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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you honest you in the medical field go to I put the mic on while you married before us okay go to my mama Ghana God says that I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I taking words and run with it to the ends of the world it's like oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me gently oppa gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you there I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about jewelry [Applause] [Music] Leclaire eos co-emperor vida Shalaka le monde' profaned in Kish Taha Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the sulemani thing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le gusta a vocal aprende le Kista para que hace MEF reduced acalypha and le brun d dia LeClair eos Tov radically Kista evoke Attalla Monday last icon Celestine glory fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok ashoka provide eeeh Amon de Lange gatita labra Delica acaba Katie Lomond a leap Ronda vacati Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a a chinkara Basanti lakea azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Oh sh t korabik on telly telly bar so far a mock Usha are an idea Talib ante Mondale Acosta Issa Azusa Maria azúcar dalaman de carava Tuesday Capra so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single of angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favor you today may the lord give you the grace to see the things that I have seen and beyond i unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oi ting upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know the Holy Spirit is upon you and yet anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] when the Lord Jesus was announced to be the savior of the world now you notice what happened to David is happening to Jesus David is announced to be king a shepherd boy Jesus is called the Good Shepherd but Jesus is called a Good Shepherd before he has any Cairo and David is not it does not have his own sheep he's looking after his own father's sheep but the same God is anointing both people when they are not yet what they are supposed to be you may not look like where you're going right now you may not seem like you are where you're supposed to be but I'm here to tell you you are in the right place at the right time with the right endpoint and at the proper time you shall be lifted up and God will show what he was doing in the sit sit sit sit sit learn to be secretive [Music] hallelujah somebody say hallelujah hallelujah learn to be what secretive unless you are secretive God can never confide in you would you tell somebody a secret that talks too much who you plan something with somebody that announces to everybody so why do you think God is gonna do that [Music] hallelujah hallelujah from today let your actions tell people what you're doing a man eros when they see Putin they say what were you working on this you say I've been working this has been going on become secretive so I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm learning one same God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that four five - I saw him go and he was looking for something like when I go to this place I saw an address like eight one one one the angel told me walk five steps I walked five steps and I saw like unit five I saw a - I saw a nine I saw another night I saw a three I saw a zero happy it's like pains you or something like that [Applause] I'm seeing a company that has like an eye s-something I can't see the whole thing but I'm seeing like an eye and s-something entertainment it's a very strange word god bless everybody thank you so much for being live and I hope I know that the Lord has something for you and I believe that something good is gonna happen this day so I want you to let somebody know that prophet Lovi is life and god is gonna speak to us in a mighty way this day so I want you to keep sharing it I want you to to let somebody know I want you to let somebody know I want you to let somebody know I want you to let somebody know that I am life I want you to let somebody know that I am life let somebody know that the Prophet is life and God is gonna bless us in a mighty way let somebody know that I am life it's gonna be powerful I'm gonna be teaching I'm gonna be teaching about the spiritual realm the hand of God being up on somebody so I want you to be ready I want you to let somebody know and God is gonna bless us in a mighty way God is gonna bless us in a mighty mighty way [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you a nurse you in the medical field go to I put the mic on for you mind before ok go to my mama Ghana God says that is opposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone it's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me maybe oppa Gaga King who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you then I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know these things [Applause] hallelujah so I want everybody to get your Bibles and I'm gonna be speaking about the mighty hand of God so I want you to be ready and I want you to be prepared because if you understand what the hand of God is if you encounter the hand of God the spiritual realm will be opened unto you so many people ask me all the time prophet how do you easily enter into the spirit why is it that you you always have the revelation of the Word of God how is it that you're always in tune I'm gonna teach you the secret today which is the hand of God the great Paul Francis God bless you the great apostle is back from Nigeria god bless you man of God so I want to teach you about the mighty hand of God the mighty hand of God so I want everybody to be prepared I want you to be very alert I want you to be in the spirit and I pray for everybody right now that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened and it will be opened the secret to finding the gate to the spiritual realm understanding the portal where is it how do you unlock the spiritual when you read the like is Ezekiel says and the hand of the Lord was upon me and I was caught up in the spirit or I was taken in the spirit whenever you saw somebody about to do exploits in the spiritual realm whenever you saw somebody about to manifest something great in the spiritual realm the Word of God always says and the hand of the Lord was upon me and I was in the spirit or the hand of the Lord was upon me and I was caught up in the spirit where is the hand of God how do you find the hand of God because it looks like it is the gate to the spiritual realm I don't know if somebody's ready for this because this is gonna be nice we are gonna jump around some scriptures a little bit for you to understand what it means what it is and what the hand of God truly is so with that understanding naturally you enter the spiritual room and you function in the spiritual realm no one can enter or function in the higher realms of the Spirit without the approval of the hand of God if the hand of God is not upon you you cannot enter their highest phases of the spiritual realm now you have to understand the spiritual realm is a broad word they are the lower realms of the Spirit and they are the higher realms of the Spirit which are called heavens or heaven the lower realms of the spiritual realm are hell the grave we can even put even the earth there's a dimension within the earth which is a lower spheres of the of the spiritual realm or the fourth dimension where all the wicked spirits are actually running around and roaming around so anybody can enter the spirit but nobody can enter the higher realms of the spirit without the hand of God so I want to teach you about the gate of the spiritual realm I don't know if you're ready if you're ready I want you to type I am ready I want you to share this I want you to share this I want you to share this I want you to share this and I believe all the people locally that you ordered the salam oil the elevation