Too Many People Are Among Us

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hello everybody welcome to 14 player amungus i normally wouldn't be playing a 14 player of mungus but i was ambushed i was not given the heads up i'm usually given a heads up if there's going to be a lot of people in the lobby and it was just like nah 14 players here you go so anyway it'll i don't know if we're gonna do breaking it up into one or two because i'm playing for two hours today and then we're moving over to vault hunters so we can do some co-ops with iskall and iskall is going to present me with the item of cheese so i figured it would be important that we head over there uh make sure to like if you like subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell check the playlist if you've missed any episodes astro headsets if you're ever interested in some headsets you should check it out link in the description gets you five percent off anything on the site and it's pretty dope so let's begin of course i am imposter right off the bat oh god oh frick here we go oh yeah what we got to do is we got to put the garlic down in the hallway over here garlic in the hallway garlic i mean that's that's a different location for the garlic but you know whatever works um i just sealed myself in that was silly anybody in here anybody in here anybody over here anybody there trying to look oh there could be a jackal as well in fact there probably is a jackal that is a tiny little baby right there and i almost unlived the other person uh without paying attention because i didn't see the tiny baby so it's a good thing that i didn't do that all right it's it's really scary to unlive people when there's so many because you think like as soon as you do it you're just gonna run into someone literally right next to cara oh was he mid task like at first i couldn't find it because it was like blended in he literally did that like next to vikram did he not realize that i just got impaled by a bowl because i saw you coming like i obviously would have reported it if i saw you coming your face was pressed against the door but i wanted to show you that it was like camouflage okay let vikram speak about this sounds real i believe it yeah i mean okay you know what we're on dance on okay no one no one will let vikram speak or victory or vikram oh sorry oh knew it this is why i hate having this many people i hate having this many people okay then okay so the reason i think it's pertinent that being killed is because she hopped into the vent that connects to the one next to this body [Music] i'm gonna be so frustrated i'm gonna be so frustrated what broccoli what kara was with um when i was looking at you in the vent sparkles sparkles when i left there's a couple rolls carl that i could be he can't even like continue saying that zean just did it it's just the topic is dismissed the topic is just dismissed i hate it i hate it there's too many people i can hardly toast wait vikram i'm pretty sure it's not packed and you didn't even vote him i didn't even vote at all i can hardly toast he's got those eyes because he's on crack i have no idea what he's talking about i hate i hate this many people vikram couldn't even like say what he saw he can't even say that god dang it i think 11 is a perfect amount when you got 14 people it's just too much especially since you and i died right away yeah you know it's almost gonna be a 20 minute game so oh god it's okay maybe i'll maybe i'll dip out i'll take the sacrifice so other people can enjoy less people yeah i do too because i got i got a sponsored thing i could do i could start that earlier ooh get money uh how you been buddy good good just busy and hungry i haven't eaten today and i'm hungry what's on the docket for lunch what's on the docket uh nothing nothing i try to not eat until dinner because otherwise i'll overeat but i always end up just very hungry so it's not like an unusual thing but you're like in great shape so i mean that's because i don't overeat though because i force myself to just eat dinner but if you just need a little little snacks just to get you by you oh no i can't do that dude oh really oh okay no not cara okay go for it and then i have something to add to what you're gonna say this is on uh upload deck i saw i crossed your mobile coming from kitchen i don't know if he came from viewer deck or not but as i as i went in there was so went over the kitchen i think it might be new the strategy here is just you can just eliminate anyone anywhere and i know that sounds like no one will even i wouldn't even do anything about it right it'll just be swallowed in the hole hit the report button but i can't although everyone's listening to pasta here it's just because it was vikram that no one will listen to it because i wouldn't be able to handle the meeting with them i've done that before i know this sounds really selfish i just want to point out it's the outside whizzing noise of the engine yeah same music you guys are right i should just in the meeting just turn the music down then oh and then if you want to open it up wasn't car last round and now cars did yes okay easy peasy lemon squeezy no definitely not my name that is like the opposite of my name well well promoting that yeah these are just unbloomed broccoli i just want to tell you guys that yeah yeah you tell her pasta you tell her yeah but these other rules i could be then just the murderer wait when did broccoli come into this but you've got a one in five chance of being the engineer though right i feel like car was either jester or me sorry oh this was not me or jamobo we saw it happen but it was like an invisible thing so i think somebody's bitten or something i don't know and again no constructive conversation was had oh i did all they were just talking about audio about audio what nothing's talking about like where i was and like who they saw you know questionable questionable i don't know people uh zine killed me in front of vikram and vikram tried to say things and everyone else was like let's just talk about other stuff that doesn't include listening to vikram vikram did say zing killed oh i know he did but then everyone was like let's talk about other things blue guy killed pink guy no no no pink guy killed himself on me i i uh i assume uneasy tried to share with me but you just fell over dead listen listen i know that i don't know what vic was seeing in the first round but there's no reason that i would have done this kill right in front of a bajillion people but i mean we can just rush to to shoot anyway i'll show you 4k yeah what did this happen i still don't understand even you never even explained how you said i said you saw me i was on bottom left in that first round where were you and who did you see and why didn't you report it so i i did report i reported jordan okay i reported so basically i saw some event so i was standing over the event in far right and um i'm just standing over the vent jordan was looking at me and then you ran killed and run up this is a lie i was such a lie that is such a freaking lie one first one first one first one not now first round i think i believe you vic and then i i wasn't even in that area so i don't know whether you're seeing a morphling or if you're just smoking your vic crack but it's a little nervous what is this you know what i'm a spy uh-huh of course you are oh yeah yeah well i i was on spy stuff i was about ready to believe you until you pulled that out and then i was like maybe i did do it but now that you've said that no i'm a spider in my head i mean wait wait did you know james that makes me that makes me believe you less i'm inspiring my hat hello i can't believe this i can't believe this i cannot believe this i kind of think so too i'm worried i didn't include mobile cleared pasta jamal played your first round and last round it's just because it's vikram that's the problem anybody else and zine would be gone right now i mean brought this on himself yeah he he's built a good reputation on himself though yeah so is it like an okay reputation what what also pasta's just not moving so the strategy in this is just kill people in front of everyone and then nobody even believes it so that sounds like a good strat yeah no not my brother my brother is dead oh no uh main hall okay that's kind of all the info i've got it's not scotch but then i don't think it's like first round i didn't get scotch i didn't think it was scotch this is maybe i lost sight of her but leah and i were next to each other for the entire second half of that i went up by the bathrooms after in green blue red i brought my jobs on i think i know where you are but where are you i'm in vault right now still not wait no you know zine is gonna win this even though he's been accused in every single meeting vic was vic was left side um so he should be which partner which part all you want me i'm in the gym right now what no i'm sure i would have seen you i wonder if my fellow imposter is prioritizing imposter or lover win probably love her probably about 10 seconds ago there was three people in kitchen they all go who's the man with a kitchen crew that have just found this body together there was one more there was an admin there was in uh armory and then they went into the kitchen guessing the third must be an event because i never saw maybe [Music] i started three on i saw three or nothing i want to see him accidentally i want to see him warlock his lover yeah i don't think leah definitely didn't get blue red please this make me say anything else i don't know one between vic and jamoba is lying vic is in the left hand i'm pretty sure victor was asking me at the start of the round so whiffy's yeah i don't know where he went from i voted this is vic was definitely lying about vault but i did skip i don't think so good lord good lord [Music] is gonna win even though every single round people have