck a few times stole its lunchberries and that was that was kind of underwhelming actually so we've unlocked new encounters including a potential la punny just saying all right hear me out that's not what it sounds like lopani is actually a ridiculously fast and strong pokemon and it has a godlike mega evolution obviously there's going to be mega evolutions in this game right so let's go find one we call puffcake the pink show us on the next route touch the madoof evolved then we headed up to the forest to get a binary we ran into a fighter girl accidentally and uh oh my god all right chill dude oh my god be the main character of my anime let's go dude let's absolutely go okay enough of that as you know knows what rules means you can only catch the first pokemon you encounter per route let's do it come on dude [Music] we're going in any second we might get a bunny here we might get a like a silk never know we have got we'll find out in a second something tells me this cross patch isn't good i'm going to try this cross patch this is the one i usually go in so we're going to go in this this one door the double bonus go all right what are the odds of that holy two of them now we're talking are you speaking my language [Music] we'll find out in a second we finally ran into our encounter which was two binaries we randomly decided which one should die and uh it was the boy one that was the boy one that was randomized to die so we called the girl yes okay chill all right we got a bunny i'll take that i'll take it first try it too wow i called mine kicks do we call it kicks and get the name that og moxie playing by himself not like that would call it the memes want to name it waifu so they can make fun of me the gamers want to name it kicks because they know that a lot honey is a good pokemon to use in battle it's 50 50. we did a lightning round second vote and kicks one but i accidentally wrote the wrong name in the thing yeah welcome to the team waifu if binary slash le punny dies you cosplay as mock's punny bet because it won't die if my lop honey dies in this nuzlocke i will cosplay as lopani what do i get alright go follow me on twitch which is where i do all these live streams comment bet if you do it and i'll do it we helped cheryl through the forest with our new team member set off our worlds and headed off to the second ship oh hi sh oh my god my queen i've been studying pokemon mythology lately just out of curiosity oh i have a i have a mew and a jirachi you want to see my mew i got a mew it's pink all right i'll see ya the game is actually really pretty it is it's missing a bit of saturation a bit of contrast wait a minute contrast increase saturation increase all right boys we fixed pokemon diamond and pearl chad then reminded me about the underground you can actually go underground in this game and encounter tons of weird pokemon literally just like standing around down there we smashed up the walls for some nostalgic fun for a bit then ran into a cave what the hell there's a hound doom here no way we got it what the crap we caught it in a great ball and it was time to absolutely destroy the grass gym there is no way we lose anyone marceline in the bat was basically untouchable and destroyed every trainer before the gym leader i'm so happy to be using this zubat crowbat is purple we're gonna get some color in the team gardenia leads with the cherum and we lead with starlight mrabia starlight one shot the cherum and now comes a turtwig i used reflect and suddenly i began to overthink instead of just letting gardenia heal her turtwig and continuing to pluck it i switched to turtle and nearly lost a 1v1 versus a turtwig who decided to use work up a bunch of times but we got there eventually with the help of marceline in the back but then out comes a freaking rosary this thing is stupidly powerful and we have nothing fully evolved it hit marceline with a pedal blizzard which like what the hell is that move and then we missed a super sonic i can't use potions we're not allowed these potions we were forced to let marceline die after destroying all the gym trainers by herself but the sacrifice got us through starlight plucked the rose ray to death and we were through an unexpectedly tough second gym everyone pour one out in a chat rip marceline i love your character invented time farewell well good news wave dash evolved time to test out the new team on jupiter oh yeah hello chill chill that's jupiter damn what cerberus our hound zoom thunder thanked the zubat to death then she sent out a skunk tank which is another threat but honestly our team is insane now if for some reason knows flamethrower but cerberus eats that up and finished it off with a bunch of thunder effects next up is hot home city where the greatest thing ever happens uh but first oh my god wave dash our gyarados learned waterfall at level 21. new routes opening up so we grabbed sunshine with a ponyta then ran into cyrus the blue hair guy oh it's our man why does he look like that anyway we finally made it to heart home then ran up to amity square which pokemon would you like to take a stroll with oh shoot yo just like that though yo turtle's over there what turtle's going to talk to the pikachu no he's not oh my god this is freaking great look how cute he'd be jumping look they're friends oh i love this he's actually