oil it was shipped out to you today and you should have it by I believe Wednesday or Thursday everybody that all that this is gonna get it and then and I can't wait for you to have it God will truly bless you through this I believe there will be a change and there will be a transformation when you use this so I want you in prayer I want you to be ready I want you to be ready I want you to be ready I want you to be ready I don't know if somebody is ready we are about to go to the scriptures right now the Bible says in the book of Isaiah chapter 48 verse 13 hmm the Bible says isaiah 40:8 13 he says surely my hand founded the earth and my right hand spread out spread out the heavens when I call them they stand together if you read Isaiah 68 verse 8 it says but now all Lord you are you are our Father we are clay and you are the Potter and all of us are the work of your hand so there is a difference between the hands of God and the hand of God you never hear them say in the hands of God was upon me and I was in the spirit they will always say singular and the hand of the Lord was upon me and I was in the spirit I want somebody to catch this I want somebody to catch this wherever you are I want you to catch this so what is the hand of God because if you understand the hand of God it's easy to enter into these things today my son my look asked me you know he asked me a question I don't know if it was today he asked me I was talking to somebody and I was like you know and I ask somebody a question it's usually because I already know the answer when you the hand of God is upon you there's something about you that changes there's something inside you that changes that the keys to the realms of the Spirit or the things of the Spirit become very easy so we understand that God founded the earth by his right hand and he spread out the heavens with the right hand he says we are the porter and we are the clay and we had the work of his hand or we had the works of his hand the Bible says that if you look at this letter let's read one more scripture and then I will explain to you something sums 95 verse for sums 95 verse 4 in whose hand are the depths of the earth the peaks of the mountains are are his also if you read job chapter 12 verse 10 it says in whose hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind job 26 13 by his breath the heavens are cleared his hand pierced the fleeing serpent so God is doing something by this hand but what is this hand because without understanding the hand it looks like God is doing everything through this hand meaning the greatest attribute that makes God who he is is this hand I feel like I'm by myself here I'm trying to go somewhere now when somebody what I want to teach you is first of all to make you to understand is is to make you understand something in order for you to grasp the hand of God you'd need to know what it is then I would teach you how you can make the hand of God be upon you my son was asking me earlier was asking me how is it that is it possible for you to induce a vision or is it just that it comes from God and I told him you can absolutely enter into a vision if you want anytime he said how is it possible I said well John said on the Lord's Day I was in the spirit not I was taken not I was pushed not the Spirit of the Lord carried me saying I John was in the spirit and the Bible says he had a loud voice behind him meaning he went ahead of God into the spirit so anybody can enter and hear the voice of God at any time because God does not stop speaking now you have to ask yourself a question if the whole earth is by his hand if the peaks and the valleys is by that hand if he formed man by that hand what is this hand so in order for you to know what this hand is you have to go back to the beginning where all these things are happening in order for you to come to know what is this hand I feel like I'm by myself because if God is saying everything you're seeing is by that hand what what is this hand because if you read Genesis you don't see the hand Genesis chapter 1 verse number 2 Genesis chapter 1 verse number 2 Genesis chapter number 1 verse number 2 he says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth so the hand is already working ah and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters so we are seeing that God from the first verse the heavens of the earth are being made then God there is a problem in verse 2 that God wants to fix and the first appearance or manifestation of God is you see the Spirit of God the first thing that you see that is understandable is the Spirit of God then you read the scriptures it says it is not by strength or by might says the Lord but it is by my spirit so God does not use muscle what is this right hand of God what is this hand of God because remember spirit also is a broad word because you cannot say the Spirit of God yet God Himself is a spirit you have to come to understand this if God is a spirit how can God have a spirit you know you have to ask these questions if you say the spirit of Lavi it makes sense because the spirit of love lives inside the body of Lavi now if God the Bible is saying that God is saying it is not by strength or by might but it is by my spirit now we know very well that God is spirit and whoever must worship Him must worship Him in what spirit and truth so how can there be this of God because remember the word God there simply means divine entity it's not a name it's a title meaning Supreme Being that is what the Bible also says that devil is the god of this world what does that mean he is the Supreme Being that controls the natural realm in this dimension because this is a fallen word world so how can you see notice the Bible never says the spirit of the devil he says the devil yet the devil is a spirit I feel like I'm confusing people let me let me cool it down let me turn the volume down a little bit let me turn the volume down a little bit so why is there not the spirit of the devil or the spirit of the angel the Bible says angels and ministering spirits so we know that there are spirits now God Himself is spirit so how can there be the Spirit of God I'm just trying to make somebody think a little bit keep sharing and this will benefit somebody now if you know if you understand that spirit simply is a title you have to understand father is not a name son is not a name spirit is not a name that is why you cannot say in the name of God I deliver you because God is not a name you cannot cast out a demon in the name of the Holy Spirit you can't because spirit is simply a name and holy simply means his function that holiness is really assignment you cannot say in the name of the Sun come out you can't because Sun is not a name an example is this I am the son of my mother and father but I am the father of Andrew I am the brother to prophet glovies these are not names these are titles according to where I am and according to whatever I am doing is this too much so the source of God's power is this hand but what is that hand because remember it is the spirit that gives life so the source of every living thing is the spirit so you cannot know a person unless you know his spirit as a there again you cannot know a person unless you know the spirit of the person somebody can pretend but once you know their spirit you know who they are I was teaching my sons and daughters who were present how to profess and I was teaching them how to be able to discern a person's spirit because a lot of the details that you get from the realms of the Spirit is actually inside the person's spirit before even God speaks to you so the identity of a person is in their spirit not into what they say not into what the how they walk but it's in their spirit so right now if we take the spirit if you take my spirit out of my body it's no longer love is alive it's there lays this body of lava because the source of whom what makes me alive is my spirit but you cannot say the spirit left la vie if you know my spirit - my spirit has a name and that's the name that I go by this is