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blessings revelation church i am apostle will catlett if you saw me right now i can't contain myself because there's fire shut up in my bones because what we're about to experience right now to be honest with you we really don't even have to preach much just the title alone i am sentenced to win means that you are sentenced to win so before we even get into the word i want you to prepare yourself and prepare your mind and i'm looking at andy artiga listen you a sentence to win irene from india glory to god your sentence to win debbie and glory to god your sentence to win what's on facebook [Music] kareem your sentence to win let me bless the man of the house real quick as i bless my father amen who has blessed me with this platform right now lord jesus i thank you lord yes i thank you for dr prophet lovey elias oh lord i thank you father that i'm the only son he has many sons but i'm the only one that he loves lord look at your jealousy um father i just want to thank you that you ordained for me to come today lord and to set your people free father amen i thank you lord that this word will not only be a word but it will be a seed that will germinate in the mind and pierce the heart god i thank you father god from this day forth o god everything will change o god i thank you lord that is even beginning to change now god as we sit and pray god as we kneel to you oh god as we lift our hands oh god we surrender to you oh father god that you may change everything in our life oh god whether it be sickness god whether it be cancer god whether it be wrong thanking god whatever name that it may be god it shall bow today god because one thing we know god that we are sentenced to when god yes father we thank you lord as we unpack it oh god reveal your hand god yes reveal your mind god shake everything god that needs to be shaken god break every ideal oh god every idol oh god that needs to be broken oh god so that we may receive from you in jesus holy name a man amen i want you to hit that like button i want you to get as many people on as possible i'm not going to be before you too long amen i came to declare and decree that you are sentenced to win you see so many times brother claudius so many times we have the wrong mindset of thinking yeah yeah when things are going wrong we say it's over what am i going to do how am i going to move on now imagine if you had the heart and the idea in your mind that listen no matter what may happen in my life i know that i am sentenced to win it's reminding me every time that i would meet claudius and we would talk he would shake my hand he would say i'm always good and it would do something to my spirit because what he was really saying is that no matter what it may look like who am i talking to no matter what it may look like i am always good meaning that i know that i am sentenced to win from the king of glory jesus said it like this amen i'm trying to contain myself ah slow down will he cut out amen jesus said it like this no man takes my life it is me who lay it down and pick it back up again right amen right he is knowing that listen i am sentenced to win no matter what no one can take my life how many times do you look at your account and you say ah it is over right yes yes yes you don't understand what the lord is trying to tell you that you are sentenced to win i've done it all i've stretched out my arms they pierced my hands in my feet they stuck me in the side and still they didn't take my life it is me who laid it down and pick it back up again because i know where my help comes from i want to jump into the word i need somebody to send some firebombs too much i need somebody to send some fire bombs on this thing this will be a day that is marked in history because after you listen to this message there's no way that you will not win amen there's no way that you will not win yes even in the profession i do as an artist as an actor before we get to the word there's many people that do auditions right there's a lot of auditions the difference and i'm gonna give you a secret the difference that separates me from everybody else is i know that i'm sentenced to win amen i may even go to the audition may not even get all the lines right right but the aura caraba the god who sees that is upon me he's already ordained me that i am sentenced to win amen so i don't worry about how that looks like see some actors you're still rehearsing the audition in the car because you didn't give it all in the room yeah yeah i'm no longer i was there once too i'm no longer rehearsing the audition in the car yeah because i know that i'm sentenced to win that every job that i get is an assignment for me to be there who am i talking to yes i want to jump into the word let's go to um let's go to second kings jay para de la mancha second kings let's go to [Music] chapter 13 verse 21. second kings 13 chapter 21. all right i mean 13 verse 21 verse 21 yeah yeah but when king david heard of all these things he was very roth and absalom spake unto his brother on second kings second king 13 21. but what you was reading was deep i love when claudius reads because the power is in it because he knows that he's been sentenced to win amen glory to god glory to god glory to god you know what even before we read that just real quick just lift your hands lift your hands because i want everybody to be engaged amen amen everybody to be engaged there's no distance in the spirit chris pratt there's no distance nicole moore there's no distance in the spirit see we have to be on one accord you see your god is one let me break it down to you like this before we get to it god is one you hear about the trinity but there's no trinity god is one god in three manifestations the father the son and the holy ghost yes so we being spirit soul and body must be one so when the saints get together at this time right now saying that we are sentenced to win there's nothing that we can't do amen there's another thing that i don't like i don't like visitors when they say people are visiting at churches how are you visiting your father's house right this is your father's house instead of going to the hospital you come to the altar you lay flat you lay flat on the altar so that you can get an answer from the lord that's how this works this is your father's