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[Music] our god is [Music] why don't you sing this please is [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever come on [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] we get up early on sunday morning some of us have to drive pretty far some of us had late nights but the real truth is that god chose to wake us up this morning god chose to wake us up this morning and give us another day that in itself is something we're celebrating amen amen and we're fortunate enough to be in this house where you're going to get very very blessed by today's service very very blessed i declare it very blessed we thank you god as you woke us up today lord we thank you for another day to glorify you god every day you get better and better and better i see you working in my life better and better and better all the seasons come quickly [Music] you have always been faithful to remind me of your love you are good in the mornings [Music] you are good to well me have always been patient with me you have always been kind and you're consistent through the ages oh what a friend of mine [Music] cause i've seen what you can do [Music] you [Music] tell him he's good everybody [Music] [Music] you keep on getting better keep on getting better make some noise [Music] keep on getting [Music] keep on getting better [Applause] keep on keep [Applause] is [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] uh [Music] every day every day is sweeter everyday gets better every day is sweeter every day [Music] [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] in the morning i say [Music] you are good to me one more time just you guys just you [Music] [Music] guys [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you're good [Music] how [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and our hearts will see how great is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see your name is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is i am [Music] is great how great is our god sing that out how great oh yeah how great [Music] is [Music] [Applause] how [Music] me [Music] is sing with me how great [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i just want to give god the highest praise because he has won the victory because he came he gave his life for us and so we're going to celebrate him today [Music] you have won the victory [Music] hallelujah you have won it all for me death could not hold you down you are the risen king seed in majesty you are the reason kings by his stripes we are healed by his nail-pierced hands we're free by his blood we're washed clean now we have the victory how the power of sin is broken jesus he overcame it all yes he did and he has won [Music] [Music] no it couldn't [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] my stripes we are here [Music] clean [Music] jesus overcame [Music] hey [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you for rising but thank you for your power [Music] seated in majesty [Music] hallelujah [Music] he is alive he won the victory he reigns on high our god is risen he is alive he won the victory he reigns on high our god is real always [Music] he won the victory [Music] victory oh [Music] thank you for death [Music] is [Music] but you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is the risen king hey say this with me everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] death could not hold you down [Music] seated in majesty [Music] death could not hold you down [Music] you are the reasons stepping into christ looks like stepping into freedom freedom from drugs freedom from pornography freedom from those things that made you feel dead step into freedom it takes a decision it takes a decision every single day to say no i'm gonna die to myself i'm gonna step into freedom i'm gonna step into freedom i'm gonna step into christ where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom that's why we can sing we can smile we can dance every week he's alive let's worship him [Music] within my heart [Music] in the darkest night it still goes on the anthem of my god within my heart is a treasure that cannot be born [Music] the lord [Music] his name together [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] how glorious you are [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] are yours [Music] [Applause] and forever [Music] forever [Music] is [Music] [Music] me oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus you holy jesus [Music] you can have my heart [Music] you can have my heart [Music] you can have my heart [Music] you can't have my [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] just thank you [Applause] [Music] you can have my feet [Music] you can help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah yesterday last week i told you we're going to have a surprise for our doctor we have not had the opportunity to appreciate him as dr lovey do you have your handkerchiefs hallelujah i appreciate the man of god i appreciate dr lobby in the house this morning come on give the lord a shout give the lord a shout celebrate him celebrate him celebrate him hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we hallelujah you doctor see it's difficult to surprise you [Music] so we tried and we're able to accomplish it we honor you doctor we honor you we thank god for what he's done we honor you hallelujah god bless you hallelujah [Music] i want you to lift your hands to heaven and uh apostle you're dangerous you know i don't like surprises lift your hands to heaven and i want you to speak to the lord and just tell the lord to prepare you for what you're going to receive [Music] preparation in the hands of god ensures that everything that god is and what god wants to give you will receive it many times we enter the presence of god without preparation so i want you to tell the lord whatever it may be in your life that may hinder you from receiving the fullness of what he has ordained for you that he will move it out of the way open your mouth and speak to the lord father in the name of jesus we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for who you are we thank you father that this day you have ordained for us to receive the newness of life like we have never received before father whatever it may be that may be a hindrance in our minds in our thoughts our deeds where we have failed where we have sinned we thank you for the blood of jesus that takes all our infirmities our mistakes our pains away that we may receive what you have for us in the name of jesus i want you to elbow somebody next to you say it is the time that the lord has ordained for you to receive what he has for you and there is nothing you can do about it there is no demon in hell that can do anything about it you will receive what the lord has ordained for you to receive i said you will receive what the lord has ordained for you to receive [Music] just like mary did not pray for jesus just like mary did not pray or ask god to give her her baby she was not even thinking about conceiving the king of kings i may god surprise you with something special [Music] ah neighbor may the lord send an angel to you right now ah may the lord send an angel to you right now i feel it in my spirit may the lord send an angel to you right now may you receive everything he has ordained for you i begin to pray in tongues and pray for your neighbor speaking to your neighbor [Music] i receive it never receive it i receive it receive it i receive it in the name of jesus look at your neighbor say ah something has happened you know what i love about god is that he will give you things that you did not even think of we serve a god who has the capacity to surpass every imagination every prayer every thought he can go exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all you can think or imagine all you can pray for i pray that that god of the bible yahweh the god of israel may he visit you and surprise you i said may he surprise you ah may he surprise you look at your neighbor say god will surprise you today if you're watching online just like god will surprise you today i am ready for the surprise i am ready for the surprise in jesus name [Music] i already feel like we can close service right here ah because i feel in my spirit god has already delivered what he intended now he said i feel in my spirit that god has already delivered uh if you believe in sharp fire if you believe it shout fire [Music] i pray that you hold yourself grab your bible grab your bible as quick as you can there is something happening i feel like i'm gonna turn into a baptist preacher tonight [Music] i feel it's somewhere deep inside me look at your neighbor say the word of god is like fire in my bones [Music] i cannot contain it i can only declare his goodness his majesty [Music] look at your neighbor say it's about to be so good i say it like you mean it's about to be so good i want you to go to second chronicles chapter 20. you are going to read from verse 15 to 17. ii chronicles chapter 20 from verse 15 to 17. if you already shout fire [Applause] now many times people don't understand why we say fire but we believe in the raw power of god amen we don't believe in heat we believe in fire we serve a god who is a consuming fire so every time we say shout fire we are calling on the name of god look at your neighbor say fire fire now uh verse 15 are you ready listen to what he says and and he said how can he all judah and ye inhabitants of jerusalem and though king joseph that saith the lord unto you be not afraid look at your neighbor say be not be not afraid nobody is made by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but the battle is is of the lord this is god's battle look at your neighbor say it is god's battle i look at your neighbor say this god's battle look at your neighbor say tomorrow go it down against them behold they come up by the cliff of these and ye shall find them today you will find every demon that has been pursuing your life secretly you will find that disease that has been hiding and you cannot understand why your health is declining you are going to find that issue that has been dismantling your family i feel like i'm talking to myself i feel like prophesying right now i feel like prophesying right now i try to sit because if you stand i will prophesy so try to sit try to sit i'm trying to i'm trying to behave let me remove my glasses for a second i'm trying to behave look at your neighbor say the prophet is trying to behave the doctor is relaxing right now but the