bingo wait jean is a killer right yeah yeah yeah okay eliminate zine take out zine do it he killed me no zine needs revenge i knew your engineer i was just i was involved yeah i know i was like vic is there anything we can do about the amount of crewmates um yeah turn up minimum rules okay okay i don't know what any in these new roles do so yeah there's they're interesting yeah and probably make sure oh i guess it doesn't have to be yeah make sure if a hundred percent let's go no okay no you want to be 100 i think passenger mobile are jackals or lovers or some kind of pear and zine is the other because vic was good and victor i'll just come on say it me and pastor are lovers so one of these one of you is a loving imposter then i'm a hot dog she's a pasta we just love the foods but then we vote you out you both die and we're left with we're left with zen is bad i am not we're actually going to brush i so good luck guys you go need it i think it might be zine but i'm not sure but there we go it doesn't sound right oh never mind things get to be interesting [Music] [Music] she's just singing her song just hanging out [Music] i mean i think is he going to do it is he going to do it do it do it come on who gets it who gets it who's gonna oh no oh none of them they said violence is not oh no wait do you want me how did the lover how did the lover get is some right there what wait what happened [Laughter] i [Music] because i died how did pasta who eliminated pasta i killed her uh [Music] you've done we probably shouldn't probably go back all right yeah who's jester well i guess it's me i already just i left i just i just left yeah it is yeah got a pink old name scotch were you jester dude did you let me down it was yeah who who's jester here i just like no that's unfortunate and i just kept getting away with it i'm like hey yeah nina i don't know how you go away hey yo you fooled with ultraman justin number one yesterday you fooled us all you were you were in an event when you said okay i'm just going to eliminate in front of people i like didn't see you at all oh man yeah vikram was standing right there and i'm like oh surely he won't get away with this uh-huh yeah i mean you know you mess with the bull you get the horns a sandwich with you but i think we got mustard on my face oh yeah i like it it's more where that came from i received all right is somebody gonna disconnect again let's go come on i'm gonna shoot zine wait oh no the game is gonna take so long if i eliminate someone immediately though what do i do what do i do it's gonna take so long if i shoot someone i shouldn't that's why i'm so i'm so worried about this though you know i'm so worried bro i don't know what to do i don't want to be sitting like waiting for another 20 minutes on this game because of 14 people ah it's very frustrating i can't like it's risky to do my normal brand because it might sacrifice content do it for content and then i get the package i don't know man i just want to stay with like groups of people hmm where where are the groups of people where are the groups of people don't make it so i'm the first one who's eliminated please it's zine oh me uh it only seems that i think that's appropriate that's appropriate wow yeah i was wondering dead the body's in tree and i did see someone walk out of bottom oh too but i'm not gonna lie i wasn't paying attention oh i did i did not go into o2 i just ran out of the uh the hallway straight by the garbage so i don't think anyone accused you well no she said someone ran out of o2 oh uh so b and azar were in bottom decon so if they just ran out sign up any of them yeah don't they get zero vic either right now they came from the right i love that when like cara you've got like the little mini guy running and when you're like zero it's bigger than you yeah yeah i know isn't it amazing it's bigger than you more than me i know it's so cute it's so little it's a little baby well um i mean it's just one murder you know i don't guarantee you there's gonna be another one yeah it's all a big deal sorry i'm very disheartened here zenith is a big deal you're a big deal to me zane thank you so i i didn't mean you specifically soon i just meant you know what this is could happen to anyone swapper b swapping it's more likely that a crewmate was limited by an imposter or jackal so it's probably a good thing i didn't go for the shot on zine because i think odds are that i would have ended up on alive so we at least have that going for us right um yeah if only jack were here then i'd have to stick with it it's the brand dude wait someone stole my i hate this game i hate this game i hate this game so much this game sucks i think i think pasta got bit or something she just flopped over on the telescope whoever stole my role i hope you're happy terrible person well that means there's a i still don't understand how is it it's either a warlock or it's a it's a uh vampire or they shot or they shot yeah it could be a warlock on on jamoba but he happened to report it just as i was running up to it so it could have also been a panic report no no i did see it flop over oh you did see it oh okay yeah you must you must have got there like literally just before me then cara yeah so as their friends grill they are they so either of you two could have been cursed maybe that was you all together i was not near it so i don't i don't think i was cursed was anybody moving at the end to potentially if it was the one is is the evil 100 percent like the guess of it or is it only a higher percentage i think it's high percentage okay i think it was either i was cursed or she was bit because we were a little distance apart i just sort of flop over on telescope yeah potential sheriff misfire as well if she was had a bit yeah yeah it could be uh this is what happens when i don't sheriff in the first round it gets stolen from me so it probably wasn't that did pasta steal it i don't what would it been pasta did i run over paw i did run over pasta at one point so i guess it could have been yeah i don't know i i look like sheriff to me but i don't know well it must be tough getting your badge stolen yeah it sucks it does run at the end so if it is warlock it's not because i was moving and you stuck still for like 10 seconds true yeah it's not zero then yeah share if you vote on me huh you vote on me vampire and not warlock then yeah share voting on me they know i'm a crewmate yeah you don't like being called out for your misdeeds you corrupt sheriff so corrupt dude unbelievable i did run over a huge amount of people but i did run over pasta distinctly as i was running from the lab into the electrical area so there's a chance that it could have been pasta the impasta the sheriff impasta please don't do mean things to me oh i haven't put down the garlic yet dude you want to explain yourself uneasy wait what what what is this uneasy what's up oh you just running away from this wait where was this uh by um i don't even know what it's called in [Music] lab area by the switch bit right i know you mean yeah oh man this must be a snipe he wasn't there when i crossed past i haven't even seen vic going so he must have followed me in see i saw an easy and vic together i thought it was i don't think i've seen vic at all this round was the one that went through specimen leo that one and then i crossed yeah when i exited lab so i thought like he killed him i was like a cycle behind you i was at the bottom of the deep yeah yeah i saw your name and then yeah in just as like once the doors open up again so yeah your mobile is it that is that you i can see okay i don't know this is zero then yeah but i confirmed without that lowest line you were in the area and leaving oh yeah i'm i'm there for sure yeah yeah i was doing drill i don't if if the body was right outside lab i don't i mean i'm i'm dumb but i don't think i would go into drilling immediately it was like it was like do you know that bit yeah after you've done the maze you have to click the switch the button okay yeah yeah it was on that task who who say who is it before he died uh cara said uneasy didn't you well i was on that task i flew d did he is he share i swear to god i flipped that uh switch and then went back to trill because i i still had a test there i don't know if he oh god i don't know i think it's worth something i think it could be junk [Laughter] okay anyway i'm gonna complete all of my tasks like a good crewmate and then i'll consider my job done i want honestly i bet if you could convince everyone who is a crewmate to do their tasks we could actually get some genuine task wins uh-huh sick heck yeah bro heck yeah evil mini that's great in in specimen that's uh that's a play right there wow nobody around are you kidding me are you kidding me nobody anywhere all right let's see oh he'd be the swapper he gonna find my body never mind well that clears it thank you nice work baby okay what is the debate junk heading i don't know what the baby is he was heading over towards electrical did you do this toaster no i'm kind of confused i think leah the thief smh [Music] to me because when i checked admin um they were both that would be really funny if i had unlived a bait i had been like yeah you have a blue how did that just get reported i don't know what happened i was running over the body reported now you have a blue outline leah i don't know if you can leah was the shifter it's sparkly goodbye um i went into lab with leah junk was still alive and he was going left uh b was awesome he's gonna leave her alive um that's risky to leave the sheriff alive though is he gonna do it i'm in lab and i can be no he's not gonna do it i'm gonna be you you're is truly the worst i don't know i didn't know i don't know if there's a graphical shield display so i wouldn't know probably so never never make jambo your sidekick because he'll got rolls with sparkly it also took the shield which