a body I live in because it's a house so the Spirit of God is inhabiting a house called God because whenever God wants to make a big move his spirit he does not use strength it does not use might it is only by spirit so the strength of God is in his spirit but just to say the Spirit of God is not enough because the identity of God and who God is is in that spirit let me let me bring it to a close let me bring you close get get get your Bibles our I want to help you I want to help you get into something is somebody there let me see people's comments okay is somebody ready uh-huh let's see what are people saying can you read me the comments Bianca Mundy says my god how about YouTube let's see people on YouTube did he say was it somebody said let me see that somebody says they don't have a form but Christ was with God and he was created has a body already in eternity well if you go to revelations he says I am the first and the last I am he was who easy needs to come I was I was dead in our in my life so the Jesus get created because he is making a claim that is a different claim let us go to the Bible go to karate Asafa cattle eBay scintilla Bria cassava kata are you ready let us go let's look at this let me give you this and then we'll go into some scriptures let me let me open my Bible okay let's go to the book of Acts let us go to the book of Acts Acts chapter 1 can you grab your Bible Acts chapter chapter 1 I will read this one Acts chapter 1 verse 8 listen to what the Lord Jesus is saying but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and it shall be and ye shall be witnesses and to both and witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and to the utmost parts of the earth now you have to understand what Jesus is saying in the the Lord God or the Son of God he is saying you shall have power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you then you shall be my witnesses so it is impossible to witness for Jesus what is what is the what does it mean to be a witness is to have evidence a witness does not come forth without evidence so in order to be a witness for Jesus you need the Holy Spirit in order to prove that Jesus is Lord that is why I saying I will give you power does power mean power mean I will give you the ability to show evidence that I am alive that I am God so the first chapter of the Bible the first attribute of God you ever see is his spirit then the Bible says that it is by his right hand that he made all of these things possible but then you know very well that the Holy Spirit is hovering over the water and then God is speaking and something is happening by his spirit because what is the point of the Spirit of God hovering over the waters then the Bible says it is not by strength or by might but it is by my spirit says the Lord the Lord Jesus is speaking the book of Acts chapter number 1 verse 8 saying that you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you but how will you know that it's the Holy Spirit because a spirit is a spirit after all what separates between just a regular spirit or despair it of an angel the spirit of the devil and the Spirit of God how would you know somebody you say oh when you feel the shakes no a demon can enter you and you can do the same the woman with the spirit of divination did prophesy as if somebody that had the Spirit of God so how do you know who is this spirit of God because it's looking like he's the source 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 now remember this the Bible says no one has ascended and to heaven somebody said speaking in tongues yes you know there if there's tons of angels it means there are tongues of demons you know that the Bible says even if I speak in tons of angels meaning there's also a language for demons I have read it and there is the tongues of angels so if there is the tongues of angels and there is the tongues that you speak unto God and the Bible says whoever speaks in tongues speaks not to man but speaks unto God no other being can hear him except God is understanding but then the Bible is also saying even if I speak in the tongues of angels meaning there is the tongues for angels that has nothing to do with God you're speaking with angels maybe there is a time out teach on the tongues of angels yes yes yes they're angels are they not uh uh are there not angels just because they're fallen doesn't mean they lost language okay if somebody is an unbeliever can they not speak in tongues a hundred percent they can because the Bible says and the Spirit of the Lord came they laid hands upon them and they spoke in tongues as the spirit gave utterance they meaning the Holy Spirit doesn't make you speak in tongues he only gives you utter ins and by faith you speak so the Holy Spirit doesn't make you say raba baba baba he tells you Rockhopper papa they knew you repeat and you receive utterance meaning that he gives you vocabulary now remember that vocabulary goes into your soul so I don't need to feel chills in order for me to speak in tongues when you're mature you now speak by faith and there are those certain tongues that will always speak because it's part of us it is the vocabulary we were given that unlocks other things now if somebody will use to pray and they no longer pray but they still have rope over here you think they can't say that there will a hundred percent say it Roberta no no no there's a demonic language for sure I have heard it I really have but the tongues of angels remember it's just the language of angelic beings the difference is in order I cannot speak in a language unless I am communicating to somebody I cannot just communicate broadly do you just go in Ethiopian talk to random people you speak to a specific person so there is the ability in the spirit to communicate with your angel personally that is why some of us we can prophesy any time just mysteries of the spirit I think the next prophetic school i will teach about this you cannot stop speaking in French because you are not in France how many years for me I've been having not been in in my country for over eleven years I still speak my language I may miss a few vocabulary when I warm up it's right back you don't stop you you can't stop singing worship because you've back slit you won't sing it genuinely but to sing you can it doesn't go anywhere the cheek is your deep so now and remember the word tongues they are just means language tongues is simply language so are you ready read the second Corinthians chapter three verse 17 read it again read it one more time wait now the Lord is that spirit what spirit so the spirit is always a person it's not just a general term now the Lord is that spirit what spirit what is he pointing to remember a lord is a person God is a general term for a divine being but in order for you to know Jesus you don't know him as your God and Savior you know him as your Lord and Savior means it's become personal because God you don't know God because God is just a general term for a divine being that cannot be understood but once you know the Lord you know the Lord is who Jesus but the Bible is telling you now now the Lord is that spirit so now when you read the Bible is saying that and Jesus now go go to this let me show you something let me show somebody something PhD in Revelation now first Peter chapter 3 verse 22 first Peter chapter 3 verse 22 first Peter chapter 3 verse 22 before we read that God John chapter 1 verse John chapter 1 verse 1 to 3 John chapter 1 verse 1 to 3 John chapter 1 verse 1 to 3 mm-hmm in the beginning was the word now notice this is telling you in the beginning was the word so God did not exist first it was something called the word that was there before anything called God because God just simply means a divine being now you cannot be a divine being unless you make beings that are less superior than you so before he made anything nobody could call him God because there was nobody was by himself so you cannot say God unless he made something less than him that can look up and say God so in the beginning there