The Boys Take a Japanese Test | Trash Taste Stream #11

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the next kanji is house i think i've got this all right show it off all right god i'm just saying if you see this you know what it means now that's a curveball welcome to just a duck good evening gentlemen welcome to the afternoon ladies gentlemen where did this energy come from you were literally just like literally right before you're like all right all right again pickle rick yeah let me enjoy the things i enjoy going all right do you enjoy pickle rick love why do you still find it funny yeah do you still find a finalist yeah ironically yeah yeah that's what i'm saying homeless gang right now i've never seen a man laugh harder at pickle rick as i have you john connor yeah like in private he's good [Music] pretty good we just recorded another episode today we did we did it that was good we did too it was uh an interesting episode it was an interesting episode we're not going to spoil it so yeah we're not going to spoil it but we finally what we will say is we had a new guest on and it was uh interesting yeah very interesting guest joey is like [ __ ] gravity all right we good we're good the whole world oh guys it's an earthquake earthquake in japan so joey do you want to tell us what we're doing today because i don't think even i know what i'm doing today um you're the one gamers yeah we are we are going to play a game uh a game and we're going to play a game or a quiz however you want to call it quiz we're doing a quiz where i'm going to test your guys's japanese it doesn't sound like a quiz this is this is like you know when the teacher's like guys guys i gotta i got a fun activity all right what about uh a quick quiz right and i'm just like no no teacher i don't want to be quizzed this is just a test yes it's just call it what it is it's not a test it's it's a game why is everyone saying thank you guys i appreciate it i i am the drip i'm the most drip on the podcast now i appreciate it jesus christ you guys don't know what drew cause he's wearing longinus he's wearing ava i'm wearing overdrive long witness what is longer-ness longinus longinus is an is an ava reference yeah is it the sphere of longest fear of longinus yeah you've seen ava yeah well you have seen that you know it literally says ava right here is it in the main series yes yes what is long enough longinus it's a spear the spear of longinus it's the thing that kills adam longinus it must pronounce what if it was guys guys evangelion all right neogenesis of angerland with the sphere of longinus longinus longinus longinus yeah wait now [ __ ] now i don't even know what it is there you go it's is that like an actual reference yeah i think it's from like some kind of mythology right yes you know it's the spirit that appears jesus that's right it's the yeah that is yeah it's this it's this it's the spear that killed jesus evangelion is that like oh you set the smile thank you for the ten gifts up ten gift subs oh the semites i i totally read that as a smile um we've got a 17 donation from tokiso3 where can i make a suggestion for guests for the podcast and yes he's british esports person currently living in japan who who is why don't they provide who is where can you make a suggestion literally in the donation box where you could have not mentioned a name you could have made the suggestion uh you know that british guy who does esports commentary in japan get him one as a guest i'm not gonna tell you who it is but just you should get them on yeah but joey tell us what we're doing today so uh today i printed out you guys know what the jlpt is uh i do but uh i'm sure a lot of the viewers okay the jlpt stands for the japanese language proficiency test basically it's a test that you do to see if you are actually nihongo jozu or not yeah this is like basically the jlpt if you pass the jlpt you will be able to quantify how nihongo jose you actually are it's a qualification right it's like a legit qualification yeah um so i took the jlpt back when i was in high school i was like 16. and there's like different levels to it so it starts from the lowest being uh n5 yeah and then it goes and three and two and one and one is the most difficult basically if you can pass the n1 you can literally write that down in your resume and get pretty much any job you want in japan all right because it's like even native speakers it's hard to get an n1 really i've heard so many different things right where okay you've passed the end one right i've done the n1 how hard is the n1 as a negative like stupid hard really yeah so basically it obviously teaches you know you obviously get examined on things like listening and like uh writing you know speaking saying n6 gang rise up let's go there's no way [Laughter] we're gonna make one today we're gonna make the n6 test right now for us yeah so basically the one is like obviously it's like you know you so the japanese language proficiency test it teaches you on things like listening writing speaking and all that kind of stuff yeah but then when it gets like n1 you learn this thing called keigo which anyone learning japanese will probably get you know ptsd from just learn hearing the word why do i hit boss music yeah so keigo is like formal japanese and you have to not only know how to translate casual japanese to formal japanese yeah but the [ __ ] up thing about keigo is that there's multiple levels of keigo and they all use different words so so here's here's the thing i never understood about keigo right yeah is like okay what kind of makes it so hard is it just because there's so many ways to say the same thing yes or is because you have to use the right kgo depending on the person you're talking to or the situation both so so everything both yes okay yes to everything okay so say for example uh uh okay so for example to say to eat right in japanese is taberu okay very good nihongo josu oh right so taberu would be casual speak right like to eat taberu um so if you were to ask someone hey uh you can eat this or go ahead and eat this right you could say and these are both keigo you could say or you could say they both mean the same thing they both mean go ahead and eat but they're two different levels of keigo and in the jlpt-1 you have to not only know how to say it in the different ways but you also have to be able to distinguish who to say it to in what context okay so how do they test you on that are they like okay let me set the scene pov you're sitting down just sitting down doing the n1 how like how do they set the scene like do they have to like literally describe the scene that you're in or do like do they notice they describe it they're different for different levels right so there's so there's tenego there's kenjorgo in this song which is three different levels of keigo right you just have to know that omishyagarikudasai is kenjogo and otabekudasai is tenego and they just basically describe saying translate this sentence into tanego or translate this sentence into kenjo or these nuts yeah i'll talk you these nuts exactly or missionary deez nuts sorry sorry sorry that's the nicest yeah i'm so sorry i'm so sorry so you know if you were like you know if it's the difference between like you know asking your boss to eat these nuts and like and the end and you know asking the emperor to eat these nuts right these are nuts so that's yeah so that's teenager but if you but you but that wouldn't be polite enough to ask your boss right because your boss is a little bit that's not enough for you your boss to be like these nuts yeah but if you were to get us like the [ __ ] emperor like the prime minister you'd be like you know these nuts when i talk to the emperor that's exactly what i'm going to say to the the health minister [Laughter] sorry during the vaccination so uh so uh ashley's printed out uh past papers of the n5 which is the lowest level so this is so this is like pretty much uh like wait we do we're doing a kanji test as well we are so i'm basically going to use these as a reference okay to see how like difficult or easy i can get but if it's too easy then i'll i'll think of some questions that might be of like a decent level um yeah i'm [ __ ] with kanji like uh-huh i'll be gone in something yeah maybe carnival finally get the dub because i know about 10 kanji that's been cause i started last week it's been a while i'm not gonna lie uh these boys are just like oh do you wanna you guys wanna do a kanji test and i'm just like how many kanji do we need to know because like i know like two now uh i don't know what it i don't know what like the the level is for n5 obviously because i didn't take the n5 but i don't do this yeah i've got a peasant joke i'm too rich she understands i mean i mean i this is like i was flicking through the questions earlier and this is like [ __ ] you'd learn maybe in like uh first grade in japan maybe second zero grades maybe maybe better than n6 yeah maybe second grade i don't know it's hard to say but uh at least in japan uh joyo kanji which is the country that you learn by the time you graduate elementary school so until you graduate year six right uh is 1024 characters yeah okay i know i know about 1020 characters total like in my life of all languages yeah just like i don't know anything i just know like i think i know like 1020 words in english probably five anime characters yeah right so but like yeah obviously i won't go into like something that's like too impossible for you guys and then i don't know for me i don't think you guys can pick some hard consciousness oh yeah yeah because we can we can test joey on his japanese because we know what we're talking about well to be fair i when i took the kanji proficiency test i couldn't pass the second highest i i failed the second highest level of consciousness wait what do you mean the kind of efficiencies so this is the japanese proficiency test is there like a level above n1 no no so the kanji proficiency test or the kanji kante is completely different that only uh quizzes you on your kanji right so i have nikyu which is the third highest right which i think is uh i think it's like 5000 characters but when it gets like g q and eq which is like the second and high like highest second highest and the highest it's like 8 000 10 000 characters some masochists yeah people who hate themselves i think they say that even for native japanese speakers there's a seven percent chance to pass the very top level of kanji proficiency so like even for japanese people it's [ __ ] difficult yeah because like i'm i don't know every kanji i'm thinking like how many words do you guys think you know in english five [Laughter] yeah and i feel like add five and take away ten i learned archipelago this year archipelago you did learn that didn't know that do you know how to spell them no i'm not going to go on corners why wasn't archipelago on one of the spelling bees i said i told that next time we do a spelling bee every word should be a related meme in some way yeah but like how how do you base how difficult words are to spell if that's the case well no you can just like use it in a sentence to me so ashley would be like i don't know deez nuts your word is please suck please have these succulents nuts your word is yeah i just read it right now oh i didn't say it okay a a-r-c-h-i i think yeah oh my god why wasn't that in the [ __ ] why didn't you why didn't you win the uh [ __ ] spelling bee joe i don't know because half of the words were in [ __ ] french apparently jesus someone emailed me and they were like connor um i've sent you where all the words come from because there were all the ones that you were testing all the words that i was tested from they told me all the origin and which language and i was like why is this french uh no there was latin there was french german um some other things too it's really interesting thank you that person who did that i don't know why you did that but thank you because because they wanted to educate you i guess thank you so much for 25 years all right um some donations connor sure sure oh lord this is heavy do you have that exact laptop no i have a small version prime minister of japan on trash taste when think of the 7.50 what a what a waste of a question i hope you're seven we just spent 15 minutes laughing about these nuts what possible world do you think that's gonna happen well the good thing is is that if you you know if we get the prime minister of japan you can ask him how you can eat these nuts right and the proper kegel uh raw materials in english oh yeah yeah french aristocrats and raw biogermanic farmers yeah there's differences in uh because england got [ __ ] invaded by every goddamn country on earth yeah pretty much changed the language how much of like british history can you remember there's a lawn there is a lot i'd say a decent amount maybe we'll do that one stream british history exam uh seven dollars hi boys uh doesn't the different jlpt grads uh grads a requirement for some jobs including some government jobs yeah you need two for most jobs yeah and so n2 minimum for most jobs and one is like 95 of jobs you can get fine then i make the suggestion here the person i'm talking about is doomsy he's playing rocket league on a professional level and he's a phenomenal editor oh cool go buy some american snacks from with this money 15 million if someone hypothetically apply to geeks plus do they need a like in like an n2 or n1 depending on the role and three in three minutes damn those are some lacks if they're highly skilled on something she don't even care if they speak japanese the other requirements you forgot to mention though is you have to read like at least like 500 manga jim lee required last time and joey pull out the keigo card lol thanks again for the fun content what's kanji be the kanji bee yeah i don't know what that is oh is there a kanji b oh well like you mean what we're about to do right now you're hiring yeah yeah oh geeks plus it's happened plus is hiring guys with n3 in the channel higher uh or if you're just like really good at your job um right melin specialized but what do you need to be special what what what do they need to be specialized in to impress you yeah i don't know digital marketing no what's what's in it know what's it what's hipping in do you put that in him do you put down your job application if i go to geeksplus right now like qualifications i know what's he know what no one's hipping i'll tell you what's not hipping in the phrase hipping in that's why she's trying to hire someone who's tipping in right like teach me the words send in your resumes right now at deeznutz in no no no go to website it's on the website right yeah go to the geekbench go to the esports website if you're serious they'd be our sales manager oh they'll be managing us do you want to work for us do you want to manage a trick question you don't want to manage jobs yes you're an awful job please don't apply to the job terrible we just joke about these nuts every 10 minutes we can't focus on anything oh the link is also on uh millions tweets twitter so you should definitely go follow me on twitter i'll read that one uh would you be willing to have iron mouse on after dark or one of these tuesday streams since their circumstances make that being there in person very difficult obviously i'm fine with that but