house so while we in the father's house we want everything to be engaged you see i'm such an artist i didn't know if i was going to be in frame or not so i didn't want to go all the way down to the floor but but what i'm saying is that we all have to be in this thing as one amen amen amen amen amen go ahead read that scripture for me brother all right second kings 13 21 yeah and it came to pass as they were burying a man that behold they spied a band of men and they cast the man into the pucker of elisha and when the man was let down and touched the bones of elijah stop stop this man has been what sentenced to death he has been sentenced to death but there's somebody bones that he's touching name elisha who is gone to be with the lord but the bones is still speaking and saying i am sentenced to win so when he touched the bones what happened and touched the bones of elisha he revived and stood up on his feet my god my god he revived and stood up on his feet so what i'm telling you today you have to know that you are sentenced to win the same power that was in the bones of elisha is in you the fact that what you don't know is that you don't know that you have this already this is why the bible says all of creation is waiting on the manifestations of the sons of god it is waiting for you to manifest let me give you another example they talk about the fivefold ministry right yeah okay you have the apostle cause some people may not know i didn't know at one time you have the apostle you have the prophet you have the evangelist you have the pastor who's married to the church and then you have the teacher the teacher opens up the air so that you may hear while we're teaching right now now a person that knows that their sentence to win also must understand what finger or thumb they're supposed to use in certain situations this is why you must know the weapons that you're using to fight against the enemy who am i talking to yeah yeah amen amen when you speak into your account whether your will where your account is wells fargo chase overseas account whatever it may be bank of america and say the money in your account is not really reflecting that you are sentenced to win i'm not going to use the apostle the foundation because i don't want to establish yeah brokenness right because i know i'm sentenced to win and god says i'm always blessed coming in and going out amen i don't want to use the pinky finger because i don't want to teach about that i don't want to use the ring finger because i'm not married to lack i don't want to use the evangelist because i'm not trying to stretch this account out in lack but i must use the pointer finger which is the prophet amen because god the word of god establishes you but the prophet prospers you amen so when i look at that wells fargo account it's not reflecting that i am sentenced to win i look in and say account you listen here amen look here you shall be fruitful from this moment right now you shall be fruitful everything about you shall be in pluses and night minuses there should be more debts more debits to your account than withdrawals you understand what i'm saying yes yes yes but you have to know it in your mind yeah this is why paul is saying renew your mind daily because the thing is people in your family have not made it people around you have never wanted anything so maybe you grew up in a household where no one really excelled anything they didn't break the ceiling but i'm coming to tell you today just by you listening to this message just by you hearing this word that you are sentenced to win everything is beginning to open up for you you see when problems come you have to use the right language with the problem amen when problems come you have to use the right language with the problem that's good if things are not moving give an example for what i do if there's no jobs coming in i have to sit down and say to myself listen i am sentenced to win i call for this job that i want to shoot in new york on this date by october 16th which is my birthday i will be in new york shooting another film you see that's a different type of mindset that someone is know that the spirit of the lord is upon me he has anointed me to do all the great things that he's caused me to do ma karabakh r-a-n said you're talking to me you're talking to me this is the god that we serve but we must have that mindset i want to go over to daniel real quick and i want to talk about meshach sagirak and the bendigo these were three people who also was sentenced to a death but something else was operating in them that they knew that hold on wait a minute so let's go look at that real quick all right claudius go over to um makura basandalavando go to daniel 3 we're going to pick it up from verse one and then we'll skip over verse one and two and then we'll skip over to ten okay hallelujah glory to god daniel three one to two and verse ten yeah in verse ten mm-hmm all right nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold whose height was three score cubits and the breath thereof six cubits he set it up in the plane of dura in the province of babylon then nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes the governors and the captains the judges the treasurers the councillors the sheriffs and all the rulers of the provinces to come to the dedication of the image which nebuchadnezzar the king had set up stop somebody just say he he called everybody he called every everybody auntie cousin mom look you was going to bow and worship what he had set up now run over to 10 real quick verse 10 thou o king has made a decree that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet flute harp set but sultry and dulcimer and all kinds of music shall fall down and worship the golden image go over to 16 verse 16. shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king oh nebuchadnezzar oh necroponism we are not careful to answer thee in this matter stop something else is vibrating inside of their being that's so hold on wait a minute i have to be wise because i'm dealing with a king but also i know that i'm under authority of a king of kings of a lord of lords go ahead and keep reading uh 17 verse 17. so in daniel chapter 3 17 if it be so our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand o king keep going verse 18. but if not be it known unto thee o