I Am Fish

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I am fish, fish I am

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JoshWi11 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Johnnyboi6707 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think therefore, I am fish

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Verbaliskaiser91 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone it is 2015 and I'm playing I am fish let's begin swim towards the light I can do this I can manage Hey look I'm doing it alright so cute that's actually adorable Oh God the controls are so weird so far I love this game okay I did it okay I'm in a glass bowl nice oh wow so I swims in the water still oh gosh that's a lot harder than I thought Oh No where am i I'm so bad at games dude I'm doing it somehow I imagine me magically yeah that's the word I'm pulling through WAIS is so annoying oh no I'm dead epic hello that's so sad I'm crying this fish is cried tears stop no more fish sleep say it with me sleep sleep alright what are you planning to do this holiday that's right sleep sleep check out ugly Christmas sweater calm and order now to get it before Christmas unpause okay let's try that again I can definitely do this oh my god he changed direction are you kidding me that is so dumb die already cheese says alright well let's do that again this fish game makes no sense and it makes me angry already I did it I'm probably the greatest gamer there's ever been thank you alright here we go how am I supposed to control that okay I made it making game okay so what are the controls game developer yes so like what buns do it yes alright we're heading out I think maybe hopefully I did it no one's ever done should I do it oh god okay oh please don't fall down thank you thank you I've managed to pull through thank you alright I hit a checkpoint what who I go for we're oh wait what is that definitely here okay I can hear the waves there's hope let's just take it easy oh yeah oh yeah what oh just died okay is this one of the game starts getting hard fine oh god how how am I supposed to hit that okay I hit it I'm male oh god no you stay gay you deserve to dead just die my god look he's happy he's fine he's fine he was fine oh god hey hey stop stop all right easy easy does it easy does it swing back swing back hit that chair I did it how I hit the share so I think this is an early version of the game which is why it's so good yes I did it I did it I did the thing I did the thing I did it swing back oh okay I did it I did it I did it I'm good I'm good at games look gamers look are you kidding me go don't I hit the checkpoint I hit it I don't know how Oh another Bowl is cracked I don't know where to go here walk it's not hard to walk stinky fish oh god don't there we go nailed it oh no oh I think I'm I think oh my god I hit it perfectly look at a bit it nice Oh God Oh mattress yeah all right let's make sure we get the checkpoint cool now what oh I see a mattress I see it you just hit it here oh there's plenty of mattresses who plays them there Oh Oh God okay I did it nice now I just gotta make it to the ocean full speed ahead this is so sad wait I'm right there I can make it no this is so sad fish didn't make it just gotta go fast fast through swim through fast Oh God Oh God [Music] oh I can hit the sewers perfect and I made it in I made it in I made it that's [ __ ] alright slow we're doing this slow god damn it have these people heard of traffic laws Jesus Christ alright nice second one let the second one is it just random I could speed good woman yeah I can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it I can still do it why is there a crosswalk here this is a lot about our society this is a lot about how society doesn't care about disabled people right this is so [ __ ] lame stop just either stop or go I don't care which one I'm just gonna go for it oh okay no you did not have to drive there alright good speed good speed good speed go go go go go super speed whoa huh yes okay did it nailed it just hit the water what happens when I hit some water how how you saw that cool alright so I guess I got a deal with the ball Oh God stupid stink of stink all right just go I'm so sick of this just go speed [Music] this part sucks come on speed speed speed stop speed speed speed stop stop yes yes easy alright alright now we just got to score a something glass bottle doesn't randomly combust Oh God slow no it's a lot harder to control than it looks okay just so we're clear ah freed them I like this a random platform for I'm still stuck in the glass all right sure next level let's do it alright alright alright I'm just a fish my owner forgot the bat to me I must escape they set that up those [ __ ] come on okay I guess we got a through