doctor is relaxing but the prophet is about to misbehave [Applause] now now i want you to catch this is that many times in life we fight battles that are not ours today when i was in the presence of god before i came and when i mean today i mean from last night the lord just told me understand that many of my people are fighting inherited battles now the problem is we only counsel generational situations but we don't understand that that is actually not the problem because whoever is in christ whoever is in the lord whoever has received jesus is already in the bloodline of abraham so technically your grandmother your grandfather what they did what they're doing cannot come to you but what many times what people are fighting is inherited battles i look at your neighbor say not my devil i can't hear you look at your neighbor say not my devil so you have to understand that people are fighting devils that were fighting other people but you happen to just inherit i feel like i'm talking to myself you just end up inheriting something that had never had anything to do with you so many of the situations you are facing like an example some of you have when you go to the hospital and the doctor is about to treat you the doctor goes down your family history he wants to prophesy why you have diabetes he will ask you did your mother did your grandmother did your father who in your family is carrying this disease for it to justify why you should have it i feel like i'm talking to myself so there are things that when you even go to the hospital before the doctor even begins to deal with you the doctor wants to address battles that you inherited okay let me let me finish and i feel like a so what is happening is we have been fighting a lot of battles that don't belong to us whenever god wants to release a blessing in somebody's life automatically there is something that happens in the realm of the spirit demons that were against your mother that may have succeeded that were against your father that may have succeeded they feel entitled to make sure you also don't succeed so they will bring family patterns and family situations whereby you also they feel justified to make sure that you go through what your forefathers went through so we have something called family patterns and that's why the bible speaks about familiar spirits familiar spirits are demonic forces that have lived in your family for too long and they've been around your family so now they feel like because you inherited some things from your father and mother your features uh your beautiful face or or your your height or or whatever it may be they also feel like they should follow through to bring the same trouble that they brought to your forefathers but i'm here to tell you that that is not your devil ah you didn't hear what i said i i don't think you heard what i said you see the lord jesus was traveling with his disciples and he felt like eating so he saw a fig tree that was green but it was not the season for the tree to produce food fruit it was not the season for the tree to produce any kind of fruit but the lord jesus decided to go and eat anyway by reading the text you understand that jesus understood that it was not the season because the bible tells you that it was not the season for the tree to produce any fruit so jesus goes to the tree and finds no fruit and immediately the bible says and jesus answered the tree you see the problem is you don't answer certain things that are already answering you now you didn't hear what i'm saying that tree had no mouth but when jesus went to eat to find something to eat the tree had nothing and jesus understood that the tree spoke to him let me go to this side some maybe this side will understand the bible says that jesus answered the tree and said nobody will eat from you the reason why jesus cursed that tree it was because he wanted to ensure that the apostles if they ever travel through this road they will never encounter a tree that produces fruit in its own season but it will begin to produce fruit according to their season some of you are dealing with what happened with your parents because your mother or your father got married at 45 you feel like marriage should be for you at 45 because your father and mother worked for 20 years to see any kind of success i feel like i'm talking to myself you feel like by the time you are beginning to retire is the one you will see success but i'm here to tell you that that is not your devil [Music] i know you didn't hear what i'm saying i'm talking to people who are ready to walk into the promise that god has ordained for them that are ready to walk into what god has opened for them that what people thought should be what everybody goes through it is not for you i said it is not for you so many times we have bound ourselves to family history why do you have an attitude it's just in my family [Music] why do you pray like that well we've prayed like this for years but you're stagnant you're not understanding that family chains family patterns are more dangerous because this devil is camouflaging like a familiar [Applause] so you cannot look and say that spirit that is acting like my father like my mother in my life but because it looks like something that has been in your family you're okay with it you embrace it i feel like i'm talking to myself but i'm here to tell you that that is not your devil look at your neighbor say not my devil i can't hear you look at your neighbor say not my devil you see there are battles some people now there's a term that people love to say fighting your own demons everybody is facing their own demons now i have no demons i only have the blood of jesus the holy ghost and the angels of god on my side and if god before me i can never lose i will never fall i will trample against every scorpio every second because i have nothing hold me holding me back but i have everything pushing me forward because the bible says and they all ministering spirit sent to minister to them that will inherit salvation so i am here to just inherit every blessing every promise every open door every land everything that god has ordained for me i am here to be fruitful i'm here to expand myself i feel like i'm talking to myself if that is you shout fire now i want you to notice something and i'm not going to take too much time i'm going to finish i feel it in my spirit this morning [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i feel it in my spirit look at your neighbor say the anointing is dripping [Music] now i want you to notice something if you look at the history of our father abraham abraham failed to deal with certain demons i know you're shocked but i'm here to tell you something abraham being a prophet of god an anointed one of god god removed him from his family but if you read scripture you realize that his father's intention was go and find a land that was ordained by god but his father never went to it it was abraham that god pre-selected pre-ordained to be the extension that would go into that place and god wanted to separate him from his family uh some of you that are here god has called you to be separated from your family uh some of you are not listening to me that is why you're different that's why you pray the way you pray that is why you are on easy street because you are supposed to bring a new trend into your family that's why you're in revelation church because god is about to make a new trend coming to the family [Applause] that it will be an easy street i will no longer be a complicated street it will no longer be a long street it will be an easy street whereby the work has been accomplished by jesus christ and all we do is walk in the promise and in the blessing in the complete and finished work of the cross i try to sit for a second i'm trying to work this thing to the best of my ability somebody said work it now watch this abraham married sarah a beautiful woman that turned every neck even at an old age egypt was still shaken by the presence of sarah you're not listening to me i feel like i'm talking to myself may all the ladies shout i receive it i can't hear you shout i receive it now catch this sarah was deep look at your neighbor she was deep she was beautiful with every adorning you can think of but there was an issue that abraham inherited the woman of the promise was unable to produce the promise so abraham inherited something inherited something beautiful but there was something that was wrong god this visits abraham you notice abraham has no problem conceiving with hair guy but to produce with sarah there's a problem why because sarai was carrying a name given to her family by her family that within the name it already put a dna that she cannot produce so in order for god to reverse this thing god comes in and says ah i need to change your name and i need to change her name because what your family called you they called you according to their situations they named you what they thought was beautiful but they did not name you according to the destiny that god has ordained for you so some of you now produced results in your life that lack laughter when ishmael was born ishmael means god hears or god will hear but in reality those who are in christ the bible says before they pray i will answer while they are still thinking i will hear so we know that name doesn't belong to us because this means this name will always make you fight for god to hear you i feel like i'm not talking to the right people so some of you have given birth to ishmaels even though it is born of the blessing but it is not the conduit of the blessing so you find for this thing to be fruitful you have to fight day and night i don't know if i'm talking to myself maybe i don't know which way i should go but god redirects abraham and sarah and they conceive isaac they conceive laughter so when now i i wish you would have clapped better that means that you will laugh i don't think some people understand how prophetic it means to laugh when you laugh it means your battles have been settled i said it means your battles have been settled those who laugh are already in the promise but this is just the first stage laughter called isaac goes and marries rebecca he finds another beautiful one the anointing of his father is flowing through him and he finds another beautiful one but abraham failed to stop the pattern with him he was just happy to conceive laughter but laughter goes and marries another barren situation i feel like i'm talking to the wrong people i feel like i'm talking to the wrong people he marries the woman of his dreams i feel