How To Increase Your Spiritual Rank?

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god's hands guidedly knowingly locating you in a place when the anointing is so close to you when you are under that anointing it begins to rub into your clothes it begins to rub into your skin into your body when it gets to a prophetic anointing a prophetic anointing is a prophet that is rubbed with a prophetic anointing wherever they go even if you just touch their clothes the prophetic will be your portion [Music] say with me spiritual rank so how do you know you have spiritual rank when you're causing a turmoil in a region an area or a city are you guys with me because it means that there's a certain rank of a principality that you are upsetting and if you didn't have a rank you would not be upsetting him you can have spiritual rank spiritual rank what is spiritual authority what is spiritual rank how can i increase my spiritual rank how can i increase my spiritual authority are you guys with me um say with you again say rank spiritual rank let's go to acts chapter number 19 19 verse 11 let me read from there acts chapter number 19 verse 11 and we'll start off with this now it says this now god worked unusual miracles by the hands of paul so would be unusual go go next next next verse so that even handkerchiefs or aprons give me that apron there or handkerchief so that this handkerchief that looked like this or aprons were brought from his body so they would put it on the body of paul just that it touches his body say with me vicinity spiritual rank determines vicinity it determines what happens with your vicinity how small or how large your vicinity is are you guys with me and a lot of people think they get spiritual rank in a wrong way they have been taught wrong or they've made up some ideology on how to receive spiritual rank some has given it to themselves some has uh has has promoted it and appointed it to themselves when it doesn't work like that spiritual rank we're going to get into a few things that comes down there's two main ways it comes sympathy revelation but not only revelation because there's still a subject there's still a uh a measure to it because otherwise uh let's say matthew is not part of a church and he can just have some revelation and now he thinks he has spiritual authority because of that revelation so you can't really make that an absolute uh those who have spiritual rank will have revelation but those who have revelation doesn't mean they'll have spiritual rank are you guys with him then spiritual rank is determined by predestination so the predestination we have a lot of people online say again say predestination predestined what has god predestined you to do he said to jeremiah even before you were formed in your mother's womb jeremiah i knew you i ordained you a prophet before you were formed in your mother's womb are you guys with me so do me a favor like get me some chairs there just put your mask on so uh give me some chairs there like a lot of chairs and bring them and put them in a line like this uh they can even face me doesn't matter they can face me but one line one line one one one are you guys with me i want you to understand uh predestination the will of god and these are things that will teach you in gsom a bit more deeply and let the camera just be moved so that they can see what's going on here okay okay i don't know if you guys can zoom out or not with those lenses um so i want to explain predestination but let me just see what is the best okay um maybe maybe if uh if uh uh matthew you can come stand here and let's say tian you can come and stand uh a year and uh given you you can come and stand uh [Music] stand here and um and then kalello you can come and stand here let me just see [Music] okay i put me another chair here next to you like on this side so you say and you stand there in the middle of it there okay so um i want you to understand uh spiritual authority are you guys with me or not spiritual rank we're going to get to spiritual rank i want you to understand predestination um uh what is predestination here's my life i'm standing here i have something called the perfect will of god that is here then i have something called the permissible will of god that is here and then there is something called not the will of god at all that we're gonna get to now so now i'm being born but before i'm being born god has a conversation with me with my spirit the bible says that our spirits will go back when we die when we pass on us we will go back our spirits will go back to the father of spirits are you guys with me we will go back to him and then from there you get into eternity whether it is uh eternal judgment or whether it is heaven but we first the body must go back to this earth and the spirit must go back to where it's coming from it's coming from the father of spirits as dust must go back to dust this body your spirit must go back to where it's coming from before you were sent into this earth there was a discussion about your life called the yada life which is the pre-ordained predestined life please i do not i am not saying or advocating pre-election i'm saying pre-destination are you guys with me something totally different because if i don't say this then people will take it out of out of uh out of context pre-election in a calvinistic way says that some are elected to be saved and some are elected not to be saved we don't believe that the bible says that it's god's will that all will be saved he goes with me it doesn't mean that all will be saved but it is his world that all will be saved but when i speak about predestination it is something that is now meaning not about salvation so your salvation is not pre-elected although it is because god is sovereign and that's another subject to get into your destination your destiny your purpose is pre-elected it was disgust with god [Music] that is why you will have deja vu because your spirit will remember being at a place long before it got there it has already been there because it discussed a blueprint out for you as soon as i'm standing in front of you today i can preach to you now what we're