The Easiest Minecraft Parkour

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hey everybody welcome to a minecraft map called the easiest parkour we definitely want checkpoints on for the easiest parkour what are the recommended settings are there's 8 24 particles all that's all good should be good i think our clouds are off unless it's changed because we're on 1.17 uh details air clouds quality performance i don't even other cl where the fricker clouds they should be they're off okay we're great um all right start i'd love to wait a minute ah that was just a see you don't go in there room to practice your sick parkour skills except i can't even get in you're trying to drop the floor out on me welcome to the tutorial yes even easy parkours have tutorials you'll see in your hotbar you have an item called the happy snowball if you tell if you right click the happy snowball you'll instantly unlive and get teleported to your last checkpoint that's so happy well i'm so happy that this thing can be the thing to unlive us well then shall we do this is this a checkpoint gold blocks are used as checkpoints if you somehow fall you can respawn back here well that's not much of a checkpoint there is it the happy snowball didn't seem to take me to it what the frick kind of lie is that that's not very happy have i just discovered something i wasn't supposed to which is the happy snowball doesn't actually do that emerald blocks mark the end of a level and you'll be teleported back here now you're ready for the first level oh it's covered up the tutorial area and it actually is the first level or we can go into room to practice your sick parkour skills yo oh my god we're so good i just conquered that thing unstoppable i am unstoppable what is level one which is level one we got obligatory thumbnail rainbow which is great level one caves and cliffs ah no wonder we're playing a 1.17 very cool very slick all right guys whoa there's like geysers and stuff that's so crazy oh my god whoa that's so cool up we go wow it's like it's as if there's more of a a block range it's it's as if we go all the way down to like y equals negative 64 oh hello that's me i swear i i didn't know this going into the where am i supposed to go i always have difficulties with like parkour where it doesn't clearly outline your where you're supposed to maybe go wait maybe i'm going over here i think i'm going over here what it thanks for playing my other two maps hey that's pretty cool i know him i've seen him before sometime okay we're going over here oh listen to the sounds i think drop on your oh that thing drops on your head bro oh you actually lose hex here that ain't good hey do i go around i go around so if i fall down it's bad news for me man i really i really want it to be 1.18 though because like that's when we're getting all the sickness this is this is what 1.18 will look like 1.17 is just oh but we get the drip leaf parkour at least wait is this i think this is the first map where i get to use uh drip leaf park oh frick i've made a terrible mistake um i can't believe i've done that i my first drip leaf parkour and i've uh i've failed terribly that's embarrassing also embarrassing is that i might unalive and that would be bad uh where are we going from here probably over to there yeah all right i'm just gonna go and do there we go easy peasy lemon squeezy wait a minute though oh god am i doing an over oh it's a freaking not actually an overhead block jump is it it's not really though oh boy how do i want to do this oh boy we made it let's go let's go let's go and then over to there okay i got this i got this oh i don't want to hit the lava though got it easy easy game this is supposed to be the easiest parkour ever i can't believe i'm falling on it wait oh this is like straight this is full on drip leaf except for what happens when i lose my health hacketh we zooming we zooming drip leaf parkour should have lowered the cooldown bro thinking that that was gonna stop me there we go okay please tell me that counted as a checkpoint that didn't count as a checkpoint it's gonna be really sad uh all right we're going over here i guess test it it would appear that checkpoints are functioning great here right snowball's very happy uh-huh cool so about that checkpoint system it's fine it's fine i'll let you in on a little secret which is this has happened on numerous maps that i have played and uh what you don't see on youtube is me having to do this and solve problems what you see on live stream is me having to solve problems so here we go frick yourself checkpoints here okay the checkpoint is lit it's right there so i need to set a quick teleport command to that particular location all right yes it's going great this is going super well this is uh going incredibly well yep the easiest parkour the easiest parkour huh is that what this is yeah is that what this is f3c thank you no no there's no raging yet because the checkpoint is there if the checkpoint were not there then yes maybe that would be the case oh mother trucker how could you do this to me it's fine we're right there we're right there again okay i really there we go over three up one we got it