i don't know about the boys i assume you assume you wouldn't care why would i say no i'd be like no well yeah it's just the thing if we just haven't asked yeah which time i'm sure what happened at some point like we've had a few uh like a few ideas of like guests that could possibly come in after dark but we haven't figured out a setup yeah we haven't really like planned it out yet really yeah we're trying to like get it get it all just like this established really yeah yeah we're trying to get our weekly streams moved out first before we uh try to get a guest start and here's the thing i'm sure we can get plenty of guests on but there are some guests what i'm just like well i'd rather have them on the main channel right here in person rather than having like a yeah with mouse it makes sense yeah yeah yeah exactly that's fine yeah we just have to figure out that makes sense but i think what are you talking about except cali literally literally it's literally been less than a week joey what the [ __ ] this is the one vegan we've had on someone said australian snack taste test when dude i want that i want joey to sit there i want that and him justified okay no no no no this is good this is good i don't know all the jabs this is just giving me an idea british snacks versus australian snacks we got to present this is going to be oh i wonder how biased that shit's going to be perhaps it's 2v1 all right um joe you've got the whole nation of australia on your back come on take your national press all 20 all 20 of them right guys we forgot to mention something very important today okay you want these first put them on let's do it let's get the sponsored items out bring them in sure sure the stream is sponsored by katakawa gamers watch the glasses put on the table gun look at that wall scroll oh look at that i think are they even gonna be able to see that oh check this out oh yeah yeah this is this is cool this is cool what is this gaunt what is this you know what's going on with that it's one of the key frames right the keyframes one of the keyframes from made in abyss that's actually that is actually so cool all right i i just genuinely want this i need more stuff i have to have before i start we've got we've got a nice let me tell you about this amazing sponsor today go on go on man this stream is sponsored by one of japan's largest anime production companies that has published many of our favorite shows such as made in abyss re-zero connoisseur and so much more today they asked us to remind you of their up and uh what today they asked us to remind you of one of their upcoming events centered around the maiden miss series hell yeah there will be an approximately seven hour online event this sunday november 21st from around 2 p.m japanese time so it'll probably be about november 20th for americans uh starting not only oh starring not only the entire cast and production of the mia manga and anime but also our godme kevin penkim my boy kevin and the very own trash taste member of the anime man that's me that's him that's me yeah so uh not only will i be going over uh with you what we discussed in every section of the live stream because uh it will be in japanese but there will be english subs so all of you who are perhaps not nihongo jose will be fully able to have fun experience understand everything that's going on i'll be there on the stream co-hosting it to help you guys with all that as well um but yeah the whole event will be subtitled uh by a team of native live translators uh so no one gets left behind hell yeah yeah and you definitely don't want to miss this so uh here's your chance to get tickets to this live stream event and uh if you're busy on the 21st don't worry about it gamers the archive of this event will be available until november 28th japan and japan time yeah uh in camera oh my god in commemoration i nailed it got it commemoration of the event lots of super exclusive mia merch are available right now until december 5th for more details type uh exclamation mark mia in the stream chat and for those watching on youtube check out the links in the description thanks again to the cowards for sponsoring today's stream yep so i'll be there in person during the entire stream i'll be co-hosting seven hours for seven hours oh my god jesus christ i'll be there the whole time uh co-hosting it and also we'll be doing like a q a section at the end as well that i'll be hosting uh for international viewers so if any international viewers of the event who are watching it wanna ask uh like you know any other cast members or the production team or kevin or myself anything about my uh made in abyss then nothing about these numbers please no right right joey right no come on keep keep it civilized guys it's an m.i.a event keep it to mia stuff i'm sure you guys will see i'm sure we'll see a bunch of you guys there yeah yeah see you guys then all right i guess uh normally we would just cut and everything would be yeah flawlessly back to normal yeah but uh here we went where are we here we still are here we're leaving all this on here well why don't we leave the little picture things i actually freaking love this i really want to honestly like that looks like what one of three of those there's one or three of these yeah see like i don't know a lot of the time i'm like i sleep then you tell me there's one of three i'm like that means i can only get one or three designs oh okay yeah there's only one of three wait is it limited numbers as well i assume it's limited numbers right so simple brian connor o'connor discovers this thing called scarcity hey what's up guys it's scarcity just gonna hold that the whole time jerry's like boom boom what's up guys yeah this is so cool i i like genuinely want this it's impressive it's in pre-order right now oh he needs an ej store you know what i don't even know why i actually pre-ordered that looks definitely my pre-order this is actually really cool i was like having this conversation with joey earlier and i'm just like i i feel like i'm becoming that snobbish like art collector that i've always hated my entire life uh because like my entire life i'm just like why do people collect stuff this is this is stupid yeah how can you care about this how materialistic it's so stupid and then you're like oh wait this is to do with like anime and manga oh [ __ ] sign me up son is that why you messaged me about mirror carry huh is that why you messaged me about mario county yeah he messaged me like how did you buy things i'm like with a lot of help what yeah i was desperate okay there was something i wanted so here's something i didn't know about motorcade right on it's like kind of ebay for japan but like their own version kinda yeah and uh it's like a reselling website oh [ __ ] who's gifting one of these shots thank you for the chance thank you very much for the sending also i think gifted five subs as well so thank you on ebay if you buy something it doesn't matter how fresh your account is like they'll sell it to you yeah if it's an expensive item they just won't sell it to you no yeah unless you have reviews on your account yeah that's why i message you because i'm just like wait i have to after you like register and like put in my id and all this [ __ ] to buy this thing yeah yeah there's like a karma system and also like my karma got [ __ ] up as well because i bought something and i didn't know i didn't know that i had to tell them the item had arrived and you have to review the item as well right so i thought it was like ebay or something right so might as well just start a new account can you just do that let's just keep just keep deleting accounts and just keep remaking i guess i guess so it's probably one way around alright please i'm already thirsty yeah but uh gant sent me uh a picture of the the slam dunk nikes they're pretty [ __ ] cool oh yeah which i thought was so cool you're gonna wear them no no no no i'm wearing the strip jacket like everywhere no there are some things that you're just like okay this is cool and i'm gonna wear this but like the slam dunk um air jordans i'm like no this is this is i it's way too cool yeah this is way too cool next time we do streams you know the whole stream's weather drip jacket like zipped up just like sit there like good luck sweating your arms are you sweating but they shall be dripping yeah you will be dripping now bro this is literally just like a mario kart jacket i don't know if it's standard of dripping i feel like a 10 year old wearing it sometimes outside like it's nice it's a really cool jacket yeah what anime series do you think has the most rip jojo would you why'd you even ask that i i think ava does i think ava i was looking some of the ava drip earlier today where's the average suit huh where's the avasu i'm pretty sure there must have been an ava suit before probably how can you even argue i mean like the thing is like ava's that one franchise that has just been like on every single product you can think of right and i feel like they've had enough trial and error to realize what looks good and what looks bad right because like the more ava stuff i see the more i'm just like i look at some of the old stuff and i'm just like this is tacky as [ __ ] look at some of the new stuff coming out by like radio ava and stuff and then just like oh this is radio wave oh yeah yeah yeah that's i mean that that looks yeah it's good as [ __ ] as well it's really cool that like i like it because it's subtle yeah exactly like jojo's stuff is subtle as well but i'm going to say that while i'm wearing an ava shirt [Laughter] i mean i i do think jojo is more drip though i mean i'm biased as well though so it doesn't i don't know like jojo has dripped for sure but like everything bleach what bleached my eyes bleach when i watch it bleach like clothes i know like i'm saying bleach as a show i think it's just yeah okay as a as a show yeah bleach as a show characters have a [ __ ] drip like the first opening to bleach man yeah yeah characters are just vogue models though yeah yeah it's yeah it's a little bit different but like yeah jojo character is like the fashion show right bleach is just like streetwear yeah you look at the first opening and i swear that just like said a [ __ ] fashion stuff during the rap sequence yeah yeah yeah oh my god it looks so good that was one of the coolest [ __ ] opening sequences back in the day i don't even i don't even know bleach but i know that opening yeah because it's so famous and like yeah i feel like kubota kubo taito won there was toto kubo taito one day was just like wait anime characters can look cool i'mma do that right now and then he's just like there you go that was anime i feel anime drip definitely started from bleach in a lot of ways like in terms of like how characters look it's the first time i noticed oh [ __ ] like characters can look good in different clothing yeah yeah because like with so many anime right they're just the same [ __ ] they're just they just wear one [ __ ] outfit yeah like had like how do they not wash their clothes like other feet other people on like one piece on like the ship for years on end and they just haven't changed once my god they must [ __ ] pirates of course the pirates aren't going to be like oh [ __ ] my louis vuitton people who are saying hunter hunter what are you on about i'm a hunter and also someone i saw someone spamming drip goku i agree heart agree wait when the [ __ ] does killua have drip i haven't even seen hunter hunter and i can tell you it killer does not have drip he wears a white shirt okay the audio i understand okay the audio the suit is clean but that's not drip this is this he's just he just looks nice in a suit yeah i don't like i've gone beyond counting looking good in a suit drip no it's not because anyone can look good because it's like a cheat code yeah it's like a cheat code and you can't you can't always wear a suit in every occasion yeah anyone i i've never seen a person who didn't look good let me see let me see yeah like i'm i'm comparing this to uh okay hold on i'm not i'm not looking at any of the [ __ ] like me [ __ ] or anything like that i'm just looking at his normal clothes bro that ain't drip that ain't drip would you consider this drip that's like that's a dad shirt that's a [ __ ] dad shirt my man's dressed like my my man's dressed like needle drop [Laughter] he's dressed in a flannel that's that's not drip yeah and and normally he's dressed in like the the white like the kind of uh what is it like a black it's not a black turtleneck it's like a black like uh thing with a white shirt right yeah yeah yeah yeah that ain't tripp people saying jiu jitsu i gotta say out of like the new shonen jiu jitsu gives off like the most drip energy yeah but it's it definitely bit off bleach's ankles yeah yeah yeah yeah i i get off like the bleach like drip vibes yeah with jiu-jitsu kaisen and i'm just like if in the future they like open a fashion line or something that's just like jujutsu tyson bass i'm like you know what i'd be [ __ ] down oh yeah i'd be down why why did we never get that with bleach is what i want to i just don't think people realized at that time that anime clothing could look cool because that was like the mid-2000s and that was when people were just like ah anime clothing let's just put your favorite waifu on a t-shirt and call it a day con clothes yeah yeah conflicts right yeah yeah all right now that now that bleach is coming back can can uh companies start making like proper bleach strip yeah please that'd be nice i'm like surprised how excited i am for bleach coming back i am too dude yeah i am too like when burn the witch like came out i was like all right finally i can i can fill in that hole in in my heart and then it just didn't fit all right well we're back to commercial sorry we continued the drip talk yeah for those of you who are who were not subbed yeah we were debating about the fact that someone said killua has drip when he doesn't he really a white shirt is not drew he wear white shirt or a tank top i can't it's like a it's like a black uh loose turtleneck and then he wears like a white shirt on top of it right but there was a picture i showed you of where he's wearing like like an aqua green flannel yeah i'm like that ain't drip that's just the flannel yeah what about yihaka show oh see because like it depends what do you even label as drip if it's just a character that looks cool is that drip no right no yeah i agree but like what did you see you skate they had their school uniforms yusuke had the guk around like the school yeah yeah and then i swear they had like normal clothes as well we should just do a tier list of raiding the drip and anime yeah i'd be down i'd be down for that because there's a difference between like a costume yeah and clothes because here's the thing either characters don't have drip but their merchandise does have dreams their emoji has their money jojo characters have drip and the merchandise also has yes yes and yeah i'm i'm thinking about what other anime characters could have drip but uh that's a that's a conversation that's another stream from another day that's another stream maybe we could just continue it after the kanji aid leopard [Music] this this is why i didn't have a curry this is this is why i knew this would happen you're a weak man these boys had curry again and i'm just