speaking here is revelation so this is now i'm being born now growing up in life and i'm making a decision so i'm walking and i'm meeting somebody or let me say i'm getting you to the first point of my life and i can choose whether to go left or whether to go right this is done obviously by the avenues how god speaks to us which is by the word of god but there's also an inner witness which is your your compass for life it's the holy ghost mixed with your spirit now you choose now please this needs salvation okay so now you choose okay you're getting saved or something you're stepping into the will of god now you're getting let's say you get to the next chair but before you let's say you get to the next chair you get to another decision point in your life and you think do i go left do i go right now you are saved maybe there's something like studies or maybe it is um maybe it is uh you know your girlfriend wants to move somewhere and she's asking you to move with her and uh and you say no i don't want to move with her because i feel i must stay the holy spirit is telling me i must stay and i must pursue the call of god then all of a sudden you meet the first business person or something like that let's for example say for example say ministry now i meet the first minister that's beginning to train me in ministry because i've stepped i'm in god's will but and as i'm being trained i'm getting to another decision-maker in my life and this will usually be circumstances turmoil or it will be uh it will be things that go wrong this can be strongholds in your mind that is continually just lying to you and speaking to you it can be family it can be friends it can be anyone that is discouraging you from staying on this line here are you guys with me so now it's like i'm getting discouraged let's say i don't choose to listen to those who are saying these things and i carry on here yet i'm meeting another person i hire the ministry maybe to really establish me in ministry and i go on from here and i'm getting to a place where i'm in the perfect will of god in this line here this is the line where i'm being blessed this is the line where death can't can't touch you unless you are called to be a martyr he goes with me or you are called to suffer in a certain way but trust me this is where death usually doesn't touch you when you're in god's purpose so that's this romans 8 verse i believe what is it 28 is saying that all things work together for the good to those who love him and are walking according to the to his purpose that's for those who are here but now i can be here and i can go through this i can make the first right decision all is good but you know now things are beginning to pull me and i'm being influenced by somebody and i'm thinking okay you know they look it looks it still looks like god and it's you know and i go yeah it's still okay now i've switched into the permissible world so now i'm walking an arts and parallel to the permits per perfect world but the problem with the permissible will is that there's ways out to now into the no will of god out of the will of god so now in the permissible will of god not meeting somebody this person still looked good still look like a good opportunity sometimes even better than that one sometimes way better so i'm meeting this opportunity because this is common sense this is logic family's saying i must do this for and this is good money this is you know this is this is the right decision to make so i make this decision that decision there didn't look like the right one to make but it was the perfect will of god and i knew in my heart i should have done that decision but i've been doing this one now i go and i live the problem here is now i will constantly meet trouble so i get to him now he's a bad person for my life and just because he's a bad person for my life whatever connection it might be i am pushed out to this side and i'm getting out of the will of god for my life if i want to go past him to stay in the permissible world i'm endearing pain and suffering and i go on circumstances maybe my house gets taken away maybe um maybe uh uh uh things just don't work out um you know maybe you're staying in a in a in a minimum wage job and you fight and they fire you and you're getting retrenched and then you're just moving on and you're getting yet you keep staying in the permissible wall while god has a perfect will for you here [Music] hirelings are in this place for god for their life servants and sons are in this place of god for their life i'm going to say it again a hireling does not care about the sheep oh yes with me they in this place god will still bless you in the permissible will but he will only bless you according to your needs in this place here he blesses you according to your wants and your needs that the desires of your hearts will be fulfilled i don't know if that is making sense and now you're in this place you're suffering just to stay in the permissible will of god what is the permissible will it is what god permits it is what he allows because of your flesh you want to do something he wants you to do something else but he allows you to do the thing that you want to do and you think it is god are you guys with me and it is here where people fall out of the will of god for their lives completely and they backslide completely now in this place it doesn't mean it's all roses but it's a a uh it is you're staying in a place where you are so blessed that even mistakes that you make is according to god's will are you guys with him okay thanks you guys can go and take this so so say with you the perfect will of god say spiritual rank because this is a lot to do with or let me say like the spiritual rank spiritual authority has a lot to do with the perfect will of god remember i said to you it comes by revelation but very rarely are you guys with me are you there tonight okay so so number two it comes by predestination what i explained to you now was predestination god knows the end from the beginning you know the end from the beginning you must just discover it it is a matter of discovery then you know the end picture you won't know