i guess is you could have just sidekicked me uh junk but no you needed revenge you knew that i was going to die you couldn't you i could have joined forces we could have been a team well he's the can the should have made it i should have made you the team because freaking jumbo i made him my teammate already that's why otherwise i would use it on you can the jackal make an imposter oh no oh wow oh boy okay so oh well you guys know i'm the sheriff yeah oh she got the evil guesser because i guarantee wow that's so lucky that's so lucky oh my god which is who i had my sis on anyway i fixed the lights and then i went back to report it i don't know who i reported um but i was on admin i saw one in lab leah came you didn't report but okay office i saw two in admin and two in lab and then i was like wait someone else is in admin so i want to check behind the bookcase and he's dead body sir wait hold on oh it's actually close to a taskrabbit i think it was jimmy because it looked brown but i'm not actually sure brown it didn't look like other's color it looked more like demurders but it could have been either but i'm not a thousand percent sure i just saw brown i didn't see the name of the person that i killed can can sheriff report their own kill in this i think so i know but yeah there was two in lab so i'm assuming one of the other the other body was in lab that someone was camping maybe and then leah you've killed one that was in electrical no yeah well they were actually jealous there's no body in lab i will be needs to do tasks do your tasks four tasks left for one person hey yay i don't trust me right now oh yeah toast also well i don't trust you cara they could do this they could do this they could they could vote car out i don't think like although the arsonist is probably going to get it was was tiny like she's innocent right yeah tiny can mean like kill i mean even oh boy okay yeah yeah that will do it's going to be a face-off or it could be an arsonist win yeah is this uh going to be an arsonist yeah maybe but i think cara's got like in the palm of her hands you need to finish [Music] is very very high cooldown yeah i needed to ignite that's all i needed to do yeah no but the the child is the kill called on super high and then when you're grown up it's pretty short oh i see right the mini oh the sheriff wouldn't have been able to attack yet dang dude ah there was no way around it that's sad okay some notifications kung fu hustler with a sub and khan with a sub farmer beau 2000 bits impostor dubs not today for me jay sirich 16 months hey jardoon started my day with a failed max benchmax without pre-workout so only can go up from here yeah i don't know like how much pre-workout makes a difference with going for a max lift at wim one day but um you know hopefully you'll get it next time and uh farmer both the 800 bits stefan dig 38 months savage having the brink seven months how was your day today jardooney macaroni i haven't done too much yet so i mean we playing a moongu's with too many people jaguar with uh five months of summage wubsy with three months after you're having a wonderful among us day hoping for many wins oh we get a chance to redeem ourselves here should i just unlive in the middle of a bunch of people and be like clearly it was the warlock why is everybody unmuted were you really oh my god pasta i can't believe you did that that's what they are doing i never forgive you for this killed himself when i'm imposter again this sucks yo this this mini banana the mini banana one let's go let's go let's go i am very very ripe you go away like it's literally like a shower [Music] okay oh i mean the person shielded should be able to see it too since you can't break it yeah oh shield is unbreakable now yeah we're waiting on one more it can help that can help them all things to my knowledge 14 people is apparently too much and people just disconnect and then we don't get to play the game and then such a bad idea um the 15 person update was just a bad update and let's see um anyway rhonium with 19 months of savage black rabbit with a sub um we got dragon heart with eight months one more month till twitch baby keep up the equality content captain alder the paladin with the nine months almost twitch baby happy eight months jardoon much love mixer with 11 months alice sunion tier two for what keeps happening tier 2 for 16 months i started watching you after my first baby was born he used to fall asleep to your streams and mods he's going to be 2 this month i am so multi-generational it's so cool shiny trinkets pretty bobbles with a sub steamed arrow tier three for 18 months i have a suggestion for a game you could play wouldn't be much of a live streaming game however i don't know if you'd be okay with me saying the game's name and the message so i could just dm a mod the name if you want i think someone disconnected oh boy rip in pieces oh okay well here we go what is going on with a vikram hmm okay can i see i can't see anything nobody's doing anything mischievous in that area frick i always forget where this thing is up okay um uh did he just shoot me i don't know it looks like he looks like he stopped me i know we both saw it we turned around oh yeah 100 i turned around and i said what just happened like i was like what uh so basically uh scotch just died right between cara well behind cara and i i don't know if repair is once for gamer once for rounds i'm assuming it's once per game but if i ask the question it's kind of obvious what i am yeah they don't die immediately i think i saw something that was kind of weird when i turned the lights on yeah um i the lights came on and i swear to god i saw scotch going left uh into electrical as i went to the right and then as i passed storage i saw scotch coming what looked like from the uh right gas down to go into uh the the the uh lab area and so i'm just like i was like there were two scotches oh you saw two skies i saw one going left into electrical and one going right that pasta is fine yeah you thought you were existing wow yeah that that deep also but we need to play poker sometime soon i was just on admin then by the way there was one person in office about four in lab and then i think the rest wouldn't work i'm in office i'm also growing up really fast yeah so junk i felt kind of bad about the whole sidekick thing so i just want to let you know that i got your back no matter what thank you thank you i think you might want it back you know it's not nice to steal it trying to tell us something hmm i feel bad about the whole sidekick thing what does that mean i don't know what that means okay so that was interesting i know that junk and cara were just standing next to the body there at the end as i kind of walked in from the vent but i don't i don't know what that was all about i was i didn't want to hit spacebar i almost hit space and just entered event okay well should we try it and i guess we'll find out if it's once around or what's the game please don't be evil minnie honestly with me being unsure i guess i probably should have saved it until the end in case we have a you know one of those situations where we gotta stop the impostors from doing a reactor sabotage but i don't know we'll see here's like there's like there's three bodies i literally just saw john oh really i was i was going to clear him i saw four blips in lab and two in space three bodies in lab one is on the button one is like near the table and then one is like just the right of the buttons wait on the button button like second part of the note that toast can confirm that i came from the bottom sparkly was in species yes i came from the bottom from the bottom i can confirm sparkly came in from the bottom so wait what what passed it wait because i went in bottom decontaminant no you didn't dummy what i came in bottom decontamination with ozo walking out yeah he did um okay when i went into specimen in the beginning was it zero did i go with you no i i've not been into sebastian's right no i did my i did my the swipe thing i didn't watch me at the very start of the round or was that one of the dead people i was in specimen as soon as i did my little card swipe um went in from the bottom i did see pasta going to bottom decon yeah i think i think pasta's good pasta has gone into specimen from bottom and not left um what i ran by cara wait i ran by car when the lights were out as i was on my way to bottom decontamination is that when you saw pasta uh i saw pasta before the lights went out yeah yeah so pasta pasta's been in specimen pretty much all around she came from the bottom from the bottom i don't think that you either so i think i know what junk's role was and i pass zine near electrical coming the way so um yeah we were like the only two on left in the entire thing i don't know what i know what terminally i want to taste either so i don't think it's sparkly pasta okay i'm sorry [Music] i think okay so the imposters just got to vote out on zine oops that's not good old man zine just got wrecked rip okay i'm gonna try to do this before things go south and i guess we'll find out if it's a once per round or once per game repair in just a moment it's sort of my fault i'm very worried about cara i don't want to be there uh it is once per game i'm gonna get eliminated two seconds okay nobody's there oh god i'm scared where are the bodies i'm very scared wait um wait here this is outside of tough decontamination in the lab i was just about to go on a lab cara were you in bottom o2 i was i'm not in there right now but i turned the lights on and then i went back to batamotu and i saw you at the tree yeah toast was also coming out of that door with you what nobody wasn't yeah i thought you might have morphed into him or something because like i i saw your name and i went back down then like you changed into toast oh i didn't see toast at all okay i was on vials at the end