like every time sorry no regrets hurry always fights back and if it doesn't fight back you're not having good curry and that's just that's just the rules that's why i was a good cameraman yeah that's so good all right i i don't know if how uh i don't know how much i'm going to like rip out of these but i'll get like a basic understanding of what we have do we just we just want to do kanji right yeah let's do kanji i mean you can it'll probably be very boring because i i won't be able to name any yeah just use the black one it'll show up better yeah okay uh i'll tell you all we can start off with what qualifications you have for uh testing us i have jlpt one there is also i'm also half of that a japanese let's tell you about the history of khan it's only my first language they use these symbols to describe words really now we don't use these symbols to describe words in english oh so we've been trying to learn these words and symbols to the best of our ability uh but me and khan aren't that that good at it um so can't read uh the humongous language and you talk about so we uh we have uh we have difficulty learning this new language i'm not really sure where i was going with this intro yeah i don't know why but uh i shouldn't need to give somebody we can't just jump right into it we need to you know it's the among us because some of the characters look like among us okay you know what let's let's let's i was just like what is the longest language i guess the symbols look like i'm the among us character well why don't we why don't we ease some people into it in case they have never somehow seen japanese being written before write your names down in japanese oh sure oh [ __ ] my first name right yeah this should be easy because this involves no kanji right uh so normally uh okay so to basically explain from the ground up japan japanese has three different ways of writing symbols we have hiragana katakana and kanji hiragana and katakana are like the simplified japanese kanji is taken from chinese characters um yeah but for foreign uh names such as conor and god we use can't uh cut cut that kinda i had a i definitely had a stroke just then uh was that the australian uh so yeah do you want to show it off one's really easy is your full name oh well when we're not supposed to why don't you do your full name it's your alpha honestly like out there your your first name is really easy how the [ __ ] do you translate your second oh his second name is actually quite easy i know because i've had to write down his name for like how accurate first moved [Laughter] i when i wrote your name for you so first what's the problem right is that it's because i didn't initially do my name on different websites you didn't initially do your name because i you know okay so i gave them my name right yeah the people who fill out all the details for me yeah picked how to spell my name right right so what ended up happening was is that i told joey how i write my name and then i got like a lot of my stuff done on my own yeah turned out a lot of my official stuff had been done with a different spelling so it caused a bit of trouble really right right because when i see what i use right okay because when i see your surname i would write codefun yeah yeah i just i on government stuff it's just called footed oh really okay well you both got it right manny tapa was nice and easy it's it's it's the only language that um i'm able to spell my second name in and people can actually read it yeah like i spell out like m-a-n-e-e-t-a-p-h-o and and you you give it to an english person they're like uh man manny tafo manitofo maine so i'm just like it's actually easier to spell in katakana than it is to spell in english yeah yeah you guys got it yeah but that's not that's that's as far as i go that's katakana that's that's as far as i go okay can you hold on then can you write your names in hiragana no oh god dude it's been so long since i've written hiragana yeah i i can't write time try it out try it out uh it's just so like something yeah what's your name in hiragana so that was in katakana there's another way which is in hiragana now normally you wouldn't write manitopho and conor cohen in hiragana because hiragana is based on uh like proper like japanese it's weird right because i can read hiragana no problem yeah but like recalling the characters in my head yeah i was like oh yeah this is exactly what i have with congratulations oh my [ __ ] god you just wrote it in here is it the same like well you're not going to never write it in hiragana yeah i always write in um yeah yeah so sometimes sometimes i just remember that the um is like an in english i don't know if that's right i don't know if that's right i'll i'll i'll write your names then just to make sure you guys got it right oh yeah it's like a h that's it that's it it's like that uh and huh i'm not here to be judged why i'm actually here to be judged [Music] i can't remember the characters for so those yeah the guy [ __ ] oh yeah [Music] looks like the guy [ __ ] yeah there you go you got it i remember like poo looks like the guy running about to run why does your um look like the symbol for sigma it is look okay if i draw like does that have the symbol think about it right if i draw the poo right the poo the poo like okay that's terrible but it normally looks like a guy's about to start running jerry joy wait wait poo poo poo poo yeah it looks like a guy's about to start running yeah yeah yeah yeah look this one's about to start running yeah it does look like the it's like it's like it looks like they used it in the olympics yeah yeah it's like an olympic symbol right see look at it look at it in chat there's like a guy running that's the face that's the body and arm that's the other arm that's his leg that's his leg yeah bro the guy looks like he's about to start running it's like usain bolt's going he's going this way it does i've just like i'm just like he's right i agree with connor that's so sigma bro all right cool cool it's weird like reading hiragana zero problems yeah easy but i mean it's exactly exciting hiragana but i used to write it a lot for my class but i don't write anymore in class yeah what'd you do for your class now uh talk mainly just talk i just i just told them i didn't want to write anything i want to focus on learning i mean yeah at this point like you know i just want to get better at talking yeah the only time the only time you would write is like you know so i often read it and i you know they write it down and then they write kanji down and read it but they i don't um i don't write anymore okay so how quickly can you read pretty quick pretty quick yeah it's all right yeah okay uh katakana and hiragana i feel like i read like very well like i'm still like really slow just as good as like my welsh pretty like basically oh well pretty good pretty good yeah like katakana you see everywhere now i have a i have an easier time reading katakana than i do hiragana right but that's because like actually like with katakana it's it's really weird reading cat's kind of words right because it's not really reading kind of words it's it's reading the word and then trying to associate that with the english word it's so weird because there are some words especially in japanese that just completely [ __ ] dismantle the english word yeah they try to make sense of it exactly like do you know how to say jesus christ in japanese jesus christ you would think so right that makes sense no sorry no it's it's dead i i only learned about this like a couple of years ago it's yes yes yes christo yes jesus becomes yes dude you can tell jesus when there's so many people in the chat saying that uh hiragana is way easier to read than katakana i i guarantee you if you go if you live in japan for a bit yeah katakana will become so much easier yeah because you understand everything it says yeah yeah exactly so you read it way more and it's so useful yeah because like i i saw it like if you come to japan i'd actually recommend you and you could read like and you're just here for like two weeks or something i recommend you reading katakana or learning how to read categories that'll be way more useful for you than actually reading hiragana like if you actually want to be able to read menus yeah just learn katakana you can do it in like two hours he's a great example all right there's there's two words here okay one is the one the one at the top is written in katakana the one at the bottom is written hiragana yeah do you know what each of these mean yes what coffee and tea right but you wouldn't know the bottom is t yeah so you can but this one you can agree this call here yeah which is obviously called coffee yeah but the bottom is corcha which is the japanese word for t yeah because like the prerequisite for reading hiragana words and understanding them is understanding japanese yeah japanese words itself exactly right okay uh then how okay i'm trying to figure out how i should test your guys kanji all right let's let's start off with oh yeah you see that sometimes oh yeah you see tea sometimes right like mirokuti that's if they want to be bougie yeah see they they bring out the english when they want to look bougie that's what that's what's annoying okay here's a question i want to know why is ramen spelt in katakana it's from china it's from china oh but there was a kanji for ramen as well okay yeah okay i just don't know it do you know ming i don't know darla da one yeah i want i literally asked that question like a year ago right i was like why is it wait it's right so is ramen a chinese one no but the dish are on it originates okay so normally you would see it uh as the top one there written in written in katakana right you'll sometimes see it in the kanji form as well but that it's very rare you'll see it written out like this normally it's in a menu it's written as the top one oh joe i gotta ask right so learning kanji yeah do you memorize stroke order or do you just like uh i try to or do you just like do whatever you want there's like a flow to it though there's a flow to it yeah yeah i mean as long as it's not like too [ __ ] of a stroke order you'll mostly it you'll mostly be able to draw it fine but the thing is it's like i've been writing some kanji in the completely wrong stroke order for years now and no one's really like been like how [ __ ] dare you about it oh this is so unfair the the chinese uh people in the chat are gonna be like absolutely cracked in this one they're like they're gonna like the head start this is [ __ ] okay uh then let's let's uh let's let's test the waters um right the kanji four we're starting off easy all right write the kanji for and how to read it in hiragana for the word mountain oh okay that's easy we're starting off easy starting off easy because i want to know what the the bar is for you guys because to be honest i we don't really i don't know what this guy's level of japanese is to be honest because they don't want to [ __ ] talk about japanese things to me my reading and writing you should probably hide the chat as well so i don't see it i can't right here that's why it's a test oh my god there you go perfect so we can't see the chat right now so i feel free to answer for those views let me do it let me do a bigger one let's do an emic right now let me see maybe maybe maybe write a big in the middle and then underneath it write it in oh my god wow i'm glad you guys didn't see that because i completely just wrote it out it's an easy one yeah it's an easy one come on we're testing the water's gone you're right this is the basic this is baby's first calm yeah come on you got this one right i got my gotcha a little bit don't know how to write anything little baby man's first country little baby all right show your answers don't put the wrong way oh no gone that's the wrong one is it the wrong one you didn't even write any [ __ ] i'm gonna did i get it wrong so it's this one i i know it's like yama but i didn't know how to write yammer yeah about you just write it like just write the thing if you don't know it like that i mean it's all right though because if you want to regardless just tells you what it is yeah but it's all right because kind of got the hiragana wrong anyway so oh yeah it's this way right what no hiragana wrong did i yeah oh it's this way right wait what's that what's what's the kanji for this there that means exit yeah it's actually oh she should just kept that one for him all right so that's that's the correct answer there yuma i kind of got it i just didn't do the little switch you got a little do the string all right it's been a while jerry come on no that's all right that's why i'm testing the waters don't worry all right it's all good i've already failed my economy is better than my hiragana at this point that's good that's like chinese people right because i've heard like chinese people who come who come to the country they have like a harder time doing like the n5 and then four because they have to learn hiragana and category are they ghosts like n2n1 it's all kanji and they're like oh this i this is perfectly legible to me okay uh write the kanji for and how to read it in hiragana for the word you know what let's do simple japan [Music] this should be easy it's not it's japan dude so write in the kanji and then underneath write it how to say it say it in hiragana you guys obviously in the chat should know the word right and you've definitely seen the kanji for it uh i'm struggling more with the hiragana here actually really i'm pretty sure i've got it right but uh okay you know it's not the most uh thick boy i've drawn in my life but it's a boy it's a boy it's a boy it is a male come on why are you laughing guys i'm i'm like yeah uh you got it right no it's like the it's like the uh the easter guys all over again yeah yeah i'm i'm like i'm like trying to recreate this remember because i've seen it so many times tries to do memory from memory at this point i'm like i'm i'm just doing pictionary at this point right wait i think i did it in the wrong order hold on can i just put an arrow saying which way i should go sure okay this is so fun for me all right you guys done yeah well i'm hoping you're ready to have a stroke yeah sure can i do mine first yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i know this is me and this is han so okay okay okay oh wait yeah no no no no no no no no no no don't don't change it don't change it you got to show it [Laughter] you're so close i'm like really close did [Music] that is a kanji that connor i mean i got it yeah wait was i that close you were that cool holy [ __ ] what also your hiragana for what is wrong because it's just sticking out at the top which would you mean this this part here shouldn't be sticking out oh [ __ ] yeah it looks like ma doesn't it well at least at least you did better than dance durian it's me originally originally i wrote originally i wrote this and i'm just like oh it's k-on i've just this is just for starters i mean what i've already gotten zero points okay all right here okay let's let's start now let's start now you can win a whopping 10 points are they all worth 10 points are they all worth 10 points you can win a whopping 10 points if you ride one to 10 in kanji well i mean first three are pretty good so you're guaranteed at least three points i hope hopefully one to ten