like i'm talking to myself i want somebody to go quickly to genesis 25 21-25 genesis 25 21-25 genesis 25 21-25 now something that should have been fixed with daddy was never fixed that he got his and he stopped the mistake that you and me have done many times is that when we get a breakthrough we never intercede for our family that from today i am the last one that will ever have cancer in my family because god has healed me of this this pattern ends here uh poverty in my family has ended with me arthritis has ended with me blood pressure has ended with me whatever it may be that is an infirmity broken marriages ends with me [Applause] almost you know some people have the spirit of almost you're about to enter into breakthrough and you you feel like you're about to touch it somebody shout i cancelled the spirit of almost so we failed to destroy we failed to destroy we fail to destroy what god has set up god told abraham you'll be father of nations but abraham only produces one son and he's comfortable it means in reality even though he gave birth to laughter he could have produced other children if he wanted to but for him he got one and he was okay i prophesy that you will not only get millions for you but you have enough for your children's children's children for your community for your church for your nation that you truly embody the blessing that god spoke over abraham i received that your children your descendants will be blessings to nations they will never borrow they will there will be givers they will lend to nations they will be called the blessed of the lord amen don't be comfortable if you see one there is something i want to tell you about africans please try to see it apart from being very beautiful and handsome like me don't be jealous look at some people with your jealousy you know the bible says boasting the lord now we are all wonderfully and fearfully made i just believe in me but listen to this one thing that i learned from being at home growing up there and even now coming from having to go home and i travel with my son lee for 21 hours on a flight 21 hours straight we had a layover in doha for for 10 15 minutes literally coming out of one plane entering the next one and uh there is one thing that you learn you see in this nation we are so blessed but we don't know that we are blessed and you don't know that you're blessed because you have not seen what happens outside of where you are so it is easy for you to come with any i ideas because you have never been in a proven ground to actually see what the world looks like i pray that america will open his eyes and realize how blessed you are amen that are out of every nation of the earth there is no nation like this nation amen and i tell you this not by being a citizen of this nation by being somebody that has lived in many nations and coming here you realize how blessed this nation is one thing that has made africans very strong in prayer is that between you and poverty you and sickness you and hunger is jesus there is no welfare because welfare needs welfare there's no food stamps because food stamps need food stamps so if you're going to believe in god you have to work the daylights out of the promise of god so if an african praise and they see one percent result trust me they will milk that result until it cannot produce anymore they will make sure they use it over and over and over and over and over again i have seen people praying for four hours five hours seven hours ten hours in tongues until they have no tongues anymore but when they come out of there their life has shifted forever [Applause] amen see people in a corner young men going to the mountain holding hands for two for more than ten hours by uh fight they have prayed every you know when you have never really prayed prayed your tongues can be beautiful [Music] i feel it but when you have to pray for results you may start ra ma mama but you are like ah god this is not producing you begin to tarry in the presence of god you cry yeah i took my son to the mountain two hours out of the city out of nairobi we went two and a half hours to a place called naivasha nakuru sorry and and we got to nakuru and we went to this prayer mountain where it's literally a volcanic mountain that is dormant for for hundreds of years it doesn't work anymore but there are caves there and there is a ladder that is man-made that it takes grace to go down that ladder because that ladder can collapse at any time but we were going down and you can hear people in caves in caves with blankets with fire praying that and when we were talking to the keeper of the place saw me and he ran and he was on his knees asking me to pray for him saying my family thought that i was crazy because i left home because the lord told me to come here and to be a midwife for the people that are coming here and uh and the man was very humble very sweet asked me to bless him and and and when we got there you could hear voices of men women in caves oh they have these blankets some of them don't even have blankets there is no mattress it's literally like a sheet on the ground some people even had hey zico hey grass grass that they made beds with that they were sleeping in until god answers them all you could hear is people wailing and crying before god all these people crying for one thing the devils of my father to remain there yes the devils of my mother to remain there yes in my life and those who come after me may it never follow yes and it was all kinds of people not not people who were in poverty some people have big churches they were there hallelujah hallelujah so now we see that abraham doesn't cancel something that laughter has to deal with if you read now uh genesis 11 uh from genesis 25 from verse 21 to 25 listen to what he says and isaac entreated the lord for his wife because she was barren and the lord was entreated of him and rebecca his wife conceived now notice this a man of god is cancelling barrenness again he was the answer to barrenness but he has to face baroness he was the result of putting laughter where there was shame but here he is in his own life he has to confront the same thing simply because daddy did not take care of it he was a good man he was a godly man but he missed the formula you know when we talk about generational blessings it means that like an example my son andrew can prophesy he doesn't have to go to the mountain and pray i am his mountain he came from me it should be easy amen are you catching what i'm saying yes those immediate to me don't have to do the things i did but if they have to go and find their own mountain if they have to go and pursue that it means i failed because it should be easy you didn't hear what i'm saying it should be what easy not only in terms of the knowledge that i've acquired of working with god but because what god has given me it is easy to pass on [Music] now i want you to capture this by the holy ghost but isaac understands there is a problem so he goes and demands from god but abraham never demanded from god until god told him you know i can bless you and make you a great nation then abram says ah lord you know you're saying all these things but you've never given me a child it means that isaac delayed because of abram okay let me talk to other people that uh i i don't know if you're catching what i'm saying abraham had financial blessing he had health but he was like you know what this is just the cards that god gave me this is how some of you are it's just my cross it's okay for me you know you can't have everything abraham had already made plans that he was grooming eliezer to be his heir a stranger in his house to inherit i pray that nobody will inherit what is in you except your own blood and your own blood will be a blessing to others but may your own blood be the conduit yes of the blessing amen [Applause] but isaac is wise he said my father waited for god to prophesy me i don't need to wait for a prophecy you're not listening to me some of you are waiting for dr elias to prophesy to you uh but the sure word of prophecy which is the word of god has already spoken to you uh you are above and not below whatsoever you lay your hands on shall prosper ah you will trample over scorpions and snakes yeah you are will be called the the priest of the lord nations who give unto your bosom i am talking to people who believe the word of god i'm talking to people who have received the word of god i'm talking to those who trust the word of god those who feel it in them that they don't need to wait for a prophetic word god has already spoken i look at your neighbor say god has already spoken god has already our god has already spoken god has already spoken i'm here to tell you something that many of you may not know i try to sit for one second i'm about to finish this thing i am working it to finish it i'm trying my best now now listen listen and listen to the best of your ability i look at your neighbor say open your spiritual ears open your spiritual ears people say that the i've heard people teach this and i find it criminal because you cannot teach what god has not given you i see people trying to teach about the prophetic that cannot prophesy they cannot even see a fly but they will be busy teaching you about the prophetic i find it criminal it's like somebody doing a school of healing they have never healed a sick person it is wrong biblically is wrong because you cannot give what you don't have i feel like i'm talking to myself yes yes but listen to me and listen to me by the spirit of god try your best to listen and please don't get offended if it is okay can i speak yes the issue is i've had people say prophecy comes to confirm what you already know that's a lie you see prophecy comes to enforce the word of god [Music] it doesn't come to confirm no it will only be a confirmation if you already know what god said 99 percent of the people don't know what god said let me give you an example let me give you an example there was a couple that came to our church in the old church and this just came to to my memory now in the old building not our old church but it was a rented place that we were in and we thank god that we are in a good place now our own place now but but in this church i just come up like i usually come up while worship is brewing and i saw a couple that walked in with three children if i can remember correctly three children and they were standing together and i looked at them i said god said that you're not together the husband began to sweat [Music] i told them god said you're not together and you've been divorced