king ye that will not serve thy gods ye no worship the golden image which thou has set up stop for a second right there because i know you're hearing saying okay brother we understand that you're saying that i am sentenced to win but maybe my circumstances around me right now doesn't quite look like that but something is going on that i want you to catch that what the boys are saying that they weren't going to bow to because a lot of times we have idols we have charms people have given us things and god cannot come in the way he want to come in because you have something in front of god that makes you not win the war so i'm gonna get to that later but i want to just break that down as we unpack this message so you can know both sides of it because some of you are thinking say well hey i love god but the wicked don't love god and they still winning but the bible says the kingdom suffer violence but the but the violence taketh by force well what are you taking by force you taking what is yours that the wicked has because you don't know that you've been sentenced to win so therefore they're operating in your blessing that's why they have it ah this is too much is it too much teach is it too much ah my body is on fire go and continue to uh to uh where you left off at 18. all right and then going into 19. all right daniel 3 18. yes but if not be known unto thee o king that will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou has set up verse 19. then was nebuchadnezzar full of fury and the form of his visage was changed against shadrach meshach and abednego how many people in your life that when you got close to god and you stood for something that they changed their countenance towards you this is this is talking about you listen when you serve god makura bachelet bondo everybody's not meant to go along this is why god was telling abraham listen i told you get thee out of that father's house i didn't say bring a friend i didn't say bring a nephew some of us are not winning because we have people attached to our vision that was never supposed to be there i keep going keep going if you're being set free right now if this word is hitting you right now i just need you to hit those fire bombs and hit those thumbs up because i'm telling you after today everything will begin to open up for you there's no way i can be before you with all this grace of my father on me and you not be set free amen lisa ah the oil is dripping amen keep going brother keep going therefore he spake and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was want to be heated [Music] verse 20. that's deep and he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind shadrach meshach and abednego and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace stop right there these mighty men don't have no power over you how many times in your life you hear the word and i know why god is keep reflecting me back on you know what i do is not who i am but i remember when i was working at a restaurant waiting tables and every time that i would tell someone that i was an actor they would use the words like oh you're a spy reactor no you're either doing it or you're not they will also use words like these are mighty men's words that cause in your mind to break you down and sometimes they're doing it unconsciously because satan is trying to plant a seed in your garden because if that seed germinates and grows then he knows that you will never become what god wants you to become so when i would be at this when i was working at this restaurant and when i would go to the table and they said well what do you do you know you're handsome you know you must do something outside here i said i'm an actor isn't it so hard see that's a mighty man coming up against you but we know we have a david in our spirit and we slay every mighty men amen amen but when you know that you are sentenced to win you you don't even worry about someone telling that it's hard and i would say this for some it is but for me it isn't and you know i would walk away get them to flatter sparkling water and i would do what i needed to do because i knew that job was just temporary see a lot of times we're in a temporary situation and we're making it permanent because we really don't know that i am sentenced to win when you know that you're sentenced to when you're not worrying about working at a restaurant right now because that is not my destination i am just passing through who am i talking to makurava lava keep going brother all right daniel 3 20 and he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind shadrach meshach and abednego and to cast them into the burning fiery furnace yes verse 21 then these men were bound in their coats their housing and their hats and their other garments and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace verse 22 yes therefore because the king's commandment was urgent and the fairness exceeding heart the flame of the fire slew those men that took up shadrach meshach and abednego what i'm getting ready to tell you right now every mighty men just for the sake of you hearing this word is being cut down amen it's being cut down it's being cut down right it's being cut now whether that mighty men is the word that was spoken to you of negativity whether that's depression whether that's anxiety whether it's no one believing in you whether it's doubt that mighty men that stronghold is being broken by the power of god it's being broken right now because you are sentenced to win and don't you ever think about it any different from this day forth don't think about it any different your marriage didn't work hey listen that is done that is in the past i am sentenced to win oh i loved him with all my heart and he broke my heart it doesn't matter that taught you a lesson but what i do know even though my heart is broken my heart is broken in a way that my spirit may come out because i know that i am sentenced to win i am sentenced to win keep going this is too good this is too good daniel 3 verse 23 and these three men shadrach meshach and abednego yes fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace verse 24. yes then nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up in haste and spake and said unto his counselors did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire they answered and said unto