so slow he's such a turtle dude he's trying his hardest dude he's just doing his best man i figured i'd check out how some of the bigger pokemon look what is this it's a shrimp this is unacceptable look at this dude anyway then we ran into barry apparently this game literally treats you like you're four years old because barry has not evolved his style yet and it's like level 19. he evolved he started at least but wave dash made short work of that and starlight plucked his rosie early to death on to the next town we ran into zero there's like five routes in a row so we decided we're allowed to catch one pokemon per area underground because this is stupid for now though milestone city shopping no more game corner honestly this is better clothes is way better than game corner pikachu hoodie style pretty sick not bad the overalls not bad not bad eevee style pretty sick gengar it's the same but as a pink jacket cyber oh my god sword and shieldsy or whatever i guess the side pony damn i got them i don't have the money for anything i kind of want the overalls i'll be honest we ran into lucas on the way to the gym dude your hat does not fit your head try a different hat we decided to go find a route which is only supposed to appear like five percent of the time but worth a shot right oh that was easy if it's a boy we get a gallade all right it is a boy it's cali time let's go i always pulled my childhood gallagher destiny i know cringe so we decided to call him destiny he was adam and nated back in the day and would you believe it oh my god what the hell are the odds it's mike allen he's here however i decided not to use it because this gave me another video idea so pretend we never caught him he'll be in a different video subscribe if you want to see there he is dude look destiny the gallagher my original gallade time for the third gym we cleared out some of the trainers and by nearly leveled up but unfortunately she still hates us queen oh damn she's hot bruh everyone calm down chat stop this the thickening is upon us not all right we're not let's just a lot party guys okay stop this a sickness of thickness she's thick bruh this is my pokemon you guys are talking about right wait she's jumping and she keeps up yo hi you thick calm down you furry loving goldfish no offense it's just a good pokemon allow me to show you guys how powerful this pokemon is wait a minute wait a minute we cannot be in the way of our queen what the crap not jesus christ we gotta get out of the way these thick thighs stop it dude damn dude no stop this she's off the screen all right we finished up the puzzle for children and challenged mainly maylene led with a meta type and we led with starlight starlight one shot the meta type with pluck and a macho came out next turtle two shot the machoke with a few razor leafs then out came a mega threat lucario this thing ends nuzlox we go for bulldoze to slow it down as it bogs up we were suddenly in a kind of bad spot however i told wave dash one of my favorite moves fire blast he hits come on one shot shoot oh my god the damage gyarados says busted we thought drain punch to waifu because of course we did and we used our heart scales to get our staying on wave dash this is for cynthia's garchomp all right fourth gym halfway this is a water gym so it was time for storm deluxio to do some damage he ended some kid's career inside the gym and chad started asking questions how many how many gifted do i have to give you to get a lot honey waifu pillow he probably has what shut up dude i do not have one i don't have one i figured i'd look them up just for research so you guys will be happy to know there are no lot penny body pillows there's just none they don't exist do you know what there is you know what there is overlapping of body pillows dude [Music] giratina there absolutely is a lot bunny body pillow cover well i couldn't find them so if you've somehow found them send them to me on my twitter at moxie2d for research we randomly ran into a wild weasel which we caught and called floaty and then the storm evolved into a lux ray it is so over for this guy crash awake the gym leader leads with a freaking gyarados but storm literally one shots it with thunderbolt and out comes a quagsile which is immune to electric moves turtle comes in eats up a mud shot and one shots the quack side with a razor leaf then wake sends out a floating so we send in our gyarados and eat up an ice thing that would have been really bad for turtle turtle is four times weak to ice moves we cannot let him get hit by an ice move ever wave dash finishes it off with a few crunches and we're through another gym with no deaths things looking very good little did i know what was coming ghost gym next on the way outsider finally ascends oh sheesh see i did it there i said sheesh instead of oh big tree boy what hello turtle is learning earthquake he's still trying his hardest he's so slow then barry appears with his still unevolved pokemon storm serbs and wave dash absolutely end his career then we go to find cynthia turtle come on dude what are you doing why are you being like this i want to find some thick gardevoir don't worry about it dude lol pony's way better look at that you guys need to remind me that i'm streaming all right everyone.com oh hey are you doing here sorry to change the subject but have