of this round and who was it that you just reported then was it leah uh yes i didn't see her body dead so i think this is like instantly reported there is a big role no it's not it is not that i ran in from i ran into lights to check if there were any bodies there then i ran back across into lab and i think it's cara and zero personally that's what i think it is because if aza and sparkly can confirm that they were both in spec and i came in from the bottom last time there's no way they could have gotten the kills last time and they did that there were three bodies there could be warlock and stuff like that i i was literally on vitals then i the left the whole time i turned the lights on i saw azano too and then i was leaving o2 yeah but toast was there and like he's dead around there i did not see toast at all um cara killed toast okay well here we go all right all right oh boy is there a jackal though i wonder i'm scared i'm scared i want to stay with people very scared i'm very scared dude i'm very scared oh that vents patched up interesting um oh boy i'm too scared to do things i'm too scared to do things i want to check vitals i think everybody is alive though um i think everybody's alive no no i'm scared of cara don't do it everybody's alive everybody's alive i'm not going to event no sabotage is being called hmm who do we think it is who do we think it is oh god oh no still no bodies oh dear oh oh no oh god oh geez i'm gonna go button i'm gonna button i'm buttoning was that the sickest play ever wait oh no she got she just got re on alive didn't she she got on alive again that's the god it needs to reset the cooldown that's such a busted roll no because i know what it feels like and it sucks the thing is i don't know where because like i just saw cara before the time rewind coming through office um i i'm just in office i went into so i went into lab because i'd seen cara running into lab um following somebody earlier while someone else was heading down to office um so i decided to go back into lab see if i could find a body and there wasn't one oh i'm just running around looking for bodies i was on uh cams for a little bit i hate the fact that i almost am more inclined to think it's awesome because i just saw kara like a couple seconds before the rewind i don't know i don't know i this is schroedinger's imposter whichever way i go it's wrong who was the hacker because he just wasn't leaving admin table and then i stayed there with tourists for the rest of the round and then yeah but i was there because i found the bodies cara did we cross each other on the rewind i think so because if we did it would be impossible that you i don't know oh god don't let it do this i don't know i don't know god yeah jordan did oh it's too easy dude god dang it i hate it i hate it i hate it i thought my rewind was in vain oh thank goodness [Laughter] how did we cross each other on the rewind because i got rewound back into office and then back outside next to pasta again next to my dead corpse wait how long does it does the rewind not initiate immediately it does but the thing is like i was near comms went into office then went back comes killed pasta but then the reason we'll be right back that comes the killer again oh you went back and forth i got it did you not remind you before you got killed pastor like all right i didn't realize she went back and forth that makes sense white so okay that actually does make sense now oh my god i can't believe ozza did why would ozza do that come on man unbelievable i better get vampired i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it at all oh i just got shielded surpri what the what was that he just was that a warlock yeah the problem just flashed as we went into i was listening i was just ahead of you i saw you guys i was walking past and i got the report button so i just walked in and you guys were um sorry i was i went to pee there was nobody else is there somebody on drill right now no it was just the body so someone killed them this isn't pasta what is this in lab um i only got to see one person go into lab and that was xqb [Laughter] i don't i didn't see the body drop or anything like that but as i was coming up from uh like uh vitals of that i crossed on easy i don't know where an easy game yeah so i so what happened with me yeah so me and xqb were walking uh to the right after drop ship uh she went into lab and i went directly to office okay yeah and then i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure someone uh killed him and drilled because i was on the temperature task no one was dead in there yeah i i i literally just walked in i was going to walk past and then i got to the public so i walked up and then i just saw him at the bottom of my vision i saw jordan and somebody else walk yeah yeah and he laughed from like the left side so i don't think i got a clear and wasn't in the area so people should probably vote me accordingly i have a clear and it's because they're the arsonist um and that's why they're close i'll keep it to myself what were you last round what was i last round yeah you chased me endlessly also do you think i think he's the arsonist okay yo as a shield digester i could good things could happen here maybe unless cara gets eliminated but i feel like usually uh i feel like usually cara stays alive often maybe um oh dear oh dear a reactor call interesting play this early huh what the didn't somebody just run up here and then did they disappear or was it vikram and they were tiny i swear to god i saw someone my shield is gone my shield is gone was that vikram was it vikram who did that or someone tried to unlive me who who tried no it was a bigger body it was a bigger body someone tried to un-alive me at reactor but i didn't see cause i cara didn't shield me dang it dang it i saw somebody at the bottom and i don't know cool but anyway this is a toast spotty is on the node next to where the car did shield me and then unalive me great somebody running on the gregory but i don't know who it was i couldn't even find the body at first because i was being a big dumb oh it's because cara turned into oh see people in specimen are clear wow she shielded me was transformed was like a half second i don't know if that's real or not no no no no so i can tell you i can tell you two pieces of information uh both of these people died very recently but i'm on the node below medbay right now uh i checked vitals before that and i just got the task done when this body got reported so this the both of these died in like three seconds ago oh she had to do it oh i see why she would have thought she had to do it i didn't i didn't think about the being converted and well now we know for next time hold on hold on hold on hold on okay hold on hold on okay so cara what what happened what did i walk in on at the end of that round what do you mean okay so at the end of the round right before possibly called the body yeah no i thought maybe the setting sparkle's dead body flop on kara oh i was nice though i thought maybe the setting was messed up wait yeah wait kara how did you leave luck i went out to the left zine was there leah was there yeah there was leo was inside live she wasn't but i would actually i wasn't a good time but i i i think vikram might have killed the one because he was near electrical cage jordan was just kind of stood randomly oh he might have been do you think he's arsenal i think he does i don't i don't you don't think he's arsonist i very much don't oh what does the security guard do hold on sparkles you're the worst medic of all time kick and i'm like i wouldn't have even made the connection i wouldn't have even made the had to kill you connection silence you okay buddy unbelievable man i feel you i'll feel you i genuinely thought he did i thought the setting for the shield breaking was incorrect i thought that it was just like it broke because someone tried to kill me and but it wasn't and she didn't have to do that wait were you the medic no cara was the medic she shielded me then she got converted i saw my shield disappear but i thought that someone tried to kill me and that the shield breaking was not i see like i thought they just didn't do the setting right even though they said it wasn't supposed to break and then cara came along and uh took out me because i was a stitch now so kara had your back and then she stabbed you in the back exactly that's not good all right okay zero's body was near the o2 it was the o2 i don't know the left side or because vikram was over there he was looking at me i was up doing the download yeah you got to go downloading the tree so outside comes last round when there was a kill below electric you're a dead man like what do you well i can clear b for this round because we were just doing a dance on garlic together i thought that blocking event only uses one point for the security guard because i only could block three vents and then all my pawns are gone oh okay those little boards yeah i thought cameras were two i was just going around blocking vents and i was like i've only bought three and then i couldn't do anymore i was like oh i got two really bad kills yeah i was betrayed i thought you wasn't good jordan because she was kind of just like stood just i mean i i wasn't good i was the gesture but i just stood there randomly and i was like what are you doing i'd like to oh who was it that was running away who was it that was in there oh i side of admin cara i know you're on the admin table yep yep are you sure yes i have no tasks left so i was running around xena is going to get away with it only gets voted out randomly when people forget to skip and then when he actually did it he never gets voted out again if you want but you're running we're running out of crewmates and uh i like i said i was i you did see me but i just came down from the hallway doing download and was heading over to