the king true o king i'm telling you that there's a fire that is burning inside of you is hotter than the fire that was heated up seven times the problem is you don't know who you are you don't know who you are i came to declare who you are to remind you that you are a seed of abraham amen abraham never lost the battle yes yes you are a seed of abraham this is who you are this is the family that you come from you are meant to prosper you are meant not to be in lack you are sentenced to win in everything that you do and maybe your dad went in your life and no one ever told you that you were sentenced to win but i'm giving you a life sentence right now that you are sentenced to win you see when someone goes to jail they give them a sentence maybe it's five years 20 years or a life sentence i'm giving you a life sentence here on earth whether you be here on earth or in heaven you will always win amen you will always win you will always win and i'm giving it to you like this as raw as possible because when when difficulty happens you're going to have to remember this word this is when the word is only really activated when it's tried when i was first starting out doing what i was doing the acting thing i remember my manager telling me she said will you're just a co-star actor right now but she didn't know that i was doing what meshech sazerac and the bendigo was doing in private before they was even thrown in the furnace i was saying to the lord hey listen lord i am a movie star now it started off real small movie star movie star movie star movie star movie star looking in the mirror movie star movie star but when that seed grew and the seed was challenged by the manager and said you're just a co-star actor what came out of my soul and my spirit said i am a movie star yes something in me knew that i am sentenced to win now look at me i'm doing all kind of movies i can't stop working hallelujah glory to god we shall boast in the lord i can't say look how good i'm looking amen but if i were to listen to you're just a co-star who am i talking to someone told you that you just when no one ever really makes it it's so hard oh you want to start a makeup line there's so many other makeups out there who's going to find you who am i talking to let's finish this thing uh uh finish on claudius [Music] 25. he answered and said yes lo i see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt and the form of the fourth is like the son of god verse 26 then nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and spake and said shadrach meshach and abednego ye servants of the most high god come forth and come hither then shadrach meshach and abednego came forth off the midst of the fire stop right there the people that were challenging you are the ones that are gonna come around and bless you the same people that said ah nobody makes it as the same person gonna say we always knew that you would be something great amen but you have to have this deep deep down in your subconscious mind that you are sentenced to win why did i use the words i am sentenced to win because when moses was getting ready to go deliver the children of israel he said god who shall i say that sent me he says say i am that i am see when you invoke the ancient of days the internal god the one who controls all the universe and everything in it that his hand controls when you say i am sentenced to win i am blessed i am favored you're invoking god to be in the midst of your storm see the storm was not meant to kill you it was meant to promote you it was meant to elevate you if you know anything about an eagle the eagle only flies to its highest height in the midst of a storm an eagle only testes its pinions in the midst of a storm the eagle only cleans its wings in the midst of the storm so the storm was meant to bring you higher you was never meant to die in the storm deliverando illamando masta lavando you know i'm remembering when papa touched me when we was at the house and at the time i have a prayer place that i go to and i was in the midst of the storm because sometimes you can be in church with people or people at the house at that time and i couldn't understand as i was still growing how can people be in the same house experiencing this deliverance but talk about me like this so it put me in a storm but i remember when the prophet came to me because you say you believe the word of god you'll be established but the prophet shall prosper you he said i see a storm but the storm is ending and in six months pow you shall blow up he gave me a sentence to thrive a sentence to win a sentence to be beyond my wildest imagination today i'm speaking you speaking to you today i'm giving you a sentence to win in everything that you touch you shall win and everything that you lay your hands upon you shall win you'll no longer have the loser mentality when you think about a michael jordan michael jordan knew that he was going to win every game even if he lost he knew that it was a learning lesson because the children of god we don't lose we learn children of god do not fail amen amen when i was working out this morning hitting the ropes you know i'm saying he said well do it until you fail i said listen man i don't fail i learn even in that i'm already correcting to make sure nothing's in my atmosphere that would ever speak out of context and out of turn to me everything must speak what god has said about me god said as i'm blessed i'm highly favored nothing shall touch me many shall fall at my right and my left god shall give me the desires of my heart in isaiah 60 verse 1 it says arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord is upon thee even in that i know that i'm sentenced to win isaiah 40 verse 31 says uh uh uh let me go there i'm blanking on it i have it in my spirit but i'm blanking on it how to ah there we go glory to god those who wait upon the lord they shall renew their strength they shall mount up wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint that word wait there is to remain some of you are just remaining right now it's getting ready to happen it's getting ready to turn over the pandemic didn't kill you it only was sent here to bless you some people bought homes some people got new businesses some people made more money what are you going to do you have everything that you need to prosper i came