you seen the group of psylocke on route 210 actually i have yeah how about we go there together anyway what you should do is use this medicine on the side me or us see you later look at this meter there with our lob honey what the crap we fly to celesion on starlight who is a starraptor for a second and head up to meet tinter in the psyducks i wanted to deliver this old charm to my grandma in celestic town we're meeting the family let's go step on me let's go you're going the wrong way cynthia cynthia going the wrong way i'll see you there up to so let's see down we go just as we're right around the corner from the next town waifu got a little crazy i'm just trying to get the all dude don't get snaggled up with me what are you talking about this is not the time this is not the time he's trying to push you holy top 10 anime betrayals dude she's either flirting or trying to kill us what is it what is this chill i'm just trying to get this item all right just stay there okay all right just move on forward okay this is okay jesus christ we finally made it to celestic town we met cynthia's grandma but cynthia never showed up i guess she's just busy she gives a surf then we head outside and uh this guy looks absolutely crazy fifth jim question what is three plus five plus set what is this three plus five is eight plus seven is sixteen let's go puzzle mastered gamer [Music] eight plus seven equals 15 easy gamers destroyed more mathematics huh easy for me not a problem what is 12 plus 28 40. obviously dude okay obviously 40. question what is 3 times 13 times tables the 1 becomes a 3 then you times the 3 by the 3 which is 39 got him how is that not 39 wrong door this game and they're throwing a child at me with a drift bloom you've been kidnapped i don't know if you're aware of this stupid child math is for kids question what was the first room's answer i went to the right door first and that was wrong so top is correct she's so proud let's just fight the gym later she lived with a drift blim and we led with cerberus i was tempted to taunt it so i couldn't bonus or something but we just went for straight up damage with bite it survived and then used an absolutely stupid move strength sap basically strength zap reduces your attack stat making you weaker then heals the pokemon by how much strength you have we go for the taunt now when we could have just killed it and it goes for fly so we're going to storm to resist the flying type move and storm kills it with a vault switch then we bring serbs back out now comes a gengar and it decides to be super annoying confused right we break through and hit a bite but the gang guy is holding a berry that reduces dark damage i'm not liking the tactics in this gym so far sludge bomb do we resist that oh my god no no no don't hit yourself please hit please hit please hit no no [Music] no serbs dies to a combination of confusion and poison oh this is so bad we had to go into wave dash to hopefully eat up an attack sludge bomb hits doing over half but not poisoning and we crunch for the ko but things just got worse at level 36 miss mages this thing definitely learns thunderbolt and gyarados is super dead to that we switch to turtle and instead it uses confused ray we ate a dazzling gleam which might actually be the strongest move it has for some reason so we take the risk with our newly evolved director pluck does half so one more pluck and we win but if we hit ourselves in confusion we're screwed come on dude there's a dozen gleam live breakthrough dude breakthrough breakthrough no 17 hp someone dies here 100 i'm not losing a lot money now it's too strong so we took it to a vote it's storm the lux ray or starlight this director chad voted starlight and the amount of regret i felt after i clicked that button wavedash finally breaks through confusion and hits a crunch but we lost two really important team members we walked back out the way we came in only to be greeted by cynthia on the way out thanks for what you did by the ruins you may want to visit the library in canal city they have some ancient books there sure i love reading don't you love reading cynthia i just love reading do you agree [Music] well time to say goodbye our dog cerberus we found you at level 20 fully evolved caught in the first ball and now you are dead farewell and starlight this is what i get for saying i don't like the color of my team 20 minutes ago i said we have too much grey in the team and what happened we lost two of them probably the coolest bird pokemon sacrificed storm better pull through dude sunshine with a ponytail joined the party as our new fire type and chad decided that seeing as though we're saving our routes for a different video we were allowed to go try and get a different one so we headed over to canals oh my god we're on a little bit barrel look look look oh my god the water looks amazing we made it to canalave healed up and went back underground to get ourselves a cardiff that was easy it is [Music] it's dupes dupes claws god of all can be mel you mean gallade gallade can be male i understand you're saying routes can be a male i know that and so can curlier but then a male goes into a gal aid with a dawn stone and a girl goes into a moxie bestie look it up i don't need to look it up i am 100 correct okay yes we ran into 13 male relatives in a row revenge on