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hello hello hello everyone all the beautiful people out there thank you so much for joining us i want you guys to like share subscribe do what you need to do to grab your auntie your cousin your uncle your brother your sister your mother everybody to tune in right now amen amen amen amen and man let's get some lice let's get some shares let's get this going today um i just want to say it's an honor to be here sitting in this chair of my amen spiritual father amen amen the doctor prophet l elias amen amen i am prophetess ashley amen and i'm just so glad to be here amen amen tonight i'm going to be speaking on wisdom um the other day my papa asked me excuse me he did not ask me he told me [Laughter] he told me that i will be speaking today amen amen and when my papa tells me to speak i have to speak amen we know that i am a very busy woman i have children i have a wonderful husband amen lee for joining me today um but i'm just so grateful to be here and be able to um be in this position for my father so when papa asked me or excuse me told me to speak the first thing that came to my mind was wisdom a lot of times papa has spoken on the wisdom that i have as a mother and a wife um so why not pour out that wisdom to you guys amen amen amen wisdom is in so many areas of life um yes i have wisdom in marriage and parenting and being a leader but wisdom is in every single aspect of your life she's literally in every corner waiting to be received waiting to be used waiting to be grasped by us amen amen so let's start with what wisdom is wisdom is knowledge and if you look at the hebrew word of wisdom it's hakma and hakma is the application of wisdom amen sorry the application of knowledge amen amen and in the application of knowledge it's how are you using that god is giving you knowledge but are you using it are you making any use of it are you applying it to your life are you applying it to the way you walk are you applying it in every single area of your life some things that um wisdom that i've learned from papa being under him for i think what almost eight years now um you know i've learned through him and through experience one key thing and that's quietness um there's a lot of mystery and quietness and a lot of people they say oh i i love the mystery in you because you're quiet it's such a mystery it makes people want to know more about you about the information that you have but it's also a good thing for when you were in the presence of those who have more knowledge than you amen we have more wisdom than you that's good when i'm with my spiritual father i'm quiet quiet because i know with him when i'm in his presence i know nothing amen nothing that's wisdom i know nothing there's nothing that i can say that's better than anything that's coming out of his mouth let me tell you that right now what i'm in his presence but he's my spiritual father and i learn to be still and quiet and just receive what he has to teach me even if he just says a few words amen there's something in everything that he says there's something in everything that god says and we know that god is speaking through him amen amen now in knowledge and wisdom you have a choice yes you have a choice to use the knowledge that you have received and we're going to see that in um what's king solomon and in second chronicles 1 11 through 12. if someone can read that second chronicles 1 11-12. god answered solomon because this was in your heart and you have not asked for possessions wealth honor or the life of those who hate you and have not even asked for long life but have asked for wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may govern my people over whom i have made you king wisdom and knowledge are granted to you i will also give you riches possessions and honor such as none of the kings who were before you and none after you shall have the like can you read that again for me one more time yes ma'am god answered solomon because this was in your heart and you have not asked for possessions wealth honor or the life of those who hate you and have not even asked for long life but have asked for wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may govern my people over whom i have made you king you can stop there okay so solomon this man could have asked for anything yeah because god said ask me for anything and i'll i'll give you the desires of your heart yes he could ask for anything right he could ask for riches yeah he could have asked for longevity he could have asked for his enemy of last week to be beheaded you know yeah but he he was wise in knowing that those are just right now things i need something that's going to sustain me yeah something that's going to bring longevity and the blessings that i'm going to carry so with us it's not we we don't pray god i need money for my rent okay that's just going to take care of that rent for this week yeah or god buy me a new bmw okay like those things you know depreciate yeah they wear you know he specifically asked for wisdom and knowledge and with that came inside the inside of knowing okay god what do i need to do to carry your people what what wisdom do i need to carry your people and with that all of those other things that he didn't ask for will come to him yeah amen all those other things he'll receive them because i'm sure god is is is directing him in the ways of being king and how to how to run his kingdom amen god's going to tell him about this servant and that servant keep this person not that person do business with this person not that person you know and it's the same thing for us we need to ask god for wisdom what are we asking him for that's good what are