was no God because there was no creation except something called word who is uncreated has no beginning as no end he exists within himself by himself for himself so you cannot say spirit of God because God simply means divine being so the Bible is telling you in the beginning was the word ah keep reading so notice before he made anything in the beginning was the word and the word was with the Supreme Being and the word was the Supreme Being meaning that after he created people lost sight of the word and they began to focus on something called God but the true God is that word that was God I don't know if somebody is catching this in the beginning was the word and the word was with the superior let me explain to you something let me show you something this is gonna shock everybody when you hear this now look at this he says in the beginning was the word and the word was with let me show you something the word with means pros P R or s now the word pros means to the advantage of so it doesn't mean with you literally what it's reading is in the beginning was the word and the word was to the advantage of a being called God so with God doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that he was along God with God there means pros pros means to the advantage so what makes God God is the word and that word and the Lord is that spirit so we understand that what we call the Spirit of God is actually the Lord Jesus and the Lord Jesus was in the beginning with God the word with there is the word pros pros means to the advantage of God like an example if somebody says I am with strength remember this is Old English I am with strength meaning that I have strength not at me and strength are separate so when somebody saying I am a strong man with strength is saying that I am a strong man with the advantage of having something called strength so the word with there is the word pros pros means to their advantage so in the beginning was the word and the word was to the advantage of God and the Word was God [Music] now continue to read continue to read verse three says this verse two says the same was in the beginning to the advantage of God notice the word with there means to the advantage of it doesn't mean along with the same was in the beginning to the advantage of God all things were made by him and without him was not anything that was made made wait a minute so in you read Genesis chapter 1 in verse 3 saying and the heavens and the earth were finished and God created the heavens in the earth and on the seventh day God rested from all his work which he had made which he had created and made who was creating who was creating not God the word was the Bible is telling you in the beginning was the word nothing was made without him nothing was made that is made everything in existence is because of a being called word who is uncreated as no beginning has no end remember you cannot call somebody God unless he has made less inferior beings because the word God simply means divine being it's not a name that is why in the name of Jesus every knee bows I okay let me okay let me just let me rest because I think I'm losing people I think I'm losing people I feel like I'm okay let me let me give you something else now what does the Bible mean now go to first Peter chapter 3 now you have to understand the hand of God Oh sometimes it says the right hand of God okay so we understand that the hand of God represents strength that's why the right hand represents strength so and now you read read first Peter chapter 3 verse 22 now what does the right-hand mean position of power who is seated in the position of power in God because remember God is not a name okay read another one Acts chapter five verse that you want x5 him God exalted with his right hand to be Savior or to give to Israel wait read it again so we know who is God the word are you guys lost are you getting it because remember God simply means divine being yes uh-huh with this with this right hand what is the right hand of God there word itself because remember the right hand of God is the power of God God is saying it is not by strength or by might but it is by my spirit says the Lord but then you read you read the Bible is telling you that now that the Lord is that spirit and where the Spirit is there is Liberty ah but now read what this one says about the same thing and Savior meaning deliverance listen to what the Lord Jesus told his disciples he said in a little while you will see me you will see me no the world will not see me but you will see me he said Lord where are you going how would we know where you were what I say he said he said but I will not leave you comfortless i will send you the spirit that will come from the father when the spirit will come you will know him for he dwelleth with you and he shall be in you so I said the only way you will know that spirit is because has already lived with you but now he will be inside of you who is he talking about he's talking about himself he saying the only way you shall maybe people think I'm making this up okay let me let me grab my Bible let me grab it okay go to go to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 verse 17 John chapter 14 verse 17 now listen to what Allah Jesus is saying even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but he know him he did not say you shall know him you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you he dwelleth with you and shall be in you said the world cannot see him first he said the world cannot receive him is because he's a person you cannot receive whom you don't see meaning he came as a person and the world could not receive him listen let's let's read it again I'm trying to mess somebody up in a good way I'm trying to mess somebody up in a good way even the spirit capital S of truth this same spirit remember now the Lord is that spirit whom the world cannot receive why can't they receive him because it's yet him not they can't see him but what is the difference between the world and us never know at him you cannot know somebody unless by experience but you know him how do we know him for he dwelleth with you he is already in the flesh next to you they all did not know him the world did not receive him but you have received him but you know him because you already know him not when he's inside of you you will know him because you have already known him in the flesh that is what the Bible says by their fruits you shall know them what fruits because when he was on earth he displayed some fruits so that same spirit is inside of you you produce the same fruits I feel like let me tell you the absolute truth the only gate to the spiritual realm is not how you do it is not how do you pray how will you pray how do you look at prayer it's about who you know how well do you know Jesus because the Lord Jesus is the only get to the operation of the spiritual realm the Lord Jesus is the only power that God possesses that is why you have to understand when God is sacrificing his power for mankind it's a big deal because what makes him God is what he gave to the world what makes you who you are is your strength that is why some people have resistance in giving their offering giving their tithe giving things because that is what makes them benefits them to be whom they are if you take millions from Bill Gates is no longer Bill Gates it's just Gates nobody will care no one will look at him because it is the billions or millions that make him to be somebody that we is renowned somebody that is known so when God is giving up Jesus is giving up what makes him him that is what the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus is such a big deal to God because he is giving away his secret of what makes him him what everybody looks at him and says you are the divine being he is exposing it by giving it that is why we so ever receive ative gave it the power to become you cannot be somebody who prophesize sees in the spirit does anything unless you know the Lord Jesus and walk closely with the Lord Jesus listen to