hating on male gardevoir i love galilee what are you talking about i love galilee gallery is one of my favorite pokemon i'm not hating on male gardevoir male gardevoir does exist i know it's a gallade i understand this this joke's getting older than a fossil pokemon well if we just found a route right now like we just did which is finally a girl we can move on and beat the game finally oh my god yeah dude chat right now farewell pebbles gotta my childhood gardevoirs were named fate i think that's fair first encounter too that crazy look at that team though colorful dude colorful team we then nearly lost the whole nuzlocke to a singular krogonk underground so we tried again we found a slightly less murderous quarry gone called it cringe because that's hilarious evolved it into a toxic coke and entered the sixth gym why is cringe anticipating why is he cringing cringe is cringing anyway we made it to the gym later just fine sixth gym leader time byron led with a bronzer storm dodges the confused ray then bites the bronzer to death now comes the stelix which gyarados can beat no problem we fireblast in the face but it lives and then goes for something super unexpected thunder thing no that was a four times super effective move that wave dash absolutely consumed with waterfall killing the steelix and out comes our serious threat bastion this pokemon has the number one most move ever metal burst metal burst never mind it doesn't even have that move wave dash just kills it with waterfall six badges out sunshine evolved into a rapidash and learned smart strike which is gonna come in handy later you'll see i noticed my badges weren't exactly looking super nice so i think it was finally time to shine them [Music] much better fate evolved into it earlier then we met riley who helped us destroy some team rocket nerds let's bully moxie you can't i'm invincible yeah i'm do your worst i'm not a fair how is it that the first thing now that comes up when someone says something about me is furry short king one not a furry all right i draw way more enemy anime girls than furrows all right two i'm not sure i'm over six foot okay i'm doing a battle here everyone shut up short furry king nah we're not making this a thing dude sfk bro comments better not be full of this crap i am perfectly reasonable height of six foot one tall furry king no no no wait no no no wait to get rid of the furry just talking not at all ferry oh look curly is evolving dude chat dude come on dude look at this is this is my chat dude this is my chat ain't no hips on that thing that is not thick you're all insane floaty evolved into a float tool then we headed up to mount coronet and ran into a wild jaden i mean cleffa but we weren't allowed to use it no point city was in sight which means second last gym so we decided real quick to go to the daycare center to have an old lady look after our pokemon yep that's definitely what we're doing we randomly decided to put machop in a battle box put our tingling in the daycare center move some boxes around weirdly and uh and yeah oh what the hell is that we should put a pokemon in here pringles man i'll see you later buddy he's okay okay he's actually gone pringles man bound to dice with some i reckon wifey will be fine see just fine build different oh we have two wipers it worked i mean what what just happened that was so weird i was gonna put this one over here hang on beach i think she liked the beach cool uh gym time we slide down the ice and usually you can't walk diagonally that's easily the hardest puzzle ever i get stuck in here every time dude candace led with snova which is nothing for sun shimmer flamethrower one shot gyarados waterfalls the sneezel and out comes a meta champ which is not a nice type pokemon at all it used bulk up but a waterfall did half anyway confident the next waterfall would kill we go for it oh my god rockslide boosted no what [Music] that's literally the best pokemon in the game rapidash finishes the gym with some flamethrowers but the damage was already done damn she's just smiling and clapping and we lost our best pokemon unbelievable i didn't expect to lose anyone today i'll be very honest wave dash my childhood gyarados the pokemon who's supposed to carry you through this game you're supposed to use a gyarados with ice fang against cynthia and sweep not this run we're gonna have to find a different way our next level cap was level 49 so we had some room to grow but it's going to be very hard to feel the space left behind by wave dash damn we have a team to rebuild i duplicated a bunch of low ponies to get hot scales i mean i went underground to get half scales i just lost the footage for that we bought floaty crunch and ice fang sunshima learned poison jab we taught cringe sucker punch and drain punch and storm learned nothing why is lux ray so not very good dude we debated teaching turtle woodhammer the woodhouse does damage to you and this is a nuzlocke so that's not the greatest thing ever but then i remembered we have tms we decided to go with bullet seed however there's only one of those teams in the game and i don't like using items i only have one of i will literally keep that tm until the day i die so with the help of missingno we sacrificed rhyme the voodoo duplicate a turtle while it was holding a bullet ttm and now we have two bullets