in kanji there's your clue thank you thank you thank you very much yes no worries i will write it too obviously oh [ __ ] me i can recognize them yeah i can read them all but memorizing them god damn guys come on this is what else am i supposed to quiz you guys it's like it's like week one of learning kanji all right okay i've got three that's good i would i would hope you'd at least get three i've got three let me guess is that one two three yeah okay that's good i think i'm gonna mind you i'm i'm i might be a little bit strict as well with one two three depending on how long each of your lines are well okay now i know which one these you can't just go you can't just draw a bunch of lines i'm gonna be strict about how long each of the lines are because they are different i'm missing three right now okay which one's uh four uh seven yeah but i think seven's easy i i remember it being seven is two strokes how many strokes is eight two strokes [ __ ] i i can tell you right okay i can tell you how many strokes each one has one has one what's four two has two three has three four has five five has four go figure six has four seven has two eight has two nine has two and ten has two okay let me let me just start drawing shapes and then maybe i can form form one has five strokes on a technicality though right it's four oh no no it's five it's definitely five i'm gonna kick myself i'm going to kick myself when i see them because i know how to write these out yeah you know you guys i'm sorry i've definitely seen no no because like i i know i know i can read it because we [ __ ] played uh my song together oh yeah you have no excuse i know i've seen them it's right there on the mahjong oh my god [ __ ] i i feel like seven is so clear in my mind but i can't write it yeah what's wrong with me it happens man kanji is hard this is this is why it's hard for a reason kanji is hard he says yeah so do one to ten three show through the show ready if you can't get ten points that's all right just get as many points as you can i've got seven if you've got a blank space just draw something just draw something you might you might get it on luck pure luck i'm going to kick myself because i know these i [ __ ] [ __ ] uh nabi you want to keep track of scores all right thank you because i know i want people i've never ladies and gentlemen uh two men struggling to write one to ten times it's been a while i've okay i'm i'm alright yeah all right ready go don't worry it's learning experience i'm glad i can finally teach you guys japanese i have no memory of four in my head they're kind of four is probably four really i think so i think if i saw it i would immediately record yeah if i saw if i saw all the like i don't think i've got seven but i know it's like it's really easy and i'm just like okay well you want to both show it then all right ready in three two one oh ten's the cross oh my god what's four i [ __ ] it's a little box oh god i know that's a little box with the hat yeah sucks with the hat it's a little box okay so let me see yours oh yeah that's a it's it's the eight's the [ __ ] hat yeah so gone has somehow written four twice one in japanese one numerically oh it's like seven's like kind of like nine [ __ ] okay so i can tell you guys all right uh you know what i'll be i'll be nice to god's three uh but i'll give you guys at least points for one two and three okay okay conor is like a perfect three yeah yeah yeah it's a little longer at the bottom right longer at the bottom and the middle one is the shortest one yeah yeah so i'll i'll give you pity points for that one only by a little bit shorter only it's only shorter by a little bit uh gaunt you got four connor you're so close with five i know i know i know it's not the right shape but i know it's so [ __ ] close you're also you're also so close with six oh what's six what yeah you're so close to six but you got eight what did i do wrong i'll show you oh my god so but you got eight it's anything that's more than like three strokes i'm just like uh you got it and you've got ten so connor got five points gone gone also got five points because your nine is correct i can't believe how is that possible all right what is it okay so here is your answers boom oh five it was the top oh seven so easy two yeah i i i knew it was that and i'm just like i literally just had to flip it i was just like i was just like where does this line go like again i knew it didn't look right like this yeah you have to leave it again i'm pissed that i didn't get eight and ten because like eight and ten are very easy how did you get four and not ten and eight i don't know i i don't know how you got four and nine but not eight when i go to restaurants right i know how to read them because a lot of restaurants don't actually put the [ __ ] new number for some reason no you have to read the kanji which is so annoying especially like japanese but they'll put zero they'll put the kanji for like hachi and then put zero in zero and it's like what is wrong with you well yeah because the kanji for zero is [ __ ] that's all but like i just don't why the [ __ ] would they [ __ ] yeah so instead of like instead of like like so 80 they would usually draw yeah they'd do that they'll do that yeah what sick [ __ ] yeah because i don't think they're bothered to actually do it in the next one like no one's gonna [ __ ] draw that zero everyone understands numbers that's zero by the way the logic why why is that's how it is eight is a hat and zero it's a [ __ ] barcode man qr code yeah it's qr code all right that's that's a nice start even start good even start okay you see you both got five points very good very good all right um all right well [ __ ] me uh i was hoping you guys would get four points on that well no i that that one is i think more difficult than you think to remember that's true that's true i don't know oh was it i don't know uh okay then you guys said reading i kanji is easier right so if i were to write more writing though would you do more writing yeah okay i can do all writing then go to okay okay we'll do more writing then um give me the kanji for person oh and also write it in hiragana as well this one's a tricky one because there is there is one way that many people get this wrong that's not right how's that looking i'm just i'm just i'm like for some reason for some reason it just doesn't look right and uh i i can't i can't put my finger on because i've never written kanji in my life at all so i'm like i'm like everyone's gonna start somewhere everyone's gonna start somewhere this this is your debut this is your kanji debut this is annoying because i i can never remember you know what i'm you know what i'm struggling with yeah ah this can be a bit of a trick question i think i'm gonna go the way i i'm not gonna i'm gonna go against my gut okay let's hope my gut is always wrong as it is right i've i can't you know i i i you're right i'm good i would have like a literal easier time reading it um like writing kanji then uh then hiragana then hiragana i do not remember how to write hiragana i can just like i can i can read yeah well like i've never practiced my right your hiragana right now yeah go for it okay hi tom okay so uh so you got and jing yeah like nihon jin yeah yeah oh guy coco yeah oh okay well we were meant to do different readings well i just thought if i knew both both i'd put both yeah i mean you know isn't it nin it's also ning oh yeah yeah there's there's many ways to read it um okay so one of you got the kanji right it's not me is it it's not you what how did i get this right okay so initially initially i i was just like because i i know it looked kind of like that right and initially i was just like so this is mine this this this is like initially i drew this right and i don't know like i was like something's wrong about that boy i was just like this is an anorexic like [ __ ] person right here you did so so person is you can never remember it's left and then right like that right equal though yeah godzilla's equal but that can also still pass what connor wrote is entrance which is right i couldn't remember in the moment i was like [ __ ] which one is it yeah oh yeah because the entrance is with the little little hat it's a person wearing a hat yeah i hate this yeah yes excuse me sir entering next kanji next kanji uh [ __ ] all right what else is there uh staff if you have any help me out uh okay what about the kanji for kanji for fire hokage it's the first it's the first symbol of hokage from naruto what for fire okay i'm done that's not right [Music] i'll all right i think i've got this right again i'm like 90 sure i'm 90 there i think that's gonna be a reoccurring thing yeah i think so i'm like always extremely close but just one detail is incorrect it's also the kanji symbolizing tuesday which is today i can almost remember like one of the hiragana and i'm like how do i do the other one i don't even know if this i've never i've i don't know what the reading of this kanji is i'm just i just know what there's lots of ways there's lots of ways if you can get at least one uh way to read it then i'll give you a point because there's lots of ways to read this you guys got it i'm trying to run my era can we just switch this to an hiragana test cause you two struggle with hiragana just as much as kanji yeah honestly yeah yeah because kanji is like one symbol right and i'm just like i find kanji easier than hiragana really yeah wow like reading definitely yeah but like i mean i'm trying to do it from memory yeah yeah in the meantime i will write uh hokage and naruto in conjunction i've put a reading down here and i'm like i don't know why i thought that's one of them i don't think it is i'm gonna go with it anyway but i've written i've wrote two down okay yeah uh one each i'll just give him one each grab that i'm trying to remember what naruto is in conjunction this looks kind of right uh all right ready okay okay yep ready you guys ready yeah go for it oh yeah i'm [ __ ] i i've put king down for some reason i don't know why i think it is but i have kai as well okay okay oh carlos and king is something completely different but you both have the kanji right so i'll give you a point for that okay okay uh that was wrong what about because i was like and then high what is the reading for this because like i have never learned this kind of so there so he is tuesday right yeah he is fire yeah yeah uh so i was right yeah i know it's kind of yeah kyobi a car oh okay yeah uh it can also be uh ho as in hokage at the top there uh but [ __ ] you'll very rarely read it most of the time it's either heat or cut okay look at that look at us look at that let's get in the kanji right and i think i got the kind of what does khaji mean khaji means fire like a like a uh like a house fire so kaji yes all right all right all right let's do the next one so what's what's the diff so kaji is like a big fire yeah so all right yeah isn't that also the kanji for like document or like yeah g is kotor which means a thing so it's a fire thing ah okay it's very yeah yeah big flame big flame flame happening yeah flame happening it's a fire how amazing oh yeah the first time i've written any of these kanji i'm like it's been wow it's been a long time wow how am i getting a point i'm surprised you guys got that actually all right uh i remember because like fire would just like always a person like celebrating it's like it's like it's like a dancing person he's dancing around the fire i think that's actually where the kanji originated from yeah that's that's why i like because like i started learning kanji literally this week and i'm just like oh this kind of makes sense yeah it's like it's like someone's dancing around the fire bouncing around the phone yeah that's how that's how i remember i'm actually no that if i if i do remember correctly that is how it is because the inside of the kanji for fire inside here there's a person yeah yeah yeah and they're dancing around i don't know that's that's how i remember this is the next conjugation all right the next kanji is two kanji okay up and down i'm giving you both of these because as a kanji as well and just thematically they both pair up and down this is another kanji you'll see a lot of and there's lots of different ways to read it i think this is it [ __ ] i'll give you a clue for those of you at home it is three strokes for each i know there are three strokes but which which uh which order yeah which direction and order i'm done i can't remember which direction just that kind of looks right just [ __ ] all right let me let me start all over again [Music] i'm pretty sure i got it right am i close okay uh so both of your kanji are correct and i've mixed them up yeah and your hiragana 4 up is correct your hiragana for down is not correct yes is it really yeah so i'll give you a call on that if you would like to secure four points down you have three so far hiragana for down is not correct oh [ __ ] what's that don't give hints to him oh oh i did the wrong oh thank you god wow what you just gave him a hint ah it's still not correct what it's still not correct okay um really yeah wait let me see it again yeah it's not correct what your hiragana for down is not correct yeah i'm i'm lost now i mean you still got three points so [ __ ] yeah i can't believe this all right you got the kanji though this doesn't matter so three points three points to connor straight up because you got how much did you get you got three points he got the kanji right for up and down and he got uh the hiragana for up correct but the hiragana for down is unfortunately one you're so close one one oh i know what it is what is it this [Music] jesus your center lines are so [ __ ] small but so i'm sorry uh you get two points because your hiragana for ue is also wrong okay yeah okay let me let me let me get two points let me write that down no that's that's she right you didn't connor oh i keep it i did the wrong [ __ ] word you're a jeter it's been so long since i've done it oh my god i'm so dumb yeah jaita for some reason i thought it was [ __ ] there at first and i was like yeah and then you're and here's a here's a little fun fact for you all okay so we have the kanji for uh right if we put the kanji for hand here which is te yeah whoops that was a [ __ ] like that i haven't i haven't written japanese down the wall either right if we have the kanji for te right here this actually becomes jozu yeah i know yeah yeah yeah oh i didn't know that that's kanji for jose jose's upper hand is joseph jerusalem to have the upper hand is to be good at something so if you're nihongo yes and if and if you switch this to down then it becomes hita which means that you're bad at something yeah yeah there you go more you know all right amazing uh in that case uh let's keep going with the directional theme and go left and right going you're right yeah over here you've got a bit of a twitch happening just you feeling all right yeah i'm just short on crack here's another one you'll see a lot left and right very simple both very similar kanji but one little thing about it is slightly different and that's what honestly i have no idea really i've never i'm just going to try my best to get the hiragana then secure points secure the points while you can now i'm trying to remember i know both the symbols now i'm trying to remember which one is left