the in-between but once you know the end picture you can kind of like gauge your direction and know where to go even though you step into the permissible wall and you step into the perfect wall and you step into and you step into the perfume permissible perfect well you gauge the direction when people don't know this this purpose here the end product for their lives it is when they live their lives aimlessly [Music] that is when they ask a prophet must i move there or must they not move there i don't know what to ask the holy ghost his sheep will hear as know his voice are you guys with me the holy ghost was given to you as a witness an inner witness to guide you in direction as where to go he's the one that will show you and tell you things to come he is your comforter are you guys with me your allosporoclitos the one that is next to you walking alongside you he is your spiritual compass to know where truth where north is and true north are you guys with me what is north permissible will what is true north perfect wall it looks the same it even feels like you're going into the same direction but eventually you will be off completely [Music] are you guys with me now rank spiritual rank comes because of predestination what is your calling if you're calling your purpose that god has called you is to be a lawyer and a lawyer for a for the kingdom of god to fight for a certain cause and to and to serve in the church and so on your spiritual rank is not going to be to be on a stage and prophesying to thousands but if you want to do it you're going to miss the whole entire thing that god has for you you're going to be miserable things are not going to work out everything is going to fall apart because you're in the permission you're inflicted out of the will of god but you you you're missing it when you're in the perfect will of god there's provision are you guys with me i'm scared to say prosperity because because prosperity it takes a while to get there god doesn't give it to you right in the beginning he lets you go step by step line per line precept upon precept little by little and as he gives it to you little by little he knows what to do because otherwise it will be like winning a lot on your waist everything if i have what i have now 15 years ago i would waste it in one day are you guys with me but there's things that i can tell you when it comes to revelation that we're going to preach on tonight how to grow in spiritual rank because you can be called to be a lawyer there at the end but it doesn't mean that you cannot cast out devils or walk with such an authority that when you walk into a building demons begin to scream out i want to say this that spiritual authority doesn't have much to do with your purpose at the end it's got a lot to do with your predestination but not your purpose at the end because spiritual authority is given to each believer they must know their authority in jesus christ nothing is obtained in the natural except by prayer there's a move coming that is going to be in the ease of the glory of the lord god's hands guided me knowingly locating you in a place that you will not be subject to the rules of this natural world which is sickness and poverty [Music] i get to understand and explain to you now because we look at men like william branham who would prophesy and say on this street in this intersection at this address is a uh an ambulance that is just that is now stopping to pick up a young child that's that's killed in a car accident and you would go to that address pick up the young boy begin to decree and begin to pray and the boy comes back to life or you will have um you will have a a a a um moodly dial moodly sitting on a train and you would he would be on his way to a city in london or in the uk to bring a revival but on the way to that city the train just stops by another town to get people on and he keeps staying in the train and as he stays as the train stops there people begin to get slain in the city demons coming out what is it is it because they have more anointing or less anointing i told you no there is not one verse in the bible that can tell you there is a way to increase the anointing there isn't there's not one verse in the bible that says the anointing can be increased are you guys with me there's nothing that says that the anointing can be increased [Music] there's no verse it says you can go from glory to glory because that's dimensions you can go from strength to strength power to power it even says from faith to faith and you can grow in grace but you cannot grow in an anointing are you guys with me because the anointing is inside of you it's there it is untapped power that is resident inside of you what does it need it needs grace to touch your life for that anointing to come out and begin to move and touch and work in people's lives jesus says when the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to cast out devils heal the sick preach the gospel to the poor he has anointed me to do a certain toss jesus said i have just stepped into my purpose for whom god has anointed me therefore the spirit of the lord has come upon me now so that i can do my purpose are you guys with me that means that you have to be in your purpose for the spirit of the lord to come upon you to increase your spiritual rank and for an anointing to be evident to be on you if you call to business you will do business easier than others it means you have a grace for business i can preach easier than others because it's my grace to do that are you guys with me it is for us to fill out a building is we don't even try it is grace that allows that we can have somebody else that can advertise a hundred times more it just doesn't happen grace so with grace there's one thing that increases your spiritual rank is when you grow in grace but you need to understand what is grace now are you guys with me so go acts chapter 19 verse 11 where we were on acts chapter 19 verse 11 listen to this now god worked unusual miracles by the hands of paul are you guys with me say with me spiritual rank when we preach prosperity we're just preaching to you the will of god for your life