I make spaghetti in Cooking Simulator (part 1)

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He won't have to worry about people touching his spaghet now.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/whyamIstillhere1313 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Haven't laughed this hard in a long time. My face is literally hurting. Please more of this!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/TigameT 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Petition to make Gloria Borger cook a hamburger

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/hajdigamer 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

He protect He attack But most importantly... 50% gaming 50% cooking as all things should be

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was so upset he didn't continue to do it because I'm curious if you can actually cook spaghett

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DotDotcsgo 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I bet he got a 20% off coupon in his steam inventory like me

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Stev0fromDev0 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
let's make some goddamn spaghetti that's right my name is PewDiePie and I'm on a mission to make spaghetti in a cooking simulator I have not played this game before so I don't even know if it's possible that's how committed I am to this spaghetti making spaghetti is one of those few things that I actually know how to cook how does it work oh it's a blender okay all right spaghetti is one of those few things that I actually know how to cook the lie detector determined that was a lot now the first thing you need to do for a successful spaghetti is chop the onion so let's grab them okay let's see how you do this okay chop I like onion I don't like the consistencies I always chop them very finely which is what we're gonna do here okay well that's good enough hey maybe I can use the blender you think I wanted that work move vertically okay okay okay drop what's happening do that yeah all right that doesn't work all right so we have our onion that one is breaking it down for some reason oh we can put it in the food processor put it in gently gently put it in gently thank you now now they will be chopped cool they all disappeared are you kidding me alright let's just chop it right here I'm sick of this I just realize now I have to pick them all up individually I'm a goddamn idiot I need a cutting board unless I can just scoop them over can I do that can i scoop no the answer is no for the god addict for the hundredth time let's make some onion on this onion cutting you're actually not supposed to use a wooden board for cutting onion guess that it might be a might be it sucks it up okay and you don't want onion sucked up in your day shit I'm gonna get a plastic board for this game sucks so this will do all right I think we've done it next we grab a pan everyone laughs we put it down we turn on the heat let's not forget the oil avocado water sunflower red honey when oil I need cooking oil there it is Oliver okay perfect open bottle let's pour that baby or that baby in the bottle there it is put you down there excellent well let's get those motherfuckin onions cool that makes sense why the fuck is there a shelf there are you kidding me it's fine god damn it oh my god let's put you down all right cool we're making spaghetti there it is that's the sound that's the sound I need a spatula blowtorch so we have our spatula make sure they don't get burned let's get the onion and we're cooking it wrong there you go can we chop it in the pan because I would save me a lot of time we are cooking the knife everyone there it is there it is where did they go onions just don't disappear there you go just a little bit god dammit I'm doing I'm doing it all wrong I forgot you okay I need a I need a deeper Bowl I need a deep bowl can I get a deep Bowl day a small pot this is the small pot apparently according to this game everyone this is how you do I forgot you don't tell you that you could yeah and I would yeah yeah yeah okay and then yeah yeah yeah he's for it yeah let's get the onion it's with the onion let's get the onion let's get them all right well one two of them made it two of them made it that's a win can I change the temperature there's one setting all right next up and grab the mints cool there's no mints there's hamburger meat so I guess we're doing that I guess through you at three will do now we want to cook that with a lid for about are you kidding me oh it's too hot I can't touch it where's the rest stick an onion I'll just grab the fun and you guys oh you see it getting cooked okay okay game we needed tomato sauce tomato sauce tomato salsa tomato sauce tomato sauce where are you liquid they don't have tomato sauce but they have a ketchup so that's what we're going fit mmm ketchup in the spaghetti luxury there you go I guess we need a lot of it colonic I poured the whole bottle of hemorrhoids alright that's starting to look good maybe we add some spices or oregano there you go I'm staying true to the recipe let's not forget salt this spaghetti is gonna be the bone pop up here spaghetti and then some pepper all right now while that is cooking on low temperature we're gonna add some water all right let's put that on the stove until it boils and let's not forget to salt the water I'm getting good at this you want to let that simmer a bit and let's make sure the water boils meanwhile let's get some pasta okay they don't have spaghetti but they have penne pasta penne is it boiling yet is it even on its on why is it not boiling all right the legs all right we didn't hit a stick god damn it try that again this is basically yeah it looks like we need more water I'll show that cover cool kind of place do we you okay the pen is boiling this is going great looking really good maybe try and stir it a little bit make sure the pasta isn't goddammit don't do that whoa why is it spatula oh my god there's one onion in there it's fine let's just cook it in red wine then chop the mince maybe wow you can cut it so nicely amazing this is going to be the best goddamn uh spaghetti in the planet there you go how's the pennant overboiled got it Thanks we need a what is it called the water dispenser utensil cool they don't have it I guess a fryer basket would do it Oh qalander that's what full calendar I got it I got it I got it done all right this is a very crucial moment we need to get the pasta in the colander I don't see how I can mess this up yeah get in there my sweet savory children okay now let's put the thing in the thing oh yeah oh yeah we're making art here hey hey get out of my face turn off you're annoying me so much you're wasting water oh I was using the hot water alright how's my pasta sauce looking good it's that a banana for no reason can you just cook banana alright that will be our dessert a chocolate that's what came out I poured a whole liter of spaghetti sauce that's what came out I wanted coordinate stop and there you have it everyone Bon Appetit there's flank spaghetti now let's see how this banana mails anything well shoot what can we add to this to make it more delicious add some chocolate now that's a nice banana that's a good banana what if we chop it into Michael are you telling me I can't put my banana in my microwave maybe I need to put it on a plate all we missed all of it there's my banana microwave that are you kidding me I crouched hurry up my bananas dying oh god I don't trust you but I have no choice oh my god it works seemingly asleep there you go in you go there you go close close let's microwave some people say you should microwave metal oh my god I can't open the door are you kidding me spatula please there we go how's my Burnett it's too hot god damn off perfect what is this game oh my god it's stuck banana come back banana place had some of their cool stuff like the cool equipments like what can you do you can blow torch you should probably be careful with this oh god damn it that's bad is that bad go bucket oh god it's spreading God Emma are you kidding me let's get the gasses away from me oh no not my food ah okay it's fine just need to grab Dave oh god Oh God now like this spaghetti you were like a brother to me spaghetti you were like a goddamn from ah god damn it there's not even a piece let cool well that was a cooking simulator I think it went pretty well that was my spaghetti can't try it I don't know if it was good or not but I think I'm gonna end that episode there so thank you guys for watching smash like subscribe and let me know if you follow this recipe and how you did thank you nailed it what you never played super simulator you know it's fun right I'm not supposed to give my opinion but give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not not convinced yet okay I'll cut you a deal the game is available for free and that's a great price
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,564,925
Rating: 4.9650536 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, cooking
Id: j0_m4k4Af38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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