easy game easy life easiest part where where the easiest parkour fret come from when you were deciding on a name for this i feel like easiest it was it's ironic it's like haha it is not actually easy but he won't realize he doesn't know he doesn't know what he's about to get into the fool he played the other two maps who got through them little does he know that this one he won't be so lucky let's not fall down all right where to next over to here maybe wait where up oh it's the vine got it uh all right let's not fail this there we go perfect did i see a checkpoint anywhere no it's not uh checkpoints are pretty rare on this map aren't they hmm for a map that's supposed to be the easiest wait where am i going from there oh do i have to get up on that thing oh boy oh and if i fail that i'm like way back down that's that's rough got it got it got it let's go let's go and boom this way oh thank goodness there's a nice sign dude it's great practice because i have not really um oh boy we're doing these huh i haven't done parkour in a little while dude i've done parkour a little while this is uh this is some new mechanics huh there's a backup no this doesn't go that way is there anything in the channel there's nothing just i think we're doing this huh i'm good at this i'm uh definitely good at this yep there we go there we go got it oh god don't go off and you made it you made it you made it you're doing great kid i'll freak me up what do you mean you can't wait to see the editing there's no editing how can i edit i could pause i suppose hold on let me pause the video to do some editing wow editing live editing incredible for those of you on youtube you have no idea how i just got back to where i am oh man i'm so good dude i should like broadcast or something like that dude i should like try streaming that would be so cool dude it's like i should go live and and i could almost post these videos on a channel like captain sparkles 2 where you're watching this and you could subscribe here on captainsparklez2 and um then you could watch these here but you could also tune in at captainsparklez where where you could watch these live and it's like two different viewing experiences i should totally broadcast these live i think like now that i can do this live editing it'll actually be a viable viable thing you should you should check out i think i'll be streaming at slash captain sparkles make sure you're sub to kevin sparkles too as well though and hit the like button and check out our sponsor captainsparkles where if you're interested in um you know minecraft server where if you wanted to play this map with a friend you could do that then you could do that at captainsparklez also you could get a headset if you're ever in the market for one the george gt headset's pretty swick for master a link in the description gets you five percent off are we moving to this one next is the obligatory rainbow thumbnail that's the that's the end okay hot stuff bro well now i get to fall in lava when i fail so that's gonna be fun all right here we go oh it's little cracky breaky blocks achy breaky blocks i see wait where am i going from here up to there yes okay and then not up to there i go to here all right i make sure to do some live editing though dude like if i fall again and i have to get back i really should have f3 placeed right there that would have been helpful but i didn't oops okay all right there we go wait where are we going next where's the start is the start of the uh iggy breaky blocks or am i jumping over to there that looks is that a four blocker is that a four blocker right there and i'm just like underestimating my i am underestimating my jumping abilities because i am godly at jumping there we go is that a checkpoint great i mean it is the easiest parkour after all so i i needed to make that oh here we go here we go okay oh boy so at least we get to see where the next block goes before we jump on it all right we'll wait i'm gonna wait on it i'm gonna wait and where are we ending we're ending on that i think okay oh first try first try he crushes weight but where am i going from here no that's that doesn't oh okay all right ladies and gentlemen here we go oh perfect he's crushing oh god all right hold on it's an overhead block jump but we can do these we can do these we know how not really we don't know how but i managed to salvage it anyway okay cool please don't fall and we're good another checkpoint let's go let's go truly the wait what wait f3 plus what did i there's a there's a shortcut for your render distance i didn't know there was a keybind for your render what did what key did i hit f3 plus f whoa f3 plus v what's the what's the opposite q oh oh i didn't even know render distance cycle render distance oh it's just gonna keep going up there's no way to make it go down oop oh you can hold shift f3 f that's so cool i had no idea i had no idea that's amazing oh wow okay that's dope uh where am i going oh boy uh all right i think i'm gonna be crossing over this area later but for now i guess i'm just like going down here oh boy we got sliding platforms no mother frick god dang it we're back oh no i'm supposed to do live editing