and right that's how it is i know i know i'm gonna i'll take a guess well i can't possibly be wrong this many times in a row right wait is this how is this gonna show up on str i was trying to like right left and right left and right but uh well just right right left on the left side of the board right right on the right side this is my left but i don't think it's going to be uh it's not going to be on the screen no it's not flipped right yeah so it should be on the left so all right well this is my left as i'm writing it so that yeah it'll still be on the left okay yeah my handwriting's not very good i apologize what the [ __ ] is that oh my god oh my god oh my god trying to write me as a pain in the ass you sure you're not giving that's fine i i i already know you already know the words yeah you just don't know the kanji i don't know the kanji or the both of these are five strokes for those of you playing at home i don't think i've ever seen these boys more concentrated i know we're meant to be entertaining youtubers now but like how can i be an entertaining youtuber when i'm using like literally a hundred percent of my brain it's all right it's all right this this you're using 100 of your brain is entertainment it's entertainment to me at least i'm loving this all right do you want me to go first i can hear like because i'm i'm not going to get more than this okay sure like i'm just like okay holy crap dude you're you're hiding i'm trying to figure i know what me looks like i cannot for the life of me write that out okay okay your knee is horrible but i'll give you one pity point thank you i can still read that as he that is terrifying it's like it's like horrified i'm just i'm just like okay it kind of looks like a you that's that's all i gotta do is yeah so he daddy and me you got the you got the words right yeah um just swap the uh which one it is i'm pretty sure it's different but i'm pretty sure this is it or close very close to it let me see you are awesome switch the yes sir [Laughter] one on the left is hidari one on the right is i know because i always know this one i don't know why i know this one i know the other one is like you can also read this is like stone is that correct or something along those lines oh okay it looks like stuff it looks like it looks like stone yeah right so i remember this yeah so you're referring to ishii yeah which is like two ones that get mistake a lot yeah see you see why i would think that looks like stone yes yeah so i know stone is right roughly right very different see hiragana is harder than kanji bro i wasn't expecting that coming into this i was like hiragana color kind of it's been so long since i've written well like i've never like writing them and reading them like two completely different things okay uh what about man and woman you'll see it when you go to a public restroom yeah i know every now and then yeah most of the time nowadays if you go to a public restroom it's usually written as like men women like in english in in alphabet but sometimes in in all the public restrooms you'll sometimes see it written in in kanji oh my god how do i write women woman is the easier one is it yeah i remember man so man is uh i'm trying to remember strokes one two three four five six seven strokes woman is one two three strokes and both man and woman are in hiragana three symbols each d is so good yeah so for woman i had the strokes wrong my entire life really and i've recently had to trick my brain into writing it in the right order that's kind of right just man looks a bit wrong though like why does man yeah my man looks horrible i'm going to rewrite that i should have taken up calligraphy man my handwriting would have been so much nicer yep that's much better there we go yeah i'm fine for my life out here [ __ ] me this is difficult to remember this sorry you got it i don't know how these are red what you got the kanji i don't know right um but you don't know how they're red i've never learned how they're red okay i'm just kidding have a guess they're they're three each the d for i'll give you a clue both man and woman start with the same hiragana yeah thanks for that yeah i i know what hiragana is uh they both start with all yeah i know oh you know yeah oh you said you didn't know no no i i know the words for man and woman i just don't know the hiragana oh god oh or something i've got it wrong but it's something like into a completely different problem today this is a problem i was not expecting oh i thought you know if i said like draw the country from man and woman then my the the answer i was expecting was oh man i had to do it in hiragana i know what the word is i just don't know how to write in kanji instead today's the complete opposite i know the kanji i know how to say it i don't know how to ride in hiragana i know because like safety also has the kanji for woman in it with a roof over yes it does and uh i can't [ __ ] remember where the lines go i want to try and draw it as neat as possible so i don't my [ __ ] handwriting doesn't say otherwise how do i write oh again so you both know how to say man and woman right actually forgetting how to say man right now but i know the kanji right but if i if you told me the word i'd be like yeah i know that yeah but i'm forgetting that see this is so fascinating to me i'm forget like just like i remember really difficult words yeah i just forget basic words like yeah like just like the selective memory is like so fascinating to me it's something like some [ __ ] like this i don't [ __ ] know it looks something like this the final stroke is the one that i'm struggling with on on woman oh yeah yeah yeah especially if you do it in the correct order that's not the right hiragana [Music] come on guys i'm sorry i'm playing like a game of pictionary like you know when you know you know when you're like you're trying to like so where like you're there's a detective and you have to like describe the murder victory yeah i'm trying to like draw the murder victim from like you know the murderer from memory and i'm just like that that's not how he looks that's like that it's like that one have you seen that news clip of like the guys like uh the police drew like a like a face that like looks like the criminal like it's like a stick figure dude and a hat and it looked exactly like him as well right so this is the perpetrator the news anchor is like trying to i know exactly where you're going guys look up that clip it is i don't know what to search to find that clip but it's so funny it's like a legit like you know what [ __ ] it let's just do it because i'm not gonna get this right i'm just gonna spend all [ __ ] day doing this okay you guys wanna show it off yeah you in the room right now yeah yeah all right show it off there okay oh dude you're so close okay but my woman kanji i just couldn't get the [ __ ] stroke right okay oh i did the wrong order of the [ __ ] man i don't know what you guys drew but it looks wild i believe uh i believe gone you wrote like a kanjikin the eq kanji on the left there that is like top like one percent difficulty kanji like acts purely i just remember like the the woman looked like two exes so i'm just like yeah i'm gonna draw an egg they go over each other yeah yeah all right yeah swish but i don't know where okay and the hiragana i mean gone is that the question yeah uh auto core uh you didn't understand call and you've got no okay so you both got otoko well actually you just wrote or not all right it's orton okay uh all right i will give one point to connor for the hiragana for onna even though you are missing one stroke and oh god i don't i don't know if i want to give you a point for the kanji fortune close to the car that's not so that's not the kanji for power there's no power in there yeah so so connor you would have got the point if you switched it around yeah so it's the power for kanji which looks aligned without the the little zombies so here it is [ __ ] i was so i was just like something about this looks wrong i'm just like upside down how does that happen i don't know either i'm just like okay rice field and power i remember power rice field yeah power rice but then if i remembered it as rice filled power i probably would have written it [ __ ] right power rice field i put power and then okay so uh so one point each i'll give you a point for that did the woman want i [ __ ] hate drawing i needed that okay i'm fighting for my life here i'm fighting for my life i'll give you i'll give you guys a life hack to remember uh a woman okay when i go to the onsen i know which one's which yeah yeah yeah yeah which one i am walking in the women's bathroom if they asked me to enter a room and then like draw the kanji of which the sex you are assigned to japanese oh your japanese right one okay so i'll give i'll give you a bit of a life hack for woman right so uh the the uh the origin for the kanji for woman actually goes back to uh ninjas so most ninjas back in the day right ninja were men right men were ninjas but there were also female ninjas yeah female ninjas are called kunoichi all right and that's where the kanji for woman originated because how to write it is you write the hiragana for ku and then you write the katakana for no and then you write the kanji for ichi oh okay that's pretty sick that's how the kanji was formed for woman i don't know whichever way it is that's how you write it so for the longest time i was writing woman the wrong way i was writing it this way and then like this was under the impression that yeah it was like yeah which is actually incorrect oh okay what's correct is you write you do the coup first and then you do the nor and then you finish it off with the ichi i'm learning a lot of japanese here there you go yeah very cool life hack to remember woman all right don't go in the wrong onsen don't go there don't don't do that don't do that you will die all right uh [ __ ] what else is there um i'm trying to make it not too difficult for god just do hard ones just curveballs okay house i'm not even gonna try if we're gonna throw a kerbal house it has one two three four five six seven eight nine ten strokes that was [ __ ] again you know the word for it yeah of course yeah both words so you can at least get the hiragana four right oh okay yeah all right well i'll get that then at least what's what's the e i can't remember the e is that right it's all right oh you guys are strongly on the uragana it's so funny to me just i'm not even going to attempt you guys are able to write like you know second grade kanji and yet you can't ride [ __ ] three-year-old hiragana this is really funny to me it's like being able to spell before you can write the alphabet you know this is definitely a kanji as well you've seen oh i have seen this give you as a hint um can you can show us like two stroke orders two stroke orders sure i don't know something okay sure sure i'll give you god i'll give you parts of it all right okay uh well for one hint uh yoshinoya has it in its logo because the ya in yoshinoya is the kanji of a house oh and skia as well is the kanji isn't that store like it's a store right y'all oh it's a different yacht okay hell hell yeah do we get bonus points for that oh yeah all right wait wait i think i got it the circle part is the part you're missing did i just say this earlier i'm crazy all right maybe yeah because that's roof that's the kind that's yeah that's that's the part that's the particle for roof [Laughter] uh ladies and gentlemen you're about to witness two new guys sure sure i'm just gonna write something around i think i've actually got this one really yeah yeah okay i'm correct right it's the kanji for house yeah so i thought maybe it's like beef house yeah yeah i do not remember this kanji at all i've got the two pronunciations clean that was that was okay this is the cleanest house i've ever written all right let's go i think i think i've got this all right show it off all right god damn it khan i'm just saying now if if you see this you know what it means now that's a curveball you know what this means what can i say is that traditional simplified chinese yeah actually you can read this right it's true traditional japanese well we've got the hiragana yeah yeah okay you both got ia and uchi yeah baby's first i'll give you two points for that at least go give us one give us two points for that yeah i'll give you two points left no we didn't even get the [ __ ] contract i'll give you one point i'm just saying chat chat like no matter what language you you're writing you see this you you get the meaning what is kanji what just what is the whole point of language is to convey meaning chat am i conveying the meaning of what i'm trying to write out here the house doesn't look like that can't yeah but you get what this is right you get what this is you get it you get one of these yeah my house doesn't have two windows like that all right well the kind of house is this i [ __ ] hate myself i know that one [ __ ] man i like i wouldn't have got yeah it's a similar kanji to uh that one right looks in my mind it looks something like family family like kazuku well this is the this is the first kanji yeah yeah right right is this why do i remember which how do i read i gotta fight my life yeah yeah one-ish wait how the [ __ ] do you know i know a lot of like kanji like how to read them i just don't know how to write them yeah so kazuku would be yeah because it's like the house and the family right yeah i i if you sent me that kanji i could read that that's all right i'm sorry that's all right yeah it's family all right uh [ __ ] all right well then let's not go that difficult uh you can do reading what do you want to do i mean it's all the same to me what if i write down a kanji and you give me yeah okay okay you tell me you tell me you write it down the word in hiragana and what it means because i won't even is this hints in there what is this word in hiragana and what is the word in english remind you there's two kanji there just just to let you know i'm gonna may i have some clues sir you'll definitely see it in a textbook that's for sure oh thank you thank you thank you um i think i've got this one yeah i'm either very very close i'll give you a clue it's a word that they use in english okay i've got this like like tsunami all right like tsunami is a japanese word but you use it in this japanese word yeah it's another tsunami oh is it did it mean like tsunami tsunami means big wave like tunami was meant to be big waves [Laughter] is named after a lot of cartoons coming in like a big wave didn't i didn't know that toonami the more you know the more because it sounds like tsunami how creative they are over a cartoon network eh smart [ __ ] over a car those guys they're pretty sure yeah so like the word tsunami right it's a japanese word but we use the word tsunami in the english language same thing with this this is a word that is in japanese but you will use it can i share mine just so i can relax sure and then uh yes you're correct okay i'm having a [ __ ] i want to show chat yeah although your handwriting is hard don't worry about that part that's that's always jesus christ that's like i thought that was written in welsh for a second i write them wingdings okay yeah you do where would i get the point for that where would i see this you know this one you you 100 know this