what the whole is the back the lodges are said about the Holy Spirit he said for the Spirit of Truth shall not speak of himself but he shall take of me and give to you so what does the Holy Spirit talk about that's why it's called the Spirit of the Lord if you receive my spirit what is he gonna talk about me so the Spirit of God if you read Isaiah 59 say surely he was bruised for our transgression he's talking about all these things how surely this the sins were upon him he says and he shall be known as what everlasting fire it says and his name shall be that's Isaiah 9 I believe he says he says remember Isaiah 59 he's talking about the Lord Jesus and surely our sins were upon him and he was bruised for transgression he will be seen as a person of no reputation bla bla bla but if you go now to - and to us a child is born is it Isaiah 9 I read it a child is born because a child is a human baby so the son was given so meaning he controls power now remember the first name you know him is what it does it just say wonderful okay who is the wonderful counselor according to the Scriptures the Holy Spirit because remember the first thing you see about the Lord Jesus in the scripture is the Spirit of God is hovering over the waters so his first name is wonderful counselor Holy Spirit now the Lord is that same spirit I don't know if somebody's getting this you have to understand let me tell you why Jews never believe Christians because Christians have the Bible's doctoring the wrong way when they asked the Lord Jesus they asked the lodges are something they asked him what is the greatest commandment he said he quoted scripture said here or Israel for our God is one do you understand that there is no word Trinity in the Bible God is not a Trinity God is a triune God do you know what real means it means that one God three different manifestations not three gods that is why Jews have a hard time believing the gospel because they know God as being one God you have to understand when he says and God said let us make man in our image you have to understand the word let us there is Elohim Elohim means God in His infinite it's like plural of God within God that's what Elohim means so it's not three persons deciding something there is no three God God is not a Trinity his disciples are asking him Lord show us the father listen to this he is saying this Lord show us the father he says I have been with you this long yet you don't know who I am now let me explain to you something that you need to understand some people will not get this and I will go into depth with it and we'll go by scriptures not feelings you know Christians like feelings the Lord Jesus said the scripture is true and cannot be broken so we go by scripture not how we feel or what we were taught or what we think of what the word is we have to agree there first does three make one now k read Isaiah nine read it all now look at what he's saying notice his name shall be called what that's his name Holy Spirit uh-huh the mighty got me do you know I'd saying the mighty God meaning there is no other God except him mighty God just may be one of the many the mighty God they're mighty meaning there is no other mighty except him my daughter only she's she's she's Jewish and you see she's even writing here or Israel the Lord is one continue now you have to understand what everlasting father means everlasting father that there is you have to understand father the word father means source the source of all things father is not a name all these are titles they are not names so he's saying I am the everlasting source meaning that there is no other father except him so if you're thinking that God the Father and the son are different you are completely mistaken the disciple says baptism in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit then John now Peter Peter goes to baptize people and he says this he says he never baptized them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit he baptized them in the name of Jesus what does the Bible says he says for in Christ dwells the fullness of the godhead in bodily form so when you are talking about God the Son you are talking about God manifesting himself in his fullness in the capacity of a human being in the capacity that a human being can containing it's not saying that is a different person their fullness of God in a bodily form because remember the fullness of God cannot be filled if you see God you die the Bible says he fills all things I think I'm talking to people that don't understand you have to understand this ok let me give you a logical one a logical one listen very carefully if Jesus our Lord is separate from the Father the Bible says this and every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and in the earth at the mention of Jesus so if the father is different from the Sun then the father has to bow because it's telling you the locations that everybody will fall on their knees and say that is Lord in heaven on the earth and in the earth at the mention of that name Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord so if father is separate from son and son is separate from father then father ask about so everything there is telling you now you go to revelations chapter number one you notice something Jesus is saying I am the first now you have to understand if this person has a father is very arrogant he needs to repent revelations chapter number one no no we are not going to verse one let me show you see it's a it's a it's in chapter one let me find it for you what does verse eight say start from verse eight okay start again this is too much okay look at this okay now look at this less that from verse 11 I was in this letter from verse 10 I was in the Spirit of the Lord I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind me a great voice of a trumpet saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last and that what thou see it write in a book and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia unto you fears and unto Samaria and unto Pergamos and unto Thyatira and unto Sardis and unto filled it to Philadelphia now you have to understand if he's saying I am the Alpha and the Omega I am the beginning and the end he's saying I have no father because can you stand before somebody and tell them I am the source I am the beginning of it and I am the end of it right these things that you're going to see that is arrogance unless you are who you say you are [Music] if you don't know the Lord Jesus and the fullness of who is somebody will ask a question well how was Jesus why was Jesus praying very simple give me give me a water okay is there water in that or give me a something like this fill it with water I will show you something you keep in the same place and you will never grow beyond there yeah yeah oh Jesus okay perfect this is this is perfect this is perfect you can move my cup now I want you to go to Philippians chapter 2 verse 7 Philippians chapter 2 verse 7 I are you there I will read it if you want me to read are you ready for this this this one is that this one is deep are you ready but he emptied himself by taking the form of a servant this one is the ESV now I'll read it in King James but he made even but he made himself notice he made himself he was not made he is making himself notice this before I continue remember this the lodges I said this he said no one takes my life from me I laid down and I take it up myself again ah but then other place it says it says this he says and then and the same spirit that quickened the body of Jesus shall quick and also your motto mortal bodies but Jesus is saying I lay down my life of my own accord and I pick it up again the Lord Jesus said ask my father of anything and I shall give it to you ah he said yes ask anything in my name and I will give it to you so who is doing the giving here now it look at this look at this look look at this but he made himself of no reputation and took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men now let's use common sense here this is God taking the