i'm supposed to do live editing hold on hold on hold on sorry sorry i gotta fix this i gotta fix this and we're back wow that's so cool live editing it's amazing god he's such a high quality high quality filmmaker it's incredible all right now we have to wait for this thing to do whatever the frick it's gonna do again and oh god when is it when is it the end when is it the end you the end are you then you're the end oh god oh how do i memorize that that's so difficult um hmm ridiculousness how do i know like when it's god dang you got it got it got it okay perfect perfect oh but we got more tarzan vine swinging to do up here frick perfect oh god it's so much less real estate oh we made it perfect perfect perfect easy game easy life oh please i need a i need a okay okay perfect perfect i was gonna say i need a checkpoint please give me a checkpoint i need it i need it there's a checkpoint oh thank goodness all right are we going over to here i think we're going over here uh can i get up on i might not be able to get the phone there that might not be the way that's not the way live editing cool cool live editing where am i going where am i going what am i doing how am i getting to where i need to be uh and that looks like a place that i need to be i don't know oh maybe i'm just going over there i see there's a few pink blocks thank you thank you for leading the way it very easy very easy jumps am i going to that i must be going to that that can't be a coincidence or am i jumping down first oh god got it got it got it got it got it easy peasy there we go and then over to here uh am i slimying it am i slimy wait is that a slime i hope it is that's not that's really that was not the way i really overestimated how much you bounce off of slimes why is that there what possible reason could this exist for god dang it god dang it that's really frustrating oh boy oh boy hey everybody coming from jack manifold what's up we're doing uh doing a parkour map it's called the easiest parkour that was a lie i can live at it live editing let's go also though you should be following it slash captain sparkles it's the place to be to catch live editing all right and minecraft championship practice that is solo that is without the team okay all right where oh climb the vine and then dude that's so smart you guys that's so smart oh that's that's gonna be an omega slime block jump right there dude big brain that better be it that's it right there ooh engineered to perfection let's go and now we have officially looped right over our last checkpoint stupid happy snowball what a liar dude what a liar i can't believe that happy snowball would just screw me over like this where am i going am i going out of the tree did i oh did i miss a checkpoint oh i did okay okay cool cool cool i'm glad i i'm glad i stood on this i'm glad i stood on this checkpoint so that we would be able to get back here you know we wouldn't we wouldn't want to we wouldn't want to not stand on this checkpoint otherwise we would have problems right we got to make sure that it's been activated for sure for sure okay so i'm supposed to go over here got it perfect perfect perfect where to next jumping on some bones here bro jumping on some bones um i guess probably over there what is that mine doing they're just probably trying to freak us up wait is this the one i already no i haven't been on that one before no no i was like please don't tell me i'm about to go backwards oh boy oh there's another checkpoint so soon it's a good thing we're getting to this checkpoint so i can okay it's your boy back at it again with the it's your boy back at it again with the live edit parkour we popping off out here dude nobody's ever parkoured like i have dream he'd still be on the first level all right nobody can parkour like i in park okay things are going great things are going great for us um yeah a hundred percent lit fam parkour action taking place right now yep just you see you see right no why did my sprint my toggle sprint stopped okay unbelievable oh my god no i'm just i just like i don't want to show my hand right like with with the competition coming up on september 18th at 12 p.m pacific 3 p.m eastern 8 p.m uk 9 p.m central european time i don't want to give away my hand of like just incredible parkour place so other people can learn from it that's that's really all that's what it is that's what it is and so yeah uh you're an aussie i don't know what australian time it is you guys have a lot of times in australia like you could be on the east or west and that that would be a different time my live editing is on point dude it really is okay so i gotta jump as it disappears basically oh that's what i'm talking about he aces the timing see the future champ the people's champion of the world level complete he does it he does it he's incredible he crushes so wait it's uh what time is it is is it currently it's 7 a.m in new zealand so it's even earlier in in western australia oh god wait no sam they're lying about the time zones is that right is that right are we on the final obligatory rainbow thumbnail level level number three nintendo don't sue are we not allowed to wait what mute wait