atms the cheat lock continues it's not cheating it's part of the game if you guys think that's cheating then you guys better not play super smash brothers melee or you probably don't play super smash brothers melee alright step it up gamers we found team rockets hideout destroyed them all with our thunderbolt bunny then we ran into cyrus [Music] is he kind of hot when he's bigger not hot but like is he he looks better right he didn't look so bad he kind of looked waifu swept his whole team of murkrow goldberg and sneasel which was ridiculously underwhelming so he gave us a master ball we freed the legendaries that he apparently stole at some point and went to go see polka on the way floaty learned waterfall and with this moveset was really starting to look like the perfect success at a wave dash finally we made it sarah started getting a little crazy oh oh this looks amazing we have blur okay that's what i came for this is a remake we came for dude check this out what the hell this looks kind of stuck though oh shoosh look at him he's huge this is the mythical pokemon that created sinnoh legendary just a legendary sorry i don't know if you're gonna spiel like this you should get the definition right it's actually it's a legendary the little muse appeared and broke the chain that sarah spent like this whole game trying to make and apparently pissed him the off [Laughter] [Music] oh my god he's so mad don't get this close to me dude yeah we pissed him off let's go we're there with fate and he led with a haunch crow fate moon blasted the crap out of hodge grove waifu learned bounce because of course she did then the crowback came out it used tailwind speeding up its team but fate one shot it with psychic then out came his own gyarados i have the thunderbolt four-time super effective the gyarados is just going to hit us with something big oh my god full damage waterfall ah ate it ate it come on one shot barry the very half the damage thunderbolt was supposed to do and with that tailwind up this gyarados is still faster than anything on my team someone's taking a waterfall to the face right now turtles park ground time so we don't really have a proper pokemon to resist water floaty's defenses are so bad turtle is four times weak to ice though this gyarados probably has ice tank so we went with floaty she lived a waterfall surprisingly well and we went for crunch earthquake non-stop non-stop non-stab non-stab nonstep she lived thought he lift crunch did okay damage then the tailwind ran out floaty has to be faster now and needs to kill with crunch but based on the last hit it doesn't look strong enough however we just happen to have the metronome on floaty which increases the damage of a move the more times you use it in a row is that how we win this kill kill kill metronome boosted crunch his last pokemon was weevil but luckily it didn't have an ice move for some reason and turtle killed it with earthquake this game is actually starting to get difficult little did i know what was coming cyrus left so it's just us in palkia no cutscene or anything just straight into it oh my god holy use the master ball but i want to keep it so i can duplicate it crunch won't kill turtle tattle down dude it's landon craig wanting to be praised turtle [Music] he leveled up turtle that's not cool man guys i can't reset it's a nuzlocke what do i do now do i just leave yep time for the final gym we finally made it to sunnyshore ran into ronald mcdonald from mcdonald's who asked us to cheer up the depressed electric type gym leader speaking of curing depression oh sure shit's jasmine hi oh my god our eyes look amazing we caught a tentacruel on the beach called hamburger skydragon from chat drew me some lot bunny cynthia fanart then accidentally ran into a trainer [Music] bruh chat dude seriously it's a woman dude this is have you ever been to the beach this is just a woman in a bikini have you not been on the front page of twitch.tv dude all right we're gonna go help the depressed guy and the best way to not be depressed is to look at gardevoir we showed the gym leader our god of war and he accepted our gym challenge this is the final gym we're coming up to the end of the game i refuse to lose here boldness sent out a raichu which is totally fine for us we had turtle as our lead and earthquake is definitely a one-shot turtle took a surfing right you to the face and then went for earthquake this time the raichu ate a weird berry weakening earthquake's damage and allowing the rioter to live we switched to fate as he healed expecting another surf instead the raichu vault switches on us and brings out an ambipot what kind of electric pokemon is this we were able to kill it with a few psychics as he used thunderbolt on us for some reason and out comes an artillery another very electric type pokemon we stayed in and used thunderbolt which it somehow lives in octaz lowering our accuracy and making us miss moon blast we hit a second one luckily and now comes a raichu again we go to turtle expecting another vault switch and go for an earthquake a critical hit surf could kill turtle right here but he dodges it oh turtle you absolute legend best starter ever except for greg lux ray is the final pokemon and i am scared of the ice tank i refuse to let to get one shot by an ice move so we switched to sunshine a few flamethrowers