word i'm sure i do 100 know this word i'm just trying to remember if i've ever seen it in my life think of you've seen it i don't know if this will be too much of a hint uh all right conor's got the points okay right can i at least get the english words for this think of karate kid [Music] and i'll give you a clue it's not karate i was like i was like damn it i'm like is it karate [Laughter] think of karate kid but it's not karate wait what's the what's the kanji for karate the kanji for karate yeah yeah it's right in the top and small oh it is yeah i'll write it it's open hand cut out yeah oh yeah because like when you when you go past taxis or car parks they always have that kanji yeah all right all right sorry i got it all right show it off guard what's up it's it's crying right yeah that's actually right that's what it was yeah it's crying kid yeah it's like what it was yeah you're correct this wax on this is the kanji for wax on that's actually half a point yeah in japanese it's pronounced uh no so this is the kanji for sensei which is teacher oh okay yeah so uh there you go it wasn't wax on unfortunately i was i was so close i like this because god's renditions of what he thinks it is yeah this is fun i mean this is this is like interpretive like i'm trying to like interpret this interpretation look at the lines feel the strokes what are they doing i'm trying to trace back my like like you know to to the ancestor era to be like how would they write this word okay rice field power yeah that's a man okay let's let's do just one kanji then oh the two ones are fun okay my handwriting is a little bit [ __ ] but what is yes i have no idea about this one all right i'll give you a clue guard uh you might not have a lot of uh associations with this word because you are an only child although in a sense you do also have associations with this word for a different reason was that too much of a clue i know the chat thing so that might be too much of a clue that i just gave yeah chad's got her right yeah that i think i think my clue was a bit of a giveaway if you know gant you know this kanji i thought i knew this one but that that clue's thrown me off oh really yeah oh okay might have been a good clue then it must yeah [ __ ] i thought i had this for sure really uh huh i will give you i think that actually helped me because now i'm just like huh in hiragana it is four symbols that that's that's why i'm like confused right because i'm just like that's that's oh my god literally no difference it's literally no difference i don't know what you're on about all right here let me rewrite it oh [ __ ] ashley that's such a small difference it doesn't make a difference it's the same thing yeah it's the same thing it's the same thing i thought i knew this one but i don't actually think i do really well i understand what the first part of that is the left side yeah yeah um the second one i haven't seen that often actually is this super like you see this all the time oh yeah i mean when you you know when you're in japanese class or you're reading a japanese textbook and you're say for example introducing yourself and introducing maybe family members you'll see it that's the biggest clue i can give yeah i'm just like is this okay can i ask is this one english word yes one english word oh no two english words sorry okay you i guess you can say one english word but if you're to be more specific it's two english words okay i'm i'm trying to like deduce the kanji yeah did you deduce the kanji oh i'm having a marina oh i think i got the english one based on those clues yeah but i i don't know the i can't remember the pronunciation of this i'll give you a clue you guys have absolutely heard of this japanese word it's it's in anime all the time right all the time yeah okay i know what it is then yeah but i can't [ __ ] remember it oh you got it i will also write it down uh [Music] i'm ready all right i i i i had a guess i had a guess i'm gonna be honest i had a guess okay i think i can't go first thing i think i got a one and two chance okay first yeah little sister little sister oh [ __ ] the correct answer is more thought little sister i put a little sister when i put on their son oh i was just like i was just like is it big sister or a little sister and i'm just like so that's a sick that's that's that's a sister so i'm just like that that kind of like i don't know like what's this what's point what's the second what's this point for a little what's the second kanji for that what do you mean like one kanji oh this is one kanji yeah no but that's uh what's there's two radicals so what's the second radical mean the second radical so i saw the radical for like women uh that means yeah this is um yeah me which means uh undef uh is it undefined is that the word for it you know the the shitty thing i literally just realized how [ __ ] up this kanji is because the left radical is woman obviously yeah the one on the right is underdeveloped hey yo japan japanese gonna get japanese people canceled here oh come on kanji cancelled my god i can't remember what uh what was because i i don't have an on this and i have any moto so ichi oh i thought i saw that quarter that's that's big sister oh okay yeah and then little sister is this yeah yeah sure yeah that one i actually didn't know you didn't know that one i think i've seen it but i didn't what did you originally think it was then i i thought in my head right i know it wasn't this yeah but uh it looked a little like yasumi when it was like squished together like that i thought oh it kind of looks like yasumi yeah but i know i know that's not what it is yeah yeah i was just like i don't know why i thought that's it that's yes that's the one that's it i know there wasn't it when uh yeah probably i should have gotten yesterday god damn it man sorry damn it now i'm not gonna get it all right uh let's see what else is there staff do you have any suggestions trying because i don't want to make it too difficult where it's like [ __ ] i'd say go because if the easy ones like conor needs to know my pain economies the hard ones are the harder ones on that one days of the week but i can i know all those well now they know it's going to be days of the week yeah don't say it out loud just just choose the harder ones it's n5 they're not even that hard yeah that's true okay uh all right well you know though you know 100 cards you know you connor yeah i know yeah but i mean i learned from an app so i don't know which ones it deemed with an essential one which one clearly a motor wasn't one of the essential ones how dare they how dare you motor not be one of the essential kanji i know okay well you asked for it it's on the n5 sheet so no complaints all right [Laughter] i know the first one oh really yeah you should yeah you should know both of these they're both in five great um brilliant um this is n5 z5 yeah i'm looking at it right now on the n5 sheet it's right there what the know i know the first one what the [ __ ] am i looking at you're looking at two characters i'm looking at a shed right now can i can i ask for a question yeah is this the name of a place or a thing it's the name of it's the name of a thing okay because that's also the character they use in shinjuku yes this is juku which might be clue it's not it's it's not it's not a clue okay i'll give you a clue this is something you would do while at school or maybe something you wouldn't do while you're at school depends i actually think i you gave it to me yes yeah i think i did yeah yeah all right yeah i can do that next if you [ __ ] look bottom line if if you guys don't get it you you go home learning a new kanji or a new word sorry oh i don't know man i'm not even telling the hero oh no yeah i thought it was that too uh oh you thought it was benkel i thought it was bank i mean what else do i do at school uh so you're going to lock that in or well i have to now yeah okay drawing the uh that doesn't matter okay yeah uh so it's not bank your [ __ ] just study that's that that was actually going to be the next question [ __ ] uh yeah which is what what else did we do at school what else did we do at school apart from work is [ __ ] hard i was like that's being killed this one is is something you would do maybe as a result of studying perhaps homework is this good i didn't know that i'm actually legitimate oh okay yeah that's right that's true yeah let's let's let's put it in a sentence then next time and then and then i'll underline the one that you have to that that means i might be able to like how they do the test normally um i think so yeah that is usually how they do the test yeah that's why i've been getting it wrong yeah of course of course this is like it's a kanji of course we need to ask for the context of the bungie like duh oh so stupid you know it's like it's like hearing just a letter of the word yeah oh my god it's like here in canada like how am i going to spell cannonade if i can't hear it in context if it wasn't the french revolution i guess now you can pick harder ones right because i guess i could pick cardinals yeah i think harder ones in the n5 okay we haven't done enough yeah we haven't done enough okay uh sure i'm getting into this though this is fun yeah yeah yeah it's fun just happened to choose that study that the kanji didn't know like the one out of a thousand i didn't know like like crunchy you know i'm just happy i've got above zero points that's that's that's a win for me okay here is a sentence okay i'm not going to read the sentence for you yeah oh i i assume yeah but give me the the word of the underlined phrase all right what the [ __ ] is this a simple sentence this is an extremely simple sentence all right um so i understand [Music] all of it except i'm guessing what the kanji is right so there's three kanji there on the line yeah i can i can read that so yeah just give me the just give me the word that in the english word of this and i can read it i can read it out for you please yeah read it out okay i'll read this out i thought it was that yeah that's easy yeah that might have been too easy yeah i was too easy i see i thought it was because it was life day right yeah i know those two kanjis yeah but i couldn't figure out what the other one was because it had uh the kanji for uh uh just started like oh you do yeah yeah yeah you just like talk or something yeah yeah yeah yeah i was like what what would talking have to do with your birthday and i believe then yeah i suppose yeah yeah it's your birthday yeah okay yeah that was a little too easy because you got it again again again again i was gonna put either date of birth or birthday but i guess that's literally the same thing would you like a listening and a listening exam i need to get some points back man okay um god okay this is hard oh man coming up with questions is hard huh bro yeah i don't know how hard to go though uh let's see uh [Music] chuck joby's actually like a challenge i don't see you often no that's how often you talk about a birthday i've never i've never seen tanjo be written down though actually really you'll see it you'll see it if they're like you know if there's like a cake store selling birthday cakes or whatever because like they usually have like the plaques like happy birthday okay you know what let's let's let's bet let's go now joey's a little more concentrating joey's focus oh my god what are you writing joey sentence i've already written the hard kanji all right there you go good luck oh that's buku yeah you know you mean this for the beginning what is this boku no what yeah get like read the rest of it and kind of figure it out you know boku and the bottom is katakana which you should be able to read yeah it's just a weird sentence isn't it i mean this isn't actually true i just wanted to make it easier yeah yeah the sentence is not true in my instance but for some people it might be true who knew who knew pico was so difficult to ride in kanji sports something sports desks i'm just i'm just like what what yeah like what sports days what could go with that what possible word sports is your sports my something sports okay well my is this is this a true sentence joey not for me okay so if i were to make it true for me it would be my boku no uh ah i got it oh but i want but i didn't know if you guys would know ongoing kanji so yeah yeah i think i know the i don't i can't write it but i think i know the kanji for on goku oh really i think so i definitely know the kanji for sing you can try and write it for extra point yeah let me let me let me change it to that really okay yeah let me change it to the kanji yeah so what are we supposed to do oh just the on the line yeah just the underlying thing [ __ ] i can't remember the word for this but i'm pretty sure i know the english meaning of it now do you know i'm trying to remember the hiragana for this you've listened well you'll definitely know why my my mind is blank i don't even know i don't know if i'm even right oh my god yeah i don't know i'm going to go whenever you are yeah uh is is that the work show it off show it off dim sums yeah is that wrong well i mean it's not hiragana but it's not hiragana i just did not write hiragana yeah it's shimmy which is hobby yeah okay there's a reason why it's written in hiragana in most textbooks because in kanji it looks like this i didn't i didn't know hobby looked like that i'm just like what the [ __ ] bobby looks insane like this i've never seen that kanji i think yeah it's it's fun this one took me a while though for this again i'm trying to like learn my hiragana as a guy sure is you just wrote me earlier so it was like something like that it means the weirdest means like that right like this first yeah shimmy well not like that but oh yeah because okay you put the u yeah small u for small kanji for copium i need some [ __ ] copium right now what do you what you need what you need is some hopium kanji for these knots i mean i can i can show you what knots are what about these nuts ds how would you how would you convey these nuts or would you just write them katakana [Laughter] [Music] well i mean in japanese right it would be like it'd be like kwano kintama they're like deez nuts terrible terrible japanese things you shouldn't learn these knots kintama's these knots which is golden balls what's up with our next challenge joey yeah nuts um the same thing i guess god what i don't know i'm really on that long left really yeah as well why don't you okay uh i don't know do you guys want to test me on anything give me like an english word and i'll try and write in japanese i mean i mean joey you're fluent in japanese yeah that doesn't mean i can ride the kanji for it on the spot actually what's a really hard kanji what's congratulations in kanji in kanji yeah uh yes i always i always say hiragana so i just figured that sorry barrow meter someone said parameter parameter how are we going to how we're going to check if he's right are we going to check if he's right what does google search i guess kanji for nft well i think you should continue testing us because like yeah i mean we unplanned we haven't planned it out hit us hitting the more complicated kanji from the m5 i don't know the hardest ones in n5 sure they could suffer what other n5 questions are there because what are you what are you going based off of i'm just going off of like the questions that