comms and uh that's where we're at i'm not obese because yeah and me and scott was just leaving battles i was just going on vitals and i both saw the kills happen so like i don't think it could have been scotch at least he's a vampire then i don't know unleashes leaves like disgusting sketches just an administration we run on the body at the same time yeah this scotch is clear from these so they happen too much at the same time i okay i don't i like getting out of putting me there and i was there but neither leah or b they're both at the body but they didn't see each other so i'm much more inclined to think that it's one of them no they did then i think it's lathan what no you don't lee i don't why do the anonymous votes keep like turning off why did b switch at the end there she was going for zine the whole time she'll accuse all the right people uh so this is in lab three of us are together so uh that is not true because i saw somebody going into uh i think it was blue zine were you i am in the upper uh deacon tam after crossing through and doing sorting i went straight down to lord you contaminated specimen yeah but i came i was running around um storage that's weird yeah that is weird that's weird i mean it's not because i told you i've done all my tasks i guess so was this a was this an instant reporter or what what happened here uneasy yeah so i i was walking near where the med base game is and i saw um i saw b's body why was zine zine was so the only thing is i think going to bottom deacon from the right i don't think the round was long enough for me to possibly like get all the way through on both but i was cycling is that crazy i trust you scotch i just don't know who it is between i don't either i feel like i trust leah a little bit more just from the previous round like they both sounded kind of hysterical i feel like they weren't lying xeno only gets voted out randomly if he's the jackal no one believes that he's the jackal i'm i'm putting a i'm putting a target on target wait but were you a bad person i mean you got you got caught killing and got out i just i just said i i i knew you were bad from the round before i mean i didn't get caught killing whoa vic you can't blame your bad at the game on other people [Laughter] again oh back i just saw an uneasy report this dude what the i 100 on easy to report this dude 100 just walked up and at lights uneasy was over carr's body oh no i was wrong i took a 50 50 for a jackal um right you guessed scott scott has been clear since oh my god so i thought i thought i thought from my point of view scottie went in there and killed i was actually going to guess cara was uh jackal but then carter was junk shifter and not arsonist and is that oh yeah yeah in case anyone hasn't noticed a pattern if kara is exonerating zean it's because zean's jackal that is not true it is it is zine recruits kara it's a good choice all i said was where zine was and where i saw him that is all i said karen zane that's all i said zine plays for the dublin he wasn't marinated hey man you you get in the dubs dude you're unstoppable as a jackal yeah i am i would rather zine be jackal than evil gasser though so oh yeah that's true one time okay well yeah i think one yeah i never lied about racism exactly where you are yeah can you switch to polish profit games please wait paulus just don't switch to mirrors too many people for skeleton it's gonna be chaos i think so pasta's internet died i don't know if you guys were aware of that oh her internet died oh bummer now mine is probably going to go oh god imagine me trying to be arsonist on skelet oh okay this is gonna be great i've definitely got this one dude definitely got it is nobody in here really what oh i've been sidekicked bro every time i'm arsonist i get sidekicked every time when i'm arsonist i get sidekicked it's so weird he was already dead yeah there was a body just on the thing what was that i get off my download and i take two steps down and there's his body wait this one's weapons very confusing and weapons me and carrick and i definitely were the only ones that went left was was it i ran through weapons earlier i'm in nav right now there's no bodies dude was he dead on weapons because i was on weapon shooting weapons like a little to the top left of weapons did you i'm honestly fine not being arsonist it's going to be chaos on this map but yeah no no it's transparent no no that's what i'm saying like i don't remember seeing vikram i saw you further up and then i saw a couple of people walking in but i didn't know i thought it was right there oh i did not see that well that could potentially be a warlock if they cursed me that maybe i'm aging pretty fast i don't think they can that fast can they i don't know no i'll wait is that wait is this just a sheriff it could be just the sheriff why would vic shout out because otherwise it could be stolen it could be stolen by somebody when i didn't sheriff in the first round i wasn't sheriff in the second round so you gotta do it gotta shoot your shot is that current as a a good kill or is shifting i don't think so is good in this one yeah so lost in that conversation that i forgot i was alive [Laughter] i wonder should i should i eliminate people or should i just should i just wait i don't know if i should wait or not wait oh i can vent as the sidekick i didn't even realize that that's pretty narbuckle dude hmm hmm i mean like oh he shielded me uh that's very nice of you to do i won't eliminate you because then that will get rid of my shield and that would be unfortunate i wonder if i should just actually do it in front of everybody and then be like oh somebody must have uh used warlock on me i should eliminate cara or zine true are the lights out right now lights are out i think i'm gonna just let's see where is everybody okay cara is there um hmm not a lot of stuff happening here it's very interesting uh yeah i can i can i'm waiting it out i'm waiting out in the uh simon says no no no it's in simon says that was a very long round just seeing jonathan's admin uh yeah me and anza are in there right now i just ran i left it yeah i left admin i ran by uneasy hi and then i went over to do simon says and there's a body on simon says this is leah no i am locked outside of upper engine i'm trying to get into upper engine where simon says i'm heading towards that direction i went from lights through storage through calf and now i'm currently trying to get into operation wait i did not see you go to the right i was one of the last ones out of lights i think sparkles and other were in there when i was in yeah we went we went in and leo was and leah left as me and sparkly went in did y'all see which way she went i didn't oh yeah was that i think that was two bodies this round right yeah but four died this round i think i did the fight this is what i think happened okay i think junk killed and then the body was baked and immediately called the meat it was bait this is the media oh yeah well you could think what you want it happened last game that's i'm paranoid about it now oh it's the last thing on their mind you know that's how it works all right what do we want to do now i don't know we're getting down to like less people so i feel like uh yeah maybe i should okay so we know jamobo is is a good boy and we don't want him to go away because that would be very bad for us oh all right was this a bait sparkly oh by the way junk and sparkly are just chilling on the lights without fixing it i literally just fixed it i was not you're right i did not i went up there to do the lights and uh i get tired of people messing with it so i stepped off of it and just waited for the lights to get fixed 100 percent but i didn't yeah that's good sized country oh [Music] so essentially the reason i didn't fix lights is because i was 17 and i wanted to get out of electrical before i turned 18. yeah did someone see him do something or um i mean uneasy accused him of strong unless he's the spy maybe this guy sparkle you're acting weird yeah i'm acting super weird cara is voting for me all right i mean we're on six and we vote on like freaking seven in this month um [Music] i i don't know why cara is suspicious of me but i did just i did just fix lights for a while yeah i went i went around i went around the back and then i came back over and then i fixed lights why don't you go to the back first when lights are off to see if there's a body what okay six votes six votes congratulations good job everybody good job you guys did great man i shielded you as well sparkly then i think i only saw two that was a rebel i'll have to go back a lot but i may have only seen two arrows then so i don't know oh so that's why cara could see is because she's the lighter um role at the end of that so i did have that too um you did what yeah wait what was junk then it was evil anyway to myself and b is we were lovers and b was the shifter uh oh yeah also junk was i write about the bait yeah you were you weren't you're so hot you were all right cool thank you junk i appreciate that man when you said that i looked at the screen and yeah it was exactly right yeah i made sure oh i mean i used that information on easy so thank you i was like [Music] when i'm the killer does anyone have to go yeah just someone else go sorry there's you just kill you first and you got 20 minutes till the next round so you're good yeah go i will i will immediately remove cara from play if i am evil don't worry well now i'm going to remove myself on play because i'm i'll try i'll try shifting on kara and then i will not be alive at the start of the next round after as a very tiny tiny bb what happens if you shift on um what happens if you shift on the the mini i wonder i don't know what happens if you shift on the mini do you become a mini or no all right i'm prepared to not be alive next round everything is good um true it could be an evil mini in