form of a human being now the human body and the god body which is spirit they are different in quantity meaning Jesus maxed out completely what God can be in the flesh so the New Living or whatever saying he emptied himself so this is God emptying himself but this is what the human capacity can take where is the remaining one is in heaven remember is omnipresent he fills all things so the human capacity cannot take the fullness of him so an it's saying he emptied himself where was the remaining measure you know if you play with mutual theology I will take you to the Bible seriously because remember their human capacity can only carry a certain portion of God it will be the fullness of God but according to human beings because look at this even though a human physical being can take much of the Spirit of God meaning the person of God is fully in it what can that person do the person can walk on water can open blind eyes can call rain can close range and coal fire from heaven can close heaven but he still does not have the power to create a world or create a human being because the human capacity limits in because if Jesus is the same Lord notice he could only raise people from the dead because the human capacity could not take dust and make another human being go go to youtube go to youtube go to youtube let me see some comments here if it is go up if it's possible to remove the cup who was he talking with if not the Holy Spirit ah I just read it to you in Scripture he emptied himself and took up on the form of a sovereign notice he was not so if Jesus is emptying himself he's not saying the Holy Spirit emptied himself he's saying and he himself had the ability to empty himself and take the form of a servant now you have to remember if Jesus is the creator of the world according to John chapter number one can the fool can the human body actually take the fullness of God the Bible even tells you no one can see God and yet live Jesus never said I am the son of God they asked Jesus who are you he said I am they said you who is a human being you liken yourself to being God they wanted to kill him even though them a prime was happy to see my day now now let's think about it like this now you have to understand how the anointing and the Spirit works upon a human being think about this carefully think about this carefully his fullness his fullness now look at this what the Lord Jesus say now father glorify your son with the same glory that I shared with you in the beginning you have to understand what that means now if you read in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God remember God simply means Supreme Being you don't see anywhere saying father meaning the full measure of who he was was not in the human form that is why I said it is good for me to go and for me to send my spirit because if I send my spirit the limitation of the physical body that causes me only to be in Jerusalem will be removed from me now I can be all over the world upon every creation that I made at the same time [Music] now remember every doctrine must be aligned to the Word of God if anything that anybody ever tells you it doesn't matter how logical they try to make it if it is not scriptural it's not from God because the Word of God comes to reveal who Jesus is the Bible is saying that by him all things were made both in heaven and on earth so if he's the one making everything where's father now remember the Bible saying and God said for you to say you need words and remember the problem is this the biggest problem is this unless your spiritual unless you have seen him unless your beheld his glory you will not know this because John was the closest apostle to Jesus and is telling you listen that Jesus you guys think is a prophet that Jesus that you think is the son he is not the son is God himself listen to me my prayer is this that you will have the revelation of the Lord Jesus now listen to what the Bible is saying he says and Jesus is standing at the right hand of the Father oh jesus oh jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father now anybody anybody that has ever seen as ever sin heaven any scripture you have redden of heaven have you ever seen two Thrones in heaven Isiah went to heaven he did not see two Thrones you read in the book of Revelation you see one throne so where is this seated on the right hand what does the right hand mean position of power dr2 7b it's ok you know I don't argue with people the Word of God you know if you believe what you believe it's ok it's fine the only thing that I do hear is this the Bible says those who know their God shall do great exploits if you want to know who knows God see their exploits in the spirit not not what they think is common sense who is actually functioning in the spirit I pray that God will give you the revelation everybody that is watching me my prayer is God will give you God will give you a revelation of who the Lord Jesus is let me explain to you why God's Spirit could not be in people let me explain to you why God's Spirit could not be in people in the Old Testament remember Adam was not the Son of God was a creation of God but Jesus is the Son of God and you have to understand what Sun means Sun means first to be to be begotten first to be produced out of God Himself because God never took a part of him and made a human being he only breathed into man the ability to be alive but the Bible is saying that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit right the Bible says and the Holy Spirit shall overshadow you and Mary you shall have a child so who made Mary pregnant who made married pregnant the Holy Spirit so is the father of Jesus the Holy Spirit so is God the Father are you getting what I'm saying and if the Bible is saying now that's that now the Lord is that same spirit not equal to that spirit that same spirit and your Gabrielle is appearing to Mary and saying this capture my words you know you know one thing that I always pray there is the mental capacity that you have to think and then you need the revelation part the Bible is saying that the angel appeared to Mary and said to Mary you shall have a son and you shall call him this Mary said how can I have a child I have never known a man he says don't worry many for the Holy Spirit shall overshadow you and you shall be with child so the one who gave birth to the Lord Jesus is the Holy Spirit now the Bible is saying that the Holy Spirit is the one fathering Jesus inside of Mary so who is God the Father now the Bible is telling you now the Lord is that same spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty not saying it listen very carefully it's not saying now the Lord and that spirit their equal is saying now the Lord is that spirit Jesus himself is saying you shall know the spirit for he dwelleth with you now he shall be in you talking about himself so when you say father in the name of the Lord Jesus what are you saying father I am coming to you by your own provision that you made for me to come to you you're not saying father I thank you for yourself you're saying father I am coming remember father means source source I am coming to you by the way that was from you which is Jesus so I am returning to you and to the same way that you provided for me to come I'm coming back so you have to think ah he's my whole theology being thrown ah now look at this look at this look at this watch this menorah the father of Samson menorah the father of Samson menorah menorah the father of Samson an angel appears to them and an angel speaks to them they say a man appeared and a man said that you shall have a child is this so the wife prayed and said lord I pray let that same angel that appear to my wife let him also appear let that man that came from you notice he did not say injury say let that man there appeared unto unto my wife I appear also unto me okay the next day the man appears unto the wife the wife said please hold on let me go and get my husband so she went and gets her husband in the end he says the same thing he said say they