in the battle and the final gym badge is ours half of these pokemon weren't electric types it's time for the le4 jasmine gave us some waterfall tms so we waterfall up to victory road and touch the madufa i'm pretty sure is dead and of course victory road was just full of a bunch of geodudes so i grinded up the team to level 60 and we're ready to head through um stream wasn't supposed to see that the very first trainer had an alakazam and a gengar so we decided straight away we're fighting as few trainees as physically possible after a kind of scary machamp and gyarados we made it through oh waifu we made it wifey's very relaxed oh my god i'm scared it's setting in it's setting in it's setting in it's setting in love honey what's up oh wife is holding on to something no chat no no it's just a present a barry she gave us a berry dude your pokemon are so calm even though they're going up against the elite four i'm freaking out here my pokemon don't give a we had one final battle before the elite four barry he lived with this raptor and i'm so proud of him he finally evolved his starly but waifu basically destroyed his whole team she's so good now before we do the elite four there's one thing we have to do for waifu this is the contest hall we have to do a very quick contest to prove that waifu is the most beautiful pokemon [Laughter] i hate myself let's do this we selected bounces her move and then we're offered an outfit that's a lot dude are we a magical girl out here oh my god i'm so overdressed dude i'm way overdressed i'm so overdressed dude autumn it's it's osu i'm playing guitar hero i'm godlike of these games oh my god what's she doing what's she doing oh let's go though what oh holden holden [Music] nailed it nailed it nailed it nailed it i'm godlike dude easily won that dude easily won that what happened did i get third does she win we look forward to your participation another time i have an effort ribbon i didn't get the beauty ribbon whatever we did it all right we won i dressed up for that god damn it i'm gonna fight cynthia screw this from memory the first dude is a bug type user so we're gonna just go nuts with sunshine let's go welcome to the pokemon league i'm aaron of the elite four it's good to meet you i should explain i'm a huge fan of bug pokemon luckily i have a rapidash you're done for okay let me take you on let's go first battle aaron live with the dust stocks which we're faster than and easily kill with a flamethrower got him what we have the metronome so each time we do flamethrower it's going to do more damage so i'm just going to keep doing it sunshine killed the dust stocks and out came a heracross which was one shot by flamethrower and then a beauty fly came out flamethrower one shot best between one shot then out came a drapeon which isn't a bug type and isn't weak to fire but we didn't have many good switches come on come on come on come on one shot one shot one shot no way no it has noise quick we dodged it power friendship this game is busted one more flamethrower ends the battle and we're on to the next fight next up bertha from memory she uses a whisk cash so i'm going with turtle she laid with a quagsire which isn't a wish cash but whatever same thing total giga drains and yep one shot which cash comes out next and eats a berry before getting giga drained and it lives but dies to a crunch next turn pseudo weirdo is next bro this is this this is the elite four you're throwing pseudo-winners at us earthquakes are one shot then a golem comes out but it dies to a few giga drains the starter sweeps i'm so glad we picked him crit wishing to be praised praise him call them down and now come to him how long we're running low on giga drains but i'll do it anyway [Music] whoa it's bang four times you're effective i refuse to let two kills perfect his only weakness [Music] [Music] oh my god he lived turtle gigger drained back somehow didn't kill so we go to floaty to finish it off with waterfall floaty putting in the work two down next up the fire guy let's go ronald mcdonald live with his own rapper dash and we led with floating we went for the waterfall certainly faster hypnosis come on what it hit floaty fell asleep and rapidash went for a poison jab and then another one as floaty woke up woke up one shot come on [Music] yes okay oh she's so good next came out of freaking stealings in what universe is that a fire type i just knew this one would have thunder thing so we went to turtle and giga drained it didn't even do half and smash turtle with an iron tail whoa you should use earthwork this is a stelix do you guys not know this thing's defenses dude whoa that's a crit praise him ronald healed the steelix so we tried the earthquake um okay you guys were right earthquake was stronger i was a correct it was a crit we'll never know praise him praise him dude still looks down and out comes a lot bunny how dare you this also is not a fire type i'll have you know nope but she's pretty hot though that was just a joke for the video i don't actually think that it was just a joke it's just a joke fire punch ate it up till it went for the earthquake and the lepine went down next up a drift blimp this thing again this is the most annoying and and dishonorable pokemon i've ever seen in an official pokemon game ever watch this minimize no no cringe cringe drift