for six months the man said yes that's actually true the wife was like okay what's going on i said listen to me by the spirit of god god says god means your differences now if you mend your differences now within a year god is going to make you guys multi-millionaires i don't know if you remember me saying this some people who are there remember this and i spoke to them and they literally had met i think a friend or something had told them we can come and exchange children here the children i think were with their dad they were going to be with their mother a year later the wife and their husband come to see me after a new year service they come upstairs and the wife was pacing and she said prophets when you spoke to us let me tell you our differences were so big we did not even see that this was possible but we obeyed god and we worked it and we worked i want to tell you that me and my husband made our first million this year amen and she said we were living in a one bedroom apartment with our children and now we just bought a house in studio city now you don't like prophecy look at you i prophesy to somebody that is listening to this word you see what we are preaching to you we are prophesying [Applause] that is why some people don't understand the culture why people are running and putting their offering on the stage is because they are saying that is mine and i take it and i am sealing it because i am giving and by my giving i am already taking out of the finances that are in the future yes i am taking some out of that and i'm putting it in the present so that it can be in the future amen ah deep now watch this watch watch what they said to me they said listen our children were cramped up in one place but today or we can say god and people and they took me under their wings and i started they put me under their wings i started doing real estate and it was just it didn't make sense and now we are making this and you could see the husband now he has that husband but that's what prophecy does it comes to blow and explode your mind beyond your current situation amen so if i come and tell you god says you'll be a billionaire and you look at me and you say that's that's a good word and you don't take the instructions you will miss it because you see god comes to do exceedingly abundantly i don't know why we don't understand that god is an exceedingly abundantly he's an exceedingly abundantly god is not i'm going to give you according to your measure god he is a running over pressed down kind of god he's the kind of god who pours out a blessing that you don't have room enough to receive it that people around you begin to benefit from it amen [Applause] so so now watch this prophecy comes to shock you into the reality of god it comes to open your eyes to what god sees you to be like not what your situation tells you you are like that's what prophecy is now watch this isaac realizes i'm not going to pray to god i'm not going to wait on god to come and tell me isaac thou art the promise of the lord you shall conceive he said no i'm not waiting for that my father waited i'm not going to he went to the lord and said lord what is going on here this is not good how can i be laughter and there is crying in my house you see this is some of the prayers some of you need to start making this is an abomination that there should be tears in my house when i am the beloved of the lord it should be an abomination there is sickness in my house when jesus paid the price yes [Applause] unless you realize that there is a contradiction look at your neighbor say not my devil because isaac prayed god gave him double for his trouble ah nah nah you didn't hear what i just said god gave his wife twins okay let me talk to other people let me talk to the people on this side to everybody that will open their mouth right now and say lord this is an abomination may god give you devil for your trouble i begin to open your mouth and say lord this is an abomination i i receive double for every trouble for every trouble i can't hear you opening your mouth talking to god ah somebody shot fire somebody shout glory glory no no no no now now watch this thank you sir now now catch this [Applause] i just saw angels giving people keys keys keys keys keys keys keys keys [Applause] something is being unlocked tonight something is being unlocked this morning yes something is being unlocked this afternoon somebody shot fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now watch this watch this is so and jacob aborn i said eso and jacob award born so isaac is getting double laughter [Applause] isaac gets double laughter but jacob receives the promise and before jacob was born is so wrestled him and esau came out first even though god released double for his trouble but there was still a contention against the blessing of god why was there a battle because nobody is fixing the pattern when abram his father was having children he gave first birth to ishmael and then gave birth to isaac but now they have broken the the chain of having a a uh uh uh illegitimate children but is giving birth to two children but their promise is still number two not number one i i feel like i'm talking to myself i try to sit try to sit i'm trying to work this thing somebody said doctor doctor doctor doctor ah dr elias take it easy on us now watch this the same thing is happening the same thing is happening ishmael was also blessed esau was also blessed but they were not the promise carriers so there was bad fruits among the good fruits there was bitter fruits so even though god answers isaac but there is still an ishma like ishmaelite kind of spirit still flowing to disrupt the blessing that the one that god loved is number two not number one because why abraham never fixed this thing this is why the bible says the first shall be what last it is breaking the abrahamic spirit that was opponent that caused ishmael to come before isaac now some people are too i feel like the spirit of revelation i thought i was in revelation church so there is a pattern god is fixing by saying the first shall be last and the last shall be first why god is correcting something that was never corrected that is why we have the second adam wow ah you're not getting what i'm saying i don't think you i feel like i'm talking to myself no now watch this adam fails on a tree jesus dies on a tree may you be the last one that the devil will ever deceive when you're close to your breakthrough when you're about to get the fruit of life that will produce for you and your children's children's children may every snake be destroyed right now i said may every devil be crushed right now if you would stomp your feet and say devil we finish you today today ah something has happened [Applause] [Music] i feel like i'm preaching today [Applause] i feel like i'm preaching today yes now try try try to sit for a second try to sit i'll try to sit i hope i'm helping somebody uh somebody said doctor elias write the prescription sir dr elias write the prescriptions uh write that write the prescription write the prescription now watch this and watch this well try to watch this the best way that you can so it gives back to two situations and him himself tries to bless the wrong situation you see when abraham conceived ishmael he did not want to let go of him because he was the son of his flesh some of you you need to let go of some failed things even though it came from you amen okay let me talk to the people on this side just because it used to work it doesn't mean it will continue to work because maybe it was not the carrier of the promise some of you are so comfortable with what used to be [Applause] that when it is time to move on to the promise still holding on [Music] i'm holding on to god god never said hold on to me said i will hold you by my right hand what are you holding on to amen god is the one who is holding you now somebody didn't hear what i just said he said i will hold you by my right hand i will never leave you nor forsake you so if you're the one who's holding on something is off it means god moved on okay let me let me move somewhere else i feel like i'm talking to the apostle i feel like i'm only talking to the apostle today now watch this i'm about to finish [Music] but jacob also jacob also fights to get his birthright because inside of him he just knew i should be the one that carries the family blessing i just know it is my right [Applause] there are some of you you just think it is okay for for for you to be just fine where you are and you know our family is just doing okay we're all just doing fi no god god called you to stand out and to step out to believe with everything in you i am the light of this family i am the salt of this family and i am willing to do everything possible yes to get what is mine i watch this jacob tricks his way into the blessing god doesn't stop it because what he wanted was really his but him himself is on exile again just like his father was an exile just like his father before was also an exile every one of them left their original home to go to a foreign land but none of them were established here he is receiving the blessing and going to a foreign land because he has to run away because he may be killed his father did step in the foreign land but did not live in it he couldn't abram could not laughter could not he dug wells but the whales were taken away he could not stay there here comes the son who receives the blessing and he has to go on exile he goes on exile the spirit of his father is upon him somebody said the spirit of his father is upon him the spirit of his father is upon him he finds something sweet called rachel he says [Music] i feel it in my bones he said i will work for seven years for this situation this is my wife the bone of my bone the flesh of my flesh i will work your clapping is uh amen he was willing to give seven years he was willing to give seven years for a new beginning just like god created the heavens and the earth in what seven days so he was prophetic so he begins to labor but in his labor god begins to prove that his hand is on him he begins to prosper his father-in-law comes and tells him ah you know the goats and the sheep you have are actually the ones that are mine he says no problem you can take them i will start over and every time they stole from him he increased why the blessing was operating amen uh somebody say anything that has been stolen from you you don't need it back you create another one you don't need it but you create it ah you'll be able to replicate that formula over and over and over again to