can we can i not be listening to this can i be the way oh no oh no is this bad [Music] okay we're good okay i was terrified oh you're saying don't sue because that up there okay okay man i was gonna be like he straight up thanked me for playing his earlier maps earlier in the thing and then he's gonna throw some nintendo dmca near let's go it's x-run [Music] oh no fork you happy snowball oh god oh god what's the way what's the way to do this how do i do it how do i do it uh are there checkpoints here i don't know if they're checkpoints here boy if they're not brick if there are no checkpoints here it's going to be a real pain in the ball but this is going to take a long time wait oh no it starts the music again every time i do this it starts the music again [Music] oh no oh god [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Laughter] oh god i can't okay uh a little quieter a little quick a little quieter [Music] [Music] god dang it i'm gonna have to like just slowly do this at some point no oh no how are we ever going to do this though actually hey oh no okay this is a paper three man i'm gonna this is actually this is actually a fever dream [Music] no i have to get to the left where are the checkpoints [Music] stop it's a symphony even if it was nintendo music there's no way they'd be able to identify it and claim it so it's fine [Music] oh [Music] no [Music] i hope somebody is just tuning into this is is having a problem [Music] oh come on come on come on please please please please please no where is the checkpoint where is the checkpoint i can't i can't i can't i can't i'm turning it off i'm done that's it i can't handle this i can't handle it oh god i had enough oh jesus i feel like the uh the music overlapping is gonna make the game lag and like make it more difficult for me to even complete this okay how is there not a checkpoint yet like there's no way that we are expected to actually do this whole thing oh no you didn't are you telling me if i did the right path i would have made it through there oh my god this is nuts how is anyone supposed to do this all the way through with no checkpoints you're out of your mind oh no you're i gotta cross over to the right you basically just have to memorize the path oh it's x run except x run i'm pretty sure had checkpoints okay all the way through all the way across all the way across all the way across mario you son of a okay if i make it through mario's legs that is a checkpoint in my book all right i don't care what you say but mario's crotch is a checkpoint and i will hear nothing else from you you son of a dick oh my god oh god dang it i'm gonna be seeing nintendo don't sue seared into my retinas for the rest of eternity i'm gonna look at my cell phone to read things but instead of whatever it is that shows up on the screen i'm just going to see nintendo don't sue nintendo please don't sue nintendo please be more open with allowing creators to utilize your video games it's actually a pretty beneficial symbiotic relationship where they play the video game and then other people watch and they're like oh that's a pretty cool video game and then they buy the video game and then you make lots and lots of money whereas if you don't let people do that then you're just missing out on the money that you could have gotten from people playing that video game it's pretty freaking frick frick fr that's a check that's a i'm supposed to jump that was a checkpoint did you see the gold that was the checkpoint that was the checkpoint right there was the checkpoint and i just ran off the edge yep that's checkpoint all right all right um that was the checkpoint yep that was the checkpoint right there you're you're crazy you're crazy oh my god this just goes on dude this just goes this is what the holy crap okay so f3c and jump oh god smack my head cool wait oh no go back oh jesus this is fine jump okay all right and continuing along straight through luigi's cr crotch oh my god you have to fall all the way down before it resets you you want some music all right i can give you the music oh it's it's ceased it has ceased to be okay there we go oh god oh god oh god oh boy oh boy oh oh and then all of a sudden all of a sudden you put a tr i don't know if that's actually checkpoint i went right through the gap [Music] it's okay if we avoid going through the starting actually this is how it works this is how it works okay we just have to make sure that we teleport there each time and then it will just play the music okay [Music] boy oh please land please land oh you've landed oh you're beautiful beautiful thing you beautiful thing come on come on come on give me the invulnerability star please oh my no where's my next checkpoint we've got to pick it we got to pick a spot for the next checkpoint on what is definitely not the easiest parkour of all time [Music] land land land land land land beautiful you're beautiful oh my god [Music] come on come on come on come on go my god it's so skinny it's so skinny how does anybody do that that's not even possible it's not even possible oh you think the gold arrows are the checkpoint okay okay gold air is the checkpoint fine fair favorite okay