we asking him for that's good prophetess are we just asking him for things of this world right things that we can only possess right now things that our children can't even enjoy that our children's children can't enjoy you seek wisdom you gain wisdom to sustain you for generations and generations and generations to come i want to see my children get blessed amen i want to see my children children get blessed amen i'm in heaven i'm going to see everybody else get blessed amen that is in my generation amen that that is what i want so today i'm going to give you some some points on how to gain wisdom amen let's go to proverbs 11 2. proverbs 11 2. when pride comes then comes disgrace but with the humble is wisdom one more time when pride comes then comes disgrace but with the humble is wisdom when pride comes then comes disgrace when pride comes where is pride pride is in yourself pride is all about yourself about your ways your rights your wrongs your thinkings pride is about self boasting in self yeah you need to throw the pride out the window get rid of it empty yourself empty yourself of all that pride all of it god's not going to get rid of that for you need to get rid of that for yourself that's good look inside yourself is do i have pride in me that's good is this taking over me rather than god's word for my life rather than god taking me higher elevating me you know we know that once you lose the pride you humble yourself and you gain the knowledge you gain the wisdom but the wisdom of the lord not the wisdom of this world but the wisdom of the lord yes we know that the fear of the lord it's the beginning of knowledge so reverence him and being all of him humble yourself before him saying god what are your ways teach me your ways teach me the right from wrong teach me the good and the just how how can i lose myself and take hold of what wisdom is trying to speak to me she's in the corner speaking how can i receive her how can i take that in to better myself to better your people to change my heart to change the heart of others because when people see me they see you that's good and we all want to walk in the likeness of jesus not in the likeness of ourselves of our brothers or sisters unless they're walking like jesus you know that's good so humble yourself humble yourself because pride comes before the fall pride comes before the fall and in this house under the anointing of prophet elias we don't fall amen that is not in our dna amen that is not what we do you might as well be allergic to it let me tell you yeah that's true do not fall that's good there's no pride here amen amen um the next point that we're going to go into is pretty personal it's personal to me because it's something that i i'm constantly examining um and that's experience experience it's very personal to me experiences um can be in all fashions any anything that you're going through any hard times um losses yeah um heartbreaks it can be good it could be bad you know yeah but you gain wisdom through experience and in those experiences it builds your character amen that's good it shapes you and it builds your character but with those experiences you gain access you gain access to the wisdom of god and for me i can go through so many experiences and i'm like okay god what is it this is what i ask myself what is it that i need to learn through this experience amen that's good that's good if i find myself teach going around a mountain or going through the same thing over and over again hitting a wall and just being frustrated what in the world i need to stop i stop and i ask myself and i ask god what do i need to learn in this experience that's good it's not a woe is me why am i going through this um i wish it was somebody else or you know whatever the case may be it's okay god what's the lesson to be learned here that's good that's good you know don't get down about it yes you're probably going through a horrible situation but it's okay because who's with you god that's god is always with you he will never leave you he will never forsake you that's good that's good a good way of looking at it um is think of the classroom let's say you have two students god is your teacher they're going to class the classes is life experience you have one student who is seeking that wisdom and knows that there's something to be learned in this classroom by this teacher that's good in this experience wisdom then you have another student who's just playing around in the back joking with this homie not paying attention and being foolish yeah basically you're being foolish you're the wise are you foolish which one are you so both of these students are in this class and at the end of the semester you have to take a test paint the picture you either pass or you fail what side are you going to be on the side of wisdom or the side of foolishness that's good because if you're on the side of wisdom you're passing that test amen you're moving on you've gained the wisdom you've gained the wisdom from god himself that's good and you go to the next level you go to the next class you elevate but if you're on the side of the the student who was foolish didn't pay attention and just playing around in class he's going to go through that experiences again that's good then again and again and again until he wakes up and realizes there's something to be learned in this experience that's a great analogy amen that's good that's good amen that's good so with experience comes time so just like in the classroom you have your two students one his time was short he he did his semester the other one his time is i don't know that's dependent on him you know yeah so your timing sometimes it's dependent on you that's good