don't don't eat or drink unclean things for the child that you're you you yo I for carry will be full of the holy spirit let me explain to you the difference between prophets and believers their spirit of a prophet is born of the Holy Spirit that's why prophets have always functioned in the spirit that is why you find the Bible is saying in the last days I will pour out my spirit and your sons and daughters shall prophesy they shall see dream is telling you that your sons and daughters will become like the prophets so the prophets are the way they are because of the spirit that is inside of them so here is yes an angel or a man telling manoa that the child that your wife is carrying is go is full of the Holy Spirit but the Bible is saying nobody can be full of the Holy Spirit because they still have the old spirit that spirit are to be taken getting rid of and you have to be born of the Spirit in order for you to be able to contain the Spirit of God let me tell you the Spirit of God does not fill your flesh he fills your spirit one day I'll give a teaching about the human body and it'll be deep I think I taught it at the prophetic school so my nose is this sees this being and he says please wait let us offer an offering to you what is your name he said why do you want to know my name for my name is too wonderful the angel refused to give what kind of arrogance is he said wait then he said okay go get an offering so the man ran in the house got a lamb and wherever and use and burnt an offering and the Bible says when they lit up the offering the man turned into a flame of fire and went up with the offering and manna fell down he said woe is me for I have seen God I will surely die [Music] I taught it yesterday I said this people always say that Shadrach Meshach and Abednego saw the Lord Jesus in the fire nah King Nebuchadnezzar is saying this is saying I put in three men and now there is four and the fourth one looks like the Son of God he resembles somebody we know that is the son of God because remember the son of God did not appear only in the New Testament he appeared to Abram people knew how he looked like they just didn't know his name so Nebuchadnezzar saying and he looks like the son of God so saying you look like lava does not mean you're loving it in US and the fourth person is God said the fourth person looks like go to Genesis chapter 6 I will show you something I have finished with this one Genesis chapter number 6 Genesis chapter 6 hold on Genesis chapter number 6 verse 3 are you ready and the Lord said now remember and he says the Lord not God did their Lord you know who is speaking it's God in the person of a man relatable to human beings and God said because it was beyond the jurisdiction of human beings in Genesis chapter 1 God is not speaking to human beings but he's creating so he's speaking from a dimension that is not the dimension of men so he's saying and God said but now Genesis chapter number 6 you're saying and the Lord said because now he's speaking directly to men that is where every time God spoke to human beings you say and the Spirit of the Lord said and the word of the Lord came unto me because God is speaking in the human capacity meaning is speaking in the dimension of flesh Genesis chapter number 6 verse number 3 and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh this is not making sense God is saying this my spirit will stop continuing to push human beings he is also flesh so if he is also flesh who is the other flesh [Applause] [Music] my spirit will not continue to agee with them he is also flesh ah that is the point of an argument of the Lord your problem is you think flesh is born do you think flesh is only born but you don't understand that son of man means son of the divine one it means God it has a mean son of a human being listen to me if you want a function in the realm of the Spirit you want God to use you mightily in the realm of the Spirit desire to know the Lord Jesus desire to know the Lord Jesus the more you know the Lord Jesus the more you know the Lord Jesus every demon is cast out by that name every demon every sickness every situation lives because of that name whoever knows the Lord Jesus knows the treasure the secret of who God is that is why in the Old Testament the name of Jesus the name of God you could not pronounce it it was against the law to pronounce it one day I will make a teaching up specifically about that desire listen to this Stephen is being stoned to death and Stephen is dying he looks and sees heaven he sees the Lord Jesus standing from the throne so he's sitting on the trumpet [Music] ready to receive his spirit and he's saying they are stunning him saying I see heaven open and I see the Lord standing up to receive my spirit ah he seem Jesus receiving his spirit standing from his throne so he's sitting on the throne the right hand of God the right hand means power go study theology will understand what I'm telling you that is why even traditionally people who are naturally left-handed sometimes they will make you be right-handed because they thought it to be wrong because the right hand represents power even when you want to greet somebody you greet them with the right hand because it's your best hand for it it represents strength a means position of power the Bible does not say God the father and son are in agreement the greatest secret is this I am NOT talking now listen to me carefully I want you to listen to me and listen to me carefully I am NOT talking over Jesus that was preached unto me I'm speaking over Jesus that I have seen that started visiting me when I was a child of it 4 years old I'm not speaking of something that somebody came and told me the first angelic encounter that I had was with a Seraphim I know what I'm talking about I'm not speaking of something that somebody came and told me and I ran with it because it sounds cool and the evidence of it is in what God has given me to do if Jesus is the way the truth and the life what is he telling you you have to understand what their life means it means I am the source of all living things I pray that your prayer from this day that your prayer from this day now look at this this is a deep revelation this is a deep revelation I have just received this in the realms of the Spirit now I did we see I know I was given this revelation listen to this he says she's she's saying this flesh is the substance faith is also described as substance of things and evidence of unseen things Christ is the substance of faith and that and the thing hoped-for which means Christ equals faith as a deeply I even me I could not receive that that one came from heaven you are deep [Music] so listen to me clearly and I want you to subscribe and I want you to rewatch this the Bible says any spirit that comes and tells you that Jesus is less than who is anything that divine is that that that that that what is the word that discounts or undermines is divinity is the spirit of the Antichrist notice it's not the spirit of the anti God because remember he is the God of gods so if you just say God there's a lot of supreme beings that are superior to other beings but is the god of those supreme gods to other beings what does that mean the devil or the angel called the cherubim who was Lucifer he had angels under him that looked at him as the Supreme Being that is why when the ain't devil was cast down even those angels went with him and to this day even though they're cast on the ground those spirits still obey Him because it's much more superior and much more powerful than them so he is their God kabra dia so vacati freb acoustic evil aku's ET le bon tele brand odious Ibaka Zola Amanda LeBron de Deus of acoustic Valley gas of a last icon celestial glory fan tulino me Brenda LIGO Sava Diaz a vacay Akala band led a Sava lock Larios toe in Prado vida y cada dia oz ova caramandi say braun deli gas Ivania asam prodigies de zebra do fajitas OVA provocate alam on de la grande Kista save a dia a locust a vacay I commanded ovah heah less hasta eva froda Kista Edale