blimp is now way harder to hit we somehow land a crunch but then it goes for willow wisp and burns turtle cutting his attack stat in half we can't fight like this sunshine has the move smart strike which can't miss and she's a fire type so she can't be burned she was our shot crunch missed so he switched as it minimized again it went for smart strike as it went for baton bars ha now this is you're gonna this is the infernape isn't it yep the drift blim just passed its three minimizers onto an infernape this is so so bad and smart strike did nothing it's gonna close combat we might live one close combat dodge the power friendship this game is so broken sunshima hit another smart strike but we are not doing much damage come on nice every time he uses close combat its defenses are lowered too another smart strike hits pretty hard we switch to gardevoir to take the next close combat which she four times resists then it goes for a fire punch oh my god fate wishes so we can heal on the next turn but then my brain activated a little bit rapidash's flash fire ability makes fire moves do no damage and the wish heals it back up a lot if we can leave one more close combat we can get off another smart strike close combat live live live live live live she lives it defense is lowered again just kill my god so close huge move right now the cringe stuck a punch we need this sucker punch to hit through three minimizers or we lose right now hit hit hit hit hit he hit legend die yes oh my god actually unbelievable the drift blim came back out burned cringe and minimize again but then use strength sound strength sap minimize batten past willowis it has no attacking moves considering it can't hit us we just have to go back into rapidash and kill it with smart strike which can't miss oh my god oh the critical hit praise fraser after the most mentally draining pokemon battle i've ever done in my whole life we were onto the final member of the elite four lucian lucian led with mr mime and we led with faith the gardevoir we used shadowball which didn't do much because of its filter ability but then it light screen making special attacks do even less so we moon blasted for a bit of damage as a dazzling gleamed knowing it's a fairy type i went looking for pokemon with moves that could beat fairy types i said that cringe totally forgetting that mr mime is a psychic type and that cringes four times a week to that to be honest i think my mental is starting to crack a bit after that last fight okay hate it up ate that up dude ate it up if i were to ask you if mr mime looked like a fast pokemon how would you answer i would answer no it looks very slow toxic yeah that looks quite fast well you're not going to believe what happens here we go for poison jam no why is it faster hell cringe's death was completely avoidable [Music] sun shimmer comes out for revenge we poison jab the mr mime and it just straight up dies if we just did that before cringe would still be alive he sends out a meta champ last time we saw one of these we lost our best pokemon let's get a rock slide i'm gonna flamethrower and maybe get the burn flamethrower hits and does surprisingly little damage then the metatam goes for a high jump kick high jump kick it missed sun shimmer dodges cause love and the meta champ takes 50 of its hp it heals and we go for the flame charge which basically does the same amount of damage knowing the high jump kick was coming we had to switch out here or sun shimmer was gonna die fate four times resist fighting moves but they have the same speed stat and we can't risk losing her now come on come on praise praise okay dodge it dodge it dodge it dodge it high jump kick no live somehow magically sunshine dies [Applause] suddenly this is going really bad it was the light screen it was the light screen that does it was the light screen floaty finished it off with waterfall and that came with a rafter rig floaty gets off a big crunch and it goes for trick room making it to the slower pokemon go first i don't have the brain for this dude i decided to go with turtle who might go first now because of trick room turtle was still slower ate a psychic but killed with the crunch now what alakazam what do you do against an alakazam trick room crunch turtle slow for a reason in the head lucian's own trick room tactic worked against him turtle out speeds and alakazam and one shots it with crunch the last pokemon is a bronzong and turtle easily beats it with crunch we have made it to the champion we're down to four pokemon against cynthia's six this is it [Music] she's here anyone else is going to shiver was that just me together you and your pokemon overcame all the challenges you faced however difficult the power you learned i can feel it emanating from you oh my god as the pokemon league champion i accept your challenge let's go [Music] holy sh oh my god queen oh sorry chill all right we're fine the spirit tomb we lead with fate the guardian fate hits it hard with a moon blast but it doesn't ko and the spirit room heals with a berry it then shadow balls back for massive super effective damage on fate but she lives moonblast can't miss and fate takes it out the next turn one thread down throws array a poison move was definitely coming it's faster and we have no one to resist this cringe would have been perfect here we had to