that's good it's dependent on you you can't sit here and complain that's good we're waiting on you you want to grow you want to gain that wisdom we're waiting on you it's there you can reach out and grab it she's there and everything we're waiting on you that's good amen let's see job 12 12. let's read that job i'm going to show you all another way of how time is incorporated in receiving wisdom amen amen job 12 12. wisdom is with the aged and understanding and length of days again wisdom is with the aged and understanding in length of days one more time wisdom is with the aged and understanding in length of days so wisdom is with the age as you age as the time goes by you gain more and more wisdom you collect more and more wisdom amen and it's very wise to as someone who is seeking wisdom to go talk to those who have been before you for years and seek the wisdom that they have amen they've been here for so long they've been through so much for me i'll i'll give you an example the bryans they have been married for so many years amen amen i've been married seven years six years how long have you been married wow going on seven amen we're going on seven years amen but it don't mean completion we're going on seven years of marriage so if i'm going if i need any advice in marriage anything at all who am i going to the brian the brian amen that's good that's good the brines have been married for so long yeah that's good i know they have children [Music] who are alive well and healthy yup who are not running the streets running amok yeah that's good they guided them in the right way yes they canceled them in the right way that's good that's good that's good they're still happily married that's beautiful my husband and papa brian they they joke all the time about marriage stuff you know if you know what i mean but but we we gained so much from them because they've been through this they've aged through this not age in a bad weight there they are some good looking people amen amen they are they are they are they are goals but time is very very important and with time you begin our next point which is you begin to trust god amen you put your trust in god not trust in man not trusting yourself but trust in god because you develop this relationship with god to where you begin to understand his process you begin to see his patterns you begin to see how he maneuvers that's good in your life that's good you begin to see how he teaches you you know yeah amen you just begin to know him amen you're in a relationship with him you've been through experiences with him that's good you've been through the time with him that's good so you trust him that's good you know that okay you've brought me out of this situation in the past so i know you're going to bring me out of that this situation i'm in now amen amen that's good you know that the wisdom that you gave me before is going to carry me through this whatever i run into in the future amen so i don't bump my head amen that's because i don't fall that's good you know yeah so we have to trust him trust him in in the character building trust them to know that this is for your good all these experiences is for your good man it's just here to build you yes that's good it's just here to shape you that's good does it hurt sometimes yes but there's a sweet reward in the end amen amen find beauty in that hey man hey man find find beauty in it that's good well on anything that you think is holding you down holding you back it's not that's good god is with you that's good it's not holding you back it's shaping you that's good it's beautifying you amen i mean that's good let god be your makeup artist let him be your makeup artist [Music] let him do a full-on makeover make make me over amen amen that's make me over let's go i can't with y'all that's good but all of this just it allows you to hold on to god and what he has for you it allows you to really appreciate him and all that he has for you and where he's taking you and we can see an example in job you know job trusted god this man lost everything he had everything he lost everything yeah and god put him through a lot he lost everything but in that time god was able to show him look trust me yeah that's good trust me your hope and your future is not in these things and these people it's in me this universe is so complex god is simple but everything around us this universe is it's a complexity that we don't ever understand we won't ever understand it joe didn't understand it we won't understand it yeah but we have to put our trust in the lord amen amen amen trust in the lord through all the complexity through all the experiences trust in the lord amen and our last point we're going to go to proverbs 11 14. and we can read that in the the king james king james yeah you said proverbs 11 14 yes proverbs 11 14 where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of counselors there is safety one more time one more again where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of counselors their safety amen amen seek counsel speak sound cancel amen seek sound counsel just how we go to the brian's for council seek sound counsel amen amen there's two ways that you can do that teach through man and through the holy spirit amen through man if you're going through something go to someone who's already been through before you how did you get through this yeah how do i go about this business deal how do i audition better how do i uh i don't know raise my children better that's good you know seek sound counsel and we know that our spiritual father talk about it is probably the main person that you need to seek that sound counsel from amen don't go blowing his phone up don't try to