The Sequel To I Am Bread - I Am Fish

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good morning to you laddies welcome to IM fish I'm sorry that I'm shaking my floppy banana at you right at the Sarah at the video but you know what sometimes you gotta flop a banana at people alright this is a game made by boss the studios or Bosa studios I can't remember how you pronounce it there are the people who made I am bread and this is I am fish this is a spiritual successor to I am bread it's not done yet the release a bunch of prototypes for games this a pigeon simulator which I'm also going to do at some point this week and then it was like trashcan bandits kind of game but this one stood out to me the most because I love I am bread well it's a love-hate relationship I am bread is very abusive towards me and in turn I hate it but I also love it very dearly because it's absolutely hilarious but I wanted to give this one a little testy there's two levels so far the city coast I did not click on how to actually play the game oh this is Oh Oh God Oh God how do i oh god oh god speed controls ye what are you what are you doing to me I mean don't get me wrong I knew that this would happen I knew that they would do some controls like this but I'm gonna get exhausted playing this alright watch this watch this super fish super speed that's how you do it I have to show my hands to the camera in case you think I'm doing something else oh I did it yeah I did it is that it is that good oh god I have to do that in the fish bowl are you kidding me aren't you kidding me Oh [Music] oh sweet Jesus okay what do we got no this is gonna drive me mental [Music] okay this is even harder to control than I am brave I am Brad was already you're already a disaster on my fingers her my even face Oh chick point you don't fall off the edge Oh what did I just say oh no I didn't even add that in myself it's like a youtuber edit for a death okay let's just go this way nice and easy thank God you are nice about your checkpoints cuz I would not be able for this uh well we're gonna off the oh god no hey we're okay we're okay I'm leaving this mortal plane piece was never an option I'm heading out the door there's a lot of wiggling going on my hands into the camera I assure you everything is pg-13 I'm just wiggle waggling why do you keep turning back around face that way yeah floppy [ __ ] all right now go that way go that way yes out the door out the door I'm leaving Sandra I'm leaving and I'm taking the fishbowl with me oh please checkpoint please checkpoints somewhere oh god yes no no no oh god oh god I'm dead is that the right direction is that what I'm supposed to go this is very pretty okay easy does it easy does it you don't want to go too fast this is a very smart fish actually or the fish is a [ __ ] idiot that's what was supposed to happen except I fell off like a doof all right all right mr. fish mr. fish we have places to be all right we go where I go your way this way I have a checkpoint to get and I'm not letting you stop me attaboy all right we're next [Music] I have no idea where I'm going it's gonna take me a week and a half to finish this little expert gamer move I'm holding controller like this this is how a pro is gonna do it watch wait Lee you see there's going to be speedruns in this game when it comes out and they're all gonna use the controller this way this is much better this is this is so much better all right the happy music this is much nicer alright okay okay just angle it angle it nicely yes across the power lines yes guide me o tender power guide me to where I need to be which is where oh [Music] they didn't checkpoint I thought I was gonna roll over the edge I was gonna have to flip a titty oh it's very nice of whoever did that to leave me some nice oh no no now I have to go play in traffic not only am i dead cuz I can't breathe air but now I'm gonna have shards of glass and my tiny little fish eyes ooh there's a cracker you can see the Pringle I get that Pringle I picked it up again okay okay I'm just I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna go as the fish I am and where the land takes me I will never know I just I'm out I'm out oh god this is actually going well okay okay keep going keep going yes yes damnit okay now just go just go use the momentum at this rate I can't do this on my own okay go where are you going that's the wrong way ah the fish won't stay in one direction I have to constantly keep shifting him around and then the bull moves and then he shifts on his own anyway what's a man supposed to do okay just fall yes see how am I supposed to stop the momentum any direction I just have to hope for the best [Music] who deny your life okay there you go the oceans so close oh it's so close this is literally the end of Finding Nemo get into that ocean get into that beautiful Walker oh salvation yes two stars ha ha why I tried so hard ah a nice hike up into the suburbs oh how many different ball alone oh this is oh I've already killed you ha ha we weren't supposed to go that way okay do over do over never mind that that was stupid oh no oh no oh no they just go out the window or something okay go that way yeah as good fishy why are you constantly turning back that way without me actually doing anything why am i yelling at a fish in a video game stuck in a fish bowl this says a lot about society you guys should make your fish bowls out of better materials how in the flying fish [ __ ] am I supposed to that okay we start from checkpoint maybe the yeah the computer screens on the ground now big brain alright alright alright alright go that way yep yep yep yep yep yep that's good that's good who is aligning their houses this way I [Music] thought the way things look like this I this is probably death over this way but I really want to just live a good life I want to see what happens if I go over here [Music] Oh probably actually some ways that you could cheat the system then you can get him to hit certain things on the way down without the thing breaking oh this is this it nope nope this is this is all bad oh oh no no no what are you doing what are you doing that's no no no oh God oh this is awful it's not so bad getting him to go in a certain direction when you start flapping his sail he just suddenly turns on his own anyway it's very difficult to control you guys don't know that half of it it's just a regular old fish how how am I supposed to stay on this oh I'm not I'm not I'm not that's not even I'm supposed to land it it's very cool I got this watch this yes [Music] oh oh you're not dead you're not dead yes okay