I Am Building the Shire in Enshrouded!

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hello there welcome back to another video on enshrouded and I finally found a nice place where I want to start building my next big base and ever since I discovered that this game was a thing and saw the building in this game I've been wanting to build a hobbit house under the ground and especially in this location I want to try and build the sh uh out of Lord of Rings and The Hobbit cuz I think we have some nice hilly landscape here which should serve us pretty nicely if we of course help it a little bit we can do a little bit of terraforming we can add in some roads we can uh we can make some lovely little homes we got a A for of Wolf Den that I think could be the perfect start for a little hobbit hole to start with we probably have to reshape the hill a little bit but I like these little details that are here like the little log on the side I kind of want to make sure that I keep that in and then uh want to have the entrance I think somewhere here there's another logo in here I don't know if we can keep that maybe we can integrate it with the interior that would be kind of nice um we'll see what we can do and then we got many more hills around here this big hill might be for a Bag End inspired build so like a very big Hobbit Hall with a main ENT entrance and some side rooms that hopefully also have like Windows coming out of theill Hill I think that would be very cool and I've upgraded the flame two times already so we can almost go all the way over here to the edge where the Shroud is and we can go pretty far up to about that rock over here so we have a nice and decent area I think we can go just about behind this big rock as well so we have quite a big area and the good thing is there's also an actual Road very close by I'm not sure if we're going to to be able to connect though maybe if we upgrade once more we might be able to connect to this road which would be kind of nice eventually but uh at least we'll make a nice Road Network inside of our little sh build and I just wanted to make sure that I recorded this before um so that we have a little time frame and a little look about what is going to all change in this place probably going to start with this one first make a small little hobble hole out of this old wol then because I think that's a cool story already and then we're going to slowly move on and adding more details making a little village or Shire Town out of this and currently right now this is my workstation I've got some building blocks with me got all the tools I need I think and I'm just going to get started as you can see I've started my work on the Shire project and I finished the first uh hobit Hall I'm very happy with the way it turned out as you can see I turned this wol then completely into a hover hole I changed the hill a little bit because it was a little higher before but I didn't need that obviously we got some windows also on the side that are sticking out which I really like I love the front of this build like it really looks like a proper Hobbit hall and then on the other side as well we got another window and we got a little chimney coming out from the hole as well I think it looks very nice uh already and I don't have added all the details cuz I definitely want to add you know like more plants and maybe some trees everywhere um as you can see this is going to be the house for the farmer So eventually I also want to have some fields around this where I plant everything but um that will slowly grow when the Shire starts growing cuz I kind of want to know where the main path is going to be and where some of the other Hobb holes are going to go of course but I'm very happy with the way this first one turned out I've also started on the interior and I did record my progress of building this so let me know in the comments if you want to see the whole procedure of me building this it's quite a long one of course because it's not only the building which I guess in this case is the more simple part of the build but also you know changing the the whole hill into what it is now making sure looks right and making sure everything fits on the inside as well but I am super happy with the way this turned out so we've got some seat beds already out here I definitely want to make a nice little front garden as well um but I just wanted really to show this all of and make a video about starting this whole project because maybe you have some good ideas and suggestions for me that you can leave down in the comments below so we have this nice fancy door um I kind of want to have have copper doors for some of these builds as well because the green uh fits with The Hobbit Hole I've tried to add like a little circle around the door to bring back that like Hobbit feeling the shape of a hobbit hole I think that really turned out pretty well same for this hallway you can see we got the round shape around every of the doors actually there might be a block missing there um yeah we got we got it over here as well over here and you can see I did manage to keep a lot of the landscape here as well as well as this this tree the log that was kind of sticking into the uh wolf cave that was here I kind of wanted to keep that and I managed to keep it I took out a little bit so we could have this door but yeah this one is still here and uh I think that just really adds to the naturing feel of The Hobbit hle so this hallway is nice and simple then to the right here we got a little uh living room dining room I guess where we can sit have a drink have some food got some shelving already some some cabinets and everything and a nice and cozy rug on the floor as well and now we got the kitchen area here uh with the little Forge place the seat beled here I'm not sure if I like it there and as you can see another part of the logs thinking out taking up uh most of this corner of the room but again kind of like it it adds a little bit of character I think to this place makes it a lot more unique and I figured for the farmer having these extra nature elements kind of fits as well so we got some more more decoration here probably want to add some more details to here as well um in the future but um yeah as I said I just wanted to really get this video the first video on the Shire out there for everyone to see so I got the next door to our room here which is the bedroom I got some nice of these Fireflight lights which I really like the little fireflies flying around it as well very cozy I'm not quite sure why this mysterious blue glow is in the corner but um I mean I guess it's a feature now and we got like a bathtub and and a little bit of decoration around as well just a nice and little cozy bedroom at the end of The Hobbit Hall but yeah really happy with the whole way this turned out and yeah it's so much fun to create these the build system I've said it before and I'll say it again the build system in and shrouded is pretty amazing and yeah they use this new wood cuz of course we have the Shroud wood uh floor we got the refined wood now as a wall which is very similar to shout wood but just a little bit lighter um quite a nice color and then we got all of the accents with the half timbered wood so that we have you know these nice beams and little bits and BBs and we got some plants growing over here as well which I am super happy with not quite sure what caused that but I'll happily take it because it's pretty much perfect um if I could add them myself I would be very happy as well cuz I could add like a little bit between this and everything but yeah very happy with the way this all turned out the only thing um it's quite Rocky here and I did just Place grass and for some reason it's just very very Rocky on this top but um that might have been because of the location or something cuz it was technically like more of a Rocky Hill big rock I don't know anyway it does look very nice I'm very happy we have the result of the first Hobbit Hole here and as I said there's many more to come I basically want to make this into my new main base so we'll be making a hobbit hole for every one of the MPCs so we got the farmer done now we only need to do the surroundings of the farmer of course but I'll probably wait until I have a couple more houses around here we got this very big hill here in the corner of the room that we have um because I think that but yeah the the uh border reaches all the way up to here and we can still upgrade it one more if we want to so this big hill I think I'm going to make like the main building my own home uh have all the storage and everything that's probably the one that I'm going to save for L I think so that I have the style fully locked down and I have uh all the experience that I need cuz it's probably going to be a big one maybe having like multiple entrances a couple of Windows as well so that's probably going to be this big hill on the side and then of course we have plenty of more Hills this probably is also going to be a house so that we can have maybe a path between these two hills and then we can have a little square over here which will The Village Square and then probably know we have another Hobbit Hole over here and maybe one over there cuz we need at least a couple of course we' got five NPCs so we need at least five H holes for them and then one for me and then we have a big nice Shire to enjoy and we'll add all the details everywhere I'm very very excited for this project so if you are as well don't forget to leave a like subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on this whole journey and of course feel free to leave your suggestions and ideas down in the comments below because I would love to have them to improve on this place yeah it's going to be a very fun project trying to build the Shire in and shrouded I am very excited for it thank you for joining me today I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: Etholdir
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Keywords: Etholdir, gaming, gameplay, game, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, enshrouded tips, enshrouded guide, keen games, enshrouded base building, base building games, enshrouded builds, best new survival game, enshrouded hobbit hole, hobbit hole, shire, enshrouded shire, enshrouded base tour, enshrouded the shire, enshrouded hobbit, enshrouded building tips, enshrouded building ideas, enshrouded building guide, enshrouded building underground, enshrouded tips and tricks
Id: Rs15Bg3lF5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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