Subnautica Part 1 (OMG GAME)

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hey welcome to subnautica let's go survival I never actually played this game and I love these type of games we played a lot of them on this channel for some reason I just said bruh no more video games and this game came out in the middle jack told me this is like a survival game but it's really a horror game and you guys have a heavily suggested that I play this game so let's freakin do this new epic gaming series let's go damn the game looks legit did I just leave my spaceship oh oh I did hopefully my minecraft dog wasn't on there I said that that's alright I will find the new pet they're always out I was eaten by the metal panel guys I'm sorry alright P I'll never mind oh no this is bad what Renee's a boy ooh I like the music I'm just kidding alright alright fire extinguisher spray spray shush shush shush just say no to fire that's all you got to do all right what are we guys this is my log alright everything is as normal really so this is what I can make seed I love seeds what don't just say that I'm sorry I have my best friend in the world fire extinguisher okay these are my different things I'm learning how to play the game if you know this game already good for you I don't I never played did I put that in my inventory all right let's go out see what the what in the world is that whoa it's just you and me mister fuel tank okay but it's gonna be out there this is so pretty oh wow it's just you and me literally dude this game is so it's so pretty I love it I feel like I'm just being picking that but if that Christ ever like it causes a tsunami or some I already got my my slippers on nice okay so I just want to make sure it's oh this is my storage I got first aid okay alright understand it what carry my damaged I used my repair salon you know okay so we'll improve this as we go I assume with like different stuff why don't we just jump in right away cuz I'm gonna see at toll today how you help or quit - hey hey - this is amazing what dial is that not up up I'm not swimming with that day will have no stop it stop it ah man this is so pretty mushrooms yes acid mushrooms table coral what a dumb name I see I see master yeah yeah yeah yeah block block look I don't know why I need these but they look sexy am i right and the only one who's ever made that joke yeah what is that then neither flippy peepee can you have like a flipper friend in this game what is that oh my god there's many of them hey hey hey hey alright I think there's they're fine we're fine Wow papyrus with this where it's an epic joke this is so cool oh they got a little baby ones hey hey what Spadefish oh I got your child what are you gonna do about it don't resist stop resisting okay so I don't have much oxygen as it is what do I do with you let me catch you let me catch you come on come on come on come on yes nope another one yeah this is awesome I love this I'm not going near though it's there evil evil so this I assume this is procedurally generated so who knows like what we're gonna jump into this is awesome full of one there for the full of exploration we finally get to play one of these type of games as well that is actually finished I just need to figure out how to play the game see the cluster quartz coral tube I can make bleach epic oh okay here we go I can cook some papers I'm not sure exactly what my mission is but I will deposit my butthole we don't have much storage at all that's fine okay I think we need some salt deposit if we're I'm gonna live so look hey alright don't go near me and I find salt deposits don't go near me god I'm not gonna lie like what all right Oh limestone yes yes yes yes yes oh okay two scenarios really scare me the ocean has always been scary to me and and forests with a lot of wood in it I guess it's a Swedish thing I feel like it's a Swedish thing hey come here gotcha this actually have we fish in Sweden block block you just go up to stuff and say o'clock that looks cool let me pluck you okay I need these I really get am i heavier oh god it's me and my best friend mr. I me mister me music's where is this okay alien egg I like it let me pluck you let me pluck you are you too big to pluck all right let's get some I don't know if that's good or bad I'm I'm gonna get on it I'm gonna get I'm gonna go I want it to go anyway really this is stressing me out there it's so pretty though look at the things Oh cuz the Sun is setting damn it's so refreshing to play a well made survival game so far at least I'm a montoursville I think you know yeah yeah lol this game is disgusting alright back to the pod dude look at this gorgeous kind of want to play this in VR now they'll just make me sick I know for a fact that I can make lubricant yes all right so we can make our first little meal a little Spadefish Oh what that's so cool and a pepper I'm sorry man you're my only friend I don't know why I'm making this I'm just doing it to see what happens really lubricant you never know when you need a lubricant really and now I can make a fin what okay so now we have new fins equipped and has swing speed by 15% cool I can consume this okay delicious okay all right if I make more batteries I can make a Power Cell what do I want to make I don't know I need bleach to disinfect the water I need these and salt okay we're getting there gamers I'm learning I'm learning I don't know why I got so many other things I'm just gonna keep oh god it's so dark I have to use this that is not what I wanted - god damn it whoa I can't hold it okay cool oh god this is terrifying oh my whoa I don't need more but oh yeah what is this silver core I can make a flashlight that might be useful I should definitely make a flashlight what is this mobile god there's so much to explore and I don't know how to play don't hurt Swedish man in water