which case i would also not be alive i don't know what the breakdown is if you get i guess you probably get more commonly uh being the the good minis more common probably all right exploded i i i i'm also good thing i good thing i took her roll good thing i took a roll uneasy killed oh no that's not what happened uh anyways so i uh saw who was it scotch scotch's body dead outside of admin i kind of dance around waiting for somebody else to notice it uh but the person running from the body actually running from the body was vikram yeah watch she'll probably be evil still oh that'll be really sad yeah no she she exploded like in the middle she was right next to me in admin because i wasn't yeah yeah i walked out but she was alive she just died in admin like exploded by herself so she was actually if she was vampired it wasn't a warlock because this is what happened okay vikram killed scotch scotch lovers with cara boom i didn't kill i didn't go scourge though well why'd you run away from the body though because i stayed with the body but why did you run away from it is there any downside of me saying that i shifted on cara a lot of people it's either uneasy or vikram but we don't have any hard stuff unless okay if it was me why would i stay with the body after i killed him i don't understand your gameplay at all yeah but would they know would they know what i what she is would they know what she is plants don't like them yeah i don't know if they know what she is i'm in electrical right now so i think that's either like hasbro it has that would make sense um oh okay do it at the end of the meeting he does do that when he's lover he shower shoots he thinks it's funny right if i'm if i'm no longer alive here cara was actually evil and like a jackal took her out or something [Music] all right let's see am i alive nope i hate my life you were arsonist oh my god it's so stupid i hate this i didn't know what killed you on arsonist though it's like technically a bad like bad role yeah so funny every time i mean if i'm sure if i won't get it but if it if i'm i'm a shifter i'll pick the imposter hey hey hey you hey you it's vikram the ground what the hell is your freaking name that's the one jambo you can call me the body whatever he was right next to the body also you know the body's in the at the left it's quite the lover combo between an arsonist and an imposter i know from that from that spot from electrical no you were in the hallway there no i'm an electrical man i ran back in because i was worried someone might have killed someone when they were fixing i knew that i knew that somebody killed because literally right just before that um uh uneasy gave me his shield so i had a shield i was like oh thanks buddy and then uh all sudden i go in there to do my task and then my shield literally disappeared i was like somebody just killed uneasy and i knew uneasy was right behind me so i went around the corner and jambo was right there no it's not demo i didn't do it i'm innocent guys guys guys an easy was confirmed medic based on shield onto junk and an easy said it was vikram last time it's who he saw going away and b saw vikram this time as well i voted no no he didn't see me uh gonna follow your lead this time because you're very vocal about it and if you're great i wouldn't trust me honestly yeah we don't trust you we don't trust you we usually don't but i just read the idris checking if we're still good with this knuckles oh my god wait what did you not skip no i voted what olivia this is one of those other bad plays that you do and you can't blame it well before he blamed azer for him getting caught in a kill so i was like you can't blame your bad playing bad on someone else uh yeah i have a request hi uh can you make lighter more viable it sucks i did it good i did it good sea junk i'm good i killed leah you're welcome she was evil oh wow what made you kill leo wow ozza is and at the start of that game she just darted straight into the corner of the map and didn't really seem to have an agenda so i was like pretty sure it's clear i'm wayne wipe down my gun you're claiming sheriff oh yeah i'm claiming it you say you whopped out your gun like oh yeah what kind of host holster are you using uh i mean i'm not using these kind of things we don't get them in the uk but it's a big holster let's just let's just say that before if you're such a small little guy guys i'm doing my tasks all right well he's claiming sheriff we can either believe him or vote them out one of the two fight them out i trust be with my life i'm just going to do whatever b does write them out by them out by the way is during all this i wasn't electrical so who did the left the oxygen on the left in the main me and and aza and zine were on the right one when i walked out yeah just yes that so then yeah that leaves i mean jamal was claiming the kill so it's not about like i mean with only one kill here that's we there's no one so what do we do i mean i'm not a bad person i wouldn't report it right this quickly yeah i i i want to see that skipping unless it was a bite i'll see where this goes but if we got two that is devin devin so wait uh yo scott are you here yes dear i i said i said vic kill scotch goddamn car with lovers was i exactly right you were yeah wow so big brain [Laughter] for being in that position when i'm running away because it was unfortunate it was it was pretty it was pretty like it was a really open area yeah in the game yeah b just ran up saw me on camera the first oh nobody's gonna go in oh it's you know it's off every other day okay let me enjoy this oh no you fool did i save the world what do you see tell me what you saw toast i'll break this down for you i didn't see no oh no he's gonna get seen voted out all right here's what i think happened because there's a body next to me it's chimobo i don't think this was b i was chasing bee and been playing with her for quite a while i last saw aza and junk together not that uh that was fairly recent but but i i just ran over the top both of you i guess you weren't traveling together but i saw the two of you yeah by myself yeah i i am controlling the conversation uh jamobo i i think uh didn't trust me and was sheriff and shot me you can vote me if you like but i think the killer's awesome yeah let's fight alta i agree they got it they got it they got it come on yeah come on we were homies oh no are we well i thought we were i think personals are uh a e yeah that's what i think my old friend oh man i thought they had it he's loyalties so easily it doesn't lose off of a meme listen she's too big brain for all of us we can't possibly understand her she has something against me because i failed for divorce now she has something against me yeah i was going to shoot ozza as well but then i panicked because i came across a body and zine was right next to it he's going after b right now he's about to kill b oh all right will they find it before the countdown um oh what are they doing why are they chasing each other uh-oh you're gonna find it go go go go go go go no what happened what what one like what oh by killing b toast would have 100 voted for me in that in that round either way vic can i can i can i break down so your logic was it was between you and an easy so you go and kill an easy and then instead of skipping you vote for jamobo and kill yourself yeah dude so i wasn't planning on splitting the recording because i thought we were doing vault hunters it too but uh israel's not responding i don't know maybe he's not at home and he's like gonna get back just in the nick of time but he hasn't he hasn't said anything since 8 a.m so i don't know i don't know if uh iskall is going to i don't know if he's gonna wreck me here hopefully he'll show up but if not then maybe i'll split the recording at two it'll just be lopsided episode lengths we'll see i'm waiting for that reply dude it's like you know how maybe this is only my experience because nobody liked me when i was younger but you know you talk with a friend and the friend is like oh yeah yeah we'll totally we'll get together dude we'll we'll go to each other's houses i'll call you or uh and then they never call and they were supposed to call like at some point and so you freed up your evening and then they just don't call and um that was the story of my life was people being like no no no i'll call i'll definitely hit you up and then they don't and i'm like i thought you're gonna maybe they're just late maybe they'll call maybe you'll be like 10 minutes late no no okay they're not gonna call they're not calling okay it could be it could be going from me i gotta just do it i gotta just do it there there's no alternative to a round one demonetization who to do who to do who to do uh i'm just gonna do it on the group i'm just gonna do it on the group no he just tried to shoot me poor guy yeah i know yeah i honestly thought i might be over leah i honestly thought i might be over leah oh no no no you haven't been very evil today i just kind of walked into this well the vent right there was the engineer so that wouldn't have been that one i was right next to leah no don't don't convert me please thank you so see that's what you do is the much wait for a clear and then sidekick them dang it dang it dang it oh was zine there too and he was the jackal next of course it shows of the three people in there me randomly clicking it shows the one that was innocent sorry sorry sorry i didn't realize it all voted i'm sorry he does oh and it's a zine and cara sidekick and i've eliminated myself so i can't i can't god dang it hey does anyone want to answer the scam call for me what that'd be kind of fun actually put the call through discord and somebody else answer it it's a great idea vikram are you alive are you here yeah i feel good did you get did you do the time master and it double did it double kill yep that's so annoying the time