they ask like what why not just ask one of the questions they ask what's that questions they asked yeah um let's see what have they got here chicken kanji that's what it says i mean that way you won't need to make up your own questions right yeah why didn't we think of this earlier kanji for rendezvous uh the kanji for outside yeah sure something like this i'm just gonna i'm just gonna have like a complete guess oh you should turn the channel it won't help me well i mean the fact that they're writing literally writing the answers tenfold all right cool bye chat what's what's the country for house again i think i got it it is one two three four five strokes yeah i don't i don't have this show it off i think it's like this like this i think i think i've got something a little wrong but i think we got something a little wrong yes there's one line you got wrong let's see what i see i'll gaunt do i just how garn do i just like you guys saw is the one that's like a funky ass looking thing it's like funky s leaving yeah yeah yeah i guess it is you think about it let me see it like um well it's two right exactly there's two ways to write songs like that yeah wait what yeah there's two ways to write soul yeah yeah depending on depending on your preference because you can write it like that like that or like that oh okay yeah [ __ ] i do the first way yeah i always do it the first one it's just easy yeah it's new it's just [Music] uh yeah connor you are so close what would i get wrong you are so close the first line is short oh [Applause] all right uh what about the kanji for i don't know dog hey yo i've never seen the kanji for dog oh really is it two is it too big yeah it's eno yeah i just always see you know i don't know what i mean you'll always see it in kanji really you'll never see it in hiragana really on stores i swear i've seen it like dog stores i swear they write in it oh maybe sometimes they do in hiragana but i mean most of the time you'll see it in kanji [ __ ] like i can't even run in hiragana it looks like a kanji for big oh okay okay that gives me a clue yeah so how close to the kanji of big uh are we talking about literally one extra line oh okay so if you can ride big you are 95 there [Laughter] i don't think it's that one gone i i can't see what you wrote but it's definitely not that so i will write b just in case you damn it that's all i got just in case you don't have b you add one thing to this and it turns into dog i hope i put that in the right spot i think i know where there are a number of places you can put it uh and i'll turn into different kanji so this is big uh you put it here and it turns into thick hey yeah that's what i'm talking about uh oh you're so close [ __ ] uh connor put it here which is incorrect what's that turn to nothing there's some kind you like that uh yeah i originally had it what i got it right yeah i i literally just feel like the line direction is wrong it's it's down damn it i had it there originally i hate my life all right uh what about oh god night the kanji for night did you learn that at all no no i don't i don't think they learned that night's quick now it's kind of difficult it's it starts off like this i did not learn this no i don't think i don't think you guys can't you didn't i know the word for knights yeah me too got me yeah you never seen that no okay that's nice i've seen that yeah yeah you've definitely seen the kanji but you you probably can't see because like writing it is so much harder than reading it it is very difficult uh what about i don't know can you write tuesday tuesday tuesday no not no you're at fire oh that's you did cut of kyobi yeah but i mean okay fine fine joey fine it's very kanji i will you are officially nihongo josie if you can write your no is it close no really there's three kanji there's three yeah car your beat your first one is black what the hell is that i remember there's a big one like it looks like this right something like that yeah what's the other one that i'm missing uh so you so you have car yeah right yeah and then you have your and then b right there's three different ones one of them looks like this yeah so b is just the kanji for sun okay right and then your is all right to the moon to the moon are you see i missed that part oh yeah i missed that part of course here's the thing right you you show me that i can read that yeah right but i'm dumb i mean that's all i'm saying if you can write it you're officially nihongo jose well gone got fire day which is fire day he got fired which doesn't mean anything it literally means it doesn't mean friday i'm going to make it fire there now setting this office on fire after this what about cheap well i know that i know what how to say it yeah yes girl yeah i remember like the word i remember like i'm so genius what do you what do you say when you find like a cheap optics [Laughter] is that where they got it from i don't know oh my god what if they heard a japanese person saying it was cheap and they were like oh that sounds cool so there's there's one thing i remember about this kanji and is that i remember that it has woman in it it does and i remember being like why isn't a woman in cheap i don't know he thought it was quite odd you know so you can write that down you just learned you just learned a woman like i've already [ __ ] this up all right and if you can as well at the same time can you write expensive well no no give it a go maybe right right expensive and cheap [ __ ] sake no i think i'm thinking of right right yeah like correct no no like to write oh that's even harder yeah but i feel like it has a similar pattern in my head i don't know why i don't know microsoft either yeah am i crazy you can you can write right yeah it looks totally different oh maybe why am i dumb have you got have you got yes you'd have written these kind of earlier than the [ __ ] thingy thing i probably would have been like that's easy right yeah easy that's funny [ __ ] you bro [ __ ] this game i remember has the yeah i know damn i really should have practiced hiragana man [Music] i think i think we got to do a hiragana test next year there's a root problem we haven't gone to it's a problem it's like when when you like for example we start off the numbers right i could read the numbers but like remembering how to draw them from memory is just like [ __ ] numbers what the [ __ ] is wrong with me like i'm thinking about suit and i just can't picture it i'm gonna [Music] i know it's when it's time well you got the you got the kanji you know all right woman for woman yeah i can draw the kanji for women joey joey showed it to us for cheap isn't it just like it's got the country for women in it what's just like this isn't it it's like like that right it's kind of like that yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah oh what what's that oh it's it's it's woman with roof over it yeah for cheap which i always found odd because when you do safety it's this plus uh like the one that goes like this like it looks kind of looks like gold a little bit i don't know it's kind of right i don't know it's pretty wrong oh unzine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is is the combination yeah which i always thought was weird because it was like woman but it was like cheap plus something it's like when you think of safety i don't know is all right so it's cheap yeah which is why i thought that's a weird kanji why would they put like cheap in the kanji yeah that's right do both of you not know what's the difference it's the the circle is on the left no different no different yeah hold on hold on hold on come right every kanji has that yep that that's the hint no no no ah maybe i know this one actually show it maybe i know this one i feel like i can feel it i feel it in my brain calculating all 9000 strokes fingers oh is it uh it's like this is also used in high school high it's core like cocoa is high school so it's high high bro i know it looks so close to this i know it looks so close to this oh yes it's so [ __ ] close i know it's so close to this it's like double building stack yeah yeah yeah yeah because it's [ __ ] because takai is also high yeah yeah so it looks like a building yeah it's expensive or high yeah yeah there's another line there's another wait is there another box somewhere no you wrote a little too much extra actually oh maybe it's like the second box yeah maybe it's like this yeah no do you know that do you know of course i don't [Laughter] just want to judge you doing it conor obviously no that's not right i don't know actually [ __ ] i can't remember you you were so close with your original one oh oh oh i recognized that yeah yeah yeah i think i've got those okay yeah well [ __ ] i was close you're close you're close yeah what's uh what's another word you see often um tanaka yeah right tanaka are you serious i know this yeah as in like tanaka-san this is like you you you go through textbooks because you go through class right it's because he knows a guy called tanaka every textbook on earth and every jacket it's always tanaka yeah you can actually flip in and become nakatasang which is also a real surname as well although i think tanaka is the fourth most common surname in japan right i think it's sato suzuki oh my god i feel like i can't remember this now but it's like that's nakata you did the other one it's the other way right the other way yeah but that is also a surname yeah this is ta and knuckles yeah and this is knock on chew yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you should know that you should you should know that left one gone because that's literally a [ __ ] mahjong piece it's the red one oh yeah it's the red dragon right this is yeah like when you have like to to cancel something it has this and the the kanji for stop like thomas like the the yeah yeah yeah yeah like is it that one yes yes sushi is to stop halfway yeah like to cancel just to cancel yeah okay yeah so why don't i know this [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] know like hobby what's wrong with me like i know prohibited too i know how to read prohibited mainly because why why did you should probably learn how to read prohibited because because like the case is after hanging out with chris for too long so like to not to not enter a place right now it'll be like it'll be it'll be like the kanji for like it looks like to build erect what's that kanji you know yeah it'll be that uh and then enter and the prohibition yeah you always see this place with not to enter and like this one i feel like you should learn i feel like you should learn this one just because yeah this is the yeah i know how to read that one yeah you see this everywhere do not enter okay and i learned that because i got shouted at for entering in a place that had that that's how you like learn stuff right but i didn't know what it was stand enter forbidden stop yeah i always found this one weird because this was like to build something right to erect uh this is the stand yeah yeah to erect [Laughter] all right all right all right then one that says no smoking it'll have that one with the the trees in it what the kanji they're prohibited prohibited the trees it's got the trees in it the trees and the yeah two trees in this one you see this everywhere is don't do the thing don't do this i'll remember the two trees on the top remember if two trees is get the [ __ ] out don't do the things surgery stop it two trees stop it's two trees on top of a telephone pole well it's it isn't that uh well that's kind of what it looks like all right should we do like one or two more all right sure then we'll call it all right uh [ __ ] i don't know um [ __ ] man you're doing great yeah you guys you guys are both doing you got a lot of points i got a lot of points in the first half and then i'm just like okay here we go this is one you'll definitely learn because this is to do self uh introductions all right write the kanji for name [ __ ] you know how to say it i know this conscience it's kanji i don't even know where to start okay for clues it's too kanji i know i know it's too kanji yeah yeah that's all right you can at least write the hiragana maybe and have it have a go i'm gonna ask a question because i'm i'm i'm like i if you showed me this kanji i'm necessarily i could read it yeah but i can't remember it at all oh yeah the namae what the second part is it a kanji that i've seen a lot my is it just maya means forward yeah or front in front of is it the same kanji yes that's the term one i'm thinking it's the same one as in front i don't know what you're thinking of but it's the kanji for front the one that starts like this i'm gonna try it let's see it goes something like this i don't know if it does though i don't know it's something like i don't know [ __ ] oh god can we get some hits can we get some hints in the chat sure sure okay in the chat he says joey's the chat okay so so now yeah and my yeah yeah okay the maya was the one i was thinking of and it goes like kind of like starts like this so it goes kind of like right one this is a little boy that's like a big boy little boy little boy right there yeah and then it has like oh this is where it gets [ __ ] annoying because i think it has some i think it has this somewhere here okay okay but wait what about nada i don't know okay i'll try i'll just write nah then maybe maybe maybe it'll help you oh [ __ ] that's so easy oh i hate my life why do i remember the harder one of the day yeah i don't know i can't remember what what learning like what learning progress have you done like how did you choose which kanji to learn i did the basic ones the problem is right is that it's been about a year since i've done it i know how to read all of these but i don't know how to write them because it's been so long so if you showed me that one i could i could read it but i know maya because i when i when i first so when i first started learning kanji it was one of the ones i learned yeah i like dicks it was a fun kanji to write actually yeah um and i remember when they used to ask me uh what did i uh want did i want my uh drink before or after my meal oh yeah one time i got really annoyed because i kept trying to say i was like maya my ex i thought it meant before yeah yeah and so then i wrote it out on a napkin yeah and then she was like oh so you wrote down on a napkin right on that because i was saying my all right she didn't understand what i was saying so i wrote it down and i was like this this then she's like oh she brought it she bought it before right it worked i think but but it's been so long since i've written it maybe maybe you get angry now all right here we go get angry now okay here we go ready it's two two lines let's draw together it goes one down one little hook last let's draw it together there'll be one line one let's draw it together one two three four five six it's so fuzzy in my head it's the ufo over the moon you had the short boy in the long boy but on the wrong side yeah and then i had the box that looked like yeah you had the box that just remember like that i will now remember now right let's do last question last question here we go uh last question let's see what is fitting what is fitting for trash taste [Music] although it is it is this it is you did actually see all of you to assume i know anything you did actually see the kanji for tesla