so that you can have a revelation and an understanding what is god's will for you that if anything is outside of health anything is outside of prosperity now you might not see it as face value as prosperity but it is something that is it's it's not healthy it's not god are you guys with me but as i said you have to have discernment because the one that is standing here that you have to go to it might not look good as this one here this one might be enticing and common sense and everything you take that and you're out in the permissible world you no longer now you are now god has permitted and he has allowed you to go there because that's where your heart's desire wants to go [Music] [Music] those who stay in the perfect will of god they are risk takers they are the ones who are it's like you're always living on the edge or you're risk takers and you get rewards in heaven permissible will you don't get rewards [Music] are you guys with me is that the spiritual rank [Music] so so so uh um uh uh go with me to acts chapter 19 11. we're not getting paused the first verse so now god worked unusual miracles by the hands of paul next verse or next place so that even handkerchiefs and aprons were brought from his body to the sick and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them then some of the itinerant jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to call the name of the lord jesus over those who had evil spirits saying we exercise you we cast you out by the jesus when paul preaches also they were sons of skiva a jewish chief priest who did so and the evil spirits answered and said jesus i know and paul i know are yes with me the the devil is saying that jesus you are mentioning we know him the paul you are mentioning we know him meaning they putting paul and jesus right next to one another we know jesus we know paul but who are you what is your rank in the spirit because we have been given intel and have been informed about paul when he came into the city the whole demonic rank has been went be has been informed given intel and got upset because aprons would go from his body would be laid upon the others that are demon-possessed and evil spirits would come out let me tell you if they had cameras those days they would take a photo of paul show a possessed person like this and a devil will come out of them because not that there's an anointing or something special on it's because that face has rank in the spirits i don't know if you understand what i'm saying then people are getting upset you know but why do people have photos of tb joshua you don't understand rank shut up you can't even cast out a fly out of a room are you guys with me with a spiritual rank we need people whether it is going to come out of encounter or other churches but i believe it will come out of encounter that can say i know how to walk in a spiritual rank that is things that you can apply on your life where the devil will recognize you be aware been given intel about you that when you go and do a house visit and somebody is possessed if you just knock on the door they all know that you are close by its spiritual rank and if you know how easy these things come you'll be shocked [Applause] [Music] this is not difficult to get have you seen so you guys with me these are what this this is not difficult to get when you begin to have a rank in the spirit that is when death threats are coming off to you cars want to drive into you continually it's a spiritual world we are living in life is spiritual if you're going to continually see it in the natural you will make the biggest mistake the bible says a carnal mind the natural man cannot it is impossible for him to receive the things of the spirit but you have been and i have been in school from the age of five or six and we have been taught natural things are you guys with me then those in the east would be in school from the same age but they are taught spiritual things and we wonder why is there revival in the east and not in the waste because if i have to tell you i can take now my body and walk through that wall or i can just go in the spirits and i can see what is on the other side of the wall you'll say honest astral traveling so carnal-minded you are because information has been given to you that it is impossible or that it is satanism everything satan does is a copy of god it is a perversion of god there is not one thing he is doing that has not been taken from god even star signs star readings are you guys with me [Music] everything he does philip's whole body got translated paul went up into heaven he didn't know whether he was in the body or out of the body so he didn't know i had encounters like that whether one or two people out there doesn't believe that doesn't faze me at all because rank has been given to me when that happened every time i had an encounter rank was given are you guys with me say with your spiritual rank so um i've had encounters every time god would increase my rank it was it came through an encounter whether it was an angel that visited me whether it was god that came and visited me the lord himself let me say rather say like that whether it is [Music] whether i was taken into a vision [Music] an obstacle whether i was a zone whether i was translated but i one thing i can tell you when it comes to encounter it is not by the will of man it was by an encounter that i had that that now determines spiritual rank why do you think the devil is fighting an encounter the devil can determine and see who is spiritual ranker who's coming up and listen i'm not stupid i know where have i have grace and where i don't have grace i don't go where i don't have grace if we touch grigor's door i know it has been given to me when a mantle fell on me when i was in that building and i had three two or three people around me a mantle fell on me when i was looking at the protocol monument thinking about william branham just thinking about the prophecy and beyond the footsteps of i'm sorry on the steps of that parliament and i'm and i'm thinking william branham said anytime prophetic revival will break and as i'm doing that a mantle falls on me and god