the hard rap fine sorry TV sorry limp no lamp lamp lamp maybe I do it no god the music makes me want to kill myself the lamb okay cool did it oh yeah yeah it's you yeah it's you or me lamp I don't care what it takes really oh my god you're so annoying stop fighting you will not win you will not win this fight that's where I'll amp each I hope you die lamp no hit it hit it yeah that's right lamb yeah is that a propane tank oh okay alright we gotta hit the lighter god I hit the ladder Brunt ladder fish be like that's funny okay here we go here we go nailed it dude he's fine look at him hello sup I'm fine actually I'm fine I can flip Darren Felix oh no oh no this is so sad I gotta hit it hard from the side nice nice the checkpoint Chaplin trampling I'm dying my last word Epstein out there right all right we go this way what did I just pick up right that tui hi I'm getting good I'm getting good I'm getting good I'm not good here we go we go down here will you bounce up the roof and then oh no okay ah no no no I did not click out did I click out don't make me do all of that all that effort all that progress are you kidding me I have to fight lamp again [ __ ] off lamp get AIDS oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah Earth can suck it earth can suck it that is right alright nice step aside propane tanks yeah what how you [ __ ] sake I click out again I'm such a [ __ ] I don't wanna play the lamp again no fish no fish no fish no this is so sad he died again eat [ __ ] lamp Earth can suck my dick no no all right made it made it for the fifth time am I not supposed to drop there oh I thought I was supposed to drop okay and how how I managed how I managed oh wait I did I managed I managed okay cool so cool I swim in sewer I'm free oh god oh god Wow okay hurts oh Jesus how do I jump how do I get out of here yeah this is like save Willy but she also Willy that's his name that's funny up up up up up up up up up up up yeah yeah alright alright I think I did it they won't get it games out damn it Oh God that's great I got a better aquarium now gamers it's like getting a brand new PC I feel powerful I feel strong I feel like oh yeah you like that you like that hey hey oh so now you have problem with it as soon as I'm free this has a lot about society okay I'm alive okay come on stop let me yeah if he wait for fish makes it this far you can at least let him live stop don't ever hate me I hate myself hey hey okay no one will hate me no one stop take your stinky beard and drink your soy go away go away go wait story sorry so it's to please please please I'm sorry I'm sorry Oh take a sting oh no no no no this stop shut up oh god this is actually so difficult how am I gonna get past Oh No don't touch me he touched me illegally he touched me legally oh god I die my final message he is stirred in brain ah I knew it I always knew it why does he say it like he's amazed and then he wants to stop me from thriving in society explain yourself this is like the plot of a Pixar film isn't it oh wait it literally is hit me as I said it all right we can make it a lot easier to control this sign don't hit how I'm still alive I can still make it oh god I'm dead change the world I am speed at the corner the corner gets super speedy and yeah corner shut up sorry lent man don't ever speak to me okay alright and then we got to make a big turn here oh this is so much easier yeah yeah yeah oh my god I'm good at games my final message BP is small now [ __ ] off you do not touch me why does he have to do that why does he have to flip it damn it now I'm angry I'm really angry for real I'm gonna take the right lane shut up yes crisis averted crisis averted crisis inverted Oh God okay alright I made it I'm a damn it I made it easy easy peasy golden peace PC golden peepee yeah golden golden people : PB don't touch me [ __ ] you were not even close to me my final message friends is not that good oh no I'm cancelled now I like this part even though it's hard it's still more fun to control I got rather they wish they made that level more difficult than the controls better than the controls just being completely random except the stones are pretty random this is right last time cuz I think I'm doing pretty well no oh my gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh no oh I think I did it oh god now I really don't want to [ __ ] up all right and I just did don't touch me white man oh come on dude yeah yeah yeah we're out this easier I can't tell this sucks this [ __ ] sucks it just [ __ ] sucks that's so bull don't you ever [ __ ] hay me no one haze the hey man you're a rock star get your show on can I go on the edge here if I can and that's a shortcut I don't think I can I'm going for it gamers I made a mistake we all make them don't touch me