was done now the time master happened and then literally as soon as my timer ran out boom aaliyah comes in and kills me oh is another person who did it what bro i just walked in on the stair oh never mind oh oh no no we're gonna play uh toast is dead at shield i think junk was doing a sponsor what was that yeah said it shields hara can i just say i know that looks but i when i finish my task i just stopped there because i'm eating i wasn't gonna say anything but thank you um homemade casserole bro time master or the sick it it could be the sickest role and instead it's just terrible and i think toast went down and when i came out of nav after doing the map then uneasy was running up from there i don't know whether that was i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest okay most of that round i was just doing laps like just around the place so a lot of like a lot of us running was doing that yeah he was running he was running yeah he was running yeah so you're looking for a victim and there was just too many people around for you to kill i can't remember who that was it was going up like past reactor i went down actually true uneasy has not shifted yet and not in this direction there are a lot of evil i am on the right side is that where this is yes it's that shield yeah i am in navigation so i'm pretty close i'm a vent away because yeah i didn't ask toast on right but i also passed junk on left side like you just want cruise shields to get there but kyra and leah were on the right side but i'm clear because i got shot and cara saw me not leave weapons i am i am so very glad you were this scared of me now i love it you always know when i'm bad and you always trick everyone else jordan one day i'll show you bro i i had a i just walked into the stack that was on weapons and i was like you know what jesus take the wheel and of course it gave the it took the one out of three that was uh innocent okay can i can i not shift onto an arson i know you get unalive with that one ah damn it yeah that happened to me i could have been lovers lover arsonist yeah you you had a uh two out of eight chants there so um you were probably yeah not great odds no ah so this is your mobo no i i was double checking who i saw ran out of there because i was like wait a minute oh okay and that's why i found the bottle yeah leo came running out of there so i ran back out of there and i went and she's on she's now she's faking uh simon says she did run from here yeah no so i saw you running out of i saw you running out of uh election all right what's up leah so i'd fix lights yeah zen runs in he goes to run top white i come out so it's either event or that's it because i probably haven't found that you know what i think it's literally spider out i'll be quiet for a second the other body was just a little so who else was up and i run down so either he's running away from somebody that came out of the event like why would i continue now why would i not just continue running like that interesting yeah the doors were all shut yeah the doors were closed oh you had to do something yeah sarah are you still right side uh no i'm in admin i can't remember what was done i can't remember the admin vitals but there was a body just left of admin i was kind of just hanging around waiting to see if someone was kind of like run past the body and uh might not report it i'm pretty sure where is his body supposedly it's in electrical at the lights right where leia was running away and the other one's just i'm gonna get voted out for this oh oh i mean i would say i am unalive probably like that's not me no i don't think no not yet sixty percent of the humongous gameplay time maybe 70. it's a majority i didn't do any no that was gesture okay yeah i always forget the jester can do things because i was like oh i'm gonna make the vent play because i saw him follow me and i was like i'm just gonna i'm gonna play it off like i'm i didn't have any idea but i didn't know the doors were sure oh are we did we allow it where jester can sabotage yes oh snap i almost said another word um yeah thank you for catching your tongue yeah i thought about family-friendly broadcast it's even the name of the discord server is that good it's literally just it's for you sparkles this whole forever what oh what i can do i can't run no why all that being from that we know that we're both innocent so we're just hanging out yeah yeah no i think i think karen jungle theory fasting i don't trust him no we're we're definitely crew wait but xqb just heard that convent and you're the engineer you're the engineer why would you hmm i love it literally and then the engineer accused someone else okay the body is an admin um yeah it's very yeah it's deep there sorry it's just because i know something about junk but anyway uh i believe it's awesome so i don't know also i did i did do well i did do reactive but also mean anything no no no no but okay because i'm the spy the spy that can vent huh are you sure i don't believe you oh am i sure wait i have not true my name is raj what do you mean that's not true because there's nobody oh right spies can jump into one event you know what i don't i thought you was correct why did you vote me yes because i wasn't sure i was like he's the gesture he's not gonna do anything oh [Music] i saw one person in uh cafeteria so i went and checked everett no one went back to admin and then i died i was like there was someone in an event in cafeteria yeah that was me what should i do did you put on the fire i'll put you in do you have a fire hat if someone's in the venue oh then let me i i thought i was stealing your hat for a second no no no no no there we go oh man it works when you're orange it's perfect toast spray some watermelon no not this vikram no are you speaking out fire though what's the bit in the front i've been playing this game for a year i don't know if you've ever had a big head play hello okay you know oh my god not not like this not again not again oh no oh i'm just this is a game of me being unalived guys this is just the game where i'm unlived ah okay he's gonna try to put me up [Laughter] so okay b i know vic looks like a tiny monstrosity but you can't just be shooting people like that yeah i think you really need to get that checked out buddy i would want to shoot it too so i can't blame her yeah really cute you saw what yeah i heard vic's the mini or yeah manny so we shoot vic can you just be an evil mini no because i guess isn't sheriff call down like less than impossible down this was super evil evil mini on the first round is pretty short i mean he said aren't all cooldowns on the first round really short yeah yeah yeah i don't know about this game this is to the left of records and i saw i don't remember seeing vic but if it's small then that might be it but i just saw uneasy and b together going left wait i can't choose downloads left of records he can unlock but he can't be unlocked oh that's so messed up no that's possible like i'm not i didn't i literally didn't see vic but he was tiny so that could be yeah he's tiny so yeah so what it was is like the moment i saw vic because i didn't know he was gonna be small i had to follow and then b followed and then i think b took a shot but i can't confirm that okay but you didn't see vic slice oh my god oh yeah okay basically b is currently still going under really bad sorrowness okay because i i sent that really bad like what okay you know what she doesn't look like that what are you saying right now okay i said i sent a divorce papers and she's currently very upset can you send the divorce papers if you've not got married yet that you know you have to get married in the first place vic you're so lucky we already voted i would have voted you just after all that you're saying by the way you're hot with that little hand-holding true actually if i sheriff somebody else if i sheriff cara then they will know they will know wait what is the oh yeah it's just a different outline what if i do it i sacrifice myself for the greater good of um vikram no them knowing vikram's not the sheriff i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it because carl will make the connection i sacrificed myself [Laughter] vikram was there he took it as an opportunity to kill aza because he's like oh double killing but i don't know why he thought that i i don't know what happened but basically vikram killed and i just got he thought there was some unspoken bond apparently god that was so good okay see sometimes yeah i guess it would have been obvious if they if the guesser got me no matter what save me from this dutch oh my god my play worked flawlessly that was so good that was so good so was your was your play to prove that vikram wasn't yes okay i was to prove that there was not a sheriff shot in the vikram did the first one vikram why did you take that as a double kill opportunity i thought you know what you know what yeah okay i saw jordan getting flop so why you know what it's unless why not kill kara in that situation when i was obviously the jedi think you've done too much in this game i have heard something you've got me out too many times [Laughter] yeah you've got me out too many times so i was like you know what it's your time to play the consequence you're poor imposter party i was sorry when i said oh it was a shira shot no oh no who took out kara i didn't even see are you sure it's not you i'm pretty sure it's not me junkyard well oh you're right vampire bites me i open the door and then there's a dead yeah message that he's good so i think this will be my last game well i didn't know what went on here as she died as she died the armory doors get closed someone runs to the armory door in the bottom i'm trying to zina has a sidekick yet i i see i crossed over zine but i don't think it was him based off of where he came from although now he's trying to accuse me so maybe so i