decide who needed to be around for the garchomp floaty and lopini both could be faster but i was not ready for garchomp's actual speed stat 102 bro floaty's needed for garchomp fate dies fate has 70 hp there's nothing she can do anymore poison move coming we've got nothing for it we had to sacrifice if we wanted to get this win [Music] fate's gone we have three pokemon at full hp i think it's time for a lot honey here's where i started thinking full blast maybe two full blast rosary has pretty bad defenses and pretty low hp i think we strength lot party liver move and two shot ice beam is super effective but this thing has double special defense than it does regular defense all right waifu now's your time strongest pokemon in the game [Music] two shot barely poison points energy ball that could not have gone any worse for her getting poisoned by poison point then crit by energy ball the citrus berry she was holding saves her from dying to poison this turn but this does not look good i started doing some literal maths there's no way ice beam does more damage this pokemon has 105 special defense ice beams damage is 90 times 2 because it's super effective 180 strength is 80 base damage times 1.5 that's 120 but it basically does double that damage because rosarito's defense is half her special defense so strength would actually be more like 240 is how this game works is how pokemon works for those who don't know in pokemon a move can do a range of damage the next one could do more otherwise ice beam has a ten percent chance to freeze lapine also had lower special attack than physical attack after like 10 minutes of thinking i went with my heart i believe in a high roll come on come on high roll high roll high roll [Music] ah [Music] we can crunch or we can ice thang we're not done yet floaty comes in prepared to ice fang this rose rate to death cynthia healed her rosary and floaty went for the ice fang super effective the roads right goes down a gastrodon comes out but that's four times weak to grass it uses rock tumors turtle comes in slowing him down a bit i feel like we're gonna get ice beamed we've spent this whole nuzlocke avoiding ice beams for turtle's sake we can do this despite being slowed down by rock tomb turtle was still faster and one shot with giga drain turtle's faster than he looks oh my god we're in it we're in it we're in it then out comes an absolute beast my low tick it's gonna ice beam my low tick isn't the strongest pokemon ever but that's four times super effective but if we get off a giga train we can beat this thing it is very slow but there's one problem the rock tune from gastrodon has slowed turtle down floaty can't hurt it floaty can crunch it'll do like one damage we have to attack we've got no choice turtle has critted like 10 times during this elite four all we need him to do is go first and get a praise him crit turtle did live an ice fang from a hippodon with over half hp if he does go second he might live we're gonna get the crit cause turtle loves us he was slower come on we live we live we live i gave him a seat here for design i called him a nerd and he took us this far it's all up to flirty now crunch floaty hits and does like 10 damage but dodgers are scold keep dodging the milotic is also taking extra damage from his flame orb floaty could do this with a bit of luck she crunches again scold hits this time doing like a third but she gets the burn with floaty's weakened attack she kept on trying but it wasn't enough the milo tick was untouchable another scold and some burn damage leaves floaty at 69 hp she just needs to dodge floaty crunches again but it's not looking good she barely survives another scold [Music] it looks like it might cry she survives on three hp floaty attacked with one last crunch with all her might do it floaty landed a crit wishing to be praised [Music] it doesn't work nurse joy it's a nuzlocke i came into this run not liking turtwig at all and how things have changed but ice beam is everywhere four times weak to ice moves but he smiles on you'll have no pokemon left to battle with you if you do that true turtle that tur twig so quickly became one of my favorite pokemon i actually can't even believe it so there's some character development for you we're doing this again my brilliant diamond nozzle is coming very soon and i have a lot of other nuzlocke videos just like this one on the channel so go go check them out and we're going to try a legends ask yourself lock too go subscribe to moxi 2d vods that's where all my streams are links for everything are in the description we're gonna go give turtle a proper send off now i can't even let him out of the pokeball we will try this nuzlocke again we will win [Music] for turtle wait there was no mega pokemon
Channel: Moxie2D
Views: 713,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, brilliant diamond shining pearl, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, bdsp, nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, bdsp nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, hardcore nuzlocke, moxie, moxie2d, turtwig, lopunny, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon bdsp, hardcore, pokemon challenge, new pokemon game, remake, diamond, pearl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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