to declare this word over you today that you are sentenced to win remember we are still in the year of our name which means seeing god face to face now to see god face to face you gotta see your face you can't despise your face what face is god using what mouth is god using what hands is god using he's using yours when you show up in the world who are you showing up as are you showing up willy-nilly through the world are you showing up saying i don't know if god's going to do it are you showing up i don't know everybody's been getting picked around me i'm an actor too will i'm happy for you but what about me there's nothing wrong with that but you got to lift those hands and you got to say lord i'm happy for everybody else lord but what about me because i know god that i am sentenced to win and i just want to encourage you too right now because we we gave a lot of things we talked about a lot of things but i want to give you some ammunition to keep you going to continue to put logs on that fire and i want to tell you how to elevate and how to succeed with this mindset claudia if you can go to psalms 91 verse 14. and then we're going to pray and we're going to cancel some things because i am sentenced to win that sea cannot enter you until we uproot the seeds that were never supposed to be there in the first place [Music] ah i'm telling you i'm on fire amen i'm on fire i'm literally on fire i'm literally on fire i'm literally on fire and so are you amen you there yes before you read i just need you all that are on to hit the like button and also to type so that we can be on one accord facebook uh and youtube i want you to type i am sentence to win i am sentenced to win and while your title is to win while you're typing it you have to say it out of your mouth you see this is a spiritual book right right this is a spiritual book a spiritual book this book must be made flesh amen this book must be made flesh yes the only way these words are made flesh if it comes through you shapes on you clothe you remember they said meshech saturated vinegar were clove with garments while they were thrown in but the word had been made flesh so they could not be burned who am i talking to even when you pick up a script it's just words on the page it must become flesh this is why the enemy tries to shut your mouth at night when you can't speak some of you [Music] trying to say jesus because the word must come out of you it must become flesh i am sentenced to win bella bell said you're talking to me brother i'm looking at you in the rims of the spirit my quran i'm looking at you in the rims of the spirit i'm looking at you in the rims of the spirit and i'm seeing the hand of god go into your womb amen amen not only is he fixing some fibroid issues that are coming to an end right now but he's rejuvenating your spirit because this word was really meant for you because there's been times that you think well why am i still here lord maybe i should give up on this whole life thing i'm here to tell you bella bell that you are sentenced to win amen nothing shall take your life no pills shall destroy you from this day forth even just lift your hands right now you're fearing the hand of god the mighty hand of god that is upon you right now your body is even shaking right now be delivered depression go anxiety go fibroids go now in the name of jesus and i replace that emptiness with the word i am sentenced to win because you are sentenced to win there's another person that with a similar issue in the vision i saw i saw a yellow car more like a chevy kind of car and you're driving on the road and sometimes while you're on the road you have thoughts that said i just want to turn and hit a pole i'm here to tell you today that spirit has been tormenting you in that car is moving now for the sake of you hearing this word amen because you are sentenced to win you're not sentenced to death you're sentenced to win you're sentenced to life i give you more life now i give you more life now re read that scripture real quick hey god glory to god glory to god psalm 91 psalms 91 verse 14 glory glory to god glory to god because he has set his love up for stop just for a second gloria coleman jesus gloria coleman i need you to respond to me my eyes will open before you as i saw your name gloria gloria coleman on facebook hey carama si di it's very simple for you gloria it's very simple for you it's very simple for you but it's weird how i saw it claudius the lord is telling me that he's getting ready to clothe you but he wants you to do something strange and how i saw it in the rims of the spirit i need you to go in your closet and i need you to give away all your clothes everything give away all your clothes and you're going to see that god is going to clothe you better than you ever been clothed before and not only would the physical clothes be a manifestation of god's presence on you gloria but you will see it also spiritually that when you begin to pray for people because that's one of your biggest desires lord how can i be used i'm telling you now gloria how you came to the right place and revelation church and easy street everything is easy when you get rid of those clothes gloria miss coleman when you get rid of those clothes god is going to clothe you with power and with grace amen and when you pray for people now because you watch the videos and you're saying god can i do this am i somebody that can do this am i talking to you gloria god is getting ready to tell tell me to tell you right now what he's saying to you is that you are more than enough and when you pray for people things will begin to change and if that is also you online that is thinking the same thing receive it for yourself receive it for yourself because when you're prophesying the one god is also talking to you youtube when i'm prophesying to youtube i'm also talking to facebook i'm also talking to saudi arabia i'm also talking to israel i'm talking to the animals parts of the world gloria i need to know is this true marquis we don't prophesy to the air we see my karabakh san delay condor and god is also showing me that there will be so many testimonies that will come in just from this word and i'm also telling because we're going to give you a prophetic thing to do at the end and uh remind me to give a prophetic thing at the end there's so many