be able to replicate that formula over and over and over again but watch this now watch this i i i can i have five more minutes yes but there is an issue now because the blessing cannot be permanent because it's on the wrong ground that is why some of you you've already begun to see the blessing of god but some patterns are stealing from you somebody is always stealing somebody's always stealing somebody's always taking advantage but he was laboring because he knew there is a special blessing that he needs to receive through rachel but when the day came he looked at his father-in-law said my labor seven years i've been marking the calendar sir give me my own wife but that night that night somebody said that night that night you see the bible says this is why i love a prophetic church and why revelation church is a prophetic church let me tell you why not everything that glitters is gold you see when god was about to work on the heavens and the earth the first thing that god said is let there be light never receive a blessing in the dark now you didn't hear what i just told you i feel like i'm talking to myself our god did not work in the dark ah the bible says work while it is still day but because jacob worked for so long he was so ready for rest that he entered into a trap and received something in the dark i feel like i'm talking to myself he ends up receiving something in the dark that ends up delaying him another seven years i'm here to prophesy any demon that is trying to make decisions on your behalf every spirit that is trying to make decisions on your behalf yes you see his father-in-law could not get him to stay he said i will increase your money jacob knew i am the one who's producing all these things but he knew i know what he wants the most i am aware of what he wants more than anything because i am aware of it i will steal seven more years from him so at night jacob is unwrapping his gift without seeing the content of it and the morning he wakes up hey what happened okay i'm talking to the wrong church [Applause] i feel like i should finish now and be done you see some of you are so eager for blessings that the devil knows when you're close to your breakthrough he will bring you something that looks like the blessing and because you have you have suffered for so long you have worked for so long you receive it quickly and say it is from god [Applause] a man wants to marry you because you've been waiting for marriage for so long you don't ask him are you born again are you full of the holy ghost yes i am attracted to you but am i attracted to your spirit also come on can we pray together can we fast together can we seek the lord together yes because i don't want problems in the future yes have you met my father dr elias ah because if you cannot go to my church believe in my god we will have problems so i need you to come to church with me i need to investigate your spiritual life i just don't want to be quick with this thing because physically you are beautiful physically you're handsome and then i find myself in problems that one person is going left the other one is going right then i end up starting to cry to my father how may god deliver this situation i'm here to prophesy and to speak to my sons and daughters don't marry in the dark don't receive your blessing in the dark anything in the dark is of the devil i feel like i'm talking to myself i tried to sit for a second [Applause] try to sit for a second i feel like i need two more minutes [Applause] i feel like i need two more minutes [Music] satan is very clever you know the bible doesn't call him he doesn't call him a powerful one he calls him two names a thief and the biggest liar ever lived so if he cannot steal from you he will lie to you so that he can steal from you so if he sees that you're too intelligent to be lied to he knows that he can steal from you but he will use either one of them to try and get you to be delayed you see the beautiful thing is this in reality the blessing of god cannot be blocked amen but it can be delayed you see no one can curse the blessed of the lord but it can be delayed because satan knows how to make you wrong make you do wrong choices to make you do detours teach in order for you to delay and not get into what god wants you to have so now god has to intervene in this situation and finally the man after seven long years making it 14 years 14 is the prophetic number of delay so god had to deliver him from this situation because now he began to pay attention to prophetic direction from god the angel of the lord will visit him and give him proper guidance then after him also he realized that the one he loved the most could not give him could not produce preservation he has 12 children but out of the 12 you see when god blesses you he removes shame then the next blessings produces double for your trouble amen the following blessing should preserve it should no longer be the blessing but should be the preservation of the family so now he prays to god and rachel gives him joseph [Music] joseph was not a tribe but he was the preservation of the tribes [Music] i'm here to prophesy to somebody that the blessing you're about to receive today the blessing you're entering into will be preserved what you have worked for for years that finally you will see the fruits [Applause] your children will not waste it amen they will multiply it and it will be preserved yes so i want you to think about something i want you guys to think about something and i want you to think about it with everything that is in you why am i fighting demons and devils that are not mine it was with jacob who became israel because even the name he received was the wrong name so he had to receive the right name you see some of you you think your mistakes have disqualified you from the blessing of god but you just need to change your name amen those who are clapping when you receive a new name amen you become the israel of your family you see israel gives birth to 12 sons 12 is the number of established earthly authority 24 is the number of established heavenly authority that is why god has 24 elders but on the earth god has 12 tribes and then he produces 12 apostles [Applause] i feel like i'm talking to myself teaching good i'm here to tell you uh god is producing established authority from you amen and because of the established authority sealed by the blood of jesus because we are the product of the 12. so we have been given power our power was not given to abraham power was not given to isaac power was not given to jacob but we have been given power over demons of our evil spirits over diseases over generational curses amen out of our mouth swords who come out and we will slay evil i will slay demons because we are under established [Applause] authority this is why you don't see abraham casting out a devil that is why god had to come that is why isaac has to pray to god he cannot command it because it's not under established authority but you are coming from the twelve you are the bloodline that is the blessing you are the bloodline that is going to eradicate all these weaker things by your word yes the bible says at your word you will be justified or by your words you'll be condemned i feel like i'm talking to myself i feel like i'm talking to myself by your words not by your prayer by your words we are the generation that god is responding to our words not our prayer jesus said whosoever shall speak to this mountain he did not say whoever shall pray to god to move this mountain we are under established authority that whosoever shall speak to this mountain not whosoever shall pray concerning this mountain you are praying too much but you are not exercising your established authority yes if you are an established authority what is happening is no longer a matter of prayer because you are a product of abraham's prayer isaac's prayer uh joseph's prayer amen elijah's prayer moses says prayer you are a result of that prayer you are supposed to be the manifestation of those words so if you look at the devil you say devil i command you to go back where you came from you no longer need to address god because you came from god ah you are a product of god's hand yes i feel like i'm talking to myself [Music] [Applause] now now listen how are you speaking how are you speaking [Music] the scriptures say clearly don't be worried about the multitude [Music] don't worry about them i think you should grab your bibles quickly we are about to finish this thing now [Music] ii chronicles chapter 20 verse 15 to 17. and i want us to read it all together even if you are at home i want you to read it with us because this is the prophetic message that god is giving to you today and god is doing it because he desires that you no longer are somebody that is going round in circles when moses stood before the red sea he prayed to god god what should i do god rebuked him said moses why are you praying to me stretch your hands command the waters to part and tell them to move notice why did god tell him that because he was the deliverer a deliverer does not pray a deliverer delivers may you be the deliverer may your actions deliver your family [Music] i said my your actions [Music] may your actions you know sometimes you don't understand the level of anointing that we are functioning in the bible says whatsoever you shall lay your hands on that means even if something that was intended to destroy you the fact that you touched it somebody didn't hear what i'm saying the fact that you touched it yes it will begin to serve your purpose amen i want you to grab your bible if you're next to somebody that doesn't have one move to somebody that has one because this will establish you because this is what god is saying to you i said this is what god is saying to you amen i want you to change the name of the king jehoshaphat to your name because this is a message god is saying to you if your name is elias you put elias amen ah because jesus is the king of kings meaning that you are kings uh god does not have subject but he rules over kings who rule and and and manage yes what he has given on earth so if he is the king of kings it means you are the king that is king over that is what the bible calls you a royal priesthood amen so when it says even unto king you put your name why am i why is it better for it to be king don't even make it queen [Music] because in those days only in in in the kingdom of god in those days in israel only males were kings so when you are a king it means that you embody every authority that can be there amen so even though you are a