says to me these words is it because this and this and this and this one has not entered into it i have given you the city [Music] not because i'm special but because others have failed [Music] which means i can fail very easily are you guys with me rhino bonkey said he was the fourth one that was called i think it was wrong billy graham that it was there was there was four others when god is called they either fell out or they didn't answer the call he is looking for a surrendered available yielded vessel somebody that is saying i am so hungry for mortar of god are you guys with me say with your spiritual rank listen listen listen have your seats so the devil looks at looks at this exorcist going to quote paul and jesus and everything i have some theology theologians coming all they do is they quote all these other people they never speak the bible they just quote these other people the devil wants to know who you are what rank do you carry when you walk in front of him how do you get rank now that's the question like i said we have a lot we have about over 700 or 700 to 800 over 700 to 800 people online right now plus our our branches how do you get rank in the spirit because yes it works by predestination but i just told you you can be a doctor you can be a lawyer but there's an authority and anointing you can walk in that even kathryn kuhlman by her own words said she was never called to fivefold ministry she was just somebody who was yielded surrendered and willing able to be used by the holy ghost she knew how to heal to him how to be sensitive to the winds of the spirit knew exactly in the moment of his service when he would come in and when she would say he is here you would see chaos in that service like a wind coming in are you guys with me and then we're sitting and having dead services and thinking we're doing god a favor just because we're coming to church where he's waiting for the people i don't care if you're sitting 10 hours there are you waiting for that shift in the atmosphere [Applause] or that breath or that wind or the weather where you can feel but wait and now suddenly something shifted that god is here he is present are you guys with me never let offense take you out of this moment where you used to jump up but you don't jump up anymore you know what is the words of her offence when you leave here now you say to somebody you know don't you feel like leon lost it a little bit like he doesn't have that what he used to have you know don't you think that's like it's not for me as anointed as it used to be just shut up you have taken offense you are unable to receive so i will look unannoyed to you because offense blinds you to see you're completely in a trap and you need to be lifted up out of there i'm not saying you maybe just say to the one i'm speaking i'm speaking the one sitting next to you okay so just [Music] so so so how do i increase the rank now [Music] how do i increase the ranks producer rank go through to acts 19 verse 20 and then uh let's first do acts 19 verse 20 say this with me say so the word of god [Music] oh lord let's say so sorry so the word of the lord say the word of the lord crew mightily say grew mightily and prevailed [Music] there was a revival that was breaking out in acts chapter number 17 verse number five the bible said that those who changed the world upside down has come here also to us and is speaking of the whole roman world meaning that every roman of the roman world that they knew has been changed and shifted upside down when those few chastened and his crowd around him when they would walk into a city demons would come out when philip would be translated from one place into another place began to preach demons would come out and healings will take place in the whole city they had great grace say with a great grace they had great grace upon them that tells you there is grace and there is great grace what is great grace when lost did you open your mouth and torment a devil in front of you that's if you cast out a demon or you're praying for somebody and you know whether you are worshiping or whether you're praying but fire and talk that devil is being tormented because as long as nothing is happening you have lost your rank [Music] say with me spiritual rank so how do you know you have spiritual rank when you're causing a turmoil in a region an area or a city are you guys with me because it means that there's a certain rank of a principality that you are upsetting and if you didn't have a rank you would not be upsetting him you can have spiritual rank when it speaks about jason and his house and those that were with jason when the bible says that they turned the world upside down are you guys with me let me go to acts chapter number 17 verse 5. but the jews who were not persuaded becoming envious took some of the evil men from the marketplace gathering a mob set all the city in an uproar and attacked the house of jason that was the house of the church are you guys with me and so to bring them out to the people carrying them out but when they did not find them they dragged jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city crying out these who have turned the world upside down has come here too what shall we do about them are you guys with me those who have turned the world upside down has to come here too then 18 where we were now acts chapter number 18 uh sorry 19 verse 20 acts chapter number 19 verse 20. put on the screen acts chapter 19 verse 20 and the bible says so the word of the lord say with me grew mightily and prevailed the word prevailed means to conquer that the word of the lord began to grow and grow and grow people didn't know about the words revelation was rare in those days are you guys with me paul and then came the church began to grow great grace was upon them all they would walk the streets and their shadow would fall on people and they'll get healed great grace they'll be dragged into prison and angels will come and rescue them out of the prison angels will worship with him that the believers will see the angels like a person here in front of us they would gather in a church like this and angels will