testimonies i was listening to the lord there were so many testimonies that are going to come from this life you're going to see your life changed like crazy and also those who are wanting to come visit the church sunday is service get here get here get here don't let nothing stop you from getting here i'm talking to someone on youtube that really wants to come but they said i don't know if the funds i don't know where i'm going i'm talking to you right now and there's an ace spinning it i don't know if this is adam adam adam adam who i'm talking to but you're supposed to be here come to church come to church and watch what happened with your life now i want to give you some ammunition before we close my center psalms 91 verse 14. psalm 91 verse 14 because he had set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him stop this scripture scripture is deep read it a little one more time with power because i want i want your i want your lungs to hear it because he had set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him you see david love was set but it said because so that mean that you have an option you have an option god said because you have set your love upon me i will deliver thee because you have set it's the same thing elisha told the woman said the woman that said you know my husband is dead your servant the man has come to take my two sons to be bond servants and the lord said i mean uh elijah said well what do you have in your house go get all these bottles so that i can fill it with oil you would fill it and it would never run dry but he was saying what do you have in your house meaning that there was an option god is always going to use what you have what do you have in your house but david knew he chose me and god said because you've set your love upon me i will deliver thee just because you set your love on this live stream today god is already delivering you amen amen he's already delivering you because you've set your love so that means it requires a requirement to set your love upon god to know that you are sentenced to win and read the next the next one not the next verse but the uh the rest of it all right i will set him on high because he has known my name people want to elevate claudius but they don't know that it's hidden in psalms 91 14. because he had set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him i will set him on high because he had known my name the prophet said prophet love he said this is the year of our name seeing god face to face to know his name because you have set your love because you have set your love upon the lord he shall deliver thee deliver thee from what from the mindset of thinking that you're not meant to win and i will set him on high because he has known my name all you need is to shift your mind as a man think of in his heart so is he shift your mind and god will set you on high and once he set you on high i'm going to i'm going to read this one to you i'm going to read this one to you because this is going to give you what ammunition right so when times get hard you can refer to these scriptures you know that you're sentenced to win but when difficulty come you got to read that psalms 91 14. when difficulty come you must read amos 9 verse 13. and i'mma read it in the message version because i like this version and how he breaks it down it says but also on that judgment day i will restore will's house it says david house but i want you to put your name there but also on that judgment day i will restore will's house that has fallen to pieces i repair the holes in the roof replace the broken windows fix it up like new will's people will be strong again and sees what's left of the enemy edom plus everyone else under my sovereign judgment god's decree i've been sentenced to win he will do this yes indeed it won't be long now god's decree it won't be long now god's decree things are going to be happening so fast your head will swim one thing fast on the heels of the other you won't be able to keep up everything will be happening at once and everywhere you look blessings blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and the hills i'll make everything right again for my people israel listen these are the weapons in the ammunition you must need to prosper you to know that the blessing is pouring down like wine from the hills you are sentenced to win child of god you are sentenced to win you should be celebrating because just the reading of that lets you know hey it ain't long now this is god's decree about you but you must know who you are you must know who you are you must know who you are you must know who you are you must know who you are we're going to pray but before we pray ma we talked about the five-fold ministry the apostle the prophet the evangelist the pastor and the teacher the words that you have heard today have opened your ear to hear now we want to establish this word in you so that you may prosper so that you may reach many and so that you may be a shepherd to the sheep ah this is deep i want you to find a seed with the number 12. the seed with the number 12. a seed with the number 12. 12 represents god's power and authority and his establishment you establishing the foundation if you was to write it on concrete it would say i am sentenced to win and you will stand upon that foundation we stand upon that foundation because jesus is the foundation who was crucified before the foundation of the world so you're etching that in by you tying your seed and breaking your ground so that you may prosper get something that costs you whether it be one thousand twelve dollars ten thousand twelve dollars one million twelve dollars whatever it may be don't miss your chance to tie yourself because i'm telling you prophetically that everything has begun to be established and changed in your life simply because of the seed even if you got to call somebody to borrow it you will never be a borrower again i'll tell you this truth and i remember when i quit my job i didn't have any money at the time i was home visiting my father he was going to a my father's mother to a seventh day adventist church at the time and all i had literally was 12 cents that's all i had and it was a blank check which i'm giving you today i knew that claudius and moussa i could have wrote anything on this check and god was going