daughter of eve you are still a king your word is final ah i feel like i'm talking to myself amen you see the bible says this it says and god looked at eve and said and your seed it means women have the power to also be a seed not just men it means they have the kingly unction also i'm talking to my mothers my sisters my daughters ah you are ruling like a king in the realm of the spirit no one needs to give you women's empowerment god already gave it to you it's in your dna ah you are more than empowered amen so change that name to your name if you're ready shout fire fire i'm going to count to three and we will wait for each other and we're going to read verse by verse by verse are you ready yes if you're ready wave your hands glory one two three and he said hearken ye all judah and ye inhabitants of jerusalem and now derek i want you to catch this well jesus is the lion of the tribe of judah i can hear you jesus is the lion of the tribe of judah so when god is addressing judah is talking to people who have jesus in them amen amen [Music] those who are inhabiting jesus our life is in christ hidden in christ and hidden in god are you ready yes one two three unto you be not afraid nor dismay by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but god keep reading verse 16 123. ah you didn't catch it i look at your neighbor i said not my devil so tomorrow go start that business tomorrow go and start that thing that you've been putting off tomorrow apply for a better position ah tomorrow do what you could not do you won't need to prove yourself i said you won't need to prove yourself i said you would need to prove yourself yes ah you're getting approval for that house for that business for that long for for whatever you are waiting for [Music] [Applause] uh we are going to read verse 17 again one two need to three in this battle set yourselves stay still and see the salvation of the lord with you so notice this i look at your neighbor say you will see it happen right before your eyes all you will need to do is make the first step all you will need to do is make the first set i walk towards the enemy confront that disease confront that situation by your words now listen there is something that god told me that i'm going to share with you now at the end of this the lord told me this the heavens have opened a new door amen i want you to pay attention because this is a prophetic word from god himself the lord spoke to me last night this is not in the morning in the time i pray last night this was around 11 pm the lord told me this the season of pestilence has passed and the lord also spoke to me and said this he said i am now releasing grace amen i am giving my people power [Applause] to possess the gates [Applause] in this new season that is entering into the world some of you don't understand you don't understand that the world has just hit a reset button spiritually it has happened wow wow and the lord told me i have used this to put my people in positions [Applause] now i feel like you're not ready for [Applause] this uh my handsome man and brazilian family come come the two of you quickly come quickly hold each other's hands i will start with you [Music] i will start with you the lord said that the season for new beginnings for his children to possess the gates is now in the realm of the spirit i am seeing tears when i looked at you there i saw a vision and i saw tears coming out of your face and i saw you weeping and i saw you crying inside yes not for just the situations you have gone through but i am seeing somebody in heaven right now i am seeing somebody in heaven right now standing on streets of gold cheering and celebrating god for they have already seen the season that is about to be delivered on you because this is not more than two three weeks it's not long ago right how long has it been yes it's not been long right yes i am seeing somebody in the presence of god cheering for you the lord said [Music] you are about to possess the gates you and your wife are the first ones right now in this church that the angel of the lord is already standing with you thank you lord spoke to me and said in the fifth month prophesy in the fifth month hallelujah hallelujah now you didn't hear what i said professor what month are we in four remember i told you when this uh opening will happen did i not tell you yes i told you in what month by june these things will but listen to me god told me the fifth month is a strong month of spiritual activity amen amen it's a strong month of angelic visitation it is a powerful month of elevation i it's a powerful month of heavenly success and happiness the devils of your father your mother your grandparents your your ex your ex-ex are stopping tonight ah the failures of your family of your grandparents of your business partners are ending tonight uh you're not only going to give birth to double for your trouble you're going to give birth to establish authority you're going to produce generational wealth to sustain and support the kingdom of god the less privileged widows and widowers nations yes and those in need [Music] if you believe i believe [Applause] the bible says this by a prophet israel was delivered amen and by a prophet were they sustained amen not by prophecy by a prophet if you read a prophet in the name of a prophet you receive a prophet's reward amen if you believe that i am a prophet of the messiah god sent to you [Applause] receive the reward that god put in me to deliver to [Applause] i never come to speak to you my feelings i come to speak to you what god says because i'm very afraid of god yes and there is no born in me that wants to represent me but i want to represent jesus amen [Applause] lift your hands to me [Music] [Music] [Music] wife look at me that is the breath of god making all those things that were dead come alive amen there is a fresh wind that is blowing on you you are going to be prophetic right now amen you are going to grab a seed with number five before you release any prophetic decree from your mouth before you release any prophetic decree in your mouth remember number four is the number of creation number four is the number of creation that is why the four living creatures have faces of every creation those who rule over the air the ego the lion the ox and man because number four is the number of creation it was on the fourth day that god started making living things animals and things like that number four is the prophetic number of creation you are in the birthing place in the birthing laboratory of god right now amen that next month [Applause] whether it is 5 five hundred thousand five billion don't give it yet wait wait wait wait please take take give her give her her i think don't don't do it yet is that is that yours make sure you grab yours uh-huh yes wait don't don't be quick wait let me finish the full instruction you're going to grab it like this the reason why you give seed is because your labor is connected to your sweat and your sweat is connected to your blood so what you are doing is your prayer is beginning from your blood that is why the bible says the blood of abel spoke unto god why did the blood speak because abel was offering sacrifices to god from his labor so his blood had a voice because his blood was before god then jesus comes he offers an offering unto god and her sacrifice unto god by his blood that is why the bible says the blood of jesus speaks better things not the words of jesus his blood so success must be in the dna not in your mouth [Music] now you didn't hear what i say amen amen so when you're giving you are changing your dna you're changing your blood amen let me talk to people that can hear me maybe i'm talking to people on this side you are changing something in your own blood yes you are transforming something in your blood you are going to grab that seed that offering whether it is on your phone or or it is physically in cash however you are going to take it and put it on your forehead even if it is your phone you're just going to grab it or or your purse or whatever whatever is connected to what you're giving even if your home do it you're just going to lay it on your head because the lord told adam out of the sweat of your brows you will labor so when you put it on your sweat you are changing your labor amen i don't think people are understanding what i'm trying to say here [Music] you're going to just lay it on your head where your the labor is represented because when you work out the evidence of it is on your face yes yes that is why jesus bled from his face they put a crown of thorns and his sweat began to be like blood it is prophetic he was transforming our dna and the cross was just the finish line but the weight was already on him in the garden you are going to say lord today i shift every difficult thing i stop every difficult thing this may be for your children you may be prosperous but you're worried about your children will they be able to maintain what god has given us will they be able to carry it from generation to generation will they be able to serve god with what god has given us we have served god will they serve god you are becoming like job who was interceding on behalf of his children may they be able to sustain this i want you to open your mouth and seriously pray don't pray like you're in america pray like you're in africa amen look at your neighbor say pray like you're in africa pray like you're like pray like you mean it pray like you mean it open your mouth begin to speak to god foreign [Music] oh [Music] just like [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hello his anointing is empowering the kingdom of the lord is within me and he is calling me to the heavenly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] places [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you're going to make this prophetic declaration before you come forward say father in the name of jesus jesus i stand against every opposition i stay against every opposition that is born of my ancestors the devils they fought the devils it ends today whether it be in sickness sickness whether it be in life whether it be in marriages whether it be in business whatever shortcomings these spirits produce [Applause] [Music] no matter what it may be today i silence it begin to silence those things that are positioned [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] in jesus name say my lord and my god i decree and declare and i establish it by your spirit by your spirit by reason of the blood of jesus i decree now and it shall be so the spirit of multiplication