haven't even i haven't really coming out of the armory so like i was going to say it doesn't sound right i didn't see anyone else but i have real information they had to go through kitchen uh what information do you have so i i went uh to fix lights when lights went out but two people were already there at the lights uh where uh where you're claiming cars oh my goodness and that was toast and cara true okay i guess it is possible in armory uh so below where the below armory where the lights get fixed remember if i saw the vest no we're just saying toast was in the area no it that is possible because like i technically never saw the second body i just know for a fact that because i was in one entrance of armory they could only have gone down where are you yeah i didn't see anyone scott yeah so maybe it wasn't then okay all right yeah there was there was no i was trying to remember if there was a vent flat but i don't remember that all right toast they're watching you toast they're watching you all right yeah i'm watching you too pervert i want to tell you darkness my old friend oh come on don't give me that big that was the greatest play it worked out so perfectly the fact that you were a nice guesser was the icing on the cake oh my god as if you planned this no i did i i did that on purpose no i swear to god i mean if you were impostor i guess that'd be great but my plan was to show that vikram was the evil mini and it worked already thank you for your sacrifice yeah you wouldn't have known it if i didn't you know you know no you know what you know what um it was it was a great sacrifice because because it inclined vikram to kill the jester so you took out two bad guys yeah that's true that's true good job sparkles you saved the livestream you rewarded with nightly hood a night a nightly hood yep two people have just walked by zine poor guy i'll let the queen know i let the queen know about you about your nightly hood vic listen also okay it's not called nightly hood not knighthood or whatever oh also this is my last game oh good um oh yeah yeah oh like next game is your last camera no this this one i didn't i was waiting on a mess i told vikram in advance no but it worked out that was the plan you can tell me okay i miss you already good job all part of the plan someone's just been time rewinded and then they're going to just get unlocked again they're just going to get killed again yeah that was that was an uneasy bite on that run it was an uneasy bite on leah wasn't it oh oh well then maybe they'll stay alive maybe i think you just bit toast oh come on leia you got this where's toast get to the button get to the button yes that was a hell of a long rewind man joke okay okay if if if there is a if there is a warlock and that's the case then that rewind happened as junk was going up to reactor and was going up to reactor i was running behind you because it literally happened as i touched leah on my screen yeah that's what i'm saying so obviously like whoever's done the wall you have to stand still for 10 seconds so it's not junk it's not scourge it's not me they were running up so obviously they they if they usually happens when you kill oh as soon as they get killed they stand still for 10 seconds they're not going to do that in a corridor running up to a reactor right there you know what i mean so scotch are you talking he's not saying anything i'm so confused i've seen this round other than you zero but i i trust you i've seen this probably seen zero i've seen uh early early earlier how was it uh i don't know what's happening why i have not seen uneasy or why is she not saying anything no no junk you crossed my path i was making a burger remember i remember seeing you on the corner of my screen oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right yep yep stand corrected i did the right side thingamabob when the siren was going off so i did left i think i did it wrong the first time slapped it again no she's not dude i feel like uneasy is making me feel a bit uneasy i'll always do that in line i don't think what did you do with thank you toast thank you toast uh anybody know why leah didn't say anything yeah i was supposed saying she said she was a time master well no but there was a rewind and she said nothing in the about like did she die and come back or something yeah oh then why didn't she say who bitter you might does it activate does it activate after the countdown well i'm not sure you had to realize it because she's the time lord but it's like uh yeah that's weird who bitter i think i need i can't oh my god again oh my god what oh my gosh are you going to get this one yeah leah please for the love of god so leah knew that toast that that i don't know oh it is uneasy better be at the button though leah is okay fixing the thing oh she's done the wrong side okay no it's fine the thing is it's there it's there [Music] i don't know if she knows though it might be like last round where she doesn't say anything pay attention what are you doing girl come on is she going okay okay hey wait what what are you doing right next what is happening uh okay we have a vampire that just dropped randomly because i was about to say i was like did zero kill but then a little too far i was trying to get someone to button but we've only got one button in the entire game is it that last round yeah just like crazy coincidence then because it had to be warlock yeah i thought it was when the warlock happened i was typing the escalator five top a meeting room with jamobo so potentially she's not speaking what is happening she survived twice and hasn't said a word this dropped to the right of the button whoever was in meeting room with me on easy was on the other side of the table so i know you didn't get this killed they just dropped oh jamal they could have been lovers they could have been lovers because your mob has died as well god you're just so you come down the stairs to there well so okay so so what i'm saying is if it's a warlock or vampire or i guess we're saying vampire um i think it might be cross paths i think it might have been a lovely i think it might have been a lover's kill with scotch and jamal because they both died i think zero i think we have the same idea because i was trying to hit the button too but i don't think we're able to no there's no way to deliberately there's no reason to deliberately not say anything because there's obviously only one bad guy left so weirding me out you should have some information for us this round because you got time lorded yeah you would have tried you you would i did i did see leah so because leah remember you should have information because you're the time lord man right yeah okay so if leah's not gonna leah was next to toast when before the time lord stuff happened where's the time lord do you who someone would have tried to kill you as you nobody voted [Music] does it show the animation of she dying and then yeah yeah yep no no it doesn't oh it doesn't show the enemies someone touches you and you get rewound so then she just has to see who was next to her at the time vented from get from i think they went well they might not have invented but uneasy was with me in admin room when two people were in the room and now there's a bug don't say a role because there could be anything no i'm not i don't play that yeah so it's gonna be toasty it's gonna be toast classing the the the warlock in the previous round look at the medic reports it'll be light or dark lighter tartar just killed your mobile which just dropped them both off because we're still here lighter dark on the medic reporter oh around whoever obviously just died yeah but here's the thing at least three murders yeah but here's the thing though oh is it a different mind to the side maybe it doesn't show that in other roles uh okay because the issue is i can hard clear zero there might not be a matter because we were literally just together yeah we didn't kill and and they died from a lover's kill so it's not us two that's got the kill so it's gotta be you one area who and one of you guys are gonna feel really dumb in uh three seconds here i'll vote for myself who's going to feel stupid is it a jack-o'-lantern imposter who got that was that was painful can someone explain the time matter to me then because i thought it was just if i clicked it every one time no you you click it and then for those like five seconds you've got an immunity if you get if someone tries to kill you in that five seconds time rewinds oh you would have tried to get clean that way every time i clicked it every time [Laughter] i mean we kind of there was like a good few seconds where we're kind of spaced out and then i did the sabotage came across uh leah and then immediately killed i gotta i gotta run guys what about the meeting all right see you later talk about the guy that doesn't belong here in the lobby by sparkles what happened to me all right um thank you everybody for tuning in to oh i forgot to ask about the medic report sorry it's fine thanks for watching i feel like i was on live for like 80 of that recording so i apologize to anyone who watches that on youtube hopefully you enjoyed um like if you like subscribe turn on notifications at the bell playlist for more mungus where i'm i don't know alive more uh hopefully i can get into more lobbies where there aren't 14 people it's just a lot of downtime if you go down first which look i did to myself a couple times as sheriff but other times it's just like uh so yeah also ask for headsets five percent off from the link in the description thanks and see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 59,932
Rating: 4.9531531 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: v6fNlOPoBOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 57sec (7257 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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