we explode works every time they always fall for it I don't know how they're so done maybe I should swing more towards the ship and see what I can find oh god it's so scary though I don't wanna go down I like it up near the surface any let me further down and I don't like knotch okay titanium maybe in the caves it would make sense if there's in the caves and stuff I'm being a little greedy oh god oh god I'm greedy I can't find out I gotta die I'm gonna die are you serious are you serious what happens if you die do you die if he died in this game you lose some belongings what I know I didn't know our at least I know I know the consequences all right titanium we're gonna find it yeah yeah no it's the party once it's Darth Vader fish stop it stop it oh it's a boomerang fish I literally call it boomerang that looks like it could be titanium what do you think boomerang fish speak boomerang fish all right yeah yeah this is titanium got him mine quiet car they're scary are there sharks in this game be honest I don't want lice yo what quiet Oh Swayne boomerang oh god he's defending that area oh my god come on boomerang say something save something interesting I need uranium is this uranium huh shut up shut up I'm Swedish and I don't speak Deutschland the food oh god oh god they're farting stop it all right this pod sucks dude why do I have so many mushrooms all right we'll cook the boomerang I'm sorry boomerang you'll have to be eat then never ate the boomerang before but today is the day oh we can make glass okay why does the ocean fart that makes no sense this is titanium I did get titanium okay cool so they're in the caves I could have guessed that I probably like yeah it definitely could have guessed that oh they look like this so there's different ores inside the rocks got it I wish I knew that there we go easy now easy another one yeah I'll start with the o2 tank I think I think that's a good yeah breathing it's my thing now it's 30 seconds that's it I'm not sure what survival knife huh wow that's so cool okay we need a cave sulf okay okay we just keep going gamers we just keep going it's a whole new world out there filled with adventure and one there and wonderful and farting ugly fishes oh yeah so I can read longer now nice breath be like good joke so I assume the more you play like the deeper and deeper and deeper you can go inside this mama god I don't like when it gets dark though knuckle I not a fan yeah ooh gold mine I mean quartz mine but whatever you whoa what what is this play look how much stuff don't get greedy okay don't get greedy Felix okay I'm getting greedy I got greedy I got greedy it's alright I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it I'll make it I'm like look at that oh my I'm full of stuff damn it what do I do I'll come back alright can I do have a map I don't have a map all right I'll just remember hundred meters away there's an epic cave damn look at the fish at night did I call this spaceship of fish yes I did be quiet brain so large okay we actually have too much stuff now a storage container would be excellent survival knife yes I will shop I need storage I'll take storage I'm good at game I just need a friend in here and I'm good to stay here forever good thing I don't remember where that epic aim was it alright at least I can defend myself now right thank you what is that that's got to be worth checking out don't come at me cuz I will food don't you dare come should I murder them I will murder you I can't murder them I can't murder them this is so unfair maybe I should just scan them I can self scan that's a bit self-loving I'm just scanning you bro all right cool all right so I have this storage what did I just use does it follow me oh it's not empty so I cannot pick it up I'm sure I'm gonna get a million comments from people telling me I play the game wrong what I don't think that's good I'm gonna go on a limb here and say I think that's that's bad news that's okay I'm not scared I have a knife should i murder something see what happens oh maybe now I can shop stuff it's like minecraft but not like really minecraft you know what I mean yeah you know what I mean what are these Oh eggs yes what this you dead you're dead that's what you is did you just frickin exploded oh god I don't really need better oxygen thing but I can make better oxygen thing there she blows yes bet their oxygen thing Mahone earth do i improve my storage this is ridiculous I'm just gonna drop these I don't know what they do and I don't know what to buy bought balls what do I do with this base pieces right solar panels base attached air pump ladder wall Locker that's what I should have made a lot aquaria okay let's make a wall Locker let's just do that I need titanium whoa pretty bye bye yes I'm so hooked on this game dude I think I'm close to beating it because I've been playing for a while no I don't like that all right I'll attack I'll attack I'm not scared okay now I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm definitely scared I'm definitely scared cut with knife I did something I did something guys they will do gamer what what what oh no oh my god I need to make a radiation suit ok gamers I'm gonna save their that was awesome epic smash like epic smash like subscribe for more videos and I see you guys tomorrow you know what big peepees do they play PewDiePie's pixel ings of course pixel angst is a creature collecting game I'm the primary shareholder over a bazillion players have downloaded and it's got a perfect score it's safe to say it's the most popular game of all time 35 pixel aims it's awesome deal with it bill with [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,695,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: WS54qL3GeaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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