did we yeah throughout today uh when i wrote down hobby i don't remember that [ __ ] joey is the one with the tree it's the one that's not hard oh well the one that was uh it looked like this i'll see if i remember it ah i think it was like this like this it looked like that look like that oh yeah very you're very close all the way around god damn why am i like this all the way around why am i like this well i mean i remembered it though isn't that good look at me go just the wrong way it's the wrong way you're remembering the shapes though you just have to remember the placements yeah it's i would i can read it but i don't think i can write it what are some colors maybe can you write any colors in kanji i think i can read them why don't okay why don't you why didn't i write a bunch of can you write the colors on our boards and we'll underneath we'll write them in english which one they are all right that seems cool sure let's do that then yes for me for me it'll be like my best guess yeah yeah basically but i think the shapes might give it away maybe i don't know yeah okay maybe maybe i'll do this because i don't embarrass myself because i don't remember how to write them it's okay connor i'm here you you came in being live i'm like yeah i know i'm a good man i'm trying to remember as many as i can uh and if joey's even having trouble [ __ ] remember i don't know how the [ __ ] are we gonna figure this out it's like how much studio and economy did you do when i did it i was doing it a lot but not you know i think yeah studying yeah in like a month i'd learned like 200 right which i thought was pretty good it's pretty good yeah that was pretty good and i could write them all as well because that was good but obviously i haven't used it i haven't written it okay because like what app did you use to learn the kanji can't you study android oh okay i think you pay like two dollars or something for it and uh yeah it's pretty good so like they give you like a kanji order that you have to learn did all the n5 ones or the n5 because n5 isn't like a set that's all that's like 200. yeah yeah it's like every like apple thing has their own version of the basic 200. yeah okay i i wrote i wrote it for who wants to start off okay i'll show you i'll show you what photo oh actually you know what gone just look at it all right i'll i'll look at it yeah i can't have a head start yeah i can have a head start i have eight colors oh i know one of this i know one of these i know i know the easy one i know the easy one that's good i'm glad yeah maybe maybe maybe begins with a sheet okay here it is for you people in chat here here are the eight kanji eight colors all colors what are we agreeing on is the eight colors by the way we have to figure it out right like cyan sorry sorry i got one of them wrong we know one of them's purple obviously all right can i look at that i'm sorry well i'm going to go with the wrong gonna go with the easy one all right damn it all right the final exam here it is eight colors can they get it some of these i legitimately forgot yeah because i haven't written them down in a very very long time oh oh god you've probably seen all of them before somewhere maybe not all of them but most of them i think you've seen before so i'm trying to think what are the basic eight colors in my head what other colors are there so i'll write i'll write it down on my thing just so i can show the audience what you guys think [ __ ] what else is that joe how did you pick the colors i just i thought of the first eight colors i thought of okay that i could write in kanji because obviously not all of them i can write in kanji like the japanese word for orange for example is very difficult all right so orange isn't in there i'll give you a clue orange is not in there all right thanks appreciate because orange in japanese is orenji orange which is in katakana normally but uh the japanese japanese word for orenji which you'll never hear being used as dai dai idol and dai is uh very difficult i'll know it if i see it that's it i'm trying to think of the colors now i can't remember them all here it is chat just in case you want to see it again thank you thank you for that thank you very much for that there is a tale to be told i'm having a [ __ ] stroke trying to figure these out my stroke order is brain bleed i fall call hospital [Laughter] i genuinely can't i can only think of seven colors am i missing one i think i'm missing like one of the main colors as well what are the i don't know what i mean orange isn't on there oh wait that was a guess these are all colors yeah these are all colors these are just colors they're not necessarily mean okay so you have red blue green yellow white i guess black are you kind of black as a color i mean black is a color i guess but i don't know i mean i mean i'm pretty sure you've written black here if i've written it there yeah i know i know that one but if you think it's okay so black uh purple i could think of seven what's the other one that's six okay seven you have six fingers on yeah i got seven red blue green yellow uh white yeah uh what else i said black and purple's i got seven there i can't think of the eighth what's the eighth color i mean there's more colors than eight i'll i'll give you a hand you have seven of the colors and the last one you're looking for is this one yeah yeah i know that's what i'm struggling with this one is also normally said in katakana but this is the japanese word for it which is not like gray is it gray yeah they're not kind of gray as a are we color gray here well if i've written gray gray is hardly a color it's just it's just less angry black or it's more angry white it's frustrating oh my god this is gray i'm gonna someone's gonna die i i i i mean the other for me i'm just guessing yeah the other question is do you guys have it in the right order uh maybe oh yeah i do of course i do don't even [ __ ] doubt me yeah sure don't show me don't show me yeah all right sure i don't know how right this is uh okay okay okay okay okay you have not not including the the the japanese way of saying it just like comparing the color to the kanji right you have four right i can probably guess which four i have right but all the hiragana i saw was pretty much correct except it wasn't written in here yeah so i'm gonna okay look here's the thing oh here's the thing okay chad i'm focused on speaking and listening okay you you asked me to like spell this [ __ ] out i don't [ __ ] know this [ __ ] okay you asked me to recognize the kanji i don't know because i've spent like zero hours studying kanji i'm confident on like three go on other ones i'm not sure show me all right all right so this one the first one you can just go across with your finger i'll tell you you can tell me if i'm right all right are you okay ready yeah yeah yeah okay the first one's akka i know that because i know that one as well which is what's it in english red okay yeah uh is that blue correct yeah is it yellow correct yeah okay i thought sorry i should have just realized that joey's gonna write red blue uh red blue yellow as the first one so i i got red and blue and i thought the next one must be yellow i don't actually know what it was so you just got that by [ __ ] uh it was like just by chance yeah the next one i don't know this is yellow what's what's yellow in that what's yellow in japanese yeah and this one you're also brown didn't you yeah yeah i was just guess this is momo which is pink oh you wrote pink oh okay more thing is momo is peach collards wrong okay um and then so go this one's green is it yes it is yeah then white what's what's green in japanese yep it's the guy from my hero midoriya i've actually like look now i've seen that i've only seen that kanji because of his [ __ ] name isn't that terrible i i tell you like the best the the the best anime to watch to learn colors is karaoke basket oh yeah [Music] right because uh in apex legends when you want a purple shield people type that kanji [Laughter] so i got all of them except for one yeah you got all them except for pink yeah i didn't i've never actually seen pinks it's like you said it's all honestly i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't have guessed that you put pink as one of the colors could this okay well i think it's just happy red right yeah it is it's good it's good look at it look at that oh beautiful this is brown oh okay yeah it looks like ocha like [ __ ] yeah that yeah this this is chao which is tea yeah it's the color of poop that's brown is brown wow actually it's chai yeah is it based off of tea yeah it charlie brown that's big brain bro that's big brain yeah so if i read the kanji more maybe so cha yeah so char so is color yeah cha is tea is brown i'm pretty happy with that i got seven out of eight yeah look at me look at look at you guys look at you look at you look at you i thought you know i wasn't sure if this one was black i had a feeling it was but then when he put white i was like oh he's gonna blackmail yeah which is which is ash oh my gosh oh okay you know what i saw when i went to kyoto a while back right i saw a double rainbow all the way dude i literally saw a double rainbow across the sky across the street with kanji i just thought about everything about colors i saw a double rainbow turn the chat on gamers there's no there's no double how'd you do chat uh probably better than me unless uh you know zero i mean i mean even if they know zero japanese they probably would have had as good of a chance as me as a a lot of in a lot of these questions ah you guys did well though you guys did well i think yeah i think no like like dead ass like i think you guys did a lot better in the kanji element than i thought i thought because like i thought like okay they'll know the hiragana for them yeah they won't know the kind you think it turns out it was the opposite i can read a lot better than i can uh yeah that's your [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah i mean it was it was yeah when when things got hot i'm just like all right all right i'm out i'm quickly turned into a shoot show it's always just like chinese gang rise up bro why is this why is this japanese thing so easy bro oh double rainbow so yeah yeah okay yeah feel so jealous of anyone chinese like learning japanese i feel i feel like chinese people learning japanese double rainbow is the closest thing you're going to get to like a like a real life hack guides on how to learn uh japanese easier be fluent in chinese you guys are doing free to play japanese right now i remember i went out with someone uh like years ago in japan and they were like oh i was like oh do you you must like because they'll read everything on the menu they're doing like perfectly and i was like how are you how do you know that it how can you read that it's like oh it's just the same in chinese isn't it yeah it's just it's just rock it's just read differently no i know in english beans and toast there's no concrete beans no candy for beans and toast oh vader rhyme think of the fourteen gifted thank you very much all right boys who are we writing today who's online do we know do we did you follow my laptop uh i don't know did they take it from you who's online who who's who's to be ratings but guys thank you so much for joining the stream today i hope you guys had fun and you enjoyed the uh the quiz reno to commemorate i want me obviously we all lose to commemorate i certainly do i will write depression for you all right all right without me that's what i have that's what i have right now here we go i'll write everyone's mood right now uh just because we're feeling really bad if you can just go home and learn learn learn these just learn these two really simple kanji uh shouldn't be a problem at all just uh just learn this and uh you'll be all right there you go there you go just learn that and uh and then you know everyone will understand just how how sad you might be yeah very sad what's what's mood i'm doing they are easy simple very simple yeah let's [ __ ] do it wait who's what is cooking is cooking that's right all right uh do you wanna issue the raid command for mood end well we are we're reading now we're not ready it takes a few minutes to like it takes like a minute to like kick in all right let's let's just initiate and then we'll talk for a bit so let's see what donations we got for the day and uh hell yeah any other ones you want to mention [Music] sorry any any any coming up [Music] yeah we need to figure out an overhead camera situation yeah yeah that's that's like the only once once we figure out an overhead camera um i'm sure we can do like over we need a better camera though for the table and like we need like we need some good lighting as well yeah yeah yeah well we'll figure it out eventually if if not this year then definitely next year because we we plan to do more probably next year i'd say is more reasonable just because of how you are yeah yeah yeah oh i think that's pretty much it yeah well dudes i guess thank you so much for joining this uh yeah after dark stream hope you enjoyed learning yeah hopefully you learned something a little update we won't be streaming next tuesday yes oh yeah next tuesday when i'm streaming yeah next tuesday we're not streaming because unfortunately joey is i'm on the trip you're on a trip right yeah boy um so it will be rescheduled to another day so um keep an eye out on twitter um yeah follow us on twitter for updates it's going to likely be a friday because since we are not recording on tuesday is it a friday huh is it a friday night no no it's it'll likely be on a friday yeah it would like to be on a friday just because that's the other day that was oh the [ __ ] the rate's starting in five seconds okay all right oh okay okay again again started again all right yeah so it will likely be on a friday because that's the other day we record when we need to catch up on a trash day's episodes yeah um so yeah it'll probably be i don't know one of the fridays coming up in there yeah just just follow us on twitter and uh you'll be notified or you can follow us here and turn on notifications all that you know you know popping up actually yeah okay guys next next time i want to do like a let's let's let's do a listening and speaking japanese test i'll be down for that i i need to tie i need some [ __ ] i need some [ __ ] brownie points back man i was a i like how when uh the kanji bee was like suggested i was like we're doing it i need a [ __ ] dub we're doing it i need a job i do anything from a dub i think honestly i'm looking at the points now and conor probably did decimate you yeah yeah in many ways a lot of them i was just like a little bit off whereas god just didn't get anything lots of plans so follow us and uh we'll just follow us on twitter subscribe to the channel youtube channel if you haven't already subscribed after dark for sure if you missed any of it yeah we'll see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: Trash Taste After Dark
Views: 2,002,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, Taste, Streams, Twitch, The Anime Man, Gigguk, CDawgVA, after dark, VOD, japanese, test, joey, connor, garnt
Id: WkgnZ_dl2QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 11sec (9011 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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