get in the green room but there are [Music] there there are so many videos yes that's good so many videos that's good of papa's teaching that's true on youtube that's true that's true that's your counsel amen that's good that's wisdom that's your counsel yes that's good we title these messages now go back the holy spirit will lead you he'll show you he'll guide you to which one to watch just watch all of them amen amen watch all of them you're gonna gain so much wisdom amen he's speaking straight from god that's god speaking amen amen amen seek sound counsel through man amen amen as a wife you know i seek counsel from my husband amen i'm the neck but he's the head yeah he hears directly from the lord amen amen amen amen i can't with you guys keep going but no i truthfully in everything that i do amen i seek my husband amen i seek god and i seek my husband amen i seek him because i'm his wife and when i'm outside of the house when i'm not with him i'm a representation of him y'all can see my husband right now some real words right there [Music] but i know that my husband he's been through experiences he's wise himself amen he goes into prayer for us for our family and every decision amen it's not something that he's just like oh we're just going to do this no yeah he he went he went to to god for these things for us and that brings me to our next point if you can read proverbs 11 uh 11 14 again for me then proverbs 11 14. where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of counselors there is safety one more time where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of the counselors there is safety yeah one more time where no counsel is the people fall but in the multitude of counselors there is safety listen go to the holy spirit go to the holy spirit amen ask him for wisdom amen simple as that amen ask him for wisdom in the areas that you need wisdom amen amen amen seek that knowledge and be able to submit to his counsel submit to his counsel amen and be open for correction yes because if you don't submit to that counsel and be in become open to that correction there's consequences that's good you can fall that's good we don't fall right we don't fall because we're under profit low vl elias amen amen so be alert when when you go to the holy spirit in those times be alert because he's going to speak that's good he's going to speak and wisdom is there amen ready amen holy spirit's ready wisdom is ready that's good amen amen that's good ready ready ready don't be a fool amen don't be a fool have the heart posture to be open and receive amen lose self open and receive amen make that room to receive what the holy spirit wants to download into you amen let's make that room for that wisdom because we we know we know that it's what we need amen and i know that my husband and i we we've been so blessed being under under papalo amen amen and through the years he's given us so much wisdom amen and one thing we know is that if papalo has it we have it that's true amen true if papalo has it we have it amen because that man is wise amen it's in our inheritance amen conceive what papalo has that's true amen that's good that's good if you are a son or daughter of prophet lovey eliza you are able to receive the inheritance it's yours amen that wisdom is yours what he has is yours that's good so with that let's go ahead and let's give into this ministry into our papa and when we come back i'm gonna have a little something special for y'all amen all right [Music] i could never get enough [Music] [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you i just wanna get closer to you now breathe just wanna get closer to you [Music] take me to your secret place [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer to you [Music] i just wanna get closer to you [Applause] [Music] then [Music] everything jesus [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now you are the same god now and forever you are the same god on higher [Music] and when the whole world is lost in darkness i have your comfort i'm not afraid i will be singing from the mountains cause you're the same god you'll never [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you never [Music] [Music] [Music] you are my savior you are my father and my friend so here's a million hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you'll never change [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right welcome back everyone thank you for giving let's uh dive into our surprise so amen [Music] like our spiritual father i'm going to give you guys homework listen anytime amen papa gives my husband and i an assignment we are on it where there is supplications amen reading scriptures and personalizing amen amen whatever it may be amen if it has something to do with oil praying amen it's true being up at 3am we're going to do it amen it's true amen so hopefully you guys will receive this homework assignment for the week amen um i will say there are a lot of people who are always going to papalo wanting an answer and papalo will he'll give them an assignment and those people will walk away disappointed like oh he didn't prophesy to me he didn't give me a word he didn't heal me he didn't do whatever whatever but there they completely missed the point completely missed the point he gave you an assignment that assignment is going to bring that breakthrough it's going to bring that healing it's going to bring whatever it is that you need that's wisdom guys that's good that's good wisdom do the assignment so don't walk away just do the assignment amen and even if it's something so little that you're like oh i want to prophesy and i want to i want to or i want to i want to know how to meditate