come like human beings next to them worshiping if you think i'm wrong read your bible are you guys with me so now we see that the word of the lord became so big it began to grow and everywhere it went it conquered say spiritual rank spiritual rank will cause you to conquer i'll show you what happens when grace increases when grace increases upon your life favor increases favor brings finances to come somebody will just have a dream i must give this one a million rand not knowing why but is the favor the shayan of god upon your life shayne comes by the prophetic anointing when a person blesses a prophet in the old testament when they would get into the presence of a prophet when saul and his servant went to samuel his servant said we cannot go and see the man of god without a gift so they took a gift they went there they got in their knees bowed in front of the prophets oh yes with me so people want to come and teach us and pass this and we love them and bless them and they want to come and teach us how us as prophets must behave you are not a prophet the one who judges me must be a prophet i'm going to say it again the one who judges me must be a prophet take my teachings to a prophet let that prophet judge me and i'll say okay i'm wrong then okay why in the book of corinthians let two or three prophesy also when you prophesy let the prophets two or three let the prophets judge that prophecy say let the prophets in the church judge the prophets the spirit of a prophet is subject to prophets [Music] not to the pastors because they cannot understand a realm of the prophetic and when you are under this grace you must understand your eyes are seeing stuff even if i'm just speaking spiritually by getting the revelation if you understand what i'm saying and what i'm preaching you are blessed i'll say it like jesus said it to his disciples you are blessed when you can understand the things of the kingdom because it's not it's given to the babes in kingdom the babies in christ and it has not been given to the others to understand but to you it has been given and to your encounter has been given you've seen revelation your people would come and say i've never heard this ever in my life while for us it's normal are you guys with me [Music] so why do we want crowds and pack because we want revival that is where god comes in yes he can come in with small little amount of people of course but how much more when we when we gather people said there was no big church in new testament ephesus was 120 000 people peak and they were not even going to the other churches just ephesus 120 000 people if you go and see how big the church was in the auditorium the amphitheater uh in ephesus if you go see it now you'll see how big it is and have multiple services and in acts chapter number 19 that i just read now where paul had handkerchiefs on his body he had a school of torsos there uh sorry not torsos sorry sorry um a school of tyrannos there and he would he would uh he would be teaching every day and the crowds would gather in thousands and he would do demonstrations people would burn their demonic books get delivered everything until the people were getting upset with him and say listen this guy is bad for your business when one man can make can cause an uproar in a city you must know that man has rank in the spirit so say with me spiritual rank let's get into how do i get into spiritual ranks say from the number one prayer it's not prayer okay a lot of people think because they pray a lot they get spiritual rank the bible says the word of god grew mightily and prevailed the word of god grew mightily and comforts wherever it went meaning it was looking and god was looking for a man or somebody who had the word of god in them that became flesh that wherever they went they could conquer and prevail and take over until the world was turned upside down but it requires a magnitude of a word inside of you prayer without the word is dangerous have you ceased prayer and fasting without the word will kill you because praying and fasting without a foundation of the word in your life can cause spirits to come in because you want to have a spiritual encounter not knowing the word is this okay why do you think it is so easy to come to a prayer meeting but it is not easy to read a word the devil doesn't want you to read your word when you re when you read your word he knows that you're getting kratos power that you are getting authority i always say like this prayer gives you an anointing or when i say anointing but we is is making the anointing work the word is what gives you authority but now when you have the word in you and you begin to pray enforced you see prayer and foresting is a conduit only to carry power of something that is inside to come out i think it is the geiger gregor a method where it's like a computer what you put in is coming is what will come out what is inside of you prayer is only designed the word prayer comes from the greek word prosecute which means from inside out so when you are praying it is there to bring what you have inside of you out for others to see what do you have inside of you that is the question so now you understand why i say that prayer and fasting can be even dangerous are you guys with me witches forced satan is forced more than christians do but when i begin to have the word in me and then i fast and pray guess what's going to come out the word now it's come out with power it comes in by the letter i read it i read it i read it and i begin to pray and force now what god comes out now rhema comes out remember we have the written uh the the the the what do you call it the the um uh graphite word are you guys with me we have this this is the graphite word many tell us the logos more accurate this is the graphi the written word it is the logos but it is not fully the logos it is a part of the logos the word logos means thought so this is a part of the thought of god so many preachers try to limit god with this word when they should use this word to express god so they'll say but wait a lion is praying and there's oil coming on people's hands or their faces where is it in the bible