is upon me [Music] just like israel israel was able to multiply his possession and even his children and even his children i speak multiplication over my life i have multiplication in my health multiplication multiplication in my finances multiplication with my homes multiplication with everything i possess our fruitfulness fruitfulness fruitfulness i begin to decline over your life begin to go i prophesy multiplication [Music] [Applause] [Music] is changing [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] this is very strange what the lord is telling me to do you are going to do this the moment you get home you are going to write yourself a cheque and you're going to write the amount amen that god is giving to you amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you will do it in tune with the spirit you have to pray in tongues seriously and write it and put it in your bible amen amen listen to me it will just come like this you will not understand how by the time you account you'll be like see those who are shouting me you know listen you know you can never have what you never prophesied you know the wisdom of god is foolishness trust me i'm about to go write my own when you come forward you are giving and laying your seed on the altar you are going to be saying one thing something is changing something is moving something is changing something is moving that is your prayer when you come and lay your seed one two three begin [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] heaven have an honor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is glory [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] on earth heaven on [Applause] heaven earth earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] on earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Applause] hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] there is [Applause] [Music] water [Music] [Applause] todd give somebody the mic come quick you too yay quick quick quick quick there's something that god wants me to do very fast very quickly [Music] how many people work in some kind of entertainment film or tv only if you work in entertainment come forward only [Music] only only only not if you are aspiring you are already in it because what i want to give won't work if you don't do that uh go here [Music] yes yes you can move that now come come come come come come come ah listen what i'm about to do will be this is what god is telling me to do uncle rich encourage i'm using certain people to be like a contact point but there is something that is very important that i need to do come you too i know it's a lot of people but this is going to be strange who did you come with you come by yourself come i'm going to help you stand even though your case is different come you came by yourself hold my hand today is not prophetic service but i'm gonna bless you don't you don't need to put that i'm just gonna release you okay i'm gonna release you from this cage this limitation and oppression that is on you i'm gonna take it from you okay look at me liver and never return may every pain be dissolved and may things turn around now in the name of jesus give me oil i just want you to dip your hands in here and you're going to rub it on your hands together yes rub it on your hands are you i would deep seriously yeah don't play with it yeah see i'll put you rub it rub it on your hands wrap it on your head and your face god has mocked you whatever was fighting you will never have power again whatever you touch will work anoint your feet also [Applause] now the lord told me something the reason why i was about to finish and the lord spoke to me and that's why i pulled the entertainment people [Music] hollywood is about to be revival senate people will not even understand how it happens is because the new big producers the new directors the new actors will be born of the holy ghost there will be a different breed even in music whatever it will just be a different breed of people i don't know if you guys understand [Applause] [Music] the next professional athletes that will be champions until they retire they are going to be born from here [Applause] it will no longer be hollywood it will be holy [Applause] there is a tremendous amount to what i'm telling you you will remember what i'm telling you today when you start seeing some of these faces on tv and and being very influential and and changing the world my only condition is one thing [Music] do not can you smell that can you guys smell that can you smell the incense i don't know if some people are spiritually allowed to smell it can you smell it yes deep i'm telling you the portal of heaven is open like this god is a god has accepted this moment rondy come jaka [Applause] i'm telling you the only condition is don't forget the lord your god amen our actors look at each other say don't forget the lord your god don't forget the lord your god if you're in music say don't forget the lord your god don't forget the lord if you're not talking to somebody you are suspect look at somebody because everything has to be done before witness do not forget the lord your god do not forget the lord your god number two when god increases you begin to bless where you are born from and then other places yes because charity begins at home amen it's an abomination [Applause] [Music] it's a big abomination if god lifts you up from a place and you forget that place amen i'm just telling you the conditions god is giving me [Music] you who are on stage you trust god with any seed you have after service you will drop it or when you go down you drop it on the stage and go and sit it's established what i'm telling you is this those phone calls that were not coming they will look for you amen why you could not get those scripts those music those uh reels or acting whatever it is where's huh out of town okay hi now i want you to make sure now i don't know how we'll do it because you're going to be smacked by god you will be slapped into your new dimension i'm serious you know when we were young your mother can slap the [Music] god will smack you with a blessing you will not understand what hit you amen [Applause] but i want you to just open your mouth up here [Music] you know this is my brother but i want to speak to him the lord told me by next year you you would not have one house you have more than one house [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i am telling you this before god let me tell you what i saw let me tell you what i saw today is not prophetic service prophetic service is thursday that day was crazy [Music] let me tell you why god is doing this god is doing this because god is rewarding your pain amen god is literally rewarding your pain in the past one two three four four to five months you've been praying like never before you've been really seeking god and you've turned things around that is shocking even yourself you're shocked with yourself professor listen to me i'm going to give you prophetic direction amen on what you need to do [Applause] get your real estate license hallelujah yes get your real estate license amen i received get your real estate license i'm telling you you buy your the person who buy the next house for your parents is not the younger one and it's not the older you'll be the first one see everybody is blessed but like god said to david it is not for you to build the house it is solomon god said it is you i will see you you will do other things but you are about to be a mogul jesus if i was catholic i would do this give me oil give me this one don't lose your focus says the spirit of god you are on the very verge you are right at the border and the lord says i will bless you and i will give you a family amen and you will be established amen in the presence of god because the pattern ends with you amen [Applause] the pattern ends with you can i tell you something funny the reason why there's been a lot of push and pull in the past because this is passed for you with mom and dad is because you carry the spirit of your father prophesy and some things that happened to him have also happened to you prophesied prophesy but the lord says it ends right here right now hallelujah amen you are the promised child you are the promised everybody else is blessed but i'm telling you the promise is this one hallelujah that is why satan wanted to distract you derail you make you do this detours with this oil yes you are in your next dimension yes you are in your next dimension stretch your hands speaking to blessing stretch your hands begin to bless him speak a blessing in jesus name [Music] may your hands never fail from today i'm going to do it in this way today is no prophetic service this is just god is telling me to do this amen [Music] this way lift your hands i put a crown on your head yes from today your style is going higher and higher and higher and i alive this week is a week of deep and great news for you deep and great news for you prepare yourself with every preparation physically and spiritually and see what the lord is about to do you are released into your next dimension [Music] ah i break the power of the past eh the power of frustration yes when you leave this place every hard work is paying off you are about to be recognized internationally you are about to be an icon not only for your nation but for this nation the lord is about to honor you are more than 15 years of dedication to what god has given you you will not cry anymore but you only cry tears of joy the enemy has been stripped from you [Applause] when you come back you will testify and you will shock yourself because of the speed of the success jesus has given to you it is done [Applause] amen [Music] i don't want people to fall there's no prophetic service so try to move forward and just kneel i'm just gonna touch you and then i'm going to also touch everybody up here but i want you as they are worshiping being an attitude of prayer and if you are believing for some god is just doing this you are already all blessed amen but this is necessary for the culture of this city if this city is touched the world is touched yes our tv is touched entertainment is touched forever [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] here [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] uh [Music] the lord said i should anoint you for your star is about to go high you will be a testimony and you'll be a point of change for this world [Music] [Applause] by this time next year i am seeing you on a tv show that will open yours to bigger acting career opportunities and your