I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine there's plenty water illegal are you kidding me alright new tactic momentum we got to get momentum all right we got momentum there it is now it's easy I would keep it left and then we go right shut up this is the tricky part especially if you almost okay somehow managed Oh God I'm doing it you'd bad enough can touch me come on I could literally not do this more perfectly ocean motion Oh God oh no oh oh god swims left swim left yes easy that was easy I'm not gonna lie too easy they should patch that to make it harder I am fish I read them this is very little relatable because this is how I feel at the club how do I get out let me live it's gotta be a hole I'm out all right here we go nailed it nailed it nailed it oh absolutely get in get in I think I got in i got in i got in i'm in get out get out of my sight get out of my sight get out my side don't touch me don't touch me i'm the king of the dance floor okay don't ever touch me why does it music awkwardly stop and go okay respect vicinity respect your dignity respect pain I just thought I'd step up my commentary there for a while nice to say thanks for sticking with my channel I you slimy snake of ass yeah yeah yeah that's it that's it that's it that's it Oh get the tattoo yeah get it to TIA I got the to TIA I got it nice okay so now we go this way we got to get to the VIP gamers that's where all the hot babes are are we going down here oh I see backstage yes wait I don't think there's anything there where am I supposed to go all right through the dance floor it is excuse me why is this Sophie relatable excuse me just uh just going okay sorry I used to work at a nightclub - it was not amping sink could that be it I'm supposed to like jump out and hit the hole cuz that's just like real life it's that's the case Arlis ah wait there were stairs here oh my god I was going down the stairs I don't know if that's better or worse than what I was trying to do Jeanne sighs oh god oh go i made a poopy in my panty I just got a hold back oh no there's a corner there nice oh nice yeah Oh God thoughts Oh God Cecil Tito Tito it though we know you know we know we know [Music] i time is not correction my peepee not Direction come on come on that's illegal I'm going full speed how the timing could not be more awful kidding me oh no it's snowy nice no are you kidding me don't touch me checkpoint I were going through dance floor I'm so done with the game seriously oh nice he gave me forward momentum that's so cool no I don't want to talk to you no I don't like you I don't like it I think we gotta make it to the toilet I like how their movement is completely [ __ ] random don't touch me girl don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me I'm a fish and a shank yes I used new words wait am i back at the bar no no oh God where's the checkpoint there it is I see the shucks point nice yeah boy alright handicapped ramp or stairs oh these are the tough questions in life guys I have a confession to make I also use the handicapped toilets all the time and I don't feel bad about it for a single second listen if the toilet is full it's full you gotta go you got a bro bo don't touch me he touched me alright stairs citizen I'm not doing that old spiel again Oh stairs not so bad do I go to the exit or the toilet I feel like oh no you [ __ ] I am speed I am fast I don't touch me [ __ ] yes what kind of dips we'll just push an aquarium on the dance floor I want answers alright there it is there's a checkpoint it's in my vicinity oh yes yes I go poopy now oh yes nice nice sup ladies he just kicked it I'm in the bear are you drink a bear am i in its digestive system Oh what just happened to this game this is not illegal That moment when you drank a [ __ ] fish can't relate what happens when the bar is full I'll join the conga train it site right there's another chick one here why no this is where I started or is it I'm so confused okay here we go now I can take it oh my god we're really running out of time here bro literally anywhere I did it yeah I did it I made a poopie in my mouth a mouse poopie hey yeah yeah yeah we're going fast so fast ow we've been through a lot today gamers but we made a guy damnit sweet victory yeah remember kids pee is stored in the balls thank you for watching I am fish if you enjoyed subscribe smash like suka be up merch out now brick villas m.com says pewdiepie and i see you tomorrow bye bye were all excited about the new game that's coming out and I can't wait to play it it's
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,373,539
Rating: 4.9463782 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: tshdPNADOm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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