okay which could you turn though but could you turn though into the hole yeah up there up there's where I want to go up there's where I want to be why is this so hard why is this so hard okay let's just do what you over let's come back around to it there you go there you go I'm getting caught on the egg made me insane oh I think I was controlling the fish wrong what is happening bad Oh God we good this is like that salmon launcher that they launch the salmon from the dam did I explain that right I don't think so you you wait how in the flying anus am I supposed to get out of here don't tell me I have to launch don't tell me I have to launch somehow out of this okay oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god yes yes get bucket bucket oh we got it folks oh the music still playing anyway press f2 to provide feedback about this game yeah why why anything I'm more confused as to which I am okay watch this big gamer move I have the pro strats no I don't how am I supposed to do all of this it's like playing twister for your fingers oh god oh god I'm trapped in plastic I'm trapped in plastic No how dare you how how dare you how freaking dare you what are you into combat just basic fish instinct but I have to fight plastic this really says a lot about our current world don't don't you [ __ ] dare never been more mad at a fish okay just do this do this do this I can't I don't have the dexterity in my [ __ ] fingers to play this [ __ ] game don't succeed I know the idea is that it's supposed to control bad but that's the difference between controlling bad are being completely dysfunctional oh come on you little [ __ ] my hands don't work this way nobody's hands do don't you dare die now don't you dare is this fish Dearing where do we go go go no no no no new is that what I said to do no it's not oh come on come on hitting the edge of that you flick it might [ __ ] change right now wait I don't have to hold both triggers to control the tail what am i only learning this now that was so much easier it's okay it's fine I'm out I'm out gamers of the best gamer no one has ever came this hurt oh my god are you okay surely your dad playing oh Jesus [ __ ] Wow God holy God but are you telling me that I was supposed to land in that and the pre-made scenario didn't even work the scenario that you set up for me where I was supposed to just fall into that and control the book it didn't even work whatever it's a prototype here okay here we go again alright this time this time big win big win big win there you go are you kidding me are you kidding me are you serious right now take three yeah there we go that was so supposed to happen the first okay now I have my own ah man up my very own care thank you thank you for that okay where are we going I can't even see my fish that's the sentence I never thought I'd have to say oh god human a ginger beer but why me whoa indeed don't lay me this is what all fish - this is our true calling in life what oh you're not chasing me are you don't don't do this to me don't do this to me life is hard enough already I'm just going anyway if I think there's somebody chasing me but I'm going anyway why not God he is chasing me you'll never catch this fish alive scum go fishy go oh I have the technique now now I'm a master Fisher what oh god oh god this is the way this is the way to do it go that way that's not the way to do it no no okay okay he's very slow that's good I got to control the camera at the same time turn fish turn fish [ __ ] come on okay you got this you got this so close sup - shut up so close to freedom so close to freedom freedoms right there I can taste the salt water go go face go be free be free of floppy [ __ ] don't no no no no yes yes yes oh yeah two stars and a D again white fish did not go through hell just for you to make fun of him like that hi alright well that does it for this prototype on I am fish i i weirdly like it a lot once i figured out that i only if you hold one trigger I thought I had to hold both and I was like are we supposed to do my hands are work like that I don't have big hands but as frustrating as it is it was fun I wish there was less time limit kind of things like that guy chasing me I hate that I hate those types of mechanics because I just hate being under pressure I hate being forced to do something quickly in a video game especially when the controls are already tired enough to do it slowly so I hope there's not too much of that in the full game but again that's my personal preference but overall I really hope this gets made I hope that this is something that they're actually actively pursuing and it's not a thing where they're like hey I don't know if this will happen or not because the last thing they made worlds adrift where I did a video on that before they're not making that game anymore so I hope this comes out they also have pigeon simulator which I think those types of games are probably a little easier to make than worlds adrift was that was a very complicated type of mechanic and game to make but these ones look like they're so complex and they're still hard to make but it feels like the scope of them is a lot smaller and I think that this type of stuff is what boss the studios does really well I am Brad was also amazing again I got very frustrated at it and the controls kind of pissed me off after a while but I still did really enjoy playing it for youtube videos and I'm glad that you guys liked it as well so I hope you like this one if you did drop a like on the video and that boss the studio's know how much you want to see this game and how much you really want it to come out and how just give them some feedback on it I think would mean a lot to them but also don't forget to subscribe because I'm going to play there next thing soon after this which was the pigeon simulator game which I'm also very much looking forward to and I think that that's gotta be hilarious but until then me and my fishy friend are going to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,758,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, I am fish, I am fish game, I am fish gameplay, I am fish jacksepticeye, I am fish bossa studios, i am bread, i am bread gameplay, controls, bad controls, funny, funny moments, demo, prototype, funny game, walkthrough, playthrough, full game, fish game, funny fish game, puzzle, frustrating, rage, rage game, jacksepticeye rage, jacksepticeye rage game, i am bread sequel, physics, funny physics, broken physics
Id: Nua0j6Sjw6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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