cool cool we'll play we'll play with that we'll play with that even though it's not even difficult getting to the gold arrows [Music] whoa no my mouse my mouse has failed me my mouse has failed me i can't believe that it stuck in place when i was trying to turn it [Music] mother of god are you kidding me okay i'm i'm i'm i'm gonna [Music] we're gonna we're gonna do this we're gonna do this we're gonna do this oh god this is the checkpoint this is the checkpoint ladies and gentlemen and i will hear i hear no more of it uh f3c here we go let's go it's not cheating the checkpoints are not working [Music] nope oh fork here we go here we go here we go please don't go through the gap please don't go yep okay we're good we're good we're good somehow i keep actually landing that 50 50 chance we're crushing it oh my god oh my god oh my god how does anyone do this how does anybody do this or maybe i should just make mario's crotch at the checkpoint maybe mario's crotch continues to no crouch jump then i'll land between the gaps and it'll be bad and also it won't be nearly as cool if i can zoom full speed and make it all the way like that'd be no you idiot [Music] you want me to take it slow oh god no i made a terrible mistake [Music] i've just uh doubled the track oh do you like it you like it [Music] okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this what are these hecks what are these hecks what are these hacks that i'm doing oh oh what is this what is this [Music] the glass was a checkpoint and i refused to be told otherwise [Music] yeah that glass the glass was was definitely a checkpoint although i'll try it again but if i fall then just you know [Music] oh yeah let's go let's go let's go hold on as soon as i get to the glass i will undo this cheatsy doodling that i'm doing okay all right all right i didn't even made a bat i just even made it back with no issues i'm a god [Music] oh no [Music] i forgot to i forgot to f3 plus c that oops um [Music] oh oh frick whatever dude you want me to not you want me to do it again all right i'm feeling confident this time i'm feeling confident dude with my new shifting mechanism i've got this [Music] all right i can do this i can do this [Music] in fact [Music] in fact maybe i can do it from the very beginning i don't know if i actually want to set myself up for that that could be a terrible terrible mistake [Music] oh okay i'm just gonna go back to here anyway uh anyway no checkpoints no checkpoints okay he's just [Music] i've yep what happened what am i doing what am i doing no more live editing on this no more live editing we're just we're going up oh my god he's lost it help me help me help me what am i doing there we go back at it again bro those jumps though those jumps there's like subtle little lag bits that happen and when you're trying to do those jumps where the star thing is oh boy wait what are you doing there we go wait what are you doing what are you doing shift shift whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what do you do why is the shift not working why is the shift not working what the shift is this my the shift isn't working why what the shift is happening bro the shift is not happening okay it's called nerf the shift no not even not even bro not even he has not cussed he said what the shift is happening because shift stopped working that is there's a checkpoint this is checkpoint now there's a checkpoint now officially this is a checkpoint [Music] all right this right here this is i can't even land on it when i'm in creative okay mother trucker oh you would [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god can he do it can he do it he does it oh you thought that was a lot of rainbow what what what what wha what was that it's a dropper oh god oh jesus oh my god that's disorienting congratulations you completed the easiest parkour would you like a prize that was that was a trippy end right there oh my god uh yes i would love a prize if you want to come hack grief and bully and ask for admin shameless self-promotion oh we have a portal gun what the frick that's [Music] this actually work this is an actual like working portal gun wait what i don't have the mod installed hold what i haven't i have what how the frick bro this is vanilla well that's fancy okay everybody thanks for tuning in to this parkour easiest parkour i hope that you have enjoyed make sure to like the video if you're watching on youtube subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell uh check out slash captainsparklez if you would like to tune in to more streams and live editing and stuff [Music] [Music] it's not working it's not working either that or just got a long travel time to get there okay farewell everybody thanks thanks for tuning in it's it's been a blast uh actually i should say it's it's been a blast see you later dr phil
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 50,041
Rating: 4.9673991 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft map, parkour
Id: dLXZCN9A3o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 47sec (2627 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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