and go to this dimension and yeti okay but if papa just gives you a real small assignment like getting up at 3am and praying take that and run with it that's good amen papa is very wise and with wisdom comes discernment and papa can discern say that again wisdom comes discernment that's good so with wisdom comes discernment so papa he can discern where you are what level you're on that's true because if you receive that higher knowledge and you're not ready for it destruction that's good you're only hurting yourself you're teaching so let's go to uh proverbs 12. this is your homework assignment amen amen um i want you guys to well first of all let me tell you proverbs book of wisdom amen it's something that you can go and refer back to just read it sometimes just pick a chapter you'll gain wisdom okay read it whenever you need to amen but this week we're going to focus on proverbs 12. and um [Music] if we can let's go to proverbs 12 we can go to i'm just gonna well let me tell you assignment basically you're gonna read each scripture because each scripture is a bit of wisdom amen in itself amen and it focuses on the side of wisdom that godly wisdom amen and then the side of the fool anyone who is being foolish in their ways in their tongue and their walk of life and their actions so you're going to read through each scripture focus on the wisdom and the foolishness and you're going to pick out the ones that you need wisdom in the areas that you need more wisdom the areas you're like you know what okay you know i am being a little foolish on this let me let me go to my god and ask him for wisdom in this that's good that's good so let's let's let's look at uh proverbs 12 14. proverbs 12 14. a man shall be sacked sorry sorry 12-4 12-4 a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband but she that maketh a shame is a rottnest in his bones amen if you read it in the um new living translation it says a worthy wife is a crown for her husband but a disgraceful woman is like cancer in his bones so if you're a wife or if you're preparing to be a wife because you're going to personalize these things you need to look at yourself and analyze yourself where do i fit in this that's good that's good am i representing my husband and the light that we need to be represented in that's good am i walking in in a godly way that's good you know that's good the words that are coming out of my mouth when when i'm in the presence of others are those christ-like words are those those am i am i representing us that's good in the right light that's good because if i'm not then i'm bringing disgrace to my husband's name wow that's good simpson that's good talk about i'm not bringing disgrace to what's that name again i'm a simpson i don't want to hear my husband's mouth if i messed up [Laughter] you know that's wisdom i have to i have to make sure that that that i'm the crown for my husband amen when they see me they see him amen amen when they see me they see him amen it's true and when they see us they see christ hey amen because that's how we operate that's how we walk our lives out amen following christ in the likeness of christ amen amen uh let's do proverbs 12 6 12 6. king james uh you can do a new living translation please new living okay 12 6 proverbs 12 6 the words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush but the words of the godly saves lives one more time the words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush but the words of the godly save lives when you're reading this think about your words amen think about how what comes off your tongue amen are they godly words are they uplifting words are they words of encouragement or are you using words to like stab people to bring people down that's good to hurt people think about do do you are you swearing that's not being effective for anyone that's not helping anyone that's not blessing anyone are you edifying people's lives think about your day-to-day conversations are you gossiping do you have slander you know are you judging think about the way you use your words and if these as you're going through the scriptures see do i need to pray concerning this that's good do i need to pray concerning my tongue do i need to pray concerning the way that i speak to people am i using god's word to uplift people you know that's great that's great so go through the scriptures personalize them the personalize the ones that are concerning to you and where you are that's good be truthful to yourself [Music] be honest i'm look you're not submitting this to me we're not in class i don't need to know what you're going through that's good but be honest with yourself go to god and ask him to give you wisdom in these areas amen amen amen amen amen amen in closing i love you guys i thank you for having me may the lord bless you all tremendously and may you all gain wisdom amen increase in godly wisdom amen increase in godly wisdom may you elevate higher than you ever could have even imagined may god take you to places that you never even thought of may doors open for you amen may you be able to to pour into others may people come to you for that sound counsel may you be the one that people see highlighted because christ has highlighted you saying you are doing well my son you are doing well my daughter you have received the wisdom that i poured into you may you receive it we love you in jesus name amen amen amen you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 2,399
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Xv0p9tNgUUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 43sec (3043 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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