life will never be the same for you be a testament and a testimony says the spirit of god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus quickly thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus listen to me god has visited this house the people that will be born from here touch my head again you will remember this day quick quick quick quick quick yes thank you oh hi mama thank you lord thank you lord that every prayer is being answered in jesus name yes what you're gonna say and it's a confirmation amen amen thank you mama thank you thank you [Music] nice to see you you're looking shining and dazzling okay [Music] how do you feel today you feel good listen when you go you will be shocked what will happen just go to the hospital whatever they have planned just go you'll be shocked this is showing your faith before god and god has already honored you amen [Music] amen bishop bishop apostle prophet come i love that tie oh thank you thank you thank you i'm so anointed right now amen is this your family my daughter and my mother's church [Music] now i'm seeing the hand of god touching your son okay yes i'm seeing the lord touching nehemiah and it is interesting because i saw the lord touching his head and there is something the enemy wanted to do with his mental state huh that is true what's going on with the baby that is true what's going on with the baby he acts out sometimes and one time he i asked him why he did it and he said the devil made me do it [Music] prophesy [Music] [Music] you are all free in the mighty name of jesus wicked spirit god go out in jesus name amen okay i don't like demons hey i don't play with demons amen sorry my husband he's been sick don't tell me don't don't don't tell me never tell me yes let god tell me just show up that's why i'm the seed yes okay if you wouldn't believe in me at least jesus does amen now this man has visited the hospital many times are you listening i didn't hear you i didn't hear you i said this man has visited the hospital too many times my god this man i am seeing operations and things on his body over and over again and the most recent one i'm seeing like a spirit of stroke that attacked him and the spirit attacked him i saw him becoming immobile are you listening to me he's no longer mobile like he should be yes and this is causing some kind of heart condition that i'm seeing him having to take some medicine like i don't know if it's when you want to get off clothes you know when blood like is it like some thinners of some sense yes yes professor is he taking those yes he is prophesied some prophetic thursday if you want to see prophecy yes tonight is not a day of prophecy hallelujah thank you jesus yes thank you jesus i rescue him in the name of the lord jesus [Applause] i rescue him in the name of jesus jesus may god honor your faith to come and see me and may the lord honor you and answer you from this altar [Applause] apostle apostle prophet you are dressed like my son come come [Applause] [Music] amen man of god look at me where's my oil look at me i want to just touch your ears i want you to hear deep you know i hear a voice sometimes in the beginning when i used to hear the voice of the angel he used to scare me i think somebody was talking to me and then i would look and then realize i'm by myself prophet they think we're joking [Music] how do you think we know what is happening with people just by looking at them somebody is speaking to us amen the same way elijah spoke to an angel and an angel spoke to him the same way joseph received direction is the same thing we don't only see we hear may you become an extension of your father in miami amen may your ministry look at me son your ministry be full of signs and wonders and deliverance in the prophetic in the name of jesus today i baptize you in my spirit [Applause] as elijah was baptized into elijah [Applause] [Music] you thought you could prophesy wait until you go back this is mine now are you people provoking me into prophecy don't tempt me into prophecy prophesy [Music] may you all go with the voice of the spirit as god has restored you become the prophetic evangelist you have been called to be may fire and power come from you in jesus name amen because of time i'm just gonna touch you but believe that whatever request you have god is answering it hallelujah hallelujah do you believe that you believe that you know usually when i speak prophetically is because she's sick she's from virginia chicken but she's sick she needs a touch from heaven amen okay i'll help you you know that you live are you not happy i wish you were excited amen whatever you have trusted god for just like hannah went to eli and she was crying at the altar and eli said may whatever you are asking god for may give it to you may god give you every answer and every prayer that you'll be praised receive the answer somebody shout i received did you did you come with her from virginia we are from virginia you came from virginia living here in california for the last couple four years she came to visit you you came friday yeah to visit you you see me yeah because i told her about you and i'm so happy i am here remove your mask mom i want to talk to you now lift your hands to heaven now your problem is very easy because this is a spirit that just has to leave you amen because in the spirit i'm looking at her but i'm seeing a cloud on here [Music] i am with you we are all with you you are not alone amen i feel the anointing of michael jackson you are not alone amen [Applause] i am here with you [Music] some of you are acting like you never listen to michael jackson don't be hyper spiritual lift your hands this cloud will lift of you because i am seeing you tormented at night in your bed you're not talking to me are you i can't hear you he's not saying the truth can you hear me is what i'm saying the truth yes i am seeing you on your bed tormented yes this spirit will come and the fear will grip you that is true and you can't even sleep you find yourself working in the middle of the night waiting waiting with panics yes yes prophesy [Music] this is thursday night business please [Music] [Music] amen i really do but i want you to come and see me okay talk to him on thursday night i really will unlock it remember when your daughter came to see me the first time i told her about the contract she was negotiating that she was shocked she even asked you mom did you talk to him do you remember she was shocked she could not believe it i want to take your son sunlight amen you've been on the brink of big breakthrough but the breakthrough hasn't entered [Applause] as i'm talking to you i am seeing some kind of show it's supposed to be on and i want to unlock this thing that it will be i don't bigger things amen [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] my son just listen to me can you do what i asked you to do the last time what i say is do it because [Music] and if you can do that it means you have been extended by god amen okay because mom is waiting for you to be blessed absolutely be upon him let him advance for his faithfulness and his humility in jesus name [Music] you know there is something from the past that god wants to bring back and it will be very important i saw you in a vision [Music] i saw you standing on a pulpit with a bible amen and i saw you ministering to young adults in a church i saw you preaching and i saw somebody standing beside you but in the realm of the spirit that person was removed by god and you shrunk and hid yourself and you feared to serve god but god said you will not only serve him in the background i am seeing you standing right here and ministering to people amen the lord said what he has put in you should not stay dormant it will save souls upon souls upon souls remember how you are so intrigued by souls to see people's lives transformed the lord says is turning back the clock for your apostolic calling is starting from today it is done woman of god come virginia come lift your hands [Music] i don't know if you're married but i'm seeing a vision are you married [Applause] i saw some traumatic experience happening because of that marriage are you listening to me yes there were some problems that happened in that marriage are you listening to me yes yes and this problem scared you are you listening to yes he left a deep mark on you professor are you listening to me god wants to heal you from these things amen amen amen because i don't know why i am seeing you sing in your own spirit like that person from the past is following you in some way [Music] my husband's away are you listening to me but i'm seeing him like following you you feel like a presence is following yeah it's the husband yeah if the husband died when she was pregnant with a child yeah remember i said something traumatic are you listening to me but i want to stop this thing so that your future can be unlocked there is more for you there is more for you okay please look at me [Music] go and never return [Music] [Applause] amen and whatever you are believing god lift your hands lift your hands and begin to thank the lord for surely the presence of the lord is in this place lift your hands and begin to thank the lord for the breakthrough [Music] father we thank you for the blessing we thank you for your touch we thank you for your visitation in the mighty name of jesus we pray in the mighty name of jesus we pray in the mighty name of jesus we pray now go from this place knowing that the god that visited has visited your hopes has visited your businesses has visited your careers has visited your workplaces in the mighty name of jesus now give him a shout give the lord a shout give the lord a shout give the lord a salt give the letter victory [Applause] i'm so happy are you ready for a dance yes are you ready for a dance yes we're going to dance out of this place hallelujah come on put your hands together [Music] [Music] [Music] is forever [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] is [Applause] he's come on [Applause] [Music] hallelujah see you guys on thursday [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 9,725
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: steven furtick, elevation church, steven furtick short sermons, faith, lovy longomba, pastor steven furtick, revelation church, myles munroe, deliverance, emmanuel makandiwa, td jakes, uebert angel, benny hinn, t.d. jakes
Id: sR7w3xoNbdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 26sec (12386 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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