manova Mavra focused a zoo vicodin kiss a Labonte rope Attila adduced in Cara Vasya evoke a lo brandy ah save a levanto la gusta a vacati Java Lam Bunga D de ado Baca Dilla a save a Freddie ah stoie cephalic Asante freb aqui esta advocate le monde' Gong Gracia Azov akkada gay Gong Gropius a vaquita evoke at a gong groke a civic or tele beetle Amanda leg is de nanã Nova non Amendola gusta daga daga zeg a douche tika Pavo Pavo Pavo say kun dalla guest is Adela Mondego save a kiss today my children I am calling you to a place of knowing me know me personally this day seek me in prayer seek me in fasting seek me when everybody else is not seeking me and I will show you hidden treasures that I me for I desire that you walk with me in a place that you have never walked before I shall make myself known unto you as John knew me as Peter knew me as Paul knew me as Enoch knew me as Moses knew me I want to bring you to a higher place for the time is short Carla bond le gusta avid idea Asante for the time he shot says the spirit of the Living God for behold I am coming soon and so many are lost and so many I in darkness there is no other name that can save my children there is no other way and to God except my name my children come to know me better this day seek me seek me and I will be found I will be found when you seek me with all your heart tell Ivica shuttle a brand ad sov for i am the lord who searches the hearts of all men straighten your intent focus your intention in knowing me if you find me everything else that you're seeking you shall find it says the Spirit of God money cannot bring you into eternity health is temporary in this world world is temporary in this world but store up treasures in the heavenly realm where no thief and no rust can touch it I am that place my children come to know me like you have never known before Qasr idea as ova karen daily battle against the evocative although Jesus we thank you we thank you master Jesus zakharov ocotilla be until a brand idea sofa MiraCosta evoke Attalla Mandela brand Aaliyah Azusa Zakir avant le gusta around le gusta Avanti I am seeing in the realm of the Spirit the Spirit of the Lord beginning to expand everybody that is watching right now I am seeing you in your homes as you are watching from your cell phone some of you from TV some of you from your computer I'm seeing the Spirit of the Lord coming upon you and I'm seeing the spirit of Revelation your capacity being expanded you will see the Lord Jesus in that you will know the Lord Jesus like you have never known before I am seeing darkness being removed from people's hearts those things that were keeping you from prayer I'm seeing them being removed oh thank you master Jesus let this be done unto your children wherever they are in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus that they are walk with you they are ministry and everything they do in you shall be above everything that they have ever known father I thank you that this is done in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus who thank you Lord listen to me children pray like you have never prayed before pray like you have never prayed before seek Him like you have never sought him before he Isabel vailable to be found you will find him tomorrow I will teach you how to allow the hand of the Lord to be upon you I'll come back and teach the next follow up on this so that the hand of God can truly be upon you so that you can experience these things that God wants you to experience I want you to subscribe I want you to follow me everything in my social media the Facebook the YouTube the Instagram is all at prophet lovi youtube is at prophet Lavi youtube's ford slash prophet lovi if you are watching me subscribe subscribe subscribe get these teachings i don't know how long god will allow me to be here or god will allow me to teach these things take them and treasure them because god is pushing you to a point that you have never been in before support the cause support the work of god these two to be on here every day is not is not is not i don't on the internet it has to be paid for subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe and God will bless you share this broadcast give it to as many people as you can and God will bless you and God will increase you may the Lord Jesus bless you I released the prophetic blessing upon you in the mighty and powerful name of the Living Jesus amen and amen and amen Shalom Shalom everybody Taleb rakissa [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the realm of the spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name what do you have on your shirt I don't know why where's my mama Ghana power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you a nurse here in the medical field go to I put the mic on are you married before us okay go to my mama Ghana God says that is supposed to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Ana but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the end zone it's like oh god oh god do you know somebody cooking genesis does me let me oppa gaga king who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you there I'm seeing an M on you for it I saw God putting a government on somebody called Jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery before major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs right there where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing about [Applause] [Music] Leclaire Eostre improvi - a la carte le monde' profaned in kishna ha Costa a lava column and a leap rondalee Kista I pray for you in the name of Jesus that the Lord will touch you wherever you are I pray that the Salam anointing shall come upon you as you listen to this prayer I pray that your spiritual ears and your spiritual eyes and your spiritual understanding shall be unlocked this day I pray that the mysteries of Jehovah God shall be released unto you I pray that you may know his power that you may know his love that you may know his might in your life this day I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus may what was impossible become possible now land le Kista a vocal aprende le Kista vara kia say vivre to stay a caliph and Le Brun de de la gloria stuff radically Kista Avoca talam and a lie stick on Stella Stein glory Fanta lean on me frittata a Tuvok Ashoka Providian aman de lange gatita labra delica acaba Katie Lomond le prawn Deva Katta Zilla Cuccia me Flavia assumed a king Carabas on telly kia azúcar pratik ista a Mandela Costa Brava Costa korabik on telly telly bas over a ma Cuccia allodynia a socket a Labonte Mondale Akash the ISA Azusa Maria azúcar dalaman de carava Tuesday Cut Pro so Tulum on delicates de azúcar Raimondi marvel marvel marvel I pray that my encounters with the Lord who become your encounters I pray that every single angelic visitations that I've experienced may the Lord favour you today may the lord give you the to see the things that I have seen and beyond I unlock you in the prophetic today I released the Suleiman oinking upon you today may angels ascend and descend upon you in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus may the Lord be glorified through your life may the world know that jesus is alive by reason of him manifesting himself through you I decree and declare as a prophet of God there will be a difference from this day when you stand before people when you pray there will be a change that people will know that the Holy Spirit is upon you and he has anointed you to do the work of God to be a shield for your family to be a defender of your family let it be so now in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 4,561
Rating: 4.9609756 out of 5
Keywords: pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, Billy Graham, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, prophet tb joshua, elevation church, #dreamsps4
Id: rk9zSZ2ccdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 30sec (6930 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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