you're limiting god with that it was never designed to be used like that are you guys with me so this is the graphite which is a part of the logos the logo so the graphite is the written the logos is the living word the rhema is the spoken words are you guys with me and the shalakh is the saint words so you read the graphite to become the logos what is the becoming the logos you become the living with the the graphite now becomes alive inside of you once it becomes alive inside of you and you pray and you forced it comes out as rhema which is the spoken word or you hear god speaking to you through the word that is inside of you are you guys with me and now you take that word you begin to prophesy over somebody in your family or you decree something now becomes the shallock words the word that is sent to heal when the king david says send your word and heal in the book of psalms there's a sent word shalak it means to throw like a spear like a missile and it will hit the target it is sent for that when we pray whether it's over zoom or praying for people and we'll send healing we sent a word rank and authority determines the effectiveness of that word are you guys with me so when our hunger for the word begins to die rank is beginning to go lower and lower but when what am i doing when i'm preaching like this i'm hoping to god this is my only desire is that you will catch this revelation of spiritual rank spiritual authority that you can know but that you leave here and you have a hunger for the word it must come from your spirit if you don't have it go go it go go read the word until you get that hunger are you guys with me you eat breakfast lunch and supper on a monday on a tuesday breakfast lunch and supper until monday sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday guess what and sunday we open up the word little bits and then monday we curse the prophets because you prophesied i love breakthrough and i have no breakthrough i lost my job and you said i'll be promoted [Music] yeah i curse you on a monday they eat they will not miss breakfast not miss lunch on a sunday just take a little bit of word and wonder why is god not working in their lives i want you to understand spiritual rank spiritual rank as long as they are persecuting us as long as there are people attacking us you must know that we have and maintained our spiritual rank are you guys with me as long as you are persecuted you have maintained your spiritual rank [Music] my my prayer life must be birthed out of my word life my word life cannot be birthed out of my prayer life i'm going to say it again to you many of you want to pray so that you can get hungry for the word it must be other way around are you guys with me is prayer it's communication with god what is word it is eating food what is the most important communication or eating food eating food so eating food comes first then the communication will come the right communication will come healthy communication will come are you guys with me spiritual rank nobody can give you about god nobody can give it to you but the word two peter chapter number one verse one put it up i want to give you how to increase your your grace your spiritual rank how do i increase spiritual rank grace has to be increased on your life how do you increase grace say with you the words simon a bond servant apostle of jesus christ to those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our god and savior jesus christ grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord wait put in the king james new king james 7 73 grace and peace be multiplied it means grace can be multiplied and distributed to you are you guys with me give me the partakers i'll give you the scripture it says be partakers of my grace paul just google paul for take us by grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of god and of jesus of our lord next verse that is divine power wait wait go back one verse wait one vote one verse stay with your grace and peace be multiplied be distributed to you in the knowledge say with me knowledge the revelatory word of god where you have the bible and it is becoming alive to you how does it come alive with you it starts with preaching are you guys with me please do not try to read your bible alone at home it's not going to work you tried it and it didn't work unless you matured are you guys with me how many of you can be honest with me you've opened your bible and you try to read and it's like ah okay so what do you do put on anointed sermons one of the only places where jesus said great faith so the great faith is where the centurion said to him just say a word speak a word i am a man of authority i am a man under authority and i am a man over authority i say to this one go and i say to that one come i understand the revelation of authority i understand spiritual rank that if you speak a word i know my servant will be healed i don't know if you understand what i'm saying just speak a word and the bible says great faith like this have i not seen when you understand spiritual authority and when you understand spiritual rank it pleases the heart of gods god's hands guidedly knowingly locating you in a place when the anointing is so close to you when you are under that anointing it begins to rub into your clothes it begins to rub into your skin into your body when it gets to a prophetic anointing a prophetic anointing is a prophet that is rubbed with a prophetic anointing wherever they go even if you just touch their clothes the prophetic will be your portion [Music] you
Channel: Leon Du Preez
Views: 1,506
Rating: 4.6571426 out of 5
Keywords: Leon du Preez, Prophet Leon du Preez, Leon du Preez live, du Preez Leon, Encounter Church, Sunday Service, live church service, Online Church, Prophetic Ministry, Prophetic teaching, Spirit Embassy, EncounterNow, rodney howard browne, miracle tv, sky tv, good news world, how to increase spiritual rank, anointing, increase anointing, how to increase, spiritual rank, isaiah saldivar, oyakhilome, pastor chris live
Id: c9NBSROr2qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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