If you're building in Enshrouded then YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!!!

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if you've been building and in shrouded I guarantee you you've been doing it wrong and I'm here to help you save a lot of time and effort as with most games when you're building it takes a lot of resources because you use a lot of resources with the items that you're going to be building makes sense right well what if I were to tell you there's a way to collect a lot of resources but not use nearly as many which allows you to have more time building less time farming stone wood whatever you need to build your house it's a simple little trick that I actually see no downside to so let's get into it all right you're going to go in and when you're building a house you're going to start off with the foundation Piece Will you notice that it takes 256 blocks out of whatever material you're going to be using and that's a lot so I will if you put one down you see I had over 4,000 I have 3751 3495 3239 that's a lot of materials to be using up there so what I will do is I will put One Foundation piece down first and then I will go into the 2 meter section click on the 2 meter vertical wall and then I will just lay the outline of the foundation down so that way I'm only using 16 Stones instead of 256 now however you want to lay your foundation out whichever shape you want to make it doesn't matter you can do it however you want but there you go then I'll go back and I will remove the foundation piece and then I will go ahead and use that same 2 m x 2 met wall and I will just finish up where the outside part of the foundation piece was then after that I'm going to go inside and and now this is where it's nice because you can mix and match any material you go back to the 4 meter and again you'd be using 256 pieces uh if you were to use the foundation but what you can do is use the flat piece the 4 M by 4 meter flat piece instead that only uses 64 items now in essence what you're going to get for a flooring you will get four 4x4 meter blocks for the price of one Foundation piece that in itself will save you a lot of time a lot of effort from going out and like I said farming this material and I don't see any downside because nobody's going to be able to see underneath the floor don't really need that Foundation pieces it's not like valheim where there is a mechanic to the game where you have to have have the pieces in place that are grounded to build up for structural Integrity so this saves you a lot of effort a lot of time and it looks just as good if this video helped I appreciate if you'd hit the like button so other people can get this tip and maybe save them a little bit of time as well thank you for watching the video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Nestarish
Views: 133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, enshrouded tips, enshrouded building, enshrouded base, enshrouded base building, enshrouded building blocks, enshrouded base location, enshrouded building guide, enshrouded early access, enshrouded building tips, enshrouded base building ideas, enshrouded base building tutorial, enshrouded base building tips
Id: 6tuxkyFArPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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