to answer it and what i wrote on that prayer request was god i want my wife because a man who has a wife obtains favor from the lord i said i want my i could have asked for millions i could ask for anything i gave with all of me because that's all that i had and when i met my wife i said my god your birthday is 4 12. wow we got married september 12th which our anniversary will be sunday shout out to my beautiful wife congratulations sir the number 12 is deep the woman gave all that she had and god counted it more because that's all she had so yum some of you are being stretched right now you may say i don't know i don't really have much to give because of my i need you to give it because god gives seed to the sower those who sow i came with mine too don't worry look look i came with mine i came with mine i'm a seed too you know i came with mine it's something prophetic about the number 12. find your seed and break your ground find your seed and break your ground see the word has entered your mind now the word must be broken into your heart because in your heart it says out of the heart comes the issues of life you want good things to come out of your heart so your establishment saying i am sentenced to win that's what you're naming this seed we want to be sure about that i am sentenced to win hey my birthday is 4 12. ah deep deep deep you know this message was for you you want to break your ground break your ground right now and when you break that ground everything will begin to change go and do it quickly lesser foreign [Music] no matter what the problem is i know you can get me out of it i can always count on you i'm yours and i'm proud of it show me your grace show me show me your way i'm seeking [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] that's why i'm true to this i had to put a moment i had to bring the crew in it ain't no way to ruin it just keep on renewing it i write the gucci with the gold cruiser fix sweaty [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] uh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] amen amen amen i'm glad you went and sold that 12 whether it be 12 million whatever it may be and if you're just now coming on i want you to re-watch this and don't forget to break your ground you've heard a lot what was said i am sentenced to win but it means nothing if you don't tie your blood sweat and tears to it it is important to do that and i said i wanted to give you something prophetic to do until sunday so there's three things that i want you to do number one i want you to walk around your house and say that i am sentenced to win do this for at least five minutes because what we're doing is we're causing this seed to germinate inside of you that's number one number two carraba chelemando corre master levando number two i want you to get rid of every idol everything that has stopped you from succeeding let me break that down even a little further any charm bracelets any candles anything that was given to you that you know that is not of god i need you to get rid of it out of your house amen any idea anything in your mind any negative thought i need you to write that thought down whether it be i'm doubtful because i'm no one's ever made it in my family i need you to write it down and say i am sentenced to win so you're walking around for five minutes you're building your spirit up your building yourself up so that you can deal with the things that you need to get rid of there's going to be a little tug and pull there's some clothes that you might have to get rid of there's some shoes you might have to get rid of there's some thoughts some books that you've been reading that you need to get rid of in order for this thing to really set inside of you that is number two are we tracking yes i'm listening to the lord number three i want you to prepare your favorite meal prepare your favorite meal and when you're eating you're saying i am sentenced to win i am celebrating for that job i'm celebrating for that husband i'm celebrating for that career i'm celebrating for the move of god whatever it may be that is your third thing to do and you're going to do this tonight saturday and finish on sunday tonight saturday and finish on sunday this is really going to break you open into your next dimension and your next level you've already tied your seed to it you named it now we have to break your ground we have to build you up break the ground with all the negative stuff whether it be a charm bracelet on the wrist whatever it is a necklace that someone gave you and uh get rid of it get rid of everything for god to make something new in you and then you celebrate with a dinner why am i having you celebrate with a dinner before i book any job i don't wait on the job to know that i booked it i don't wait on the audition to audition i'll go eat with my good brother jt gang i'll go eat with my sister esther i'll go eat with my brother musa which we need to do that's right yeah i'll go eat and i'll be celebrating what is to come because i know what i am sentenced to win amen i am sentenced to win i am sentenced to win so when you're walking around your house i am sentenced to win when you think about your account i am sentenced to win when you think about your life i am sentenced to win and then you go deal with you know lord i was thinking about man every time i start something it's like the rug gets snatched from under me lord but you know what lord i am sentenced to win and from this day forth god no rug will be snatched from under me i will be like aladdin and everywhere i move the rug will move when i move and then i will eat to seal it ah it's a powerful thing when you eat i will eat to sell it that i'm sentenced to you're going to do this for three days straight and watch the testimonies that will happen don't let nothing stop you from doing it even if you fall asleep get back up and do it even if you feel in a tug and pull why are you doing that that's not gonna work do it because you are sentenced to win father as we close lord jesus i want everybody wherever you are to lift your hands if you're in your car please don't lift your hands pull to the side if you're in your car if you can pull to the side just for a second if you can pull to the side just for a second i want the angels that walk with me to empower you because it's your time why would i come declare to you that you are sentenced to win if it's not your time but sometimes we need other things other entities to empower us to get there you've heard the word you've got the instruction now you're giving even your angels something to do my angels are going to stir up your angels just lift your hands and be be in the attitude of inside of yourself just saying to yourself i am sentenced to win lord just inside of yourself in a small still voice thank you lord i pray o lord and i declare o lord that you would touch each and everyone's hand that is raised o lord father you have declared us sentenced to win oh lord empower them o father may your angelic activity even be visible o lord may oil appear upon their head in their hands oh lord may feet get hot oh god may it be a turning in the stomach oh god to know that your presence o god is there o lord father i release grace god in power now god grace and power now god i break every demonic force now god i tear down every stronghold now god father i break every chain now god lay my roover say pato rama rimagista rova i see the angel of the lord taking a chain and removing it from someone's neck you feel like you're suffocating like you're choking like you can't really catch your breath the chain is being broken and removed feel the power of god the tangible hand of god yes every demon be moved in the name of jesus every evil spirit be broken in the name of jesus be broken down in the name of jesus by fire by thunder god orama celebra father every accursed thing o lord as you spoke to joshua oh god when they was losing the war oh god you told them that they took something in their camp oh god and you told them what it was and they removed it oh father god and they begin to win oh god whether that be an idol or god in thought or physical oh god may it be broken now and may it be removed may be thrown in the trash now god touch your people god let this word oh god go forth oh god i declared to go forth oh god to the four corners of the earth o god i declare blessings o god from the north south east and the west oh god to cover your children god made the power of god marova simayo roma father may the death hear god may the ones that are bound by wheelchairs begin to walk god now man go forth now god man go forth now god oh lord jesus you're so merciful god you're so loving god oh lord let this rest in our mind and in our spirit and our soul oh lord that we are sentenced to win oh god you never made anything god that wouldn't produce you oh lord for we are made in your image and your likeness god and some have fell away oh lord because they heard the wrong word god but today father you're re-energizing a spirit o god you're healing them oh god we serve a god that is alive and well and seated on the throne so lord i thank you father that you even chose me today o lord to be an extension of your kingdom god father i thank you for the testimonies oh god that will come through oh god i thank you father god even now in the comments what the people have felt oh god your people got who you called by your name god open the door for them father for the sake of my father who i'm subjected to o lord for the grace of my father of this house o god extend it now god in the mighty name in the mighty name in the mighty name in the mighty name in the mighty name be set free it is done all right it is done it is done it is done it is done if you have back issues move if your knees will hurt and move move your body the lord has sentenced you to win and god will always use a body that he's called to use you cannot be sick how can you hear this message and be sick how can you hear this message and be congested how can you hear this message and not be awakening when peter and john was at the gate they said money and silver i don't have it to give you but what i do have is life get up and walk i'm talking to somebody right now that is bedridden get up and walk get up and walk get up and walk in the name of jesus your account is sick get up and walk get up and walk in the name of jesus for you are sentenced to win father we thank you lord we love you god one person here there's one person here the lord is telling me to tell you you know who you are come back come back to your first love come back to your first love i know you were church hurt i know some things happen i'm going to use it all i'm going to wash you myself come back to me come back to me come back to me come back to me come back to me come back to me remember your first love remember when you first spoke to me and i spoke to you because i spoke to you first remember it come back to me come back to me come back to me this is the lord really drawing you back if you hear testify i know you're here because he wouldn't stop me right now amen he wouldn't stop me right now he wouldn't stop me right now just for you this is leaving the 99 and going after the one this message was for you the lord is saying to you so devonte lord said this is me come back to me come back to me come back to me come back to me come back to me sometimes we just have to come back we've been trying it on our own and it hasn't been working and it's not going to work you are sentenced to win but you need to be the one that you be next to the one that gives you the sentence to win come back to me come back to me father we thank you lord we thank you lord we thank you lord we thank you for your mercy god your mercy and your grace god who are we o lord we are filthy rags oh lord in your sight oh lord it is you who makes us righteous oh god come back to me come back to me the lord is saying you don't have to be cleaned up you don't have to have it all together before you return to me i'll take you like i took this prodigal son rolling in the mud i'll take you and i'll clean you up and i'll put a ring of glory on your finger and a robe of faith on you come back to me come back to me father we thank you lord i love you lord thank you for what you've done for us today oh lord in jesus name i pray amen amen amen foreign you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 3,443
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pEp7Gbu5vNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 46sec (4606 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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